Project Experience List

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Project Experience List

Duration Voltage
Client Assignment name Main Deliverables/output Country Region Services
(Months) (kV)

Major expansion project. New 400/220kV

substation. Typical EPCM project, design,
Isang 400/220 kV substation integra- compiling of tender documents, tender evaluation EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Botswana Power Corporation 30 Botswana 440/220 kV
tion on behalf of BPC and providing all project agement and Site Supervision
management and construction supervision
services up to commissioning and handover.

BPC - Morupule B to Isang 400kv 420 km of 400kV line and associated substation EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Botswana Power Corporation 24 Botswana 400 kV
Line work agement and Site Supervision

In order to cater for load growth in the Lobatse

area, as well as improving the reliability of supply,
Botswana Power Corporation (BPC) decided to
install new 132 kV Transmission infrastructure
comprising:1. Woodhall 132/11 kV Substation (new 2
Mmakudumo Dam-Lobatse 50km
x 20 MVA substation with capability for 4 x 40MVA
132kV line, Woodhall (new) 132/11kV
Botswana Power Corporation transformers) 2. Lobatse 132/11 kV Substation 27 Botswana 132/11 kV Engineering
substation and Lobatse Substation
Extension (two new line bays and changes to
existing layout) 3. ± 48 km of 132 kV transmission
line linking Mmakudumo Dam Substation to
Lobatse Substation. 4. ± 2km of 132kV Double
Circuit turn-ins from Gaborone South-Lobatse
132kV line to new Woodhall Substation

Route Selection and Design for 44km of 66kV

Orapa / Botswana 66kv Overhead
Fluor Overhead Line, with special clearances required on 3 Botswana 66 kV Engineering
Line Route
the mine.

Engineering Grid Studies for the establishment of

o Thermal Project Developments in Botswana. A
staged development of the plant is considered to
meet demand in Botswana and/or export power
Mabesekwa Power Station Integra-
MuliloThermal - Botswana to South Africa. Initial installed capacity (gross) 5 Botswana 132 kV Engineering studies
tion Study
is proposed to be either a 2 x 150 MW = 300 MW
or a 2 x 300 MW/4 x 150 MW = 600 MW (design
decision still to be made). The studies include grid
integration of the power plant.

Determine the lines and substations that must

be built to export the energy generated at Inga III
Concept study for the BHP Billiton
(3200 MW as per Tractebel Study) to supply the
BHP Billiton Smelter and transmission system 5 DRC 500 kV Studies
smelter at Muanda and the mining loads in the
required by Inga III
Katanga; prepare a cost reflective tariff for each
supply point.
Duration Voltage
Client Assignment name Main Deliverables/output Country Region Services
(Months) (kV)

The Inga III Power Station will be a ‘run-of-river’

hydro-electric power station in the DRC. According
to the SNC Lavalin study it will be capable of
Inga III 4200 MW Power Station Inte- generating 4320 MW. The power will be used in
BNP Paribas 10 DRC 500 kV Technical Feasibility Study
gration the DRC for the mines and the domestic sector.
There was also the project of an aluminium
smelter at Muanda. The balance can be exported
to SAPP countries, including South Africa.

Ingérop is appointed by the Power Utility in the

DRC to rehabilitate two Hydro Power Stations. The
scope of work entailed design and refurbishment EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Ingerop Ruzizi 1 & 2 Inspection 7 DRC 220 kV
of existing aged Power Stations Ruzizi 1 and agement and Site Supervision
2 equipment including the two substations

Assistance to Ruashi for the negotiation of the

Finance Agreement, Admin Agreement and
the PPA with SNEL; The design, procurement,
construction & management of a 220/15kV plant
Ruashi 220 kV Substation & Transmis- substation at the copper mine to supply their EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Ruashi Mining 26 DRC 220 kV
sion Line new SX/EW process plant as well as their phase agement and Site Supervision
1 crusher and mining operation. The substation
included two 50MVA, 220/15kV transformers and
a 8km, 220kV overhead line from the utility to
supply the plant substation.

Supply of 200 MW from Inga power station to

Angola’s Cabinda Province. A 220 kV circuit had to
be installed on the vacant side of the 120 kV Inga- Technical Feasibility, Pre-Engineer-
SAF Energie Inga-Cabinda 7 DRC 220 kV
Boma line (150 km) and a new 220 kV line had to ing
be built from Boma to Cabinda. (70 km) plus a
220/15 kV substation at Muanda.

