CNS 320 Week7 Lecture
CNS 320 Week7 Lecture
CNS 320 Week7 Lecture
Week 7 Lecture
Copyright 2012, John McCash. This work may be copied, modified, displayed and distributed under conditions set forth in the Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Quiz #2
Restore Points & Volume Shadow Copy USB Device Forensics File Carving Using Foremost Data extraction from Memory Dumps using Volatility
Restore Points
Restore Points (XP) created by default every 24 hours so user can restore his system to a previous state if something goes wrong (boot to last known good state), kept 90 days by default Contain copies of all system files & registry entries changed since last restore point Found in C:\System Volume Information\_restore{GUID}\RP###\ Change.log (binary) file maps generic restore point filenames back to their original paths Rp.log last 8 bytes are Windows FILETIME for restore point creation date Snapshot subfolder contains copies of changed registry keys for all hives (only accessible by System on a live host)
Change.log Analysis
Parses Change.log to map generic restore point filenames back to original paths by Harlan Carvey allows comparison of specified registry hives across multiple restore points Any time registry entries are relevant to a case (almost always), you want to check the same values in all restore points
Vista/7 version of Restore Points, but much more pervasive Tracks all (aggregate) changes made to the filesystem since last Shadow Copy Literally allows entire filesystem or individual files or folders to be rolled back to a previous state Offline filesystem can be mounted as it existed at a previous date, including unallocated space Only takes a snapshot periodically, not continually. Enabled by default. Typically limited to 15% of volume size
Currently the best way to examine shadow copies is from a Vista/Win7 system Mount drive or image read-only using FTK Imager (this should work, but apparently doesnt. I expect it to be fixed sometime see Harlans note) To list available shadows on drive C: vssadmin list shadows /for=c: To mount Shadow Copy #: mklink /D C:\<some directory> \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy#\ Should see the response: symbolic link created for <some directory> <<===>> \\?GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\
If you cant make VSS work with a mounted image, or dont have a Win7 analysis station
Reported to work: Fallback is to use Liveview to convert image so its mountable in VMWare Then add to an existing Win7 Vmware GuestOS Power on VM, and examine mounted image as though it were a physically connected disk Also reported to work: Copy image to new dd-style flat file & convert to VHD using vhdtool.exe (this will change the image file). Attach to Win7 (read only) using disk manager. Supposedly EnCase PDE works for mounting also
Once youve run the mklink command, you should be able to image the mounted shadow copy just like any other disk
Once youve extracted a number of artifacts relating to your case, and narrowed your focus to events known to have happened around certain specific times, timelining techniques are a really great way to find other artifacts related to that case
Virtually anything you do on a live system will update something somewhere. By finding every timestamp on the system, and looking specifically at the objects that were in some way in use at a time in question, you have a much better chance of figuring our exactly what was going on at that time. The more unusual the activity going on during the timeframe of interest, or the more quickly you can examine the system, the more artifacts you will be able to link directly to the activity in question using this technique.
Uniquely identify specific USB devices Link them to specific systems & user IDs Identify times when devices were attached and removed
Vendor Model Version Capacity Serial Number (most, but not all) Last Drive Letter Volume Name (filesystem)
Volume Serial Number (filesystem) First Use First Use Since Last Reboot Last Use Other usage timestamps may be in restore points
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBS TOR
Subkey named Disk&Ven_<vendor name>&Prod_<product name>&Rev_<product version> Product name text may contain capacity and even color Under this subkey is another named with the devices unique serial number if any If the device has no serial number (non-standard conformant), Windows will create one with an & as the second character. Under the serial number key is a value named ParentIdPrefix (Vista/7 only, used to link to other data)
Note: USB device serial numbers are not part of the data area of the device, and so are not necessarily captured when the device is imaged This information can be examined live using the MS tool UVCView (part of the Windows Driver Development Kit)
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\ USB
Subkey named Vid_<Vendor ID>&&Pid_<Product ID> Under this subkey is another named with the devices unique serial number if any, which links the entry to the same serial number under the USBSTOR key Last write time of the serial number key is first time device was connected following its last reboot
This Value contains ParentIdPrefix (XP) or serial number (Vista/7) value in unicode for the last device to use this drive letter
Also contains ParentIdPrefix (XP) or serial number (Vista/7) value in unicode. GUID can be used to link to a specific user
Subkey under this has a long name ending #<serial number># Value under this subkey named FriendlyName contains Volume Name, On Vista only (Not Win7) it ends with the drive letter in parenthesis
Subkey under this named {<GUID>} Last write time for this subkey is the last time the device was connected by the specified user.
