IEEE Standard For Series Capacitors in Power Systems
IEEE Standard For Series Capacitors in Power Systems
IEEE Standard For Series Capacitors in Power Systems
Capacitor Subcommittee
of the
IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee
Abstract: Capacitors and assemblies of capacitors, insulation means, switching, protective equip-
ment, and control accessories that form a complete bank for inserting in series with a transmission
line are applied. Included are requirements for safety, rating, and protective device levels. Functional
requirements for alarm devices, maintenance, design and production tests, and a guide for opera-
tion are included. Functional requirements for protective devices are addressed, including varistors
and bypass gaps.
Keywords: bypass gap, force-triggered gap, self-triggered gap, series capacitor, trigger circuit
ISBN 1-55937-441-1
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(This introduction is not a part of IEEE Std 824-1994, IEEE Standard for Series Capacitors in Power Systems.)
This standard was revised in response to the advances made in series capacitor equipment and use of
metal oxide in the protection systems for series capacitor banks. The principal objective of this standard is
to provide a basis for uniformity in design and testing, and to assist users in the application of series
capacitor equipment.
This standard was revised by a working group sponsored by the Capacitor Subcommittee of the Transmis-
sion and Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society.
At the time that this standard was approved, the Capacitor Subcommittee had the following membership:
*NEMA Member
The working group that developed this standard consisted of the following members:
*NEMA Member
When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on June 14, 1994, it had the following membership:
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons:
Satish K. Aggarwal
James Beall
Richard B. Engelman
David E. Soffrin
Rachel A. Meisel
IEEE Standards Project Editor
1. Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 1
2. References............................................................................................................................................ 1
3. Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 2
4. Service conditions................................................................................................................................ 6
5. Rating................................................................................................................................................... 7
8. Testing ............................................................................................................................................... 15
9.1 Nameplates................................................................................................................................. 25
9.2 Instruction books........................................................................................................................ 26
9.3 Color .......................................................................................................................................... 26
IEEE Standard for Series Capacitors in
Power Systems
1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This standard applies to capacitors and assemblies of capacitors, insulation means, switching, protective
equipment, and control accessories that form a complete bank for inserting in series with a transmission line.
Included are requirements for safety, rating, and protective device levels. Functional requirements for alarm
devices, maintenance, design and production tests, and a guide for operation are included. Functional
requirements for protective devices are addressed, including varistors and bypass gaps.
2. References
This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications:
ANSI C29.8-1985, American National Standard for Wet-Process Porcelain Insulators (Apparatus, Cap and
Pin Type).1
ANSI C29.9-1983, American National Standard for Wet-Process Porcelain Insulators (Apparatus, Post
ANSI C57.16-1958 (R 1971), American National Standard for Reactors, Requirements, Terminology and
Test Code for Current Limiting Reactors (See Appendix, ANSI C57.99-1965).2
ANSI C93.3-1981, American National Standard for Requirements for Power Line Carrier Coupling Capaci-
tors and Coupling Capacitor Voltage Transformers.
ANSI Z55.1-1967 (R 1973), American National Standard for Gray Finishes for Industrial Apparatus and
IEEE Std 4-1978, IEEE Standard Techniques for High Voltage Testing (ANSI).4
ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor,
New York, NY 10036, USA.
ANSI C57.16-1958 has been withdrawn; however, copies can be obtained from the Sales Department, American National Standards
Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA.
ANSI Z55.1-1967 has been withdrawn; however, copies can be obtained from the Sales Department, American National Standards
Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA.
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway,
NJ 08855-1331, USA.
IEEE Std 18-1992, IEEE Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors (ANSI).
IEEE Std 100-1992, The New IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms (ANSI).5
IEEE Std 1313-1993, IEEE Standard for Power Systems—Insulation Coordination (Formerly ANSI C92.1-
1987) (ANSI).
IEEE Std C37.09-1979 (Reaff 1988), IEEE Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Breakers Rated on
a Symmetrical Current Basis (ANSI).
IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993, IEEE Standard General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power,
and Regulating Transformers (ANSI).
IEEE Std C57.19.00-1991, IEEE Standard General Requirements and Test Procedure for Outdoor Power
Apparatus Bushings (ANSI).
IEEE Std. C62.11-1993 IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating Current Power Cir-
cuits (ANSI).
3. Definitions
The definitions used in this standard can be found in IEEE Std 100-1992.7 In some instances, the definition
in IEEE Std 100-1992 may be either too broad or too restrictive. In such a case, an additional definition or
note has been included.
3.1 ambient temperature: The temperature of the medium such as air, gas, or water, into which the heat of
the equipment is dissipated.
3.2 bypass current: The current flowing through the bypass switch, protective device, or other devices, in
parallel with the series capacitor.
3.3 bypass gap: A gap, or systems of gaps, to protect either the capacitor against overvoltage or the varistor
against thermal overload, by carrying load or fault current around the protected equipment for some speci-
fied time. The bypass gap normally consists of a power gap and a trigger circuit.
3.4 bypass interlocking device: A device that requires all three phases of the switch to be in the same open
or closed position.
3.5 bypass switch: A device such as a switch or circuit breaker used in parallel with a series capacitor and
its protective device to shunt line current for some specified time or continuously. This device may also have
the capability of inserting and bypassing the capacitor into a circuit carrying a specified level of current.
IEEE Std 100-1992 states that wave shape designation is measured in microseconds (µs). To avoid confusion, in this standard where
other units of measurement are necessary, units ns, µs, or ms are shown after all wave shape designations.
NEMA publications are available from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2101 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20037,
Information on references can be found in clause 2.
3.6 capacitor: An assembly of one or more capacitor elements in a single container, with one or more insu-
lated terminals brought out.
3.7 capacitor bus: The main conductors that serve to connect the capacitor assemblies in series with the
3.8 capacitor element: The smallest unit of a capacitor consisting of metallic foil plates separated by a
dielectric film made typically of a polymer, paper, or combination of the two materials.
3.9 capacitor fuse: A capacitor fuse that provides an externally visible indication of fuse operation.
3.10 capacitor group: An assembly of more than one capacitor connected in parallel between two buses or
terminals (see figure 1).
3.11 capacitor platform: A structure that supports the capacitor rack assemblies and all associated equip-
ment and protective devices, and is supported on insulators compatible with line-to-ground insulation
3.13 capacitor segment: A single-phase assembly of groups of capacitors that has its own voltage-limiting
device and relays to protect the capacitors from overvoltages and overloads (see figure 1).
3.14 capacitor switching step: A three-phase function that consists of one or more capacitor segments per
phase with capacitor bypass devices connected in parallel control devices, and provision for interlocked
operation of the single-phase or three-phase switches when bypassing or inserting the capacitor segments
(see figure 1). This is sometimes referred to as a capacitor module.
