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Introduction to Internet

World Wide Web

Creating and Managing Email Accounts

Future of digital media

Using audio & Video to learn Vocabulary & Grammar


Introduction to Internet
Internet is a global communication system that links together thousands of individual
networks. It allows exchange of information between two or more computers on a network.
Thus internet helps in transfer of messages through mail, chat, video & audio conference, etc.
It has become mandatory for day-to-day activities: bills payment, online shopping and surfing,
tutoring, working, communicating with peers, etc.

What is Internet?
The Internet is a global network of networks connecting
millions of users worldwide via many computer
networks using a simple standard common addressing
system and basic communications protocol called
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol).It is a collection of standalone computers
(and computer networks in companies, schools, and
colleges) all loosely linked together, mostly using the
telephone network. The connections between the
computers are a mixture of old-fashioned copper
cables, fiber-optic cables , wireless radio connections
and satellite links.

The first workable prototype of the Internet came in the late 1960s with the creation of
ARPANET, or the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Originally funded by the
U.S. Department of Defense, ARPANET used packet switching to allow multiple computers
to communicate on a single network. The technology continued to grow in the 1970s after
scientists Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf developed Transmission Control Protocol and Internet
Protocol, or TCP/IP, a communications model that set standards for how data could be
transmitted between multiple networks. ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on January 1, 1983, and

from there researchers began to assemble the “network of networks” that became the modern
Internet. The online world then took on a more recognizable form in 1990, when computer
scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. While it’s often confused with the
Internet itself, the web is actually just the most common means of accessing data online in the
form of websites and hyperlinks. The web

helped popularize the Internet among the public, and served as a crucial step in developing the
vast trove of information that most of us now access on a daily basis.

.What does the Internet do?

The Internet has one very simple job: to move computerized information (known as data)
from one place to another. That's it! The machines that make up the Internet treat all the
information they handle in exactly the same way. In this respect, the Internet works a bit like
the postal service. Letters are simply passed from one place to another, no matter who they are
from or what messages they contain. The job of the mail service is to move letters from place
to place, not to worry about why people are writing letters in the first place; the same applies
to the Internet.

Just like the mail service, the Internet's simplicity means it can handle many different kinds of
information helping people to do many different jobs. It's not specialized to handle emails,
Web pages, chat messages, or anything else: all information is handled equally and passed on
in exactly the same way. Because the Internet is so simply designed, people can easily use it to
run new "applications"—new things that run on top of the basic computer network. That's
why, when two European inventors developed Skype, a way of making telephone calls over
the Net, they just had to write a program that could turn speech into Internet data and back
again. No-one had to rebuild the entire Internet to make Skype possible.

How does Internet data move?

Circuit switching
Much of the Internet runs on the ordinary public telephone
network—but there's a big difference between how a
telephone call works and how the Internet carries data. If you
ring a friend, your telephone opens a direct connection (or
circuit) between your home and theirs. If you had a big map
of the worldwide telephone system (and it would be a really
big map!), you could theoretically mark a direct line, running
along lots of miles of cable, all the way from your phone to
the phone in your friend's house. For as long as you're on the
phone, that circuit stays permanently open between your two
phones. This way of linking phones together is called circuit
switching. Now the circuit switching is done automatically
by an electronic telephone exchange.
Circuit switching is a really inefficient way to use a network. Even though you're not actually
sending information down the line, the circuit is still connected—and still blocking other
people from using it. The Internet could, theoretically, work by circuit switching—and some
parts of it still do. If you have a traditional "dialup" connection to the Net ,you're using circuit
switching to go online. No-one can phone you while you're online; you'll be billed for every
second you stay on the Net; and your Net connection will work relatively slowly.

Packet switching

Most data moves over the Internet in a completely different way called packet switching.
Suppose you send an email to someone in China. Instead of opening up a long and convoluted
circuit between your home and China and sending your email down it all in one go, the email
is broken up into tiny pieces called packets. Each one is tagged with itsultimate destination
and allowed to travel separately. In theory, all the packets could travel by totally different
routes. When they reach their ultimate destination, they are reassembled to make an email

Packet switching is much more efficient than circuit

switching. You don't have to have a permanent connection
between the two places that are communicating, for a start,
so you're not blocking an entire chunk of the network each
time you send a message. Many people can use the network
at the same time and since the packets can flow by many
different routes, depending on which ones are quietest or
busiest, the whole network is used more evenly—which
makes for quicker and more efficient communication all

How computers do different jobs on the Internet

The Internet is really nothing more than a load of wires—metal wires, fiber-optic cables, and
"wireless" wires (radio waves ferrying the same sort of data that wires would carry).
Much of the Internet's traffic moves along Ethernet networking cables like this one.
There are hundreds of millions of computers on the Net, but they don't all do exactly the same
thing. Some of them are like electronic filing cabinets that simply store information and pass
it on when requested. These machines are called servers. Machines that hold ordinary
documents are called file servers; ones that hold people's mail are called mail servers; and the
ones that hold Web pages are Web servers. There are tens of millions of servers on the

A computer that gets information from a server is called a client. When your computer
connects over the Internet to a mail server at your ISP (Internet Service Provider) so you can
read your messages, your computer is the client and the ISP computer is the server. There are
far more clients on the Internet than servers—probably getting on for a billion by now!

When two computers on the Internet swap information back and forth on a more-or-less equal
basis, they are known as peers. If you use an instant messaging program to chat to a friend,
and you start swapping party photos back and forth, you're taking part in what's called peer-
to-peer (P2P) communication. In P2P, the machines involved sometimes act as clients and
sometimes as servers. For example, if you send a photo to your friend, your computer is the
server (supplying the photo) and the friend's computer is the client (accessing the photo). If
your friend sends you a photo in return, the two computers swap over roles.

Apart from clients and servers, the Internet is also made up of intermediate computers called
routers, whose job is really just to make connections between different systems. If you have
several computers at home or school, you probably have a single router that connects them all
to the Internet. The router is like the mailbox on the end of your street: it's your single point
of entry to the worldwide network.

What is TCP & IP?

If everything is sent by packet-sharing, and no-one really controls it, how does that vast mass
of data ever reach its destination without getting lost?
The answer is called TCP/IP, which stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol. It's the Internet's fundamental "control system" and it's really two systems in one. In
the computer world, a "protocol" is simply a standard way of doing things- a tried and trusted
method that everybody follows to ensure things get done properly. So what do TCP and IP
actually do?

Internet Protocol (IP) is simply the Internet's addressing system. All the machines on the
Internet- yours, mine, and everyone else's- are identified by an Internet Protocol (IP) address
that takes the form of a series of digits separated by dots or colons. If all the machines have
numeric addresses, every machine knows exactly how (and where) to contact every other

When it comes to websites, we usually refer to them by easy-to-remember names (like rather than their actual IP addresses- and there's a relatively
simple system called DNS (Domain Name System) that enables a computer to look up the IP
address for any given website. In the original version of IP, known as IPv4, addresses
consisted of four pairs of digits, such as or, but the rapid growth in
Internet use meant that all possible addresses were used up by January 2011.

The other part of the control system, Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), sorts out how
packets of data move back and forth between one computer (in other words, one IP address)
and another. It's TCP that figures out how to get the data from the source to the destination,
arranging for it to be broken into packets, transmitted, resent if they get lost, and reassembled
into the correct order at the other end.
Intranets on the Internet

Though the name might be confusingly similar to Internet, an Intranet is a subsystem that
takes advantage of the larger Internet. An Intranet is a closed network that typically belongs
to a specific organization and is accessible only to members of that organization as regulated
via some security method.


The World Wide Web (WWW) is combination of all resources and users on the Internet that
are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

The Web, as it's commonly known, is often confused with the internet. Although the two are
intricately connected, they are different things. The internet is, as its name implies, a network -
a vast, global network that incorporates a multitude of lesser networks. As such, the internet
consists of supporting infrastructure and other technologies. In contrast, the Web is a
communications model that, through HTTP, enables the exchange of information over the


WWW stands for World Wide Web. A technical

definition of the World Wide Web is : all the
resources and users on the Internet that are using
the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). A
broader definition comes from the organization
that Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee helped
found, the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C). The World Wide Web is the universe
of network-accessible information, an
embodiment of human knowledge. In simple
terms, The World Wide Web is a way of
exchanging information between computers on
the Internet, tying them together into a vast
collection of interactive multimedia resources.
Internet and Web is not the same thing:
Web uses internet to pass over the information.

World Wide Web was created by Timothy Berners Lee in 1989 at CERN in Geneva. World
Wide Web came into existence as a proposal by him, to allow researchers to work together
effectively and efficiently at CERN. Eventually it became World Wide Web.The following
diagram briefly defines evolution of World Wide Web:

History of World Wide Web:

Tim Berners-Lee is the inventor of the Web and the director of the W3C, the organization that
oversees its development. Berners-Lee developed hypertext, the method of instant cross-
referencing that supports communications on the Web, making it easy to link content on one
web page to content located elsewhere. The introduction of hypertext revolutionized the way
people used the internet. In 1989, Berners-Lee began work on the first World Wide
Web server at CERN. He called the server "https” and dubbed the first client "WWW.”
Originally, WWW was just a WYSIWYG hypertext browser/editor that ran in the Next
Step environment. By the end of 1990, the first Web page was served. The World Wide Web
has been widely available since 1991. In April 1993, the World Wide Web technology was

available for anyone to use on a royalty-free basis. In 1995 the first connection was established
over what is today known as the internet. Since that time, the web has changed the world. It
has perhaps become the most powerful communication medium the world has ever known. A
global web of computers known as the Internet, allows individuals to communicate with each
other often called the World Wide Web. The Internet provides a quick and easy exchange of
information and is recognized as the central tool in this Information Age.

Difference between Internet and WWW:

The Internet is known as “interconnection of computer networks”. The Internet is a massive
network of networks. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network
in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both
connected to the Internet. Information that travels over the Internet does so via a variety of
languages known as protocols.

The World Wide Web, or “Web” for short, or simply Web, is a massive collection of digital
pages to access information over the Internet. The Web uses the HTTP protocol, to transmit
data and allows applications to communicate in order to exchange business logic. The Web
also uses browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Firefox. to access web documents called Web
pages that are linked to each other via hyperlinks. Web documents also contain graphics,
sounds, text and video.

What are Search Engines?

Search engines are the programs which are needed to extract the information from the
internet. They play a very important role in our daily routine. as today for each and every
information we are dependent on internet.
Web search engines work with the help of two programs, Spider which fetches as many
documents as possible. Another program, called an indexer, reads the documents and creates
an index based on the words contained in each document. Each search engine uses an
algorithm to create its indices such that, only related results for specified keywords is stored
and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.

A Search Engine Works in the Following Order:

Web crawling:

Web search engines work by storing information

about many web pages. These pages are retrieved by
the program known as web crawler – which follows
every link on the site. Web crawler may also be
called a web spider.

Indexing: Indexing also known as web indexing, it

stores data to facilitate fast and accurate
information retrieval. Searching: A web search
query fetches the result from the web search engine
entered by the user to meet his information needs.

WWW Operation

WWW works on client- server approach. Following steps explains how the web works:User
enters the URL ( of the web page in the address bar of web
browser.Then browser requests the Domain Name Server for the IP address corresponding to receiving IP address, browser sends the request for web page to
the web server using HTTP protocol which specifies the way the browser and web server
communicates.Then web server receives request using HTTP protocol and checks its search for
the requested web page. If found it returns it back to the web browser and close the HTTP
connection.Now the web browser receives the web page, It interprets it and display the contents
of web page in web browser’s window.

Future of WWW

There had been a rapid development in field of web. It has its impact in almost every area such as
education, research, technology, commerce, marketing etc. So the future of web is almost
unpredictable.Apart from huge development in field of WWW, there are also some technical
issues that W3 consortium has to cope up with.
User Interface
Work on higher quality presentation of 3-D information is under development. The W3
Consortium is also looking forward to enhance the web to full fill requirements of global
communities which would include all regional languages and writing systems.
Work on privacy and security is under way. This would include hiding information, accounting,
access control, integrity and risk management.
There has been huge growth in field of web which may lead to overload the internet and
degrade its performance. Hence better protocol is required to be developed.


Setting up a Gmail account is easy. You will begin by creating
a Google account, and during the quick sign-up process you
will choose your Gmail account name. In this lesson, we'll
show you how to set up your Google account for Gmail, add
and edit contacts, and edit your mail settings.

Setting up a Gmail account

To create a Gmail address, you'll first need to create a Google
account. Gmail will redirect you to the Google account sign-up
page. You'll need to provide some
basic information like your name, birth date, gender, and location. You will also need to choose
a name for your new Gmail address. Once you create an account, you'll be able to start adding
contacts and adjusting your mail settings.

To create an account:
1. Go to
2. Click Create account.
3. The sign-up form will appear. Follow the
directions by entering the required information.
4. Next, enter your phone number to verify
your account. Google uses a two-step verification
process for your security.
5. You will receive a text message from
Google with a verification code. Enter the code
to complete the account verification.
6. Next, you will see a form to enter some of
your personal information, like your name and

7. Review Google's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, then click I agree.
8. Your account will be created.
9. Just like with any online service, it's important to choose a strong password- in other
words, one that is difficult for someone else to guess.

Signing in to your account

When you first create your account, you will be automatically signed in. Most of the time,
however, you'll need to sign in to your account and sign out when you're done with it. Signing
out is especially important if you're using a shared computer (for example, at a library or
office) because it prevents others from viewing your emails.
To sign in:
 Go to
 Type your user name (your email address) and password,
then click Next. To sign out:
 In the top-right corner of the page, locate the circle that has your first initial (if you've
already selected an avatar image, it will show the image instead).
 To sign out, click the circle and select Sign out.

Managing Email Accounts

Mail settings
Occasionally, you may want to make
adjustments to Gmail's appearance or behavior. For
example, you could create a signature or vacation
reply, edit your labels, or change the theme. These
adjustments can be made from your mail settings.

To access your mail settings:

Click the gear icon in the top-right corner of the page,
and then select Settings. From here, you can click any
of the categories at the top to edit the desired settings.

Adding contacts
Like all major email providers, Gmail lets you keep an address book of contacts so you don't
have to memorize everyone's email addresses. You can also add other contact information,
like phone numbers, birthdays, and physical addresses.

To add a contact:
Click the Google apps button.
Click the Contacts button in the drop-down menu.
Your contacts screen will appear. Click the Add new contact button in
the lower-right corner. Enter the contact information, then click Save.

To edit a contact:
In the Google apps drop-down menu, select
Contacts. Locate the contact you want to edit,
then click Edit Contact. You can now make
any changes you want to the contact.
By default, when you send an email to a new address, Gmail adds the address to your
contacts. You can then go to your contacts to edit the person's information as needed.

Importing mail and contacts

You may already have a contact list from another email address, and it would be a lot of work
to re-enter all of this information manually. Gmail allows you to import your contacts from
another email account, and you can even import all of your email messages from that
account. Several email providers are supported, including Yahoo!, Hotmail, and AOL.

To add other accounts:

Click the gear icon in the top-right corner of the page, then select Settings.
Go to Accounts and click Add a mail account. You can then follow the instructions on the
screen to import your mail.

Efficient E mail management

Managing Email Accounts

1. Set aside time to read and respond to email.

Don’t leave your email program open all day long. Alerts and beeps from incoming messages
can interrupt your work flow and leave you unfocused. Instead, schedule specific blocks of
time throughout the day for checking your email. You might even try marking your calendar
and setting your availability to “busy.”If necessary, turn off your cell phone and shut your
office door to prevent interruptions by family members .The amount of time required for
reviewing email and replying will depend on how frequently you check messages and how
many you typically receive. Some entrepreneurs find it more effective to dedicate 10 minutes
every hour to email. Others prefer to only check email just two or three times a day.

2. Take action immediately.
Making quick decisions and pursuing immediate action will help keep your email inbox under
control. The idea is to not delay until tomorrow what can be accomplished right away. When
you check your messages, browse the inbox for emails that can be immediately deleted such
as spam or promotional emails. Then select messages that don’t require a response and delete
or archive them. Once you’ve pared down the number of messages in your inbox, you’ll be
able to better evaluate which ones are the most critical. Don’t let important emails sit in your
inbox for days. Unless you’re on vacation, respond within 48 hours. Reply to the sender as
soon as you’ve read his or her message.
If you’re unable to respond immediately, communicate to the sender that you received the
message and will be in touch shortly. Set a deadline and follow up.

3. Organize an inbox with labels, folders and categories

Although a majority of emails can be deleted, you’ll most likely want to retain messages
related to key aspects of your business. Correspondence between clients, colleagues and
employees can help clarify any miscommunications. Most email programs let users mark
messages with specific labels or categories. Prioritize, group, sort and file messages to keep
your inbox organized. The better your filing system, the easier it will be to locate specific
emails when you need them. Create parent categories for broad subjects such as the
following: clients, projects and finances. Then use subcategories to file emails related to
specific clients or projects. Before you file a message, ensure the subject line is search-
friendly. If it doesn’t accurately describe the content of the email, edit the subject line before
it’s categorized and archived.
4. Unsubscribe from unwanted promotional emails.
Newsletters and advertisements can overwhelm your inbox and bury important messages.
Clean out the clutter. Unsubscribe from receiving messages from specific senders if you no
longer want to receive their missives or don't have the time to read them. To make the
unsubscribe process quick and painless, search your inbox for the term “unsubscribe."
Review the search results and determine whose emails you would continue to welcome and
the missives you would prefer to live without.


Technological innovations increasingly affect how we engage with media, entertainment and
information. They also affect how we connect and interact with one another and as a
collective, where newer generations are leading the evolution. The broader cultural
consequences have just begun to be felt. Digital media is the right place to gain and share
knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world.

 Too much information: Because there are no barriers to entry any more (blogs, social
media, etc.), there will continue to be more and more information out there. It’s already
overwhelming for most people, but it’ll get even worse over time.
 Winner takes all: When there is too much supply (of information, articles, blogs, etc.) and
limited piping to discover content (Face book, Google, email lists, and other channels), it
leads to a “winner take all effect” where the majority of traffic goes only to the best and/or
most prominent content.
 Information is free: If the Information Age has taught us anything, it is that good
information is destined to get more abundant over time, and to cost less and less as a
result. Even though the big media sites have found a solution in using pay walls for now, I

think over time this solution is less tenable.
 Niches are possible: Even though, more broadly, information is trending towards a cost of
zero, there can still be important niches that can be subscription based. Particularly ones
where ad-based models can’t work, or where it is tough to gain insider knowledge on
 Changing revenue models: Native ads, sponsored content, and broad sponsorships that
connect brands with a particular media voice are the way of the future. Programmatic ads and
other interruptions will be less prominent. The smart companies will be the ones that
integrate native in ways that are ethical and not intrusive to the user experience
 Lean and mean: Let’s face it - old media had an oligopoly on distribution, which allowed
them to charge too much for ads. New media needs to learn to be lean (keeping costs down)
and mean (aggressive with content) to make business work. There’s a sea of change
happening here as big media fails to change, and new media will fill in the gaps.
 Visuals cut through the clutter: Whether it is video, info-graphics, or data visualizations,
these are the ways to cut through the clutter of too much information. They are also a way to
take advantage of the “winner take all” situation - more people share this type of content.


A decade ago, digital marketing was just a simple concept that focused on online content and
SEO. It was unsophisticated, and only a few people talked about it. But things have changed.
Digital marketing has grown to a force we cannot ignore. It’s now more personalized,
sophisticated, and relevant to the needs of the marketers. Companies are now able to target
their audience with focused precision like never before.

Mobile Devices
More people are interacting with the digital world via mobile devices. The modern consumer is
using the mobile device to do everything, from reading news, researching, shopping to surfing
the web. Traditional advertising channels such as TV, magazines, and newspapers are dying,
while mobile-based advertising channels are on an upward trajectory. Similarly, digital
marketers are now taking mobile seriously and are incorporating it into their digital marketing
strategies. They have accepted the fact that mobile is the future and can only become bigger
and better.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence has become an important part of the digital marketing world. Statistics
show that more than 51% of digital marketing leaders have adopted artificial intelligence,
with more than 72% planning to incorporate this technology into their marketing strategy in
the next two years.
 AI is helping marketers personalize user experience; this has made it easy for brands
to transform prospects into real, loyal customers
 AI is able to predict the future, and this is helping marketers make decisions quickly and
 Artificial intelligence helps decrease the amount of time spent on a particular task and
increase efficiency. Improved efficiency also means fewer errors
 Thanks to AI, reaching the right target audience online has become easier and simpler

Social Media
Social media plays a big role in influencing future trends in marketing. Companies have
accepted this fact and are flocking social media platforms like never before. More and more
digital marketers are using social media to advertise their products and services.
 Almost everyone is on social media
 Placing ads on social media is cheap, and even digital marketers with small budgets can
get results
 Social media offers excellent targeting: demographic, connections, interests,
languages, locations, and behaviors. This allows marketers to create more relevant
market campaigns so they can reach their intended audience
 Social media gives marketers control and this offers them flexibility with their
marketing strategies
 The leading social media platforms such as Face book and Twitter have invested in
sophisticated algorithms that allow marketers to know how people are engaging with
their accounts, pages, and ads

Relevant Content
In a world where information is all over the place, customers now gravitate to marketers that
offer relevant information. They want you to give them information that is easy to consume.
Marketers are now using short, eye-catching visuals to catch reader’s attention. Most of them
are using videos and info graphics that are 10-30 seconds long to advertise. These videos and
info graphics are visually strong and contain everything there is to learn about a product or
service. The use of relevant content and real-time marketing is growing in popularity, and
companies need to keep this in mind when thinking about the future marketing trends.

Ad Blocking
This is another trend that will shape the future of digital marketing. Today’s consumers are
easily annoyed by too many ads, and most of them are using ad blockers or skipping videos.
Since the modern day client knows how to use ad blocking technologies, accurate targeting is
important. Change your marketing strategy and ensure it’s focused on accurate targeting; this
will help ensure your ads reach the right people.

There is no denying the importance of video in today’s world. People are using videos to
communicate, share ideas, and solve problems. In fact, a recent study shows that video is the
first thing people think of when they need to be educated or entertained. The leading
companies are now spending huge amounts of money on ads that run before a video starts.
Experts predict this trend will gain popularity in future. It’s, therefore, important to make sure
you incorporate this trend into your digital marketing. Remember to keep your ads short and
ensure the content of your ads relate to the viewer’s demographics.

Native Advertising
More and more digital marketers are adopting native ads. These are ads that aim to inspire,
educate, or entertain consumers, without directly promoting a product or a service. These ads
often consist of videos, great photos, written content, graphics, and visually stunning articles.
Consumers love native ads because they are enjoyable and don’t promote brands directly.
Digital marketers are now investing huge amounts of money in native advertising because
they’ve realized it’s more effective than other methods of advertising. They are also going for
this marketing technique because it’s helping them avoid ad blocking technologies. If you
want to survive in the digital marketing world, ensure you adopt native advertising.

Future of Digital Advertising

We identify and explore several emerging technologies currently disrupting the market, and
outline how you can harness them to develop exciting new advertising strategies that boost
sales and delight customers.

1. The Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT refers to the billions of devices around the world that are now connected to the
Internet, collecting and sharing data. Many IoT devices are made for consumer use, such as
smart home electronics, connected vehicles, wearable technology, and remote-monitoring
home appliances.

KEY STAT: A 2017 Gartner, Inc. report forecasts that there will be more than 20 billion
connected IoT devices by 2020.

2. Connected TV
A connected TV is any television that connects to the Internet. This can be directly with a
smart TV, or through over- the-top (OTT) devices that connect to a TV and enable internet
use, such as the Amazon Fire Stick, Roku, PlayStation, etc. Connected TV allows users to
stream content, such as movies, music, and social media, from sources like Hulu, Netflix, and
YouTube. And the cord-cutting trend is expected to continue, so connected TVs and those
services are only going to become more popular.

