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Materials Chemistry B
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R. Gorkin and M. in het Panhuis, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5TB00393H.
Page 1 of 16 Journal of Materials Chemistry B
Introduction Over the past 30 years, an extensive array of both naturally
derived and synthetically produced hydrogel-forming polymers
Tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary field that applies the have been utilised for various soft tissue engineering
principles of materials engineering and life sciences towards the objectives6. However, hydrogel-forming polymers need to be
development of technologies that can restore, maintain and tailored for their specific application. For tissue engineering,
improve tissue function1. These technologies have the potential the hydrogels must be prepared from biocompatible polymers
to provide alternatives to human tissue and organ donations as using either non-toxic reagents, or in the case of toxic reagents,
well as to augment our existing anatomy1. The fundamental using those which can be completely removed after the scaffold
component of most tissue engineering strategies is the creation has been fabricated3,7. Often, hydrogel-forming polymers must
of a cellular scaffold. Scaffolds are 3D architectures comprised possess gel-forming mechanisms which allow the encapsulation
of various components that can include structural materials, of cells during processing as well; i.e. if cells must be
biological materials like cells, proteins, or growth factors, and integrated in the scaffold during fabrication, the gel formation
in some cases even functional materials like conductors2. process must not harm the cells8,9. Furthermore, control of the
Ideally the properties of these scaffolds should resemble the degradability of hydrogel-forming polymers is critical as the
extracellular matrix and should be designed to initially hold lifetime of the material has to suit the tissue engineering
cells in place and deliver bioactive molecules, whilst reserving application; specifically temporary scaffolds need to degrade
a space for tissue to develop3,4. but permanent implants must not10.
Hydrogels are an appealing class of materials for scaffold The hydrogel fabrication method employed influences the
development because their composition and structure is choice of polymers used, in particular the gel forming
somewhat similar to natural tissue, and can offer a synthetic mechanism must be amenable to the fabrication technique used
surrogate for extracellular matrix (ECM). For example, the for constructing the scaffold as well as satisfy the basic criteria
natural biopolymer chitosan is structurally similar to the ECM for tissue engineering9. Historically, researchers have used a
component glycoaminoglycans. The materials are comprised variety of hydrogel fabrication techniques such as porogen
mainly of water (up to ~99%) with the remainder being a leaching11,12, casting13, gas foaming14–16, phase separation17 and
hydrophilic polymer network that confines the water within its electrospinning18–20 to provide a porous scaffold architecture.
boundaries5. Hydrogels also possess similar mechanical Each technique has shown some degree of organisation of pore
properties to soft tissues and can be processed using relatively size, distribution and inter-connectivity21, however, recently,
mild conditions and aqueous chemistries3. Additive Manufacturing technologies have been utilized to
Journal of Materials Chemistry B Page 2 of 16
produce novel complex tissue engineering contructs22. Known hyaluronan, which is a glycosamnioglycan produced in
also as 3D-printing, Additive Manufacturing (AM) describes a humans, is much more efficiently produced from bacteria32.
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range of technologies that use computer aided design and Historically, plant derived biopolymers (e.g. alginate, agarose,
DOI: 10.1039/C5TB00393H
automation to build structures through a layer-by-layer process. cellulose) have been used in cell culture and are inexpensive
Additive Manufacturing aligns particularly well with building and easy to obtain, however, because they are completely
produce custom designed tissue implants suited to the with desirable properties. There is no risk of pathogens being
individual patient’s requirements23,29. present in a synthetic polymer hydrogel; however care must be
taken to ensure that there is no trace of toxic
In this review we take a detailed look at hydrogel forming unpolymerised/uncross-linked reagents left in the hydrogel
polymers which are suitable for tissue engineering through prior to use (e.g. residual acrylamide from poly(acrylamide))34.
extrusion printing. We initially investigate the various Most synthetic polymers are not biocompatible; have limited
hydrogel-forming polymers with focus on i) the classes of biodegradability; and have poor cellular adhesion, however,
polymers according to origin, monomer types and electrical many of these shortcomings have been addressed to some
nature, ii) the hydrogel-forming mechanisms, and iii) their extent with clever processing and modification strategies30,35,36.
