Offer Letter
Offer Letter
Offer Letter
(i) The appointment is temporary and the appointee will be on probation for a period of 2
(two) years with effect from the date of appointment, which may be extended or curtailed
at the discretion of the Competent Authority, failure to complete the period of probation
to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority will render the appointment liable to
discharge from the service and
(ii) The appointment is temporary subject to termination by the Appointing Authority at any
time during the period of probation and thereby giving one month notice on the either
side viz. the Appointee and the Appointing Authority. The appointing Authority
however, reserve the right to terminate the service of appointment forthwith or before
the expiry of the stipulated period of notice or by making payment to him/her of a sum
equivalent to the pay and allowances for the period of notice or the unexpired portion
File No.EPG-A04(E3)/1/2020-EPG-PZ
(a) Production of Certificate of fitness from the Competent Medical Authority viz. the Chief
Medical Officer / Civil Surgeon of the Government Hospital (enclosed Form 0.91[Cor.])
(b) Submission of Attestation Form (in quadruplicate with latest passport size photograph
duly affixed). (enclosed 4 copies)
(c) Character Certificate from two serving Gazetted Officers of Central/State Government or
stipendiary Magistrate in the Form appended (enclosed Annexure- I). The certificate not
being more than three months old.
(d) Submission of declaration to the effect that he does not have more than one wife living,
the appointment will be subject to his being exempted from the enforcement of the
requirement in this behalf. In the case the appointee has more than one wife living or
having a spouse living marries again and in case such marriage is void by reason of its
taking place during the lifetime to such spouse, he shall not be eligible for appointment.
Marriage Declaration Form attached (enclosed Annexure-II).
(e) Taking an oath of allegiance /faithfulness to the constitution of India or making of solemn
affirmation to the effect.(enclosed Annexure-III)
(f) Production of the following original certificate together with an attested copy of each :
4. The appointee should also state whether he/she was/is under obligation to serve another
Central Government Department, a State Government, or Public Authority.
6. The appointee will be covered under the New Pension Scheme. As per DOP&T’s OM
No. 28/30/2004-P & PW(B) dated 26th July, 2005, the candidate who already in Government service on or
before 31-12-2003 will be governed by the provision laid down under Central Civil Service (Pension)
Rule 1972.
File No.EPG-A04(E3)/1/2020-EPG-PZ
10. In case you accept the above terms & conditions, you should communicate your
acceptance within 21 days from the date of receipt of this communication. If no reply is received in the
stipulated period, the offer will be treated as cancelled.
Copy to:-
1. The Surveyor General of India, Dehra Dun for information with reference to his letter No.E3-
155/1011-MTS, dated 19/05/2022.
2. The Additional Surveyor General, Printing Zone, Hyderabad.
3. Survey of India Website.
____________________ “ WARNING
Affix signed
Passport size 1. The furnishing of false information of suppression of any factual
( 5 cms. X 7 cms. ) information in the Attestation Form would be disqualification, and is
Approx. Copy likely to render the candidate unfit for employment under the government.
of recent photograph
____________________ If detained, arrested prosecuted, bound down, fines convicted, debarred,
2. acquitted etc. subsequent to the completion and submission of this form,
the details should be communicated immediately to the authorities to
whom the Attestation Form has been sent early, failing which it will be
deemed to be a suppression of factual information.
If, the fact that false information has been furnished or that there has been
3. suppression of any factual information in the Attestation Form comes to
notice at any time during the service of a person his services would be
liable to be terminated”.
11. Name (in full Nationality (by birth Place of Occupation if Present Permanent
& aliases if & or by domicile. birth employed give Postal Home
any) designation & Address (if Address.
official dead vive
address. last address)
(a) Father
(b) Mother
(c) Spouse
12. Information to be furnished with regard to son (s) and/or daughters in case they are studying/living in a
foreign country.
Name Nationality by birth & or Place of birth Country in which Date from which
by domicile Studying/living with studying/living in the
full address. country mentioned in
the previous column.
13. Educational Qualification showing places of education with years in Schools and Colleges since 15th
year of age:
Name of School/College Date of Entering Date of Leaving Examination Passed
(with full address)
14 (a) Are you holding or have any time held an appointment under Central or State
Government or a Semi-Government or a Quasi-Government body or an autonomous
body or a public Sector Undertaking or a private firm or institution? If so, give full
particulars with date of employment up-to-date.
Period Designation, emoluments Full name & address of Reasons for leaving previous
From To & nature of employment. employer service.
14 (b) If the previous employment was under the Government of India/a State Government/undertaking
owned or controlled by the Government of India or a State Government/and Autonomous
Body/University/Local Body.
If you had left service on giving a month’s notice under Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services
(Temporary Service) Rules 1965, or any similar corresponding rules, were any disciplinary
proceedings framed against you, or had you been called upon to explain your conduct in any matter at
the time you gave notice of termination of service, or at a subsequent dates(s), before your service
actually terminated?
15. (i) (a) Have you ever been kept under detention? Yes/No
Notes: (i) Please also see the “WARNING” at the top of this Attestation Form.
(ii) Specific answers to each of the questions should be given by striking our “Yes” or “No” as the
case may be.
16. Names of two responsible person of your 1)
locality or two references to whom you are
I certify that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I am fully aware that by providing false information or suppressing material information while filling this form,
the authorities have full right to terminate my appointment letter and I am also liable for appropriate
criminal/civil/legal action as a consequence.
I am not aware or any circumstances which might impair my fitness for employment under Government.
Signature of Candidate:-
1. _________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
NAME :- _____________________________________________
ADDRESS :- ____________________________________________
2. I solemnly affirm that the above declaration is true and I understand that in the
event of the declaration on being found to be incorrect after my appointment, I shall be liable to
be dismissed from service.
I Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ______________________________________________
do hereby swear/solemnly affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to India and to
the Constitution of India as by Law Established and that I will carry out the duties of my office
Full signature of the Candidate
I, Shri/Smt./Kum __________________________________________________
Son/Daughter of ________________________________________________ undertake that my
appointment as MTS is subject to the satisfactory verification of my character and antecedents
and that my service shall stand terminated forthwith under Rule 5 of C.C.S. (Temporary Service)
Rules, if any adverse remarks is/are found in my character and antecedents.
Station : ______________________________
Signature of Candidate
Dated :
Name : Name :
(In block letters) (In block letters)
Designation : Designation :
Office/Unit : Office/Unit :
Station : Station :
Date : Date :