Please note that a parent/guardian/teacher may sign on behalf of performers aged 16 and under.
1. Performer’s Declaration
I certify that I will be performing (tick one):
I certify that I have made a copy of the legal sheet music from which I will perform for use by an adjudicator or
I acknowledge that this copy will not be returned to me and will be destroyed by the eisteddfod/competition organisers
and I must delete any digital copy of this sheet music I have made.**
I certify that I have made a copy of the legal sheet music from which I will perform for the use of an accompanist.
I acknowledge that this copy will be returned to me and I must destroy it immediately, and I must delete any digital
copy of this sheet music I have made.**
4. Copies made by an auditioning body for BAND and ORCHESTRA only (tick only if applicable)
I certify that I am performing from copies made by an auditioning body for my use in this competition only.
I acknowledge that I must return these copies to the auditioning body at the end of this section and they will be
destroyed by the eisteddfod/competition organisers.**
5. Musical works
Please include information on the works you will be performing. Write additional works information on the back of this form.
** Any use of copies made under this declaration outside of the performance in this specific eisteddfod/competition/examination is deemed an infringement.
All copies – both digital and hardcopy – must be destroyed.