The design, construct & management of two

150MVA, 220/120kV transformers for NR substation.
SNEL Anvil Mining These transformers were installed at the new NR 26 DRC 220/120 kV EPCM
substation to strengthen the SNEL 120kV network
and to supply Anvil Mining’s new process plant.

The design and construction of the necessary 765

kV Transmission Line and Substation Infrastructure
Power Grid & National Thermal Pow-
Power Grid & National Thermal Pow- to evacuate 3600 MW from the NTPC Super Power
er Corporation of India 765 kV substa- 20 India 765 kV Engineering
er Corporation of India Station into the transmission grid of Power Grid
Corporation and the establishment of 765 kV as
new backbone transmission voltage in India.

Design approximately 1.6 km line deviation route

EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
PT Newmont Indonesia 150 kV Line Deviation of the existing 150kV power line and perform 27 Indonesia 150 kV
agement and Site Supervision
Construction Management

Constructing 132 kV DC line from Erbil – Qara

Qosh – Debis during USA operation Desert Storm. Engineering, Construction Man-
USACE, CETAC III (Fluor) Restoration of Iraqi Electricity 3 Iraq 132 kV
Project received highest award from US CE for agement
project execution.
Duration Voltage
Client Assignment name Main Deliverables/output Country Region Services
(Months) (kV)

Consulting Services to the Oyu Tolgoi Mining

company in the South Gobi Desert of Mongolia.
The services included the design review of Power
System Studies for the interconnection between
China and the mine site in Mongolia to inter
alia identify performance criteria, line capacities,
equipment ratings, MVAr compensation
Oyu Tolgoi LLC 220 kV Interface with IMPC requirements for SVC and harmonic filters, 3 Mongolia 220/35 kV Engineering
including protection and control plant. Review
of Substation equipment and Power transformer
specifications for the 220/35 kV substations
feeding the mining complex. Site inspection to
verify correct installation according to the design
specifications and safety requirements. The
duration of this assignment was for three months.

Route Selection and Design for the new upgrade

Maputo Upgrade 66 kV and 275 kV of the Maputo Electricity network. New 275kV and
Electricidade De Mozambique 15 Mozambique 66/275 kV Consulting
Overhead lines and cable routes 66kV overhead lines. New 275kV and 66kV cable

Trans Africa Projects was requested to complete

the Overhead Powerline designs for all upgrades
Electricidade De Mozambique Maputo Grid Strengthening 4 Mozambique 66 kV Consulting
to the Maputo grid in line with their 20 year
upgrade strategy

Maputo Substation: Add 1 x 400MVA, 400/275kV

Transformer including transformer bay. Install
275kV double busbar for 5 bays, including a 275kV
line bay, Bus Coupler and 3 spare bays and convert
Maputo & Infulene Substation Up-
Electricidade De Mozambique the existing 275kV busbar (4 bays) to double 29 Mozambique 400 kV EPCM
busbar. Infulene Substation: Replace an existing
60MVA transformer with a 250MVA, 275/66kV
transformer, including primary and secondary

The EPCM services for the normalization of the

Quelimane – Mocuba 220kV single circuit, Twin
Condor ACSR line on self-supporting steel lattice
structures, which traverses from the town of
Restoration of the 220kV Transmis-
Mocuba, south to Quelimane in the Zambezia EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Electricidade De Mozambique sion line section devastated by floods 6 Mozambique 220 kV
province of Mozambique. During the rainy season agement and Site Supervision
at Mocuba in Zambezia province
in January 2015, the powerline was damaged by
flooding in the Mocuba area where the line crosses
the Rio Licungo River. In total eight structures
were damaged over 3.5km of line length.

To normalize the Quelimane – Mocuba 220kV

single circuit, Twin Condor ACRS line on self-
supporting steel lattice structures. In total
eight structures were damaged over 3.5km of
EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Electricidade De Mozambique Mocuba Emergency Line Restoration line length. The final solution for the proposed 12 Mozambique 220 kV
agement and Site Supervision
restoration include 2 x pile foundations on
extended tower structures to cross the Rio Licungo
River. A slight route deviation has been approved
to reduce outage durations during commissioning.
Duration Voltage
Client Assignment name Main Deliverables/output Country Region Services
(Months) (kV)

Design and construction supervision of new

Infulene - Matola Gare 66kV 14km line including
upgrade of existing line from 38MVA thermal
limit to 120MVA. Upgrade of existing Matola Gare
Infulene Matola Gare Beluluane 66kV EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Electricidade De Mozambique – Beluluane 7km line to 120MVA. Design and 24 Mozambique 66 kV
lines. Upgrade of the network agement and Site Supervision
Integration of new 66kV line bay and 66/33 kV
40MVA Transformer bay at Matola Gare. Design
and construct 33kV extension of 66kV Busbar for
additional eight 33kV feeders.

