Intro Cyber
Intro Cyber
Intro Cyber
1 INTRODUCTION Internet is among the most important inventions of the 21st century which have
affected our life. Today internet have crosses every barrier and have changed the way we use to talk,
play games, work, shop, make friends, listen music, see movies, order food, pay bill, greet your
friend on his birthday/ anniversary, etc. You name it, and we have an app in place for that. It has
facilitated our life by making it comfortable. Gone are the days when we have to stand in a long
queue for paying our telephone and electricity bills. Now we can pay it at a click of a button from our
home or office. The technology have reached to an extent that we don‟t even require a computer
for using internet. Now we have internet enabled smartphone, palmtops, etc. through which we can
remain connected to our friends, family and office 24x7. Not only internet has simplified our life but
also it has brought many things within the reach of the middle class by making them cost effective. It
was not long back, while making an ISD or even a STD call, the eyes were stricken on the pulse
meter. The calls were very costly. ISD and STD were used to pass on urgent messages only and the
rest of the routine communication was done using letters since it was a relatively very cheap. Now
internet have made it possible to not only talk but use video conference using popular applications
like skype, gtalk etc. at a very low price to a level where a one hour video chat using internet is
cheaper that the cost of sending a one page document from Delhi to Bangalore using speedpost or
courier service. Not only this, internet has changed the use of the typical devices that were used by
us. Television can be used not only for watching popular tv shows and movies but can be used for
calling/ video chatting with friend using internet. Mobile phone is not only used for making a call but
viewing a latest movie. We can remain connected to everyone, no matter what our location is.
Working parents from office can keep eye on their children at home and help them in their
homework. A businessman can keep eye on his staff, office, shop, etc with a click of a button. It has
facilitated our life in more than one way. Have you ever wondered from where this internet came?
Let us discuss the brief history of internet and learn how this internet was invented and how it
evolved to an extent that now we cannot think of our lives without it. 1.1.1 History of Internet I
don‟t know what the cold war between USA and Russia gave to the world, but defiantly the internet
is one of those very useful inventions whose foundation was laid during cold war 9 days. Russia
Launched the world‟s first satellite, SPUTNIK into the space on 4th October, 1957. This was clearly
the victory of Russia over the cyber space and as a counter step, Advanced Research Projects
Agency, the research arm of Department of Defence, United States, declared the launch of
ARPANET(Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork) in early 1960‟s. This was an experimental
network and was designed to keep the computers connected to the this network to communicate
with each other even if any of the node, due to the bomb attack, fails to respond. The first message
was sent over the ARPANET, a packing switching network, by Leonard Kleinrock's laboratory at
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). You will be surprised to know that the fist message that
was sent over internet was “LO”. Actually they intended to send work “LOGIN” and only the first two
letters reached its destination at second network node at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and
before the last three letters could reach the destination the network was down due to glitch. Soon
the error was fixed and the message was resent and it The major task that ARPANET have to play is
to develop rules for communication i.e. protocols for communicating over ARPANET. The ARPANET
in particular led to the development of protocols for internetworking, in which multiple separate
networks could be joined into a network of networks. It resulted in the development if TCP/IP
protocol suite, which specifies the rules for joining and communicating over APRANET. Soon after, in
1986 NSF(national Science Foundation) backbone was created to and five US universities‟ computing
centres were connected to form NSFnet. The participating Universities were: Princeton University -
- John von Neumann National Supercomputer Center, JvNC Cornell University -- Cornell Theory
Center, CTC University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -- National Center for Supercomputing
Applications, NCSA Carnegie Mellon University -- Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center, PSC General
Atomics -- San Diego Supercomputer Center, SDSC NFSnet, the successor of ARPAnet, become
popular by 1990 and ARPANET was decommissioned. There were many parallel networks developed
by other Universities and other countries like United Kingdom. In 1965, National Physical
Laboratory(NPL) proposed a packing switching network. Michigan Educational Research Information
Triad formed MERIT network in 1966 which was funded and supported by State of Michigan and the
10 National Science Foundation (NSF). France also developed a packet swiching network, know as
CYCLADES in 1973. Now there were many parallel systems working on different protocols and the
scientist were looking for some common standard so that the networks could be interconnected. In
1978, TCP/IP protocol suits were ready and by 1983, the TCP/IP protocol were apopted by ARPANET.
