Chan and Friends Group
Chan and Friends Group
Chan and Friends Group
Giovanne Chan
Aubrey Luces
Hugh Dwayne Autida
Redd Hans Quinco
Kesiah Luz Galido
Nikko Vergara
Rine Huxley Pantil
Rovic Andales
Shaina Joy Veneracion
Food Prices in the School Canteen of Davao City National High School"
interviews and observations that gave a better vision of their views and sides.
Inflation", and "Factors that Teachers Recommend for Improving". The study
emphasized the teachers claims concerning the quality of food and prices
that affected teachers and students financial budgets; the service speed that
consumed the limited time; the surroundings that the canteen resided in;
the comparisons that were drawn between the items sold at the canteen and
outside the campus; the food options; the employed health measures; and
implications of the research findings were reasoned to aid the canteens' lack
factors that the said management poorly performed in, which include their
service quality and proper methods in preparation of the product that help
consumers, prior to teachers and students, meet their nutritional needs and
however unconsciously.
difficult and fraught with difficulties. But it is only with the unwavering
contributions of those who have impacted our lives and shaped our
academic aspirations.
have been the cornerstone of our ambitions. Your unflinching faith in our
abilities has served as a beacon, pushing us to aim for the stars and never
have stood by our side through the highs and lows. Your friendship,
laughter, and constant presence have provided us with joy and balance. You
gave us the motivation to keep going when we were feeling down, reminding
shaped our minds and broadened our perspectives. Your faith in our abilities
talks, thorough editing, or lending a kind ear. Your large and small
contributions have been the gasoline that has powered us ahead at the most
difficult moments. Your belief in our talents has inspired us to go above and
and faith in our abilities have all contributed to the success of this project.
write these lines, expressing our heartfelt gratitude and eternal admiration.
You have made our aspirations a reality through your love, understanding,
May this dedication be a little gesture of our gratitude for the great
and praise are due to God. We finally succeed in achieving our objective
despite all the obstacles in our way. We have already completed our
gratitude to everyone who gave their time and effort to our study
successfully prepare for this research. also for enabling us to finish our
the overall success of the project. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the
participants who willingly took part in our study, providing valuable insights
and data that formed the foundation of our research findings. Additionally,
review, and manuscript editing. Their input and collaboration have been
each and every member of the research team for their unwavering
contributions of all those involved, as this research would not have been
the successful completion of this research project. We are grateful for the
support we have received from our teachers, members, and other individuals
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
Background of the Study.................................................................................................................2
Chapter 1
where different snack and drink products are sold. A school utilizes a
canteen to meet the food and nutritional needs of its students in order for
them to have the energy in to accomplish the task that they would do for the
is crucial for growth and development, as well as for immediate and long-
term health effects that may also shape eating patterns for the rest of one's
life. behaviours. Compared to any other stage of the lifecycle, this one has
higher energy and food needs. The goal of these dietary upgrades is to
test scores (Figlio and Winicki 2005; Dotter 2014; Imberman and Kugler
diverse ways. Furthermore, inflation is the increase in the price of goods and
currency, reducing the purchasing power of each unit of money. For this
reason, it is the loss of real value of the unit of exchange within the economy
that means each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services as the price
level increases (Barro, Robert J., 1997). There are various means to
gauges being used by many countries are the consumer price index (CPI),
which measures the price changes of elementary goods and services, and the
GDP deflator, which measures the price changes of goods and services
leading to social and economic instability in an economy. Zou, H., Gong, L. &
Zeng, X. (2011).
people will eat and drink.The cost of healthier versus less healthy lunch and
unpaired t-test was used to compare the cost of the cheapest "healthy" lunch
(vegetable-based "green") and snack (fruit "green") item to the cheapest "less
healthy" lunch and snack item, respectively.With 75% of primary and 57% of
secondary schools, the "healthy" lunch options were less expensive than the
"less healthy" lunch options.Foods that are less healthful seem to be more
school canteens should take into account the cost of the items offered.
Backholer K, 2019)
According to the World Food Programme (2020), inflation has led to a decline
school canteens, as well as provide training and support for canteen staff.
for students.
Hyderabad, Pakistan. The study found that teachers have a positive attitude
towards the quality of school canteen food and its impact on students'
health. However, the study also revealed that teachers have limited control
over the food quality provided by the canteen, which can affect their
Inflation can also affect the quality of food provided in school canteens.
Ogbari (2020) found that inflation has a significant impact on the cost of
food production in school canteens, which affects the quality and quantity of
food provided to students. The study suggests that schools should explore
overall food quality of the country. A study conducted by Son and Park
(2020) found that the quality of food provided in school canteens is closely
related to the overall food quality in the country. The study suggests that
efforts to improve the overall food quality in the country can lead to
than the educators. Although, that teachers may be part of the list in
quite opinionated among learners as their participants; thus, there are not
many research studies that consider the teachers assertive views on food
inflation rates and school canteen items was left untold, if ever so, just
the responses of our respective participants, the teachers, rather than just a
teachers in the Philippines have expressed concern over the quality of food
being served in school canteens. The study found that 70% of the surveyed
teachers believed that the food served in school canteens was of poor quality,
One possible factor contributing to the poor quality and high prices of
school canteen food is inflation. Inflation is defined as the rate at which the
general level of prices for goods and services is rising and, in the Philippines,
prices for food. This, in turn, can impact the quality of the food being served
as operators may look for ways to cut costs, such as using cheaper
canteen food.
being served in school canteens. The study involved 224 elementary and
secondary school teachers who were asked to rate the quality of food being
served in their school canteens. The results showed that 80.8% of the
the quality of food being served in school canteens. The rising cost of food
and ingredients had forced some canteen operators to cut corners and use
Saberon-Abalayan (2018) which found that the cost of food had a significant
impact on the quality of food being served in school canteens. The study
Overall, the findings suggest that there is a need for greater attention
City. This is particularly important given the important role that school
Research Questions
The three primary questions that make up the research topic in this
study each have five or seven sub-topics. Every question has a specific
purpose, which can assist researchers in getting the data needed from
and how does this perception change when food price increases? (Paano
1.1 Describe the price of food in the canteen compare to similar food
items sold outside the school premises? ( Ilarawan ang presyo ng pagkain sa
lugar ng paaralan)
1.2 What impact does price increase have on the price of canteen
produktong canteen?)
1.3 How has inflation affected the price of school canteen goods over
kantina ng paaralan?)
1.5 What are the specific canteen products that are more affected by
2. What are the most important factors that teachers consider when
2.1 What role does the price of food play in the teacher's decision-
2.3 Are you influenced by the variety of food options available in the
2.4 How important is the nutritional value of the food when making
kantina ng paaralan?)
2.6 How do you consider the cleanliness and hygiene of the canteen
and affordability of the food in the school canteen of Davao City National
High School.)
3.2 Are the prices of the food in the school canteen reasonable? If not,
what changes could be made to make them more affordable for students?
hindi, anong mga pagbabago ang maaaring gawin upang gawing mas abot-
3.3 What changes could be made to the location of the school canteen
3.4 How can the quality of the food in the school canteen be improved?
3.5 What specific types of food should be offered in the school canteen
3.6 How can feedback from other teachers about the school canteen be
The objective of the study is to help teachers, but not only teachers. It
helps all individuals around the school manage their money based on the
quality of food and its prices in the school canteen. Additionally, this aids all
Conducting the study of food quality and inflation is a great help to the
economy and community. Based on their opinions, this can aid the
researcher in gaining more knowledge and insight to dig deeper into this
perceptive and mindful of their financial literacy. The study focused on the
school canteen, and the following is the list of individuals who can benefit
Student. This individual can benefit from and use this guide to help
them choose the goods and have a more wise mindset when choosing the
Parent. This targeted audience can benefit from and use this guide to
help them choose the goods for their children and have a more wise mindset
school canteen food quality and pricing. The researcher wanted to conduct
the study in Davao City National High School, and the targeted participants
are the teachers inside the campus. This is to identify them based on their
perspective towards the quality and price of the goods. The researcher
the study, moreover, the researcher chooses the senior high school teachers
as their participants, and for further information, the researcher would not
Definition of terms
This part presents the terminologies that will be utilized in the study
and a crucial one for building the groundwork for long-term health.