degradability and biocompatibility. This is followed by a Polymers can also be classified based on their composition and
discussion on extrusion printing, particularly the relationships more specifically the monomers/types of monomers from
between choice of hydrogel material, applicability for tissue which they are made. Most biopolymers used for tissue
engineering and suitability for extrusion printing. This review engineering are either proteins/polypeptides, polysaccharides,
includes a table that lists the major hydrogel forming polymers or glycosaminoglycans while the most prevalent synthetic
used in tissue engineering with the characteristics most polymers are polyols, polyethers or polyesters. Proteins and
pertinent to tissue engineering and extrusion printing which polypeptides, are the most functional of all biopolymers
could serve as a valuable resource to guide future soft tissue because they contain peptide domains that interact directly with
scaffold development. cells37 and perform specific functions (e.g., signalling and
cellular adhesion), and usually there are enzymes in the body
that specialise in degradation of these polymers38,39.
Conversely, proteins are also relatively expensive to mass
Hydrogel-forming polymers can be classified according to their
produce and have limited lifetimes38,39. Polysaccharides are a
synthetic origins, composition, electrostatic nature and gel
diverse class of biopolymers obtainable from many plant and
forming mechanism (Figure 2). These same traits are critical
microbial lifeforms which makes them a very versatile and cost
considerations when selecting a hydrogel-forming polymer for
effective hydrogel materials30. Many polysaccharides are also
specific tissue engineering applications and the ability to utilise
polyelectrolytes that can form ionotropic hydrogels or complex
viable fabrication methods.
coacervate hydrogels such as gellan gum40 and gelatin41.
Glycosaminoglycans are a class of polysaccharides that contain
Hydrogels are formed from either naturally produced polymers
amine functionality and deserve special mention because they,
(also referred to as biopolymers) or synthetic polymers.
in combination with various proteins, form the natural
Biopolymers are derived from various organisms including
extracellular matrix of human cells and consequently have
human, animals, plants and bacteria and are generally more
excellent biocompatibility and cellular affinity4,42. Polyols,
compatible and more likely to interact positively with cells30.
polyethers and polyesters can be produced cheaply with
Human derived biopolymers such as collagen and fibrin have
consistency but are generally less degradable than biopolymers,
the greatest biological compatibility and possess proteolytic
with the exception of polyesters of derived from naturally
pathways of degradation (proteolysis by specific enzymes),
occurring α-hydroxy acids which possess greater
whilst those non-human derived biopolymers such as alginate
biocompatibility and are to some extent biodegradable or
or chitosan have less compatibility and degradability31.
Notwithstanding, many human derived biopolymers are often
Another important basis of classification for hydrogel-forming
preferentially derived from non-human sources because they
polymers is by their electrical nature as this directly relates to
are more available and cheaper to produce. For example
how a hydrogel can be formed and hence how processable they
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are using AM technologies. The electrical nature of a polymer can be beneficial for a number of bio-medical applications.
is derived from the inherent functionality of the monomers it is Hydrogels intended for use as cartilage tissue scaffolds
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constructed from. Certain functional groups are ionisable in comprised of gellan gum and epoxy amine polymers
DOI: have been
aqueous solutions; for example the amino groups in gelatin demonstrated to recover after physical deformation57.
have the potential to be positively charged and the carboxylate Complex coacervate hydrogels, also sometimes referred to as
Proteinaceous biopolymers are comprised of a mixture of is also possible to incorporate proteolytically degradable
amino acids with many different negative and positively sequences using covalent cross-linking chemistries to improve
charged functional groups. Proteinaceous polymers are the degradability of otherwise non-degradable polymers59.
amphoteric polyelectrolytes as the distribution of positive and
negative charges in these protein molecules is mediated both by Degradation
solution pH and the isoelectric point (pI) of the protein. Not all
It is often advantageous for the polymer to be degradable via a
biopolymers are polyelectrolytes, as there are a number of
natural process whose degradation rate matches the rate of the
neutrally charged polysaccharides such as agarose, dextran and
production of new extracellular matrix6, but in some cases a
cellulose. Almost all polyols, polyethers and polyesters are
permanent implant is desirable60. Hydrogel polymers are
neutral in nature49–52.
generally degraded by either proteolysis or by hydrolysis61.