KEY STAT: According to a 2017 eMarketer study, 168 million users owned a connected
TV, and this number is expected to rise to 194 million users in 2021.

3. Voice-assisted devices
Augmented reality and virtual reality applications, while still in their infancy, may someday
be as ingrained in our everyday lives as the smart watch.Whether you call them voice
searches or digital assistants, voice-assisted devices are certainly here to stay. Since
introducing voice-enabled search in 2002, Google has integrated it in Google Search, Google
Chrome, Android smart phones and tablets, and Google Home smart speakers.
KEY STAT: More than 39 million Americans own some sort of smart speaker device,
according to a 2017 e-Marketer report on connected TV in the U.S.

4. Digital audio
Audio is also an emerging trend in the digital media space. Although it has been around for
years, digital audio advertising is taking off with digitally streamed radio broadcasts, music
streaming services, and podcasts.
KEY STAT: The number of listeners and total hours spent consuming audio content continue
to rise, with the average listener streaming four hours and 15 minutes of content each day,
according to The Smart Audio Report by National Public Media.

Three Video strategies
Today’s consumers expect content that’s live, on-demand and hyper-relevant. Make your
content more compelling, concise and addictive. Video is on the rise- from vertical video on
social media, to using video for storytelling in micro- moments and geo-located video
discovery and sharing.

Vertical video on the rise

By 2020, video will make up an astounding 80 percent of all internet traffic and, not
surprisingly, two out of three marketers expect video to make up the majority of their content
in the near future. In the mobile-first world, vertical video rules the day and is only expected
to keep growing. Today, 94 percent of people hold their phones upright when capturing
content on their smart phones. Billions of Snap chat and Instagram Stories are created
worldwide every year, nearly all shot vertically. It makes sense that we’re seeing major brands
across categories move to embrace the vertical video format. Even Face book is seeing the
vertical video light, with a recent upgrade to its default video orientation. In fact, last year,
Face book tested the “larger rendering” of vertical video in News Feed on mobile and
discovered that not only did people like the larger view, they watch longer—and with the
sound on. Live video is taking off, as well: According to Face book, live videos have six-times
the engagement as non-live videos. We’re already seeing more live vertical video on mobile-
first platforms like Snap chat and Instagram. Moving forward, we might see even more savvy
brands experimenting with live streams across mobile, social and digital mediums.

Storytelling in micro-moments
It’s not enough anymore for brands to create good content. To stand out in a sea of millions of
stories, brands need to also tell stories in shorter increments, with bite-sized videos. Brands
today have to “story tell in micro-moments because it’s apparent that we’re living in an ADD
culture, where everybody is short on the only commodity that matters in this life—our time.”
Our time is even more fragmented online. Instead of spending much hours online surfing the
web and social media, people explore the digital world in short bursts, from mobile devices.
And those micro-moments— moments when people go online looking for recommendations
for what to do, where to go, what to buy—are opportunities to connect through story telling.

People love brands that aren’t afraid to let people in. That’s why the most popular videos on
Snapchat and Instagram Stories have a more edgy, intimate feel. They capture human

Geo-located video discovery and sharing

As a longtime partner of Snapchat, Tag board has worked with dozens of professional and
college teams across sports to share live Snapchat content on the giant video displays in
stadiums. You probably saw a recent example of this if you went to this year’s college
playoff games. The power of Snap chat’s Snap Maps is undeniable. You share your location
for snaps, which then appears to friends on a map and updates when you open the application
Location is already starting to play a bigger role in how people discover video at events.
We’re seeing Facebook Messenger build on its Live Location feature, while YouTube recently
launched Director Mix, allowing brands to deliver thousands of localized videos in one
campaign using Google Maps data.

The Future of Digital Transformation: What Does it Look Like& How to Plan For It?
“By 2020, 50% of the Global 2000 will see most of their business depend on their ability to
create products, services, and experiences that are digitally-enhanced.” Digital transformation
does not only mean technology, and it will eventually affect every industry. The companies
should make preparation for the upcoming changes. In the future, traditional business models
will leave their place to the platforms that companies can directly connect with customers.
Let’s find the importance of transparency for companies in the future and new partnership


Before studying vocabulary, understand the difference between each word in a word-family. By
doing so, you will be able to understand how to use words more easily. A word-family is a
grouping of words derived from the same base. For example, active, actively, activities, and
activity are all in the same word-family. There is a difference between passive vocabulary and
active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary is used in reading and listening, where you are receiving
information. Active vocabulary is used in writing and speaking, where you are giving
information. In reading, you have time to think. If you want to be fluent, you don't have time to
think because the definition of fluent is to speak smoothly and easily.

Your goal should be to increase the

depth of your vocabulary knowledge
instead of the breadth of your
vocabulary knowledge. There are
many English learners who know
8,000 words, but they cannot speak a
single sentence. On the other hand,
there are people who know only
2,000 words and they can speak
fluently. The difference is how
deeply you know a word. Knowing
10,000 words passively will not help
you with speaking. Instead focus on
learning the first 2,000 words deeply.
Learning vocabulary by memorizing
definition in your native language is an inefficient way to learn words. Rather, reading is the
best way to increase your vocabulary.
Learn words by seeing the word in a sentence. You can look up words in a dictionary, but study
them in sentences, not the word itself.

Why Learn English with Audio?
So why English audio? You definitely should not forget about all the other tools available to
you, but audio has some unique advantages:
 Your eyes can take a break from screens. Using audio tools does not require that you
look at a screen—like your cell phone screen or computer screen-for long periods of time,
the way video exercises and films do. These days, we are surrounded by visuals, on our
laptops, tablets and cell phones… so it is great to give your eyes a break! Just relax, close
your eyes and listen.
 Audio is easy to find in several formats. You can download audio files online and
upload them to your phone or iPod. You could go shopping for an audio book or buy a
CD English learning course to play in your car. They also tend to be less expensive than
movie downloads or Blue-ray discs.
 Audio can be used in your spare time and when you travel. For example, if you take
public transit to school or to work, you can definitely use both audio and video tools to
improve English. But if you drive, then audio is the only way to learn, because you have
to keep your eyes on the road!
 Finally, audio can be a very entertaining form of English listening practice. Talk
radio and news are just the start. There are radio dramas and comedies, podcasts and
audio books available to you. As you’ll see below, the options are endless!

Tips to Learn English with Audio Strategically

 No matter what kind of English audio tool you are using, you need to make sure that it is
appropriate for your level of English. If you are a beginner, you will have a lot of
difficulty understanding the readings of Shakespeare or a documentary on international
financial systems. You are likely to get discouraged and stop using this kind of audio
quickly. Do not waste your time; start slow and build up on your listening skills.
 It is also very important to have fun with audio. The readings of Shakespeare may be great
practice for you as an advanced English speaker, but if you do not like poetry, you will
probably not enjoy it that much. Choose an audio book that you love or that interests you.
Start on a new radio show. As long as you enjoy your learning, it will be beneficial to

 Here’s a more practical tip: choose comfortable headphones or ear buds for your audio
English practice. There are two reasons for this: first, if you listen to audio in a public
space, it is a considerate (polite) thing to do to respect other people and not force them to
listen to your language lessons, too. Second, you may be listening (and wearing
headphones) for long periods of time, so your head and ears should be comfortable while
you do that!

Podcasts for English Learning

Podcasts are daily, weekly or monthly audio programs that you can subscribe to, either for free
or for a small fee. Then you download to your computer, phone or tablet. Podcasts cover so
many different topics and come in so many forms, you are bound to find something that
interests you! News, sports, analytical programs, interviews, pop culture-podcasts have it all.
Keep in mind that some podcasts may be above your English level. Choose those that are not
only interesting, but that you can understand as well. Some good resources to find podcasts
 Earbud
 Podbean
One of the most popular podcast programs for English learners is EnglishClass101 by
Innovative Language. It has over 1,500 video and audio lessons to teach you English, in the
style of podcasts. These podcasts also come with interactive learning tools, so that you can
practice your English with relevant activities.
Audio books for English Learning
When it comes to English audio books, you may want to start with genres that have
easier vocabulary and grammar, such as young adult and adventure fiction.
As you get more advanced, you may enjoy listening to the readings of modern bestselling
books, classical English literature and even non-fiction, if you want a challenge.
Here are some great places to find English audio books that match your learning level:
 Audible, an app that is compatible with (works with) most Android devices, is dedicated
to audio books (most paid, but some free).
 Apple iBooks has a dedicated audio books section, with free and paid choices available as

 The New York Times Best Sellers list will give you some ideas, if you would like to listen
to popular fiction or the latest in book trends, especially in the USA.
 All-Time 100 Novels is the list by Time of the best English-language novels since 1923.
That may be subjective (not the same for everyone), of course, but it offers great
suggestions for your next audio book, especially if you would like to listen to an
American classic.
 Your local library may have audio books on CDs or available as online downloads for
free. Be sure to check it out!

Radio Comedies and Dramas

The ultimate English listening practice for advanced speakers are definitely radio comedies
and dramas. BBC Radio is famous for producing high-quality ones. These are just like your
favorite TV shows with an interesting plot, engaging characters and witty (clever) dialogue,
except they rely only on voices and sounds to tell the story. This is far from easy for an English
learner to follow along with, so it will be a great test of your listening skills! “Wooden
Overcoats” is a comedy set on a small island and following the director of a local funeral
home and his new employee. Do not be put off by the subject, because the show is funny and
clever! It is released in a podcast format and has won multiple comedy awards and
nominations. This is one of the best comedies on BBC Radio 4 that follows the adventures of
a small airline. There are only four characters (and one of them is voiced by Benedict
Cumberbatch). The episodes are each 30 minutes long, so you can listen to one or several at a
Using English audio is the perfect way to get English listening practice and become better at
understanding English speech, its patterns and even different English accents. Depending on
the audio tool you choose, you may learn new and exciting vocabulary, practice grammar and
improve pronunciation, or just have fun and be entertained while you listen. Keep in mind
that patience is very important when you work with audio, because listening is not easy. Your
improvement will be gradual—but once you decide to learn English with audio, as long as
you listen regularly and are having fun, you will soon see the results.


If you search the internet, even on sites such as YouTube, you will find many videos that other
teachers have uploaded for people to use. These can have many benefits, including:

 A different accent for students to hear.

 A different teaching style.
 A change of focus during the lesson.
 Expertise on a subject the teacher is unfamiliar with.
 Visual and audio explanations of words that can't be provided in the classroom.

Students, especially younger ones, also love the fact they are watching video or TV
during a lesson. If they realize they can watch vocabulary lessons on the internet, this
will also encourage them to watch more at home in their own time, if they have internet

Making vocabulary videos – another approach to teaching

Many students love doing project work. One project that would be fun as well as educational
is making vocabulary videos. These could then be used in the class, or they could be posted
on the internet for other students to access. The work for this could take place over several
lessons. You could start by having a vocabulary lesson, or directing students to try to write
their own vocabulary lists around a particular theme or subject. They could then decide how
to present their vocabulary. The discussions around this topic are just as useful for their
development as the actual vocabulary lists are. Some ideas they may have are:
 Using pictures to illustrate words.
 Taking photographs and editing them together.
 Writing a poem or script for a role play using the key vocabulary.
 Explaining techniques that helped them remember the words.
Having a good vocabulary will help you to improve your language level and become a more
confident speaker of English. Choose your level, beginner or intermediate, and start learning
new words today to improve and practise your English vocabulary. Decide which area of

vocabulary you need help with today and choose a topic to work on. You can listen to the
words in the first exercise to practise your pronunciation. When you do the online interactive
exercises, you can see how well you've done.Practising little and often is the best way to
improve your vocabulary, so come back tomorrow to choose another topic to work on. Good





Online tools for learning English

Online applications

Writing online tests

Fundamentals of online communication

Developing LSRW skills online

Posting online feedback for any article

Posting reviews for any article/ videos

Unit test-2


These days there are lots of online resources to help you learn English at home for free.
Although the best resource is always a good teacher, you might only see your teacher a few
hours a week. That leaves a lot of time for you to practice at home.
How to Study English with E-learning Resources
We are going to see what is on the Internet for English
students and how you can benefit. First, it is important to
know what makes all these resources different. The
resources we will see are different in terms of:
 Learning method. Some e-learning tools are just like
traditional classrooms, with textbooks, teachers, tests
and assignments. Other tools will keep you focused on
learning with clever activities. Others will help you
learn in a fun way by using games. Others will give
you lessons filled with more visual materials, like
videos and texts. You need to decide which types of
materials help you learn better than others. It is all
about what you like!
 Time commitment. There are solutions that will offer you
complete independence in learning—this means that you can decide when, where and how
you learn. You do not need to follow someone else’s schedule.
There are also resources where English teachers will meet you online and help you learn, but you
will need to make a schedule or follow the teacher’s schedule. So, you need to decide how much
time you want to spend learning English every day. You also need to decide how important a
flexible schedule is for you!
 Level. While some online resources will work for every English student at every skill level,
from beginner to advanced, some resources are made for English students at specific skill
levels. This means that you must be a beginner, an intermediate or an advanced learner to use
these specific e-learning resources.

 Topics. There are sites that focus on special aspects of learning such as writing, listening,
vocabulary or grammar. Some focus on exams like the TOEFL, TOEIC and IELTS. There are
also sites that offer a broad spectrum of areas and topics you can work on, which is great if
you want to learn general English skills.
 Materials. How do you learn best? Do you remember English lessons better when you read
them? Do you have more fun learning with videos and music? Do you love to sing? Choose
the e-learning resource that uses your favorite materials.
Check out some of the tools below
1. Quizlet– This app allows you to make flashcards and quizzes. Perfect for reviewing
vocabulary. There are also flashcards and quizzes made by other people on the IELTS
2. Anki- Another great site for vocabulary. It is a spaced repetition flashcard program, that
will make remembering vocabulary easy.
3. is a powerful translation tool.
4. Wordsteps helps you remember 20 new words a day.
5. Memrise– Memrise helps you learn words and phrases by using a spaced repetition
program similar to Anki. All the materials are contributed by other users, so there are lots
of materials ready to go.
1. Learning with texts allows you to paste in a section of text, note which words within that
text you do and don’t know, quickly look up the words you don’t, and create flashcards
from them.
2. is a great resource for students who want to practice their reading skills.
New articles are uploaded daily; with quizzes to test your knowledge.
3. The English Learner Movie Guides provide movie and character summaries, as well as
words and phrases learners might not know from well known movies.
1. Forvo allows you to simply type in a word and hear how a native speaker would say it.
2. Sounds of Speech is an invaluable app for anyone learning phonemes. It animates the
different mouth movements required to make each sound.
4 to see and listen to all of the sounds of English
3. British Council Phonemic Chart allows you
TuneIn Radio– With over 100,000 stations, TuneIn has the largest selection of free sports, music, talk
& news radio from around the world.
RhinoSpike is an online language learning community that allows users around the world connect and
exchange foreign language audio files. Get any foreign language text read aloud for you by a native
VOA Learning English allows you to listen to the news in English and improve your listening and
vocabulary at the same time.
Lyrics Training provides gap-fills for well known English songs. Great for listening, grammar and
Google+ Hangouts– Simply set up an account and connect with lots of people who want to practice
speaking English.
iTalki is a language learning social network that connects students and language teachers.
Verbling lets language learners connect with native speakers around the world through live chat and
video. is one of the biggest language exchange communities on the web.
VoiceThread is a tool that allows you to up load pictures and videos and then record yourself talking
about them.
Lang 8 is a language learning platform where native speakers correct what you write.
Common Errors in English Usage explains common errors and how to avoid making them. allows you to input your writing and identify common grammar errors.
Purdue Online Writing Lab helps students by providing literacy materials, such as handouts and slide
presentations. Students may also submit questions for feedback.


Memrise is one of the most popular e- learning

tools for language learning. It is not just for
learning English. It is for learning anything!
However, it makes an excellent English e-
learning tool. When it comes to its methods, it
uses many little quizzes with multiple choice
questions to help you learn English vocabulary.
You will see a definition and need to choose the
correct word, or see an English word and need
to choose the correct definition. There are many
other ways to play with these courses and
quizzes. To help your memory, Memrise uses
Every mem makes some kind of interesting, memorable connection that helps you learn and
remember the meaning of an English word. Each mem can be in the form of a cartoon, a
drawing, a picture or a word. These mems are created by you and other English-learning
members of Memrise.

British Council has an official site full of different kinds of resources for learning English. It
offers learning materials that are perfect for different age groups, and you can choose resources
to focus on the specific English skills you want to develop.
There are kids, teens and adults sections, as well as writing, reading, listening and speaking sections.
For example, if you are an adult and you want to practice writing, you can pick a section where
you can learn how to write professional emails. There you will have different units and tasks to
complete. Tasks include things like filling out missing words related to the given subject.

MOOEC stands for Massive Open Online English Course. It offers online courses for learning
more general English. The courses are provided by universities and colleges.It is not a typical
example of an online course because the lessons are shorter and you can learn at your own pace,
but it is a great way to see if online courses work for you.Plus, it is completely free!
Coursera is a massive online learning platform with numerous top universities offering courses
for everyone. Their English courses are usually designed for more advanced English learning.
The English topics range from TOEIC preparation and English writing practice to interview
preparation. You can also take courses in English to learn about other subjects—everything from
marketing and business management to astronomy, chemistry and math can be found here. You
can take Coursera courses at your own pace, or you can instead follow the rhythm of the group
of students. The courses usually last for a few weeks or a month. There is also an option to take
more courses integrated into a specialization by a topic.
YouTube videos

FluentU takes real-world videos from YouTube,

transcribes them, translates them, puts interactive
subtitles on them and creates activities from
them. Now all of your favorite YouTube videos
are English lessons! There are many different
types of videos. FluentU makes it easy to watch
and understand native English videos with
interactive captions. Tap or click on any word
to see what it means, learn how to use it, hear it
pronounced and more. The videos are organized
by genre and level, so it’s super easy to find the
ones that work for you. FluentU also keeps track of your learning, then suggests videos and
examples perfect for you.Start using FluentU on the website or download the FluentU app from
the iTunes store or Google Play store.

Break Into English is a site offering online Skype courses with teachers. It offers different
topics and you can choose your own schedule to take lessons and interact with the
professor.Which level? All level classes are available, but there are a lot offered for intermediate
students, covering areas such as general English, business English, legal English and
conversation classes for children. The lessons are offered by teachers trained by the company.

With Live English, you can also take English classes on Skype or even by telephone. Live
English focuses on topics such as spoken English, job interview preparation, exam preparation
and business English. It offers flexibility in designing a program that is suitable for you.

5 online tools you can try

The internet is filled with wonders. Through the internet, you have endless tools that improve
your English. If you want to learn English, and you want innovative ways to do so, keep reading.
Below, we learn about 5 online tools to learn English that you can use. Check each one out, and
adopt them into your practice!

#1 – Quizlet.
This is an app that combines visuals with text.It does so in many ways, primarily using
flashcards to help English learners. It does so through simple quizzes, games, and interactive
diagrams. That’s right, since the flashcards are digital, you can interact with them. You can add
as much detail and notes as you need. This improves your learning experience. Quizlet is a very
popular tool. It is one best to enhance your vocabulary. Through Quizlet, you gain insight into
what words visually represent – which is vital for mastering a language.

#2 – Word Reference.
Also known as, this is a translation tool.But specifically, it is designed for the
world’s most spoken languages.This tool’s importance is in its attention to detail. It translates
words and phrases, providing endless options on what a word means.
It’s a detailed encyclopedia of word meanings. Credentials. This website has been around since
1999. It has been consistently ranked in the top 500 visited of all time. It’s almost 20 years old.
And that’s how long its developers have been updating its databases.

#3 – Dream Reader.
One doesn’t learn English just for speech. They learn to read it too. Dreamer Reader helps with
that. It’s a website designed to help you improve your English reading skills. It does so by
uploading articles and content. You read those articles and are then tested on what you have read.
The tests gauge how well you absorbed the material. It’s a place to practice comprehension. It
develops your ability to understand while improving your English vocabulary too. This website
was founded by Neil Millington, an EFL lecturer in Japan. His mission is to provide an online
tool that develops reading skills – one that is effective. It provides a free online tool for those
who need access to practice.

#4 – Forvo.
When you learn to speak English, proper pronunciation is a must. It’s a core part of being fluent.
You want to speak smoothly, and to be understood as you talk. This is what Forvo does. It’s a
database of English words, showing you how a native speaker would pronounce each one. You
can also get pronunciations of words in other major languages. Offline, the only way to
pronounce words correctly is by hearing them from others. Now, you don’t need that. You can
simply listen to word pronunciations online, through a website like Forvo. Obviously, there are
other websites like it. But this is the most comprehensive.

#5 – Lang 8.
This website is less of an online tool and more of a gathering place for English learners. Here,
you get to improve your writing skills. What you do is submit your writing to the website. There,
it gets reviewed by native English speakers, where they correct your mistakes. Through this
website, you get free revisions. You get “instructor” guides on improving your writing. Again,
this website works with a multitude of languages, not just English. It’s also based on good-will,
with free give and take.

General Resources

English is known as a ‘Universal Language’ because of its popularity and presence all over the
globe. From the poorest countries to the wealthiest ones, English has found a place. Learning and
mastering a language which several billion people all over the world can speak, read and write;
connects us on the global level. It is thus vital to learn this language and improve our existing
skills. That’s’ why we have collected a set of resources from all over the internet which will help
you learn English from the absolute basics and have you speaking like a native.

1. This collection of free English learning resources is designed to help you study whatever
aspect of conversational English is most interesting or important to you at the moment
2. Materials, Tips, and Tools to Help You Learn English. Resources include grammar
explanations, vocabulary reference pages, quiz sheets, pronunciation help, and listening and
reading comprehension strategies.
3. com provides a large and growing collection of English as a Second Language (ESL) tools &
resources for students, teachers, learners and academics
4. Here are a variety of resources to help educators with English Language Learners.
5. To help you develop your language skills and prepare for your exam, we have some free
resources to help you practice your English.
6. Learn English from the elementary to the advanced level on this site. http://www.english-
7. Learn English online with free courses vocabulix

The flexibility to learn a new language on your schedule, with any device, from anywhere in
the world. You'll get full access to all of our latest features and can start learning immediately
– no lengthy downloads or installations required.

2. This web site is for people studying for an English language exam
3. This is an English learning site for self-studying language learners and for teachers and tutors
to use in the classroom, online, or for curriculum assignments
4. A huge free online English learning resource
5. Everything students and teachers need to begin learning English including grammar
explanations, vocabulary building exercises, listening and reading comprehension, reference
materials, quizzes, and tutorials.
6. Learn English from the absolute basics

1. Real English® is an online video library of spontaneous dialogues of people interviewed on
the streets of English-speaking countries, organized according to grammatical, lexical, and
functional criteria used in the interactive exercises.
2. Repeat After Us is an award-winning online library with the best collection of copyright-free
English texts and scripted recordings. Our free audio clips provide an excellent resource for
students and literature lovers of all ages.
3. Practise and improve your listening skills for your studies or for work. There are activities
for different levels, so find your level and make a
4. English Speaking Basics is for English speaking beginners who need help to understand the
basics of speaking
5. Learn to speak, write and read in English from the beginner level.
6. English for Beginners - Easy Lessons, Games and Quizzes

7. Easy English phrases to learn conversation for
8. Speak in English by mastering the basics of conversation.
9. Basic English conversations help beginning learners build basic English skills. Each
conversation group includes a few short conversations introducing basic English
10. Basic English conversation from an easy basic English conversation to hard
11. Listen to realistic English conversation to practice your English listening skills.
12. A collection of audio clips to help you learn English listening and conversation.
13. Learn English speaking, vocabulary and grammar with
14. Tips & Tricks of Spoken
15. 7 Tips For Speaking English
16. 18 tips for improving your English
17. 10 top tips for learning English at home
18. Tips and tricks to improve your English vocabulary
19. How to Improve Spoken English: Easy Tips and Tricks
20. General study tips for English language learners and tips from teachers [PDF]

1. Developing a solid foundation in English grammar will not only help you create your own
sentences correctly but will also make it easier to improve your communication skills in both
spoken and written English. Study all the lessons below and incorporate your learning into
your speaking and writing.