Teenagers grow quickly in terms of their bodies, minds, and social skills.
age. Last but not least, the life trajectory is made up of a series of roles and
unhealthy or excessive fat buildup that puts one's health at risk. Being
overweight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 25, and obesity is a BMI
the overall cost of goods and services in a country. Each unit of currency
may purchase fewer products and services as the general price level rises;
Chapter 2
insights into the veracity of the problem which the researcher chooses as the
School Canteen
According to Galabo, 2019, cited by Azni, I. N., Giyatmi, G., & Amelia,
J. R. (2019), Food and beverages are sold in canteens. Each canteen has a
cleanliness practices.
Akhila & Sharma, Purva & Yadav, Surabhi & Menon, Kavitha (2022), The
choices and consumption of food during school hours are influenced by the
on school canteen foods and practices, there are few options for healthy food
Dubois, Christophe & Tharrey, Marion & Darmon, Nicole (2017), The
cheapest sources of energy are frequently those that are dense but low in
nutrient-rich foods will help you eat healthily while keeping your expenses
and intended use have recently been developed as a tool to measure the
connection between eating processed foods and health effects. There are
several systems for classifying foods, each with its own criteria and
that perceived value has to do with how well consumers can comprehend
is based on a comparison between the price paid and the value received from
satisfy customer wants and the perception of food quality play a significant
buying decisions.
taste, quality, menu variety, unique flavor, cleanliness, and innovation, have
Customer Loyalty
and future execution and, along these lines, has for some time been a basic
relations. Gupta et al. (2007) and Han & Ryu (2009) have provided valuable
Elvira & Winia, I & Suci Murni, Ni Gusti (2021), superior food quality is a
key marketing tool that can be used to satisfy and retain customers and can
Wantara & Tambrin (2019) and Montolalu (2013). Previous research has
shown that the quality and price of a product can have a significant effect on
customer satisfaction.
Razak et al. (2016) also found that customers will feel satisfied if the
surveys. The findings of this poll back up the findings of Nguyen and Gizaw
Service Quality
result from good service efficiency, which will improve customer engagement
and interrelationships.
through customer loss, but doing it correctly will bring substantial benefits,
al., 2017).
external and internal factors that influence a business's operations and its
ability to succeed.
aggregate of all conditions, events, and influences that surround and affect a
ecological factors.
external conditions and forces that influence the firm's performance and its
ability to compete.
business environment is the set of external conditions and forces that have
Customer Satisfaction
and turnover intentions in the hospitality industry. The study found that
satisfaction but service quality, price and physical environment have positive
Kim, Hyunju, and Bachman (2019) found out that uncleanliness of the
environment, taste, and quality of food were ranked lower. And it has a
with customer retention, which suggests that customers who perceive prices
As stated by Matela et al. (2022), the study also found that the prices
the researchers find that food price changes do indeed impact food quality
maintain profitability.
prices from the study is: Changes in food prices can incentivize producers to
the correlation between food quality and price towards customer satisfaction
in Anantara Uluwatu Bali Resort. The study found that there was a positive
correlation between food quality and customer satisfaction, while price had a
In other words, According to Wicaksana, I., Septevany, E., Winia, I., &
customer satisfaction, higher prices can have the opposite effect. This
finding highlights the importance of considering both quality and price when
increase in the price of foods than those with higher incomes. Because of
Food Quality
children's physical and mental health, providing them with nutritious and
safe meals that support their growth and development, improving their
into account not only food quality but also other elements like price fairness
and customer service. For the most part, Ahmed et al. (2020) stress the
nutrient content of food. They contend that initiatives to improve food quality
discovered that the cuisine was of poor quality, with the majority of the
food quality was a little bit better in primary schools. To encourage students
to adopt healthy eating habits, the authors argue that school canteens need
value, Sharma, Yadav, and Menon (2019) conducted. The authors examined
the quality of food served in school canteens across a number of South Asian
nations and discovered that many of the choices were of low nutritional
confidence in the safety and quality of the goods they purchase and eat may
nutrition, schools should serve more fruits and vegetables, provide clear food
Theoritical Framework
more likely to buy things that they believe have a high perceived value, even
benefits from products that coincide with their personal beliefs, in addition
customers perceive price, quality, and value, and how this influences their
Chapter 3
establishing its validity and reliability, data gathering procedures, and the
Method Used
A case study design was utilized to conduct the research and get the
and satisfy the objectives of the study. Likewise, it also attempted to know
because it helped them to specify the subject of the research and stay more
their study.
Sources of Data
title. Teachers also have a vast experience with food quality and prices in the
many articles have covered them yet. The researcher chose Davao City
National High School as the locale for the interview and the senior high
school teacher as specified. There is no required age as long as they are the
researchers selected for the study. Each individual has contributed to the
research, and the researcher is accountable for them. This duty entails
Inclusion Criteria:
Exclusion Criteria:
*Teachers who are not from DCNHS are not required to be in the study.
Withdrawal Criteria:
*If the teacher does not want to participate in the study and has a valid
study. Teachers not from DCNHS are neglected. Teachers are able to oppose
for an interview; these questions are relevant to the title, which is Teacher’s
regarding the food quality in the school canteen and the impact of inflation
on food prices in order to express honest feedback and apprise the audience
of the real purpose of the question. The interview may include questions
related to the taste, freshness, nutritional value, variety, and hygiene of the
food offered in the canteen, as well as the availability of healthy food options.
teacher's generated information for use in research. The findings may help
identify areas for improvement in the canteen services and inform policies to
formulating questions appropriate for the study, and making all necessary
want to become part of the research. If the participant agrees, the next step
is for the researcher to ask them what their available time is. By asking
when their free times are, it helps them answer the question properly and in
a way that is understandable for the researcher. The next step is choosing
the right location to conduct the interview. By choosing the place to conduct
the study, it helps the participant answer the question without exposing her
or his confidential information. And Lastly, by asking the question that she
and participants are qualified to ignore the question if they feel offended.
