Fog Ponics
Fog Ponics
Fog Ponics
Abstract. Fogponics is a modern modified version of an Aeroponics farming system which may
also be known as “Aeroponics 2.0”. This kind of farming method has been practiced and
introduced by NASA through a lot of researches and experiments. To explain further, Fogponics
operates similarly like the Aeroponics which uses soilless cultivation and the process of growing
plants is by suspending it in the air or a fog without relying on soil to give the nutrients that
plants required to grow. In addition to that, the fog is produced by placing an ultrasonic fog
generator inside the mixture of water and nutrients within an enclosed base chamber. The
ultrasonic fog generator capable to vibrates at supersonic frequencies and produced micro
droplets of water nutrient make it easier and faster for the plant to absorb via the roots with
enough amount of mixture and oxygenation. In general, one of the main factors to grow plants
is the existence of sunlight energy where it will later be converted into chemical energy through
the process of photosynthesis. During this process, water is broken down through a chemical
reaction to separate oxygen and hydrogen with the released of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere. Thus, by the practice of indoor Fogponics farming system, the sunlight energy will
be replaced with the use of suitable LED light wavelengths. LED lights are capable to emits a
full photosynthetically active radiation. Another factor that contributes to the system is by
monitoring the temperature, humidity, pH of the water nutrients as well as the light intensity
projection. Therefore, these parameters will be monitored and controlled with the use of sensors
and through the implementation of the Real-Time Clock (RTC) functionality which is benefited
to operate the system with enough amount of time throughout the day, suitable for plant’s
growing condition.
1. Introduction
Fogponics is a new revolution and technological leap forward on Aeroponics gardens which may also
be called as “Aeroponics 2.0” [1]. Fogponics by means operates similarly like Aeroponics. However, in
Fogponics system, it uses water vapour to hydrate and transport the essential minerals and nutrients to
plant roots suspended in the air with enough oxygenation and moisture constantly supplied to the plants
[2]. Whilst, in Aeroponic system, it uses mist sprayer fine mist water particles to delivers the nutrients.
In order to produce the fog, an ultrasonic fog generator will be implemented and placed into a bucket of
nutrient solution. For the plants however, it should be placed to their separate pots and filled with a
growing medium such as rock wool, expanded clay or even coco chips/fibre that lie on the lid/pot. Once
the plant’s roots are developed, the plants can be effortlessly removed without experiencing transplant
shock to normal growth [3].
Expanded clay or may also be known as ‘Leca clay’ is a popular growing medium where the structure
is in the form of porous pebbles. The advantage of using this medium is, it absorbs moisture as well as
any nutrient solution that is added to the Fogponics system. Apart from that, this medium has pores in
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The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
the pebbles and the function is to keep the air circulating around the roots to get enough amount of
The vapour that functions like smoke produced by the ultrasonic fogger machine will keep the air
inside the containers moist and full of nutrients. This method is a very efficient way to grow crops and
plants since there is no need for water flowing yet consume maximum amount of nutrients allowing to
produce crops much faster compared to Hydroponics and Aquaponics [2]. The development and
installation of this system requires less maintenance since it may only need one ultrasonic fog generator
placed inside a bucket or any other suitable enclosed area/chamber such as containers and pipes suitable
for the plants and water nutrients to be placed. The ultrasonic fogger vibrates at supersonic frequency
like a typical humidifier and the vapor produced micro droplets of water nutrient make it easier and
faster for plant to absorb [4].
Researchers and scientists have designed the Fogponics systems to reduce the maintenance and
increase yield as well as to maximize crop production. Fogponics system provides multiple advantages
such as: the enriched nutrients transferred by the fogs penetrate into root tissues making them moist and
well-nourished. Moreover, it minimizes the use of water and nutrients by up to 50% due to limited use
of water consumption [5]. The system is also adequate even in a small space of area since the crops
production is independent on land and soil quality i.e. less fertilizer.
Over the years, technological advancement has revolutionized the world made it possible for the
exploration of many multi-functional devices like the optimization of sensors and actuators. By the
development of this kind of technology, it may help in playing an important role in terms of an
agricultural perspective and farming tactics. (S.Snigdha, 2017) mentioned by the implementation of
sensors in agriculture, it will give a big impact to capture all important data such as the soil moisture,
temperature and humidity [6]. In addition to that, light intensity sensor, pH and electrical conductivity
sensor are also a proper sensor that can be implemented to interact with the environment [7]. Moreover,
collecting information by using sensors and communication technology played a significant act for
farmer that can bring benefit into agricultural value chain to increase productivity and quality
improvement in terms of agricultural inputs and outputs demand. For instant, the sensors will be
connected to the Arduino platform with suitable codes written inside the Arduino programming
language. The code will then be debugged, compiled and burnt within the utilization of the Arduino [8].
