Entrep Reviewer
Entrep Reviewer
Entrep Reviewer
3. Economic environment - is mainly driven 8. Revolutionary Impact - If you think that the
by supply and demand forces. It is the same opportunity will most likely be the “next big
factor that drives the interest and foreign thing” or even a game-changer that will
exchange rates to fluctuate with the movement revolutionize the industry, then there is a big
of the market forces. potential for the chosen opportunity.
4. Ecological environment - includes all 9. Returns - It is a fact that products with low
natural resources and the ecosystem that costs of production and operations but are sold
defines the habitat of man, animals, plants, at higher prices will definitely yield the highest
and minerals. returns on investments. Returns can also be
intangible; meaning, they come in the form of
5. Technological environment - makes or high profile recognition or image projection.
breaks competing participants in any industry.
New scientific and technological discoveries 10. Relative Ease of Implementation - Will
often lead to the launch and commercialization the opportunity be relatively easy to implement
of new products with superior attributes or to for the entrepreneur or will there be a lot of
rendering the old ones obsolete. obstacles and competency gaps to overcome?