2. Learn the basic language rules and use of everyday-life English while building up your
vocabulary as you read more and more.
3. An open source learning site which allows you to download, reuse, or share the following
English grammar lessons with your friends, colleagues, or
4. 8 easy tricks for improving your English skills
5. 3 tricks for learning English – prepositions, vocabulary, structure


1. Grammarly (Improve Your Writing and Make Fewer Mistakes)

I use this app and highly recommend it. It’s much more than just a spellchecker.
It also highlights grammar mistakes and gives you an explanation. For example,
let’s say your write: “I’ve been in France before.” Grammarly will tell you to
change this to: “I’ve been to France before.”
This is super helpful!

2. Anki (Digital Flashcards Everywhere)

If you have followed me for a while, you’ll know how much I believe in the To
Fluency Sentence Method. This is where you take sentences and phrases and repeat
them in a smart way. This is the best way to learn new words and internalize
grammar. You can do this focusing on your speaking, writing, and reading.
Anki allows you to add your own digital flashcards (with audio) or upload cards
that others have made. I’ve used this app for my own language learning and create
flashcards for those inside my program.

3. Hello Talk (Get Speaking and Writing Practice with English Speakers)
If you haven’t used this yet, you’re going to love it! This app allows you to talk in
real time with people from all over the world. It gives you the speaking practice
that so many people need. The app includes video and audio calls, texting,
translation tools, group chats, and a great search feature so that you can find
friends. Get this today and get more speaking and writing practice.

4. Udemy (Take Courses for English Learners)

Personally, I’ve bought dozens of courses on Udemy on various topics. There are
some good courses for English learners on this platform. However, don’t just buy
courses for English learners. Learn other things (in English!) too.

5. BBC Learning English (English Lessons Based on the News)
If you prefer structured lessons, this app is for you. Learn new vocabulary, take
grammar lessons, and improve your pronunciation by taking lessons based on the
news. They keep updating their app and have recently added subtitles to their videos.

6. Lingoda (Take Private and Group English Lessons Online)

While Hello Talk focuses on making friends with English-speakers, Lingoda
allows you to take private and group lessons online. Classes are one hour and you
can sign up for single lessons or for monthly subscriptions. Choose teachers by
topic and your level. All materials are provided by the teacher.While they don’t
have a dedicated app, you can take the lessons from anywhere and on any device.

7. Lingq: (Quick Lessons and Test Your English)

This is a great app that is gaining more popularity.Take ready-made lessons (or
import your own) and then, save words and use their SRS (like Anki) to
memorize what you have learned.

FluentU takes real-world videos like music videos, commercials, news, and
inspiring talks and turns them into English learning experiences.Unlike
traditional apps, FluentU uses a natural approach that helps you ease into the
English language and culture over time. You’ll learn English as it’s spoken in
real life.FluentU has a variety of engaging videos – topics like popular talk
shows, music videos, and funny commercial

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone is probably the most famous method for learning languages. It’s
also very a unique method compared to many others. Usually, an English app
teaches you English with explanations in , our native language .But Rosetta
Stone doesn’t do that—it teaches you English with English. Rosetta Stone has
exercises designed to help you learn basic words, before forming phrases and
longer sentences.


MindSnacks is known for its fun and simple-to-use interface. There are nine
mini-games inside of the MindSnacks app. Each game is designed to help
you master English words a certain way. For example, there is a game with
lots of balloons—there are red balloons and blue balloons. Then, you might
have three blue balloons with the words “glorify,” “ludicrous,” “abstruse,”
and three red balloons with the words “absurd,” “praise,” “hard to
understand.” Each word on the blue balloon means something similar to a
word on the red balloon. You would match these up like this: “glorify —
praise,” “ludicrous — absurd,” “abstruse — hard to understand.” This game
is designed to help you learn new words.

Memrise is a bit similar to MindSnacks—the focus of this app for learning
English is English words.But, unlike MindSnacks, Memrise doesn’t help you
learn through games. Instead, it uses some creative, funny ways to help you
remember what words mean. There are over thirteen pages of courses available
on the app, from easy ones like “English Irregular Verbs” to more difficult ones
like “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens. Many English learners find
learning new words to be one of the most difficult things about the language.
American English uses a large vocabulary set in particular.

Babbel’s focus is teaching you real-life, conversational English. It’s designed to
be easy to use every single day, since the courses are split into 15-minute
lessons. You’ll learn and practice with realistic conversations. Babbel can even
listen to your voice and help you with your English pronunciation. You can also
be sure that you’ll remember what you’ve studied, because Babbel will remind
you to review important lessons before you forget them. One of the coolest
things about Babbel is that it helps you find lessons you’re personally interested

Mosalingua is yet another app for learning English using some effective
learning methods. Mosalingua tries to solve this problem by using a method
called SRS. SRS stands for Spaced Repetition Software, and basically, it’s
software that’s designed to help you review words just before you will
forget them. So, let’s say you forget a word three months after you learn it.
Mosalingua will help you review these words maybe a week or two before you
do forget it. Mosalingua also focuses on 1,500 of the most important words in
English for practical and daily uses. So if you’ve just started to learn English,
Mosalingua might be a great English app to check out.

Busuu is a little bit different than many of the apps we’ve mentioned here. Many
apps for learning English we talked about so far are for personal use. For most of
the lessons, you go through them yourself. With Busuu, however, you can talk
with native English speakers to practice your English speaking.Each Busuu
lesson has some key vocabulary, a lesson dialogue, a writing practice session, a
recording session (you practice saying some English out loud), a lesson review,
and of course, the part where you can practice with other native English speakers.

Duolingo is designed to help you learn English quickly. That means if you’ve
never learned English before, by using Duolingo about twenty minutes a day,
you can probably start to talk in simple English, read a lot of English articles,
and listen to some basic English phrases in very little time. It’s really
effective.In each lesson, Duolingo teaches you about seven new words based
on a topic—like education, school, science and adjectives. There are exercises
you have to do in each lesson.


Tips and tricks to create good exam questions

With only a few tips, you will create better questions. Better questions lead to better results :)
Avoid term like “always” and “never”
These terms are more often the incorrect options. And yes, participants do know this trick. You
don’t want to test if participants know these tricks. Instead you want to test their knowledge, of
Avoid double negatives
“Which of the following answers are NOT incorrect?” After reading this question three times,
you finally understand what the meaning is of the question. Instead, you can also ask “Which of
the following answers are correct?” It’s the same meaning, but much easier to understand!
State the question positively instead of negatively
A negatively worded question challenges even the intelligent readers to understand the question.
By avoiding this, you erase the amount of stress. Less confusing and less stress :)

Answer choices at the same length place most words in question Ensure most words are in
the question. The answer options can be shorter and will make participants less confusing and
more understandable.
Try to keep the
Often the longest answer option is the right one.
Ensure that all your answer options have almost the same length.
Give four or five answer options
Experts recommend to give four or five answer options. And you do
what experts say, right?
Avoid using “none of the above” or “all of the above”
It’s very unlikely that the answer “none of the above” or “all of the
above” is the right answer. But if you know that two answers are right
(out of four) and you doubt if the other one is right, the answer must be
“all of the above”. Now it’s just a game of logical thinking.


What Is Online Communication?

A man is a social animal and loves to interact with fellow human beings. Along with the basic
necessities of life like food, shelter and clothing, equally important are the need to communicate
with others. Rare is the man who lives alone and does not interact with others and is considered
to be happy

Before the advent of the electronic media, there were only two kinds of communication, verbal
and non-verbal. But with the arrival of the World Wide Web, there are a plethora of
methods that people can now communicate with each other. The online communication definition
today, refers to how people as well as computers communicate with each other through a computer
network and the internet.

Not a surprising factor, people are resorting more to

online communication than the traditional forms due to
its many advantages like the flexibility it provides for the
person to communicate across the world with someone
else. Parents and children and friends and siblings living
in different corners of the world have been brought
together by the click of a button.This form of
communication alsogives leverage to people who are
more comfortable expressing their thoughts by putting
them down on paper’ meaning typing on the chat window
or the email; than just speaking their thoughts out. It also
gives an opportunity for a person to edit and correct what
they want to communicate.

Since online communication is documented, it can be stored for later reference and has been
known to be of importance especially related to legal aspects. Online communication saves a lot
of time as well since the people involved can perfectly carry it on while doing other things as
compared to a verbal communication where both parties have to be present

Types of Online Communication

Online communication can be a wide variety of things like communicating through chat rooms,
through instant messaging applications, through electronic mails, through online forums, filling
out requisite forms online, posting comments online through different social media sites or blogs,
through social networking, or through online conferencing both video and audio. All of these
types of online communication are being effectively used today increasingly.
Emails: Emails or electronic mails were the earliest forms of online communication. This is
considered to be the sole reason for the decline of the postal service across the world. A method
that saves time and money, it is still widely used by a multitude of people across the world for
personal and professional communication. Emails work through an online interface and are
hosted on the servers of different Internet Service Providers.
SMS: Another word for this is Short Messaging Service. As the name suggests, these are short
messages with a capping of 160 alphanumeric characters that are transmitted from the sender to
the receiver through the internet.
Chats: This is a very popular method of online communication as it allows a user to carry on a
discussion with one or multiple people at the same time. The chat servers belong to a chat
network through which the transcripts are broadcasted.
Forums: Also known as bulletin boards or discussion boards, these are online sessions that have
multiple users interact with each other by posting messages on the same chat trail. This is
popular for having discussion and debates on any particular topic.
Whiteboards: This tool or application works like a physical whiteboard and enables the user to
draw or write on an online interface. It is popular in educational institutions and is good for one-
way communication.
Instant Messaging: This mode of communication is an enhanced method of the chat. Messages
can be conveyed through a special software to any user who is part of the same instant messaging
Both users have to be connected to the relevant network to be able to communicate online.
However, if one user is not available they will be notified of getting a message from a user.
VoIP: VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is used to denote any audio or video transmission
that happens between two or multiple users. This is a very popular method of communication
nowadays as it allows users to interact real time and also captures the subtle nuances of the age-
old verbal communication. This is used today mostly for hosting meetings and conference calls.
A very popular company in this field is ezTalks that offers different methods of video
Trillian (all in one): The latest in the online communication world, this is an innovative method
of communicating online. The main advantage of this tool is that users can connect with
numerous instant messaging serviceswithout having to create multiple connections.

Today, the online methods have made communication all the easier and have managed to bring
people closer to each other. More than a method, this is fast becoming a way of life.

Need for Online communication

As the internet becomes more and more dispensable with a vast section of society, the
significance and importance of online communication is also becoming quite evident. What
exactly is online communication and why it is becoming very vital for the world as a whole and
what does the future behold for online communication? Put in plain and simple words, any
communication which takes places between individuals to individuals or group of individuals or
between entities to individuals or groups of entities is referred to as online communication.

The communication can happen in many ways. It could be in the form of text sent across to
various recipients in the through mails or even using various social media sites such as
Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. On the other end of the spectrum there are also audio and
video communications between individual to individual, between closed groups and also to the
world at large. There are products such as ezTalks which enable different users to communicate
with one another using audio, video, text or a combination of all the three.

Important Benefits Of Online Communication
It is not surprising at all that online communication is getting more and more popular than that of
the traditional form of communication. Whether it is for personal use or professional, people rely
more on the online communication. It is bringing people more and more close to each other.
Some of the undeniable pros of online communication are:

#1: Flexible in Nature

One of the best advantages of this online communication is its flexibility. You can communicate
with anyone, anytime. Internet works 24 hours a day and you can anytime start communicating
with a person. All you need is a computer or mobile device along with internet and a tool like
ezTalks Meetings. If you want to discuss something very important with your business partners
or clients and they are not in the city or country at that moment, you can choose online
communication anytime.
#2: Very Cost Effective
You cannot deny the fact that travelling cost from one city to another or one country to another is
way more than signing up for a software to launch a video conference. Even there are some tools
like ezTalks Meetings where you can hold online conference for free. All you have to do is just
sign up and create your account. It saves both money and time.

#3: Easy Connectivity

This is one of the best benefits of online communication. No matter where your teammate or
partner is, you can connect with him/her from anywhere. Online communication has made it a lot
easier for the business owners to connect with their clients and partners from any place in the
world. You can anytime access your account and invite the client/partner to initiate a virtual
meeting. You do not have to wait for them to come.

#4: Increase the Efficiency & Productivity

It is evident that work becomes much smoother when there is an ease of communication. When it
is difficult to communicate, working gets more difficult. With the help of this online tools, one
can also exchange important files, documents and presentations.

You will be able to share screen to with the help of the features. So, with the help of online
communications like e-conference, e-mail, IMs and video calls, efficiency of work has increased.
Of course when efficiency increases, productivity has to increase as well.

#5: Group Video Calls

For the business purpose, communication is not always limited between two persons. Often there
are more people who are supposed to join the video conference or meeting. With the help of
ezTalks Meetings you can host up to 100 participants in the starter (free) pack itself. This is one
of the most efficient and reliable online communication tool that many business houses use to
interact with their clients, partners and employees all over the world.

#6: Convenient
Lastly, it is way more convenient than any other form of communications. Online
communication can be via chats, forums, VoIP, emails and e-conference. One sitting thousands
of miles away from you in a completely different time zone may not be able to interact with you
without the existence of internet. But now one can interact with you from anywhere at their own
convenience. Whether it is from their office or from house or even when on go, with the help of
internet you can have a steady communication.

Features of Online Communication

Before getting into the growing importance of online communication, it is important that we
understand some basics about the features of online communication. Here are a few trademark
features of any good online communication.

It is sent in the digital format. Any online communication is always in a digital format and it
uses the reach and spread of the internet to move from the sender/senders to the recipient or
Immediate delivery – Any online communication is delivered to the recipient almost
instantaneously. This is possible because the communication travels rapidly using the electronic
mode of transmission and it lands on the recipients’ device almost instantaneously.
It is interactive – Since the messages are delivered almost instantaneously, there is scope of
high level of interactivity between the receivers and the senders. Messages in any form can be
exchanged between receivers and senders and this certainly goes a long way in making it useful
for all the stakeholders.

Individuality – The process of communication and the way it is exchanged, the form in which it
is received and sent are highly customizable taking into account specific needs and requirements
of the end users. The personalization features are becoming one of the biggest hallmarks and
takeaways as far as various forms of online communications are concerned.

It helps build communities – If we look around we certainly will come across many instances
where there are thousands of online communities of likeminded people or people with the same
stakes in mind. This is very unique and possible on such a large extent only because of online

Entertainment And Enjoyment – It also would be pertinent to mention that online

communication is becoming one of the biggest drivers of entertainment and enjoyment. Whether
it is sports, cinema, current events or news there is no doubt that today it reaches millions of
people instantaneously because of online communication.

Importance of Online Communication

Given the unique features of online communication,

there is no doubt that it plays a vital and critical part in
bringing people, society, businesses, and the world
closer together. The boundaries of time and distance
have become irrelevant and insignificant because of
online communication. It therefore is not a bad idea to
briefly look into the importance of online

It helps to bring together the world. The biggest importance is perhaps the fact that it brings together
people of world and makes it well and truly a global village. There is nothing like time lag when
information is shared across the internet using online communication.

It helps in almost each and every field of industry and business.

Whether it is arts and culture, sports, medicine, agriculture, industry, defense and even politics
there are reasons to believe that online communication helps a lot in faster decision making,
rapid dissemination of information and improved productivity across all levels.
As far as modern offices and commercial establishments are concerned, online communication is
akin to the central nervous system because it helps in rapid flow of information which is so very
vital to take the right decisions.In the medical field, thousands of lives can be saved using online
communication because remote surgeries using this form of communication is now becoming
quite common.
Benefits of Internet Communication
The advent of the internet has opened the world to a number of positive things. This piece of
technology provides businesses the opportunity to keep in touch through live conversations,
instant messaging, emails, live visual discussions, and more. This has made it feasible for
companies to do some of their jobs remotely. Large entities that used to rely on expensive phone
calls and mail deliveries can now communicate easily for a fraction of the price, which makes it
harder to imagine our planet without the internet. The importance of internet communication
cannot be over stressed. Let's now dive deep and look at the benefits of internet communication
1,Makes communication easier
Doing business through phone or mail doesn't work well. Before the internet came into
existence, the only way to communicate was through a phone. Or if you needed to send a note
you had to send letters via mail. With the arrival of the Internet, staff and team managers can
connect instantaneously without leaving their work place. ezTalks Meetings, a one-stop internet
communication provider, is a perfect example. With this platform, participants can communicate
as if they were right next to one another thanks to its quality video and audio. The tool comes
with a rich set of features like screen sharing, cross platform chat, innovative whiteboard, and

2,Enhances collaboration
Internet communication brings teams together across the globe. Staff can collaborate easily
without limitations and make more informed decisions instantaneously. This leads to reduced
project timelines, cutting back on the time required to launch a new product/service. This piece
of technology is also useful in education. Not only can students collaborate with foreign
students, they can share ideas and learn about the diverse cultures out there. Parents can also
become actively involved in their kids' education by linking their children's school with libraries,
homes, and more. Millions of schools around the world are already using this technology to
enhance learning.

3,It is cost effective

The cost of internet communication is significantly low when compared with other means of
communication like face to face meetings and mail delivery. The technology connects you to
your partners, colleagues, clients and suppliers from just about any location for a fraction of the
cost required to host a one-on-one meeting. And as technology continues to become more
efficient, the cost of online communication continues to drop significantly. With the traditional
face to face meeting, you need to spare time, cash to travel and so on. Internet communication
allows you andyour team to connect without having to leave your offices.

4,Improves work relationships

Building a good relationship between workers spread around the globe is not easy. Business trips
can negatively affect life– work balance. Team members can burn out fast if they have to make
business travels that deny them the chance to participate in crucial events with friends and
family. With internet communication, employees can effortlessly communicate with one another
at anytime from anywhere in the world. This allows employees situated in different parts of the
world to give their opinion and voice their concerns. Therefore, internet communication is an
important business asset, particularly for companies that have tapped into global markets.

5,Increases productivity
While the companies of yesteryear might not have treasured effective communication, modern
workplace requires both the management and the staff have the tools to effectively communicate
internally and externally. This is because effective communication is important in increasing
productivity as it directly impacts the behavior of the employees and how they perform. Internet
communication plays an integral role in getting stuff done fast and efficiently which ultimately
improves productivity. Poor communication can have a negative effect on productivity as the
staff may not get the adequate info to accomplish a job they have been assigned.
6,Increases accountability



Text-based: Predominantly relies on inputting text

which can be challenging for those who don’t like to
Flexibility: accessible 24×7, any place write or have poor keyboard skills, but with the
as long as you have an internet advance of broadband connectivity and voice and
connection video conference technology – this will be less of an
Levelling: reserved people who usually
don’t speak up can say as much as they No physical cues: without facial expressions and
like while “loud” people are just gestures or the ability to retract immediately there’s
another voice and can’t interrupt a big risk of misunderstanding
Documented: unlike verbal conversation, Information overload: a large volume of messages
online discussion is lasting and can be can be overwhelming and hard to follow, even
revisited stress-inducing

Encourages reflection: participants Threads: logical sequence of discussion is often
don’t have to contribute until they’ve broken by users not sticking to the topic (thread)
thought about the issue and feel ready
Time lag: even if you log on daily, 24 hours can
Relevance: provides a place for real seem like a long time if you’re waiting for a reply;
life examples and experience to be and then the discussion could have moved on and
exchanged left you behind
Inefficient: it takes longer than verbal conversation
Choice: a quick question or comment, or and so it’s hard to reply to all the points in a
a long reflective account are equally message, easily leaving questions unanswered
Community: over time can develop
into a supportive, stimulating Isolation: some learners prefer to learn on their own
community which participants come to and don’t participate in the discussions
regard as the high point of their course
Limitless: you can never predict where Directionless: participants used to having a teacher
the discussion will go; the unexpected or instructor telling them what to do can find it a
often results in increased incidental leaderless environment (and that’s where tutors
learning come in


Websites to Improve Listening Skills for Teens and Adults

Listening is one of the 4 skills our students rarely get to practice outside of our classrooms.
Language learners need to be able to hear English from various speakers and sources at different
speeds. Chances are language learners will communicate in English more with non-native
speakers versus native speakers since the world has about 400 million native speakers compared
to over a billion non-native speakers of English. Below are various websites with audio
recordings of music, poetry, news and more accompanied with exercises, games, or transcripts to
help your language learners improve their listening skills. For more ideas on how to use web
tools and apps to enhance student listening skills check out our webinar recordings, Teaching
with Listening Tools and Apps and Audio Projects for Learners.To learn more about integrating
technology to support English language learners, attend our free Friday webinars.
Listening Sites for Teens and Adults
 English Central has several Youtube videos at different English levels in which students
are asked to listen to then try pronouncing the words correctly. Play against others.
 Dictation Exercises from English Club has different dictation exercises at various
levels for students. Students can choose their listening speed and check their
 Listen and Write is another site to find dictation exercises. Choose your audio level and take
a test.
 AudioPuzzler is a game where students choose to listen to famous movie clips then type what
they hear.
 PlayPhrase is a platform where students get to hear English phrases from over 300
movie clips and repeat what they hear.
 Lyrics Training and Tune into English help students to learn English by listening to
popular songs then singing and playing games with others.
 LingoRank has over 400 selected talks to improve your English listening and vocabulary

 Lit2Go is a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format.
An abstract, citation, playing time, and word count are given for each of the
 ELLLO, the English Language Listening Library Online, has videos and audio
recordings with listening quizzes and transcripts.
 Listen-A-Minute is a Sean Banville site with a listening and various class and online
activities. Each listening comes with a pdf teachers can download of these activities.
 ManyThings is a site which lists various listening exercises and games for language learners.
 Podcasts in English is a site to find podcasts and activities for English language learners
on various topics. Find some for adults, business English, traveling and more. Students
choose the level.
 VOA News is a site where each current event comes with an audio recording.



There are a variety of different ways to collect customer feedback, and surveys are usually the
first method that comes to mind.But that's not the only way to figure out what your customers are
saying about your product -- in fact, you could be missing out on valuable customer feedback
coming in through a different channel: social media.

Social media is a meaningful channel through which to collect valuable customer feedback. With
billions of people around the world already engaged in these social media communities, you
should create profiles and provide customer support from your brand for those valuable
customers who want an easier, faster way to get in touch with you than by hopping on a phone

What's more, it's important to know what customers are saying about your brand on social media
-- because when millions of potential new customers can see tweets and Facebook posts blasting
you for a bad phone call or a cumbersome subscription cancellation policy, word can spread fast
-- and not in a good way.

So keep reading below to learn about the many ways you can use social media customer
feedback to improve customer service and provide valuable insight to your entire organization --
and learn more about our new multi- channel Conversations tool that connects your social media
accounts into an all-in-one shared inbox.

1. Listening to Customer Mentions

2. Collecting Product Feedback
3. Hosting Focus Groups
4. Conducting Surveys and Polls
5. Asking Industry Experts for Input
6. Sourcing Blog Content
7. Sourcing Social Content
8. Developing Personas

How to Get Quality Customer Feedback?
Table of contents:

 Provide Proactive Live Chat Support

 Get Feedback on Live Chat Session
 Provide Dedicated Feedback Forms on Your Site
 Measure Your Customer Service Performance
 Call Your Customers Regularly
 Use Email Surveys For New Customers
 Monitor Social Channels
 Ask For Feedback On Order Confirmation Page
 Use Polls
 Ask Feedback When Your Visitor Tries To Abandon His Cart
 Create an Online Community
 Monitor Feedback on Other Sites
 Display Positive Customer Feedback
 Humanize Your Online Store
 Ask Feedback in Return For a Prize or Gift
 Use negative feedback to showcase professionalism
 In-App feedback
 Facebook reactions
 Ask Feedback Right After Purchase
 Use NPS to Evaluate Loyalty


How important are customer reviews to shoppers?