Data Treatment
steps, such as becoming familiar with the data, coding it, developing themes,
iterating on those topics, and reporting the results. Reading the data and
getting acquainted with it constitute the first step. The second step is to code
the data, which entails locating crucial words or phrases that stand in for
crucial concepts or ideas in the data. The third stage involves creating
themes by putting codes in groups based on how similar they are to one
another. Themes are reviewed and refined in the fourth stage by looking at
how they relate to codes, and the findings are presented in the fifth stage by
Ethical Considerations
must confirm that the rights of the subjects have been taken into account
when collecting data from respondents. The rights of the participant will be
preserved and respected as a result. Despite the fact that moral concerns are
should be provided a copy of the permission form for their records after
secure and anonymous. This means that data should be securely stored and
dignity and respect, and refrain from doing or saying anything that could
participants the option to debrief. This includes informing them about the
Chapter 4
prices in the school canteen of Davao City National High School are stated in
this chapter.
who have used the canteen to buy goods. Three (3) questions were posed to
obtain the necessary data. Furthermore, each question has 5-6-7 (five, six,
was then carefully read and double-checked in order to ensure the accuracy
information that was required. They took close note of any significant
Relisting the recorded audio from the interviews was done to ensure
that all the data were gathered in order to avoid inadequacy. Highlighted
statements that are pertinent and important. The study's arguments were
Teacher 1
Teacher 1
[SQ1] Teacher 1
[SQ2] [SQ1]
[SQ3] [SQ2]
[SQ4] [SQ3]
[SQ5] [SQ4]
Teacher 2
Teacher 2 [SQ1] Suggestion for Inflation Teacher 1
[SQ1] Complaint to the Canteen [SQ2] Concern over the Inflation [SQ1]
[SQ2] Concern over the Canteen [SQ3] Concern over the Inflation [SQ2]
[SQ3] Concern over the Canteen [SQ4] Recommendation for Health
[SQ5] Factors that teachers recoomend for [SQ3]
[SQ4] Complaint to the Canteen
[SQ5] Factors that teachers improving [SQ4]
recommend for improving [SQ6] Complaint to the Canteen [SQ5]
[SQ7] Complaint to the Canteen
Teacher 3
[SQ1] Concern over the Inflation
Teacher 3 [SQ2] Complaint to the Canteen
[SQ1] Complaint to the Canteen Teacher 1
[SQ3] Complaint to the Canteen
[SQ2] Complaint to the Canteen [SQ4] Recommendation for Health [SQ1]
[SQ3] Complaint to the Canteen [SQ5] Factors that teachers recommend for [SQ2]
[SQ4] Complaint to the Canteen improving [SQ3]
[SQ5] Concern over the inflation [SQ6] Factors that teachers recommend for
[SQ7] [SQ5]
Teacher 4 Teacher 4
[SQ1] Compliment of goods sold [SQ1] Factors that teachers recommend for
Teacher 1
from the outisde of the campus improving [SQ1]
[SQ2] Concern over the Inflation [SQ2] Recommendation for Health [SQ2]
[SQ3] [SQ3] Suggestion for Health
[SQ4] [SQ3]
[SQ4] Recommendation for Health
[SQ5] [SQ5] Factors that teachers recommend for
improving [SQ5]
[SQ6] Factors that teachers recommend for
[SQ7} Factors that teachers recommend for
Teacher 5 Teacher 1
[SQ1] Concern over the inflation [SQ1]
[SQ2] Complaint to the Canteen Teacher 5 [SQ2]
[SQ3] Concern over the inflation [SQ1] Concern over the inflation
[SQ4] Complaint to the canteen [SQ3]
[SQ2] Factors that teachers recommend for improving
[SQ5] [SQ4]
Teacher 1
Personal Information
at DCNHS. She is always buying foods from the canteen, and she always has
a concern about the food quality and the sanitation of the canteen. Due to
Perspective of a teacher about school canteen food quality and its price.
[1.1] The Teacher 1 answer the question "Describe the price of food in
the canteen compare to similar food items sold outside the school
too pricey.”
[a] Her answer states that, compared to outside the campus, the food
sold inside the campus is much more expensive than outside, and very few
[a] Her answer states that a lot of her students cannot afford the price
Septevany, E., Winia, I., & Suci Murni, N. G. (2021), while high-quality food
can lead to increased customer satisfaction, higher prices can have the
quality and price when developing pricing strategies for food and beverage
affected the price of school canteen goods over time?, she answered:
[a] Her answer states that the owners are the most affected by the
inflation, and due to inflation, many buyers like the owner cannot buy the
product they desire to sell. So the owner put a higher price on the product,
easily spoils.
[a] Her answer states that the reason food spoils so quickly is because
[1.5] The interviewer further asked Teacher 1: What are the specific
canteen products that are more affected by increasing prices than others?,
she answered:
ng mga studyante.
[a] Her answer states that fruit and bread are more affected by the
Perspective of a teacher about school canteen food quality and its price.
Describe the price of food in Food sold inside the campus Compared to outside the campus, Complaint to the canteen
the canteen compare to is much more expensive than the food sold inside the campus is
similar food items sold outside the outside. And the amount much more expensive than
the school premises? of food served in the canteen outside, and very few portions are
What impact does price Many students have asked A lot of her students cannot afford Compliment of goods sold
increase have on the price of her if they can buy outside of the price of goods sold in the from the outside the
canteen products?(Ano ang that campus, and the reason canteen. campus
How has inflation affected the The owner of the canteen is The owners are the most affected Concern over the inflation
price of school canteen goods most affected by inflation. by the inflation, and due to
What is the teachers The cleanliness of the food is The reason food spoils so quickly Complaint to the canteen
perception/s of the quality of poor, which is why it easily is because it cannot maintain
What are the specific canteen Fruits and bread are more Fruit and bread are more affected Concern over the inflation
products that are more affected by inflation. by the increasing price; due to this
Table 1. The Thematic Map of teacher 1's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
[2.1] Teacher 1 answer the question "What role does the price of food
[a] Her answer states that cleanliness, quality, and capacity to satisfy
quality of food when deciding whether to purchase food from the canteen?,
she answered:
parang junkfoods."
[a] Her answer states that eating fruits has more nutritional value
confidence in the safety and quality of the goods they purchase and eat may
[2.6] The interviewer further asked Teacher 1: How do you consider the
she answered:
[a] Her answer states that it helps the canteen keep their sanitation as
tanong na yan."
[a] Her answer states that, assuming these are factors, it would be
Factors that teachers consider when making decisions about purchasing food (Central Question#2)
What role does the price of food Cleanliness, quality, and The cleanliness, quality, and Factors that teachers
play in the teacher's decision- capacity to satisfy cravings capacity to satisfy cravings are recommend for
making process? are the factors that the factors that determine the improving
How important is the quality of Cleanliness, quality, and Cleanliness, quality, and Factors that teachers
food when deciding whether to capacity to satisfy cravings capacity to satisfy cravings are recommend for
purchase food from the are the factors that the factors that determine the improving
in the canteen?
How important is the nutritional Eating fruits is crucial if Eating fruits has more Recommendation for
value of the food when making you want to stay healthy. nutritional value because it health
How important is speed of Speed of service is Speed at work is crucial as it Factors that teachers
service in purchasing food in important because a lot of helps customers not worry recommend for
the school canteen? people have work to about purchasing before going improving
How do you consider the Trash bins are crucial to It helps the canteen keep their Factors that teachers
cleanliness and hygiene of the keeping the canteen clean. sanitation as it would attract recommend for
purchasing decisions?
How does location, convenience, The closeness of the Assuming these are factors, it Factors that teachers
and ambiance affect your canteen, speed of service, would be beneficial to the recommend for
decision-making when and organization of the customer if the canteen had improving
purchasing food from the place are the preferences of this recommendation.
Table 2. The Thematic Map of teacher 1's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
of goods.(Central Question#3)
[3.1] The Teacher 1 answer the question "How can the cleanliness of the
[a] Her answer states that to avoid contamination from insects and
al. (2020) explore the significance of food quality, pricing equity, and client
comprehensive strategy is required, one that takes into account not only
food quality but also other elements like price fairness and customer service.
For the most part, Ahmed et al. (2020) stress the importance of food quality,
[3.2] The interviewer further asked Teacher 1: Are the prices of the
food in the school canteen reasonable? If not, what changes could be made
problema. "
[a] Her answer states that bringing your own food to school or work is
beneficial as it helps save you money compared to buying the food sold. Due
[a] Her answer states that having a sub-canteen near your room helps
Purchasing foods not far away can save you time and work.
