Roundel 1956-10 Vol 8 No 8

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Issued on the authority of
Royal Canadian Air Force

Vol. 8, No. 8

* * * CONTENTS * * * This Month's Cover

p es»s»+e a


Sgt. Shatterproof Drains the Product. 1

! 4
.. ! \


The G.C.A. Story .. 3

The Party Line: Food Services in the R.C.A.F. 13
No. 432 Squadron: Part two . 27 In tribute to Air Marshal W. A. Bishop, V.C., C.B.,
D.S.O., M.C., D.F.C., who died on ll September
1956 at the age of 62, we print this photograph
REGULAR FEATURES showing him as a Captain in No. 60 Squadron,
R.F.C., seated in a cockpit of the Nieuport Scout
on which he flew to fame in the skies of France in
Royal Canadian Air Cadets . 10 1917 ond became the first Canadian airman lo
win the Victoria Cross. On two tours of duty on
Feminine Gen .;;. .. .. 18 Western Front he destroyed 72 enemy aircraft and
R.C.A.F. Association . 21 established a tradition of gallantry and achieve-
ment in air combat which hos been - and will
What's the Score? 25 ever remain - the inspiration of Canada's fighting
Pin-Points in the Past . . .. .. 32


Squelch 9
Twin Mach-Busters 17
Beggars 20
Science and Religion 22
Interlude in Morocco . 23
Trophies for 6 R.D. . .. 26 EDITORIAL OFFICES :
Experience 32 R.C.A.F., Victoria Island,
Bomber Command Memorial Books ...... 32 Ottawa, Ont.

Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.


Sir: self once more trussing up his ation, and drank to the speedy
points and plunging back into the recovery of his palate.
When a great public figure, ma- melee. And when at last, with his "I understand, Sergeant Shatter-
ture in years and rich in honours, digestive tract patched like an old proof," he resumed presently, "that
retires from the Service of his Sov- inner tube, he finally settles down you will be leaving the Air Force in
ereign, he is seldom permitted to to the construction of his first about two years' time. Is that cor-
enjoy that rest which is his due. cabinet, he has neither the time rect?"
Yearn though he may to devote nor the strength left to do more "I am", I told him, "at Her Ma-
the remainder of his days to the than make his own coffin. jesty's disposal. Should it be her
breedings of pigs, the cultivation of Only at the eleventh hour, Sir, gracious wish that the old warhorse
herbaceous borders, or cabinet- was I myself spared from the fate go to pasture, she can rest assured
making, the world will have none I have just described. that the Royal Canadian Air Force
of it. Long before the banquet is j k4
now stands four-square against the
held at which he bids farewell to Not long ago I received a letter winds of circumstance. L.A.C. Blad-
his friends and colleagues before from the president of a nationally der, whom I have long been groom-
staggering off into private life, he known brewery, inviting me to call ing to step into my shoes, will see
is approached by organizations upon him the next time I should to it that the foundations I have
whose talent-scouts h ave been be in the City. He had, he said, laid are not lightly undermined. In
watching him ever since he broke certain proposals to make that his loyal breast there burns "
his first lance in the inter-depart- might be of interest to me when I "Precisely", said the president.
mental lists. should be retired from the Service. Deftly he relieved me of my empty
It is pointed out to him that al- Thus, the following weekend found tankard and refilled it and my
most anyone can induce a pig to me seated in his office, exchanging heart bled for the man as I no-
propagate, and that not even the those urbanities which prelude all ticed the involuntary grimace of
Minister of Agriculture can pol- intercourse with the world's mer- revulsion with which he handed it
lenize a perennial any better than chant princes. back to me.
the humble bee. On the other hand, "And now, Sergeant Shatter- well, Sergeant," he continued,
neither the bee nor the pig can sit proof," he said at last, "before I tell "as soon as I heard the rumour, I
with dignity on a board of directors. you why I have asked you here, let called a meeting of our directors.
It takes a man to do that. us - er - taste the Product." He We must act fast, I urged them, if
Should he, still dreaming of smiled. "Possibly you are already we are to anticipate the offers that
quiet hours with his mitre-box and familiar with it." will soon come cataracting in upon
glue-pot, retort that it also takes a Such a possibility, I admitted, did Sergeant Shatterproof from Brit-
man to get an ulcer, he is reproach- exist. ain and the United States."
fully reminded of those dedicated He turned to a silver-bound firkin
captains of industry who have not that stood on a rack beside his desk. v T

