168414620966status of Margins - 28022023
168414620966status of Margins - 28022023
168414620966status of Margins - 28022023
Aurangabad 2x1500MVA,
2x315MVA, 400/220kV 0 0 1000 0 0 0 Overloading in 220kV downstream network.
765/400/220kV 765/400kV
Parli (New) 2x1500MVA, 700MW margin is available at 400kV level at Parli (New)
0 0 700 0 0 0
765/400kV 765/400kV S/s.
Total MAH: 0 2927 0 0 0 2927
Madhya Pradesh
Jabalpur PS 765/400 0 0 1000 0 0 0 765/400kV ICT overloading.
Status of margins available at existing ISTS substations (non RE) for proposed RE integration All figures are in MW (as on 28-02-2023)
3x1500MVA, 2x315MVA +
Seoni 765/400/220kV 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overloading in 220kV downstream network.
765/400kV 1x500MVA 400/220kV
765/400kV : 400/220 kV :
Fatehpur NIL 0 0 500 0 1
2x1500MVA; 2X315MVA
400/220 kV :
Mainpuri NIL 150 0 0 0 0
2x315MVA +500MVA
400/220 kV :
Sohawal NIL 100 0 0 0 0
765/400 kV :
Lucknow (new) NIL 0 500 0 0 0
765/400 kV :
Balia NIL 0 850 0 0 0 220kV Not available.
765/400 kV :
Bareilly(New) NIL 0 500 0 0 0
765/400 kV :
Varanasi NIL 0 500 0 0 0
Total UP 250 3600 500 0 1 4350
Total NR 1650 3950 1500 0 3 7100
Jeypore 500 0 0 0 0
Keonjhar 0 300 0 0 0 0
Pandiabil 0 400 0 0 0 0
Rengali 0 100 0 0 0 0
Angul 4x1500MVA 0 0 2500 0 0 0
Total Total Od: 1300 2500 0 0 0 3800
Chaibasa 0 400 0 0 0 0
Daltonganj 0 400 0 0 0 0
Additional 400MW would be available after
Ranchi 1x315MVA 800 400 0 0 commissioning of 3rd 400/220kV, 500MVA ICT at Ranchi
(expected by Feb 2023)
Ranchi (New) 2x1500MVA 0 0 900 0 0 0
Chandwa - - - - - - 0 900 0 0 0
Dhanbad 300
Total Total Jh: 1900 1800 400 0 0 4100
Status of margins available at existing ISTS substations (non RE) for proposed RE integration All figures are in MW (as on 28-02-2023)
All India
11602.76 20717 3184.8 1000 5 36504.56
The margins indicated at the exisiting ISTS substation may vary depending on network topology, Load-Generation balance, etc.
Status of margins available at Existing / Under Construction / Planned ISTS RE Pooling Stations for proposed RE integration All figures are in MW (as on 28-02-2023)
No further margin available for connectvity. 3275MW LTA has been granted at Bikaner
PS. Power flow is being influenced by LTA at Bikaner-II also. 600MW margin available
66.5 GW REZ & with planned 1x1500MVA, 765/400kV ICT (3rd) at Bikaner PS along with part of Phase-
Bikaner 765/400/220kV NR Rajasthan 2x1500 2x500 1x1500 1x500 1x1500 4825 3875 300 300 950
Beyond II system (Bikaner-II & onwards).Enhancement margins of 950MW (400kV) may
require additonal corridors beyond Bikaner-II PS/Bikaner-III PS. Bikaner-III PS and
onwards system is approved in NCT (24 months schedule) [expected Schedule-May'25]
No further margin available for connectvity. 2280 MW Connectivity and 1980MW LTA
Fatehgarh-III Section-I
66.5 GW REZ & has already been granted at 220kV level at Fatehgarh-III one section. 1980MW LTA
(erstwhile Ramgarh-II) NR Rajasthan 4x500 1x500 2280 2280
Beyond may be evacuated is with Phase-II system . Additional 300MW LTA (beyond 1980 MW)
can be evacuated based on transformer augmentation in Ph-III subject to approval.