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\DeviceClasses\{53f56307-b6bf-11d094f2-00a0c91efb8b}
Last write time of this subkey is first time device was connected following the last reboot
Times in log are in the local timezone for the host Look for first entry for device serial number
USBDeviceForensics by Woanware Windows USB Storage Parser (usp) by TZWorks LLC Several regripper plugins Not all of these return the same amount of data youll get by examining the specified structures manually
File Carving
Can be done by hand if youre patient and understand the format of the file type youre attempting to carve. Simply identify the clusters you want to carve out, then do export contents for each, one-byone until finished. Identifying the beginning of the file relies on there being a signature or magic number of some type Identifying how much data to extract will rely on an embedded length specifier of some kind, or on a file footer You normally want to carve only from unallocated space, to avoid incorporating data from unrelated allocated files into your results
List at ecovery#Carving For EnCase users I highly recommend the jcCarveFiles EnScript. More basic carving functionality is built-in SIFT Kit (Honestly, I havent used these much. I do most carving with EnCase. However usage is quite straightforward)
FTK Forensic Suite also has extensive carving capabilities, which Ive used in passing NFI Defraser Specifically designed to carve multimedia fragments (Ive used this. It works great)
Foremost Scalpel
File Carving Step-by-Step with Foremost First Keyword Search -> Extract Unallocated
Extract Unallocated
By default, this will concatenate all unallocated clusters into the file /forensics/<case name>/<image name>/output/<flat image name><sector offset>-<number of sectors>ntfs.unalloc
Run Foremost
foremost o <output folder> -i <unallocated file path> Once its completed, examine the results using tools such as exiftool, or whatever is appropriate for the filetype in question Its also possible to customize foremost by editing /etc/foremost.conf to add more headers, footers, & max file sizes. Unfortunately, you cant specify an offset & format for an internal file length Scalpel doesnt support this either
I discussed how to identify malware using memory image analysis with Memoryze/Auditviewer in week 4 Now Id like to spend a little time on memory artifact extraction using the Volatility framework
Volatility 2.2 & numerous plugins are included in the 1.4 SIFT Kit 2.3, with extensions for MacOS & Linux, is due out by end of 2012
What can we get out of memory? (A better question is what cant we?)
Accounts & Passwords (including crypto keys) Log events (EVT log files are memory mapped) Registry hives (these are memory mapped as well)
Often its simpler, easier, & quicker to get memory than to do any other form of acquisition
Main Tool Current version volatility or svn checkout k/ volatility-read-only Various contributed plugins & extensions Volatility_Plugins Python (required language support) or
Volatility requires a dd-style flat image of the subject systems memory Capture the image with EnCase Enterprise, Winen (6.13 or above absolutely required), or freeware tools
apihooks atoms atomscan bioskbd callbacks clipboard cmdscan connections connscan consoles crashinfo deskscan devicetree dlldump dlllist driverirp driverscan envars eventhooks evtlogs filescan gahti gditimers gdt getservicesids getsids
Detect API hooks in process and kernel memory Print session and window station atom tables Pool scanner for _RTL_ATOM_TABLE Reads the keyboard buffer from Real Mode memory [BIOS Password] Print system-wide notification routines Extract the contents of the windows clipboard Extract command history by scanning for _COMMAND_HISTORY Print list of open connections [Windows XP and 2003 Only] [like netstat] Scan Physical memory for _TCPT_OBJECT objects (tcp connections) Extract command history by scanning for _CONSOLE_INFORMATION Dump crash-dump information Poolscaner for tagDESKTOP (desktops) Show device tree Dump DLLs from a process address space Print list of loaded dlls for each process Driver IRP hook detection Scan for driver objects _DRIVER_OBJECT Display process environment variables Print details on windows event hooks Extract Windows Event Logs (XP/2003 only) Scan Physical memory for _FILE_OBJECT pool allocations Dump the USER handle type information Print installed GDI timers and callbacks Display Global Descriptor Table Get the names of services in the Registry and return Calculated SID Print the SIDs owning each process [useful]
handles hashdump hibinfo hivedump hivelist hivescan idt imagecopy imageinfo impscan kdbgscan kpcrscan ldrmodules lsadump malfind memdump memmap messagehooks moddump modscan modules mutantscan patcher printkey procexedump procmemdump pslist