In 1981, the integration of two large network took place. NFS developed Computer Science
Network(CSNET) and was connected to ARPANET using TCP/IP protocol suite. Now the network was
not only popular among the research community but the private played also took interest in the
network. Initially NFS supported speed of 56 kbit/s. It was upgraded to 1.5 Mbit/s in 1988 to
facilitate the growth of network by involving merit network, IBM, MCA and the state of Michigan.
After the copertates took realized the strength and merit of this network, they particepitaqted in the
develoement of the network to ripe its benefits. By late 1980s many Internet Service Providers(ISPs)
emerged to provide the backbone for carrying the network traffic. By 1991, NFSNET was expended
and was upgraded to 45Mbit/s. Many commercial ISPs provided backbone serive and was popular
among the corporate. To facilitate the commercial use of the network, NFSNET was decommissioned
in 1995 and now the Internet could carry commercial traffic. Now more and more Universities and
research centres throughout the world connected to it. Now this network was very popular amongs
the research community and in 1991 National Research and Education Network (NREN) was founded
and the World Wide Web was released. Initially the role of internet was only limited to file transfer.
The credit of internet what we see it today goes to Tim Berners-Lee who introduced www.With the
advent of www, there was a transformation on how the network was used. Now this web of
information can be used to retrieve any information available over the internet. Software called,
browser was developed to browse the internet. It was developed by researchers at University of
Illinois in 1992 and named as Mosaic. This browser enables to browse the internet the way we
browse it today. Internet Addresses With so many devices connected to the internet, we
require some mechanism to uniquely identify every device that is connected to the internet. Also we
require some centralized 11 system which takes care of this mechanism so that the signs which are
used to identify each device are not duplicate; else the whole purpose is defeated. To take care of
this, we have a centralized authority known as Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which is
responsible for assigning a unique number known as IP(Internet Protocol) address. An IP address is a
32-bit binary number which is divided into four octets and each octet consists of 8 binary digits and
these octet are separated by a dot(.). An example of an IP address is
11110110.01011010.10011100.1111100 Each 8-bits in an octet can have two binary values i.e. 0 and
1. Therefore, each octet can have minimum value 0. i.e. 00000000 to maximum value 256 i.e.
11111111 and in total have 28 = 256 different combinations. Again to remember this 32-bit address
in binary is bit difficult, so for the better understanding of the human being, it is expressed in a
decimal format. But this decimal format is for human understanding only and the computer
understands it in binary format only. In decimal, the above IP address is expressed as
These octets are used to create and separate different classes. An IP address consists of two parts
viz. Network and Host. Network part identifies the network different network and the host part
identifies a device of a particular network. This address uniquely identifies a devices connected to
the internet similar to the postal system where we identify any house by fist identifying the county,
then state, district, post office, cluster/block and finally the house number. These IP addresses are
classified into five categories based on the availability of IP range. These categories/classes are:
Table 1: IP Address Classes Class Address range Supports Class A to
Supports 16 million hosts on each of 127 networks. Class B to Supports
65,000 hosts on each of 16,000 networks. Class C to Supports 254 hosts
on each of 2 million networks Class D to Reserved for multicast groups
Class E to Reserved for future use, or Research and Development
Purposes. IANA decentralises that task of assigning the IP addresses by allocating the large chunk of
IP addresses to five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs), which are further responsible to 12 allocate
the IP addresses in their zone. These RIRs along with their area of operations are listed below:
APNIC- This RIR is responsible for serving the Asia Pacific region AfriNIC- This RIR is responsible for
serving the African region ARIN- This RIR is responsible for serving North America and several
Caribbean and North Atlantic islands LACNIC- This RIR is responsible for serving Latin America and
the Caribbean, and RIPE NCC- This RIR is responsible for serving Europe, the Middle East, and parts
of Central Asia For liaison and coordinating between these five RIRs, there is an organization called
Number Resource Organization(NRO). These organizations are DNS Whenever we browse
any website in the internet, we type name something like and we rarely deal with IP
address like but the fact is even if we type http:\\ in the URL, it will land us
to the same webpage. The fact is we are very comfortable using and remembering the names
instead of a number. Moreover, these IP address changes over time and some of the sites have
multiple IP address. Also, the transfer of the data over internet is only possible using IP addresses
because the routing of the packet of data sent over internet is done using IP address. There is a
server called Domain Name System(DNS) which take cares of this translation job to simplify and to