Trans Africa Projects was requested to complete

Hidroelectrica De Cahora Bassa 535 kV Engineering, Construction Man-
Cahora Bassa emergency repair an emergency design for the failure of the HCB 2 Mozambique
(HCB) HVDC agement
Cahora Bassa powerline.

During January 2013 the Limpopo River came

down in flood. This flooding destroyed a tower
on the East Pole of the 533kV HVDC link between
Cahora Bassa and Apollo converting station.
TAP was asked to provide immediate/temporary
Hidroelectrica De Cahora Bassa Strengthening of River Crossings on
repairs to restore the line to service. After the line 15 Mozambique 533 kV EPCM
(HCB) Cahora Bassa HVDC Line
was returned to service HCB requested that this
and other line crossings be re-built in a more
robust manner to prevent similar failures from
occurring in the future. The crossings are those
over the Limpopo, Nuanetse and Save Rivers.

This flooding destroyed a tower on the East Pole

of the 533kV HVDC link between Cahora Bassa
Strengthening of River Crossings on EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Hydro-Cahora Bassa (HCB) and Apollo converting station. TAP was asked to Mozambique 533 kV
Cahora Bassa HVDC Line agement and Site Supervision
provide immediate/temporary repairs to restore
the line to service.

Repair of four 110kV Structures at the Meluli river EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Kenmare Moma Mining Kenmare Moma Mining 12 Mozambique 110 kV
crossing agement and Site Supervision

Kenmare Moma Mining (Mauritius) Kenmare 110KV HV Line repair, Meluli Repair of four 110kV Structures at the Meluli river EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Mozambique 110 kV
Pty Ltd. river crossing crossing agement and Site Supervision

Extension of the existing Motraco 400/132 kV

Transmission system in order to supply the second
potline of the Mozal aluminium smelter in Maputo.
The extent of the additional requirements was
determined by TAP studies and comprised an Engineering, Construction Man-
Motraco Motraco Mozal II Extension 17 Mozambique 400/132 kV
additional transformer feeder bay at Maputo agement
Substation, Series and Shunt Capacitor Banks and
an additional 132 kV transmission line between
Maputo 400/275/132 kV substation and Mozal

Project consists of a new 220kV substation with

7 bays for NamPower next to the existing Khan
Engineering, Construction Man-
NamPower Khan 220 kV substation substation. This substation will function as a 26 Namibia 220 kV
switch station on the NamPower grid and the new
Uramin mine will be fed from this substation.
Duration Voltage
Client Assignment name Main Deliverables/output Country Region Services
(Months) (kV)

The project is required to link the network of

Namibia with the network of Zambia, as well as
350 kV, 950 km, Zambezi-Gerus
NamPower ultimately with Zimbabwe. Due to the remoteness 18 Namibia 350 kV Engineering
HVDC Line Engineering
of the area, a 350 kV HVDC link of 950 km provides
the best techno-economic solution.

The project is required to link the network of

Zambezi & Gerus 400 kV AC Substa-
NamPower Namibia with the network of Zambia, as well as 18 Namibia 400 kV Engineering
tions Engineering
ultimately with Zimbabwe.

220kV Van Eck - Walvis Bay Transmission Line

220 kV Van Eck – Walvis Bay Trans- with a total length of 320 km connecting Van Eck Engineering and Project Manage-
NamPower 23 Namibia 220 kV
mission Line Power Station to the new Kuiseb substation and ment
existing Walmand substation.