3.15 capacitance unbalance detection function: The detection of objectionable unbalance in capacitance
between capacitor groups within a phase, such as that caused by blown capacitor fuses or faulted capacitors,
and to initiate an alarm, the closing of the capacitor bypass switch, or both.
3.16 discharge current limiting device: A reactor or equivalent device to limit the current magnitude and
frequency of the discharge of the capacitors during closing operations of the bypass switch or gap (see
figure 1).
3.17 discharge device: An internal or external device permanently connected in parallel with the terminals
of a capacitor for the purpose of reducing the residual voltage after the capacitor is disconnected from an
energized line.
3.18 external line fault: A fault that occurs on lines or equipment other than the transmission line that
includes the series capacitor installation.
3.19 forced-triggered gap: A bypass gap that is designed to operate on external command on quantities
such as varistor energy, current magnitude, or rate of change of such quantities. The sparkover of the gap is
initiated by a trigger circuit. After initiation, an arc is established in the power gap. Forced-triggered gaps
typically sparkover only during internal faults.
3.20 fused capacitor: A capacitor in combination with a fuse, either external or internal to the case.
3.21 insertion: The opening of the capacitor bypass device to place the series capacitor in service with or
without load current flowing.
3.22 insertion current: The steady state root-mean-square current that flows through the series capacitor
after the bypass device has opened.
3.23 insertion voltage: The steady state root-mean-square voltage appearing across the series capacitor
upon the interruption of the bypass current with the opening of the bypass device.
3.24 insulation level: The combination of power frequency and impulse test voltage values that characterize
the insulation of the capacitor bank with regard to its capability of withstanding the electric stresses between
platform and earth, or between platform-mounted equipment and the platform.
3.25 internal line fault: A fault that occurs on the transmission line section that includes the series capacitor
3.26 lockout protection function: A function that blocks the opening of the bypass switch and prevents
insertion of the switching steps, following the closure of the bypass switch from a cause that warrants
inspection or maintenance.
3.27 loss of control power protection: A means to initiate the closing of the bypass device upon the loss of
normal control power.
3.28 overload detection: A means to detect excessive overload of series capacitor bank components and to
initiate an alarm signal, the closing of the associated bypass switch, or both.
3.29 platform control power: Energy source(s) available at platform potential for performing protection
and control functions.
3.30 platform fault-detection: A means used to detect insulation failure on the platform that results in cur-
rent flowing from normal current-carrying circuit elements to the platform.
3.31 platform-to-ground signaling devices: Devices to transmit protection, control, and alarm functions to
and from the platform.
3.32 power gap: The part of the bypass gap that carries the fault current after sparkover of the bypass gap.
3.33 protective device: A bypass gap, varistor, or other device that limits the voltage on the capacitor seg-
ment to a predetermined level when overcurrent flows through the series capacitor (that is, during system
faults, system swings, or other abnormal events), and that is capable of carrying capacitor discharge, system
fault, and load current for the specified duration.
3.34 protective level of the bypass gap: The maximum instantaneous voltage (including tolerance) appear-
ing across the capacitor immediately before or during operation of the bypass gap.
3.35 protective level of the varistor: The maximum instantaneous voltage appearing across the capacitor at
a specified current through the varistor.
3.36 reinsertion: The restoration of load current to the series capacitor from the bypass path (see figure 1).
3.37 reinsertion current: The transient current, load current, or both, flowing through the series capacitor
after the opening of the bypass path.
3.38 reinsertion voltage: The transient voltage, steady-state voltage, or both, appearing across the series
capacitor after the opening of the bypass path.
3.39 self-triggered gap: A bypass gap that is designed to sparkover on the voltage that appears across the
gap terminals. The sparkover of the gap is normally initiated by a trigger circuit set at a specified voltage
level. A self-triggered bypass gap may be used for the primary protection of the capacitor. The self-triggered
gap may sparkover during external as well as internal faults.
3.40 series capacitor: A device that has the primary purpose of introducing capacitive reactance in series
with an electric circuit.
3.41 series capacitor bank: An assembly of capacitors and associated auxiliaries, such as structures, sup-
port insulators, switches, and protective devices, with control equipment required for a complete operating
3.42 subharmonic detector: A device that detects subharmonic current of specified frequency and duration
and initiates an alarm signal or corrective action.
3.43 sustained bypass current detection: A means to detect prolonged current flow through the protective
device and to initiate closing of the bypass switch.
3.44 sustained overvoltage detection device: A device that detects capacitor voltage above rating but below
the operation level of the protective device and initiates an alarm signal or corrective action.
3.45 trigger circuit: The part of the bypass gap that initiates the sparkover of the bypass gap at a specified
voltage level or by external command.
3.46 valve element: A single nonlinear resistor disc used in a surge arrester or varistor unit.
3.47 varistor: An assembly of varistor units that limit overvoltages to a given value. In the context of series
capacitors, the varistor is typically defined by its ability to divert fault current around a series capacitor, lim-
iting the voltage to a specified protective level while absorbing energy. The varistor is designed to withstand
the temporary overvoltages and continuous operating voltage across the series capacitor.
3.48 varistor unit: A single insulated enclosure containing one or more valve elements in series and possi-
bly in parallel.
4. Service conditions
NOTE—For additional information on service conditions, see annex A.
Series capacitor banks shall be suitable for operation at their specified current, voltage, and frequency rat-
ings under the following conditions:
a) The altitude does not exceed 3300 ft (1000 m) above sea level.
b) The ambient temperature is within the limits specified in 5.2. (Capacitors may be exposed to the
direct rays of the sun.)
c) The ice load does not exceed 0.75 in (19 mm).
d) Rated frequency, rated continuous current, and short time overload current for durations are as spec-
ified on nameplate and instruction book.
e) Wind velocities are no greater than 80 mph (128 km/h).
f) The vibration of any directly connected equipment and the shock caused by the operation or mainte-
nance of the equipment does not shorten the service life.
g) The horizontal seismic acceleration of the equipment does not exceed 0.2 g and the vertical acceler-
ation does not exceed 66% of the horizontal acceleration when applied simultaneously.
Equipment furnished as an integral part of this apparatus shall meet the electrical, mechanical, and thermal
requirements of the series capacitors with which it is used.
The application of series capacitor banks at other than the normal service conditions shall be considered
as special and should be brought to the attention of the manufacturer. Examples of such conditions are
as follows:
5. Rating
The capacitive reactance of a series capacitor bank per phase shall be specified at its nominal operating fre-
quency and at a uniform case with internal dielectric temperature of 25 °C. The tolerance shall be ±2.5%.
