Family Literacy Booklet
Family Literacy Booklet
Family Literacy Booklet
Compiled by: Danielle Gabrielli, Doctoral Student
According to the US Census Bureau (2021) the definition of the word “family”
includes: "A family is a group of two people or more (one of whom is the householder)
related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together." The idea of the nuclear
family including a mother, father and two children is definitely a thing of the past.
While some families do maintain that structure, many families are diverse in nature.
From single parents to gay and lesbian parent structures, even to grandparents
raising children there are many different types of family structures that must be
respected and known about. Adoptive and foster families are also to be considered
every bit as important as families related by blood.
When looking at the definition more specifically, it appears as though the ability to “live
together” creates power dynamics in regards to patterns of socialization. According to
the Journal of Sociology and Socialization (2009) “Socialization is a fundamental
process through which a family acquires cultural and personal identity. Each person
undergoes natural, planned, negative, or positive socialization in his or her life,
regardless of gender or age.” Family units are perhaps the closest beings that human
beings have to express needs, goals and social connections. Families have the ability
to mold and shape the experiences for each and every individual which takes part in
the overall family unit. Families can be a positive experience, or demonstrate toxicity,
and the family unit has the ability to impact mental health overall for children for a
Knowing, recording, and preserving your family background directly impacts you,
your family, and even future generations of people you may never know.
Understanding how your past family experiences have impacted you leads you into a
position of understanding what other families are experiencing. If you grew up with a
traditional family, then you need to be sure to use extra empathy when addressing
families who are not traditional. If you came from a single parent home, you may
need to understand what a traditional family may look like and the strength of the
family unit. If you come from a background of a small number of children, and you
are working with a family of five or more children- it would prove necessary to work
harder to understand the dynamics of a large family. Given the impacts that families
have on each individual member, it is important to learn how your family has
impacted you as well. Without the knowledge of your own family experience, it
becomes impossible to be able to help other families to grow. You must first recognize
the power that your family had in your own experience. Was your family positive? Did
your family put a strain on you? How have you made sense of family and how have
you come to define the importance of family? ?Our direct views of family impact the
importance assigned to supporting the family unit. Coming from a place of
understanding and grasping your own experience will benefit you immensely in
working in Family Literacy.
Core Identity- Family teaches a sense of “Core Identity” or who the essential person is. Families are
extremely essential in the health and development of each individual. The idea of “Core Identity” is
important because it allows the evolution and growth of human beings. Schools are not alone in
creating productive citizens but families also hold that same power if not on a more influential level.
Connection- Family teaches the ideas of “connection” which includes sympathy, empathy and
emotional regulation. Connection allows the individual to understand their greater place in the family
structure and social identity which can be magnified to express in other interactions.
Compassion- Family is one of the first places in which compassion can be modeled, taught and
practiced. Family gives the love that not everyone else can give and provides support. This compassion
can be applied on a larger level to benefit society.
Resilience- Families oftentimes include support, and the ability to overcome difficult situations.
Families often have struggles that may be mirrored on the societal level. Individuals in a family may
learn lessons that make them more successful in society.
Selflessness- Families, particularly those that include siblings, share lessons of how to move away from
selfishness and oftentimes individuals learn how to share within the family unit. This selflessness can
carry over into societal situations that will benefit the greater good of society.
Self-Worth- The family teaches self-worth through the assignment of a role in the family. Families
often times can encourage one another to believe in themselves which leads to higher self worth that
can impact society.
With respect to families, as you work in Family Literacy, understanding the role that
religion has in their lives can be crucial. If you do not know much about other faiths
than your own, researching the belief system that the families you work with have,
can be extremely beneficial.
Authoritarian ●
punish (sometimes severely)
have high expectations and expect that
your children will meet them. Every.
Single. Time. (and kids do often rise to
high expectations)
● don’t encourage open communication
Attachment ●
co-sleep with your child.
You respond to your child’s needs
without hesitation. You soothe, comfort,
and support in order to make your child
feel safe and loved.
Permissive ●
have few, if any, rules
● allow your children to make many of their
own decisions
● independence
● responsibility
● freedom
● control
Neglectful ●
emotional needs beyond the basics
can act dismissively
Parents ● lack responsiveness
● are emotionally or physically absent from
child’s life
● may be physically abusive
There are so many parenting styles — basically,
there are as many styles as there are parents.