No further margin available for connectvity. 4233MW LTA has been received/granted
Fatehgarh-III 66.5 GW REZ & at Fatehgarh-III (Section-ii). Margin available for LTA is with Phase-III scheme. Margin
NR Rajasthan 6x1500 5x500 5525 5525
Section-II 765/400/220kV Beyond is subject to 6x1500MVA, 765/400kV ICTs at Fatehgarh-III (part of Phase-III System).
Phase-III system is under bidding & envisaged by Dec'24 (tentative).
Status of margins available at Existing / Under Construction / Planned ISTS RE Pooling Stations for proposed RE integration All figures are in MW (as on 28-02-2023)
No further margin available for connectvity in Section-1. 730MW LTA has been
received/granted at 220kV level for evacuation with Ph-III . Evacuation Margin
available for additional 1330MW with Phase-III scheme. Phase-III system is under
Fatehgarh-IV (Section-1
NR Beyond 66.5GW Rajasthan 5X500 2060 2060 bidding & envisaged by Dec'24 (tentative). For evacuation of power beyond 1330MW,
additional transmisison system from Fatehgarh-IV (Section-2) is already evolved and to
be taken up with NCT for approval (for evacuation capacity of about 4 GW) [expcted
schedule by Sep'25]
Koppal PS has been closed for all purpose regarding grant of Connectivity to potential
5x500MVA, RE projects. LTA of 1540 MW has been granted at Koppal PS. Power transfer beyond
Koppal PS 400/220kV SR 66.5 GW REZ Karnataka 2500 2753.6 0 0 0 0
400/220kV 1200 MW from Koppal PS towards NEW Grid shall require Narendra-Pune 765kV D/c
line which is expected by Jul'24 (considering SPV transfer by Jan, 2023).
Status of margins available at Existing / Under Construction / Planned ISTS RE Pooling Stations for proposed RE integration All figures are in MW (as on 28-02-2023)
Gadag PS has been closed for all purposes regarding grant of Connectivity through
new bay to potential RE projects. LTA of 688 MW has been granted at Gadag PS.
5x500MVA, Power transfer is being influenced by RE generations at Koppal PS also. Further power
Gadag PS 400/220kV SR 66.5 GW REZ Karnataka 2500 2305 145 0 0 0
400/220kV transfer beyond 360 MW from Gadag PS towards NEW Grid shall require Narendra-
Pune 765kV D/c line which is expected by Jul'24 (considering SPV transfer by Jan,
2x500 MVA, 3x500 MVA, LTA of 420 MW has been granted at Karur PS with Narendra-Pune 765kV D/c line
Karur PS 400/230kV SR 66.5 GW REZ Tamil Nadu 2500 420 580 0 1500 0
400/230 kV 400/230 kV which is expected by Jul'24 (considering SPV transfer by Jan, 2023).
Kurnool-III PS Andhra 3x1500MVA, 9x500MVA,
SR 66.5 GW REZ 4500 0 4500 0 0 0
765/400/220kV Pradesh 765/400kV 400/220kV
Ananthapuram PS Andhra 7x500MVA,
SR 66.5 GW REZ 3500 0 3500 0 0 0 Ananthapuram PS and associated transmission system is under bidding stage.
400/220kV Pradesh 400/220kV
3x1500MVA, 5x500MVA,
Bidar PS 765/400/220kV SR 66.5 GW REZ Karnataka 2500 0 2500 0 0 0 Bidar PS and associated transmission system is under bidding stage.
765/400kV 400/220kV
Koppal-II PS 2x1500MVA, 4x500MVA, Pooling Station has been identified considering 1000 MW of BESS and is yet to be
SR 181.5 GW REZ Karnataka 2000 485 1515 0 0 0
765/400/220kV 765/400kV 400/220kV awarded for implementation (TBCB/RTM).
4x500MVA, Pooling Station has been identified considering 1000 MW of BESS and is yet to be
Gadag-II PS 400/220kV SR 181.5 GW REZ Karnataka 2000 830 1170 0 0 0
400/220kV awarded for implementation (TBCB/RTM).
Bhuj PS has been planned for evacuation of 4.5GW power from generation projects.
Presently, 3366MW capacity has been allocated at Bhuj PS. Additional margin of
634MW is available with Bhuj-II-Lakadia-Vadodara765kV corridor which has been
4x1500MVA, 8x500MVA, 1x500MVA, commissioned.