Proteolysis occurs when an enzyme that is produced by the
cells in or around the implant is able to recognise a degradable
The gelation behavior (mechanism by which a hydrogel forms) peptide sequence in the polymer which it can sever39,59.
has a direct impact on the methods used to fabricate the Collagen for example, is a proteinaceous biopolymer which can
hydrogel component for tissue engineering. In general, certain be degraded through the action of a variety of matrix
gel forming processes lend themselves to rapid prototyping metalloproteases called collagenases62. The main advantage of
fabrication methods while others require more time to develop proteolytically degradable polymers are that they will be
into robust hydrogels and are suited to slower fabrication degraded at a rate that more closely matches that of cellular
techniques such as porogen leaching11,17. All hydrogels possess growth because the cells are programmed to produce these
some level of physical attraction between macromers as a result enzymes to make room for themselves to grow into42. Many
of hydrogen bonding and entanglements amongst one another9. hydrogel polymers are also able to be hydrolysed without the
Often these physical interactions are strong enough to form a aid of an enzyme under physiological conditions but at a
weak gel but these are seldom strong enough for tissue significantly slower rate63 which can be advantageous if a
engineering applications or layer upon layer fabrication. longer lasting implant is desired. There are potentially negative
Usually a hydrogel intended for tissue engineering applications effects of degradation by-products of materials, for example,
must be strengthened through additional electrostatic the degradable products of ester-based polymers are acidic and
interactions or chemical cross-linking (Figure 3)53. can lead to auto-catalytic degradation.
Ionotropic hydrogels are those formed as a result of Synthetic polyesters of α-hydroxy acids are the only synthetic
electrostatic interactions between polyanions and cations or polymers that can be degraded in a natural way into their
polycations and anions. For example, alginate is a polyanionic naturally occurring monomers and subsequently consumed in
polymer comprised of mannuronic and glucaronic acid residues the tricarboxylic acid cycle64. Poly(lactic acid) and
which forms a firm ionotropic hydrogel upon addition of poly(glycolic acid) are examples of α-hydroxy acid based
calcium ions54. Another example is chitosan, a polycationic polymers which have been used extensively in biomedical
polymer containing glucosamine residues, which are positively engineering as degradable stents, sutures and wound
charged above its isoelectric point and will form a firm dressings65–67. Most other synthetic polymers used in tissue
ionotropic hydrogel with phosphate ions55. Ionotropic engineering are generally non-degradable and are often either
hydrogels are usually able to form a firm hydrogel upon cooling selected for use in applications that require more persistent
and are therefore particularly useful for in situ tissue materials or limited to low molecular weight analogues (<
engineering or for use in rapid prototyping fabrication 5,000 Da) which are able to be removed via the renal
techniques54,56. Ionic cross-links are able to self-repair which system43,68,69. Alternatively, non-degradable hydrogel-forming
Journal of Materials Chemistry B Page 4 of 16
polymers may have degradable regions built into their structure structural integrity before the second layer is deposited.
to impart finely controlled degradability59. Poly(ethylene Consequently, parameters such as polymer rheology and the gel
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glycol) is a prevalent example of a synthetic polymer with poor forming mechanism are critically important; polymer solutions
DOI: 10.1039/C5TB00393H
inherent degradability which can and has been modified to must be either viscous or viscoelastic initially, and then become
include enzyme-cleavable domains and improve its self-supporting gels before additional layers are deposited.
we define a biocompatible material as one which does not incite of a polymer which has been printed in this manner where the
a foreign body reaction on its own, is non-inflammatory or polymer solution was held in the printer reservoir at 60°C-80°C
otherwise immunogenic, and is non-cytotoxic. The foreign and printed into a cool bath below the gel transition temperature
body response is a reaction to the inclusion of a foreign (Figure 5A)85,86. A limitation of this approach is that physical
material such as a tissue engineered construct which can be hydrogels tend to be very weak and may need to be reinforced
detrimental to the function of the implant73. Often a hydrogel using other polymers or with a post-print cross-linking step. A
scaffold on its own can be responsible for a foreign body compromise must also be made with respect to the magnitude
reaction, but cells and other inclusions in an implant may also of the temperature drop; if the temperature drop is small, the
contribute73. Certain hydrogel-forming polymers have been polymer solution will have a high viscosity and require high
observed to stimulate particularly strong foreign body reactions pressure to expel, but if the temperature drop is large it will
such as carrageenan which is frequently used to test the efficacy take a long time to cool down and gel. In some instances the
of anti-inflammatory reagents in animal models by stimulating initial and final temperature of the polymer solution/gel may
the initial foreign body response74,75. also preclude it from being able to include cells during printing
The ability of cells to adhere to the scaffold is also an important as temperatures far outside normal body ranges could damage
aspect of hydrogel-forming polymers to consider. The adhesion the living material.
