01 Instructors Guide

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Welcome to our journey together in achieving student development and success!

As we embark on this new semester, let us embrace this as an opportunity to develop our craft in
facilitating student achievement. The effectiveness of these courseware materials that we have provided
you is only as good as your commitment and passion in delivering them. May you always have the drive
to pursue academic excellence through activities—even going beyond courseware provided these are
aligned to learning objectives—that will continually challenge our students to tap their full potential!

We look forward to seeing you keep the fires of passion burning in making sure that our students
achieve success!

Yours in the service of student development,

Academic Research Group

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At the end of the topic session, the students should be able to:

LO1: Determine the concepts of how technologies emerge in the real

LO2: Analyze the potential application of various emerging
technologies in a wide variety of settings; and
LO3: Create reports on a topic of emerging technologies.


o Computer
o LCD projector
o File/s (01 Emerging Technologies)
• 01 LCD Slides 1.ppsx
• 01 Handout 1.pdf
• 01 Seatwork 1.pdf
• 01 Seatwork 2.pdf
• 01 Skills Checklist.pdf
• 01 Group Record 1.xlsx
• 01 Case Study Guidelines and Outline.pdf
• 01 Case Study Grading Rubric.pdf
o Software requirement
• MS PowerPoint
o Whiteboard marker and eraser


o The instructor is encouraged to research for materials that will

help supplement the topics in this session.
o Log on to eLMS to obtain a copy of IT1814 Syllabus and Course
Outline, 01 Handout 1, 01 Skills Checklist, and other files which
will be used in this session.
o Review 01 Handout 1. Check the handout together with the slide
presentation to ensure that topics will be discussed cohesively.
Some slides only contain images that support the content of the
handout. Thus, a careful review of related materials is required.
o Print enough copies of 01 Handout 1 for the students. For the
succeeding handouts, instruct the students to access and
download them from the eLMS.
o Encourage the students to take notes.

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o Provide additional examples other than the ones provided in the

handout and slides, if needed.
o Motivate the students to engage in all class activities and let
them feel they are important. Religiously follow all activities as
these are geared towards the achievement of the course learning
o Prepare printed copies of 01 Seatwork 1, 01 Seatwork 2, and 01
Case Study Guidelines and Outline for the activities.
o Anticipate possible questions that students might raise during
the discussion.


A. Introduction 30 min
B. Instructional Input
Overview of Emerging Technologies 60 min
a. Define emerging technology.
b. Define the characteristics of emerging technologies
and how they emerge.
Emerging Technology Areas 60 min
a. Introduce some emerging technologies and define
their potential applications.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution 60 min
a. Define what industrial revolution is, including its
four (4) stages.
b. Introduce technologies from the building blocks of
Industry 4.0.
C. Generalization 40 min
D. Assignment 50 min
Total duration 300 min


A. Introduction

1. Welcome the students to the class by briefly introducing yourself.

Afterward, show IT1814 – Syllabus and Course Outline and discuss
the following to guide the students about this course:
• Course description
• Course outcomes
• Course requirements
• Grading system
• Course outline

2. Remind the class that they would extensively be using the eLMS in
this course. It will be the source for their handouts and most of their

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activities. There will also be reviews and quizzes given only in the
eLMS, so they must ensure that their eLMS accounts are active. If
necessary, walk the students through the process of activating their
eLMS. The requirements in the eLMS will be part of their grade, such
Class Participation 20%
Task Performance 50%
Major Examination 30%

3. Tell the students the following:

• You may download the copy of the Syllabus and Course

Outline of this enrolled course on the eLMS;

• You can use the references on the Syllabus and Course

Outline to read more about this course; and

• Students who are enrolled in this course should have the

basic knowledge of basic programming and the
fundamentals of object-oriented programming (OOP).

4. Show 01 Skills Checklist 1. Tell the class that there is a checklist in

each period (preliminary, midterm, pre-final, and final). This checklist
will measure how well they have accomplished the goals set for the
preliminary period. It will be rated by their instructor.

Note: The accomplished checklist will be required for submission

before every major examination schedule.

5. Make sure that everything is clear to the students before proceeding

to the next discussion.

B. Instructional Input

Overview of Emerging Technologies

Slide 1 1. To start the discussion, show Slide 1 of 01 LCD Slides 1. Ask at least
three (3) students to define what emerging technologies are in their
own understanding.
What is an emerging
Note: Acknowledge and assess the answers coming from the class.