Print list of open handles for each process Dumps passwords hashes (LM/NTLM) from memory Dump hibernation file information [convert hiberfile to memdump] Prints out a hive [in text format] Print list of registry hives. Scan Physical memory for _CMHIVE objects (registry hives) Display Interrupt Descriptor Table Copies a physical address space out as a raw DD image Identify information for the image [OS version, etc.] Scan for calls to imported functions Search for and dump potential KDBG values Search for and dump potential KPCR values Detect unlinked DLLs Dump (decrypted) LSA secrets from the registry Find hidden and injected code Dump the addressable memory for a process [for string searching] Print the memory map List desktop and thread window message hooks Dump a kernel driver to an executable file sample Scan Physical memory for _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY objects Print list of loaded modules [from in-memory list] Scan for mutant objects _KMUTANT [some known malicious] Patches memory based on page scans Print a registry key, and its subkeys and values [including hardware] Dump a process to an executable file sample Dump a process to an executable memory sample Print all running processes by following the EPROCESS lists
psscan pstree psxview Raw2dmp screenshot sessions Shimcache sockets Sockscan ssdt strings svcscan Symlinkscan thrdscan threads timers Userassist Userhandles Vaddump vadinfo vadtree vadwalk volshell windows wintree wndscan yarascan
Scan Physical memory for _EPROCESS pool allocations [includes exited] Print process list as a tree Find hidden processes with various process listings Converts a physical memory sample to a windbg crash dump Save a pseudo-screenshot based on GDI windows List details on _MM_SESSION_SPACE (user logon sessions) Parses the Application Compatibility Shim Cache registry key Print list of open sockets Scan Physical memory for _ADDRESS_OBJECT objects (tcp sockets) Display SSDT entries [can detect syscall hooks by syscall module ownership] Match physical offsets to virtual addresses (may take a while, VERY verbose) Scan for Windows services Scan for symbolic link objects Scan physical memory for _ETHREAD objects Investigate _ETHREAD and _KTHREADs Print kernel timers and associated module DPCs Print userassist registry keys and information Dump the USER handle tables Dumps out the vad sections to a file Dump the VAD info See: The VAD tree: A processWalk the VAD tree and display in tree format Walk the VAD tree eye view of physical memory Shell in the memory image for details (link in notes) Print Desktop Windows (verbose details) Print Z-Order Desktop Windows Tree Pool scanner for tagWINDOWSTATION (window stations) Scan process or kernel memory with Yara signatures
Usage Scenarios
Malware Infection Use Volatility to identify backdoors, hidden processes Compromised System Use Volatility to identify hidden rootkit components (including kernel mode rootkits), backdoors Other Use Volatility to extract memory specific to a given process to simplify string analysis, to extract passwords or hashes, or to remotely identify hardware by BIOS information.
VM compromised using Metasploit MS08-067 exploit, & shell pushed back to attacker Note that these actions write nothing to the disk Victim VM memory subsequently imaged using winen
Returned current date/time when memory was dumped Returned offset value of 44548104
$ python volatility datetime -f Phy* Image local date and time: Mon Apr 13 15:00:11 2009
$ python volatility hivescan -f Phy* Offset (hex) 44548104 0x2a7c008 . . . .
Hivelist [1.3]
$ python volatility hivelist -f Phy* -o 44548104 Address Name . . 0xe1357b60 \WINDOWS\system32\config\SAM 0xe145cb60 \WINDOWS\system32\config\SECURITY 0xe1035b60 \WINDOWS\system32\config\system . .
Hashdump [1.3]
$ python volatility hashdump -f Phy* -y 0xe1035b60 -s 0xe1357b60 Administrator:500:8d37d083696254e52468a840fdf3374f:4126fa040b 35a2f0c2b113c05f51b198::: Guest:501:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:31d6cfe0d16ae931 b73c59d7e0c089c0::: HelpAssistant:1000:981136602258cd6dfef5703cd6838b40:0c2ef0943c e6895efb76af4e2301c7f4::: SUPPORT_388945a0:1002:aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:ef5 5ec8fb9ccdfadfbf4722570d636ba::: soc:1003:8d37d083696254e52468a840fdf3374f:4126fa040b35a2f0c2 b113c05f51b198::: hacker:1004:c8e739baa8f9e065500ff6021117719e:aaff7f168e6fc07d9 f0cc581372d18ec::: hacker1:1005:94ceed382acd38ec500ff6021117719e:141994e4786f43 1541be4cd8e93ef31d::: Note that several of these hashes are easily crackable via the online ophcrack demo
Printkey [1.3]
$ python volatility printkey -f Phy* -o 0xe1035b60 "ControlSet001\Services\{439FE547-3C35-4A24-BD373FCFD1FBB1C9}\Parameters\Tcpip" Key name: Tcpip (Stable) Last updated: Mon Apr 13 15:52:05 2009
Values: REG_DWORD EnableDHCP : 1 (Stable) REG_MULTI_SZ IPAddress : [u'', u'', u''] (Stable) REG_MULTI_SZ SubnetMask : [u'', u'', u''] (Stable) REG_MULTI_SZ DefaultGateway : [u'', u''] (Stable) REG_SZ DhcpIPAddress : (Stable) . .
