This document defines various computer-related terms in English and provides their Spanish translations. It includes common words like "application", "automatic", "back up", and "burn" as well as technical terms like "CPU", "motherboard", "software", and "website". The definitions and translations cover a wide range of topics within computer systems including hardware components, software programs, functions, and general usage.
This document defines various computer-related terms in English and provides their Spanish translations. It includes common words like "application", "automatic", "back up", and "burn" as well as technical terms like "CPU", "motherboard", "software", and "website". The definitions and translations cover a wide range of topics within computer systems including hardware components, software programs, functions, and general usage.
This document defines various computer-related terms in English and provides their Spanish translations. It includes common words like "application", "automatic", "back up", and "burn" as well as technical terms like "CPU", "motherboard", "software", and "website". The definitions and translations cover a wide range of topics within computer systems including hardware components, software programs, functions, and general usage.
This document defines various computer-related terms in English and provides their Spanish translations. It includes common words like "application", "automatic", "back up", and "burn" as well as technical terms like "CPU", "motherboard", "software", and "website". The definitions and translations cover a wide range of topics within computer systems including hardware components, software programs, functions, and general usage.
automatic an automatic machine is designed automático (adj)
(adj) to work without needing someone to operate it for each part of a process back up to make a copy of information realizar una copia de (phr v) stored on a computer seguridad (loc verb) burn (v) if you burn a CD or DVD, you copiar (v) record music, images or other information onto it using special computer equipment case (n) the box of a computer that contains caja (n) the hardware colleague (n) someone you work with; this term compañero (n) is used especially by professional people connect (v) to join something to a computer or conectar (v) telephone network copy (v) to make a document that is exactly copiar (v) the same as an earlier or original one CPU (Central the part of a computer that controls CPU (unidad central de Processing what it does procesamiento) (n) Unit) (n) efficient (adj) if someone or something is eficiente (adj) efficient, they work well without wasting time, money or energy fast (adj) moving or happening quickly rápido (adj)
hard disk drive a piece of equipment in a computer unidad de disco duro
(n) that is used to store information (n) image (n) a picture, for example, on a imagen (n) computer insert (v) to put something inside or into insertar (v) something else install (v) to put a piece of equipment instalar (v) somewhere and connect it so that you can use it keyboard (n) a set of keys on a computer which teclado (n) you press to produce letters,
Word Definition Spanish numbers, etc. light (adj) not heavy ligero (adj)
log in (v) to do the necessary actions on a iniciar sesión (loc verb)
computer system that will allow you to begin using it memory (n) the part of a computer where memoria (n) information is stored monitor (n) a piece of computer equipment monitor (n) with a screen that shows information or pictures motherboard a board where all the circuits of a placa base (n) (n) computer are placed mouse (n) a small object connected to a ratón (n) computer, that you move with your hand and press to make the computer do things move (v) to take something and put it in a mover (v) different place or position office (n) a room where someone works at a oficina (n) desk or where people work together optical disk a disk drive that uses a laser to unidad de disco óptico drive (n) read and write data on disks (n) package (n) a set of related programs sold paquete (n) together for use on a computer power supply supplies power to the other unidad de fuente de unit (n) components in a computer alimentación (n) process (v) to print a picture from a procesar (v) photographic film run (v) to make a computer program work ejecutar (v)
set up (phr v) to install and make a new computer configurar (v)
system work for the first time software (n) programs that a computer uses to software (n) do different jobs strength (n) a particular quality or ability that fortaleza (n) gives something or someone an advantage system (n) several pieces of equipment that sistema (n) are connected to each other and work together troubleshoot to solve problems that a computer localizar y resolver
Word Definition Spanish (v) is having averías (loc verb) usage (n) the way in which something is used uso (n)
user-friendly easy to use, understand or operate intuitivo (adj)
(adj) version (n) a copy of something that has been versión (n) changed so that it is slightly different website (n) a place on the internet where you sitio web (n) can find information about something, especially a particular organisation