The capacitor bank shall be designed for continuous operation and short-time overloads in an outdoor envi-
ronment with unrestricted ventilation, no wind, and direct sunlight under the ambient temperatures given in
table 1. Where ambient air temperatures higher than those given in table 1 or lower than –40 °C are expected
in service, the manufacturer should be consulted.
Isolated capacitor 46 35
Rating information should be determined for each specific application and should include the following clas-
a) Rated continuous current. The root-mean-square (rms) current that the capacitor or capacitor bank
shall be capable of carrying continuously at rated frequency and rated ambient temperature range.
b) Rated voltage. The rms voltage appearing across the capacitor bank-rated reactance with rated cur-
rent flowing.
c) Rated frequency. The frequency (measured in Hz) of the circuit for which the capacitor bank is
d) Capacitance. The capacitance (measured in µF) with the case and dielectric at a temperature of
25 °C, that will yield rated reactance at rated frequency. Capacitance change over the ambient tem-
perature range shall be within a 10% range.
e) Reactance. The capacitive reactance (L) of the capacitor bank in one phase as determined from rated
capacitance and rated frequency. Rated reactance will result in rated voltage appearing across the
capacitor bank with rated current flowing.
f) Kilovar rating. The kilovar rating as determined from rated reactance, and rated current per phase
(multiply by 3 for total three-phase bank kilovar).
The series capacitor bank shall be capable of withstanding the rated continuous current, system swing, and
emergency loading as specified by the purchaser in the general form illustrated in figure 2.
The series capacitor bank shall be capable of withstanding the system fault current specified by the pur-
chaser when following occurs:
The series capacitor bank shall be capable of withstanding the voltage levels of the protective device speci-
fied by the purchaser.
The series capacitor bank shall meet the insulation level from platform-to-ground as specified in table 4.
The capacitors shall withstand the impulse levels in table 2 as demonstrated by the tests specified in
216–1199 30b
1200–5000 75
5001–15 000 95
60 Hz withstand Withstand
34.5 95 80 200 —
The varistor shall be capable of absorbing energy associated with power system event(s), which may be
identified by the purchaser as a duty cycle, without thermal runaway or mechanical failure. These events are
typically associated with system internal or external faults, but can include operation at emergency overload
ratings or during system swings.
During normal service operation, series capacitors are subject to transient swing currents and fault currents
that result in transient voltage stresses across the capacitors and to platform equipment. The magnitude
and duration of voltage stresses are essential parameters in series capacitor bank design. If the voltage stress
and duration are not controlled, an uneconomical bank design, based on these short-time transient stresses,
could result.
Bypass gaps and varistors used alone or in combination are normally used in parallel with the series capaci-
tor to control the magnitude and duration of capacitor overvoltages. The method of overvoltage protection
selected should take into consideration a number of factors that include transient swing current and overload
current ratings, operating practices, maintenance, reinsertion capability, fault magnitude, fault duty cycle,
and economics.
The bypass gap protects the capacitor by collapsing the voltage across the capacitor and providing a path for
current around the capacitor. Power gaps can be designed to operate on voltage magnitude across the gap or
be induced to fire by a triggering circuit. Generally, the trigger circuit uses quantities such as varistor energy,
current magnitude, and rate of change of quantities, to determine gap operation. Power gaps need to be
deionized after operation to restore dielectric strength to allow reinsertion of the capacitor bank.
The varistor is a voltage-dependent nonlinear resistor that protects by limiting (clamping) voltage across its
terminals to a designed protective level by diverting excess fault current. The varistor does not require any
deionization time after a protection or voltage limiting action; therefore, reinsertion of capacitors into the
circuit is immediate.
The bypass gap and varistor both need to be protected from excess duty. For gaps, this is generally excessive
conduction time measured in cycles. For varistors, the measure is typically energy.
Generally, capacitor overvoltages and varistor energies resulting from fault currents are critical to the design
of the protection equipment. The following is a list of parameters that should be considered when reviewing
these stresses:
a) Bank location
b) Fault location—Internal vs. external
c) Fault type—Single-phase and multiphase
d) Fault duration—Fault scenarios, including automatic and manual reclosing times, and breaker times
e) Post-fault conditions—Swing current and half hour overload
f) Back-up fault clearing scenarios
g) Reinsertion voltages—(gap systems) under post-fault conditions
A bypass gap can be designed to operate with sustained or unsustained arcs. The sustained arc gap (non-self-
extinguishing gap) requires bypassing or current interruption by other devices to extinguish the arc. The
unsustained arc gap (self-extinguishing gap) has the ability to extinguish the arc itself, by magnetic or pneu-
matic action. The unsustained arc gap may cause greater stress on capacitors and other equipment.
An untriggered bypass gap, that is, a bypass gap without a trigger circuit, is very seldom used for series
capacitor protection application, due to its sensitivity to variations in ambient conditions as well as gap wear.
This causes large variations in sparkover voltage, that is, large tolerances and gives unreliable operation.
A triggered bypass gap can be designed to operate on voltage (self-triggered gap) or on command based on
other quantities, such as varistor energy, current magnitude, or rate of change of quantities (forced-triggered
A forced-triggered gap may be used in combination with a varistor for varistor-protected series capacitors.
The bypass gap is normally set to such a level that sparkover will occur for internal faults. The gap may or
may not sparkover for external faults, depending on power system requirements.
For an internal fault cleared by the primary line protection, the gap should, after arc extinction, recover
dielectrically within the interval before line breaker autoreclosing.
For an external fault, after sparkover followed by arc extinction resulting from closure of a bypass switch,
the gap should recover dielectrically so that the capacitor can be reinserted by the opening of the
bypass switch shortly after the external fault has been cleared. If fast capacitor reinsertion is required, two
self-triggered gaps with different settings and an additional switch can be used to obtain this function (dual
gap system). The same function may be achieved by forced arc extinguishing of the power gap.
Selection of the gap setting should consider the need for capacitor reinsertion during specified power system
postfault conditions.
The gap shall be able to withstand the specified fault current for the specified duration. In case of high-speed
reclosing of line breakers, the gap shall be designed to withstand consecutive sparkovers that may result as a
consequence of unsuccessful high-speed reclosing, while maintaining the protective level to within the spec-
ified tolerance.
If the series capacitor comprises multiple segments, due regard shall be taken to the dc component in the
reinsertion voltage, when the gap setting is determined.
When the bypass gap sparks over, the capacitor will discharge from the sparkover voltage level through a
loop circuit that normally consists of the bypass gap, capacitor fuses, and current-limiting reactor. In the case
where the bank bypass switch closes, the capacitor voltage prior to closing will be the product of the load
current and capacitive reactance.