hesitated to offer up their duode-

nums on the altar of Canadian
prosperity. Will be can he
Taking one of the tankards which
hung beneath it, he deftly filled it
and handed it to me, averting his
~i·"< '.1
follow his own personal inclinations face as he did so.
while there is still a hovel without "You must excuse me for not !
television or a teen-ager without a joining you, Sergeant," he said. (J
Cadillac? "The Product is, to me, rather like
By such compelling appeals (or candy to a confectioner. I've long
by others no less irresistible) the since lost all taste for it."
weary executive is usually won over.
He sees his duty and he does it.
Before he has had time to cash his
first pension cheque, he finds him-
As you may imagine, Sir, his
words left me somewhat aghast.
Mastering my emotion, however, I
made suitable sounds of commiser-
Issued on the authority of
Royal Canadian Air Force

Vol. 8, No. 8

* * * CONTENTS * * * This Month's Cover

p es»s»+e a


Sgt. Shatterproof Drains the Product. 1

! 4
.. ! \


The G.C.A. Story .. 3

The Party Line: Food Services in the R.C.A.F. 13
No. 432 Squadron: Part two . 27 In tribute to Air Marshal W. A. Bishop, V.C., C.B.,
D.S.O., M.C., D.F.C., who died on ll September
1956 at the age of 62, we print this photograph
REGULAR FEATURES showing him as a Captain in No. 60 Squadron,
R.F.C., seated in a cockpit of the Nieuport Scout
on which he flew to fame in the skies of France in
Royal Canadian Air Cadets . 10 1917 ond became the first Canadian airman lo
win the Victoria Cross. On two tours of duty on
Feminine Gen .;;. .. .. 18 Western Front he destroyed 72 enemy aircraft and
R.C.A.F. Association . 21 established a tradition of gallantry and achieve-
ment in air combat which hos been - and will
What's the Score? 25 ever remain - the inspiration of Canada's fighting
Pin-Points in the Past . . .. .. 32


Squelch 9
Twin Mach-Busters 17
Beggars 20
Science and Religion 22
Interlude in Morocco . 23
Trophies for 6 R.D. . .. 26 EDITORIAL OFFICES :
Experience 32 R.C.A.F., Victoria Island,
Bomber Command Memorial Books ...... 32 Ottawa, Ont.

Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.

AN[MPNI(C) G. C. A. equipment.

BY FLIGHT LIEUTENANT D. C. CLAIR use of "talk-down" methods, when

Directorate of Radio Navigation, A.F.H.Q. the anxious pilot hopefully circled
the general area of the airfield
(Many of our readers, no doubt, first heard of Ground-Controlled Ap- while the control-tower operator
proach during the stirring days of the Berlin Airlift, in 1948 and '49. Vital tried to guess his position by the
though its contribution was to the success of that operation, G.C.A. was sound of his engine and thus steer
still in its comparative youth. In the present article, Flt. Lt. Clair tells him in the right direction. To say
us the story of the remarkable equipment which now occupies so im- the least, neither the controller's
portant a place in the everyday flying operations of the R.C.A.F. The ear nor any of his acoustic aids
author, who joined the 1937 as a wireless operator mechanic, were very accurate, and it is a mat-
remustered to aircrew and became a navigator during the war. He was ter of record that many of the early
attached to R.A.F. Transport Command in India and Burma during 1945, "guided" approaches ended in dis-
then served for a time with No. 120 Transport Wing of the R.C.A.F.,, in aster. The situation was further
Europe. Returning to Canada in 1946, he re-entered the field of telecom- aggravated by the crankiness of the
munications.-Editor.) aircraft communications equipment
of the day. In addition, the hu-
WHAT G.C.A. IS ings and altitudes he should main- man tendency to trust the evidence
tain, bring him down to a point of the eyes in preference to that of
[Ton the benefit of those to whom from which he can successfully the ears led the pilots of that era
the letters "G.C.A." are no more complete the landing. The develop- to the belief that the ideal blind-
than another set of the initials that ment, nature, and operation of the landing system would consist of a
bedevil this electronic age, it might equipment used by the controllers dial on the instrument panel which
be as well to explain that they to accomplish their task forms the would indicate when they were ap-
stand for the words "Ground-Con- subject of "The G.C.A. Story", proaching the runway on the
trolled Approach". Ground-Con- proper heading and glide angle. En-
trolled Approach is a radar system THE DEVELOPMENT OF G.C.A. gineers both in Europe and North
that can provide guidance to a de- America set themselves the task of
gree of accuracy sufficient to en- Radio Beam Systems justifying this belief, and during
able an aircraft to land safely un- The problems of ensuring a safe the 1930s several systems based on
der conditions of very low ceiling landing under conditions of re- the use of radio beams were devel-
and visibility. The G.C.A. equip- duced ceiling and visibility were oped.
ment, which is located on the air- recognized quite shortly after the The principle of all of these svs-
field and operated by controllers, military and commercial possibili- tem was to project into the air-
"picks up" and follows the aircraft's ties of the aeroplane had been space beyond the end of the run-
track on its indicators. The con- generally accepted. The earliest way, a pair of radio beams, one of
trollers, by passing to the pilot in- history of attempts to provide which would furnish an extension
formation as to the various head- blind-landing assistance reveals the of the runway centre-line and the