[a] Her answer states that this product is more sellable because it joins
the trend; no matter what the price is, customers just buy it, but it depends
on the customer.
[3.6] The interviewer further asked Teacher 1: How can feedback from
other teachers about the school canteen be gathered and incorporated into
[a] Her answer states that this feedback can help improve the canteen.
By listening to others perspectives, you can really help your plans and
How can the cleanliness of the It is recommended to keep the To avoid contamination from Recommendation for health
school canteen be improved? food close to the container insects and bacteria around the
Are the prices of the food in Suggestion of bringing own food Bringing your own food to Suggestion for inflation
the school canteen despite inflation because a lot school or work is beneficial as it
reasonable? If not, what of owners cannot lower the helps save you money
changes could be made to price, and if they lower the compared to buying the food
make them more affordable for price, it can affect their sold. Due to inflation, you
What changes could be made Recommendation of having a Having a sub-canteen near Factors that teach
to the location of the school sub-canteen for those your room helps students or recommend for improving
canteen to make it more classrooms that are far from teachers purchase food easily,
What specific types of food Milk tea and iced coffee are This product is more sellable Recommendation for health
should be offered in the school more preferable to the teacher because it joins the trend; no
canteen to cater to a wider and students. matter what the price is,
How can feedback from other The importance of feedback to This feedback can help improve Suggestion for inflation
teachers about the school the owners of the canteen is the canteen. By listening to
canteen be gathered and that it tells them what they lack others perspectives, you can
incorporated into and insufficiency to satisfy the really help your plans and
Table 3. The Thematic Map of teacher 1's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
Teacher 2
Personal Information
what she does. She frequently purchases meals from the canteen and is
constantly concerned about the caliber of the food and the cleanliness of the
Perspective of a teacher about school canteen food quality and its price.
[1.1] The Teacher 2 answer the question "Describe the price of food in
the canteen compare to similar food items sold outside the school
[a] Her answer states that the quality of food in the canteen is not so
Septevany, Elvira & Winia, I & Suci Murni, Ni Gusti (2021), superior food
quality is a key marketing tool that can be used to satisfy and retain
[a] Her answer states that the cause of the increasing price of
store. Thus, customers want cheap goods to purchase, and they cannot
affected the price of school canteen goods over time?, she answered:
The longer the time goes on, the more expensive the
products sold.
[a] Her answer states that the more time goes by, the more the price of
chili sauce then the soy sauce is still not good and
the price you pay and the quality is not what you
They sell some foods that is not fit for the price you
[a] Her answer states that the seller sells food that is not fit for the
price you pay, therefore the food they sell is not of good quality. According to
nutrient content of food. They contend that initiatives to improve food quality
[1.5] The interviewer further asked Teacher 2: What are the specific
canteen products that are more affected by increasing prices than others?,
she answered:
[a] Her answer states that food is much easier and more sellable than
other items in the canteen. A study on how Italian consumers perceive food
Perspective of a teacher about school canteen food quality and its price.
Describe the price of food Poor customer services The quality of food in the Complaint to the
in the canteen compare to and issues with the canteen is not so good. Her canteen
What impact does a price The quality of the food in The cause of the increasing Concern over the
increase have on the price the school canteen is that price of products in the inflation
of canteen products? its not that good in the canteen could be due to no
How has inflation affected The longer the time goes The more time goes by, the Concern over the
the price of school on, the more expensive more the price of a certain inflation
canteen goods over time? the products sold. product increases, and that
What is the teachers They sell some foods that The seller sells food that is Complaint to the
perception/s of the is not fit for the price you not fit for the price you pay, canteen
quality of food in the pay and the quality is not therefore the food they sell is
The interviewer further Food is easier and Food is much easier and Factors that teachers
asked Teacher 1: What favorable to sell, so there more sellable than other recommend for
are the specific canteen is a greater possibility items in the canteen. improving.
Table 4. The Thematic Map of teacher 2's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
food (CQ#2)
[2.1] Teacher 2 answer the question "What role does the price of food
[a] Her answer states that before buying foods or things that you
consume or use for yourself, think. It is the best way to manage your money.
quality of food when deciding whether to purchase food from the canteen?,
she answered:
[a] Her answer states that she has no choice but to buy it because it is
[a] Her answer states that her friend influenced her to buy it because it
[a] Her answer states that when buying goods, you have to make sure
that they are good for your health. You have to think before buying because
it can affect your health if you buy foods without your knowledge.
make a mistake.
[a] Her answer states that for a lot of people buying in the canteen,
You cannot speed things up because it can result in a misorder for the
expected to result from good service efficiency, which will improve customer
[2.6] The interviewer further asked Teacher 2: How do you consider the
she answered:
is safe or not."
[a] Her answer states that the school canteen has no hygiene. For
instance, a hotdog in the stall has no cover, so flies might touch it. So when
confidence in the safety and quality of the goods they purchase and eat may
[a] Her answer states that it is not a problem for her because her
class hour. Ambiance: the canteen is very crowded because it is small and
Factors that teachers consider when making decisions about purchasing food (Central Question#2)
What role does the price Think carefully if this thing or food Before buying foods or things that you Suggestion for
of food play in the is worth buying with the money. consume or use for yourself, think. It is inflation
making process?
How important is the I have no choice or I return it She has no choice but to buy it because Concern over the
quality of food when because it's delicious and my it is her favorite. And it is hateful for inflation
Are you influenced by the Influenced me to buy it too because Her friend influenced her to buy it Concern over the
variety of food options it is very delicious and worth to buy. because it is delicious, so therefore her inflation
How important is the You have to make sure that the food When buying goods, you have to make Recommendation for
nutritional value of the that you’re going to prepare is sure that they are good for your health. health
How important is speed it's more difficult for the salespeople For a lot of people buying in the Factors that
of service in purchasing to handle it, they can't rush canteen, especially students, it is hard teachers recommend
food in the school everything because they might make to handle because there are so many for improving
the customer.
How do you consider the Sometimes, school canteen has no The school canteen has no hygiene. For Complaint to the
cleanliness and hygiene hygiene. instance, a hotdog in the stall has no canteen
How does location, The canteen is close to our faculty, It is not a problem for her because her Complaint over the
convenience, and so it's not that hard to get in there. faculty is close to the canteen. canteen
ambiance affect your They are convenient when there Additionally, it is convenient, but when it
canteen? the school canteen is very crowded. students are buying food in the same
Table 5. The Thematic Map of teacher 2's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
of goods.(CQ#3)
[3.1] The Teacher 2 answer the question "How can the cleanliness of
[a] Her answer states that it would improve the cleanliness of the
school canteen if they put trash cans everywhere near the canteen so that
[3.2] The interviewer further asked Teacher 2: Are the prices of the food
buy in outside."
[a] Her answer states that many students cannot afford the price of
Evans EW, Chui K, Sacheck J. (2019), Systems for classifying foods based
on their level of industrial processing and intended use have recently been
foods and health effects. There are several systems for classifying foods, each
with its own criteria and terminology. Eicher-Miller, Fulgoni, & Keast,
[a] Her answer states that some of the canteen areas inside the
campus are overpricing their foods based on the fact that the students
mostly buy their products. So some of the students walked to the other
canteen, which sells food cheaper than the other canteen, in order to satisfy
their cravings.
[3.4] The interviewer further asked Teacher 2: How can the quality of
should be clean.
[a] Her answer states that school canteens can improve in many ways:
by following the practices when making food, and the display of the food
teachers "
affordable foods.