of cells to the hydrogel scaffold has been demonstrated to Photo-curable hydrogel-forming polymers can be printed onto
provide important stimulation to the cells and directs their an illuminated stage where they will form firm hydrogels upon
differentiation and activity76,77. Lack of cellular adhesion can the incidence of light87. Some polymers can be directly photo-
also result in anoikis – apoptosis induced by inadequate cell- cured if the appropriate photoinitiator is incorporated. For
matrix interactions78. Cells can adhere to a scaffold through example, it has been demonstrated that any proteinaceous
specific “lock and key” type interactions such as the integrin biopolymer which contains tyrosine residues (such as collagen,
and heparin binding domains in cells and extracelleular matrix fibrin and gelatin) can be cross-linked with white light in the
proteins79. Many hydrogel-forming polymers do not inherently presence of Ru(II)bpy32+ photoinitiator (Figure 5B)88–90. Even
possess specific cellular adhesion regions but instead may be polymers which are not ordinarily photo-curable (such as gellan
modified to do so by immobilising proteins onto the polymer80. gum or dextran) may be modified to become photo-curable,
By far the most prevalent strategy to improvement of cellular often through a straightforward reaction with a acrylate or
adhesion is the tethering of the integrin binding RGD domain to methacrylate based agent91,92. Photo-curable polymer printing
the polymer backbone (Figure 4)33,81–83. The non-adherent has been reported using PEG-acrylate and PPO-acrylate
polysaccharide gellan gum has been demonstrated to have functionalised polymers without cells, as well as with solutions
significantly improved cellular adhesion when the RGD peptide of gelatin-methacrylate and hyaluronan-methacrylate
sequence has been tethered to it84. functionalised polymers mixed with cells26,87,93,94. The main
advantage of photo-curable polymer printing is that this type of
polymerisation is usually very rapid (a few seconds to a few
minutes) and is generally cell-friendly91. Also, because the
Extrusion printing is a technique based on building structures
reactive stimulus is light in this case, a bath is not needed and
by driving material out of a nozzle and onto a stage. The
the time scale of gelation can be adjusted by changing the
extruded material is either directed by moving the nozzle above
intensity of the light.
the stage or by moving the stage underneath the nozzle;
Reactive printing of ionotropic polymers is a very successful
irrespectively, 3D structures are created through continuously
method used to date for extrusion printing of scaffolds. It
depositing material layer-upon-layer. In order to successfully
involves printing a polymer solution into a bath of reactive
build 3D structures in this manner, the first layer needs to have
substance that induces gelation. Usually, this is performed with
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ionotropic hydrogels and a bath containing a solution of the printing99, could be integrated with extrusion printing systems.
appropriate counter-ion85,95. It has been reported in several In one potential setup, an extrusion printed scaffold that could
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instances that alginate has been printed into a calcium solution not include viable cells could be selectively
DOI: seeded with inkjet
in this manner to produce microspheres as well as more printed cells in a secondary step.
complex structures (Figure 5C)96–98. The main advantage of
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support
provided by the University of Wollongong (UOW) and the
For those considering potential hydrogels for tissue engineering Australian Research Council (ARC) through its Centre of
Published on 29 April 2015. Downloaded by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 05/05/2015 07:48:40.
applications, it is fundamental to not only examine the desired Excellence and Future Fellowship programs.
characteristics of the material for a scaffold but also the ability
of the material to be fabricated in the desired scaffold design. Notes and references
For extrusion printing in particular, the gel formation a
Soft Materials Group, School of Chemistry, University of Wollongong,
mechanism and the printing technique are intrinsically tied. Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia.