The reactor size is chosen to limit the current, considering each of the components in the loop circuit for
both switch and bypass gap operations. The current-limiting damping equipment normally comprises a reac-
tor with inherent damping and a parallel-connected resistor, if required.
A forced-triggered gap may be used in combination with a varistor to limit the varistor energy under certain
fault conditions. It shall operate only on command.
For an internal fault, the gap may be permitted to sparkover on command and bypass the varistor and the
capacitor. The gap should recover dielectrically within the dead interval before the line breaker reclosures.
For an external fault, the gap shall normally not operate. The capacitor voltage is limited to a specified pro-
tection level by the varistor. Capacitor reinsertion is obtained automatically and without delay upon clearing
of the fault by the line breakers.
The design of the varistor/gap combination shall be designed to work correctly during specified power sys-
tem swing and emergency loading conditions.
As in the case of a self-triggered gap, the forced-triggered gap shall withstand specified fault current for
specified durations, repeated sparkovers at nonsuccessful reclosings, and capacitor discharge current super-
imposed on the power frequency fault current.
A varistor limits the temporary overvoltage across the capacitors by conducting the excess transmission line
current, usually due to faults, that would otherwise cause excessive capacitor voltage. This condition occurs
on each half cycle during the overcurrent condition or until the parallel bypass switch closes or the bypass
gap fires. The maximum voltage that results across the series capacitor is dependent upon the nonlinear volt-
age-current characteristics of the varistor and the magnitude of the overcurrent. Because the varistor voltage
increases with current, the maximum protective level is usually defined at the maximum expected varistor
current during a power system fault. Energy is absorbed by the varistor during conduction. The selection of
the varistor energy capability and protection of the varistor against overstress are important aspects of the
series capacitor protection system.
The selection of the protective level of the varistor shall take into account the voltage associated with the var-
ious nonfault currents through the series capacitor for normal, emergency, and system swing conditions. The
varistor shall typically be capable of withstanding these voltages following the absorption of fault energy
and with the most unfavorable ambient temperature.
The voltage associated with the power system swing is often the highest nonfault voltage that the series
capacitor and the varistor must withstand. As such, it can be the determining factor in establishing the pro-
tective level. A low varistor protective level may mean the varistor will exhibit significant conduction and
energy absorption during the swing, necessitating a varistor with a greater energy rating. Varistor energy
absorption can be reduced by increasing the protective level of the varistor. However, the capacitor design is
subject to change because of the higher overvoltages.
The choice of protective level can also be influenced by its relationship to the varistor energy requirements
for external faults. Typically, a lower protective level increases varistor energy absorption. Conversely, a
higher protective level requires less energy absorption. These factors, plus the preference of the purchaser
and other power system considerations, are included in the choice of protective level. Another power system
consideration is subsynchronous resonance. The voltage magnitude of large subsynchronous oscillations is
limited by the varistor. In applications where subsynchronous oscillations are a concern, there is a preference
for a lower protective level.
The varistor is designed with power current and energy absorption capabilities that shall be consistent with
anticipated power system fault conditions. In addition to the protective level, critical factors determining
varistor requirements are the equivalent impedance of the power system, the duration of the fault, and trans-
mission line breaker reclosure sequence. With this information, the varistor current and energy absorption
can be determined.
On complicated power systems, computer simulations are needed to adequately determine varistor duty.
Typically, the varistor will be designed to withstand the current and energy associated with specified external
line section faults so that the series capacitor in the unfaulted line remains in service during the fault and the
critical post-fault period to enhance power system stability.
Internal line section faults near the series capacitor bank can cause much higher varistor current and energy.
This is especially true if the installation is located at the end of the line near a substation with a high short-
circuit current. In this case, the series capacitor protection system typically incorporates a parallel gap
to bypass the series capacitor at high speed for a close-in fault. The bypass gap greatly reduces the
energy requirements for the varistor. However, the varistor shall withstand the high fault current until
bypass occurs.
In such applications, the speed of the bypass is an important factor in the varistor design. If the installation is
located out on the transmission line, the varistor duty for a fault near a bank is substantially less than the end
of the line application (but far more than for the external fault). This makes the speed of the bypass less
important. It becomes more practical to omit a parallel bypass gap and to limit the duration of varistor con-
duction for a fault by closing the bypass switch.
This function only covers the protective functions relating to the protection of the series capacitor equipment
located on the platform. Phase-to-ground and multiple-phase faults occurring in the capacitor bank will be
recognized by transmission line relays located elsewhere. The following protection functions, as a minimum,
should be considered.
a) Reinsertion of capacitor after protective device operation with or without delay as specified
b) Bypass or insertion of capacitor from ground level by control means
c) Interlocking between segments of same switching step
d) Bypass or insertion of capacitor in response to predetermined load conditions
e) Lockout control for predetermined protection
f) Indication and alarm contacts as required by customer’s specifications
8. Testing
a) Design tests. Design tests shall be performed by the manufacturer to demonstrate compliance of the
design with specific requirements. However, when design tests have been performed on equipment
of similar design and the manufacturer can supply reports of such tests acceptable to the purchaser,
design tests may be waived by mutual agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser.
b) Production tests. Production tests shall be performed by the manufacturer on each component.
8.1 Capacitors
Test data shall be provided to verify that the capacitance change over the ambient temperature range is
within 10% as specified in 5.2.
Testing shall be performed in accordance with IEEE Std 18-1992, except that all references to voltage
should be changed to current and references to capacitance should be changed to reactance. This test may be
waived if a similar unit has passed this test. The thermal density of the tested unit shall be at least as high as
that of the design to be qualified.
Tests on capacitor shall be performed in accordance with the requirements given IEEE Std 18-1992. (The
major insulation, that is line-to-ground tests, shall be made according to 8.8.)
The capacitor shall be tested at approximately 25 °C by charging to a dc voltage of 110% of the protective
level and discharged through a circuit that limits the first peak of discharge current to not less than 120% of
the current that flows when the capacitor is bypassed by the protective device or bypass switch. The damping
of the capacitor discharge shall be such that the capacitor voltage and current at the end of the third half
cycle of the oscillation shall be equal to or greater than that which will occur in the actual application. Three
samples shall each be tested 25 times at intervals of less than 2 min. After this test, the capacitor shall be
tested at approximately 25° C by charging to a dc voltage equal to 110% of the maximum protective level
and the discharged twice through a circuit having an impedance as low as possible. The capacitance should
be rechecked after the test, to determine if there is any adverse change.
The capacitor should be charged to a dc voltage equal to 1.1 times 1.41 times rated rms voltage and then iso-
lated for 5 min. The resulting residual voltage on this capacitor should not exceed 50 V.
Tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements given in IEEE Std 18-1992 and 8.1.2.
Tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements given in IEEE Std 18-1992, subclause 7.7.
Tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements given in IEEE Std 18-1992, subclause 7.8.
Capacitors protected by an overvoltage protective device shall withstand a dc test voltage equal to 120% of
the crest value of the maximum specified rms protective level. Direct current test voltage shall be no less
than 4.3 times rated rms voltage. If the device protects more than one series group, the test voltage shall be
prorated accordingly to determine the test voltage to be applied to each capacitor. This test shall be applied at
a capacitor case and internal temperature of 25 °C ± 5 °C for a period of 10 s. The capacitance shall be mea-
sured on each unit both before and after the application of the test voltage.
The initial capacitance measurement shall be at low voltage. The change in capacitance, as a result of the test
voltage, shall be less than either a value of 2% or that caused by failure of a single capacitor element of the
particular design.
Testing will be performed in accordance with the requirements given in IEEE Std 18-1992, subclause 7.2.2.
Capacitance measurements shall be performed on each capacitor to demonstrate that its operating kilovar
will be within ±5% of the kilovar rating of the capacitor when operated at the rated current and frequency,
and with a case and internal temperature of 25 °C. Measurements made at other than 25 °C shall be adjusted,
using a curve applicable to the type of capacitor being tested.
A suitable test shall be made on each capacitor to ensure that it is free from leaks.
Testing shall be performed in accordance with the requirements given in IEEE Std 18-1992, subclause 7.5.
Testing shall be performed in accordance with IEEE Std 18-1992, subclause 7.6.
Capacitance measurements shall be made to ensure that its value is within ±2.5% of rating, and its measured
value shall be stamped on the nameplate.
The capacitor fuse shall be tested to confirm that it will withstand the capacitor discharges associated with
gap sparkover or bypass breaker closure. The discharge shall have a peak current, I2t and frequency of
greater than 110% of that required by the application.
Five sample fuses shall each be subjected to 250 discharges. Cooling between discharges is permissible. In
addition, each fuse shall be subjected to 2 discharges within a 0.5 s period. The two discharge sequence shall
be repeated 25 times with cooling between sequences.
The fuses shall be evaluated by measuring their voltage drop before and after the discharge testing. The latter
test shall be made after the fuses have returned to the initial temperature. The voltage drop will be measured
with a direct current in the fuse of 10% of its rms continuous current rating. The change in the voltage drop
resulting from the discharge testing shall be less than 10%.
The capacitor fuse shall be tested to demonstrate that it will interrupt the fault and discharge current into a
faulted capacitor from the parallel unfaulted capacitors and withstand the associated recovery voltage. The
test shall reflect the magnitude and frequency of the current and the fuse recovery voltage of the actual
installation. The interruption shall occur without bursting and without external damage to the fuse at the
voltage and parallel stored energy associated with the maximum protective device setting.
As a minimum, the fuse shall be inspected and the fuse resistance shall be measured, and be within manufac-
turer’s specified tolerance.
8.3 Varistor
Some of the following tests are the same as or similar to those described in IEEE Std C62.11-1993.
The testing procedures described below do not cover special applications such as under oil varistor units. In
cases of abnormal service conditions, the test procedures and levels are subject to agreement between the
manufacturer and the purchaser.
Tests shall be performed on individual valve elements to ensure that the varistor, when continuously oper-
ated at the voltage associated with 1.1 times rated bank current, will not result in degradation of varistor per-
formance beyond specified limits as agreed to between purchaser and manufacturer over the service life of
the equipment. Testing shall be in accordance with subclause 8.5 of IEEE Std C62.11-1993. The determined
voltage rations Kc and KR are then to be used in the thermal recovery test (see
This test shall be performed to confirm that, when the completed varistor is operating under specified line
fault condition, it will limit the voltage to its required protective level. Discharge voltage shall be measured
for a discharge current having a virtual front time of 100–200 µs.
NOTE—This front time is to account for current commutation from the capacitor during a power system fault.
Calculations and field tests have shown that the current commutation from the capacitor to the varistor results in a cur-
rent rise in the varistor that is faster than that resulting from a power frequency applied voltage. The magnitude of the
discharge current shall be the maximum system fault current that could flow in the number of columns represented by
the test samples.
Tests shall be performed to demonstrate that the varistor can withstand the energy associated with specified
fault and operating conditions and still show thermal recovery.
The energy absorption test shall be performed on a minimum of three test samples with at least two valve
elements in series in open air at 20 °C ± 5 °C.
The test shall be performed, separately or all together, on the same number of parallel columns that are used
in one housing of the varistor. The test energy shall correspond to the most severe of the line fault conditions
specified (decisive case). This energy is then scaled down (prorated) with respect to rating and number of
parallel columns and series valve elements of the actual test samples compared to the complete varistor.
Since the energy capability of a varistor depends somewhat on the current density (amplitude or equivalent
pulse duration), the test has to demonstrate the worst-case conditions. The test shall be made 20 times with
the application of power frequency voltage with the same duration as or shorter than the decisive case. For
shorter durations the power frequency voltage can be replaced by a single impulse (rectangular or sinusoidal
wave) of the maximum current amplitude. The test energy shall be increased to account for the given current
sharing tolerances. This is done by multiplying test energy with the maximum specified current sharing ratio
divided by the actual current sharing ratio of each test sample. If the tests are performed on single-column
test samples, the actual current sharing ratio is always one. Full cooling to ambient temperature between
each energy application is permitted.
The voltage-current characteristics shall be checked at a current corresponding to the maximum fault cur-
rent, prior to and after the energy absorption test and shall not result in a voltage change of more than ±3%.
The valve elements shall exhibit no significant physical damage, such as cracks.
A test shall be performed on three thermally prorated sections to demonstrate that the varistor can absorb the
total energy from either the line fault conditions or combinations of such injections as specified by the pur-
chaser, and withstand the subsequent associated operating conditions, which include the overvoltage due to
the swing current, followed by the voltage due to the 30-minute emergency overload current, followed by the
continuous rated capacitor voltage of the bank (see IEEE Std C62.11-1993 for thermal prorating require-
ments). Prior to testing, the prorated sections shall be preheated to 60 °C ± 5 °C.8
60 °C accounts for 40 °C ambient, solar heating, no wind, plus self heating
Within 5 min after removing the heat source, the scaled down (prorated) energy discharge should be applied.
Within 1 min after the energy discharge the specified temporary overvoltage sequence, followed by the
30 min emergency overload voltage, should be applied.
After this emergency overload, the continuous-rated capacitor voltage shall be applied for 30 min to
verify thermal stability. During these last 30 min, valve element temperature, resistive component of current,
and/or power dissipations shall be monitored until the measured value is appreciably reduced (success) or a
thermal runaway condition is evident (failure). The test shall occur in still air with an ambient temperature
between 20 °C and 60 °C.