Connections [1.3]
$ python volatility connections -f Phy*
Local Address Remote Address Pid 1008
We also tested this after the connection had dropped, & were able to recover the defunct connection object using connscan2, but in this instance could not find the defunct socket using sockscan2
Sockets [1.3]
$ python volatility sockets -f Phy* Pid Port Proto Create Time . . 1008 1151 6 Mon Apr 13 20:56:19 2009 . .
Dlllist [1.3]
$ python volatility dlllist -f Phy* -p 1008 svchost.exe pid: 1008 Command line : C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs Service Pack 2 Base Size Path . . C:\WINDOWS\system32\metsrv.dll . .
Registry Examination
All registry hives are memory mapped, including the hardware hives, which are dynamically generated Volatility 1.3 had a hack to to support -r <filename>@<hex offset>. It essentially substituted a different API under the hood. A volatility plugin, reglist, was added in version 1.4, but doesnt show up in 2.0, which is current. This is actually a complete port of regripper to python. You can use the hivedump plugin to extract all the keys and values for manual examination
Regripper is a set of Perl scripts produced by Harlan Carvey (author of Windows Forensic Analysis) to parse through various registry keys and return information of forensic import A modified version has been adapted to extract the same info from the inmemory copies of the registry hives (but it only runs under Linux) Its installed on the SIFT Kit as
When the SANS people installed on the 1.2 SIFT Kit, they made two mistakes, which cause it to fail. You have to change two lines in usr/local/bin/ to get it to work.
my $plugindir = '/usr/local/src/regripper/plugins'; Should be my $plugindir = '/usr/local/src/regripper/plugins/'; require "rrplugins/".$plugins{$i}."\.pl"; Should be require "/usr/local/src/regripper/plugins/".$plugins{$i}."\.pl";
The volatility hivelist -o 34786144 -f exemplar12.vmem output was:
Address Name 0xe179e008 [no name] 0xe1a58b60 \Documents and Settings\foo\NTUSER.DAT 0xe1548008 [no name] 0xe1535820 \Documents and Settings\LocalService\NTUSER.DAT 0xe1095820 [no name] 0xe107e820 \Documents and Settings\NetworkService\NTUSER.DAT 0xe13a3008 \WINDOWS\system32\config\software 0xe1397300 \WINDOWS\system32\config\default 0xe13a0b60 \WINDOWS\system32\config\SECURITY 0xe1362b60 \WINDOWS\system32\config\SAM 0xe11c2008 [no name] 0xe1018388 \WINDOWS\system32\config\system 0xe1008b60 [no name]
volatility hivedump -i 0xe179e008 -v -f exemplar12_2.vmem -r exemplar12_2.vmem@0xe1018388 -f system volatility hivedump -i 0xe1548008 -v -f exemplar12_2.vmem -r exemplar12_2.vmem@0xe1a58b60 f ntuser volatility hivedump -i 0xe1095820 -v -f exemplar12_2.vmem -r exemplar12_2.vmem@0xe1535820 f ntuser -r exemplar12_2.vmem@0xe107e820 f ntuser -r exemplar12_2.vmem@0xe13a3008 f software -r exemplar12_2.vmem@0xe1397300 f ntuser -r exemplar12_2.vmem@0xe13a0b60 f security -r exemplar12_2.vmem@0xe1362b60 f sam volatility hivedump -i 0xe11c2008 -v -f exemplar12_2.vmem -r exemplar12_2.vmem@0xe1018388 f system volatility hivedump -i 0xe1008b60 -v -f exemplar12_2.vmem
Identify & dump VAD table for services.exe. Examine resultant files. Three should have .EVT content (XP), but all events may not be present. There are new downloadable plugins for 2.0 that extract timeline data, including .EVT records & some registry keys. See notes.
Download from loads/detail?name=volatility2.0.tar.gz&can=2&q= Extract in SIFT Kit using tar xvzf <filename> Run as python rather than simply volatility. All prerequisites should be installed already. Note that available commands are different, as are some arguments to old commands/plugins.
Neither text covers next weeks topic. Harlan excludes it because its too large for proper treatment in a chapter, and I cant find a decent dedicated book on Browser Forensics. If you like, you can skim the linked pages on the Forensics Wikis IE page: Explorer