[a] Her answer states that schools should offer delicious and healthy
food, and affordable price of foods in order to boost their mood as students
[3.6] The interviewer further asked Teacher 2: How can feedback from
other teachers about the school canteen be gathered and incorporated into
[a] Her answer states that maintaining the practices of the canteen and
improving them are ways to become a good canteen. Also, making the food
Recommendation of teachers for improving the quality and affordability of goods.(Central Question#3)
How can the cleanliness of the Improve the cleanliness of school It would improve the cleanliness of Suggestion for inflation
Are the prices of the food in the Students cant even afford other Many students cannot afford the Compliment of goods sold from
school canteen reasonable? If not, foods that being sold in the school price of food, so it is not the outside of the canteen.
what changes could be made to canteen or choose not to buy reasonable because it is
What changes could be made to They increase the canteen base on Some of the canteen areas inside Complaint to the canteen
the location of the school canteen the location that junior high and the campus are overpricing their
to make it more accessible to senior high had. foods based on the fact that the
How can the quality of the food in School canteen must offer foods Schools should offer delicious and Factors that teachers
the school canteen be improved? that tasty, delicious, has a good healthy food, and affordable price recommend for improving
What specific types of food should Maintain and improve the quality, Maintaining the practices of the Recommendation for health
be offered in the school canteen to cheaper price for the sake of canteen and improving them are
cater to a wider range of students' students also for us teacher. ways to become a good canteen.
improvement plans?
Table 6. The Thematic Map of teacher 2's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
Teacher 3
Personal Information
items from the canteen and is concerned about the food quality and
Perspective of a teacher about school canteen food quality and its price.
[1.1] The Teacher 3 answer the question "Describe the price of food in
the canteen compare to similar food items sold outside the school
[a] Her answer states that all customers on campus should have the
same affordability while purchasing; despite the inflation, they should find a
way to lower the price so both teachers and students can afford to buy.
[a] Her answer states that it has become understood that the price of
food in the canteen is not equal to that of those who cannot afford it, but the
affected the price of school canteen goods over time?, she answered:
They have to sell the food for a higher price, and the
[a] Her answer states that the canteen sells those foods, which are
more expensive. And students cannot afford those expensive goods because
[a] Her answer states that the food sold in the canteen is not of good
quality. Not only is the price too high, but the food is not too good.
[1.5] The interviewer further asked Teacher 3: What are the specific
canteen products that are more affected by increasing prices than others?,
she answered:
the students."
[a] Her answer states that she doesn't know any specific foods that
affect the increasing price, but when those foods increase, students cannot
Perspective of a teacher about school canteen food quality and its price.(Central Question#1)
Describe the price of food in the Unfavorable discrepancy in All customers on campus should Complaint to the canteen
canteen compare to similar food affordability for students have the same affordability while
items sold outside the school and staff members. purchasing; despite the
afford to buy.
What impact does price increase It becomes apparent that It has become understood that Complaint to the canteen
have on the price of canteen not only does the canteen's the price of food in the canteen
the quality and taste of the of it is not the same as the price.
much to be desired
How has inflation affected the price They have to sell the food for the canteen sells those foods, Complaint to the canteen
of school canteen goods over time? a higher price, and the price which are more expensive. And
purchase them.
What is the teachers perception/s Because the quality of the The food sold in the canteen is Complaint to the caneen
of the quality of food in the school food that they serve is not not of good quality. Not only is
canteen? good it's a really bad quality the price too high, but the food
What are the specific canteen Don't really know the She doesn't know any specific Concern over the inflation
products that are more affected by specific food products that foods that affect the increasing
increasing prices than others? are affected by the price price, but when those foods
Table 7. The Thematic Map of teacher 3's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
food (CQ#2)
[2.1] Teacher 3 answer the question "What role does the price of food
or not."
[a] Her answer states that even teachers need to save their money.
They don't get a big salary in order to buy the food they want. Therefore,
quality of food when deciding whether to purchase food from the canteen?,
she answered:
bad then the food that you bought for a high price
[a] Her answer states that it is not worth it to buy the food if it has
[a] Her answer states that she is not influenced by the food because
the food she tastes is not that good; additionally, she has already tasted all
[a] Her answer states that nutritional value is important because most
of the customers in the canteen are students. Therefore, they are mostly
nutritional value.
[a] Her answer states that speed of service is necessary because a lot of
[2.6] The interviewer further asked Teacher 3: How do you consider the
she answered:
[a] Her answer states that she considers cleanliness crucial when
running a food business because if not, it can result in business loss, and
Factors that teachers consider when making decisions about purchasing food (Central Question#2)
What role does the price of food play in It plays a big part for us Even teachers need to save their money. They Concern over the
the teacher's decision-making process? teachers because us teachers don't get a big salary in order to buy the food inflation
don't have a lot of money they want. Therefore, they also complain
How important is the quality of food If the price of the food is too It is not worth it to buy the food if it has bad Complaint to the
when deciding whether to purchase food high and the quality is bad quality and is also expensive. canteen
worth it at all.
Are you influenced by the variety of food No not really because the She is not influenced by the food because the Complaint to the
options available in the canteen? foods that they provide there food she tastes is not that good; additionally, canteen
don't taste good she has already tasted all the food in the
How important is the nutritional value of It is very important because nutritional value is important because most of Recommendation for
the food When making purchasing most of the customers in the The customers in the canteen are students. health
decisions in the canteen? canteen are students, so Therefore, they are mostly kids, so it is
they really have to put into important that it implement the regulations
How important is speed of service in The speed is kind of Speed of service is necessary because a lot of Factors that teachers
purchasing food in the school canteen? necessary, because there are students purchase food in the canteen. recommend for
a lot of students buying food Additionally, most students have class, so improving
How do you consider the cleanliness and I consider the cleanliness She considers cleanliness crucial when running a food Factors that teacher
business because if not, it can result in business loss, and the
hygiene of the canteen when making and hygiene of the canteen. recommend for
health of your customers is also important. That is why
Table 8. The Thematic Map of teacher 3's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
of goods.(CQ#3)
[3.1] The Teacher 3 answer the question "How can the cleanliness of
[a] Her answer states that the school canteen can improve cleanliness
clean is beneficial.
[3.2] The interviewer further asked Teacher 3: Are the prices of the food
[a] Her answer states that the food sold in the canteen is overpriced,
and the owner or salesperson of the canteen should be informed that the
sellable foods are not affordable for the customer. Price is an important
Montolalu (2013). Previous research has shown that the quality and price of
time they wait to buy food, the same goes for the
[a] Her answer states that it is better to increase the facility of the
goods, and it can help those far away from the classroom to buy from the
[3.4] The interviewer further asked Teacher 3: How can the quality of
that are sold are not tasty while other foods are
to eat it."
[a] Her answer states that it can improve by providing delicious foods
[a] Her answer states that she would recommend selling more
nutritious foods rather than junk foods because eating those healthy foods
can help with your studies or work, so consuming them can boost both your
[3.6] The interviewer further asked Teacher 3: How can feedback from
other teachers about the school canteen be gathered and incorporated into
[a] Her answer states that teachers know that the food sold in the
canteen does not look attractive or is not of the same quality as it should be.