Very important, as it turns out. The fact is, 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting
a business. And 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
We’ve got many more fun, interesting facts that’ll help you see why your customer review is so
important to other shoppers! For nearly 9 in 10 consumers, an online review is as important as a
personal recommendation.
Customers are likely to spend 31% more on a business with
“excellent” reviews. 72% say that positive reviews make them trust a
local business more
92% of users will use a local business if it has at least a 4-
star rating 72% of consumers will take action only after
reading a positive review
Reliability (27%), expertise (21%) & professionalism (18%) are the most important reputation
traits for a local business. Estimated Number Of Online Reviews Customers Read Before
Trusting A Business
86% of people will hesitate to purchase from a business that has negative online reviews.
On average, a one-star increase on Yelp leads to a 5 to 9% increase in a business’s revenue. At
the same time, a single negative review can cost a business about 30 customers.
The number of reviews posted every minute by Yelp users is 26,380
The percentage of Yelp users that have made a purchase at a business they found on
Yelp is 98% The percentage of Yelp users that visit Yelp because they intend to
make a purchase is 80%

How To Deal With Negative Reviews

When you receive a negative review, here’s what you should do:
 Respond Promptly

 Be real and admit your mistakes

 Correct inaccuracies

 Highlight your strengths

 Write like a person, not a corporation

 Take it offline

 Provide restitution if it’s warranted

 Ask loyal customers to share their experiences

 Be consistent

 Understand How Rating and Review Sites Work

: 1. Create different spaces to leave reviews.
2. Optimize your content.
3. Create incentives.
4. Ask at the right moments.
5. Meet customers where they are.
6. Ask open-ended questions first.
7. Respond to every review -- even negative ones.
8. Share positive customer reviews you've already received.
9. Give your customers a positive review first.
10. Ask the customer in person.
11. Host an event.





Writing effective headlines

Writing Advertisements- Educational

Writing Advertisements- Business

Filling an online application

Writing styles in Print , Electronic & Digital media

Unit Test-III


Headline writing is the process of crafting a compelling headline that communicates a distinct
benefit to the consumer. Many writers spend more time on their headlines than any other piece of
copy. And for good reason. Your headline’s like the gateway to your content. It appears in search
results, links, social shares, and more. If it doesn’t entice the reader to click, it hasn’t done its job.

Imagine a newspaper or magazine with no headlines. Imagine a print ad with no headlines.

Imagine a long-form sales page with no headlines. It would be confusing and tedious. In a
newspaper, headlines steer the reader from story to story. And it’s pretty much the same with
magazines. In copywriting, the headline is the advertisement for the advertisement and must
compel the reader to read your copy. If it’s not powerful and persuasive, sadly, it’s a fail.
“They Laughed When I Sat Down at the Piano.
But When I Started to Play!”

Few Samples:
The Simple Benefit Headline.
Kiss Knee Pain Goodbye in 20 Minutes!
The Offer Headline
Buy one banana…get two free!
The Discount Headline
Save 40% on Steaks but only for 48 hours…
The News Style Headline
New Laptops Selling for Just $99 but Only a Few Remain

The Bonus Headline

Free Shipping PLUS a Free Printer When You Purchase a New Laptop on Tuesday from Sam’s
Computer Shack
The Testimonial Headline
“Getting my degree in nursing from Dry Creek Community College helped me get a great job with
a great doctor.”
Note: You can use this with a celebrity.
The Shocking Headline
82 year-old golfer hits the ball 40 yards further off the tee using the revolutionary and legal MAX
CANNON driver. He
was about to give up the game but now he’s pummeling the young guys.
Headlines with ‘Free’
FREE FISH AND CHIPS on Wednesday at Sir Ed’s Pub in Park Road Shopping Center.
The Guarantee Headline
One of my favorites and it can be extremely effective—especially in
the service space. A personal guarantee from Robert Jones, owner of
Nuclear Cockroach Services.

How to Maximize Results With a Great
Headline Study your audience
The more you know about your audience, the more effective your headlines become. Review the
traffic to all blog posts you’ve written in the last six months.

Look for patterns. You might find, for instance, that you get the most clicks when your headline
includes a number or statistic.
Share personal benefits
Headlines perform best when they convey a personal benefit to the reader. In other words, what
can the reader take away from the rest of the content?
This is why listicles work so well:
11 Ways to Shed Weight Quickly
15 Steps to Become a Better Runner
7 New Strategies for Healthy Cooking
In each of these examples, the benefit and the takeaway are present in the title.
Follow the 4 U’s
Acronyms might seem cheesy, but they work — not least of all because they’re
easy to remember. The 4 U’s of writing effective headlines are pretty simple:
Make sure nobody else has used a headline like yours. Not only will you struggle to compete in the
SERPs, but if
someone has already read your competition’s article, they probably won’t click on yours.
It’s easy to craft a unique headline if you know the content that already exists. Run Google
searches for permutations of your primary keyword. When you write your own headline, make
sure it doesn’t look similar to those in the search engine results pages.
Consider using unique words, too. They shouldn’t be too obscure — you want to get your
message across — but consider using a word that wouldn’t normally be paired with the content
you’ve created.

One of the best techniques for writing headlines is to drill down on your topic as tightly as possible.
It’s kind of like
narrowing your niche. You want to let the reader know exactly what
he or she will get. Consider these two headlines:
How to Run a Marathon
77 Steps to Running Your First Marathon in High Humidity

The second one is far more specific, right? It tells the reader what will be delivered and narrows
down the subject
matter to show that it isn’t going to contain fluff and filler.
Don’t be afraid of using extra words. If you keep your headline to about 77 characters or fewer,
you’ll do fine.

This sounds obvious, but if you scan many of the headlines on some of today’s blogs, you’ll see
that it isn’t. Many creatives get a little too creative with their headlines — and confuse their
readers in the process. Furthermore, every piece of content you write should have a specific
purpose. It needs to tell a story, provide value, and allow your reader to accomplish something,
whether it’s reaching a goal or solving a problem.
Urgency is a marketer’s best friend. If you can convince your reader that he or she needs to act
now, you’ll have done your job well. Time-bound headlines can work well, but only for a short
period of time. For instance, Black Friday articles often pop up in droves in the weeks leading up
to Thanksgiving. Articles like these enjoy only seasonal popularity. However, you can
incorporate urgency into the article’s goal.

Check out a few examples:

How to Prep for Your First Marathon in 6 Weeks
Why You Should Start Training for Your Marathon Today
17 Runners’ Tips You’ve Been Missing Out On

Step #1: Use specific numbers & data in your headline

The headline accounts for up to 50% of your blog post’s effectiveness. If you fail to make it
powerful and clickable, every other marketing step that you take will be a total waste of time.
Integrating specific numbers and data into your headline is an effective way to make your
headlines more enticing to readers. Several research studies have shown that headlines with
numbers tend to generate 73% more social shares and engagement.

According to Debra Jason, one of the reasons why using numbers works in headlines is because
numbers are like “brain candy.” In other words, the brain is receptive to numbers.

It’s very important to understand the science
behind odd numbers. Often, you find viral
blog posts with odd numbers in the headlines
and you may have wondered why the
authors didn’t use even numbers. According to
Content Marketing Institute, the brain seems
to believe odd numbers more than even
numbers. Odd numbers also seem to help
people digest and recall information more

And,what’s more, when a headline was tweaked to include the odd number 7, click-through rates
increased by 20%.Ideally, instead of using the word “seven,” you should replace it with the
numeral “7,” in headlines. So, instead of writing “Seven Steps To Start A Home Business,” use
“7 Steps To Start a Home-Based Business.”
Step #2: Utilize a unique rationale
I’ve used unique rationales to write great headlines (if I say so myself) that went viral. The
word “rationale” simply means “an underlying reason why something should be done.” If
you want people to read your content, do you have a good reason that they should?.
Some of the rationales that you can include in your headlines are:
Here are examples:
5 Tips to Write Blog Introductions Like a Pro
15 Lessons I Learned the Hard Way as a 3-Year-Old Blogger
8 Principles for Designing a Perfect Landing Page
17 Facts About Content Marketing That You Didn’t Know
6 Insights to the Future of Search Engine Optimization
3 Secrets to Make Your List Post Sing
4 Headline Writing Tips to Make Your Titles Soar

Step #3: Call for attention

The purpose of the headline is to get your viewer to read the first sentence. Every headline
should call for attention. “Attention” simply means mental focus and serious concentration

on a given task. Keep in mind that your customers are human beings with several things
vying for their attention. Unfortunately, people’s attention spans have been decreasing every
single year. According to Statistica, a person’s attention span is 8.25 seconds.
Social sharing is a lot easier, when your visitors are engaged on your site. A survey by
AddThis showed that, in Q1 of 2014, Facebook sharing accounted for 26% of all share

If you’re a small business owner, one of the ways to acquire and retain customers is by
engaging them with great content. And, great content starts with a headline that captures
your reader’s attention. You’ve got to convince your customers and prospects to keep
reading. The headline can build that momentum for you. So, instead of putting all your
time and energy into getting email subscribers and making sales, start focusing on using
headlines to get people to read the first sentence. Some simple ways to write headlines that
will call for attention, here are four rules to follow. They’re considered the “4 U’s” of
writing attention - driven headlines:
The four U’s are:
Make the headline unique
Be ultra-specific
It should convey a sense of urgency
Your headline has to be useful

a). Unique headlines: A blogger friend of mine once told
me that anytime he finds a compelling headline while
reading, he will tweak it and make it unique for his
audience.“Unique” means being “one of a kind.” In other
words, your headline has to be different from others. But,
how do you test for uniqueness? Simple: plug it
intoGoogle and enclose the headline in double quotation
marks. Here’s an example:

b). Ultra-specific headlines: The second rule for writing a headline that calls for attention
is: be ultra- specific. According to The New York Times, lack of focus, vision and
planning is one of the reasons why 33% of small businesses fail.

Here are specific headline variations that
would work:
 3 Simple Steps to Write a Small
Business Plan for Beginners
 Top 10 Small Business
Plan Templates That Succeeded
 Learn How to Write a Small
Business Plan From Scratch
 Step-by-Step Process for Writing a
Small Business Plan in 30 Minutes
3. It should convey a sense of urgency: In a recent post, Derek Christian, founder of
Cleaning Business Today, said that “effective marketing boils down to creating a fear of
losing out on an amazing deal.” Unless you infuse your headline with urgency, your readers
are likely to put off reading your content or possibly bookmark it and never come back to it
again. The purpose is to get readers to click your headline now.

They’re not going to ignore your headline, because they don’t want to miss out on what’s on
the other side of the headline, once it’s clicked. The only way that they can find out is to
click and read.

d). Your headline has to be useful: The last rule that you should definitely follow, if you
want your headlines to grab attention and get the job done is to make them useful. The
above three rules – uniqueness, ultra-specific and urgency – all correlate with usefulness.

Useful can mean several things – practical, helpful, valuable, informative, worthwhile,
beneficial, advantageous and so on. The bottom line is to help the readers experience hope,
knowing that their problem can still be solved.
Let’s look at the various ways to write powerful headlines that will generate qualified clicks
and leads for your business. There is no doubt that following the 4U’s will help you
build a blog that generates over 100,000 monthly blog readers within 2 years.

4U’s of writing attention-grabbing headlines.

1). State the obvious in your headline: Write headlines that are easy to understand. The
moment a potential reader stumbles on your web page from anywhere, they won’t need any
help to figure out what you’re talking about. The purpose of the headline is to get people
to click, so that you can earn a better ROI. The purpose is not to appear clever or

Another way to confuse readers is to use words and phrases that aren’t common. Instead,
demonstrate your cleverness through your ability to explain complicated issues and make
them simpler for the ordinary person.
Examples of confusing headlines that you should avoid are:
Don’t use: 12 Meticulous Savings Tips For The Financial Amateur
Instead use: 12 Effective Saving Tips For Those Who Want Extra Cash

2). Use interesting adjectives: Adjectives are important in both spoken and written English
The adjective, you’ll remember, is the part of speech that describes or qualifies a noun or
pronoun in a given sentence. As a content writer, you can use adjectives to give your
headline a boost and make it super-attractive to your audience’s needs. examples of
interesting adjectives that you can use to create your headline:
And so much more…

3). Flag the reader in your headline: Dan

Kennedy once introduced the “flagging
technique” and it’s a powerful way to write
headlines for both copy and blog posts. You
already know one of the basic techniques, which
involves addressing the readers as “you.”
Personally, I use “you” in a lot of my headlines.
And, what I discovered is that for every headline
that contains ‘you,’ the engagement is usually
very high.
4). Not only that, but social shares exceed 700, for the majority of them. The word “you”
connects and captivate your readers, on a personal level.

5). Use emotional words:

All words are not created

equal. Some words have the
power to prompt change,
while others simply reaffirm
the status quo. Some words
can make people cry, while
others can evoke joy.
Emotionally impactful words
are popularly referred to as
“power words.” Here are some
emotional power words that
you can use to give your
readers a pep talk and spur
them into action:

Step #4: Use headline formulas

What makes a headline good is its structure – aka “the formula.” Every authority blogger
and content marketer has one or more formulas for writing headlines. What’s the benefit of
using a headline formula or rule that doesn’t produce results for you? For this very reason,
you’ve got to measure your headline success. You want to make sure that your time isn’t
wasted – or your money, if you hired a professional to write the content.

Strategy #5: Measure your headline success
People love to share articles that are lengthy (usually
2000+ words). But, as a smart marketer, you
wouldn’t simply assume that longer posts would
work for you. The best way to make your own
decision is to write a similar, in-depth article and
see how it goes.

15 effective techniques for writing headlines that work

1. Use strong words on your headlines

2. Make creative and bold statements when writing a headline

3. Ask a funny or uncommon question

4. Use interesting adjectives that people will remember

5. Use superlatives when suitable

6. Be concise to write a powerful headline

7. Create urgency in your headline

8. Incite readers’ curiosity with your headline

9. Create humor playing with some words

10. Include a hyphen on colon in your headline

11. Use rationale — a strong reason to click

12. Make your headline simple and easy to understand

13. Address the reader as “you”

14. Include specific numbers and data in your headline

15. Telegraph emotions with your headlines


Advertising is a type of communication whereby

people promote or persuade customers to utilize their
services. There are two types of advertisements:
 Classified advertisements
 Display advertisements
Classified ads will be our subject in this article.
Classified ads are called CLASSIFIED ADS because
they are CLASSIFIED into different type of
categories depending on their functions.

What is a classified advertisement?

A classified advertisement is a small advertisement that you
put in a newspaper or a magazine, usually because you want to sell or buy something or to find or
offer a job.

The Purpose of Advertising

An advertisement can be just about anything that draws attention to a particular thing such as a
product, service or event. Advertisements are all around us – the billboards you see, the side of
the coffee cup from the store, and even bumper stickers. No matter where you are, there is
probably an ad somewhere within eyesight. The purpose of advertising is to make people aware
that the product exists and to entice them to try it out.

Though advertising is mainly used in selling a product, it does have a positive and very useful
side as well, whether you are the consumer or seller.Ads can be extremely invasive and become
offensive to some people depending on how the advertisement is handled. There will always be
ads that people are against because of the product or purpose they are trying to sell, but there are
many positive sides to advertising as well.

Tips for writing Classified Advertisement

When you're writing an

advertisement, every word counts.
Being too vague or wordy will cause
people to skim your advertisement
instead of pausing to read it, so the
same writing tenets apply no matter
what type of advertisement you're

1. It should begin with a heading in bold or upper case letters.

2. The language should be according to the audience we are referring to. For example- If you
want to sell something to the youngsters, the words chosen shall be good enough to attract
3. Do not use the same descriptive characteristics for every type of advertisement. On the other
hand, for hiring a tech executive, it is imperative you ask for skills limited to the IT
4. Do not make full sentences. The prescribed limit is 50 words and in order to make your
advertisement loaded with information about the topic, you have to manage your words
5. Always add contact details in the end either in the form of contact no., email id or both. They
are generally given in the question.
6. Remember, nowhere in the answer are you required to mention your own personal details.

7. It should always be in a box made with sharpened pencil.

8. It should be neat and clean with good presentation.

Word Limit
Classified ads should be very well covered in a range of around 50 words. Marks will be
deducted if the student jumps the word limit. So exercise caution in this regard.
There are several type of classified ads, which are
as follows: Situation vacant
Education institutions promotion
Now let’s highlight what to include in each type of classified ad.
1. Situation Vacant types
1. Always begin with WANTED or REQUIRED
2. Name of the organization must be always present
3. Number of vacancies and the post for which advertised should be clearly stated.
4. The age and gender of the candidate required.
5. Qualification and requisite experience needed for the post.
6. Pay scale, perks and also the mode of applying (E-mail, postal, etc)
7. Contact address and phone number for correspondence

WANTED a small, confident P.A./Stenographer for a leading export house. Qualification –
graduate, age – 25-30 years. Typing speed 40 wpm, short hand speed 100 wpm. Preference to
those who can handle computer. Salary negotiable. Apply with complete bio-data by 20th
December to Secretary, Orient Export House, T. Nagar, Delhi. PH: 011-21111111
2. Educational institutions
1. Name of the institution
2. Past record
3. Courses offered and their durations
4. Eligibility criteria an details of admission test (if any)
5. Facilities and fee structure
6. Scholarship information

7. Last date for registration, etc
8. Contact address and phone number.


IIFL announces the commencement of its courses in Japanese, French and German.
Duration – 3months. Eligibility – senior secondary. Excellent faculty. Computerized training.
Incentives for early birds. Send in your applications by 1st June, 2012 or contact secretary


Creating an advertisement for a school project is

an entertaining way to present your subject. One
fun and entertaining advertisement exercise can
be done in conjunction with reading a book. Each
student can choose a character in the book and
create advertisements and posters to promote their
One example is to use the book Lord of the Flies.
As the students read the book and discussions are
done daily in class, the students can each choose
or be assigned a character to follow carefully.
While the characters in the book are creating their
government, the students can create posters and
ads to promote their character to be voted as
president. This can be done both individually and
in teams.

Pre-instructional Planning

Students will:
 Interpret their thoughts about various pictures, symbols, and slogans
 Understand the meaning of "transfer," "catchphrase," and "catchwords" in persuasive writing
 Create a visual representation of various feelings and emotions to infer what the
advertiser could be selling the consumer
 Create an advertisement by applying the learned persuasive writing techniques
 Present advertisements to the whole class to assess which ads are the most convincing
 Analyze and discuss the persuasive techniques that were used in various advertisements

 Pictures, Symbols, and Slogans Worksheet printable
 Transfer Techniques Worksheet printable
 Computer and projector
 Examples of local or national advertisements that display good use of visual symbols,
catchphrases, sales pitches, and incentives
 Samples of various magazine advertisements
 Construction paper
 Colored pencils or markers
 Optional: Art materials like scissors, glue, paper scraps, etc. SET UP
1. Make class sets of the Pictures, Symbols, and Slogans Worksheet printable and the
Transfer Techniques Worksheet printable.
2. Prepare to display the two pintables with the projector.
3. Optional: It may be helpful to search through the advertisement examples ahead of time
to find a few ads that include:
 Visual symbols
 Catchphrases
 Explanations and/or descriptions of the products being sold
 Incentive to come to the sale or buy the products ASSIGNMENTS

 Have students find an advertisement in a magazine or newspaper that:

 uses a visual symbol
 has a catchphrase
 explains the product
 convinces the customer to come to the sale and buy the product
 Have students analyze an advertisement for its color, font size, and placement of graphics
or pictures. Students can write a reflection about what they found.

Few samples:


Advertising is an important part of your marketing strategy. The aim is to promote your business,
communicate your message and reach your audience. The end goal is usually to increase
awareness or sales. Until a customer deals with you directly and actually buys your products or
services, your advertising may form their first impressions of your business. Advertising can
certainly attract new customers - but only if it's done properly. Otherwise it can deter potential
customers. This guide gives advice on where and how to advertise, and what advertising can
achieve. It also shows you how to manage the advertising process and ensure you get value for

How advertising can help your business

Advertising can be anything from your shop sign or a website, to an advertisement in a trade
magazine or a 30- second radio slot. Advertising can:
 Provide basic information such as your contact details and website address
 Increase sales by telling potential customers about your product or service
 Tell customers about changes to your service, new product launches and improvements
 Increase your short-term sales with a specific one-off message - informing people of a special
offer or a particular benefit of your product
 Prompt specific action - perhaps getting customers to visit your premises or website, or use a
discount voucher by a specified time
 Remind existing customers about your business
 Change people's attitudes and perceptions of your business
 Help to create or develop a distinctive brand for your business to help you stand out from your
 Make your business first choice for customers, ahead of your competitors
 Generate awareness of your business
 Develop a particular market niche or position

Advertising doesn't always need to be about sales and marketing. You can also use it to:
 Recruit staff - a recruitment advertisement should also be a chance to promote your business
 Source suppliers and contractors - this also helps to position your business as active and

Target your customers

Decide whether your target audience is local or

regional, national or international, or a mixture.
Remember that a local business might benefit
from national advertising, particularly if it is
looking to expand into new territories. You can
advertise in a wide range of different media.
Using a media mix can help to reinforce the
message or information you want to
communicate. Before selecting a particular type
of media, you should find out from the media
business and other independent sources about
their circulation or audience figures and what the
audience penetration, or 'reach', of their product

Basically, you need to know how many, where and who to. Figures can normally be broken down
into age groups, average income and other useful indicators. Don't be tempted to buy advertising
space in a certain type of media just because you read, see or hear it yourself - it should always be
focused on your potential customers. Also remember you
have a duty to ensure that your advertising is legal, decent, honest and truthful.

How to write an advertisement
In order to create a good print advertisement, you should take the following steps:
 write a well targeted headline
 design your advert clearly
 write compelling advertising text – known as copy

Writing an advertising headline

 A compelling headline is vital:

 A good headline should catch the reader's attention and make them want to read on. It
might ask a question or inspire curiosity. It may refer to a specific problem, eg a bed
manufacturer could ask: "Had another bad night's sleep?" Or it may appear to offer the
solution to a problem, eg "Ever wanted to know the secret of a good night's sleep?"
 Don't overplay the actual message - people will feel let down if they read on and their
expectations are not fulfilled.
 A headline will encourage people to read on if it offers a clear benefit - such as "never
have a bad night's sleep again".
 It could also be used to create a fear of missing out in the reader's mind, eg "last few

Designing a print advert

 Use a clear design to convey your message:
 The way an advertisement looks plays a big part in attracting and retaining the reader's
 Avoid small or complicated typefaces that are difficult to read. And don't mix too
many typefaces in one advertisement - use one or two at most.
 Don't clutter the layout - keep plenty of white space in the advertisement - avoid the
temptation to say too much. If your product or service needs more explaining - refer
readers to your website or other easily accessible material.
 Ensure your contact details are clearly positioned.

Writing advertising copy

 Use convincing copy to persuade your audience:

 The amount of text you include depends on the purpose and size of the advertisement.
Businesses that want to advertise a sale might have a very limited amount of text
accompanied by a headline and a picture of some of the items on offer.
 Consider the print quality of the newspaper or magazine - a small advert in a poor
quality publication will be hard to read.
 If you're writing a lot of text, it should follow on logically from the headline, build a
convincing case and prompt a response from the reader. Back up any claims with facts.
Magazine readers generally tend to dwell on the contents for longer than newspaper
readers, so tailor the length of your copy accordingly.
 Good copy draws attention to the benefits of the product or service rather than
focusing solely on the features.
 All the reader wants to know is "what's in it for me?"
 You should always write your advertisements with the reader/viewer - your potential
customer - in mind.
 The advert must be tailored to the type of print media and the potential reader's interests
and habits. For example, if you sell gardening equipment, you might write a longer
advert for a gardening magazine - where you can assume that the reader is already
interested in the subject and so is more likely to read all the text. Likewise, you might
write a shorter advert for a more general newspaper - where the reader's interest may be
less easily sustained.
 Remember that businesses have a duty to ensure their advertising is legal, decent, honest and
What to include in every advertisement
1. Your logo or business name. If your business’s logo or name doesn’t contain what you do,
make sure to clarify
that in the ad. For example, saying “Klimisch’s Inc. Collision Repair” instead of just
“Klimisch’s Inc.”