2. Tell the students the following statements:


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The term “emerging technology” has a considerable growing

interest in the area of research in the IT industry, market, and
academe. Emerging technology has different definitions for
different people. Some consider emerging technology as new

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technologies, while some define them as technologies of the

Slide 2 future. There are also people who consider them as
continuous innovation of previous technologies.
Emerging Technologies

 Overview of Emerging Technologies In this course, we will discuss what emerging technology is and
examine the characteristics of an emerging technology to
 Emerging Technology Areas
 The Fourth Industrial Revolution

consider how technology emerges in our world. I will introduce

some emerging technologies that are considered to reshape
Slide 3
Overview of Emerging Technologies
our daily lifestyle and industry in the near future.
Emerging Technologies

new innovation
3. Display Slide 2 and present the topic coverage. Define each subtopic
if necessary.

4. Show Slide 3. Explain the different considered definition of emerging
technologies. Refer students to Page 1 of 01 Handout 1.
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Slide 4
5. Show Slide 4. Define the five (5) characteristics of emerging
Overview of Emerging Technologies

technologies and how these emerge. Refer to Pages 1-2 of the
Relatively fast
growth impact
Radical novelty Emerging
Uncertainty and
ambiguity Steps 6–12
Activity: Group Activity

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Learning Objective(s): LO1

Slide 5 6. Display Slide 5. Divide the class into groups with four (4) members
Group Activity each. Then, distribute a copy of 01 Seatwork 1 to each group.
Material: 01 Seatwork 1
Instruction: Gather information and analyze the characteristics of
7. Instruct them to write their names on the file. Tell them that this
the assigned technology to your group. Then, provide a conclusion
on whether the technology should be considered as an emerging activity will help them analyze whether a certain technology should
technology or not. Lastly, provide explanation to each characteristic
of the technology.
be considered as an emerging technology or not. Select from the
topics below to assign to each group.

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Note: Depending on the number of groups, there might be two (2) or

more groups that will share the same topic, you may include
additional technology trends to assign to the groups.
a. Virtual reality
b. Internet of Things (IoT)
c. Virtual assistants (such as Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and
Google Assistant)
d. Big data
e. Blockchain technology
f. 5G technology

8. Ask each group to perform the following:

• Write the technology assigned to their group on the
• Gather information about the technology assigned to them;

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• Analyze the information about the technology if it can be an

emerging technology or not by determining its
• Evaluate and explain each characteristic of the technology;
• Create a conclusion based on the defined explanations on the
characteristics if it should be considered as an emerging
technology or not.
• Students may use their smartphones to gather information
online about the technology.
• Encourage the students to contribute maximum
participation to their group.
• Students may use the following websites to read and gather
information about the technology:
o World Economic Forum – https://www.weforum.org/
o CNET– https://www.cnet.com/

9. Allot 20 minutes for the groups to perform the seatwork.

10. Call on at least three (3) groups to present their answers to the class.
Process their answers using the following questions:
a. Explain the analyzed characteristics of the technology
assigned to your group.
b. Is the technology considered as an emerging technology?
Why or why not?

Note: Acknowledge and assess the answers coming from the class.
Provide comments and recommendations to the students about their

11. Use the following rubric for grading the output and the presentation
of each group:

Criteria 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points
Organization The key points The key points The key points The key points
and logical were not were poorly were partially were clearly
flow of identified and identified and identified but identified and
analysis supported supported were supported with
(×2) with a well with a well supported with a well thought
thought out thought out a well thought out rationale
rationale rationale out rationale based on the
based on the based on the based on the data provided.
data provided. data provided. data provided.
Conclusions There were no Provided a Provided a Provided
(×2) provided data poor amount considerable specific data or
or facts to of data or amount of facts to

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support the facts to data or facts to support the

conclusion. support the support the conclusion.
conclusion. conclusion.
Presentation Only one (1) Only a few of Some of the All group
(×2) member of the group group members are
the group is members are members are active in the
active in the active in the active in the presentation,
presentation. presentation. presentation, showcasing a
showcasing a comprehensive
comprehensive knowledge of
knowledge of their work.
their work.
TOTAL 30 points

12. Collect the seatwork of each group for grading and recording. Return
their seatwork as their reference or reviewer once their scores are
Slide 6 recorded.
Emerging Technology Areas

Augmented Reality (AR) 13. Ask the students if they have any clarifications before proceeding to
the next topic.

Emerging Technology Areas


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Slide 7
1. Flash Slides 6–8. Introduce some of the emerging technologies
Emerging Technology Areas defined by the World Economic Forum. Define what the potentials of
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
these emerging technologies are. Refer to Page 2 of the handout.

Note: Emerging technologies change every year.