So what they can do is give feedback from teachers to the canteen because a
How can the cleanliness of the school It can be improved by informing the students The school canteen can improve Factors that teachers recommend for
canteen be improved? or anyone buying from the canteen in our cleanliness and sanitation. improving
saying that clean as you go in short clay go. Additionally, informing the students
Are the prices of the food in the school School canteen is over priced, salespeople The food sold in the canteen is Factors that teachers recommend for
canteen reasonable? If not, what changes need to lower the price of the food or product overpriced, and the owner or improving
could be made to make them more they sell so that the students can afford it. salesperson of the canteen should be
What changes could be made to the It is necessary to increase the school canteen It is better to increase the facility of Factors that teachers recommend for
location of the school canteen to make it in our school for the better future the canteen inside the campus in improving
How can the quality of the food in the It needs to be improved by selling food with It can improve by providing delicious Recommendation for health
school canteen be improved? love and it should be tasty and healthy. foods that can satisfy your appetite
What specific types of food should be I would recommend that the school canteen She would recommend selling more Recommendation for health
offered in the school canteen to cater to a sell food that is not junk food, it should be nutritious foods rather than junk
wider range of students' preferences?( food that is healthy. foods because eating those healthy
How can feedback from other teachers We know that what is sold in the canteen is Teachers know that the food sold in Concern over the inflation
about the school canteen be gathered and really overpriced, and the quality is not yet in. the canteen does not look attractive
Table 9. The Thematic Map of teacher 3's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
Teacher 4
Personal Information
about the caliber of the food and the cleanliness of the establishment. He
also has trouble paying for food at the canteen because of inflation.
Perspective of a teacher about school canteen food quality and its price.
[1.1] The Teacher 4 answer the question "Describe the price of food in
the canteen compare to similar food items sold outside the school
premises?", he answered:
[a] His answer states that food in the canteen is much more expensive
than food sold outside the campus. The reason is that maybe they really
need the money to pay the rent for the area, which is why they increase the
to generate income.
[a] His answer states that the reason the price is increasing is because
the seller has put more money into the food, which is why the food price is
Perspective of a teacher about school canteen food quality and its price.(Central Question#1)
Describe the price of food I can say that the foods in Food in the canteen is Compliment of goods sold
in the canteen compare to the canteen are really much more expensive from outside the campus
similar food items sold much more expensive than food sold outside the
What impact does price So the seller put more The reason the price is Concern over the inflation
increase have on the price money to product in order increasing is because the
over time?
Table 10.The Thematic Map of teacher 4's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
food (CQ#2)
[2.1] Teacher 4 answer the question "What role does the price of food
[a] His answer states that some of the students cannot afford to
quality of food when deciding whether to purchase food from the canteen?,
he answered:
[a] His answer states that it is important to consider whether the food
ako bumibili."
[a] His answer states that he brings his own food, so he is not
canteen?, he answered:
[a] His answer states that the canteen should sell goods that are
nutritious and also serve healthy and clean goods for the students because,
quality as it is.
campus, so there might be many students buying into the same canteen. As
[2.6] The interviewer further asked Teacher 4: How do you consider the
he answered:
[a] His answer states that many people base their decisions on whether
the food is worth buying or not based on the quality and appearance of the
need paliton kay kung asa jud ang duol dira jud
[a] His answer states that if the area is clean, it will entice customers
Factors that teachers consider when making decisions about purchasing food (Central Question#2)
What role does the price of food Importance of lowering the price of food. Some of the students cannot afford to Factors that teachers
play in the teacher's decision- purchase the goods because of their recommend for
How important is the quality of If you are buying food, it is important that It is important to consider whether the Recommendation for
food when deciding whether to the food is healthy and clean because this food is healthy and worth buying. health
purchase food from the canteen? is the only way to determine if the food is
worth purchasing.
Are you influenced by the variety I'm not influenced by the food sold in the He brings his own food, so he is not Suggestion for
of food options available in the canteen. I have my own food to eat, but influenced by purchasing it, but for inflation
How important is the nutritional The canteen needs to sell food that The canteen should sell goods that are Recommendation for
value of the food when making contains nutritional value for the students nutritious and also serve healthy and health
purchasing decisions in the and other customers buying it. clean goods for the students because,
quality as it is.
How important is speed of It is important to serve customers as fast it is recommended to serve the canteen Factors that teachers
service in purchasing food in the as possible because there is not much as fast as possible. Furthermore, there recommend for
school canteen? canteen on campus, and to prevent is not much canteen around the improving
How do you consider the It is critical to maintain the cleanliness of Many people base their decisions on Factors that teachers
cleanliness and hygiene of the the canteen because many people decide whether the food is worth buying or not recommend for
canteen when making whether or not to purchase a product based on the quality and appearance of improving
purchasing decisions? based on its appearance. For some reason, the product.
How does location, convenience, If it's close, you should buy instead of If the area is clean, it will entice Factors that teachers
and ambiance affect your going far away, but the important factors customers to purchase their product. recommend for
decision-making when for me is that it should be clean, even if Furthermore, Location should be improving
purchasing food from the it's close, but if it's dirty, I'll buy from a considered, as it helps you purchase
Table 11. The Thematic Map of teacher 4's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
of goods.(CQ#3)
[3.1] The Teacher 4 answer the question "How can the cleanliness of
[a] His answer states that to show the cleanliness of the school, you, as
[3.2] The interviewer further asked Teacher 4: Are the prices of the food
The price is not very friendly for us, 'kay. And then,
[a] His answer states that the price itself is not very friendly because of
especially goods.
students?, he answered:
[a] His answer states that the canteen should be near them, but it's
not like it's near them; they can just buy the goods without getting late.
[3.4] The interviewer further asked Teacher 4: How can the quality of
mga students."
like milkshakes.
[a] His answer states that the canteen should sell nutritious and
[a] His answer states that the canteen should sell goods that are more
sellable or that people always like. By selling those goods, the rate of
customers might get high, and the income would expand as people would
always purchase what they liked and always maintain the nutritional value
[3.6] The interviewer further asked Teacher 4: How can feedback from
other teachers about the school canteen be gathered and incorporated into
[a] His answer states that teachers feedback is important to ensure the
How can the cleanliness of the In order to show the cleanliness of To show the cleanliness of the Recommendation for
school canteen be improved? the school canteen, be responsible school, you, as a student or a Health
Are the prices of the food in the The price is not very friendly for us, The price itself is not very friendly Compliment of goods sold
school canteen reasonable? If not, 'kay. And then, the canteen itself... because of inflation, which has from the outside of the
what changes could be made to the canteen is fine. And lower the caused the price of many products campus
make them more affordable for prices to make it affordable as well. to increase, especially goods.
What changes could be made to The canteen need close to us; it's not The canteen should be near them, Factors that teachers
the location of the school canteen like it's very close to us, just like we but it's not like it's near them; they recommend for improving
to make it more accessible to can buy the food without getting can just buy the goods without
How can the quality of the food in Suggestion of improving the food by The canteen should sell nutritious Recommendation for
the school canteen be improved? selling nutritious food like vegetables and healthy food for the students. Health
What specific types of food should Suggestion of selling likeable foods The canteen should sell goods that Recommendation for
be offered in the school canteen to to attract customers, and healthy are more sellable or that people Health
cater to a wider range of students' food. always like. By selling those goods,
How can feedback from other Recommendation of gathering Teachers feedback is important to Factors that teachers
teachers about the school canteen perspectives to solve the problem of ensure the improvement of the recommend for improving
be gathered and incorporated into the campus. canteen and maintaining its
Table 12. The Thematic Map of teacher 4's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
Teacher 5
DCNHS. She frequents the canteen and is constantly concerned about the
quality of the food and the hygiene of the institution. Inflation has also made
Perspective of a teacher about school canteen food quality and its price.
[1.1] The Teacher 5 answer the question "Describe the price of food in
the canteen compare to similar food items sold outside the school
[a] Her answer states that, compared to outside of premises, the foods
sold outside are much cheaper than those sold inside of premises. And
outside, there are many sellable products to choose from; ask what their
na ning-ana na hinoon."
