Case Assessment Robotics

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Unique Data. Expert Analysis. Innovative Solutions. One Platform.

May 2021

Robotics: Patents trends 2021

Tech briefing for robotics
What is robotics?
Technologies in the robotics theme The traditional definition of a robot is: a
machine capable of carrying out a complex
Today, most of the value in the robotics industry flows to makers of industrial robots, predominantly used series of actions (typically programmed by a
by automotive, electronics, and food manufacturers. However, we have just passed a significant inflection computer) automatically and repeatedly.
point, where the use case categories for robotics are rapidly proliferating.
Over the next five years there will be a rapid growth in cloud-based robot services for armies of installed
robots and for robots hired on an as-needed basis. Historically, analysts have split robots into two
broad categories: industrial robots (which are
Industrial robot Service robot
used predominantly in manufacturing); and
A robot that is typically used in factories to A robot that assists humans, either at service robots (which help humans do
repetitive, remote, or dangerous tasks).
automate parts of the manufacturing process. work or in the home.

Caged industrial Co-bot Medical robot Logistics robot Consumer robot Autonomous Drone
robot vehicle
A robot that is A robot used in An autonomous A robot primarily An unmanned
An industrial designed to work the medical device, typically used for A vehicle aerial vehicle
robot that works alongside humans sciences, found in a household chores equipped with an (UAV).
in a cage to avoid on specific tasks. including warehouse, (such as cleaning) autopilot system
the risk of injury surgical robots, capable of or for education, which is capable
to humans. exoskeletons, transporting things entertainment or of driving it
and personal with limited human therapy. without human
care robots. assistance. intervention.

The seven key technologies impacting robotics

Surgical robot Exoskeleton Care robot Hospital robot Smart home Personal robot Military drone Commercial The key technology trends impacting the global robotics
robot drone
A remote A wearable A robot that helps A robot that Performs tasks A UAV used by industry are: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cloud robotics,
manipulator mobile care for a patient delivers food A robot that the military for A UAV used for a
used in machine, that by lifting them and drugs in a can undertake
for, and interacts
with, humans. reconnaissanc business purpose
edge computing, light detection and ranging (lidar), AI,
allows for limb
and providing hospital. household Typically voice- or e or as a
such as a factory cybersecurity, and open process automation (OPA).
medicine at the chores such as touch-activated, inspection,
with increased correct time. Can cleaning and or controlled by a system for agricultural
strength and also talk to mowing the mobile device weapons. spraying or taking
endurance. patients. lawn. (e.g. a tablet). aerial photos.
Our thematic value chain for robotics An overview
Building a robot is a highly complex task that involves
an extensive supply chain. Depending on the
application, level of sophistication, and reliability
There are three core segments in the robot value chain: robot manufacturers, robot brains, and robotic requirements, robotics generally involves a number of
components. levels of control and processing, involving on-board
Robotics value chain hardware and software, and increasingly, cloud
Caged robots processing and the pooling of knowledge from
robots Surgical robots multiple robots.
Exoskeletons Robots also need to be able to sense their
Logistics robots
Care robots surroundings and, depending on the application, they
need sensors that are sensitive to touch, heat, light,
Manufacturers Medical robots Hospital robots
vibration, sound, and even certain chemicals. Many of
Smart home robots
Service Consumer robots these sensors will only be available from specialist
Social robots manufacturers, which have their own R&D priorities
Autonomous vehicles
and strategic goals.
Military drones Mechanical components are another important
Robot Machine learning
element of a robot. They need to be precise, reliable,
Brains Commercial drones
Machine vision
strong, and consume as little power as possible. In
Software Robotic intelligence many cases, motors and other mechanical
Gesture control
components components also need to act as sensors, providing
Cloud robotics Conversational
Robotic Components feedback to the robot’s processing system which will
Precision mechanical allow it to move more accurately. Companies like
Hardware components Sensors
components Maxon, Keyence, Nabtesco, and Omron, as well as
AI chips
Semiconductors Harmonic Drive, Nachi-Fujikoshi, and Nippon Ceramic,
Communication are all important suppliers to the wider robotics
Robotics: Patents trends 2021
Key findings

Patent grants Players Global

Patent grants related to robotics registered a CAGR Fanuc Corp recorded the highest number of China registered the most robotics-related patents
of 4.43% in the last three years. robotics-related patents in the last one decade, globally between 2011 and 2020, accounting for
followed by Seiko Epson Corp. 48.56% of total patents collectively filed by the top
ten countries.

GlobalData Patent Analytics

GlobalData monitors the intellectual property landscape, offering analysis that allows you to pinpoint the top players, themes and trends.

Robotics: Patenting trends in last ten years
Patents growth trends
Robotics patents filed and granted in the last ten years Robotics patent grants registered a CAGR of 4.43%
between 2017 and 2020.
The number of robotics-related patents filed and granted between 2011 and 2020.
Grants witnessed the highest CAGR of 40.67% between
2014 and 2017 during the last ten years.

In terms of filings, robotics patents reported a CAGR of -

7.06% during the last three years and experienced the
highest CAGR of 40.32% in the last ten years between
2014 and 2017.

GlobalData insight
In the last ten years, the number of robotics patent grants
reached its peak in 2018 while filings touched the highest level
in 2018.

Grants recorded an annual average of 10,368 robotics patents

during the review period while filings witnessed an annual
average of 17,181 patents.

On comparing the annual average number of robotics patents

during the last five-year period (2016 to 2020) to its previous
five-year period (2011 to 2015), grants increased 198.85% and
filings grew 194.41%.
Source: GlobalData Patent Analytics

Robotics: Trends in IP protection between 2011 and 2020
Players that secured the most robotics-related patents from 2011 to 2020
The top ten players together accounted for
Fanuc Corp bagged the highest number of robotics-related patents during the last one decade. 10.8% of total robotics patents assigned
during the last ten years.

GlobalData insight
Fanuc Corp secured the most robotics-related patents during
the last ten years, followed by Seiko Epson Corp.

Other global companies/institutions such as LG Corp, Yaskawa

Electric Corp and Samsung Group followed a similar trend with
respect to robotics-related innovation.

Source: GlobalData Patent Analytics

Robotics: Patenting trends between 2011 and 2020
Countries in which most patents robotics have been filed between 2011 and 2020
China was the global leader in robotics patents
China was home to most new robotics patents. during the last ten years.

GlobalData insight
China led robotics innovation, accounting for 48.56% of total
patents collectively filed by the top ten countries.

The US, Japan, South Korea, and Germany were among the
leading centers of innovation in the robotics domain.

Source: GlobalData Patent Analytics

More themes impacting multiple sectors
Our 2021 theme map
Our 2021 theme map below shows the big themes that will have a significant disruptive impact on all We define a theme as any issue that keeps
companies over the next two years. CEOs awake at night.

Our 2021 theme map shows the big themes

driving growth across multiple sectors.

Discover thematic research

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To find out more about major themes set to disrupt your industry,
discover GlobalData’s research reports.
We leverage the collective expertise of our in-house research analysts,
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leaders, to create differentiated and actionable insight.
Our thematic analysis offers a comprehensive lens into the future of your
industry, enabling you to:
Drill down into market shifts to determine strategy that drives your
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