2. A CTA (call to action) with supporting contact information. Say exactly why people
should contact your business and what you can do for them. For example, “Call us at (415)
000-0000 to save money on home insurance today.”
3. Information about your business. Explain what your business does and how you intend to
help your potential
customers. Don’t go overboard with the copy because you want to make sure they can read it
quickly and easily.
4. Supporting visual elements like a photo or graphics. This can be your logo, a picture of
your business or a graphic related to your business.

Design guidelines
1. Create a hierarchy of information. Choose the information from the above list that’s most
important and make it the main element of the ad. Every piece of information in your ad
should be weighted according to its importance. It’s hard to read an ad in which everything is
the same size.
2. Remember, less is more. Don’t overwhelm people with information. Keep it as simple as
possible while getting useful information across to the viewer.
3. Use your space wisely. Don’t use every inch of white space because you can. Leave some
“breathing room” so
people can digest your message.
4. Use contrasting colors. Strike the right balance between fonts and backgrounds to make sure
that your copy is
readable. The best combo is dark type on a light background because it’s easier to read.
5. Think hard about typography. Use mostly sans-serif fonts, use different font sizes to
highlight the importance of the copy. However, don’t use too many font types or too many
font colors (think one or two max). The biggest font offenders that tend to thoroughly annoy
people include comic sans, curlz and papyrus.
6. Review and edit. Have at least one other person who isn’t working on your ad read it over to
make sure there aren’t spelling errors, incorrect information or missing information.

Few Samples:
Here are some examples from a local newspaper featuring
small business ads to illustrate how all of the above
components come together.AK Badminton & Tennis — A
little color and a lot of white space go a long way. This ad is
easy to read and the copy and imagery illustrate exactly what
customers can expect from the company. You’ll also notice
that the business logo is front and center, helping AK
Badminton & Tennis build brand awareness.

Pedal Express

The stylized map in this one not only makes the

ad more visually appealing, but it also shows the
areas where this courier service operates. The ad
also includes a quick one-liner to give prospective
customers a little background information about
the company: “worker-owned and operated since
1994.” These are all print ads but the same
elements apply to online ads. The most important
part of advertising is to show who you are as a
company, so have a little fun with it! And
remember to ask for the “specs” or specifications
for each ad. This will tell you what ad size is
needed, the resolution, bleed or no bleed,
acceptable formats (i.e., jpg, tiff, pdf),
unacceptable formats (i.e., Microsoft Word or
Microsoft Publisher) and whether it’s full color
or black and white.

Print advertising

Advertising in printed press publications can be an effective way of reaching your audience. You
can target particular groups by advertising in specialist, trade and local publications. National
and general interest publications can offer a wide reach.

Advantages of print advertising

There are a number of benefits to press advertising, including:
 Local and specialist publications can help you reach a
targeted audience
 An engaged audience who may be looking for coupons and deals
 Different advertising options to suit your needs and budget

Disadvantages of print advertising

The downsides of advertising on print publications include:
 It can be hard to measure effectiveness, readership figures don’t indicate how many people
really see your ad,
and response rates can be low
 Competition - your advertisement will appear alongside many others, and could be missed by
 Dwindling readership rates – print media is becoming less popular in favour of online content

Types of publication
Different publications will reach different audiences. Make sure the publication you choose to
advertise in lines up with your marketing strategy. Some example include
1.Local and regional newspapers - weekly, evening and morning local papers, whether paid-for
or free, can help you reach potential customers in a particular geographic area.
2.National newspapers – you can reach a very wide audience, however this is not a targeted
3.Local magazines - many areas have local lifestyle and country magazines. These can be useful
for certain types of up market consumer advertising.

4.Local directories - Phone directories such as the Yellow Pages and Thomson Local offer free
listings and paid- for display advertisements. Directories are normally consulted when a
consumer is looking for a particular service (eg, blocked drain) so aren’t suitable for creating
general awareness.
5.Trade publications - there are many trade, technical and professional magazines read by
customers, suppliers and businesses in your sector. If your business sells to other businesses,
advertisements in these publications can be a powerful way of gaining sales, product enquiries,
higher profile, trade partnerships and even potential investors.

Types of print advertising

There are a number of advertising options in print publications. The most common include:
1. Lineage - usually only in the classified advertising sections and containing only words.
Often the cheapest option.
2. Display and semi-display - display advertisements are bigger and more eye-catching.
They usually appear on editorial pages or in special supplements, eg motoring,
recruitment, property, etc and can use imagery.
3. Advertisement features or ‘advertorial’- laid out like editorial pages but featuring your
business. You pay for them, and you may also be given advertisement space.
4. Loose inserts (also known as 'mailers' or 'flyers') you supply that are placed inside the
newspaper, ie using the paper's circulation to distribute your flyer.

Ask the advertisement department at the publication for a media pack with readership breakdown
and rates for different types of advertisement. The quoted rate is only a starting point - always
negotiate to try to pay less.

Negotiate for a better advertising deal

All advertising media companies produce rate cards - information on the rates they charge for
advertising. But it is usual to negotiate on the final price, according to the type of campaign you
want. Negotiating could get you a price reduction, a repeat that's free or discounted, or a better
position in the publication. You should:

 Mention your budget, but appear undecided about who to spend it with.
 Mention rival media you're considering.
 If you don't need campaigns at specific times, ask media sales teams to alert you when they
have one-off deals. This may be when they are seeking to achieve specific monthly or
quarterly targets and are willing to consider lower prices.

Remember that most media sales teams will be paid commission so be prepared for them to be
persistent. Use their desire to achieve a sale to push their prices down or increase the space you
get for your money.
Advertising relies on repetition so be prepared to implement several campaigns throughout the
year. You can get a discount for booking multiple advertisements - a series is generally more
likely to be effective than a one-off advertisement anyway - but don't be persuaded to buy more
than you need.
Ensure any print advertisement is in the best possible position. Remember that:
 It is widely believed that right-hand pages, especially early right hand pages (those in the
early part of the publication), catch the reader's eye the most
 An advertisement selling greenhouses, for example, should be on a page devoted to gardening
 The most effective place for your newspaper advertisement is either page one or three-
preferably in the bottom right-hand corner
 If your advertisement has a coupon - for readers to cut out and send in - make sure it is
placed at the edge of the page
Remember that the design and content of your advertisement is critical to attracting your target
market, regardless of its position in the newspaper.

Online advertising
Advertising on the internet can be cost-effective and
gives national and international coverage that you
may otherwise be unable to afford. It will also allow
you to compete with larger businesses in your
industry on a level playing field.

Your own website

Your own website can be used to advertise your business:

 Ensure you design and position your website carefully for maximum effect. Take time over
it, it's important. It can be your shop window, an information provider, a sales person and an
order form all in one.
 Consider the user - your potential customer - at every stage. Make it easy for them to find
their way around your website, and to order from or contact you.
 Keep your website updated and relevant, and check that all pages, images, links, etc open
 Ensure your website is geared towards increasing sales. Making your site interactive and
interesting to browse will help to increase user dwell time and allow you to expand your
sales pitch.
 Find out how to exploit search engines, eg Bing or Google. Appearing near the top of a
search engine results page can make a big difference.

Using online content to develop relationships with customers is known as content marketing.

Types of online advertising

There are a range of online advertising options that
might suit your business:
1. Display advertising – banner ads and other kinds
of display advertising allow you to place a visual ad
on another website that links to yours. Using a
display network service can help you reach targeted
audiences through a range of selected websites. See
what is display advertising.
2. Search engine advertising – pay per click and paid
search advertising helps customers searching for
your products and services find you. It is highly
targeted and can offer a good return on investment.

3. Social media advertising – most social networks offer advertising opportunities allowing
businesses to reach a targeted audience. Browse social media.
4. Video on-demand – online streaming and TV catch up services can offer video advertising
opportunities to a targeted, engaged audience.

TV, radio and cinema advertising

Advertising through broadcast media and
cinema can help you reach a wide audience.
The nature of this media can allow you to use
an emotional appeal.
RADIO ADVERTISING If advertising on
local or national radio, you'll need to research
the market, the type of audience, the extent of
the coverage and the cost per listener. Ask the
local station for details. Remember that most
people listen to the radio for music or comment
- often while doing other things - and so your
advert will rely on repetition to have any
Consider sponsoring certain features, such as the weather or travel news, to make your adverts
stand out. Production costs are usually low. Your local station will often produce your commercial
for you, although if you have an advertising agency, they should do it.

TV advertising
TV advertising can be costly, but there are a large
number of Freeview, cable or satellite TV channels,
and some may be able tooffer low-budget advertising
packages. Ask them for a breakdown of their
viewing figures and audience profiles before you
make a decision.

Remember that even with national TV broadcasters you have the option to regionalize your
advertising. While most channels will be able to advise you about how it works and even create
adverts for you, it is recommended that you seek specialist advice through an advertising or PR
agency that is fully aware of current and ongoing legislation in all the markets that you plan to
advertise in. Production costs of TV advertising can be high. TV product placement - paying to
have a product or service included or referred to - provides further promotional opportunities. It
also offers a new source of potential revenue for TV service providers and programme
makers. However, there are restrictions and conditions affecting how product placement can be

Cinema advertising
Local cinema advertising offers a captive audience with a long dwell time for your
advertisements. Ask the cinema for audience profiles and case studies of satisfied clients, as well
as details of whether you can target certain films. You can often advertise in the foyer as well as
on screen. It's not a good idea to make a business phone number or web address a crucial part of
a cinema commercial, as few members of the audience will have a pen handy to note the details.
Outdoor advertising
'Outdoor advertising' includes every
outdoor medium from static billboards
to moving adverts, eg on buses.
Static adverts rely on location for
effectiveness, so make sure you go and
check the proposed sites before
booking the space. For moving
adverts, request information about the
bus routes on which your adverts will
travel so you can assess the likely
exposure the advert will get.
If you are using the campaign for increased brand awareness, you may select fewer adverts over
a longer period, whereas a short-term offer would require more sites over a shorter period.
The location of most outdoor advertising space means that a large but untargeted audience could
potentially see it. Therefore, it will be even more important to use the copy and design of your
advertisement to ensure you address your target audience.
The general rule is to keep it simple. Make it clear and don't rely on people noting a phone
number or web address, unless it's easily memorable - drivers can't stop and note down details.
There are many types of outdoor advertising sites available including:
1. Roadside - from phone kiosks to large billboards and banners
2. Transport - railways, airports, inside and outside buses, taxis and lorries
3. Retail - sites at shopping centres and supermarkets, trolleys, posters
4. Non-traditional and ambient - shop signs, leisure centres, washrooms, tickets, petrol pumps,
takeaway lids

Few samples:
1. Sale/Purchase of Property/Assets
b) Brief physical description
c) a.Property – Number of floors, size, number of
rooms, location and surroundings.
b. Vehicles – Colour, model, accessories, year,
modifications (if any), price, mileage and condition.
c. Household goods – Condition, price offered or expected

Mukherjee Nagar, DDA flat, ground floor, two bedrooms, car parking available, park facing,
best location, reasonable price, contact A. B. Singh #9250556655

Available Maruti 800, LX, year 1999, self-driven, sparingly used, scratch less, a stereo, air-
conditioned, beautiful upholstery, no expenses, contact C. D. Kumar #9350556655

2. Tours and travels


b) Name of the travel agency
c) Destination and duration
d) Price and special discounts, if any
e) Contact address and phone number


Attractive package available for Mauritius. Three
nights, four days. Breakfast and dinner, stay at 3-
star hotel, sight-seeing included. Rs. 9999 per
person. Special discount for early bookings. Contact
Star Travels, 9350556655

3. To-Let ads

a) Begin with WANTED or AVAILABLE

b) Type of accommodation should be mentioned.
c) Rent expected
d) Give proximity to markets and also indicate whether it’s sun
facing, Contact address and phone number


Metals & Minerals Corp. of India needs suitable accommodation on rent to be used as a
guesthouse. Should be located in a posh area with excellent facilities. Uninterrupted water &
electricity. Nearby market must Owners please contact R. Lal, Executive Manager, PH:


5. Missing person
a) Brief physical description of the missing like height, complexion and built.
b) Name, age and any health related issues about the missing person
c) Clothes, accessories or any other identifying features.
d) Tell about the place last seen
e) Details of reward if any
f) Contact address and Phone number

GIRL MISSING, Shailee Dougherty, 10 years, 5” tall, fair, slim built, blue eyes, wearing white t-
shirt and blue jeans since 5.4.2019 from Slaton, Texas. Speaks English and Spanish. Informers
will be rewarded. Inform Police station #98-765432



New users of Internet face problem in filling up the online application form for various purpose
like applying for entrance exams, jobs etc. This article is based on various problems faced by
different kind of users while filling up online application form for various purposes.

Steps to fill up the online application form

1. Before filling the form, don’t forget to read all the necessary
instructions so that no error is made while filling it up.
2. If there are different positions available, choose the right one.

Now, there may be two kind of online application forms-

1. Application form is to be filled online only and submitted there.

2. Application form to be downloaded and then fill with required information.

For filling the Application form which is to be filled online

only and submitted there-
1. Keep scanned copy of photographs, signature and other
necessary documents ready.
2. Fill all the information carefully following the instructions.

3. Upload the documents wherever asked.

4. Submit the application form and keep a print out for future
reference for yourself.

For filling the Application form which is to be downloaded and then fill with required information:
1. Download the application form from the link given.

2. Read the instructions and note the address where the application form has to reach.

3. Fill the form with required information.

4. Paste photograph and attach photocopies of documents, if asked.

5. Enclose the documents and send on the required address after keeping a photocopy of form for

future reference.

Most graduate employers have now embraced the 21st century and have devised fancy online
systems for your job applications. Yes, nowadays for many employers a good old honest CV and
covering letter simply won’t cut the mustard. Completing an online application form can be an
arduous process: hours down the line and you’re only half way through. So we’re here to make
the whole process easier and warn you about the common pitfalls of online application forms.


Online applications are usually completed through a company’s website. Most of the time, you’ll
have to sign in to create your own profile and start your application. There’ll usually be a space
to put down your education and employment history and then they’ll give you a number of
questions to answer. These are designed to find out whether you have the essentials skills for the
role. The important thing to remember about online application forms is that, although the whole
process feels very impersonal, your form is eventually going to be read by a member of the
recruitment team and therefore it simply has to impress!


Get to know the application system, scroll through and read all the questions first. Roughly plan
out how you’re going to answer each one. After all, you don’t want to repeat yourself. You might
want to draft answers to questions in a Word document first, so you can use the spell check and
save it to your computer. This is far better than risking losing everything when you lose your
internet connection. Most applications do allow you to save as you go along, but it’s better to be
safe than sorry. Avoid filling in the form at the last minute; the company’s server might get
overloaded, your application might get held up and you might miss the deadline.


These are tricky little things. Make sure you read the questions properly and jot down what you
think the question is trying to find out, e.g. what skills are they looking for you to demonstrate?
Treat your answers to the questions like you’re writing a covering letter. Your answer should be
targeted at the skills which the job advert or question specifies. Incorporate any keywords that
appear in the job advert into your application, such as ‘organized’ or ‘communication skills’.

Back your answers up with evidence; for example, if they ask about customer service skills, then
give an example of a time you have shown outstanding customer service. Your actual writing
style should be formal, but don’t lose your personal voice in clichéd expressions and formulaic
business speak. Think of different ways to structure and formulate your sentences to really show
off your writing style. It should be interesting, but economical.


Sometimes it’s tricky to know how much to write in an online application form, it’s all about
finding the balance between writing too much and too little. Some throw you a lifeline and
specify how much you should write; otherwise, you can usually deduce the expected length of
answer from the space they have given you. As a general rule, write enough to fully answer the
question, but keep it succinct. Chop out any superfluous words or over long sentences.

We don’t know what it is about online application forms, but they seem to inspire a pandemic of
laziness. You should put as much effort into it as a covering letter or paper application. That
means drafting and re-drafting your answers, getting someone else to go through your answers
and checking them yourself too. You should make sure you’ve fully answered every part of the
question, filled in the whole application form and strictly abided by the word limit. Finally,
check and re-check your application for spelling mistakes. Print it out, zoom in on the computer
and scour every line for grammatical misdemeanors. No one will be impressed by an application
riddled with errors.

Online application forms are a beast to be tamed. As long as you answer the questions fully and
don’t fall into any common pitfalls, you’ll (hopefully) be laughing all the way to an interview.


Articles written for print publications must present a concise but thorough account of events.
Unlike radio or television reporting, which typically contains shorter and simpler sentences, print
media can include a wider variety of sentence structure and word choices. However, the piece
must still grab the reader’s attention and keep him hooked. In news writing, the focus is on
getting to the point quickly and conveying the most relevant facts, while feature writing can be
longer and more creative in approach.

Inverted Pyramid

Print journalism in the United States typically

follows the inverted pyramid model, in which the
most pertinent information is placed at the top of the
article. The less important a detail is, the farther
down it is placed. The most engaging or crucial
information must be immediately obvious to readers,
who might browse headlines and leadsto determine
which articles they want to read. This style is most
common in straight news stories. In long-form
journalism and lengthy feature articles, on the other
hand, writers might focus more on creating a piece
that’s engaging and holds the reader’s attention from
beginning to end.

The Five Ws and H

Journalists start by covering the basics, commonly referred to as the five Ws and H. This is short
for who, what, where, when, why and how. For example, a story about a bank robbery would
include a description of what happened, where the bank was located, when the robbery took place,
who the suspect is, how much money he stole, and the means the robber used.

Narrative Structure
Simple Language
Because it’s written for a mass audience, print
journalism uses a pared down style of writing that
will appeal to the greatest number of people. For
example, print journalists use adjectives and adverbs
sparingly, focusing instead on simple sentences with
powerful nouns and verbs. Also, they use as few
words as possible to get their points across. Because
space is often limited, they must focus only on the
most relevant information. You might think a
description of the person’s outfit or office are
interesting, but unless you’re writing a personality
profile this information will likely detract from the core message of the article.

Print journalism often has a storytelling component, in which an account is related in a linear
fashion. The purpose is to convey information and give readers a deeper understanding of the
subject matter. Content for the Internet, on the other hand, might instead focus on actionable
content, such as telling readers the top five ways to clean tarnished silver. Similarly, a piece for
TV or radio might not recount events from beginning to end, instead focusing on action the
viewer or listener must take, such as avoiding a certain stretch of highway that’s backed up due
to a traffic accident.
Articles written for print publications must present a compact but thorough account of events.
Unlike radio or television reporting, which typically contains shorter and simpler sentences, print
media can include a wider variety of sentence structure and word choices. However, the piece
must still grab the reader’s attention and keep him hooked. In news writing, the focus is on getting
to the point quickly and conveying the most applicable facts, while feature writing can be longer
and more creative in approach. Because it’s written for mass audience, print journalism uses a
style of writing that will appeal to the greatest number of people.

For example,
print journalists use adjectives and adverbs sparingly, focusing instead on simple sentences with
powerful nouns and verbs. Also, they use as few words as possible to get their points across.
Because space is often limited, they must focus only on the most relevant information. Print
journalism often has a storytelling component, in which an account is related in a linear fashion.
The purpose is to convey information and give readers a deeper understanding of the subject
matter.Print is linear, author-driven storytelling. The web is nonlinear, reader-driven, ruthless
pursuit of actionable content. Print tends toward anecdotal examples, and the web provides
comprehensive data. Sentences belong to print, while fragments rule online.
The differences between the web and television, which can be summarized as lean-forward vs. lean-
On the web, users are engaged and want to go places and get things done. The web is an
active medium.
While watching TV, viewers want to be entertained. They are in relaxation mode and
verging out; they don't want to make choices. TV is a passive medium.
This doesn't mean that you can't have entertaining websites or informative TV shows. But it does
mean that the two media's contrasting styles require different approaches to entertainment and
education. The differences between print and the web may not seem as strong, but to achieve
optimal results, each requires a distinct content style.

Example: Tall Travelers

An article in The New York Times about tall people's
travels on the road: "Coping With the Tall Traveler's
Curse." The headline itself is actually an example of the
differences between print and online content style:
In print, a phrase like "tall traveler's curse" is
a bit enticing and might draw readers in.
Because the article featured a photo of a tall
guy crunched in the back of a taxi, the article's
content was clear to anybody glancing at that
page in the newspaper.

In contrast, putting the same headline online would fail several guidelines for writing for the
The first 3 words have no information-carrying content. On the web, you must start with
words like "tall traveler" because users often scan down the left part of a list of items.
They never see the last words in a link unless the first few words attract their attention.
The headline lacks keywords — such as "airline seat" and "hotel bed" — that are
important for search engine optimization (SEO). No one will search "curse" when trying
to find out which hotel chains offer extra- long beds or which airline seats are the least
unpleasant for long-legged travelers.
The words "tall traveler's curse" are insufficiently specific to tell users what the story is
about. Because headlines are often presented as plain links removed from the article
itself, the photo of the poor guy in the cab won't be there to explain the story's
content. Online, the headline alone must provide enough information scent to let
users predict what they'll get if they follow the link.
The reader could read the entire article in the printed newspaper. Why? Because it was well
written and contained several interesting anecdotes about tall business travelers, ending with the
story of a tall woman executive having to bend down to use a hotel room makeup mirror.
The reader would never have read that same article on, because the story lacks both
immediacy and utility. Even though the article surely attracted some page views online, its style
is not optimal for presenting information on the web. The web rewards comprehensive coverage
that's more specific than print content. On the web, content for tall travelers should feature
ratings of airline seats and hotel beds for all the major airlines and hotel chains, respectively.
Even better would be to differentiate coverage for tall men vs. tall women and for somewhat tall
vs. gigantically tall people.
Narrative vs. Actionable Content
Print publications — from newspaper articles to marketing brochures — contain linear content
that's often consumed in a more relaxed setting and manner than the solution-hunting behavior
that characterizes most high-value web use. In print, you can spice up linear narrative with
anecdotes and individual examples that support a storytelling approach to exposition. On the
web, such content often feels like filler; it slows down users and stands in the way of their getting

to the point.

For example, in print, discussing the tall-friendly rooms in the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas
feels somewhat interesting. That's not the case online when a user is looking for tall-friendly
rooms in Chicago (or wherever he or she is going next week).
Web content must be brief and get to the point quickly, because users are likely to be on a
specific mission. In many cases, they've pulled up the page through search. web users want
actionable content; they don't want to fritter away their time on (otherwise enjoyable) stories that
are tangential to their current goals.
Instead of a predefined narrative, websites must support the user's personal story by condensing
and combining vast stores of information into something that specifically meets the user's
immediate needs. Thus, instead of an author- driven narrative, web content becomes a user-
driven narrative.
Print's narrative exposition calls for well-crafted, complete sentences. Online, less so. Fragments
often let you pull information-carrying keywords to the front, while also reducing froufrou word
count. Because web users read only 18% of added verbiage, cutting words is well worth the
accusing squiggles that MS Word will throw at your sentence fragments.

