Matkul Sentence Sentence, Paterrens
Matkul Sentence Sentence, Paterrens
Matkul Sentence Sentence, Paterrens
Sentence is a group of words that has at least one subjet and verb and
expresses a complete idea/thought. A sentence may have one or more clauses.
Based on the communicative function, sentence is divided into three kinds; they are:
(Kalimat adalah sekelompok kata yang memiliki setidaknya satu subjek dan kata
kerja dan mengungkapkan ide/pemikiran yang lengkap. Sebuah kalimat mungkin
memiliki satu atau lebih klausa. Berdasarkan fungsi komunikatifnya, kalimat terbagi
menjadi tiga macam)
1. Declarative; Declarative sentences are a type of sentence in language used
to state facts, information, opinions, or other statements. This sentence is
designed to inform or describe a thing without containing an order, question,
or request for action. Usually, declarative sentences end with a period (.),
which indicates that the sentence is a complete statement.
Pada pola ini menggunakan prediat pada kalimat tidak ada kata kerja. Kalimat
dengan verb-be memiliki tiga complement yaitu: noun, adjective, prepositional