2. Encourage the students to read news about emerging technologies.


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Tell them they can read the latest news about emerging technologies
Slide 8
Emerging Technology Areas on these links:
Quantum Computers
• World Economic Forum – https://www.weforum.org/
• CNET – https://www.cnet.com/
IBM’s 50 qubit quantum computing
Google’s Bristlecone Quantum
Processor Steps 3–8
Activity: Group Activity

system CCjE9llNHAAD3YWuWXCZCRXpeq6kW4FuE_pPA1TiXxDkpNzQsWiW66zQQ=h800

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Learning Objective(s): LO2

Slide 9
Group Activity
3. Display Slide 9. Using the groupings from the previous activity,
Material: 01 Seatwork 2 distribute a copy of 01 Seatwork 2 to each group.
Instruction: Analyze the potential applications of the assigned
technology to your group in the area of business, education, health,

4. Instruct them to write their names on the sheet. Tell them that this
and society. Provide a draft for how the defined potentials can be
implemented on those areas.

Property of STI IT1814

activity will exercise them to analyze the potential application of
cutting-edge technologies in different areas. Select from the topics
below to assign to each group.
Note: Depending on the number of groups, there might be two (2) or
more groups that will have the same topic. Thus, additional
technology trends may be added to lessen having identical topics.

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a. Augmented reality (AR)

b. Virtual reality (VR)
c. Machine learning
d. Internet of Things (IoT)
e. Quantum computers
f. Cloud computing

5. Ask each group to perform the following:

• Write the technology assigned to their group on the

• Gather information about the technology assigned to them;
• Provide potential application of the technology on four (4)
different areas: business, education, health, and society; and
• Provide a recommendation of how the potential application
of technology can be implemented in a specific area. Include
hardware devices, software, facilities, etc. on the
• Students may use their smartphones to gather information
about the technology online.
• Encourage the students to contribute maximum
participation in their group.
• Students may use the following websites to read and gather
information about the technology:
o World Economic Forum – https://www.weforum.org/
o CNET – https://www.cnet.com/

6. Allot 20 minutes for the groups to perform the seatwork.

7. Call on at least three (3) groups to present their answers to the class.
Process their answers using the following questions:
a. Explain the potential of their assigned technology in the area
of business, education, health, or society.
b. How can this potential application be implemented?

Note: Acknowledge and assess the answers coming from the class.
Provide comments and recommendations to the students about their

8. Use the following rubric for grading the output and the presentation
of each group.

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Criteria 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points
Organization and The key points were The key points The key points were The key points were
logical flow of not identified and were poorly partially identified clearly identified
analysis supported with a identified and but were supported and supported with
(×2) well thought out supported with a with a well thought a well thought out
rationale based on well thought out out rationale based rationale based on
the data provided. rationale based on on the data the data provided.
the data provided. provided.
Recommendations There were no Provided a poor Provided a Provided specific
(×2) provided data or amount of data or considerable data or facts to
facts to support the facts to support amount of data or support the
recommendations. the facts to support the recommendations.
recommendations. recommendations.
Presentation Only one (1) Only a few of the Some of the group All group members
(×2) member of the group members members are active are active in the
group is active in are active in the in the presentation, presentation,
the presentation. presentation. showcasing a showcasing a
comprehensive comprehensive
knowledge of their knowledge of their
work. work.
TOTAL 30 points

9. Collect each group’s seatwork for grading and recording. Return their
seatwork as their reference or reviewer once their scores are

10. Ask for any clarifications before proceeding to the next topic.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

1. Tell the students the following statements:

Slide 10
The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Every technology has corresponding impacts in our life, in
Stages of Industrial Revolution businesses, in the environment, and in the government among
others. As a BSIT, BSCS, or BSIS student, you need to recognize
Industry 4.0

Industry 1.0
Industry 2.0
Industry 3.0
Automated production,
computers, IT-systems, and
Cyber physical systems,
Internet of Things (IoT), and
the technologies that have an enormous impact and that
change the way our industry operates.
Mass production, assembly networks
Mechanization, steam robotics
power, and hydropower line, and electricity

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In this topic, we will discuss the industrial revolutions and its


2. Display Slide 10. Define what industrial revolution is, as well as its
Slide 11 four (4) stages. Refer to Page 2 of the handout for information.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution

3. Flash Slide 11. Introduce some of the technologies from the building
Cloud computing Internet of Things (IoT) blocks of Industry 4.0. Refer to Page 3 of the handout.
Industry 4.0
4. Encourage the students to read news about the Fourth Industrial
Big data
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Augmented Reality
Revolution. Tell them that they can read the latest news about it on
this link:


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Slide 12 5. Display the links on Slide 12. Encourage the students to browse and
read news about cutting-edge and emerging technologies, as well as

Read news about cutting-edge and emerging

on the updates about industry 4.0.

technologies on the following links:
• World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/
• CNET: https://www.cnet.com/

Read news about Industry 4.0 on the following links:

• World Economic Forum:
6. Ask for any clarifications before closing the topic.