[a] Her answer states that because of increasing prices, many goods
are affected and are overpriced. Due to this reason, the serving of goods is
affected the price of school canteen goods over time?, she answered:
buy outside.
[a] Her answer states that the more time passes, the more products or
goods become expensive. For this reason, many teachers buy outside the
kanilang ibinebenta."
[a] Her answer states that the price of the canteen is not affordable,
[1.5] The interviewer further asked Teacher 5: What are the specific
canteen products that are more affected by increasing prices than others?,
she answered:
canteen's food.
[a] Her answer states that an increase in price has a big impact on the
canteen's goods. Some of the customers cannot afford it, which is why they
Perspective of a teacher about school canteen food quality and its price.(Central Question#1)
Describe the price of food in the The quality of items Her answer states that, Concern over
canteen compare to similar food reflect the prices sold compared to outside of the inflation
items sold outside the school outside school premises, the foods sold
What impact does price With the price Because of increasing prices, Complaint to
increase have on the price of increase affects the many goods are affected and the canteen
How has inflation affected the The more time passes, The more time passes, the Concern over
price of school canteen goods the more expensive more products or goods the inflation
over time? the items being offered become expensive. For this
What is the teachers The price is not The price of the canteen is Complaint to
perception/s of the quality of affordable, the not affordable, and the food is the canteen
What are the specific canteen Price increases have a An increase in price has a big Concern over
products that are more affected greater impact on the impact on the canteen's the inflation
Table 13. The Thematic Map of teacher 5's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
[2.1] Teacher 5 answer the question "What role does the price of food
yet fulfilling.
[a] Her answer states that the price of goods has a big impact on
quality of food when deciding whether to purchase food from the canteen?,
she answered:
ba, di ba gang?"
it is worth to buy.
[a] Her answer states that it is important to view the quality of food
[a] Her answer states that having many choices for purchasing goods
gives you the influence to have access to a variety of choices aside from
[a] Her answer states that canteens are required to sell healthy and
nutritious goods to reduce malnutrition and aid hunger among the students.
nahuman ug palit."
[a] Her answer states that she's complaining about slow service in the
when purchasing foods for their appetite. Since the canteen is a power
source for students to intently boost their mental and physical health
throughout the day, many students purchase from the canteen, affecting the
[2.6] The interviewer further asked Teacher 5: How do you consider the
she answered:
ug pagbutang."
[a] Her answer states that she considers the environment of the area,
the preservation of goods, even the ingredients and utensils if they are clean
enough to use for other people, and the packaging of goods and how it serves
Factors that teachers consider when making decisions about purchasing food (Central Question#2)
What role does the price The prices of goods play a huge impact of teachers The price of goods has a big impact on teacher Concern o
of food play in the choice of food. However the profession, budgeting is also decision-making when purchasing. However, inflation
teacher's decision- a vital part for them to thrift and to save up. Teachers budgeting for them is a vital part that helps them
making process? usually take the foods that is affordable yet fulfilling. save up.
How important is the We shall give importance to the quality of products we It is important to view the quality of food before Factors
quality of food when tend to purchase. The pleasant-looking and cleanliness purchasing it. By observing food, if it is good- teachers
deciding whether to of the goods take us to decide whether it is worth to looking and healthy, it is surely worth it to buy. recommen
Are you influenced by the Variety of food options availability give a big deal of an Having many choices for purchasing goods gives Factors
variety of food options influence. It give off the feeling of accessibility to other you the influence to have access to a variety of teachers
available in the canteen? choices aside from snacks. choices aside from snacks or any product. recommend
How important is the School canteens are ruled to sell healthy products to Canteens are required to sell healthy and Recommen
nutritional value of the diminish the malnourishment and aid hunger, nutritious goods to reduce malnutrition and aid for health
food when making although, the canteen does not follow the particular hunger among the students.
the canteen? selling off vegetables and other side dishes that includes
How important is speed Among customers of school canteens, students are most She's complaining about slow service in the canteen. Factors
of service in purchasing vulnerable to the slow speed of service. Through just Many customers, such as students, have a slow teachers
food in the school lining up and ordering, take too much time since the process of thinking when purchasing foods for their recommen
appetite. Since the canteen is a power source for
canteen? indicate time does not even a half an hour. Speed of improving
students to intently boost their mental and physical
service either hinder or accommodates the need of a
health throughout the day, many students purchase
from the canteen, affecting the slow services of the
How do you consider the Teachers take consideration the environment, preservation She considers the environment of the area, the Factors
cleanliness and hygiene of of the products and/or ingredients, organization of the preservation of goods, even the ingredients and teachers
the canteen when making products, and classification/categories of the products by utensils if they are clean enough to use for other recommend
purchasing decisions? forecasting before being the product. Observing the people, and the packaging of goods and how it serves improving
How does location, The location should be convenient from students to Location should be convenient; it helps customers Factors
convenience, and teachers. It is placed not that far from class buildings and purchase the goods without getting late. Ambiance: It teachers
ambiance affect your faculties because it can be time consuming especially when should be a friendly environment, open-spaced, as it recommend
decision-making when at a short break. The ambiance should be welcoming and is not very hot inside the canteen. improving
purchasing food from the friendly, open spaced and well ventilated to attract.
Table 14. The Thematic Map of eacher 5's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
of goods.(CQ#3)
[3.1] The Teacher 5 answer the question "How can the cleanliness of
[a] Her answer states that it should always clean the area, cover the
food to prevent flies from coming to it, and lastly, put trash cans everywhere.
[3.2] The interviewer further asked Teacher 5: Are the prices of the food
[a] Her answer states that even if they have a salary, that does not
mean they can afford anything. They also need to save money for their
[a] Her answer states that placing a sub-canteen is beneficial for areas
that are far from the canteen because it saves time for them if they need to
eat. In their study, Ahmed et al. (2020) explore the significance of food
into account not only food quality but also other elements like price fairness
and customer service. For the most part, Ahmed et al. (2020) stress the
[3.4] The interviewer further asked Teacher 5: How can the quality of
[a] Her answer states that it is important to sell nutritious foods in the
canteen because they are helpful for the mental and physical health
[a] Her answer states that it is essential for selling nutritious and
healthy goods as it helps them, the students, have energy to complete the
class, and for teachers, it is important for them to complete the task.
[3.6] The interviewer further asked Teacher 5: How can feedback from
other teachers about the school canteen be gathered and incorporated into
[a] Her answer states that there are many statements that the teacher
wants to share with the canteen in order for them to improve and maintain
their way of running the business, to ensure the health of their customers,
Recommendation of teachers for improving the quality and affordability of goods.(Central Question#3)
How can the cleanliness of the Recommendation of always cleaning the It should always clean the area, Factors that
school canteen be improved? place and covering the food to prevent cover the food to prevent flies from teachers
contamination; putting trash cans coming to it, and lastly, put trash recommend for
Are the prices of the food in the It is an unreasonable price because if Even if they have a salary, that does Complaint to the
school canteen reasonable? If not, they have a salary, they also need to not mean they can afford anything. canteen
what changes could be made to save. They also need to save money for
What changes could be made to Recommendation of placing a small Placing a sub-canteen is beneficial Factors that
the location of the school canteen canteen in the area that is far from the for areas that are far from the teachers
to make it more accessible to main canteen. canteen because it saves time for recommend for
How can the quality of the food in It is important to sell nutritious food in It is important to sell nutritious Recommendation
the school canteen be improved? the canteen. foods in the canteen because they for health
What specific types of food should Recommendation for selling fruit and It is essential for selling nutritious Recommendation
be offered in the school canteen vegetable product. and healthy goods as it helps them, for health
How can feedback from other Teachers have many recommendations There are many feedback that the Factors that
teachers about the school for improving and maintaining the teacher wants to share with the teachers
canteen be gathered and proper way of running the canteen. It is canteen in order for them to recommend for
incorporated into improvement to ensure the healthiness of the goods improve and maintain their way of improving
plans? provided for the students and teachers. running the business, to ensure the
Table 15. The Thematic Map of teacher 5's responses and recommendations regarding food
quality and increased price in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
Chapter 5
our in-depth interview with the teachers who have perceptions regarding the
food quality and prices in the canteen of Davao City National High School.
