MATH 9 WEEK 2 LP Final

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F&E De Castro Village, Aniban V, Bacoor City, Cavite


S.Y. 2023 - 2024

Subject & Level: Grade 9 Mathematics

Date: September 4 – 8, 2023
DAYS/TIME Mon. Tue. Wed. (12:00 – 12:50) Thu. (2:10 – 3:00) Fri. (11:10 – 12:00)
TOPIC Quadratic equations Solving quadratic equations by Solving quadratic equations by Solving quadratic equations by Solving quadratic equations by
extracting their roots factoring completing the square quadratic formula
1. Write quadratic equations in 1. Familiarize numbers that are 1. Recall the different 1. Recall the 1. Derive the quadratic by
standard form. perfect squares. techniques in factoring. completing the square.
2. Identify the quadratic term, 2. Identify equations that can 2. Solve quadratic equations by 2. Identify the a, b, and c of a
linear term and constant be solved by extracting their factoring and using the Zero quadratic equation.
Objectives/ term of a quadratic roots. Product Theorem. 3. Solve quadratic equations by
Outcomes equation. 3. Solve quadratic equation by 3. Identify the roots of the quadratic formula.
3. Distinguish a complete extracting their roots. quadratic equation by
quadratic equation from an factoring.
incomplete quadratic
Recall Students will list all the perfect Students will factor the given Students will square the give Students will express the
square numbers from 1 to 400. polynomials. quadratic equation in standard
form then identify the values of
a, b, and c.
I. Lesson
a. Motivation Activity: Do you remember? Activity: Game competition Perform the Explore activity on Activity: Am I Factorable?
Students will identify the The objective of this game page 18. Students will identify if the
quadratic equations from the is to identify the square roots given quadratic equations can
of the numbers. be solved by factoring or not.
b.Prior Knowledge Follow up Questions: Follow up Questions: Follow-up Questions: Follow-up Questions: Follow-up Questions:
1. How did you identify the 1. How did you find the 1. How did you factor each 1. How did you find the 1. How did you identify the
quadratic equations? activity? polynomial? activity? quadratic equations that are
2. Are these equations written 2. Were you able to find all the 2. What factoring technique 2. Were you able to identify factorable?
in standard form? perfect squares? did you use to come up with the missing part of the 2. How can you solve the
3. Can you write the following the factors of each square? quadratic equations that are
equations in their standard polynomial? Explain how you 3. Based on the activity, what not factorable?
form? used this technique. does it mean to complete a
3. How would you know if the square?
factors you got are correct
4. Which polynomials did you
find difficult?
c. Lesson  Present the topic and  Present the topic and  Present the topic and  Present the topic and  Present the topic and
Presentation objectives. objectives. objectives. objectives. objectives.
 Discuss how to write  Discuss how to identify  Discuss how to factor  Discuss how to solve  Derive the quadratic formula
quadratic equations in quadratic equations that can quadratic equations. quadratic equations by by completing the square.
standard form, identify the solved by extracting their  Show examples. completing the square.  Discuss how to solve
terms of a quadratic square roots and solve  Show examples. quadratic equations using
equation and distinguish a quadratic equations using the quadratic formula.
complete quadratic the said method.  Show examples.
equation from an  Show examples on how to
incomplete quadratic solve quadratic equations
equation. given that there is (a) no real
 Use the equations from the solution, (b) one solution,
activity as example. and (c) two solutions.
Find the area of a rectangle Find the area of a rectangle
whose width is 2x – whose width is 2x –
3 and the length is 5 more than 3 and the length is 5 more than
the width. the width.

d. Application Conduct an activity where Conduct an activity where Conduct an activity where Conduct an activity where Conduct an activity where
students will write quadratic students will identify quadratic students will solve the students will complete the students will solve the
equations in standard form, equations that can solved by quadratic equations by solutions in solving quadratic quadratic equations by using
identify the terms of a extracting their square roots factoring and using the Zero equations. the quadratic formula.
quadratic equation and and solve quadratic equations Product Theorem.
distinguish a complete using the said method.
quadratic equation from an
incomplete quadratic equation.
II. Closure/Wrap-Up Wrap-up: Wrap-up: Wrap-up: Wrap-up: Wrap-up:
1. Why is it important to write 1. When is solving quadratic 1. What are the steps in solving 1. 1. What are the steps in solving
quadratic equations in equations by extracting the quadratic equations by quadratic equations by
standard form? square roots applicable? factoring? factoring?
2. When do you consider an 2. What are the possible 2. When do we apply the Zero 2. When do we apply the Zero
equation as complete? solutions when extracting Product Theorem? Product Theorem?
Incomplete? the square roots?
III. Values Patience, Perseverance Patience, Perseverance Patience, Perseverance Patience, Perseverance Patience, Perseverance
IV. Acquired Skills Critical Thinking, Accuracy Accuracy, Mastery Accuracy, Mastery Accuracy, Mastery Accuracy, Mastery
V. Instructional PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
VI. Evaluation Seatwork#2: (Teacher-made) Seatwork#3: Seatwork#4: Seatwork#5: Seatwork#6: (Teacher-made)
Students will write each Answer Exercises B page 9. Answer Exercises A page 14. Answer Exercises B page 21. Answer Exercises A page 28.
quadratic equation in standard
form, identify the quadratic
term, the linear term, constant
term, a, b, and c, then identify
further if it is complete or
VII. Assignments / Homework: (For Practice) Worksheet: Worksheet: Worksheet: Worksheet:
Reinforcements Students will write each Students will solve the given Students will solve the given Students will solve the given Students will solve the given
quadratic equation in standard quadratic equations by quadratic equations by quadratic equations by quadratic equations by
form, identify the quadratic extracting their square roots. factoring. completing the square. quadratic formula.
term, the linear term, constant
term, a, b, and c, then identify
further if it is complete or

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