Development of Out of Step Tripping Protection

schemes for the NamPower Transmission Network,
OST & West 220kV Feeder Protection EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
NamPower review of Feeder Protection Schemes developed 24 Namibia 220 kV
Refurbishment agement and Site Supervision
by a third party and refurbishment of eight 220kV
Feeder Protection Schemes in Namibia

The establishment of a two substations near Rosh

Engineering, Project Management,
Pinah in Namibia for the electrical supply to the 400/132/11
NamPower NamPower Skorpion Project 16 Namibia Construction Management, Com-
new Skorpion Zinc Mine, namely Obib Substation kV
(400/132kV) and Skorpion Substation (132/11kV)

The establishment of a new 400kV Transmission

Line from Kokerboom Substation near Engineering, Procurement, Project
NamPower Kokerboom – Obib 400
NamPower Keetmanshoop to Obib Substation near Rosh 17 Namibia 400 kV Management, Construction Man-
kV Transmission System
Pinah in Namibia and a new 400kV Feeder Bay at agement
Kokerboom Substation

Project consists of four substations (one x

220/132/33kV and three x 132/33kV subs) and
Trekkopje Mine Integration into Nam- Engineering, Construction Man-
UraMin Namibia (Pty) Ltd 105km of 220kV and 132kV transmission lines 26 Namibia 220/132 kV
Power Network agement
to integrate Areva’s Trekkopje mine into the
NamPower transmission network.

The installation of capacitor banks on the

National Electric Power Authority Nigeria System Compensation NEPA transmission system to provide required 17 Nigeria 330 kV Consulting

Eskom portion of Substation and 5.5km Double Republic of South EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Abiensa/Abengoa !Khi! Solar 15 132 kV
Circuit 132 kV Line Turn-in Africa agement and Site Supervision

Construct the HV Yard for the new gas powered

Kuvaninga Generation integration power station, as well as the 110 kV HV line Republic of South EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
ADC - Independent Power Producer 11 110 kV
into the national grid between Kuvaninga power station and Lionde Africa agement and Site Supervision

IPP and Eskom portion of Substation and 40km

Republic of South
AVENG EPC Gouda Wind Double Circuit 132 kV Line from Windmill SS to 26 132 kV EPCM
Labonne SS
Duration Voltage
Client Assignment name Main Deliverables/output Country Region Services
(Months) (kV)

132kV Substation design for 140MW wind farm. Republic of South

Building Energy Roggeveld Wind 9 132 kV Engineering
132kV Line design (6km) Africa

Two x 140MW wind farms connected to the Eskom

Mainstream IPP : Khobab & Loeries- Republic of South
CONCO Transmission network at Helios substation via 2 x 5 132 kV Engineering
fontein 140 MW Wind Generation Africa
132kV Lines.

Services: Station electric design drawings; key

plan design drawings; asset specifications;
concept design engineering reports; concept
Eskom Medupi Power Station: Elec-
design reviews; foundation designs; steelwork
trical and civil substation engineering
marking design and drawings; bailout design and
design, detailing and integration of
schedules; earth wire arrangement design and Republic of South 400 kV, 765 EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 756kV, 400kV, and 132kV substations: 36
drawings; terrace design and drawings; drainage Africa kV agement and Site Supervision
Design projects: Total of 14 Projects
design and drawings; substation road design
and Integration Projects: Total of 39
and drawings; transformer plinth design and
drawings; equipment and main steelwork design
and drawings; detail design engineering reports;
reviews and verification

Services: Profiling and review of all line crossings;

Structural checks, constructability analysis and
Kusile Power Station 400 kV Designs report; electrical design work; hardware solution Republic of South EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 12 400 kV
for Line Integrations: design and review; conceptual foundation designs Africa agement and Site Supervision
and checks; insulation coordination and design;
design leader; site visits; and project co-ordinator.

1)     Complete prelim design phase, which

comprised compilation of project concepts and
associated costs, followed by approvals at local
Eskom (ECOU) FSOW, TEC and PIC forums to final
DRA approval. 2)     Complete detailed design
phase, which entailed completion of all applicable
design detail (drawings and documentation)
incorporated in the production of a Final Design
Package (FDP) encompassing both Power and
Control Plant information necessary for the
establishment of the asset. 3)     The Kouga Republic of South
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Kouga 132kV Switching Station 19 132 kV Engineering
132kV Switching Station basically comprised the Africa
following scope of work; i.        A double 132kV
busbar c/w with bus-coupler bay      ii.        One
fully equipped 132kV “Melkhout” line bay c/w with
breaker by-pass facility   iii.        Provision for a
future 132kV line bay c/w with overhead stringer
(future breaker by-pass) iv.  Two “incomer” bays c/w
overhead interface stringers to the WEF substation
yard to facilitate the evacuation of the generated
energy into Eskom’s grid. v. A complete substation
building to Eskom (ECOU) standards
Duration Voltage
Client Assignment name Main Deliverables/output Country Region Services
(Months) (kV)

