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third european conference on health law

leuven, 6-7 october 2011
an ageing europe health law revisited

More information

For information on travelling, housing, paper and poster submission, etc., visit

Conference Fee
EAHL-Members Non-EAHL-Members Students Deadline

Before After 01/03/2011 01/03/2011 200, 250, 100, 300, 350, 150,-

Abstract submission Oral Presentation 1 May 2011 Abstract submission Poster Presentation 1 August 2011
Faculty of Medicine Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law Kapucijnenvoer 35, box 7001 B-3000 Leuven Belgium Phone: +32 16336951 Fax: + 32 16336952 Email: Internet:

eahl conference
leuven, 6-7 october 2011
The European Association of Health Law and the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law of the University of Leuven announce the Third European Conference on Health Law. This Conference will be held in Leuven, Belgium on 6 and 7 October 2011. The European Association of Health Law was established in 2008 to strengthen the health and human rights interface throughout Europe. The Association strives for serving as indispensable source of advice and guidance for the future of health law and policies in Europe. The Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law consists of a number of experts in medical law and medical ethics. The Centre aspires to provide training, research and scientic and societal service in medical ethics and law. The Centre was created in 1986 and celebrates in 2011 its twenty-fth anniversary.

An Ageing Europe - Health Law Revisited

Europe is facing a trend of demographic and social change that is likely to have a signicant impact an our health systems in the coming decades. The primary concerns are related to the double challenge of population ageing and population decline. These changes will result in a shrinking workforce to handle the steadily increasing healthcare needs of the very old, who will constitute the fastest growing segment of the population. Adaptation of European health systems to the new situation also makes it necessary to revisit familiar and less familiar health law problems. Obvious subthemes are: * Decisionmaking by advance directives, proxys, guardians * End of life decisions * Telecare, telemonitoring and the protection of privacy * Access to affordable health care * Cross border care * Medical experiments with elderly subjects * Access to (private) health insurance * .

Programme overview
Thursday 6 Oct. 11 Friday 7 Oct. 11 08.30 Registration 09.00 Welcome 09.30 Plenary Session 10.00 10.30 Coffee Break 11.00 Parallel Sessions 11.30 12.00 12.30 Lunch 13.30 14.00 Plenary Session 14.30 15.00 Coffee Break 15.30 Parallel Sessions 16.00 16.30 17.00 17.30 18.00 18.30 19.00 Conference Reception Plenary Closure Coffee Break Parallel Sessions Plenary Session Lunch 13.00 + Poster presentation + Poster presentation Coffee Break Parallel Sessions Plenary Session Registration

Call for Papers and Posters

The European Association of Health Law and the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law invite to submit abstracts for an oral or poster presentation to be considered for inclusion in the programme.
ORAL PRESENTATION The format will involve a keynote address from an invited speaker. Other speakers during parallel sessions will be chosen after the call for papers. The best presentations will be published. POSTER PRESENTATION One of the core aims of the EAHL is the promotion of young scholars. To this end, students and early career researchers who are registered for the Conference are invited to present posters on their work, thereby giving them a unique opportunity to showcase their research in a visual format and contribute to the exchange of ideas. The posters will be presented at the Conference venue during coffee and lunch breaks. Prizes will be awarded for the best posters to be voted on by the General Assembly.

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