In the development of vegetable plants and flowers growth, photosynthesis is the major process used
by plants in order to convert the sunlight energy into chemical energy where this process can only be
driven via solar light. As for the implementation of indoor Fogponics condition however, it is necessary
to provide a suitable light quantity of up to 8 hours to 10 hours a day to produce a healthy plant
production. With the employment of substitute lighting such as the fluorescent light bulb and LED can
also be the replacement to support the plants growth in indoor condition [9]. In the operation of LED
lights, the white light is being excited by the combination of blue wavelengths emission and yellow
wavelengths coated on the phosphor at the glass of LED bulbs [9]. Moreover, most LED will emit a full
photosynthetically active radiation ranging between 400nm to 700 nm [10] to triggered a big response
in plants and good response for seed and root development.
The working principle of an Fogponics system can be summarized into three most important factors
required for the plants to grow. The factors consist of the sunlight energy, water and air. In Indoor
Fogponics systems, the sunlight will be replaced by the LED lighting system. The water will come from
the mixture of nutrients and water placed inside the Fogponics system’s enclosed base and the air will
be duplicated by the transfer of water nutrient in fog or water vapour.
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
Figure 1. (a) 3D model of the initial system design (b) Inside view within the enclosed base.
The model consists of some important equipment to be included into the system such as the enclosed
base, plant’s pots, growing medium, LCD display, LED lighting and plants/crops/vegetables. As for the
growing medium, the type of medium to be used is by using ‘Leca clay’ where the structure is in the
form of porous pebbles and capable to absorb moisture and nutrient solution that is added to the
Fogponics system. The Leca clay also has pores within their structure, the purpose of the pores is to
keep the air circulating around the roots so it will produce a sufficient amount of oxygenation. The plants
will be placed on each pot embedded together with the growing medium as a replacement of using soil.
This will be beneficial as well as it is able to support and hold the plants when the roots are suspended
in the air inside of the enclosed base.
This project is meant to be an indoor system; therefore, 12V LED lighting is added on the design to
transmit the light spectrum with suitable wavelength projection. The application of adding this LED
system will eventually help to grow plants with the replacement of sunlight energy for the
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
photosynthesis process. Apart from that, with the replacement of the sunlight energy with the LED
lighting system, it will help the plant’s leaf to trap and capture the light energy within their chlorophyll.
The system also include a LCD display which will present the temperature, humidity, pH and light
intensity measurement that is retrieve from the sensor connected to the Arduino microcontroller placed
within the system. If the temperature is exceeding 30C or below 4C, abnormalities affect might be
occurred on plants which in the worst case, plants might be dead and develop diseases. As for the
humidity value should be higher than 80% available moisture of fog production delivering water nutrient
to the roots of the plants. The light intensity sensor is placed outside of the enclosed base to monitor the
light intensity on the surrounding. With different plant’s type will eventually need a different value of
light wavelength spectrum and specification, therefore the monitoring of light intensity is quite
important to be included on the system. On the other hand, the pH sensor will be used to monitor the pH
level of the nutrient solutions.
The most important equipment to deliver the nutrient solution is by the Ultrasonic Fog generator.
This equipment vibrates at supersonic frequency and produced 100% fog or water vapor The nutrient
solution is aerosolized into tiny droplets typically around 5 – 10 μm in diameter which is able to nourish
the plant’s roots in a nutrient-rich cloud of fog without a limited amount of oxygenation.
Simulation System Design
The fundamental electronic components designed on the simulation system included:
• Arduino Uno
• DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor
• pH sensor
• Light Intensity sensor
• LCD display with I2C interface
• Virtual terminal serial port
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
voltage value that can be accepted by an Arduino is between 7 V to 20 V thus, an external battery that
is within the suitable value can be used to power up the Arduino.