shoot down an aircraft, it should

be accurate enough to direct the
aeroplane to a landing. Pursuing
the idea further, the anti-aircraft
radar was moved to East Boston,
d with a member of the labora-
[,k,,' start serving as pilot, tests
were carried out to prove Dr. Al-
varez' theory. A movie camera was
fitted to the radar antenna and a
light mounted on the undercarriage
of the aircraft. The radar equip-
ment tracked the approaching
'plane almost to the ground and the
movie film indicated that the
tracking was steady enough to be
used for control purposes. The next
step was to prove that the control
AN [MPNII(B) G. C. A. equipment information could be passed to the
pilot by voice radio, thus elimin-
ating the need for an instrument
other a suitable glide-path angle. beam operated at 100 megacycles or other type of cockpit presenta-
These were later augmented by and a glide-path beam in the 300- tion.
placing "markers" at various posi- megacycle band. It was, in fact, a The point to be determined was
tions along the beam as a means modification of the Instrument whether, given accurate instruc-
of indicating to the pilot the prog- Landing System (I.L.S.) that had tions by radio, a pilot could follow
ress that he was making in his been developed by the Civil Aero- them well enough to make a blind
approach to the runway. The air- nautics Authority and is currently landing. An experimental set-up,
craft, of course, was fitted with spe- in use at many commercial and still using the anti-aircraft radar,
cial receivers and indicators to re- military airports throughout the was put into operation at Quonset
ceive and display the information world. Point Naval Air Station in March
provided by beam and marker. As
1942, and it was established that the
a result, the pilot had before him G.C.A.
a cross-pointer instrument which, talk-down principle was practicable.
if everything worked properly, he Although the S.C.S.51 was adopted The first serious set-back was en-
could use to keep himself on the by the U.S.A.A.F. as the official countered when it was observed on
beam to a safe touch-down. As re- blind-approach system, the search further tests that the anti-aircraft
search made higher radio frequen- for something better continued. The radar would not track accurately
cies available, these were used for head of an interested group at the when the aircraft was less than
further landing-aid developments, Massachusetts Institute of Techno- three degrees above the horizon.
and, by the start of the Second logy was a Dr. Luis Alvarez, who Experiment to this point had de-
World War, several agencies in the must be credited for originating the termined that the requirement was
U.S.A. and Europe had "successful" idea of G.C.A., and who was one of for a radar capable of an accuracy
blind-landing systems, all of which a team set up at M.I.T. in 1940 to of 0.1 degrees and which would
used some form of beam presenting develop the then new field of mi- function below the three-degree
the pilot with an instrument in- crowave radar. limit experienced with the A.A. ra-
dication of the heading on which dar. As none of the radars then
to fly.
One day, while observing tests of under design would meet these re-
a new anti-aircraft radar, Dr. Al- quirements, Dr. Alvarez and his
As the war progressed, the need varez noted how accurately it fol-
for a standard blind-landing sys- lowed all the manoeuvres of the group set out to develop· one.
tem was appreciated by the U.S. target aircraft and fed the in- This project, which was author-
military services. The outcome of ized on 8 June 1942, utilized the
formation into the gun director. services of 36 engineers and more
their considerations led to the
Watching these tests, he reasoned than 60 specialist technicians. Its
S.C.S.51, a two-beam system which
that if radar information could successful culmination in December
provided a directional or localizer
enable an anti-aircraft gun to of the same year, as G.C.A. Mark I,
attests to the outstanding achieve- ment into operation and, passing cerned by being instrumental in
ment in organization and team- information via the control tower, the recovery of several P-61s.
work that was attained. It is signi- enabled all aircraft to land safely. Gradually, as more sets became
ficant to note that, while the devel- The story of this emergency soon available, the number of G.C.A.
opment was proceeding, production became common knowledge among units in use in operational areas in-
engineers from Gilfillan Brothers, Service flying personnel and creased, and by VE-Day a dozen
a Los Angeles radio manufacturing grew in the telling. The important were located in Europe in addition
firm, were working alongside the initial victory had been achieved. to installations in Alaska, the Aleu-
design staff so that, if the equip- j jk
tian Islands, and the South Pacific.
