Literary Devices Exemplar

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School Grade Level Senior High School

LESSON Teacher Learning Area

Teaching Date SEPTEMBER, 2023 Quarter First Quarter
Teaching Time No. of Days 2
Learning Area Science
Learning Delivery Modality Face-to-Face Learning Modality

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

Recognize the uniqueness

of Earth, being the only
planet in the solar
system with properties
necessary to support life
Specifically, you will
identify and describe the
factors (Goldilocks
factors) that allow life on
earth to exist
Recognize the uniqueness
of Earth, being the only
planet in the solar
system with properties
necessary to support life
Specifically, you will
identify and describe the
factors (Goldilocks
factors) that allow life on
earth to exist
A. identify and describe the factors (Goldilocks factors) that allow life on earth to exist,
A. Content
B. Performance
C. Most Essential
Competencies Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, being the only planet in the solar system with properties
(MELC) necessary to support life.
(If available, write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling
(If available, write the
attached enabling
II. CONTENT Goldilocks Factors
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s
Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional Laptop
Materials from Powerpoint
B. List of Learning
Resources for general-education/q1-earth-life-science-shs-module-1/22931844
Development and
Engagement Gary, Stuart. “What is the Goldilocks Zone and Why Does it Matter in the Search
Activities for ET?”. ABC News. February 22,
2016, goldilocks-
zones-habitable-zone-astrobiology-exoplanets/ 6907836
Howell, Elizabeth. “Gliese 581c: Super-Earth Exoplanet.” 24,
National Geographic Society. “Tide.” National Geographic Society. September 13,
Oliver, Carol., & Chopra, Aditya. “The Goldilocks Planet: Why the Earth is our
Oasis.” Australian Academy of Science. May 20, 2016,- au/curious/space-time/goldilocks-planet
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). “Earth’s Atmosphere.”
UCAR Center for Science Education. 2020,

A. INTRODUCTIO What I need to know?
This lesson is here to help you master the factors that allow the existence of life on earth.
The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language
used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course.

What I know?
Getting Ready

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which among the given factors makes Earth unique in maintaining its
temperature suitable for life?
a. Moon c. Atmosphere
b. Closeness to the sun d. Water

2. Which among the given factors slows down Earth’s rotation and creates
a. Moon c. Closeness to the sun
b. Water d. Diversity of life

3. Which of the following is a requirement for every living cell to drive its
chemical reactions?
a. Temperature c. Water
b. Atmosphere d. Sun

4. Which among the given factors enabled water in different phases to exist on
a. Temperature c. Diversity of Life
b. Atmosphere d. Sun

5. Which among the given factors protects life forms on Earth from the harmful
radiation of the sun?
a. Water c. Temperature
b. Atmosphere d. Moon

Goldilocks Factors
The Goldilocks factors are found here on earth which help organisms from
the simplest unicellular organisms to the most complex multicellular
organisms survive. Although the earth may have some harsh conditions,
generally it still provides all life forms with the best resources compared to
other planets in the Milky Way galaxy.

What’s In?
Before we proceed further, it is important to look back on your past lessons
that are in some way related to this topic on the factors found on Earth that
allow life to exist. These lessons could be taken from your lower science
classes that find connection to this present topic.
So, are you ready? Let’s begin!
The terms used in the crossword puzzle somehow activated your learning about some
characteristics of living things and the resources they need for survival and continuation of their
species on earth. You will find out later on that these concepts provide some basic foundation of the
current topic to be discussed.

What’s New?
TASK 3: Let us listen!
The Goldilocks Planet

Have you read the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? It can be recalled that a little
girl named Goldilocks found a house owned by three bears. She went inside the house of the
bears and was delighted to see the 3 bowls of porridge! She tasted them! One was too hot, the
other is too cold, and one bowl tasted “just right” which she consumed as quickly as she could.
After eating, she felt sleepy so she looked for a bed! She found 3 different beds! One is too
hard, the other is too soft, and one bed is “just right”. So she slept in the bed which is just right
to give her comfort. In terms of our survival on Earth, how do we relate to the Goldilocks story? Do
we need a planet which is too small or too big? Do we need an environment which is too hot
or too cold? What do we need? Yes! We need a planet that is “just right” to make our stay
comfortable. This is what planet Earth has been for us. It is known as the Goldilocks planet,
the habitable planet or habitable zone. So what does the Earth offer? Why have humans, animals,
and plants survived in this planet for millions of years? This is what we shall find out as we
proceed in this lesson.

B. DEVELOPMEN What’s in?

In crafting a literary piece, one’s own style and taste determine its uniqueness and beauty.
Meanwhile, literary devices add spice to your craft. Using these in your poem will help your readers
to think creatively and appreciate your work more.

