Proceedings of Spie: Rapid, Automated, Quality Control of Diffraction Grating Efficiency
Proceedings of Spie: Rapid, Automated, Quality Control of Diffraction Grating Efficiency
Proceedings of Spie: Rapid, Automated, Quality Control of Diffraction Grating Efficiency
A diffraction grating is found at the heart of every modern spectrophotometer and yet, despite being used for over 60
years, a practical and efficient characterization tool has proven to be elusive. Part of the challenge can be attributed to
the unique angular dependent geometry, or off axis dispersion, of gratings. Here we demonstrate automated grating
efficiency measurements of four reflection gratings (300, 1200, 1800 and 3600 grooves per mm). Total measurement
time was less than 2 hrs at a maximum of 161 wavelengths per grating. This approach can reduce test times or assist
expand quality assurance, or design verification, programs. Automated measurements are performed in hours
demonstrating efficiency and ease-of-use advantages when compared to equivalent manually operated systems.
Keywords: UV-Vis-NIR, Spectrophotometer, Diffraction, Grating, Cary, Reflectance, Transmittance
Diffraction gratings are optical components that facilitate separation and selection of specific wavelengths of light from
broadband sources such as incandescent lights or sunlight. A diffraction grating is found at the heart of every modern
spectrometer and yet, despite being used extensively commercially for over 60 yrs, practical and efficient
characterization has proven to be elusive.1
Part of the challenge can be attributed to the unique angular dependent geometry, or off axis, dispersion
associated with gratings. Shorter wavelengths are diffracted at smaller angles while longer wavelength’s have larger
diffraction angles (Figure 1.0).
Figure 1. Schematic presentation of the beam pathways in a reflective and transmissive diffraction grating.
Applied Optical Metrology II, edited by Erik Novak, James D. Trolinger, Proc. of SPIE
Vol. 10373, 103730O © 2017 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/17/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2275526
To demonstrate the benefits in speed and accuracy of the Cary 7000 UMS for the routine characterization of diffraction
gratings we determined the reflection spectra of four reflection gratings (300, 1200, 1800 and 3600 grooves per mm).
The efficiency of a grating might be dependent on the polarization of the incoming light beam, therefore, spectra were
collected for both s- and p-polarized light.
As it can be seen from Figure 2 the gratings were mounted on the Agilent Cube Beam Splitter Holder and placed into the
UMA. The reflection characteristics of the gratings were analyzed for a fixed reflection angle. Therefore, the detector
angle was kept fixed at an angle of 10°. The angle at which light is reflected from the gratings is dependent on the
wavelength of the incident light. To ensure that the reflected light hits the detector at 10°, the angle of incidence needs to
be adapted for each wavelength. An Applications Development Language (ADL) code (given in the appendix) was used
to drive the sample grating to the desired angle of incidence for each analytic wavelength and to set the polarization
angle. The collects were performed applying the parameters given in Table 1.
Table 1. Agilent Cary 7000 UMS collection conditions used to acquire the %R spectra of the four different gratings.
Parameter Value
Angle of incidence Wavelength-dependent
Detector angle 10°
Wavelength range 250 – 2500 nm
Data interval 10 and 1 nm, respectively
Spectral bandwidth* 2 nm
Signal averaging time 0.5 sec
Polarization s-and p-polarization
Incident beam geometry 3°x1° (vertical x horizontal)
Baseline correction On
* Selection of correct spectral bandwidth (SBW) is critical. Using too large an SBW setting leads to reduced %R values caused by the
“refracted light cone” missing the detector.
In Figure 3 the reflection spectra of the four different diffraction gratings are shown. The spectra were collected with a
data interval of 1 nm and 10 nm. The use of the larger data interval reduces the number of collected data points and the
overall time needed to acquire (Table 2). However, the reflection spectra collected with 10 nm step size show a similar
same level of accuracy as the spectra collected with 1 nm steps.
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1200 lines/mm, 2 nm spectral bandwidth, 1 nm interval. 1200 lines/mm, 2 nm spectral bandwidth, 10 nm interval.
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1800 lines/mm, 2 nm spectral bandwidth, 1 nm interval. 1800 lines/mm, 2 nm spectral bandwidth, 10 nm interval.
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3600 lines per mm
Red P- Polarizati
Gray S- Polarization Green Awng94PPolarization
80 Blue Average S: ' Polarization
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Figure 3. Left: Data Interval 1 nm SBW 2 nm Right: Data Interval 10 nm SBW 2 nm. Spectra collected with 10 nm step size
show the same level of accuracy as the spectra collected with 1 nm steps.
Table 2. Comparison of Elapsed Collection Time between Data Interval of 1 nm and 10 nm. A larger Data
Interval significantly reduces collection times without compromise to the data quality.
Data interval = 1 nm Data interval = 10 nm
Grating Lines per
mm Total Elapsed Number of Data Total Elapsed Time Number of Data Points
Time Points
300 5 hrs 29 min 15 1601 34 min 38 sec 161
1200 4 hrs 21 min 30 1251 28 min 57 sec 126
1800 2 hrs 52 min 50 826 18 min 34 sec 83
3600 1 hr 41 sec 290 7 min 57 sec 29
Rapid, automated characterization of diffraction gratings was performed using a Cary 7000 UMS. The UMS design
allows for multi-angle photometric spectroscopy (MPS) measurements. The MPS approach gives the user the flexibility
to characterize grating efficiency, either at a given angle of incidence (via sample stage rotation), or at a given
reflection/transmission angle (via detector rotation). The measurement takes place automatically, with minimal user
interaction, for s and p polarized conditions and can be completed in less than 2 hrs.
[1] Optical Grating Evaluator: A Device for Detailed Measurement of Diffraction Grating Efficiencies in the Vacuum
Ultraviolet, D. J. Michels, T. L. Mikes, and W. R. Hunter Applied Optics, Vol. 13, Issue 5, pp. 1223-1229 (1974)
doi: 10.1364/AO.13.001223.
[2] Hutley, M. Ch.: Spectroscopic Properties. In Diffraction Gratings, 1st Edn. Academic Press, (1982).