The findings of our study suggested that the teachers have different
quality and prices in the canteen. This analysis showed that the participants
encountered challenges related to the food, which shows even more that food
efficient in their work, and it also depends on the price if the food is worth
themes depending on the questions we have asked them, such as the feeling
consuming food. Those are some participants who have shared their
based on its quality or its price. Their responses were subjective. But it helps
canteen food quality and prices. Their lived experiences of purchasing food
inflation. The demand for the good is the key contributor to inflation. Certain
products become more popular and fast-selling the more usable they are.
Their demand rises in direct proportion to how quickly they sell. Because of
the market, the cost of some items is solely based on their quality, while the
quality product, like fruits or veggies, is what it means. The more expensive
Due to this, buyers are having trouble making purchases for their
quality. Customers may search for alternative items with such reasonable
pleasing to the sight of the customer and if the prices are high. Decision-
making is important since it can influence many parts of your business and
benefits from this, including the environment's cleanliness, the food given to
customers, the canteen's service, the food's sanitation, the cost of the food,
the establishment's location, and the sellers' ethical behavior. The teachers
who genuinely want to see a difference in the canteen were given these
purchase and consume meals and snacks during school hours. It is run by
distribution, seating and eating, and regulations and policies. The canteen
staff ensures food safety and hygiene standards during the preparation
process and may also prepare off-site food. Once the food is ready, it is
an orderly distribution process using trays or lunch boxes. The canteen also
canteen serves as a social hub for students to interact, relax, and recharge
staff with access to nutritious meals and snacks, ensuring their dietary
needs are met. The canteen offers convenience by saving time and allowing
can also be used as an educational tool, promoting healthy eating habits and
can leave one feeling both rich and poor simultaneously. The initial feeling of
leaving one feeling somewhat poor. The disappointment stemming from high
of their limited resources. The initial rush of feeling rich subsides as one
realizes that their financial circumstances are beyond their means. The
fantasy of wealth fades away, and the allure of seeming wealthy is only
sizes are disappointingly small, emphasizing the disparity between what you
expected and what you received. The matter of taste and quality is also a
concern for discerning food critics. As they take a bite, they hope for
something exceptional but find it falls short. The initial illusion of wealth
and luxury gives way to the reality of financial constraints, and the
dissatisfaction stemming from the high prices and subpar food quality
fairness of the canteen's pricing structure and the value they receive in
Research's Insight
location and price. These are aimed for consumers easy decision-making of
critically acclaimed to endorse fresh resolutions that must have taken into
inflation rates towards small grounds, that includes the school canteen.
These particulars made it way to the back of our minds to credit their
objections in terms of food quality and prices. The encounters have been
create a good relation with the participants. Their sides are showned with
purchasing the product. There are many factors that determine if they are
worth buying or not. The main factors in purchasing the product are,
Additionally, for some reason, people also look at the nutritional chart on the
needs what it needs on a daily basis, so checking is one of the crucial factors
for most people. Price is the most important factor for customers. It implies
and nutritional value. The price determines whether or not a product should
be purchased.
Focusing on the main topic of the study. Canteens are one of the most
students and teachers are most affected by it. Teachers, even if they have a
monthly salary, also need to save for their daily needs. By purchasing the
prices. For some reason, teachers bought their own meals to save money
instead of buying them. For students, it is hard to make the decision to buy
because not many of them have the finances to cover their appetite. Even
made this study to elaborate on how to save money despite inflation. On how
we can save up and how we can make decisions for purchasing. We hope
that this study would helps you to make a decision about whether it is
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Curriculum Vitae
A. Personal Information
Birthday: Sept 26, 2005
Birthplace: Camiguin
Gender: Male
Status: Single
Religion: Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Father’s Name: George Chan
Mother’s Name: Mary Jane Tabigne
B. Educational Background
Junior high School: Davao City National High School
Elementary School: Wireless Elem. School
C. Additional Background
Hobbies and Interest:
Curriculum Vitae
A. Personal Information
Birthday: Feb 2 2006
Birthplace: Davao City
Gender: Female
Status: In relationship
Religion: Christian
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 5’3
Weight: 63
Father’s Name: Alonzo Veneracion
Mother’s Name: Robelyn Corcuera
B. Educational Background
Junior high School: DCNHS
Elementary School: Kabacan Elementary School
C. Additional Background
Hobbies and Interest:
-Writing Poems
Curriculum Vitae
A. Personal Information
Birthday: May 31,2006
Height: 5'6
Birthplace: Davao City
Weight: 59
Gender: ladyboy
Status: single
Father’s Name: Rodrigo B. Andales
Mother’s Name: Rosalie B. Andales
Religion: Christian
Citizenship: Filipino
B. Educational Background
Junior high School: San Francisco National high school
Elementary School: Kapitan thomas monteverde Sr. Central elementary
C. Additional Background
Hobbies and Interest:
-Playing online games
Curriculum Vitae
A. Personal Information
Birthday: September 7, 2005
Height: 5'6
Birthplace: Brokenshire Hospital
Weight: 49 kg
Gender: Male
Status: Single
Father’s Name: N/A
Mother’s Name: Mildred P. Quinco
Religion: Baptist
Citizenship: Filipino
B. Educational Background
Junior high School: Davao City National High School
Elementary School: San Roque Elementary School
C. Additional Background
Hobbies and Interest: Playing video games
Curriculum Vitae
A. Personal Information
Birthday: September 17 2006
Birthplace: Davao City
Gender: Male
Status: Single
Height: 4'5
Weight: 49
Father’s Name: Ricky Y. Pantil
Mother’s Name: Nenita S. Pantil
Religion: INC
Citizenship: Filipino
B. Educational Background
Junior high School: Davao City National Highschool
Elementary School: Magallanes Elementary School
C. Additional Background
Hobbies and Interest:
-Online games
Curriculum Vitae
A. Personal Information
Birthday: July 23, 2004
Height: 5'8
Birthplace: Brokenshire Hospital
Weight: 50 kg
Gender: Male
Status: Single
Father’s Name: Roque L. Vergara Sr.
Mother’s Name: Aileen M. Vergara
Religion: United Pentecostal
Citizenship: Filipino
B. Educational Background
Junior high School: Davao City National High School
Elementary School: Doña Pilar Elementary School
C. Additional Background
Hobbies and Interest:
-Playing Video Games
Curriculum Vitae
A. Personal Information
Birthday: April 30, 2005
Birthplace: Davao City
Gender: Female
Status: Single
Height: 5'1
Weight: 45 kg
Father’s Name: Jason D. Luces
Mother’s Name: Deceased
Religion: Roman Catholic
Citizenship: Filipino
B. Educational Background
Junior high School: Davao City National High School — Annex, Madapo
Elementary School: Wireless Elementary School
C. Additional Background
Hobbies and Interest:
- Painting
- Songwriting
- Writing
- Reading
- Producing Music
Curriculum Vitae
A. Personal Information
B. Educational Background
Junior high School: Davao City National High School
Elementary School: Kapitan Tomas Monteverde Sr. Central Elementary
C. Additional Background