LESSON PLAN Elements of Weather
LESSON PLAN Elements of Weather
LESSON PLAN Elements of Weather
Grade Level 4
Quarter Second
Content Standard The learners identify and define the different elements of weather
Performance The learner should be able to write an observation about the weather
Learning Enumerate the effect of each elements that make up weather
Learning Objective, Identify the element of weather
Define the different elements that make up weather
Observe the different elements of weather
II. Subject matter Element of weather
Concept The term “Weather” refers to the temporary conditions of the atmosphere,
Weather doesn’t just stay in one place. It moves, and changes from hour to hour
or day to day. There are six main components, or parts of weather. They are
Temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity, precipitation, and
cloudiness. Together, these components describe the weather at any given time.
“Very good class, Do you have any idea about this pictures on the board?”
(It’s a weather)
“ Ok class this pictures on the board are the different kind of weather, and for this
day we are going to learn the different elements that make up weather.”
“You can now go outside the classroom and start with your activity,
I want all member to participate”
Form of Clouds
Wind Movement
The leader of each group will present their output to the class,
the teacher will ask question to each group.
Question to process:
Student-Teacher Interaction:
TEMPERATURE- Refers to how hot or cold the atmosphere is. The coldest
weather usually happens near the poles, while the warmest weather usually
happens near the equator.
HUMIDITY- refers to the amount of water vapor in the air. Water vapor is a gas in
the atmosphere that helps make clouds, rain, or snow. Humidity is usually
expressed as relative humidity or the percentage of the maximum amount of
water air can holds at a given temperature.
PRECIPITATION- is water release from clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain,
sleet, snow or hail. It is the primary connection in the water cycle that provides
for the delivery of atmospheric water to the Earth. Most precipitation falls as rain.
____3. The coldest weather usually happens near the poles, while the warmest
weather usually happens near the ______
a.) Ocean
b.) Volcano
c.) Equator
d.) Mountain
IV. Assignment Name the different weather instrument and its uses.