E-Learning: An Oxymoron?
Believe in the linear, author-driven narrative for
educational purposes. Just don't believe the web that is
optimal for delivering the experience. Instead, let's praise
old narrative forms like books and sitting around a
flickering campfire (or its modern day counterpart, the
PowerPoint projector), which have been around for 500 and
32,000 years, respectively.
We should accept that the web is too fast-paced for big-
picture learning. No problem; we have other media, and
each has its strengths. At the same time, the web is perfect
for narrow, just-in-time learning of information nuggets —
so long as the learner already has the conceptual framework

in place to make sense of the

Writing for Selfish Readers
In linear media — such as print and TV — people expect you to construct their experience for
them. Readers are willing to follow the author's lead. In nonlinear hypertext, the rules reverse.
Users want to construct their own experience by piecing together content from multiple sources,
emphasizing their desires in the current moment. People arrive at a website with a goal in mind,
and they are ruthless in pursuing their own interest and in rejecting whatever the site is trying to
push. Banner blindness is only the most extreme manifestation of this selfishness. Particularly on
commercial sites — whether they're B2C ecommerce or specialized B2B sites — users cherry-
pick the information and concentrate narrowly on what they want. If you're smart, you'll write
accordingly: make your content actionable and focused on user needs.

A comparison of news writing styles

Few instructors have professional broadcast news

experience, the dilemma exists of how to teach
students what is distinctive about each news writing
style and why there are differences in the first
place. Readers of newspapers are, after all, the
same people who listen to radio newscasts and
watch television newscasts.

Why News Styles Differ

Differences are not due to happenstance. Writing styles have

evolved in newspapers, radio and television due to the unique nature of each medium and to the
manner in which its audience consumes each medium. An evolutionary process has been at work
adapting each news writing style to its medium. Further, by taking note of the gradual shift of
many newspapers to a more conversational writing style and the shortening of both television
news stories and sound bites, one could well argue that the evolutionary process will continue
Newspaper Style
News in newspapers is written so that it may be edited from the bottom up. As old editors liked to say,
a page form is not made of rubber. It won’t stretch. What doesn’t fit is thrown away. Historians trace
the inverted pyramid, which is not the traditional style of British or other foreign newspapers, to the
American Civil War, when correspondents, fearing that the telegraph would break down before they
could finish transmitting their dispatches, put the most important information into the first paragraph
and continued the story with facts in descending order of news value.

In modern offset lithography the same job can be accomplished by a razor blade or a computer delete
key; the editing, especially under time pressure, is often still done from the bottom of a story up. The
reading of a newspaper matches bottom-up editing. The reader’s eye scans he headlines on a page. If
the headline indicates a news story of interest, the reader looks at the first paragraph. If that also
proves interesting, the reader continues. The reader who stops short of the end of a story is basically
doing what the editor does in throwing words away from the bottom. If newspaper stories were
consumed sequentially as they are in radio and television newscasts, the writing style would change of
Radio Style

The radio newscast must be consumed sequentially; that is, the listener does not hear the second
story in the newscast without hearing the first story. In addition to the inevitable centrality of
thinking which affects story choice and story length, a pressing concern exists for clarity in both
sentence length and word choice because the radio listener, unlike the newspaper reader, is unable
to stop to review and reconsider the meaning of a sentence. The eye can go back; the ear can go
only forward with the voice of the news caster.
Today, it seems, no one looks at radios. Unlike the attentive newspaper reader, the radio listener is
often driving, working, or engaged in some task other than absorbing the latest news, and
consequently is paying less than full attention. As a result radio news stories are written to be told
in familiar words combined into sentences, which run at comfortable lengths in a style known as
“conversational.” Also listeners lack opportunity to go back to reconsider a bit of information,
there should be no need to do so. This limitation affects the structure of phrases of attribution and
the use of pronouns, because pronouns have antecedents. The radio broadcast news writer learns to
beware of innocent little words like “it.” These conditions influence television news as well, but
perhaps they apply with a little more force to the writing of radio news summaries, where news
items average two or three sentences and then the topic shifts. The reality is that understanding is
more important than grammar to a radio news writer.

Television Style
Television news style is much like radio news style, for a viewer can no more return to a group of
facts than a listener can.

The viewer, like the listener, does not always focus on what the newscaster says. Television news
adds further complexities when pictures join the words; that is, anchors or reporters deliver what is
called a "voiceover."Ideally the words that accompany a videotape story of an event are written, even
under time pressure, only after the writer has viewed the unedited videotape and made editing
decisions such that the pictures follow a logic of their own. In practice the ideal method of editing
video first and writing text afterward is rarely followed in television newsrooms, but the better news
writers at least keep the pictures in mind as they write, and the tape is edited to fit the words. Besides
all the other constraints which limit the writing of a news story — lead, chronology, clarity, etc. —
the words should relate in some way to the pictures. If the words and the pictures do not support each
other, they surely fight each other for the viewer’s attention, a dissonance that detracts from
understanding. An examination of a random selection of television newscasts will demonstrate that
nearly all of the fresh information is found in the words, but it is the pictures that carry the impact for
the viewers. It is the pictures that will be remembered.
There are other types of videotape stories, such as news about the economy, which consist

primarily of file tape chosen for the sole purpose of illustrating the words. Here, picture logic
barely exists, yet care must be taken that the words are not over whelmed by the helping pictures.
Television has one advantage over radio here, because numbers can be presented visually while
the newscaster reads hem; the presentation can be enhanced by graphs, pie charts or other visual
aids lacking in radio.

Comparisons of Style and Substance

Having noted all this, it should be added that, while distinctions

between print and broadcast news writing certainly exist, more
should not be made of them than is warranted. Broadcast news has
been the butt of jokes and snide comments about its perceived
lack of substance and "See Spot run" presentation, but the dominance
of television newscasts coupled with the painful demise of many
metropolitan news papers has led to a reassessment of
newspaper practices. Changes have included a less formal writing
The result is not by any means the style of television and radio news, but there has been a trend in
that direction. In fact, USA Today reportedly was designed to be a printed version of a television
newscast both in style and substance. Substance needs to be considered apart from writing style.
The choice of stories, their length, and the choice of topics for leads are factors independent of
writing style. Local television newscasts, particularly, have been criticized for their concerns with
frivolous matters, with a penchant to chase after gossip, with time-wasting chatter among anchors,
and generally with being the electronic equivalent of a backyard fence.




Need for social media- Merits and Demerits

Creating accounts- Online groups
Popular social media sites
Types of Social media
Social media as a tool to develop students’ voices
Social media Management tools
Unit Test-IV


Social media has grown tremendously in the last

few years. From the year 2006, the growth rate is
unexpectedly very high. Specially, Facebook and
Twitter have grown much faster and captured
millions of users in just a few years. From
progressed nations to under-developed countries,
every nation is utilizing the power of social
media to enhance life and use it for the bitterness
of the people. However, on the other hand it has
also affected the society in the negative way. Just
like anything which can be used for both good
and bad, social media have also provided the
negative and positive ways for the people. It is all
about the usage and getting things done positively
by using the power of social media. It is in the
hands of the user to use to its advantage. But
willingly or unwillingly it can still have negative
impacts on the users.

Need For Social Media

Social Media applications are the highest used web and mobile applications across the globe.
People are spending greater time on their smartphone than ever before. The statistics of global
internet usage suggests an average of 135 minutes is spent by internet users per day on social
media applications and this time is increasing every year. People are able to communicate with
other people and share any media like messages, images, audios and videos worldwide at their
fingertips through the use of social media. Social media channels have the power to increase
your brand awareness, help you reach global markets, increase your customer base and thereby,
achieve exponential growth for your business.

There are several reasons why people make use of social media and how it is useful.
 It helps in making the users feel involved. They feel that they are able to participate in
things that are happening around the world.
 It helps the users in raising their voice against an unjust act or issue. They can also come
together and support a cause which can help them feel strongly about it.
 It can help people in interacting with each other and developing relationships with other
people living across the border.
 It helps in sharing valuable information and also influences the audience this way.
 It helps in marketing and advertising for a product and also creates a global presence for
that brand and its products and services.
 Most channels need a certain amount of lead time to generate a return on investment. So
this way it helps in generating revenue.
 It can also help in giving quick results in terms of sales and revenue, in certain cases.

Four major types of social media

1. Social Networks. The basic goal of any social network is to connect with people. These social
media channels can be utilized for building relationships with different brands and companies.
The major focus is to be the medium using which companies and the people who are using the
products and services of these companies. This is why social networks are often known as
Relationship Networks. Another purpose of using these platforms is to do tasks that are simple
and easy to perform.

2. Blogging Networks. The publishing and blogging networks is a social media that plays an
important role in informing the users about any new content by the way of publishing,
discovering and remarking on different content created by other people. These blogging and
content publishing platforms also work as brand representatives tools. They can release their
content for the public in order to encourage them for engaging with the companies by the way of
commenting and sharing. There is a wide range of publishing and blogging networks. This
includes blogging platforms like WordPress as well as Medium.

3. Media Sharing Networks. Media sharing networks mean the social media networks that can
be used to share different media content like images, videos etc. videos, photos. These media
sharing networks have proved to be an amazing asset for brands in order to promote their
products and services. Media sharing networks can help you get in touch with an audience of
hundreds and thousands of people. There is a very thin line between social networks and media
sharing networks. but the thing that differentiates between the two networks is their basic
4. Discussion Forums. These forums are social media networks that have been present in the
market even before platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were there. These
discussion forums allow users to upload their queries. Other users can then solve those queries
by providing useful and informative answers to those questions. Discussion Forums are still a
very popular way of connecting to other people.

Advantages of Social Media for the Society

1:- Connectivity – The first and main

advantage of the social media is
connectivity. People from anywhere can
connect with anyone. Regardless of the
location and religion. The beauty of social
media is that you can connect with anyone
to learn and share your thoughts.

2:- Education – Social media has a lot of benefits for the students and teachers. It is very easy to
educate from others who are experts and professionals via the social media. You can follow anyone
to learn from him/her and enhance your knowledge about any field. Regardless of your location and
education background you can educate yourself, without paying for it.

3:- Help – You can share your issues with the community to get help and giddiness. Whether it
is helping in term of money or in term of advice, you can get it from the community you are
connected with.
4:- Information and Updates – The main advantage of the social media is that you update
yourself from the latest happenings around in the world. Most of the time, Television and print
media these days are biased and does not convey the true message. With the help of social media
you can get the facts and true information by doing some research.
5:- Promotion – Whether you have an offline business or online, you can promote your business
to the largest audience. The whole world is open for you, and can promote to them. This makes
the businesses profitable and less expensive, because most of the expenses made over a business
are for advertising and promotion. This can be decreased by constantly and regularly involving
on the social media to connect with the right audience.
6:- Noble Cause – Social media can also be used for the noble causes. For example, to promote
an NGO, social welfare activities and donations for the needy people. People are using social
media for donation for needy people and it can be a quick way to help such people.
7:- Awareness – Social media also create awareness and innovate the way people live. It is the
social media which has helped people discover new and innovative stuffs that can enhance
personal lives. From farmers to teachers, students to lawyers every individual of the society can
benefit from the social media and its awareness factor.

8:- Helps Govt and Agencies Fight Crime- It is also one of the advantages of the social media
that it helps Governments and Security Agencies to spy and catch criminals to fight crime.
9:- Improves Business Reputation – Just like it can ruin any business reputation, It can also
improve business sales and reputation. Positive comments and sharing about a company can help
them with sales and goodwill. Since people are free to share whatever they want on the social
media, it can impact positively when good words are shared.
10:- Helps in Building Communities – Since our world has different religions and beliefs.
Social media helps in building and participating in the community of own religion and believes
to discuss and learn about it. Similarly, people of different communities can connect to discuss
and share related stuffs. For example Game lover can join games related communities, car lover
can join communities related to cars and so on.

Disadvantages of Social Media for the Society
1:- Cyberbullying – According to a report published by most of the children
have become victims of the cyberbullying over the past. Since anyone can create a fake account
and do anything without being traced, it has become quite easy for anyone to bully on the
Internet. Threats, intimidation messages and rumors can be sent to the masses to create
discomfort and chaos in the society.
2: – Hacking – Personal data and privacy can easily be hacked and shared on the Internet.
Which can make financial losses and loss to personal life. Similarly, identity theft is another
issue that can give financial losses to anyone by hacking their personal accounts. Several
personal twitter and Facebook accounts have been hacked in the past and the hacker had posted
materials that have affected the individuals personal lives. This is one of the dangerous
disadvantages of the social media and every user is advised to keep their personal data and
accounts safe to avoid such accidents.
3:- Addiction – The addictive part of the social media is very bad and can disturb personal lives
as well. The teenagers are the most affected by the addiction of the social media. They get
involved very extensively and are eventually cut off from the society. It can also waste individual
time that could have been utilized by productive tasks and activities.
4:- Fraud and Scams – Several examples are available where individuals have scammed and
commit fraud through the social media. For example, this list contains the 5 social media scams
that are done all the time.
5:- Security Issues – Now a day’s security agencies have access to people personal accounts,
which makes the privacy almost compromised. You never know when you are visited by any
investigation officer regarding any issue that you mistakenly or unknowingly discussed over the
6:- Reputation – Social media can easily ruin someone’s reputation just by creating a false story
and spreading across the social media. Similarly businesses can also suffer losses due to bad
reputation being conveyed over the social media.
7:- Cheating and Relationship Issues – Most of the people have used the social media platform
to propose and marry each other. However, after some time they turn to be wrong in their
decision and part ways. Similarly, couples have cheated each other by showing the fake feelings
and incorrect information.
8:- Health Issues – The excess usage of social media can also have a negative impact on the
health. Since exercise is the key to lose weight, most of the people get lazy because of the
excessive use of social networking sites, which in result brings disorder in the routine life. This
research by discovery will shock you by showing how bad your health can be affected by the use
of the social media.
9:- Social Media causes death – Not just by using it, but by following the stunts and other crazy
stuffs that are shared on the internet. For example bikers do the unnecessary stunts, people doing
the jump over the trains and other life threatening stuffs. For example in this video 14 year old
from Mumbai was doing stunts on a running train which caused his death. These types of stunts
are performed by the teenagers because of the successful stunts made and shared over the social
10:- Glamorizes Drugs and Alcohol – One of the disadvantages of the social media is that
people start to follow others who are wealthy or drug addicted and share their views and videos
on the web.


Social media can be a useful tool for businesses, bringing advantages such as engaging with your
audience and boosting website traffic. However there can also be disadvantages, including the
resources required and negative feedback. Considering these pros and cons can help you decide
the best approach to social media for your business.

The business benefits of effective social media use include:
 Brand awareness - Compelling and relevant content will grab the attention of potential
customers and increase brand visibility.
 Brand reputation - You can respond instantly to industry developments and be seen as
‘thought leader’ or expert in your field. This can improve how your business is seen by your

 Cost effective - It can be much cheaper than traditional advertising and promotional
activities. The costs of maintaining a social media presence are minimal. If you choose to
invest in paid advertising, you can spend as much or as little as your budget allows.
 Website traffic - Social content can boost traffic to your website. This can lead
to increased online conversions such as sales and leads.
 Evaluation - It is easy to measure how much website traffic you receive from social
media. You can set up tracking to determine how many sales are generated by paid social
 Customer interaction - You can deliver improved customer service and respond
effectively to feedback. Positive feedback is public and can be persuasive to other potential
customers. Negative feedback highlights areas where you can improve.
 Target audience - Customers can find you through the social media platforms they use
most. You can choose to maintain a presence on particular platforms that are in line with
your target audience. For example, if you are targeting young people you could reach them
through Snap chat. If you are seeking business customers, LinkedIn may be the best channel.
 Brand loyalty - You can build relationships with your customers through social media.
This can help increase loyalty and advocacy.


Some of the downsides of using social media in business include:

 Resources - You will need to commit resources to managing your social media presence,
responding to feedback and producing new content. This can include hiring and
training staff, investing in paid advertising and paying for the costs of creating video or
image content.
 Evaluation - While it is easy to quantify the return-on-investment in terms of online sales
generated by social media advertising – there are some less tangible benefits. It can be hard
to measure and place a monetary value on the brand awareness and reputation that social
media can bring. It’s difficult to know how social media effects sales in-store.

Ineffective use - Social media can be used ineffectively. For example, using social media to
push for sales without engaging with customers, or failing to respond to negative feedback -
may damage your reputation.


Create a group & choose group settings

You can use Google Groups to create an

online group for your team, organization,
class, or other group to do things like:
Email each other
Host group discussions
Collaborate on projects
Organize meetings
Find people with similar
hobbies or interests
You can also change your group's type,
name, or description, and choose who can
join, post, and view topics.
Create a group
1. Sign in to Google Groups.
2. Near the top left, click Create group.
3. Enter info and choose settings for the group.
4. Click Create.

Make your group an email list, forum, or collaborative inbox

You can change your group type at any time to match your group’s communication style and
1. Sign in to Google Groups.
2. Click My groups.
3. Choose a group.
4. Near the top right, click Manage group.
5. On the left, click Information Advanced.
6. To select a new group type, next to "Select a group type," click the Down arrow .
7. You can choose between:
 Email list: Members communicate with each other using a single email address.
 Web forum: Members use Google Groups to communicate with each other.
 Q&A forum: Members ask and answer each other's questions.
 Collaborative inbox: Members assign topics to each other and track topics as tasks.
8. Click Reset this group.
9. In the box that pops up, click Reset group.

Change your group’s name, description & email settings

1. Sign in to Google Groups.
2. Click My groups.
3. Choose a group.
4. Near the top right, click Manage group.
5. On the left, click Information General information.
6. Make your changes.
7. Click Save.
Set features included in every email
You can set:
A subject prefix: This helps identify email as group messages.
A footer: This can helps users access subscription settings and find the post on Google
Auto replies: This lets you respond automatically to members and non-members.
1. Sign in to Google Groups.
2. Click My groups.
3. Choose a group.
4. Near the top right, click Manage group.
5. On the left, click Settings Email options.
6. Make your changes.
7. Click Save.
Set how members display their identity
You can allow members to post with a display name or require that each member be linked to their
Google profile.
1. Sign in to Google Groups.
2. Click My groups.
3. Choose a group.
4. Near the top right, click Manage group.
5. On the left, click Settings Identity.
6. Select one of the required forms of identity.
7. Click Save.

Facebook Page
Steps to Create an Account:
A personal Facebook account is required in order
to create a Facebook Page.
Login to your personal Facebook account,
then go to
Choose the type of page you would like to create:
o Local business or place
o Artist, band, or public figure
o Company, organization, or institution
o Entertainment
o Brand or product
o Cause or community
Enter in your company’s info, review Facebook’s terms, and click on “Get Started”.
Facebook will provide four tabs:
o About
o Profile Picture
o Add to Favorite
o Reach More People.
Complete the fields within each tab and click on “Save Info”.

LinkedIn Company
Page Steps to Create an
A personal LinkedIn account is required in
order to created a LinkedIn Company Page.
Login to your personal LinkedIn account at
Click on “Interests” > “Companies” > “Create” (in right column, under “Create a Company
Enter in your company’s name and your email address, and click on the check box to
verify you are the official representative of the company.
To publish your company page, you must include a company description and company
website URL.
Steps to Create an Account:
Go to
Enter your full name, email address, and a
password in the “New to Twitter? Sign up” box.
Click “Sign up for Twitter”.
On the next page, you can select a username (usernames
are unique identifiers on Twitter) — type your own or choose one Twitter suggest. Twitter
will tell you if the username you want is available.
Double-check your name, email address, password, and username.
Click “Create my account”.
You may be asked to complete a Captcha.
Twitter will send a confirmation email to the address you entered on sign up, click the link
in that email to confirm your email address and account.

Google+ / Google My Business

By creating a local page on Google My Business, your
business information can show up in Google Search,
Google Earth, and other Google properties. In addition,
your business gets a Google+ page to connect with your
Steps to Create an Account:
A personal Google account is required to set-up a Google My Business account.
Go to and sign into your Google account.
Choose your business type:
Service Area
Search for your business name. If your business does not appear, click on “Add your
business” (under the “None of these match” box).
Enter in your business name, street address, city, state, zip, business phone, category, and
click on “I deliver my goods and services to my customers” (if the statement is true).
Click on “Continue”.
Choose the geographic radius where your business operates and click on “I also serve
customers at my business address” (if the statement is true).
Google will ask you to verify your info and agree to the terms of service.
A Google+ page will automatically be created for your business. Complete your
company’s profile as directed.
Google requires that all accounts be verified with a code in order to be set-up. This code
will be mailed to you via a postcard.
Click on “Mail me my code” and add an optional contact name. Click on “Send postcard”.
You should receive a postcard within 1-2 weeks. Once you receive the code, login
to your Google+ dashboard at, choose your new page,
and enter the code to verify the My Business account. The code is only good for 30 days.

Steps to Create an Account:
Go to (if you have a personal
account, make sure to log out).
Enter your email address & create a new password.
Fill out the details about your business and contact info for the
person who will manage the account.
Review and accept the terms of service.
Click on “Create Account”.

Steps to Create an Account
Download the Instagram app for Apple iOS from the App Store,
Android from Google Play Store or Windows Phone from the
Windows Phone Store.
Once the app is installed, tap to open it.
Tap “Register with Email” to sign up with your email address or
“Register with Facebook” to sign up with your Facebook account.
If you register with email, create a username and password, fill out
your profile info and then tap “Done”.
If you register with Facebook, you’ll be prompted to sign into your Facebook account if
you’re currently logged out.

Steps to Create an Account
A personal Google account is required to set-up a YouTube account.
Go to and login using your
Google account username and password.
Click on “Create a new channel”.
Fill out the details to create your new channel.
From here you can begin setting-up your profile and uploading videos to share.


1 . Facebook
This is easily the largest social networking site in the world and one of the most
widely used. And, Facebook was perhaps the first that surpassed the landmark of 1
billion user accounts.Apart from the ability to network with friends and relatives..
Number of active users per month: 1.59 billion approximately

2 . WhatsApp
Despite having been acquired by Facebook in 2014, this instant messaging
platform exists as an independent entity.It arrived on the scene much later
than Facebook, but has been able to capture the imagination of millions of
people across the world by giving them the ability to communicate and share
instantly with individuals and groups. The WhatsApp call feature is just the
icing on the cake!Number of active users per month: 1 billion

3 . Tumblr
Having been owned by Yahoo since 2013, Tumblr serves as a social media cum
micro blogging platform that can be used to find and follow things that you like. You
can also use it to post anything, including multimedia, to a short-form blog.
Moreover, it gives you the flexibility to customize almost everything. Number of
active users per month: 555 million approximately

4. Instagram
Instagram was launched as a unique social networking platform that was completely
based on sharing photos and videos. This photo sharing social networking app thus
enables you to capture the best moments of your life, with your phone’s camera or
any other camera, and convert them into works of art. Number of active users per
month: 400 million approximately

5. Twitter
This social networking site enables you to post short text messages (called
tweets), containing a limited number of characters (up to 140), to convey your
message to the world. With the growing craze for online shopping, Twitter also
makes it possible to promote your businesses and even shop directly through
tweets..Number of active users per month: 320 million approximately
6 . Google+
Owned by the tech giant Alphabet (Google), this interest-based social networking
platform enables you to stay in touch with people by sharing messages, photos,
videos, useful links to sites and so on. Number of active users: 300 million
7 . Skype
Skype, owned by Microsoft, is one of the most popular communication-based social
networking platforms. It allows you to connect with people through voice calls, video
calls (using a webcam) and text messaging.The best part is that Skype-to-Skype calls
are free and can be used to communicate with anyone, located in any part of the
world, over the internet. Number of active users per month: 300 million
8 . Viber
This multi-lingual social platform, which is available in more than 30
languages, is known for its instant text messaging and voice messaging
capabilities. You can also share photos and videos and audio messages,
using Viber. It offers you the ability to call non- Viber users through a
feature named Viber Out.Number of active users per month: 249 million
9 . Snapchat
This is an image messaging social platform that enables you to chat with friends
by using pictures. It allows you to explore news and even check out live stories
that are happening around the world.Number of active users per month: 200
million approximately
This is a photo sharing and visual bookmarking social media site or app that
enables you to find new ideas for your projects and save them. So, you can do
DIY tasks or home improvement projects, plan your travel agenda and so on by
using Pinterest.
Number of active users per month: 100 million approximately

11. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is easily one of the most popular professional social networking sites or
apps and is available in over 20 languages. It is used across the globe by all types
of professionals and serves as an ideal platform to connect with different
businesses, locate and hire ideal candidates, and more. It boasts over 400 million
members. Number of active users per month: 100 million approximately

This instant messaging network is similar to WhatsApp and is available
across platforms in more than eight languages. However, Telegram has
always focused more on the privacy and security of the messages you send
over the internet by using its platform. So, it empowers you to send messages
that are encrypted and self-destructive. Number of active users per month:
100 million approximately

13 . WeChat
This is an all-in-one communications app for messaging and calling (similar to
WhatsApp) that enables you to connect with the people of your choice. It was also
developed by Tencent in China and can easily work alongside QQ. As per the BI
intelligence report, the number of WeChat users are fast catching up with the
number of WhatsApp users.
Number of active users per month: 697 million approximately
YouTube is the world’s largest video-sharing social networking site that
enables users to upload and share videos, view them, comment on them and
like them. This social network is accessible across the globe and even enables
users to create a YouTube channel where they can upload all their personally
recorded videos to showcase to their friends and followers.
This is another highly popular photo-sharing website. It serves as a platform
to upload numerous high quality images, especially by photographers or
people who love photography. It is also an efficient online photo
management and sharing service.