In the event of a varistor failure, the current through the varistor unit will typically be a combination of
capacitor discharge current and power frequency fault current. Procedure to verify the varistor pressure relief
capability under conditions of varistor failure shall be agreed to by manufacturer and purchaser. In the
absence of an alternative procedure, pressure relief tests with both high and low current shall be performed
according to the procedure described in IEEE Std C62.11-1993, subclause 8.9 for station class arresters.
The high-current test should be performed with a power fault current equal to or greater than the worst
power frequency fault current associated with a particular application.
The valve elements shall be tested for energy absorption as agreed upon between the manufacturer and
the purchaser.
Current sharing measurements shall be performed on all parallel-connected valve element columns of the
varistor for each segment, to verify that the maximum current sharing tolerances between columns are
within the limit established for the design. Measurements shall be made such that the average test current per
column is of a magnitude equal to the average current per column, which would occur in the entire varistor
during system fault conditions, imparting maximum energy into the varistor. The testing can be made in
either two ways:
a) All parallel columns are tested simultaneously with measurements taken of the current through each
b) The discharge voltage at the average test current per column shall be measured for all columns. After
this discharge voltage measurement the columns showing the highest and lowest discharge voltage
shall be tested simultaneously with measurements of the current recorded. If the voltage measure-
ment method is adopted the relative measuring accuracy must be within ±0.3%.
Measurements shall be made in order to confirm that the varistor meets its guaranteed protective level at a
discharge current magnitude corresponding to the maximum complete varistor current during rated fault
conditions. The measurements can be made either on single valve elements and added up, or on complete
varistor units.
Measurement of watts loss or reference voltage of each varistor unit shall be made to verify the continuous
and emergency overload capability of the varistor. The reference voltage is the lowest peak value indepen-
dent of polarity of power frequency voltage, divided by the square root of two, and measured at the reference
current. The reference current is the peak value of the resistive component of a power frequency current used
to determine the reference voltage of the varistor unit. The reference current shall be high enough to make
effects of stray capacitances negligible and shall be specified by the manufacturer. Typically this is in the
range of 0.05 to 1.0 mA per square centimeter of disc area.
Measurement of radio influence voltage (RIV) or internal corona (picocoulomb) of each varistor unit shall
be made at a voltage corresponding to the 30-minute emergency overload condition. The value shall be in
accordance with NEMA LA1-1992 or agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser.
A test shall be made of the atmospheric sealing system of each varistor unit in accordance with IEEE Std
If a current limiting reactor is used as a discharge current limiting device, it shall meet applicable sections of
ANSI C57.16-1958.
The discharge current limiting device shall be subjected to a test current not less than 1.1 times the maxi-
mum total transient bypass branch discharge current. The transient bypass branch current shall be the com-
bined system fault current and capacitor discharge current that is calculated at maximum gap setting and
specified power frequency fault current including offset. The discharge test may be carried out with a test
current comprising a half cycle current wave of power frequency and with the same amplitude. The test
should be repeated 25 times without evidence of mechanical or electrical damage.
The discharge current limiting device shall be tested to demonstrate that it will carry its rated power fre-
quency fault current (including peak asymmetrical) for its rated duration without evidence of excessive tem-
perature, or mechanical or electrical damage, according to ANSI C57.16-1958, section 5.3.5.
The test shall be made according to ANSI C57.16-1958, section 5.3.2, mounting the discharge current limit-
ing device similarly to that used in service. Apply rated continuous power frequency current and measure
temperature conditions for the length of time required to reach stable thermal conditions and establish tem-
perature rise above 40 °C ambient. The temperature rise should not exceed the manufacturer’s established
limit for the materials used.
The test shall be made according to ANSI C57.16-1958, section 5.3.1 to demonstrate that inductance of the
discharge current limiting device agrees with its rated value.
The following design tests shall be carried out. If the trigger circuit is not affected by the discharge and
power frequency fault currents, it can be omitted in the tests.
The power gap shall be subjected to a test current not less than 1.1 times the maximum total transient bypass
branch discharge current. The transient bypass branch current shall be the combined system fault and capac-
itor discharge current that is calculated at maximum gap setting and specified power frequency fault current
including offset.
The discharge test may be carried out with a test current comprising a one-half cycle current wave of power
frequency and with the same amplitude.
The test shall be repeated 25 times without mechanical damage, excessive erosion, or greater than 10%
change in sparkover voltage of the power gap corrected to standard atmosphere conditions.
The power gap shall be tested 25 times to demonstrate that it will carry its specified power frequency fault
current for specified primary clearing time duration without evidence of excessive erosion or greater than
10% change in sparkover voltage of the power gap corrected to standard atmosphere conditions.
A test shall be performed to demonstrate that the bypass gap recovers sufficient dielectric strength after con-
ducting specified fault current for a specified duration followed by a recovery period and recovery voltage
specified by the user.
The reinsertion voltage level shall be mutually agreed upon by the manufacturer and user. A typical value is
80–90% of the protective level voltage. For practical reasons, by agreement, the test may be carried out on
the power gap and the trigger circuit separately. The test shall take into account the differences in the relative
air density between the test conditions and the worst-case field conditions.
The trigger circuit shall be subjected to a sparkover test to demonstrate that the trigger circuit sparks over
correctly at the correct voltage level and recovers to the specified recovery voltage level within the specified
time interval.
A design test shall be carried out to verify that the bypass gap comprising the power gap and the trigger cir-
cuit operates correctly during normal, emergency, and fault conditions. Considerations shall be taken for
possible variation in sparkover voltage of the power gaps due to environmental factors and possible electrode
rescission, determined in and Oscillographic recordings shall be made.
The trigger circuit shall be subjected to an ambient environmental test to demonstrate that it operates
correctly within the specified tolerances, for specified variations in the environmental factors, such as
temperature and air pressure. If the triggering function is independent of environmental factors, this test does
not apply.
The following design tests shall be carried out. If the trigger circuit is not affected by the discharge and
power frequency fault currents, it can be omitted in tests described in to
The power gap shall be subjected to a test current not less than 1.1 the maximum total transient bypass
branch discharge current. The transient bypass branch current shall be calculated at maximum protective
varistor level and at specified power frequency fault current. The power frequency fault current will typically
not include offset because of the effect of the varistor. The discharge test may be carried out with a test cur-
rent comprising of one-half cycle current wave of power frequency and with the same amplitude.
The test shall be repeated 10 times without mechanical damage, excessive erosion, or greater than 10%
change in sparkover voltage of the power gap corrected to standard atmospheric conditions.