The scope was to compile a complete Line Design

Package for a 93km Twin Tern Double Circuit
Grassridge/Kudu/Sunnyside/ Melk- 132kV line rebuild with OPGW and associated Republic of South
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 11 132 kV Engineering
hout 132kV Double Circuit line ADSS, using 247 Steel Lattice structures with Africa
line designation of Grassridge/Kudu/Sunnyside/

Profiling and review of all line crossings; Structural

Design and detailing of 400kV, 765kV reviews, constructability analysis and report; Solo assignment: EPCM - Engineer-
Republic of South 400 kV, 765
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd and 400/132kV multi circuit tower electrical design work; hardware solution design 36 ing, Project Management and Site
Africa kV
extension in sugar cane areas. and review; conceptual foundation designs and Supervision
checks; insulation coordination and design

Solo assignment: EPCM - Engineer-

Muldersvlei Plattekloof 132 kV Line Upgrade/replace 27km of existing 132 kV single Republic of South
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 39 132kV ing, Project Management and Site
upgrade circuit line with a new double circuit 132 kV Line. Africa

Upgrade 66:11kV Blackheath SS to 132:66:11 KV

Blackheath Substation Upgrade with Republic of South
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Substation. Develop new Line turn-ins at 132 kV 12 132 kV Engineering
new line turn ins Africa
from Bluedowns-Stikland 132 kV Line

Groblershoop Substation and 132 kV New 132 kV Substation and 22km Single Circuit 132 Republic of South
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 12 132 kV Engineering
Line kV Line from Garona MTS to Groblershoop Africa

Develop a 20 year Sub-Transmission Masterplan Republic of South

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Emphageni Masterplan 19 132 kV Consulting
(132 kV networks) for the identified area Africa

Develop a 20 year Masterplan for the Witbank Republic of South

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Witbank Masterplan 19 132 kV Consulting
Distribution area of Eskom Africa

A brown-fields project for the upgrading (from

single circuit 66kV to double circuit 132kV) of
80km’s of power line from Blanco SS (George)
Republic of South
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Blanco-Knysna 132kV Upgrade to Knysna SS in the environmentally sensitive 55 132 kV EPCM
Southern Cape of South Africa. This included turn-
ins and temporary bypass design to ensure that 6
en-route substations maintained supply.

Establish a 132/22kV, 2 x 20MVA Loop In/Out

substation with 6 x 22kV breakers in the vicinity
of Mzintlava substation. Mzintlava NB11 and
Mzintlava Substation Establishment, NB13 are to be fed from 2 of the bays with a 3rd
Republic of South
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Dismantle Existing Substation and accommodating the Kokstad NB3 conversion. The 46 132/22 kV Engineering
Turn in Lines 3 remaining bays are to be used for surrounding
electrification. Build approx. 500m 132kV turn in
lines with two towers. Dismantle existing Mzintlava

765 kV Expansion Mercury-Perseus

765 kV line, Hydra-Perseus 765 kV The construction of 1450 km of 765 kV lines by
Republic of South Engineering, Construction Super-
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd line, Mercury-Zeus 765 kV line, Be- Eskom to expand their transmission system in the 17 765 kV
Africa vision
ta-Hydra-Gamma-Kappa-Omega 765 central part of the country.
kV lines
Duration Voltage
Client Assignment name Main Deliverables/output Country Region Services
(Months) (kV)

Duvha-Leseding 400 kV Transmission Duvha-Leseding 400kV transmission line ± 205km Republic of South Engineering, Construction Man-
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 38 400 kV
Line long Africa agement

The construction of 210 km, 765 kV line by Eskom

765 kV Expansion Majuba-Umfolozi Republic of South
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd to expand their transmission system in the Kwa- 34 765 kV Engineering
765 kV line Africa
Zulu Natal Province.

