Vedic Astrology Yogas and Doshas
Vedic Astrology Yogas and Doshas
Vedic Astrology Yogas and Doshas
Yogas and
Doshas in vedic
Doshas in Vedic Astrology
Vipreet Raj Yoga({ 6th 8th 12th lord is placed in any of these
house ex:- 6th lord in 8th or 12th Dustana bhav} famous celebrities
having this yoga like Amitab Bachan, Lathamangeshkar,
Ranjinikanth, Rajeev Gandhi, person having this yoga has promise
of complete success, Fame, Gain, Triumph, Glory, leader, spiritual,
Cheerful, respectable career etc)
Yogas in Vedic Astrology
Panch Mahapurush
Yoga({Mars+Mercury+Venus+Shani+Jupiter} if a planet
occupy its own sign in mooltrikona or Ucha planet in Kendra this
yoga indicates highly auspicious, remarkable success, wish
fulfilling Happiness achievement etc)
Yogas and Doshas in Vedic Astrology