Umberto-Pesavento-08 10 14
Umberto-Pesavento-08 10 14
Umberto-Pesavento-08 10 14
Umberto Pesavento
joint work with Alexander Lipton and Michael G. Sotiropoulos
Empirical observations
t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 time
137 1500
135 3700 135 3700 135 3700
initial queues
133 6500 133 6500 133 6500
132 9000 132 9000 132 9000
131 7200 depletion replenishment
replenished queues
131 7200
130 8600 130 8600 130 8600
129 5000 129 5000 129 5000
128 3000 128 3000 128 3000
127 4500 127 4500
1 1
Pxx + Pyy + ρxy Pxy = 0,
Pt + (1)
2 2
where ρxy is the correlation between the processes governing the depletion and replenishment of
the bid and ask queues, which typically takes a negative value in a normal market.
α(x, y ) = x
(ρxy x − y ) (2)
β(x, y ) = − q ,
1 − ρ2
yielding equation:
1 1
Pt +
Pαα + Pββ = 0. (3)
2 2
And the second to cast the problem in polar coordinates:
2 2
r = α +β
α = − r sin(ϕ − $)
β =r cos(ϕ − $) ϕ =$ + arctan −
where cos $ = −ρxy , so to yield the following equation for the hitting probabilities:
1 1 1
Pt + Vrr + Pr + 2 Pϕϕ = 0. (5)
2 r r
with the final condition: P(T , T , r , ϕ) = 0 and boundary conditions:
r 02 +r 2
r 0 r0
0 2τ
g(τ, r ) = , IΛ (9)
τ τ
where IΛ (ξ) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind corresponding to Λ. After applying the
boundary conditions on the angular part of the equation, the final formula for the Green’s function is:
r 02 +r 2
0 ∞
2e− 2τ r 0 r0
0 0 0
G τ, r0 , r , ϕ0 , ϕ = Iνn sin νn ϕ sin (νn ϕ0 ). (10)
$τ n=1
where νn = nπ ω̄ . Finally, we integrate the equation above to obtain the hitting probability for the of
an up-tick (or down-tick) conditional on the initial condition of the queue.
1 0 1 0
P(t, T , r0 , ϕ0 ) = − Gϕ (t − t, r , $) dr dt . (11)
2 r
t 0
By writing out the explicit form for the Green’s function we obtain:
2 2
∞ ˆ T ˆ ∞ − r +r0
X e 2t rr0 n+1
P (0, r0 , φ0 ) = Iνn dtdr
(−1) νn sin (νn φ0 ) . (12)
n=1 0$tr 0 t
We reverse the order of integration and evaluate the time integral using the following expression:
r 2 +r 2
ˆ 0
∞ e− 2t
rr0 1
Iνn dt = p νn (13)
0 $tr t $νn r s2 − 1 + s
where s = (r 2 + r02 )/2rr0 . We can then integrate along the radial component,
ˆ ˆ ˆ
∞ 1 1 r0
νn −1 r0νn ∞
−νn −1 2
νn dr = r dr + r dr = . (14)
$νn r0νn
0 $νn r max rr ,
0 $νn r0 $νn2
0 r
yielding equation:
We then perform a the second transformation to casts the modified problem in polar coordinates:
2 2
r = α +β
α =r sin(ϕ)
α (20)
β =r cos(ϕ) ϕ =arctan
where cos $ = −ρxy . Then the equation becomes
1+ρ y −x
arctan( 1−ρxy )
xy y +x
P(x, y ) = 1− r .
2 1+ρ
arctan( 1−ρxyxy
1 1 1
Pxx + Pyy + Pzz + ρxy Pxy + ρxz Pxz + ρyz Pyz = 0 (23)
2 2 2
as in two dimensions, it is possible to eliminate the correlation terms,
α(x, y , z) =x
β(x, y , z) = (−ρ xy x + y )
1 − ρ2xy
h i
(ρxy ρyz − ρxz ) x + (ρxy ρxz − ρyz ) y + (1 − ρ2xy )z
γ(x, y , z) = q ,
1 − ρ2xy 1 − ρ2xy − ρ2xz − ρ2yz + 2ρxy ρxz ρyz
to obtain:
Again, we can write the exit probability problem in a simpler form by changing the computational
domain Ω:
1 1 ∂
Pφφ (φ, θ) + (sin θPθ (φ, θ)) = 0, (26)
sin2 θ sin θ ∂θ
P (0, θ) = 0, P ($, θ) = 0, P (φ, Θ (φ)) = 1. (27)
α =r sin θ sin ϕ
β =r sin θ cos ϕ
γ =r cos θ
ζ = ln tan θ/2
ϕ =ϕ
• Correlation is the main effect responsible for the symmetry breaking in the evolution of the
price expectation as a function of imbalance.
• It can also explain a big part of the adverse selection effect which we observe when posting
orders in a limit order book.
• The model can capture the main features of symmetry breaking in the trade arrival process.
Given an approximate functional form for the fill probability, we can solve the recursive optimization
problem given by:
where p(x) is the fill probability of a limit order with a limit price of x.
• what is the optimal placement of a limit order? (blue line)
• what is the expected fill price? (red line)
Going on step further, parameter selection and price slippage estimation as a function of the slice
• as expected, larger slices will produce a larger slippage;
• the optimal trade off between waiting and crossing the spread depends on the size of the slice
to be executed;
• an optimal ridge in the parameter space can be calculated under certain assumptions.
We can also attempt to predict price movements and arrival times by conditioning on local
measurements of prevailing order flows rather than book imbalance.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
U. Pesavento, Bank of America Merrill Lynch 23 of 26 8 October 2014
Appendix: a time dependent slice of the problem
Depletion of the bid and ask queues across bid up-ticks and down-tick price movements:
• down-tick move, the initial queue size is thin while the next layer if fully formed;
• up-tick move, the previous layer is fully formed and the next queue distribution is thin;
• the ask queue is statistically unaffected.
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