Table 1 presents the most prevalent hydrogel-forming polymers b
Intelligent Polymer Research Institute, ARC Centre of Excellence for
used in tissue engineering with a summation of their most Electromaterials Science, AIIM Facility, University of Wollongong,
important characteristics (polymer class, functionality, NSW 2522, Australia.
degradability, biological response, activity and compatibility, * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
and gel formation mechanism). These polymers include
familiar polymers which have been used in biomedical devices,
formulations and in cell culture protocols for decades such as Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: See
gelatin and collagen, but also include more recently DOI: 10.1039/b000000x/
investigated materials like carrageenans and gellan gum. The
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Table 1. Description of polymers used in tissue engineering categorised by class with information onView Article Online
DOI: 10.1039/C5TB00393H
hydrogel formation mechanism, degradability and their biological response, activity and
comprised of
glucuronic acid
Anionic, Biocompatible126, Ionotropic
and N-acetyl-D- Proteolysis
Hyaluronan glycosaminoglycan with good cellular formation with
glucosamine with (hyaluronidase)127
biopolymer adhesion48 cations128
amide, carboxylate
and hydroxyl
Physical gel
Polymer comprised formation at a
of D-glucose with temperature
Methylcellulose polysaccharide Biocompatible52 Non degradable52
hydroxyl dependant on the
functionality degree of
Polymer comprised
Neutral, synthetic polymer, but
Poly(acrylamide) of acrylamide with Non degradable129 Covalent130
polymer monomer is
amide functionality
Polymer comprised
Neutral, synthetic of ε-caprolactone
Poly(caprolactone) Biocompatible131 Hydrolysis132 Covalent132
polyester with ether
Polymer comprised Biocompatible36,
Poly(ethylene Neutral, synthetic of ethylene oxide but with poor
Non degradable36 Covalent36
glycol) polyether with ether protein and cellular
functionality adsorption36
Polymer comprised Intermediate
Poly(glycolic Neutral, synthetic of glycolic acid biocompatibility,
Hydrolysis134 Covalent134
acid) polyester with ester mildly
functionality immunogenic133
Polymer comprised
of glycerol and
Poly(glycerol Neutral, synthetic Biocompatible,
sebacic acid with Hydrolysis136 Covalent136
sebacate) polyester non-cytotoxic135,136
ester and hydroxyl
Polymer comprise
Poly(2- of 2-hydroxyethyl
Neutral, synthetic biocompatibility,
hydroxyethyl methacrylate with Non degradable24 Covalent69
polymer mildly
methacrylate) ester and hydroxyl
Polymer comprised
Neutral, synthetic biocompatibility,
Poly(lactic acid) of lactic acid with Hydrolysis139 Covalent139
polyester mildly
ester functionality
Polymer comprised
of propylene
Poly(propylene Neutral, synthetic fumarate with ester Inflammation
Hydrolysis140 Covalent141
fumarate) polyester functionality with causing material140
ester and vinyl
Polymer comprised Biocompatible, but
Poly(vinyl Neutral, synthetic of vinyl alcohol with poor protein
Non degradable101 Covalent101,142
alcohol) polyol with hydroxyl and cellular
functionality adhesion142
Journal of Materials Chemistry B Page 12 of 16
Figure 1. Computer aided tissue engineering of a tooth and section of spine22 (© IOP Publishing.
Reproduced by permission of IOP Publishing. All rights reserved.). The material used to create the
structures is the photo-curable resin FA1260T (SK Cytec Inc, Korea).
Page 13 of 16 Journal of Materials Chemistry B
Figure 2. Hydrogel-forming polymers can be classified by origin (blue), composition (red) and
electrical nature (green). To some extent, the origin, composition and electrical nature are related
Journal of Materials Chemistry B Page 14 of 16
Page 15 of 16 Journal of Materials Chemistry B
A" B" D"
Figure 5. Examples of computer aided tissue engineering constructs made from hydrogels. A) a porous
cube of agarose hydrogel printed using a thermal modulation approach85 (with kind permission from
Springer Science and Business Media); B) an aortic valve conduit printed with a blend of
alginate/gelatin hydrogel98 (© 2013 John Wiley and Sons) and C) differently scaled aortic valves
printed from PEG-DA hydrogels (scale bar is 1 cm)100 (© IOP Publishing. Reproduced by permission
of IOP Publishing. All rights reserved.); D) a cellular ink of gellan gum and mouse myoblasts is printed
in spirals on a glass microscopy slide (scale bar is 500 µm). Reproduced from reference 99 .
Journal of Materials Chemistry B Page 16 of 16
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DOI: 10.1039/C5TB00393H