The power gap shall be tested 10 times to demonstrate that it will carry its specified power frequency fault
current for its specified primary clearing time duration without evidence of excessive erosion and greater
than 10% change in sparkover of the power gap corrected to standard atmospheric conditions.
The test shall be performed to demonstrate that the bypass gap recovers sufficient dielectric strength after
conducting specified fault current for specified duration followed by a recovery period and recovery voltage
specified by the user. The recovery period is typically the dead time of line reclosing.
A typical recovery voltage level is the protective level of the varistor. The test should take into account the
differences in the relative air density between the test conditions and worst-field conditions. For practical
reasons, by agreement the test may be carried out on the power gap and the trigger circuit separately. The test
shall be carried out once.
The bypass gap comprising the power gap and the trigger circuit, together with a capacitor and a varistor,
shall be subjected to a design test to verify that the bypass gap operates correctly during normal, emergency,
and fault conditions. The gap shall only sparkover when ordered to do so. Consideration shall be taken to
possible variation in sparkover voltage of the power gaps due to environmental factors and possible erosion
determined in and Oscillographic recordings should be made.
Dielectric tests, in general, shall be performed in accordance with IEEE Std C37.19.00-1991 and IEEE Std
4-1978. The test voltage shall be in accordance with table 4. There shall be no visible corona when reviewed
in complete darkness with 120% rated power frequency line-to-ground voltage applied. Communication sig-
nal columns shall be tested for continuity and proper functioning during field installation tests. For voltage
classes 345 kV and above, tests shall be performed on a completely assembled platform. Previous design
tests may satisfy this requirement.
With the capacitor bypass switch open and the capacitor segment carrying maximum rated emergency cur-
rent, close the capacitor bypass device to demonstrate that the capacitor bypass switch with its accessories
will close and will satisfactorily withstand the combination of the maximum capacitor discharge and the
power frequency current. If used with a protective scheme where the capacitor bypass switch closes for sys-
tem faults, then maximum-related fault current should be applied to demonstrate its capability.
An alternate discharge test may be substituted for bank designs where it is not reasonable, due to laboratory
limitations, to complete the above test. The concern is to verify that the switch can successfully close and
latch on the combination of the power frequency fault current and the capacitor discharge current. The
switch can be tested using a capacitor discharge, where the switch is exposed to a discharge current with a
magnitude equal to the sum of the peak discharge current and the peak power frequency current. This test
recognizes that bypass switches are sensitive to the frequency of the discharge current. Therefore, a power
frequency bypass test (making test) is not as meaningful.
The peak current value is to be established between the user and the supplier. The discharge frequency is to
be approximately the value in the actual installation. This frequency is typically in the range of 800 Hz to
1000 Hz.
With the capacitor bypass switch in the closed position, show that the device is capable of withstanding its
maximum momentary power frequency current rating without requiring maintenance.
With the capacitor bypass switch closed, apply rated continuous power frequency current, measure tempera-
ture conditions for the length of time required to reach stable thermal conditions, and establish temperature
rise above 40 °C ambient. This temperature rise shall not exceed the manufacturer’s established limit.
With the capacitor bypass switch closed and maximum emergency current, or a specified portion thereof,
flowing through the capacitor bypass switch the capacitor bypass switch shall be opened to demonstrate that
it will successfully interrupt the bypass current and divert the maximum emergency current through the
capacitor. If a circuit breaker is used as a bypass switch, it shall also pass applicable design tests according to
IEEE Std C37.09-1979.
The bypass switch shall be operated with its controls to determine that all mechanical, electrical, and pneu-
matic or hydraulic devices, if included, are functioning correctly. A dielectric test of 1500 V power fre-
quency shall be applied to control circuit insulation. If a circuit breaker is used as a bypass switch, it shall
also pass the requirements of applicable production tests found in IEEE Std C37.09-1979. This test may be
performed in the field.
Tests shall be made in accordance with ANSI C29.8-1985, and ANSI C29.9-1983.
Tests shall be made in accordance with the requirements of IEEE Std C57.13-1993.
Tests shall be made in accordance with IEEE Std C57.12.00-1993. When applied in parallel with capacitors,
the transformer shall be tested to demonstrate ability to withstand discharge of peak storage energy on de-
energization of the capacitors.
9.1 Nameplates
The following minimum information shall be given on nameplates for each individual capacitor:
a) Name of manufacturer
b) Manufacturer’s type, model, style, or catalog number
c) Rated kilovar
d) Rated current or rated voltage
e) Rated frequency
f) Statement indicating whether or not the capacitor has a discharge device inside the case
g) Code number or serial number indicating approximate date of manufacture
h) Statement that indicates suitable for use in a series capacitor bank
i) DC test voltage value according to
j) Statement that indicates whether the insulating liquid is inflammable (If flammable, amount in gal-
lons shall be shown.)
k) Impregnate identification (Additional marking, decal or stick-on label, shall be visible from the
ground. The color blue shall be used to designate non-PCB liquid.)
a) Name of manufacturer
b) Identification style or other number
c) Measured capacitance, µF
d) Serial number or the equivalent
Nameplates shall be mounted external to the cabinet and contain the following minimum information:
a) Device identification
b) Name of manufacturer
c) Identification number
d) Rated continuous current
e) Rated reinsertion current
f) Rated reinsertion voltage
g) Rated fault current
h) Instruction book number
The nameplate of each varistor unit(s) shall contain the following information.
a) Name of manufacturer
b) Manufacturer’s type, model, style, and catalog number
c) Maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV)
a) Name of manufacturer
b) Manufactures type, model, style, and catalog number
c) Varistor discharge energy (Based on duty cycle for event(s) identified by purchaser after accounting
for current sharing allowance, spares, and redundancy provided.)
d) Bank protective level at coordinating current (Typically the maximum voltage across the capacitor
for the worst-case internal fault.)
e) Number of housings required to meet the varistor discharge energy identified above
The following minimum information shall be given on nameplates for control cabinets:
a) Name of manufacturer
b) Identification number
c) Instruction book number
The following minimum information shall be provided in the instruction book for the series capacitor bank:
a) Name of manufacturer
b) Type, model, style, or catalog number, and date of manufacture
c) Rated capacitive reactance, ohms/phase
d) Rated ohms/phase capacitive reactance, ohms/phase per capacitor switching step
e) Rated continuous current (when bypassed and when not bypassed)
f) Rated maximum fault current
g) Rated maximum load current profile
h) Protective gap permissible normal adjustable range
i) Rated line-to-line voltage
j) Maximum operating line-to-line voltage
k) Basic impulse insulation level rating
l) Wet withstand switching surge voltage level rating
m) Applicable American National Standards
n) Instructions for operating and maintenance for each control and protection device
9.3 Color
Colors for capacitor cases and bushings shall be as defined in ANSI Z55.1-1967, Designation No. 70 (light
gray finishes for industrial apparatus and equipment), unless otherwise specified.