Bhuj PS WR GEC-I Gujarat 4500 3366 634 500
765/400kV 400/220kV 400/220kV
Further, with additional 9th 400/220kV ICT at Bhuj PS, additional 500MW can be
evacuated beyond 4000MW in case of injection at 220kV level. Above margin can also
be availed at 400kV level upon requirement.
700MW capacity has been allocated to GPCL at Radhanesda. With availability of Bhuj-II-
Radhanesda PS 2x500MVA, Lakadia-Vadodara765kV corridor which has been commissioned, 250MW margin is
WR GEC-II Gujarat 1000 700 250
400/220kV 400/220kV available on existing 2x500MVA, 400/220kV ICTs and Radhanesda-Banaskantha 400kV
D/c line (Twin AL-59).
Bhuj-II PS has been planned for evacuation of 2GW power from generation projects.
Presently, 1048.5MW capacity has been allocated at Bhuj-II PS. With the availability of
2x1500MVA, 4x500MVA,
Bhuj-II PS 765/400/220kV WR 66.5 GW REZ Gujarat 2000 1048.5 951.5 Bhuj-II-Lakadia-Vadodara765kV corridor which has been commissioned, additional
765/400kV 400/220kV
margin of 951.5MW is available. Above margin can also be availed at 400kV level upon
2x1500MVA, 4x500MVA,
Lakadia PS WR 66.5 GW REZ Gujarat 2000 0 2000 Lakadia PS has been planned for evacuation of 2GW power from generation projects.
765/400 400/220kV
Status of margins available at Existing / Under Construction / Planned ISTS RE Pooling Stations for proposed RE integration All figures are in MW (as on 28-02-2023)
Solapur PS has been planned for evacuation of 1.5GW power from generation
Solapur PS (1.5GW) WR 66.5 GW REZ Maharashtra 1500 0 1500 projects and is being taken up in ensuing NCT meeting.
5x500MVA, Wardha PS has been planned for evacuation of 2.5GW power from generation
Wardha PS WR 66.5 GW REZ Maharashtra 2500 2500
400/220kV projects.
Presently, 1923MW capacity has been allocated at Kallam PS at 220kV level and 66MW
66.5 GW REZ :1GW 4x500MVA, at 400kV level. No margin is available at 220kV level at Kallam PS. Transmission system
Kallam PS WR Maharashtra 2000 1922.6
181.5GW: 1GW 400/220kV for evacuation of 1GW power is under implementation and is expected by Jun'23 and
1GW scheme augmentation scheme is expected by Apr'24.
Pachora PS has been planned for evacuation of 2500MW power from generation
3x500MVA, 3x500MVA, projects. Pachora Ph-1 (1.5GW) system is under implementation with schedule as
Pachora PS (near Agar) WR 66.5 GW REZ MP 2500 1000 500 1000
400/220kV 400/220kV progressively by Nov'23 and Pachora Ph-2 (1GW) has been planned. Presently,
1000MW capacity has been allocated at Pachora PS and 1500MW margin is left.
Chhatarpur PS has been planned for evacuation of 1500MW power from generation
Chhatarpur PS WR 66.5 GW REZ MP 1500 0 1500 projects. Chhatarpur PS and associated system is currently under bidding stage with
schedule as 18 months from SPV transfer.
Neemuch PS has been planned for evacuation of 1GW power from generation projects
2x500MVA, and associated transmission system is expected to be be commissioned progressively
Neemuch PS WR 66.5 GW REZ MP 1000 500 500
400/220kV by Feb'24. Presently, 500MW capacity has been allocated at Neemuch PS and
500MW margin is left.
3x1500MVA, 5x500MVA, Mandsaur PS (near Neemuch) has been planned for evacuation of 2GW power from
Mandsaur PS WR 181.5 GW REZ MP 2000 0 2000
765/400kV 400/220kV generation projects.
Dhule PS WR 181.5 GW REZ Maharashtra 2000 0 2000 Dhule PS has been planned for evacuation of 2GW power from generation projects.
All India
138335 83607.2 20834 1300 16875 14595 53606
Capacity allocated and margins indicated above are w.r.t connectivity at a particular pooling station. Evacuation of power to grid would depend on the development of transmission corridor identified with respective generation project.