save us from remembering these changing IP address numbers, the DNS. Whenever you type an
address like http:\\, there is a process called DNS name resolution, takes place in the
background. The computer keeps the track of recently visited sites and locally maintains a database
in DNS cache. In case, the IP address of the site you have requested for is not found in the DNS cache
of your local computer, then the next probable place to find it is DNS server of your Internet Service
Provider(ISP). These DNS servers of ISP also maintain the cache of the recently visited pages. Just in
case, the information is not found here also, the DNS server of the ISP forward the query to the root
nameservers. The root name servers publish the root zone file to other DNS servers and clients on
the Internet. The root zone file describes where the authoritative servers for the DNS top-level
domains (TLD) are located. There are currently 13 rootname servers. They are: A - VeriSign Global
Registry Services 13 B - University of Southern California - Information Sciences Institute C -
Cogent Communications D - University of Maryland E - NASA Ames Research Center F -
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. G - U.S. DOD Network Information Center H - U.S. Army
Research Lab I - Autonomica/NORDUnet J - VeriSign Global Registry Services K - RIPE NCC L
- ICANN M - WIDE Project These root nameservers directs the query to the appropriate Top-Level
Domain(TLD) nameservers by reading the last part of the URL first. In our example the url was
http:\\ The last part is .in. Some of the examples of TLD name servers are .com, .biz,
.org, .us, .in, etc. These TLD nameservers acts as a switchboard and direct the query to the
appropriate authoritative nameserver maintained by each domain. These authoritative nameserver
maintains DNS records along with other useful information. This address record is returned back to
the requesting host computer via TLD nameservers, nameservers, ISP‟s DNS server. These
intermediaty server keeps the recond of this IP address in their DNS cache, so that if the same
request is encountered again , they don‟t have to go through this process again. If the same URL is
requested again, the DNS cache of the local host computer will return the IP address of the URL. Internet Infrastructure Internet, as the name suggests, in a network of network i.e. it is a
collection of several small, medium and large networks. This clearly indicates to one fact, nobody is a
single owner of the internet and it is one of the proven example of collaborative success. Now you
must be surprised how such a large network which is spread across the continents can run without
the any problem. Yes it is correct that to monitor such a large network, we require an international
body which can frame the rules, regulation and protocols to join and use this network. Therefore, an
international organization, known as “The Internet Society” was formed in 1992 to take care of such
issues. 14 Let us now discuss, how this internet works? How the email you sent to your friend is
received by your friend‟s computer located at another country/continent. When you are working in
your laptop/desktop in your home without connecting to the internet, your computer is a
standalone system. But, whenever you connect to the internet by dialling to your Internet Service
Provider(ISP) using your modem, you become the part of the network. The ISP is the link between
the internet backbone, through which the entire data route, and the user. The ISP connects to the
internet backbone at Network Access Points(NAP). These NAPs are the provided by the large
telecommunication companies at various regions. These large telecommunication companies
connect the countries and the continents by building and maintaining the large backbone
infrastructure to route data from NAP to NAP. ISPs are connected to this backbone at NAP and are
responsible build and manage network locally. So when you dial internet through modem, you first
become part of the local ISP, which in turn connects to the internet backbone through NAP. The data
is routed through this backbone and sent to the destination NAP, where the ISP of your friend‟s
network is located. As soon as your friend dials his modem to connect to the internet, the data is
delivered to your friend‟s computer. World Wide Web Sometimes we interchangeably use
the term internet and world wide web or simply the web, as it is popularly known as. But web is only
one of the several the utilities that internet provides. Some of the popular service that internet
provides other then web is e-mail, usenet, messaging service, FTP, etc. The web use HTTP protocol
to communicate over internet and to exchange information. The web was developed at CERN
(Europeen de Reserches Nucleaires), Switzerland) by a UK scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. It
consists of all the public web sites and all the devices that access the web content. WWW is an
information sharing model which is developed to exchange information over the internet. There are
plenty of public websites, which is a collection of web pages, available over the internet. These
webpages contain plenty of information in a form of text, videos, audio and picture format. These
web pages are access using a application software called a web browser. Some of the examples of
the popular web browser are: Internet explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc. So this was a little
indroduction about internet and how it functions. Now let us discuss about cyber crime.