영어 중간고사 시험범위 (22 3모)
영어 중간고사 시험범위 (22 3모)
영어 중간고사 시험범위 (22 3모)
A job search is not a passive task. When you are searching, you are not browsing, nor are you “just
looking”. Browsing is not an effective way to reach a goal you claim to want to reach. If you are
acting with purpose, if you are serious about anything you chose to do, then you need to be direct,
focused and whenever possible, clever. Everyone else searching for a job has the same goal,
competing for the same jobs. You must do more than the rest of the herd. Regardless of how long
it may take you to find and get the job you want, being proactive will logically get you results faster
than if you rely only on browsing online job boards and emailing an occasional resume. Leave those
activities to the rest of the sheep.
#2 요지
Many people view sleep as merely a “down time” when their brain shuts off and their body rests.
In a rush to meet work, school, family, or household responsibilities, people cut back on their sleep,
thinking it won’t be a problem, because all of these other activities seem much more important.
But research reveals that a number of vital tasks carried out during sleep help to maintain good
health and enable people to function at their best. While you sleep, your brain is hard at work
forming the pathways necessary for learning and creating memories and new insights. Without
enough sleep, you can’t focus and pay attention or respond quickly. A lack of sleep may even cause
mood problems. In addition, growing evidence shows that a continuous lack of sleep increases the
risk for developing serious diseases.
#3 주제파악
The whole of human society operates on knowing the future weather. For example, farmers in India
know when the monsoon rains will come next year and so they know when to plant the crops.
Farmers in Indonesia know there are two monsoon rains each year, so next year they can have two
harvests. This is based on their knowledge of the past, as the monsoons have always come at about
the same time each year in living memory. But the need to predict goes deeper than this; it
influences every part of our lives. Our houses, roads, railways, airports, offices, and so on are all
designed for the local climate. For example, in England all the houses have central heating, as the
outside temperature is usually below 20°C, but no airconditioning, as temperatures rarely go beyond
26°C, while in Australia the opposite is true: most houses have airconditioning but rarely central
#4 제목
Our ability to accurately recognize and label emotions is often referred to as emotional granularity.
In the words of Harvard psychologist Susan David, “Learning to label emotions with a more nuanced
vocabulary can be absolutely transformative.” David explains that if we don’t have a rich emotional
vocabulary, it is difficult to communicate our needs and to get the support that we need from
others. But those who are able to distinguish between a range of various emotions “do much, much
better at managing the ups and downs of ordinary existence than those who see everything in
black and white.” In fact, research shows that the process of labeling emotional experience is related
to greater emotion regulation and psychosocial wellbeing. * nuanced: 미묘한 차이가 있는
#5 어법
We usually get along best with people who we think are like us. In fact, we seek them out. It’s why
places like Little Italy, Chinatown, and Koreatown ① exist. But I’m not just talking about race, skin
color, or religion. I’m talking about people who share our values and look at the world the same
way we ② do. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. This is a very common human
tendency ③ what is rooted in how our species developed. Imagine you are walking out in a forest.
You would be conditioned to avoid something unfamiliar or foreign because there is a high
likelihood that ④ it would be interested in killing you. Similarities make us ⑤ relate better to other
people because we think they’ll understand us on a deeper level than other people.
#6 단어의 쓰임
Rejection is an everyday part of our lives, yet most people can’t handle it well. For many, it’s so
painful that they’d rather not ask for something at all than ask and risk rejection. Yet, as the old
saying goes, if you don’t ask, the answer is always no. Avoiding rejection negatively affects many
aspects of your life. All of that happens only because you’re not tough enough to handle it. For this
reason, consider rejection therapy. Come up with a request or an activity that usually results in a
rejection. Working in sales is one such example. Asking for discounts at the stores will also work.
By deliberately getting yourself welcomed (->rejected) you’ll grow a thicker skin that will allow you
to take on much more in life, thus making you more successful at dealing with unfavorable
circumstances. * deliberately: 의도적으로
#7 빈칸추론 (단어)
Generalization without specific examples that humanize writing is boring to the listener and to the
reader. Who wants to read platitudes all day? Who wants to hear the words great, greater, best,
smartest, finest, humanitarian, on and on and on without specific examples? Instead of using these
‘nothing words,’ leave them out completely and just describe the (particulars).
. There is nothing worse than reading a scene in a novel in which a main character is described up
front as heroic or brave or tragic or funny, while thereafter, the writer quickly moves on to something
else. That’s no good, no good at all. You have to use less one word descriptions and more detailed,
engaging descriptions if you want to make something real.
① similarities ④ boredom
③ fantasies ⑤ wisdom
#8 빈칸추론
Face-to-face interaction is a uniquely powerful ― and sometimes the only ― way to share many
kinds of knowledge, from the simplest to the most complex. It is one of the best ways to stimulate
new thinking and ideas, too. Most of us would have had difficulty learning how to tie a shoelace
only from pictures, or how to do arithmetic from a book. Psychologist Mihàly Csikszentmihàlyi found,
while studying high achievers, that a large number of Nobel Prize winners were the students of
previous winners: they had access to the same literature as everyone else, but (personal contact)
made a crucial difference to their creativity. Within organisations this makes conversation both a
crucial factor for highlevel professional skills and the most important way of sharing everyday
#9 빈칸추론
Most times a foreign language is spoken in film, subtitles are used to translate the dialogue for the
viewer. However, there are occasions when foreign dialogue is left unsubtitled (and thus
incomprehensible to most of the target audience). This is often done if the movie is seen mainly
from the viewpoint of a particular character who does not speak the language. Such absence of
subtitles allows the audience to feel a similar sense of incomprehension and alienation that the
character feels. An example of this is seen in Not Without My Daughter. The Persian language
dialogue spoken by the Iranian characters is not subtitled because the main character Betty
Mahmoody does not speak Persian and the audience is seeing the film from her viewpoint.