The construction of four new portions of 765 kV

765 kV Expansion Beta-Hydra-Gam- lines by Eskom (totalling 700 km) to expand their Republic of South
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 48 765 kV Engineering
ma-Kappa-Omega 765 kV lines transmission system throughout the Western Africa

The Construction of the Palmiet-Stikland 400 kV Republic of South Engineering, Procurement, Project
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Palmiet-Stikland 400 kV Line 12 400 kV
Line, 50 km in length Africa Management

The Construction of the Spencer Tabor 275 kV Line, Republic of South Engineering, Procurement, Project
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Spencer Tabor 275 kV Line 12 275 kV
86 km in length. Africa Management

Design the Firgrove-Lourensrivier 132kV double

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Distribu- Firgrove-Helderberg-Lourensrivier 132 circuit line (7.1 km long). The project included the Republic of South
12 132 kV Engineering, Project Management
tion kV Double Circuit Line design of the 276 tower series (132kV double circuit Africa
– twin Kingbird conductors).

Design the Sir Lowry’s Pass- Storage double circuit

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Distribu- Sir Lowry’s Pass – Storage 132/ 66 kV Republic of South
line (9.5km long). One circuit to be run at 132kV 12 132/66 kV Engineering, Project Management
tion Double Circuit Africa
and the other at 66kV.

A green-fields project of a 30km power line

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd/GDF SUEZ Republic of South
Aurora-Fransvlei 132kV Line for connection of a 2.0MW wind farm in the 12 132 kV EPCM
Energy Southern Africa Africa
Vredenberg area of the Western Cape.

The engineering, project management,

supervision and control of contract E8960 for
Republic of South
eThekwini Municipality eThekwini Electricity the supply, delivery and erection of materials for 42 132/275 kV Engineering
the refurbishment of various 132kV and 275kV
overhead transmission lines.

Eskom portion of Substation and 33km Double Republic of South

GDF Suez/Moyeng West Coast One Wind 12 132 kV Engineering, Consulting
Circuit 132 kV Line from Aurora to Fransvlei. Africa

132kV Overhead Powerline designs for the CPV 1

Republic of South
Group 5 CPV1 Touwsrivier Powerline Design concentrated solar power plant. Eskom self-build 3 132/22 kV EPCM

140MW wind farm with associated substation,

connected via a S/C 132kV Line to the Eskom
Mainstream : Independent Power Kagnas - IPP Generation integration Republic of South EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Transmission network at a new 220:132kV 5 132 kV
Producer into National grid at 132 kV Africa agement and Site Supervision
Substation (next to the existing) Nama-Gromis
220kV Line).

110MW wind farm with associated substation,

Mainstream : Independent Power Perdekraal East - IPP Generation inte- Republic of South EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
connected via a 10km S/C 132kV Line to the Eskom 5 132 kV
Producer gration into National grid at 132 kV Africa agement and Site Supervision
Transmission KAPPA Substation.
Duration Voltage
Client Assignment name Main Deliverables/output Country Region Services
(Months) (kV)

Engineering studies and high level design for the

Suurplaat 300 MW Wind Energy Fa- Republic of South
Moyeng Energy integration of a 300MW wind farm into the South 5 132/400 kV Studies, Engineering
cility Integration Africa
African Grid

Trans Africa Projects was requested to complete

Republic of South
Moyeng Energy Rheboksfontein Powerline Design the Overhead Powerline designs for grid 3 132 kV Engineering
connection of the Rheboksfontein wind farm

The projects are: • Sirius Solar PV Project 1 (75 MW,

Solar Plant integration into the South Republic of South EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-
Scatec Independent Power Producer PV Project), • Dyason’s Klip 1 (75 MW, PV Project), • 18 132 kV
Africa National grid. Africa agement and Site Supervision
Dyason’s Klip 2 (75 MW, PV Project)

Route Selection and Design for 132kV Overhead Republic of South

Sishen Mine/ DRA 132 kV Overhead Line Route 2 132 kV Engineering
Line, with special clearances required on the mine Africa

EPCM - Engineering, Project Man-

Swaziland Electricity Company Lozitha 132kV Line Relocation Relocation of a 132kV power line. 8 Swaziland 132kV
agement and Site Supervision

Network integration studies and high level

engineering for the South African Power pool. The Technical specialist for bankable
SAPP - Mozambique, Zimbabwe,
MoZiSa - Bankable feasibility Studies MoZiSa project aims to interconnect the National 16 Zimbabwe 400 kV feasibility studies. In association
South Africa
Grids of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South with KPMG, Norton Rose and GIBB

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