10. Safety
The series capacitor installation and its operation should include precautionary measures to minimize the
possibility of personnel coming into contact with energized parts. The series capacitor bank is normally
enclosed with a fence, an entrance gate with a key interlock, and the control cabinet for the bank located out-
side the protective fence. The following safety precautions should be taken:
a) Bypass and isolating disconnect switches for a series capacitor bank should be located externally to
the series capacitor platform.
b) Grounding disconnects should be used for grounding the series capacitor bank terminals at one or
both ends of the bank.
c) Key interlocking should be used to establish the proper sequence of closing or opening the switches
associated with a series capacitor bank and the opening and closing of the gate to the protective
d) Before opening the capacitor bypass switches for maintenance and inspection, all capacitor groups
should be effectively shorted and connected to the platform. These shorting devices should not be
removed unless the capacitor bypass switches are closed.
e) The capacitor terminals shall be shorted before touching. The terminals shall remain shorted until no
further handling is necessary. This is to guard against the possibility of an accident should an open
circuit to the internal discharge device have developed.
Each capacitor is provided with a means for discharging to 50 V or less in 5 min from an initial crest or dc
voltage of 1.41 times rms value of the rated voltage. This device is intended to supplement rather than
replace the normal recommended procedure of first opening all electrical connections to the capacitor bank
(as shown in figure 1) and then waiting 5 min before short-circuiting the capacitor prior to handling.
The bypass switch (see figure 1, number 7) also should be provided to bypass the capacitors and maintain
them in a discharged condition prior to removing the related capacitors from service. Maintenance devices
(see figure 1, numbers 9, 10, and 11) should also be provided to isolate the series capacitor bank and main-
tain it in a discharged condition.
Where a control transformer is permanently connected across a capacitor segment, it may discharge the
capacitor in a short time and shall meet the thermal and mechanical requirements involved.
The grounding switches (see figure 1, number 11) should also be provided to ground the capacitors and
maintain them in a discharged condition prior to handling.
Capacitors shall have provision for effective electrical bonding of the case-to-capacitor hangers or mounting
Handling and disposal of capacitor insulating fluid should follow the methods prescribed by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency, other governing agencies, or both.
Annex A
Operational guide and specification data
A brief summary of some of the more important principles involved in the successful application and opera-
tion of series capacitors are presented here. It is general in nature and is intended to supplement the specific
recommendations of the manufacturer.
NOTE—When capacitors are operated at frequencies lower than rated, both reactive power and current ratings are
reduced in direct proportion to the operating frequency.
The life of a capacitor may be shortened by overstressing, overheating, or physical damage. Therefore, the
length of life depends upon the control of operating conditions involving voltage, temperature limits, and
physical care.
Capacitors may be operated above rated voltage under emergency and infrequent conditions. The magnitude
of the overvoltages that may be tolerated without loss of life is dependent upon the duration of each overvolt-
age, the number of applications, and the temperature of the capacitor. The capacitor short-time capabilities
are given in table A.2. These capabilities may be different from those shown upon agreement between the
manufacturer and purchaser.
Very high current transients due to bypassing are usually avoided by the application of protective devices
and discharge current limiting devices.
The magnitude of permissible current and voltage peaks depend on the frequency of occurrence.
The capacitors meeting the tests specified in clause 8 may be reasonably expected to withstand the overcur-
rent and overvoltage shown in tables A.1 and A.2, respectively.
A capacitor may be reasonably expected to withstand, during normal service life, a combined total of 300
applications of power frequency terminal-to-terminal overvoltages without superimposed transients of har-
monic content, of the magnitudes and durations given in table A.2.
4 1500
40 1150
400 800
4000 400
Capacitors shall be thermally stable in accordance with the definition and operating conditions outlined in
After construction of the series capacitor bank is complete, field tests may be performed on the completed
bank to verify proper operation of all equipment. Field tests described herein fall into two categories—pre-
energization and operational testing. The pre-energization and operational tests are typically part of the man-
ufacturer’s normal commissioning procedures, with specific tests agreed to between the user and manufac-
turer. Fault tests may be performed at the discretion of the utility as part of the commissioning procedures.
a) Pre-energization procedures will include, but not be limited to, visual inspection of all equipment
and checking power circuit connections. This includes tests such as current transformer ratios,
breaker timing, control circuit wiring, relay calibration and settings, and spark gap functioning. Tests
designed to verify the functioning of the overall system are also performed.
b) It is recommended that operational tests be performed after successful completion of the pre-energi-
zation procedures. These tests are performed under actual operating conditions, exposing the bank to
actual line-to-ground voltage and line current with increasing test durations. It is recommended that
the bank first be energized from one terminal for a short period of time to test the line-to-ground
insulation. The banks may be energized initially for short durations (cycles to seconds), followed by
durations of 30 min or more. During initial energization of the bank, relay alarms and abnormal
equipment performance are closely monitored. Subsequent tests also may be performed at overload
current levels. Operational tests would generally include open and closing operations of the bypass
switch, going through the isolation and energizing procedures of the bank. Operation of other break-
ers and disconnect switches not associated with bank in the substation may be done to verify that the
bank operation is not affected to stray electromagnetic influence.
c) Fault tests are performed to demonstrate the proper functioning of the series capacitor protection
equipment and controls. To be meaningful these tests must take into consideration the type of pro-
tection (metal oxide only, gap only, or combination thereof), the energy ratings of the metal oxide
device, and the protective control. These tests should be carefully discussed with the manufacturer.
Incorrectly performed, these tests could result in damage to the equipment.
Annex B
Maintenance and specification data
On established schedules, regular inspection of the capacitor installation should include a check for blown
capacitor fuses, capacitor case leaks, bulged cases, sparkover settings of protective gaps, operation and set-
tings of protective and control devices, and other maintenance operations as suggested in the manufacturer’s
instructions. Insulators and capacitor bushings should be cleaned periodically, the interval depending upon
the severity of the conditions to which they are exposed. Equipment components exposed to weathering
should be repainted periodically to limit corrosion.
Field testing on capacitor may be performed at 75% of the dc factory test voltages. The duration of the test,
including time to charge the capacitor up to the required value, should not exceed 15 s to avoid the possibil-
ity of damaging built-in discharge devices. The capacitance should be measured before and after the dielec-
tric test to determine if there is any adverse change. The change in capacitance should not be greater than
either a value of 2% or that caused by the failure of a single capacitor element of that particular design.