③ attracted to her beautiful voice ⑤ learning the language used in the film
#10. 빈칸추론
One dynamic that can change dramatically in sport is the concept of the homefield advantage, in
which perceived demands and resources seem to play a role. Under normal circumstances, the home
ground would appear to provide greater perceived resources (fans, home field, and so on). However,
researchers Roy Baumeister and Andrew Steinhilber were among the first to point out that these
competitive factors can change; for example, the success percentage for home teams in the final
games of a playoff or World Series seems to drop. Fans can become part of the perceived demands
rather than resources under those circumstances. This change in perception can also explain why a
team that’s struggling at the start of the year will (often welcome a road trip) to reduce perceived
demands and pressures.
#11 무관한 문장 추론
Who hasn’t used a cup of coffee to help themselves stay awake while studying? Mild stimulants
commonly found in tea, coffee, or sodas possibly make you more attentive and, thus, better able
to remember. However, you should know that stimulants are as likely to have negative effects on
memory as they are to be beneficial. Even if they could improve performance at some level, the
ideal doses are currently unknown. If you are wide awake and wellrested, mild stimulation from
caffeine can do little to further improve your memory performance. (In contrast, many studies have
shown that drinking tea is healthier than drinking coffee.) Indeed, if you have too much of a
stimulant, you will become nervous, find it difficult to sleep, and your memory performance will
#12 순서 파악
Toward the end of the 19th century, a new architectural attitude emerged. Industrial architecture,
the argument went, was ugly and inhuman; past styles had more to do with pretension than what
people needed in their homes. (B) Instead of these approaches, why not look at the way ordinary
country builders worked in the past? They developed their craft skills over generations,
demonstrating mastery of both tools and materials. (C) Those materials were local, and used with
simplicity — houses built this way had plain wooden floors and whitewashed walls inside. (A) But
they supplied people’s needs perfectly and, at their best, had a beauty that came from the
craftsman’s skill and the rootedness of the house in its locality.
#13 순서파악 2
Robert Schumann once said, “The laws of morals are those of art.” What the great man is saying
here is that there is good music and bad music. (B) The greatest music, even if it’s tragic in nature,
takes us to a world higher than ours; somehow the beauty uplifts us. Bad music, on the other hand,
degrades us. (A) It’s the same with performances: a bad performance isn’t necessarily the result of
incompetence. Some of the worst performances occur when the performers, no matter how
accomplished, are thinking more of themselves than of the music they’re playing. . (C) These
doubtful characters aren’t really listening to what the composer is saying — they’re just showing
off, hoping that they’ll have a great ‘success’ with the public. The performer’s basic task is to try to
understand the meaning of the music, and then to communicate it honestly to others.
#14 문장삽입
When an ecosystem is biodiverse, wildlife have more opportunities to obtain food and shelter.
Different species react and respond to changes in their environment differently. For example,
imagine a forest with only one type of plant in it, which is the only source of food and habitat for
the entire forest food web. Now, there is a sudden dry season and this plant dies. Planteating
animals completely lose their food source and die out, and so do the animals that prey upon them.
But, when there is biodiversity, the effects of a sudden change are not so dramatic. Different species
of plants respond to the drought differently, and many can survive a dry season. Many animals have
a variety of food sources and don’t just rely on one plant; now our forest ecosystem is no longer
at the death!
#15 문장삽입 2
We are connected to the night sky in many ways. It has always inspired people to wonder and to
imagine. Since the dawn of civilization, our ancestors created myths and told legendary stories
about the night sky. Elements of those narratives became embedded in the social and cultural
identities of many generations. On a practical level, the night sky helped past generations to keep
track of time and create calendars — essential to developing societies as aids to farming and
seasonal gathering. For many centuries, it also provided a useful navigation tool, vital for commerce
and for exploring new worlds. Even in modern times, many people in remote areas of the planet
observe the night sky for such practical purposes.
#16 요약
The common blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis) has an amazing ability to move manganese from
one layer of soil to another using its roots. This may seem like a funny talent for a plant to have,
but it all becomes clear when you realize the effect it has on nearby plants. Manganese can be very
harmful to plants, especially at high concentrations. Common blackberry is unaffected by damaging
effects of this metal and has evolved two different ways of using manganese to its advantage. First,
it redistributes manganese from deeper soil layers to shallow soil layers using its roots as a small
pipe. Second, it absorbs manganese as it grows, concentrating the metal in its leaves. When the
leaves drop and decay, their concentrated manganese deposits further poison the soil around the
plant. For plants that are not immune to the toxic effects of manganese, this is very bad news.
Essentially, the common blackberry eliminates competition by poisoning its neighbors with heavy
-> The common blackberry has an ability to increase the amount of manganese in the surrounding
upper soil, which makes the nearby soil quite deadly for other plants