16 . TikTok
TikTok is insanely popular with the kids these days. If you’re under 16
then this is the place to be.TikTok is a social video app that allows its
users to share short videos. Available on iOS and Android, TikTok is
popular for creating short music videos of between 3 and 15 seconds.
You can also create short looping videos of between 3 and 60 seconds.

Like QQ and WeChat, QZone is yet another social networking service
developed by Tencent. It enables you to share photos, watch videos, listen to
songs, write blogs, maintain diaries and so on. It also empowers you to choose
the accessories and customize the look and feel of your QZone webpages.
Number of active users per month: 640 million approximately

Tencent QQ (more popularly known as QQ) is an instant messaging (chat- based) social media
platform. It became international (with more than 80 countries using it), after it was launched in
China. Number of active users per month: 853 million approximately

Snapfish is a web-based photo sharing social networking site that
offers unlimited storage to its members for uploading photos. You can
thus put away your storage space concerns for your vast collection of

This is the ideal social networking platform for musicians and professionals to
connect with others in the music industry. It offers different tools to musicians
to manage their careers and offers them the right access to their music industry
partners and fans.

21.Funny or Die
This comedy video social website is aimed at bringing together the funniest
videos from the web. Celebrities follow this social platform a lot and it enables
users to share, upload and rate videos.

22.We Heart It
This photo-sharing social media site, which is available in more than 20
languages, is ideal for users’ daily dose of inspiration or motivation. It
enables users to view and


Ten types of social media and what they’re used for:

1. Social networks—Connect with people

2. Media sharing networks—Share photos, videos, and other media

3. Discussion forums—Share news and ideas

4. Bookmarking and content curation networks—

Discover, save, and share new content
5. Consumer review networks—Find and review businesses

6. Blogging and publishing networks—Publish content online

7. Interest-based networks—Share interests and hobbies

8. Social shopping networks—Shop online

9. Sharing economy networks—Trade goods and services

10. Anonymous social networks—Communicate anonymously

1. Social networks Examples: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn

Why people use these networks: To connect with people (and brands) online.
How they can benefit your business: Let us count the ways. Market research, brand awareness, lead
generation, relationship building, customer service… the list is pretty much endless.
Social networks, sometimes called “relationship networks,” help people and organizations
connect online to share information and ideas. While these networks aren’t the oldest type of
social media, they certainly define it now. These channels started as relatively simple services—
for example, Twitter was the place to answer the question “what are you doing?” and Facebook
was where you might check the relationship status of that cute Economics 101 classmate. Now,
and especially since the rise of the mobile internet, these networks have become hubs that
transform nearly every aspect of modern life—from reading news to sharing vacation photos to
finding a new job—into a social experience. If you’re not using these core networks yet as part
of your social media marketing plan—or if you’re looking for ideas to improve your existing
strategy—you’ll find a wealth of usable information in our guides to Facebook, Twitter,
and LinkedIn.

2. Media sharing networks

Examples: Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube

Why people use these networks: To find and share photos, video, live video, and other media online.
How they can benefit your business: Like the major relationship networks, these sites are
invaluable for brand awareness, lead generation, audience engagement, and most of your other
social marketing goals.

Media sharing networks give people and brands a place to find and share media online, including
photos, video, and live video. The lines between media sharing networks and social networks are
blurring these days as social relationship networks like Facebook and Twitter add live video,
augmented reality, and other multimedia services to their platforms. However, what distinguishes
media sharing networks is that the sharing of media is their defining and primary purpose. While
the majority of posts on relationship networks contain text, posts on networks like Instagram and
Snapchat start with an image or video, to which users may decide to add content like captions,
mentions of other users, or filters that make you look like a bunny. Similarly, on sites such as
YouTube and Vimeo, video is the primary mode of communication. If there’s one thing the most
successful brands on platforms like YouTube or Instagram have in common, it’s a thoroughly
planned mission and carefully designed media assets, usually following a specific theme. To
increase your business’s chances of success on media sharing networks, see our guides to
marketing on Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Vimeo.

3. Discussion forums

Examples: reddit, Quora, Digg

Why people use these networks: To find, discuss, and share news, information, and opinions.
How they can benefit your business: These networks can be excellent resources for market
research. Done right, you can also advertise on them, though you’ll need to be careful to keep
your ads and posts separate.
Discussion forums are one of the oldest types of social media. Before we connected to our first
university friends on The Facebook, we discussed pop culture, current affairs, and asked for help
on forums. Take a look at the wide reach and massive user numbers on forums such as reddit,
Quora, and Digg and you’ll see that the public’s thirst for collective knowledge and wisdom
remains unquenchable.

These are the sites where people go to find out what everyone’s talking about and weigh in on
it—and users on these sites generally aren’t shy about expressing their opinions. While social
relationship networks are increasingly implementing measures to reduce anonymity and create a
safe space online, discussion forums generally allow users to remain anonymous, keeping some
of the “wild west” feel that used to define the online experience. This can make discussion
forums such as reddit (the self-styled “front page of the internet”) and Quoragreat places to go
for deep customer research and brutally honest opinions. If you’re careful to keep ads and posts
separate, they can even be a place to advertise—for all the details, see our guide to reddit

4. Bookmarking and content curation networks

Examples: Pinterest, Flipboard

Why people use these networks: To discover, save, share, and discuss new and trending content and
How they can benefit your business: These networks can be highly effective for driving brand
awareness, customer engagement, and website traffic.

Bookmarking and content curation networks help people discover, save, share, and discuss new
and trending content and media. These networks are a hotbed of creativity and inspiration for
people seeking information and ideas, and by adding them to your social media marketing plan,
you’ll open up new channels for building brand awareness and engaging with your audience and
customers. Bookmarking networks like Pinterest help people discover, save, and share visual
content. An easy first step for getting started with Pinterest is to make your website bookmark-
friendly. This entails optimizing headlines and images on your blog and/or website for the feeds
these networks use to access and share your content. You should also pay close attention to the

images featured on your site or blog—these are the window displays of Pins, so you want them
to be good representations of your content. Content curation networks like Flipboard are similar
to bookmarking networks, but with a focus on finding and sharing articles and other text content.
You can create your own Flipboard magazine to sort through the most engaging content on your
topic of choice from third-party sources, and to showcase your own content.

Other types of networks are also adding bookmarking and curation features. For example,
Instagram now offers features for users to save content and create private collections. To start
planning your strategy for bookmarking and content curation networks, see our guides on using
Pinterest and Flipboard. And if you’re looking for inspiration, check out these 10 Pinterest
accounts that will make you a better social media marketer.

5. Consumer review networks

Examples: Yelp, Zomato, TripAdvisor

Why people use these networks: To find, review, and share information about brands, products,
and services, as well as restaurants, travel destinations, and more.
How they can benefit your business: Positive reviews bring social proof to your claims. Handled
well, you can resolve issues with unhappy customers.

Consumer review networks give people a place to review brands, businesses, products, services,
travel spots, and just about anything else.Reviews are a type of content that adds a lot of value to
many websites and online services—think about the buying experience on Amazon, or the
experience of searching for a local business on Google Maps. Consumer review networks take it
one step further by building networks around the review as a core part of the value they provide.
Location-based review services such as Yelp and Zomato continue to grow as personal social
networks adopt geolocation and more users choose to consult the internet along with their friends
for recommendations of best dining spots. There are sites to review anything from hotels and
restaurants to the business where you’re thinking of applying for a job—and user reviews have
more weight than ever before.

6. Blogging and publishing networks

Examples: WordPress, Tumblr, Medium

Why people use these networks: To publish, discover, and comment on content online.
How they can benefit your business: Content marketing can be a highly effective way to engage
with your audience, build your brand, and generate leads and sales.

Blogging and publishing networks give people and brands tools to publish content online in
formats that encourage discovery, sharing, and commenting. These networks range from more
traditional blogging platforms like WordPress and Blogger to micro-blogging services like
Tumblr and interactive social publishing platforms like Medium. If your promotion strategy
includes content marketing (and if it doesn’t, you might want to consider it), your business can
gain visibility by keeping a blog. A blog doesn’t just help increase awareness of your business
and generate more engaging content for your social channels such as Facebook; it can also help
carve out a niche for your brand as a thought leader in your industry. If you’re getting started
with blogging and content marketing, see our guides to starting a blog, promoting your blog,
content marketing strategy, and creating great content.

7. Social shopping networks

Examples: Polyvore, Etsy, Fancy

Why people use these networks: To spot trends, follow brands, share great finds, and make purchases.
How they can benefit your business: Brands can build awareness, increase engagement, and sell
products via new channels.

Social shopping networks make ecommerce engaging by adding a social element. Of course,
elements of ecommerce appear in many other types of social networks—for example, Pinterest
features Buyable Pins, and Instagram provides call-to-action tools in the form of “shop now” and
“install now” buttons. Social shopping networks take it one step further by building their site
around a focused integration between the social experience and the shopping experience.
Services like Etsy allow small businesses and individual crafters to sell their products without an
existing brick-and-mortar location, and networks such as Polyvore aggregate products from

different retailers in a single online marketplace, and. Polyvore is one of the largest social style
communities on the internet, and it’s a good example of a network designed to integrate the
social experience with the buying experience. Most of the content is generated by users, who
choose products they like, create collages, publish them as a set, and then share sets with other
users. For more information about these networks and how they can benefit your business, see
our guide to social commerce.

8. Interest-based networks

Examples: Goodreads, Houzz,

Why people use these networks: To connect with others around a shared interest or hobby.
How they can benefit your business: If there’s a network devoted to the kind of products or
services you provide, these networks can be a great place to engage with your audience and build
brand awareness.

Interest-based networks take a more targeted approach than the big social networks do by
focusing solely on a single subject, such as books, music, or home design.While there are groups
and and forums on other networks that are devoted to these interests, focusing solely on a single
area of interest allows these networks to deliver an experience tailor-made for the wants and
needs of the people and communities who share that interest.

For example, on Houzz, home designers can browse the work of other designers, create
collections of their own work, and connect with people looking for their services. Networks such
as (for musicians and music lovers) and Goodreads (for authors and avid readers) also
provide an experience designed specifically for their niche audience.

9. ‘Sharing economy’ networks

Examples: Airbnb, Uber, Taskrabbit

Why people use these networks: To advertise, find, share, buy, sell, and trade products and
services between peers. How they can benefit your business: If you happen to offer the kind of
products or services traded here, these networks can be another channel for bringing in business.
(For example, if you operate a bed-and-breakfast, Airbnb could help you find customers.)

“Sharing economy” networks, also called “collaborative economy networks,” connect people
online for the purpose of advertising, finding, sharing, buying, selling, and trading products and
services. This online model for peer commerce has become viable and popular in recent years as
people started trusting online reviews and feeling comfortable using them to gauge the reputation
and reliability of sellers and service providers. The collaborative economy today works because
trust can be verified electronically through social networks… social media lets the collaborative
economy run smoothly. While most marketers will find these networks too specifically targeted
or restrictive, if you happen to provide the kind of product or service that’s traded on a particular
network, you might want to look into it as another channel to generate leads and sales.

10. Anonymous social networks

Examples: Whisper,, After School

Why people use these networks: To gossip, vent, snoop, and sometimes bully.
How they can benefit your business: They almost certainly can’t. Steer clear.

Last—and least—are anonymous social networks. While major social networks are making
increasing efforts to hold users accountable for their social activity, these sites go the other way
and allow users to post content anonymously.

These networks might sound like a fun place to blow off steam (for example, if you’re a teen and
want to complain about your parents, teachers, boyfriend, and so on). However, they’ve been
shown to provide a consequence- free forum for cyber bullying and have been linked to teen
suicides. bn In our opinion, anonymous social networks are a step back toward the wild-west
early days of the internet in a time when we’ve learned the importance of keeping the internet a
safe place for everyone. Some are pretty much mandatory for any business; others are useful for
a smaller subset of niche businesses; and some you should steer clear of entirely. Whatever your
needs and your goals, it’s a safe bet you’ll find what you’re looking for somewhere on social.


One of the major benefits of using social media with

students is teaching them to communicate openly,
honestly, and, above all, kindly with their peers. The
perceived privacy or anonymity of being online is
especially freeing for boys, who may otherwise feel
it is uncool to engage in class discussions or to show
their emotions. Therefore, it is imperative to use this
teachable moment to promote compassionate
communication. Your students and your classroom
need to have solid guidelines in place before you
introduce technology.
This keeps everyone safe and ensures your students only harness the power of social media for
good. In this age of cyber-bullying kids need to learn that online behavior has real-world
consequences. The bottom line of social networking in schools is that if you wouldn’t do it in class,
you shouldn’t do it online.

The Best Social Media Sites For Students & Teachers

1. Twiducate: Described as a “walled garden,” this site is billed as a safe site for teachers and
students to collaborate. It’s easily accessible and allows teachers to create a class community
online using a class code rather than an email address. It also allows teachers to have total
control over who is a member and what gets posted. And, it’s free.

2. TweenTribune: Want to join up with a site that hooks kids on current events?
TweenTribune lets students stay up-to-date with current events from the Easthampton
student whose tongue froze to a metal pole to a proposal by New Jersey’s governor Chris
Christie to lengthen the school day and the school year. It gets students in the news habit and
offers a chance for them to comment on the days events.

3. Blackboard: This the industry leader in course management systems, but it isn’t something
you can adopt on your own. The decision to use Blackboard is usually made at the district
level, though occasionally by individual schools. Blackboard is an incredibly powerful, safe
and comprehensive platform. Many newer teachers will already be familiar with it from their
teacher training programs. The downside is cost. This is a very expensive platform, but you
pay for quality. That said, it will lack some flexibility for its most tech-savvy teachers.
4. EDU2.0: This is for teachers looking to integrate course management systems like
Blackboard, without the cost. Edu2.0 starts out by offering all it’s premium features on a free
trial basis. At the end of the trial period, those features turn off and you can still use the basic
platform for free. These features will be plenty for the average user, but may be enough for
“power users.” Edu2.0 is cloud-based and requires no significant investment in storage
5. Wikispaces Classroom: Collaboration is second nature to Wiki users and Wiki Classroom
proves it’s no exception. Wiki Classrooms are private social networks complete with news
feeds and communication tools. It’s safe because you decide who’s invited — students,
parents, administrators. You can assign, collaborate on, discuss and assess projects all within
the site. It can even handle multimedia. The best part, Wikispaces Classroom is free.
6. Edmodo: Here’s another excellent, free classroom management system. It includes news
feeds, assessment tools, communication capabilities and security features.
7. Skype: Too many educators overlook the potential of Skype in the classrooms. It is the one
site that can literally bring the outside world right into your classroom. You can host authors,
visit science labs or talk to pen pals from across the globe.
8. MinecraftEdu: The secret of MinecraftEdu is its ability to harness the power of video
games to engage learners. This game allows students to collaborative, explore and problem
solve all while learning about history, economics, science and math. Teachers can customize
it to fit their curriculum.
9. Sumdog: This gaming site is kind of like flashcards on steroids. Elementary school age kids
love this site. The social aspect is the ability to add friends to their accounts. Kids will race
home from school to play them online. It has fun levels and clever characters.

10. Twitter: Not everyone loves Twitter in the classroom, and there may be good reasons for
that. However, it makes the Top 10 because students love it and they use it. Setting up a
Group Tweet account lets you moderate who joins and what gets posted. It is also important
to keep the account strictly business.


1. The Connected Educator

A great site for connecting with other educators is
edConnectr. It gives educators several avenues with which to
find other like-minded educators. A Visual Mapping Engine
narrows down certain criteria allowing educators to save
valuable time and energy.
2. Edmodo
Edmodo acts as a playground for teaching and learning with
a place for posts, calendars, and general communication for
teachers and students. Linking to students becomes simpler
and more efficient as well as more effective when students
enjoy the presentation of it. It makes it easy to share
valuable apps with students.
3. TedEd
TedEd offers a variation of TED Talks with shorter, often-animated clips of subjects such as science,
technology, social studies, literature, language, art, health, psychology, and business and economics.
With communities and clubs, the site also makes it effortless for collaboration.
4. Google+
Besides great graphics and themes, Google+ takes teachers to their students with circles that
make managing virtual communication an art. Students might need to know more about a
particular lesson because they didn’t quite get it the first time. Pull them into a circle of their own
with just the right tools to connect them to their path to understanding and learning.

5. Facebook
The great part about Facebook is that everyone is on it. Students love connecting with their
friends and family with Facebook so telling them to check out the page where you post only
makes sense. However, it’s very important to stay professional and have a separate personal

6. Twitter
The best way to use Twitter for teaching is as a reminder to students that they need to complete
an assignment for a particular due date or that they have an exam coming up soon so study this
or that. Sometimes teachers even use it for inspiration by sending a famous quote.
7. Instagram
Students love Instagram for so many reasons but mainly for the photos and effects available to
them. Teachers can create assignments that tap into the need to Instagram such as photo essays
where students take photos, upload, and add captions or students can even create campaigns for
certain organizations or just for a lesson.
8. Vimeo
If you want to share videos on Facebook or Twitter, use Vimeo. But, there’s a whole lot more
teachers can use it for such as uploading and storing video then utilizing it as a tool to teach
students more about creating video. Vimeo teaches for you at Vimeo Video School with lessons
and tutorials.
9. WordPress
With so many themes to choose from, WordPress has become a popular way for teachers to set
up a web of communication and lessons with their students. Chalkboard is an educational theme
that prepares students for learning and helps teachers outline goals and objectives while still
providing great visuals. Teachers can also use it to inspire students to write more by having them
create their own blogs and meet the WordPress Challenges.
10. Blogger
Like WordPress, Blogger connects teachers to students using unique themes as well as diary-
style writing. With access to teachers’ posted links, lessons, and thoughts students become more
successful and comfortable with the teacher when learning online.

11. Skype
Using Skype network helps in connecting with anyone, anywhere, at any time . This helps
students not only connect with teachers but teachers encourage students to broaden their view of
the world. Set up virtual connections by contacting other teachers then connect the students to
each other. Also, Skype has a whole portal dedicated to educators who can use it to teach various
lessons already set up by the Skype team.
12. Pinterest
The celebrated platform for pinning favorite pix can be a great teaching and learning tool. It also
encourages quick collaboration between teachers on all sorts of subjects and interests. Teachers
can set up aPinterest page for one particular class or a series of classes with Pins that focus on
themes or subtopics important to the lesson at hand.

13. YouTube
Educators of any level can click on the education category withinYouTube and find several
subcategories such as university, science, business, and engineering. YouTube even has a special
section dedicated to teachers and how to teach with it. But, even if teachers never visited that
section, they could teach using all the great videos available according to subjects or searches.

14. TeacherTube
If YouTube doesn’t make the cut, try TeacherTube. It’s dedicated to all sorts of education, from
the basics to more complicated work. Interestingly, the tabs for docs and audio are some of the
more useful resources within it. However, it’s the idea of TeacherTube and it’s tools that make it
so useful because teachers can use it to communicate with students and there’s no question that
this is within an educational format.
For academics whose main goal is to share research papers, draws a crowd of over
five million visitors. Academics can monitor the effect of their research and keep tabs on the
research of the other academics that they follow. It’s a great tool for anyone needing data and
information on various subjects and interests.

16. LinkedIn
While acting as a professional social forum for employers to connect with applicants or search
for potential employees, LinkedIn is used for so much more than that. Having students post
professional resumes there and then contacting them about the job market and the business world
around them keeps them in touch with reality and the endless possibilities through a targeted

17. LabRoots
Access millions of documents and hundreds of scientific news feeds by using LabRoots, a social
networking site catering to scientists, engineers and technical professionals. Besides the plethora
of information, it helps stay connected with colleagues and peers. Pulling students into the mix
gives them a cutting edge feel and insight into precious tools and information.

18. ResearchGate
Ijad Madisch founded ResearchGate, which is similar to LabRoots bringing scientists together
for collaboration. The difference really lies with the mission and the creators who are scientists
working to give visibility to the dedicated researchers all over the world.

Not a science lab, provides a place for artists to start blogs or an art group as
well as connect and share information. Mostly made of Europeans, also
highlights art news, events and exhibitions and helps artists find jobs and learn more about
funding their projects. Teachers can use this for motivation and to help students get a feel for
other artists’ work.

20. CultureInside
Focusing on the gallery concept, CultureInside creates space for online galleries and actual
galleries. It might just be an artist’s dream if used correctly. With the guidance of a teacher,
students can profit from their creativity as well. There’s also a feature called lightbox, which
connects artists and helps promote artwork in other artists’ lightboxes.

21. GogoYoko
GogoYoko began as a solution to the problem many musicians and artists have. They don’t make
the money they deserve. Sharing and streaming music through GogoYoko keeps users listening
and needing more, so teachers can use it to do the same. On top of that, GogoYoko helps
musicians and artists sell and promote their music.

22. Sgrouples
If there’s concern about privacy, Sgrouples promotes itself as a networking site that allows users
to have ultimate control over who belongs to what group. It’s supposed to reflect how we click
together with our “small” group. More importantly, the site doesn’t share anyone’s information,
so staying private really means anything shared, remains in that group.

23. DailyMotion
A French video sharing site, DailyMotion adds an edge to social media by presenting users with
a “news” feed of the latest videos. Teachers can use it for themselves in order to keep up-to-date
on bizarre and informative social networking but also for posting their own videos or sharing
some of the unique videos available through DailyMotion.

24. RebelMouse
The New York Times, Mashable, Wired, and Time magazine among others tout RebelMouse as
the best tool for organizing all the social media networks any one individual uses. While also
used by publishers or larger organizations, RebelMouse brings the many networks together for
one person and creates a presence that fits a teacher’s agenda.

25. HootSuite
Another powerful social networking manager, HootSuite makes it easier to access various forms
of social media and analyze how valuable the use of one media is over another. Sometimes
getting caught up in the social media craze can be overwhelming so using HootSuite helps make
sense all the media at the same time.


The modern media landscape is so crowded that it can

be difficult for brands to cut through and reach their
target audience. This is especially true on social
media. From viral videos to family members sharing
important milestones, and in between, other
advertisers vying for what space is left, you need to
figure out a way to stand out. And in order to
successfully scale out your social media campaigns,
you have to determine the best resources to enable you
to reach and connect with your target market/s.
The most effective social media marketing tools are always changing, however the right
social media management tools can save you a heap of time through post scheduling, generating
great content ideas, tracking your efforts, and much more. To help you maximize your social
media efforts in 2019, we’ve compiled a list of some of the top social media tools on the market
which can help make your efforts as efficient and effective as possible.