Chances are you won’t fit into one category, and
that’s okay. Your child is unique in ways that you
know best, so your parenting will be unique, too.
Local Food Pantries: Locate the local food pantries that may best serve
parents, having that information up front may als allow you to help parents at
any given time as though it is commonplace.
Open Doors of Communication- Make sure that you are communicating with
parents in open, honest dialogue without judgment
Never Start a Discussion with Complaints- Always maintain positivity with parents,
rather than bringing in a negative vibe.
Never Criticize the Behavior of a Child- Always focus on the positives of a child
before pointing out the child’s needs.
Breakdown Information to the Parents- Make sure that as you are working with the
parents, they are understanding the material that you are presenting. Sometimes
breaking it down into steps is the most beneficial.
Do Not Directly Mention Medication- This is a sensitive topic for many parents, do
not give your views on medication, stay impartial.
Oftentimes, you will encounter a multitude of parents and each parent comes
with their own story. Though most individuals want to help families when it
comes to engaging in Family LIteracy, there are also those who are misguided
and choose to speak poorly of families. When you hear this gossip and know
that it is not a constructive or indirect benefit to the family, your best move is to
step away to make it known that you do not wish to participate in such talk.
Distancing yourself from the situation makes sure that you have acted
professionally. Much of the discussion that occurs about parents and families
can be extremely detrimental to the family and your role is to empower and
build up families. Finding the best way to face demeaning talk and negative
outcomes, by finding family uniqueness and strength. This is the ultimate goal
of your work, to empower the families that you interact with. Building families
up through finding their unique strengths regardless of circumstances is a
golden prize.
Contact a resource specialist by dialing 2-1-1 or texting your zip code to 898-211.
TYY: 2-1-1
Parent Education Programs
Parent education programs help parents understand children's development and needs
while dealing with the stress of divorce or separation. More information can be found on
the Parent Education Programs page.
Kids First Center– Cumberland, Franklin, Sagadahoc, and York Counties (statewide
remote services are also available).
ParentWorks – Knox and Lincoln Counties (statewide remote services are also
Please note: Remote visitation services and neutral child drop-off and pick-up
programs may be available. Please contact individual programs for availability.
Reunification and Facilitated Parent Visitation at the Children's Museum & Theatre of
Located in Cumberland County, the Children’s Museum & Theatre has partnered with
Home Counselors, Inc. to provide free admission and facilitate parent visitation to
parents going through reunification or who otherwise need supervised visitation
services. Contact the Children’s Museum & Theatre for more information.
For more information on the mediation services provided by the court as part of an
ongoing case, please see information on mediation in Family Matters cases on our
website here.
Domestic Violence
24-Hour Statewide Helpline: 1-866-834-HELP (4357)
For resources for domestic violence victims in Maine, please visit the Maine Coalition to
End Domestic Violence.
(207) 753-0061
Sexual Assault
24-Hour Statewide Support Line: 1-800-871-7741
For resources for sexual assault victims in Maine, please visit the Maine Coalition
Against Sexual Assault.
Aroostook Band of Micmacs, Domestic & Sexual Violence Advocacy Center – (207)
Houlton Band of Maliseets, Domestic & Sexual Violence Advocacy Center – (207)
Penobscot Indian Nation, Domestic & Sexual Violence Advocacy Center (207)
More information on Maine's CACs may be found at: Maine Network of Children's
Advocacy Centers.
Maine Crisis Line (MCL) (the state's crisis telephone response service for individuals or
families experiencing a behavioral health crisis or having thoughts of suicide and/or
Narcotics Anonymous
Office of Child and Family Services/Child Welfare (to report abuse or neglect of
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly called the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline)
Treuthart, M. P. (1990). Adopting a more realistic definition of family. Gonz. L. Rev., 26, 91.
Johnson, M. A. (1973). Family life and religious commitment. Review of Religious Research, 144-150.
Keitner, G. I., Heru, A. M., & Glick, I. D. (2009). Clinical manual of couples and family therapy. American
Psychiatric Pub.