C. Generalization

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Steps 1–5
Tool: eLMS (Neo - LMS)
Learning Objective: LO1 and LO2

Slide 13 1. Display Slide 13. To assess the students’ understanding of the topic,
eLMS Quiz
facilitate an activity through the eLMS.
Answer 01 eLMS Activity 1

under the Emerging Technologies
module. 2. Log on to the eLMS and give 01 eLMS Activity 1 to the students under
the Emerging Technologies module.

3. For the laboratory session, ask the students to log on to their eLMS

Property of STI IT1814

account and answer 01 eLMS Activity 1.

4. Give them ample time to perform the activity.

5. View their scores, along with the summary of their answers, on the
eLMS. Discuss each item so that they understand the questions

D. Assignment
Steps 1–10
Activity: Group Activity
Learning Objective(s): LO1, LO2, and LO3
Slide 14

1. Show Slide 14. Group the students with four (4) members each. The
Download 02 Handout 1 under
the Requirements Analysis and assigned groupings from the previous activities may also be used.
Modeling module.

2. Tell the students that their final assigned groupings will be their
Property of STI IT1814
groupings for the activities and case studies for the whole period of
this course.

3. Assign names for each group so that they will easily be recognized.

4. Record the names of the groups and members using 01 Group

Record 1. This file will be used for recording their selected topics for
the succeeding periods (midterms, pre-finals, and finals).

5. Once the students are arranged by group, provide each group a copy
of 01 Case Study Guidelines and Outline. Tell the students that they
can download this file on their eLMS under the Emerging
Technologies module.

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6. Tell them the following statements:

Ideas and innovations being developed today will become the

technologies used daily in our future society. As a BSIT, BSIS,
or BSCS student, you should know the current trends and
acquire the knowledge base to explore the applicability of
cutting-edge and emerging technologies on business, society,
education, and more.

For you to practice reviewing, analyzing, and evaluating a

technology trend, you will be having a group case study every
period on this course.

This activity involves selecting cutting-edge or emerging

technology for detailed analysis and scanning the research
materials and other related literature about a certain

Here are the suggested topic areas to research on:

• Artificial Intelligence (AI) • Augmented Reality (AR)
• Machine Learning • Virtual Reality (VR)
• Robotics • Mixed Reality (MR)
• Cloud Computing • Quantum Computers
• Internet of Things (IoT) • Data Mining
• Big Data

Note that technology or innovation should not be older than

four (4) years. Select an area of technology to analyze the
potential application in different settings—for instance,
business, health, society, and education.

Note: The students may choose other cutting-edge or emerging

technology topics as long as the technology or innovation is not older
than four (4) years.

7. Refer to Page 1 of 01 Case Study Guidelines and Outline and remind

the students that they can use the readings from the provided links
of digital libraries as reference.

8. Discuss how the case study will be graded using 01 Case Study
Grading Rubric. When checking the case studies, use this grading
rubric and attach it on their checked papers. Provide comments that
will help the students understand what area of their papers they
need to improve on. The scores of their case studies will serve as one
(1) of the component their grade in task performances for each
period, which is 50% of the total grade.

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9. Give the students a specific timeline (date and time) to select and
create a topic for the prelim period including submission. Record the
selected title of the students on 01 Group Record 1.

10. Give the students another specific timeline (date and time) to submit
their case studies. Encourage them to read the guidelines of the case
study carefully and to have a group study so they can brainstorm
Slide 15 ideas.

Download 02 Handout 1 under

11. Ask for any clarifications about the discussion.
the Requirements Analysis and
Modeling module.
12. Show Slide 15. Ask the students to log on to their eLMS account and
download 02 Handout 1 under the Requirements Analysis and
Modeling module for the next session.

Property of STI IT1814

Artificial Intelligence (n.d.). In TechTarget. Retrieved from

Augmented Reality (n.d.). In Techopedia. Retrieved from


Big Data Analytics (n.d.). In Webopedia. Retrieved from


Boston Consulting Group (n.d.). Rediscovering growth. Retrieved from


Cann, O. (2018). These are the top 10 emerging technologies of 2018

[Web log post]. Retrieved from

Cloud Computing (n.d.). In Techtarget. Retrieved from


Desoutter Industrial Tools (n.d.). Industrial revolution – From industry 1.0

to 4.0 In Retrieved from

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Halaweh, M. (2013). Emerging technology: What is it?. Journal of

technology management & innovation, 8, 1-8. doi:

Internet of Things (IoT) (n.d.). In Techopedia. Retrieved from


Rotolo, D., Hicks, D., & Martin, B. (2015). What is an emerging

technology?. SPRU Working Paper Series, 44, 1-34. doi:

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