The purpose of performing the simulation was to verify the real-life situation for smart indoor
fogponics system hardware implementation. However, when the simulation was conducted, there were
several limitations had been faced. The limitations were due to the lack of some other equipment that
has not been tested for the actuators such as the ultrasonic fog generator, LED grow lighting system and
RTC module.
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
the LCD will represent that the pH is acidic. At the end of the day, once the timer set by the RTC module
reached for 8 hours of operational time for both the grow lighting and the ultrasonic fog generator, the
Arduino microcontroller will eventually send signal LOW to the IRF 520 MOSFET and Relay module
to imply that they required to turn off.
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
(iii) pH Sensor
The general applications of pH sensor are basically to measure the quality of water, aquaculture
related and laboratory experiment purposes. However, as for the project implementation, the pH sensor
was used to measure the pH concentration by using acid-based measurement device and indicates the
acidity as well as alkalinity of nutrients solution. The pH meter v1.1 has an operating voltage of 5V and
can be connected directly to the analog pins of Arduino microcontroller. This sensor can be operated
with the surrounding temperature from 0 to 60°C. In order to connect this sensor to the analog input of
the Arduino pin, a BNC connector attached to its pH probe is required. The cable length from the sensor
to BNC connector is 66 cm long. Before the sensor can be use completely, an adjustment need to be
done with regards to the accuracy of the pH probe and the calibration also required to perform regularly
to maintain the optimal pH scale for plant growth between 5.8 to 7.5.
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
Figure 9. Relay module connection to electrical plug and 1-gang switched plug schematic.
As seen in Figure 9 is the schematic of how the Relay module is connected to the 1-Gang switched
plug socket and the electrical plug with correct configuration of color coded wires. The Ultrasonic Fog
Generator with attached to its switching AC/DC adapter will be connected to the 1-Gang Switched plug
socket while the electrical plug will be connected to the home AC power sockets.
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
(a) (b)
Figure 10. (a) Hardware connection of Ultrasonic Fog Generator AC/DC switching adapter (b)
Ultrasonic Fog Generator placed inside the enclosed base of Fogponics system.
Figure 11. Smart Indoor Fogponics Farming System Prototype during day time.
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
Figure 12. Smart Indoor Fogponics Farming System Prototype during night time with vegetables
seedling placed.
Figure 13. Measured voltage against time graph of 12V alkaline battery.
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
As shown in Figure 7.1, it is observed that the voltage measurements are continuously decreasing
from the first hours until the 11th hours in which the measurement of the voltage started at 11.6V at
09:00 and decreased to 5.43V at 20:00. Additionally, once the voltage measurements of the alkaline
batteries were decreases to 5V and below, the LED grow lighting performance is getting lower by which
the brightness of the LEDs are becoming dimer from time to time.
Temperature readings within the enclosed base of the system
The temperature readings within the enclosed base of the prototype system was retrieved by the
temperature sensor placed in the inside of the main Fogponics system. The range of temperature
environment value suitable for healthy plant’s growth should be between 4°C to 30°C. Therefore, it is
essential to monitor and aware of the temperature values obtained. As for the results attained for 11
hours of operational time starting from 9 am to 8 pm, the results demonstrate in a graph representation
shown in 14.
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
The humidity readings were constantly obtained value of 99.90%. Therefore, the humidity
surrounding within the enclosed base chamber was within the suitable and acceptable values outstanding
for the plant’s roots condition.
Light Intensity measurements
The projection of the light onto the vegetable’s leaves should be ranging between 2500 lux to 7500 lux
for the purpose of photosynthesis process. However, after several experiments done, it can be noticed
that the GY-30 module has a less sensitivity to ultraviolet light radiation by which the readings obtained
for the projection of LED grow lighting were not absolute and decreased overtime. Even that the case,
the light intensity value can be increased by lowering the stand to support the upper base of the prototype
Fogponics system very near to the vegetable’s leaves. This are proven by data recorded during the
experiments as the light intensity values were measured for 11 hours.
The graph represents in Figure 7.4 is the light intensity measurements obtained within 11 hours of
operation. During the first hour of operational time, the highest light intensity value obtained was 575
lux. However, after the time goes by to the next hours, the light intensity values were noticeably to be
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
decreasing continuously with the reduction of approximately 100 lux. By observation, the light intensity
was dependent on the brightness as well as the dimness of the LED grow lighting. The performance of
the light projection was dependent on the voltage value of the alkaline battery which will give impact to
the performance of the LED grow lighting. Since the LEDs were became dimmer due to the decreased
in voltage value, the light intensity measurement will hence, reduces as well.