What is it?
The Earth is home to a rich biodiversity that ranges from the simplest single-celled
or unicellular organisms like the bacteria to the most complex as those of human
beings. What made these organisms survive? In order for life forms to exist and
evolve for better survival ability, many Goldilocks factors need to be provided. Can
you think of one essential factor? Water! Yes! The Earth is rich in water which
exists in many forms-- be it liquid water where fish thrive, solid water found in ice
of the polar regions, or water vapor in air! Not only that. Here are the other 5 Goldilocks
factors that we will discuss to help us learn about how our existence on
Earth has been possible and comfortable because of all the resources it offered.

1. Closeness to the sun. The Earth’s distance from the sun is 151.2 million
kilometers. This distance enabled the Earth to get the much-needed heat
and light, without which, this planet will become an ice-coated rock. The sun generates the weather
patterns, warms the waters, stirs the
atmosphere, and gives radiant energy for the plants to manufacture their
own food so that oxygen and food that organisms need will be sufficient.

2. Earth’s atmosphere. Compared to other planets, the Earth is the only

planet in the solar system with an atmosphere that can support life. Its
atmosphere contains not only oxygen (21%) that we breathe but also
other gases such as nitrogen (78%), argon (0.93%), and carbon dioxide
(0.04%) with some traces of neon, helium, methane, krypton, hydrogen,
and water vapor. The stability of Earth’s atmosphere generally brings a
calm weather. It may rain or shine or snow but the weather will not
change quickly. Earth’s atmosphere also has ozone layer which protects
all life forms from the harmful radiation from the sun. This layer helps to
warm the planet by day and cools it at night.

3. Earth’s consistent temperature. While the average temperature of

Venus is 4620C and Mars’ is -600C, Earth’s average temperature is
150C. This temperature allows liquid water to exist and gives a stable
environment for organisms to live, grow, and even multiply. Although
some organisms may thrive in extreme temperatures, this limiting factor
poses a great threat to the existence of most organisms. Hence, it is an
advantage being in this planet with a consistent temperature that
supports life.

4. Earth’s moon. How does this help us survive? Without the moon,
Earth’s rotation would be way faster which would make our 1 day in just
4 hours. Because of the moon’s presence, the Earth is rotating at a
comfortable 24 hour-period which also stabilized the rotation on its axis.
In addition, the gravitational pull of the moon created tides and unique
marine ecosystem called intertidal zone where marine animals survive
the waves and land conditions.

5. Diversity of Life. Biodiversity creates food chains that sustain the

survival and evolution of organisms. Biodiversity and evolution are but
products of the interaction of organisms with their environment.
Organisms adapt to their available resources to survive. This is a
significant biological event as catastrophes may happen and only a few
specie of organisms could continue their generation. The adaptability of
these biodiversity made each of the species successful in maintaining the
web of life on earth.

Any new discovery?

Astronomers were able to spot one Goldilocks planet which is 20 light years away
from the earth! It was discovered by astronomers Stephane Udry and Michel Mayor
in September 2007. This Earth-like planet is called Gliese 581c which is found
orbiting in a habitable zone, where temperature could sustain life and liquid water
on its surface. While it may be in a habitable zone, recent research suggest that Gliese 581c

may have a Venus-like environment. Hence, it is but too early to conclude that it is a
habitable planet. More research needs to be done to prove that this newly discovered planet could
really support life.

C. ENGAGEMENT What’s more?

Activity 1.1 Up Close with Goldilocks Factors
After reading about the 6 Goldilocks factors (including water), fill in the graphic organizer
below by describing how each of the given factors allows life on earth to exist. Doing this task
would help you review the concepts you have read and you will come to your own understanding
of these factors as you explain in your own words.
Ready! Let’s do it!
So how
was it?

Were you able to do it? I hope you find the task easy. In the next
activities, you will still use the knowledge you gained to accomplish them. Hence,
get hold of those as we continue our learning journey in this module.
Let’s proceed.

What I Have Learned?

Planet Earth, our home planet is known to be a Goldilocks planet. It

provides resources that are “just right” for life forms to live, grow, develop,
and even evolve. The following are known as the Goldilocks factors found on
1. Water, as an essential requirement of life, is present on earth.
Freshwater, marine water, polar ice caps, and water vapor are all
available which sustain every organism’s need.

2. Earth’s distance from the sun is just right to give this planet the
needed heat that drives the weather. It also provides the needed
radiant energy for plants and other photosynthesizing organisms to
produce food which consequently provides oxygen and food
materials for other organisms.

3. The Earth’s atmosphere is rich in gases that we need for survival.

It also has an ozone layer which acts as our shield from the sun’s
harmful radiation. In addition, it makes our stay as comfortable as
it is now because it balances the warmth and coolness of the

4. The average temperature on earth is 150C which is suitable for life

forms to live, grow, develop, and evolve.

