Food Eating Habits Vocabulary Quiz - 40566

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Food & Eating Habits: Vocabulary


The piece of cloth or paper used Knives, forks and spoons together Small amounts of food served
at meals for cleaning your are called: before the main course:
a. nappy a. cattle a. beginners
b. sheet b. cutlery b. starters
c. napkin c. castle c. premier

A liquid food often eaten as the The round yellow part in the A “trifle” is :
first course of a meal: middle of an egg is called: a. a rifle with 3 bullets
b. a mushroom
a. soap a. yo-yo
c. a cold dessert
b. sour b. yogi
c. soup c. yolk

Meat which is not cooked at all Something you eat between A cold dessert made with cream
is: meals is: and egg whites and flavoured with
fruit or chocolate is:
a. row a. a snail
b. rare b. a snack a. a mole
c. raw c. a snake b. a mouse
c. a mousse

Food that is kept in the freezer “Dairy products” are: A thick slice of quality beef is:
a. a stick
a. freezing
a. products you eat every day b. a steak
b. frozen
b. products made from milk c. a stock
c. fizzy
c. organic products

The thin sauce used to add The piece of paper that shows how Part of a cooker in which you
flavour to salads is called: much you owe the restaurant at can bake or roast food:
the end of your meal is the:
a. dressing a. furnace
a. bill b. oven
b. additive
b. account c. incinerator
c. custard
c. receipt

The place in a school, company, The person who makes the food A “vegan” is someone who:
etc. where food and drink are in a restaurant is the:
served is:
a. a buffet a. cook a. doesn’t eat vegetables
b. a canteen b. cooker b. doesn’t eat meat
c. cookie c. doesn’t eat any animal
c. an inn
What are the 3 How do you call the
What type of food
parts in which an food which is
produced without are peas, beans
English menu is
artificial chemicals? and lentils?
usually divided?

What’s the What are the 3 How do you call

adjective that main meals people the food you buy
describes food usually have during from a restaurant
made from brown the day? to eat at home?

How do you call How do you call the How do you call
water that does not amount of extra food that contains
contain bubbles or money you give to a very small
gas? the waiter at the amount of fat?
end of your meal?



1. The piece of cloth or paper used at meals for cleaning your mouth: NAPKIN
2. Knives, forks and spoons together are called: CUTLERY
3. Small amounts of food served before the main course: STARTERS
4. A liquid food often eaten as the first course of a meal: SOUP
5. The round yellow part in the middle of an egg is called: YOLK
6. A “trifle” is: A COLD DESSERT
7. Meat which is not cooked at all is: RAW
8. Something you eat between meals is: A SNACK
9. A cold dessert made with cream and egg whites and flavoured with fruit or chocolate is: A MOUSSE
10. Food that is kept in the freezer is: FROZEN
11. “Dairy products” are: PRODUCTS MADE FROM MILK
12. A thick slice of quality beef is: A STEAK
13. The thin sauce used to add flavour to salads is called: DRESSING
14. The piece of paper that shows how much you owe the restaurant at the end of your meal is the: BILL
15. Part of a cooker in which you can bake or roast food: OVEN
16. The place in a school, company, etc. where food and drink are served is: CANTEEN
17. The person who makes the food in a restaurant is the: COOK
18. A “vegan” is someone who: DOES NOT EAT ANY ANIMAL PRODUCTS
19. The 3 parts in which an English menu is usually divided are: STARTERS, MAIN COURSE, DESSERTS
20. The food which is produced without artificial chemicals is: ORGANIC FOOD
21. Peas, beans and lentils are: LEGUMES or PULSES
22. The adjective that describes food made from brown flour is: WHOLEMEAL
23. The 3 main meals people usually have during the day are: BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER
24. The food you buy from a restaurant to eat at home is: TAKEAWAY FOOD
25. Water that does not contain bubbles or gas is: STILL WATER
26. The amount of extra money you give to the waiter at the end of your meal is the: TIP
27. Food that contains a very small amount of fat is: LOW-FAT FOOD

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