1. Hootsuite
Hootsuite is one of the most popular social media management tools on the
market - the app enables you to find, schedule, manage and report on social
media easily, and all on one platform. This tool is great for making the time
marketers spend on social media more efficient. You can start on the free plan
to see what it's all about. Hootsuite is one of the best social media
management tools for creating and managing business campaigns. Instead of
managing all of the platforms manually, you could just open Hootsuite and
handle them from a single dashboard.You can use this social media
dashboard for scheduling messages, tracking conversations, managing
multiple profiles, and many other social activities.

Standout features:
 Has a limited free plan
 Schedule campaigns via different social media platforms from one dashboard
 This web-based tool is compatible with major social media channels
 It offers free courses to help you get started with social marketing campaigns
2. Buffer
Buffer is a social media management tool that makes it easier to schedule
social media content and manage all of your accounts under one roof. You can
even schedule postings straight from the web with its Chrome browser
extension, while you can also track engagement and performance on the posts
you've shared across all your social accounts. Buffer offers a free plan for
starters.. Many pro-marketers share posts on a set timing to get better results
and drive more social traffic to their blog. You can add a specific time to
your content in a few clicks. The free version only offers one social profile per network – you
need to get the paid version to unlock multiple profiles. The free version is compatible with
Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
Standout features:
 It helps you post photos, articles and videos on your social media handles easily
 You can schedule content across different social channels through one dashboard
 This tool is made for sharing your work effortlessly
3. Canva
Canva is an incredibly easy to use, drag-and-drop design tool which can help
you create compelling and high-quality graphics. The app has thousands of
layout templates and is great for designing everything from presentations to
social media creative and much more. Canva has a free plan to test. Using
well-designed graphic visuals is a great way to improve your social media
game. Professional marketers use appealing images for Pinterest and
Instagram marketing, to generate better leads.
Canva is the best social media tool you could find. Canva is a wonderful tool designed to help
you manage the visuals for social media. This tool gives you the freedom to create your own
design without knowing anything about web designing. It can be used for designing visually
appealing content for brand aesthetics. You can create Facebook ads, Twitter posts, Pinterest
graphics, LinkedIn banners, YouTube thumbnails, and many other different templates for your
marketing campaigns.Usage of this platform is free and comes with a few basic elements, so you
can design social images for your blog promotion.
Standout features:
 Design great-looking content from your web browser
 Thousands of unique graphic elements for designing stunning images
 Pre-made templates for ads, social media headers, infographics, and social media posts

IFTTT (If This Then That) is a creative social media
management tool. You can use it to build a connection between
different apps and devices (including social networks). It works
on an action-reaction mechanism that helps you boost
productivity effortlessly. With this tool, you can create chains of
instructions - for example, you can set it up to send a tweet every
time you create a post on Instagram. Best of all, it’s free.
Standout features:
 Automated sharing across social media apps and sites
 Build your own unique recipes with triggers and actions

5. SocialOomph
Not only do I love the name of SocialOomph, I’m quite
impressed by the wide range of features they offer for multiple
platforms – ranging from the typical features like scheduling
and analytics, to some interesting ones like keeping your DM
Twitter Inbox clean to help with increasing followers.

They definitely offer a wide variety of unique features for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and
Pinterest management, as well as the ability to manage and schedule blog posts. While
SocialOomph does indeed have a free plan, the features are limited and mostly lean towards Twitter

6. Friends+Me
Friends+Me is another prime player in the social media management tools
family. Friends+Me appears to get rave reviews from users, and has a
beautifully designed website with plans available based on the size of your
business. And yes, there is a free plan! While the free plan is not super
robust, it still allows for two queues (which is a destination to publish
posts), the ability to schedule five posts per queue at one time, link
shortening, browser extensions, an integration with Zapier, as well as
standard support. The free plan can also be used for a variety of social
platforms like Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Tumblr.

7. Followerwonk
Followerwonk is definitely not your tradition social media management tool
when it comes to scheduling posts, but it is an effective tool when it comes
to understanding your audience at a much deeper level. Followerwonk
allows you to dig deep into Twitter bios and compare various accounts to
find the most relevant influencers. With this tool, you can analyze your
current followers – by location, bio, accounts they follow, and more – and
contrast relationships with competitors. Luckily, it offers a free account, as
well! The free account does come with several limitations, but you will still
be able to connect one profile, view authority rankings, see followers and
their locations, see when followers are active, and access several other
details to further analyze your social audience.

8. Zoho Social
Whether you’re a growing business or an agency, Zoho Social will
help you manage multiple profiles, research relevant keywords,
work with team members, and of course schedule posts from one
dashboard.Zoho Social has many of the same tools and features
that the other platforms have, but they also have Facebook
lead ads, advanced reporting features, a SocialShare browser
plugin, and CRM integrations. Zoho Social caters to agencies as
well so marketers have the choice of choosing between the business
or agency plans. Zoho Social’s free plan allows you to manage 1
brand, and includes the URL shortener and SocialShare browser
9. Co-Schedule
If you take a close look, you will realize that all of the social
media tools are designed to save your time. CoSchedule is
undoubtedly one of the best social media management tools in
2019. It is a marketing calendar to help you manage projects on
a single dashboard social media management tool. You can
simultaneously share and publish content to save time.
CoSchedule helps you boost your productivity by making your
workflow organized.
Standout features:
 Manage content posting on multiple platforms via a single window
 Schedule an organized calendar for smart marketing campaigns
10. Sked Social
It’s no secret that Facebook ads create your website brand and help
you reach your targeted audience. However, too many ads have
made it easier to overlook them on Facebook. Hence, marketers are
moving towards less scratched platforms like Instagram. Sked

Social (previously branded as Schedugram) is a social media management tool created to target
Instagram audiences. It provides an easy and efficient way for scheduling media sharing. You can
upload bulk content on your Instagram account. The user interface of this tool is pretty simple, so
you won’t have to worry about the usage. Beyond using Sked Social, there are a number of other
ways you can integrate Instagram into WordPress.
Standout features:
 You can customize (crop, filter or edit) images for bulk sharing
 Upload to multiple Instagram accounts through an easy-to-use interface

11. Sendible
Sendible is a powerful social media management tool for agencies
who need to manage social media for multiple clients. You can
either schedule posts across different social media platforms or
integrate it with blogs and social sharing sites. You can even add it
to Slack and make the communication process a whole lot easier.
Sendible can create an organized editorial calendar for your blog.
Additionally, it also reports brand mentions, allowing you to
respond to people and know your social media presence. This tool
offers a unique feature to share existing content across the web and
share it to get more eyes on your profile.
Standout features:
 Sendible schedules content and helps your team to communicate better
 It comes with a handy mobile app for getting notifications when you’re away from your
 You can easily manage multiple marketing campaigns
12. Social Count
SocialCount is a free tool that helps you track the number of shares
for a specific post on your website. It even gives the number of shares
received from each platform for a particular post or page. The main
purpose of using social media is to drive more traffic and therefore
improve conversion.
And one of the best ways to know your campaign success rate is by checking the number of shares
on your domain. If you want to increase shares on your site, consider using a social share plugin.
Standout features:
 This tool is available for free
 SocialCount supports Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

13. Edgar
Edgar helps schedule content sharing in a unique way. It does not add
up all the content in a single queue. Instead, it adds content in
different categories and then it adds a publishing time to each
category. This helps you target a certain niche at a set time. This type
of arrangement ensures that you get the best out of each social media
update. Beyond that, Edgar automatically re-posts an update to make
sure it reaches a wider range of audience and that no content goes
Standout features:
 Edgar optimizes post times by category, rather than using a single queue
 Edgar reposts social media content to help you get more eyes on your posts.
 It supports the three common social platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

To conclude, Consumers expect the best experience from brands, and that expectation is only
going to increase in the coming year. With an overwhelming number of digital tools available,
it’s up to you to determine the most effective apps for your business, relative to your unique
needs and goals. The tools listed above will help make your efforts more efficient and elevate
your content from mediocre to massive. Don’t let the speed of digital outpace your ability to
adapt in 2019. Brands that are capable of evolving and adding emerging tools to their marketing
stack are the most successful in dominating social media, and keeping ahead of the competition.







V Creating Power Point Presentation

Uploading Power Point Presentation

Creating Blogs and uploading data



The possible uses of PowerPoint are countless. A slide show can help a teacher teach a lesson,
illustrate an event in history, easily display statistical information, or be used for training in
corporations. A slide show can be a valuable tool for teaching, sharing and learning. Whether
presenting at a conference or convincing your parents to get a puppy, PowerPoint presentations
are useful no matter what the topic and help communicate ideas to an audience. The invention of
PowerPoint by Gaskins has saved presenters hours of painstakingly handcrafting displays, and
created a professional and easy way to relay information. The following are steps on how to
create a basic PowerPoint presentation, however certain steps may vary slightly depending upon
what version of PowerPoint you are using. This tutorial is specifically using PowerPoint 2007.

Tips for creating an effective presentation

 Consider the following tips to keep your audience interested.
 Minimize the number of slides
 To maintain a clear message and to keep your audience attentive and interested, keep the
number of slides in your presentation to a minimum.
 Choose an audience-friendly font size
 The audience must be able to read your slides from a distance. Generally speaking, a font
size smaller than 30 might be too difficult for the audience to see.
 Keep your slide text simple
 You want your audience to listen to you present your information, instead of reading the
screen. Use bullets or short sentences, and try to keep each item to one line.
 Some projectors crop slides at the edges, so that long sentences might be cropped.
 Use visuals to help express your message
 Pictures, charts, graphs, and SmartArt graphics provide visual cues for your audience to
remember. Add meaningful art to complement the text and messaging on your slides.
 As with text, however, avoid including too many visual aids on your slide.
 Make labels for charts and graphs understandable
 Use only enough text to make label elements in a chart or graph comprehensible.
 Apply subtle, consistent slide backgrounds
 Choose an appealing, consistent template or theme that is not too eye-catching. You don't
want the background or design to detract from your message.
 However, you also want to provide a contrast between the background color and text color.
The built-in themes in PowerPoint set the contrast between a light background with dark
colored text or dark background with light colored text.
 For more information about how to use themes, see Apply a theme to add color and style to
your presentation.
 Check the spelling and grammar
 To earn and maintain the respect of your audience, always check the spelling and grammar
in your presentation.
Basic tasks for creating a PowerPoint presentation
PowerPoint presentations work like slide shows. To convey a message or a story, you
break it down into slides. Think of each slide as a blank canvas for the pictures and words
that help you tell your story.
1. Choose a theme
When you start a new presentation PowerPoint, you’ll have the opportunity to choose a
theme or template. A theme is a slide design that contains matching colors, fonts, and
special effects like shadows, reflections, and

a. Click the Microsoft Office Button ,

and then click New.
b. Under Templates, click Installed
c. As you click each theme, PowerPoint
shows you a preview on the right side.
d. When you find the one you want, click
Create at the bottom of the window.
e. Insert a new slide
f. On the Home tab, click the bottom half of New Slide, and pick a slide layout.

2. Save your presentation

a. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Save.

b. In the File name box, type a name for your presentation, and then choose Save.
c. Tip: Save your work as you go. Press Ctrl+S often.
3. Add text
Select a text placeholder, and begin typing.

4. Format your text

a. Select the text.

b. Under Drawing Tools, choose Format.

Do one of the following:
i. To change the color of your text, choose Text Fill, and then choose a color.
ii. To change the outline color of your text, choose Text Outline, and then choose a
iii. To apply a shadow, reflection, glow, bevel, 3-D rotation, a transform, choose
Text Effects, and then choose the effect you want.

iv. Change the color of text on a slide
v. Add bullets or numbers to text
vi. Format text as superscript or subscript

5. Add pictures
a. On the Insert tab, choose Picture.
b. Browse for the picture you want, and then choose Insert.
6. Add speaker notes
Slides are best when you don’t cram in too much information. You can put helpful facts
and notes in the speaker notes, and refer to them as you present. In Normal view, the
Notes pane is located just below the slide view window.
a. On the View tab, in the Presentation Views group, click Normal.
b. Click inside the Notes pane below the slide, and begin typing your notes.
7. Give your presentation

a. On the Slide Show tab, do one of the following:

a. To start the presentation at the first slide, in the Start Slide Show group, click From
b. If you’re not at the first slide and want to start from where you are, click From
Current Slide.
8. Get out of Slide Show view
a. To get out of Slide Show view at any time, on the keyboard, press Esc.

Professional presenters, salespeople, developers, designers, teachers, event spokespersons – we

all have the problem of sharing PPT slides with a wider audience. Live presentations are cool,
but they impose evident limitations. Those 10 – 100 listeners in the room will definitely enjoy
the good vibes and a proper joke that come in a package with a nice presentation. Yet there are
thousands of people out there who didn’t attend your class or event, but could make good use of
your findings.
What’s the best way to share your presentation online so more people could see it? Out of a dozen
or more ways to
solve the issue, let’s get down to the five that seem to make the most sense:

1. Use presentation hosting

There’s a bunch of web-based slide hosting services out there that can help you upload and share
a presentation without quality losses or security implications. For example, iSpring Cloud is a
slide hosting service that provides secure storage and sharing, plus more features like tracking.
The good news is, this scenario makes a remote presentation easy, since it’s browser-based and
there’s no need to employ your own proprietary server or deal with bandwidth issues. What’s
more, most hosting providers include administrative tools so you can keep track of your
presentations if you have only a few uploaded.

On the downside, some services do make your presentation look different from the original
PowerPoint. You can’t really expect the service to emulate all the effects, so you’d want to get
familiar with the limitations beforehand. That said, technology is actually improving rapidly, and
vendors like iSpring are offering seamless conversion with no compromise in output quality.
Simply put, all animations and effects remain intact.
2. Make it a video

Here’s another nifty option that helps reach a wider audience. Convert your presentation to video
and place it on YouTube to start gathering coveted views, likes and comments. Just pick your
custom converter and get started. River, Movavi, Wondershare … – you are free to choose. Most
solutions act as add-ins to your PowerPoint, creating a separate tab or command on the menu. All
you have to do is click “Publish,” and your video is right on YouTube without a hitch. As a rule,
you can manage video quality and resolution before publishing.

After the file has been uploaded, you can share the video all you want just by dropping a link on
various sites. Use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any other social network and receive views,
comments, likes, and shares. Since YouTube is on every Internet-enabled gadget these days, you
are likely to get the most out of your message by uploading it there. Use cases in this scenario are
innumerable, yet it seems particularly good for explainer videos. It’s a great example in which
video definitely beats slides. Video presentations and tutorials run smoothly, with no need to
click for a next slide or a pop-up.Download fully functional iSpring River free trial

3. Convert to HTML5 and embed

Feel like using more flexible formats? Then it’s worth trying HTML5. You could try to google
for a free online converter, but beware: the quality is less than mediocre.iSpring offers an
excellent converter that comes in a free version with some extras – iSpring Free. The paid
version, iSpring Converter Pro, can also transform your PowerPoint presentation into a HMTL5
file, a format that helps you create cross-platform copy of your project ready for viewing on
descktop and mobile devices.

In any case, once you get your slides converted, feel free to upload the file to a hosting service of
choice or embed the outcome on any website. Once converted to HTML5, your presentation gets
all benefits described in point #1 above.

4. Share via an LMS

Those in the educational sphere may opt for an Learning Management System (LMS). An LMS
is basically a service for administration and delivery of education courses, online classes or
training programs. Most LMSs include features for online collaboration to encourage regular
feedback and knowledge transfer. Aside from slide demonstration, all LMSs collect statistics of
viewer’s activity, such as passing tests or resolving certain tasks, as befits the educational
process. As a rule, you need an account or contact details to access an LMS, thus your sessio n
remains personalized and secure. Some enterprises have jumped on the same bandwagon, using
LMS’s for employee training and registration.
Before uploading your presentation into
an LMS, you need to convert the source
file into an LMS- friendly format like
SCORM. Check out iSpring Learn LMS,
BlackBoard or Moodle to get a better
feeling of how it works. iSpring, for
instance, provides corporate training
platform with a powerful authoring tool
and cloud LMS.

5. Share the source file
Least sophisticated therefore highly popular, this
method has its pros and cons. Indeed, you might be well off uploading your presentation on
DropBox or Google Drive and sharing a link with a buddy. However, your buddies might not
have PowerPoint installed. Or, chances are, they are using an older version, so turns out the
slides just won’t open, and the visual frills you sweated over three nights in a row will get lost.
Also make sure you always indicate file size, as a download may result in a very lengthy process
for some people. Besides, there are security risks to consider. The presentation might get copied,
modified and distributed across the web before you even know it. If your content is sensitive and
better kept from prying eyes, it makes sense to consider safer options described above.

Publish your PowerPoint slide show as a video to YouTube

If you publish your PowerPoint slide show to the Web, others can easily view and share it. This
is a great way to distribute information and keep track of who is viewing your presentation.
Publishing your slide show video to YouTube is one of the easiest ways to host it online free of
a. In PowerPoint, create a video file (.mp4 or .wmv file) from your slide show, as
described in Turn your presentation into a video.
b. Go online to YouTube and sign in with your account.
c. In YouTube, click Upload and then select the file you want to upload. Enter a title,
description, and any tags that you want to add to your movie.
d. Many additional settings are available for your movie. For example, you can select a
category and choose whether you want your movie to be public or private. When
you are done with settings, click Publish. Refer:

It is cool to broadcast your materials to a bigger audience yet stay in control of things. Whatever
option you choose, make sure you get the most out of PowerPoint, which is a tremendously
powerful tool, indeed.


Definition of blog
“Blog” is an abbreviated version of “weblog,” which is a term used to describe websites that
maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentary and links
to articles on other websites, usually presented as a list of entries in reverse chronological order.
Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject or a whole
range of subjects. Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as web design, home staging,
sports, or mobile technology. Some are more eclectic, presenting links to all types of other sites.
And others are more like personal journals, presenting the author’s daily life and thoughts. A
blog (shortening of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying
information in the reverse chronological order, with latest posts appearing first. It is a platform
where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.

What is the purpose of a blog?

There are many reasons

for starting a personal
blog and only a handful
of strong ones for
business blogging.
Blogging for business,
projects, or anything else
that might bring you
money has a very
straightforward purpose –
to rank your website
higher in Google SERPs,
a.k.a. increase your

As a business, you rely on consumers to keep buying your products and services. As a new
business, you rely on blogging to help you get to these consumers and grab their attention. Without
blogging, your website would remain invisible, whereas running a blog makes you searchable and
So, the main purpose of a blog is to connect you to the relevant audience. Another one is to boost
your traffic and send quality leads to your website. The more frequent and better your blog posts
are, the higher the chances for your website to get discovered and visited by your target audience.
Which means, a blog is an effective lead generation tool. Add a great call to action (CTA), and it
will convert your website traffic into high-quality leads.
But a blog also allows you to showcase your authority and build a brand. When you use your
niche knowledge for creating informative and engaging posts, it builds trust with your audience.
Great blogging makes your business looks more credible, which is especially important if your
brand is still young and fairly unknown. It ensures presence and authority at the same time.

Blog structure
The appearance of blogs changed over time, and nowadays blogs include different items. But,
most blogs include some standard features and structure. Here are common features that a
typical blog will include:
Header with the menu or navigation bar
Main content area with highlighted or latest blog posts
Sidebar with social profiles, favorite content, or call-to-action
Footer with relevant links like a disclaimer, privacy policy, contact page, etc.
Starting a blog for the first time is an amazing, yet intimidating experience. Thinking that people
are actually going to read – and even share – something you wrote. It’s unlike any other feeling I
can describe. But it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. Starting a blog is hard work, and there are
a lot of pitfalls along the way. Especially, if it’s your first time.
Blogs and websites
A majority of people still wonder whether there is any difference between a blog and a website.
What is a blog and what is a website? It’s even more challenging to differentiate between the two
today. Many companies are integrating blogs into their sites to perform the same function.
What differentiates blogs from websites?
Blogs need frequent updates. Good examples include a food blog sharing meal recipes or a
company writing about their industry news. Blogs promote perfect reader engagement. Readers
get a chance to comment and voice their different concerns to the viewer. Static websites, on the
other hand, consists of the content presented on static pages. Static websites owners rarely update
their pages. Blog owners update their site with new blog posts on a regular basis. Key elements
that identify a blog post from a static page include a publishing date, author reference, categories,
and tags within a byline. While not all blog posts have all those by line elements, static website
pages do not have any of these items. From a visitor perspective, the content on a static site will
not change from one visit to the next. The content on a blog, yet, has the potential to offer
something new each day, week, or month. Depending on the blog owner’s publishing schedule.
What is blogging?
In the early 2000s, blogging emerged in all different phases when several political blogs were
born. Also, blogs with how-to manuals began to appear. Established institutions began to note
the difference between journalism and blogging.
Definition of blogging
Blogging is the many skills that one needs to run and control a blog.Equipping web page with
tools to make the process of writing, posting, linking, and sharing content easier on the

Why is blogging so popular?

It’s important to mention that blogging grows with each passing day! Hence, to answer the
question ‘what is blogging’ we need to look at the factors behind its rise. In the early stages,
blogs became mainstream, as news services began using them as tools for outreach and opinion
forming. It became a new source of information.

In order to Start A Blog you will need to work through these 5 simple stages:
1. Choose a blogging platform
2. Pick a Domain Name & Web Host
3. Install WordPress on your hosting account
4. Design Your Blog
5. Launch Your Blog
In this tutorial we will be building a blog with
WordPress. STEP ONE
Choose Your Blogging Platform
A blogging platform is the software used to manage your blog. It allows you to create blog
pages, add content, images, video and everything else that you would need to do when updating
your blog. Another name for a blogging platform is a CMS ( Content Management System).
There are lots of different open source platforms which most web hosting companies will
support when you are creating your blog. The main blogging platforms are:
 WordPress – is the most popular and customizable content management system (CMS) in
the world
 Ghost – is a new blogging platform that is creating a lot of noise in the blogosphere
 Drupal – is quite popular but is difficult for novices
 Joomla – another fairly popular CMS but there is a very steep learning curve
 Blogger – a free blogging solution
from Google STEP TWO
Picking A Domain Name For Your Blog & Setting Up Your Web Hosting
In order to set up a blog you will need a domain name and web hosting. If you are new to starting
a blog then I recommend that you register your domain & hosting with the same company to
keep things simple.
Domain Name: This is your website address i.e. the domain name for this website is Try to choose something short and catchy for your blog that will be
easily remembered. I recommend that you stick to .com domain names if at all possible as many
of the new domain names aren’t as easy to recognize.
Web Hosting: This is where your blog is stored online. There are lots of different hosting
companies out there which offer different types of hosting for a variety of different types of
websites. The WordPress platform is free of charge but you will have to pay around $3-4 per
month for your Web Hosting and Domain registration fees.
Installing WordPress On Your Hosting
So you’ve signed up and paid for your BlueHost hosting. Great! You are nearly there.
The next thing you need to do is to login to your BlueHost account with the details they sent
you in the welcome email.
Once you have logged in you’ll see a big blue button saying “Start Building” – press this.
Choosing A WordPress Theme
Now that your WordPress blog is built you need to add a WordPress theme that has all of the
functions that you need, a WordPress theme is a pre-designed template which you can customize.
Right now you have a choice to make you can either go with a free or a paid one. There are of
course advantages and disadvantages to both so it comes down to what you want from your blog.
Some of my favourite places to find themes for blogs are:
 Themeforest
 StudioPress
 Mythemeshop
 WordPress Library
When you are choosing your theme you want to make sure it fits with your goals. For example, if
you are writing a professional blog then you will want a formal clean design where as a music
blog you will have more license to show off your creativity.
These days you should now been using a responsive design. This means that the layout of your
blog will adapt to different mobile and tablet screen sizes – which is highly important for
usability now that a lot of people are using mobile phones to browse the web.
Launch Your Blog
Now once you are ready to launch your new blog for other people to read it – you need to click the
blue “Launch”
button on the Bluehost page


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