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
This shows that the seedlings were well developed without any symptoms of malnutrition, overwatering
and drooped off. However, after two days of experiment, the Butterhead Lettuce seedling shows sign of
unhealthy conditions. From the experiment, it can observe that by using Leca clay type growing
medium, the seedling was dying a lot quicker compare to the sponge type growing medium.
Figure 20. Butterhead lettuce seedling experimented by sponge type growing medium (Age 24 days)
Figure 21. Butterhead lettuce seedling died after 24 days of experiment in Leca clay growing medium
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
depending on specified schedule of time. For the project specifically, the RTC module managed to be
operated for 8 hours daily and automatically turned off once the timer was over before it can be
continued for the next day.
As for the actuators of the system which consisted of the ultrasonic fog generator and 12V LED grow
light, both were working perfectly. The only limitation was the 12V alkaline battery used to turn on the
LED grow light, it drained really fast which results in reducing the performance of the light projection
as well as the light intensity readings.
On the other hand, after quite sometime of operating the ultrasonic fog generator, the device started
to produce heat and affecting the temperature within the enclosed base of the Fogponics system. When
the ultrasonic fog generator was operated for several hours, it was observed that the device started to
produce warmth surrounding and increased the temperature value within the enclosed base of the
Fogponics system.
The pH sensor of the Fogponics system works well, with the percentage uncertainty of 5% to the pH
calibration tests. The pH sensor was not required to monitor the nutrients solution all the time. It was
only used at the beginning of the process of adding nutrients into the clean water within the enclosed
base. During the experiment, the pH readings obtained a pH value of around 7 which was still acceptable
for plant’s growth. After several hours of operating the Fogponics system, the pH sensor will again be
used to check the pH value of nutrients solution. For any significant increase or decrease of pH value,
the more reasonable alternative was either to add more clean water or to add more nutrients solution.
The full setup in assembling all the electrical component and mechanical hardware were done and
prepared to be used. With regards to the hardware construction design, the system needed to be improved
in the future especially for the wiring connection of the actuators and sensors. The wiring connection of
the system have minor problems mostly on dealing with replacing the water nutrient solution with a new
one. When the top layer of the enclosed base is opened, the wiring connections of the sensors may be
affected and required to be adjusted afterwards.
In the early stage of smart indoor fogponics system testing phase (First phase), some of the vegetable
seedlings shows signs of unhealthy conditions and symptoms. After few days later, the testing phase
was continued for the Second phase by replacing with fresh Butterhead lettuce seedlings aged 3 weeks,
placed on all of the pots of the system. With suitable amount of nutrients solution measured by both pH
meter and TDS meter of value 7.4 and 1200 ppm, the Butterhead lettuce able to grow well for the first
2 days of implantation and shows no sign of malnutrition, damped off or dying. However, the next
following day, the seedling leaves were observed to turn yellow and have rotted again. It also observed
that the finest type of growing media suitable to be used in the Fogponics system was by using Rockwool
compare to Leca clay since the plants were observed to standalone more than dying with the Leca clay
5. Conclusion
The budget to build full setup of the hardware prototype system exceeds around B$ 237.85. The results
of the system implementation and hardware construction may not have followed the initial system
designed on the simulation as the type of sensors as well as program codes were changes accordingly.
As for the hardware implementation, the design was well structured, which requiring simple adjustment
and some assembling processes to construct the whole system. On the prototype system, the readings of
all sensors were monitored by the LCD display in accordance to check the temperature, humidity, pH
and light intensity readings suitable for the plant growth. The RTC will eventually kept the system to be
operated for 8 hours daily. The experiments have shown that during the implementation of the system,
the voltage measurement to operate the LED grow lighting decreased from 11.6 V to 5.43 V in 11 hours
of experiment meanwhile, the temperature environment within the enclosed base of the Fogponics
system varies from 25.7°C to 29°C. Whilst, the humidity remain constant at 99.99% and finally, the
light intensity projection varies significantly from 575 lux to 113 lux.
Some vegetable plants had been experimented on the smart indoor fogponics farming system for 3 –
4 weeks of duration. However, by the experiment results obtained, none of the plants managed to grow
The 3rd International Conference on Smart City Innovation IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 673 (2021) 012012 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/673/1/012012
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