5. The moon slowed down the Earth’s rotation to a convenient 24-

hour cycle. It also created tides which made marine organisms
better adjusted to varied habitat.

6. The search for food enabled organisms to interact with each other
and their environment. In the process, food chains were created
which flourished biodiversity and evolution helped them adapt to
changing environmental conditions.

D. ASSIMILATIO What can I do?

What I Can Do

This time, my dear learner, let us apply what you have learned into real life
situations. This will be done for you to appreciate the lesson as it finds
relevance in our existence here on earth.
Okay! Let’s start!
Here are your tasks. First, read the 6-stanza poem below. Second, identify
the Goldilocks factor described in each stanza. Third, describe the
importance of the factor given in each stanza. Summarize your answers in
the template that comes after the poem.

The Goldilocks Planet

I am happy I’m on earth and not anywhere else
I breathe well with the greens and everyone else
The warmth in the morning balanced by the coolness at night
My skin loves summer as I got shield from too much sunlight!

Glowing in the night sky you’re with Earth as it rotates

Ebbs and tides fluctuate where marine life perpetuates
Your presence is felt not just by night
But by every hour on earth life finds delight!

Not too cold and not too warm

I felt just right even with the storm
Water in varied forms you made possible
Ignoring you on earth is just impossible!

Warming the oceans, creating weather patterns

The earth is at right distance from you and it matters
Your energy gets photosynthesis going
So that oxygen and food will keep everyone growing!

Living things everywhere, abound and flourish

They need each other to keep them nourished
You make survival a possibility
For the Earth’s ecosystems’ sustainability and stability!

What would earth be without you?

Oceans, icebergs, and vapor offer a clue
71% of Earth is covered by you
Indeed, life on earth is possible because of you!

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which among the given factors creates food chains that sustain the life of
a. Temperature c. Water
b. Atmosphere d. Diversity of Life

2. Which among the given factors makes Earth unique in maintaining its
temperature suitable for life?
a. Moon c. Atmosphere
b. Closeness to the sun d. Water

3. Which among the given factors protects life forms on Earth from the harmful
radiation of the sun?
a. Water c. Temperature
b. Atmosphere d. Moon

4. Which among the given factors slows down Earth’s rotation and creates
a. Moon c. Closeness to the sun
b. Water d. Diversity of life

5. What factor enabled the plants to make food using the raw materials, water
and carbon dioxide?
a. Sunlight c. Atmosphere
b. Water d. Moon

6. Which of the following is a requirement for every living cell to drive its
chemical reactions?
a. Temperature c. Water
b. Atmosphere d. Sun

7. Which among the given factors enabled water in different phases to exist on
a. Temperature c. Diversity of Life
b. Atmosphere d. Sun

8. Which factor warms the oceans and creates weather patterns?

a. Earth’s closeness to the sun c. Earth’s diversity of life
b. Earth’s consistent temperature d. Earth’s moon

9. Which factor helps to warm the planet by day and makes it cool at night?
a. Earth’s weather c. Earth’s atmosphere
b. Earth’s moon d. Earth’s water availability

10. What factor makes the Earth a more livable planet by stabilizing its climate?
a. Earth’s biodiversity c. Earth’s atmosphere
b. Earth’s moon d. Earth’s water availability

11. How do the ebbs and tides enabled organisms to be better adapted to their
a. Organisms can make them better swimmers.
b. Organisms are better adapted to the salinity of the oceans.
c. Organisms are better adapted to the waves of the oceans.
d. Organisms can tolerate longer periods of time of being exposed to the

12. What would happen when the earth has no atmosphere?

a. The earth would be much hotter.
b. The earth would be much colder.
c. The earth would have lots of clouds.
d. The earth would be the same in temperature.

13. What makes the Earth a Goldilocks planet?

a. It maintains its atmosphere with the gases for organisms to use.
b. It has enough available water and air needed by the organisms.
c. It has all the factors that are “just right” for the organisms to live.
d. It has a consistent temperature that is “just right” for us to live.
14. How does diversity of life become an important factor in our existence?
a. It makes the populations grow without limits.
b. It enables organisms to reproduce its own kind.
c. It makes ecosystems thrive with the population of producers.
d. It makes ecosystems productive with the roles that each species

15. Why is the earth’s distance from the sun suitable for life forms to exist?
a. It gives the earth heat and light.
b. It maintains the temperature of the earth.
c. It provides the earth with available water for organisms.
d. It supplies the earth with enough gases in the atmosphere.

Key Correction:
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. D
12. B
13. C
14. D
15. A

V. REFLECTIO What have I learned?

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the best words on the things you learned from the lesson.

At first, I thought that today’s lesson was _____________________________. But I found

that the lesson is ___________________________________. As a matter of fact, from this lesson, I
have learned that ___________________________________. I believe that this lesson will help me
by ___________________________________.

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