ment proved acceptable, no time Demonstrations before senior of- Indeed, it has been stated that the
would be lost in getting into pro- ficers of many Services followed, dollar value of B-29s saved by
duction. Thus, by 22 December and general acceptance of the G.C.A. at Iwo Jima more than
1942, the G.C.A. Mark I set the G.C.A. principle and equipment equalled the total cost of the G.C.A.
first true G.C.A. equipment was soon be c a m e fact. Gilfillan development programme. By the
positioned at Quonset Point ready Brothers and Bendix were both au- end of 1945 its use was general.
for its first test. thorized to proceed with the pro- From that time to the present, it
On the morning of 22 December, duction of the G.C.A. Mark I under has continued to serve as a safe
Ensign Griffin, U.S.N., taking off the military designation AN/MPNI and effective landing-aid. Im-
from Quonset in a Navy trainer (modified versions of which are provements have been made and
with the wind-screen soaped over still in use at many locations newer versions of the equipment
and a safety pilot aboard, carried throughout the world). While pro- produced. A steady programme of
out the first completely blind land- duction of this equipment was pro- development promises more refine-
ing under G.C.A. The trials con- gressing, the development group ments with increased operational
tinued, and experimental blind continually sought for improve- advantages for the future.
landings became a routine matter ments, which in due course were
until the afternoon of 1 January incorporated in the production G.C.A. IN THE R.C.A.F.
1943, when a snow-storm closed models. Many R.C.A.F. aircrew had been
down the field at Quonset, bringing In July 1943, the Mark I equip- exposed to G.C.A. during the closing
about the first G.C.A. emergency. A ment was set up and operating at months of 1945. Certainly those
flight of Navy PBYs, due to land R.A.F. Station Elsham, in England, who served with the squadrons of
in half an hour, was overheard by and proved by demonstration the No. 120 (Transport) Wing in Europe
the G.C.A. crew reporting the de- ability of G.C.A. to cope with groups during the winter of 1945-46 will re-
teriorating weather conditions to of aircraft returning from the tain fond memories of the sterling
the control tower and asking for great saturation raids on Germany. performance provided by the unit
assistance. The G.C.A. staff, appre- The tests continued through to at Berlin's Gatow airport. It was
ciating the situation, put the equip- September, and a great deal of in- not until 1947, however, that the
formation on the operational capa- R.C.A.F, entered into an active
Quadradar light-weight equipment. bilities of G.C.A. was obtained. G.C.A. programme involving the
Finally the equipment was turned procurement of equipment.
over to the R.A.F. Coastal Com- To inaugurate its entry into the
mand for operational use until it G.C.A. field, the R.C.A.F. purchased
could be replaced by a production six AN/MPN1C) units from the
model AN/MPNl. By this time, the U.S.A.F., which were immediately
various Allied Services had inaugu- turned over to Gilfillan Bros. for
rated training programmes for modification. To provide a trained
G.C.A. technicians and operators in nucleus of personnel, one telecom-
preparation for the delivery of pro- munications officer, three techni-
duction models, which started in cians, and ten flying control trades-
July 1944. men were sent to San Bernardino,
The first unit to go into service California, where they were given a
in an operational theatre was at a two-month training course in the
U.S.A.A.F. Ninth Air Force night- operation and maintenance of the
fighter base at Verdun, France, in equipment. At the conclusion of
December 1944. In· a few weeks, the training period, the personnel
G.C.A. had proven itself to all con- and equipment were dispersed.

development in the United King-
dom and the United states were
15 1S-MILE RANGE, studied, as was the possibility of
Canadian production. After several
months it was decided that the
AN/CPN4 equipment manufactured
090 by Gilfillan Bros. would be pro-
cured. This equipment, which in-
troduced many improvements upon
the older AN/MPNI set, was de-
signed as a unit suitable for airlift
in C-119 type aircraft.
The initial order for four of these
equipments was placed in March
1950. Arrangements were made
with the U.S.A.F. to provide train-
ing for R.C.A.F. technicians and
operators, and training began in
April 1951. To satisfy an increased
requirement for G.C.A. units to
SEARCH ANTENNA serve the growing number of opera-
tional bases in Canada and Europe,
six additional equipments were or-
dered in August 1951. By December
of the same year, delivery of the
first three equipments had started,
the initial installations being com-
pleted at St. Hubert and North Luf-
Increased activity within Train-
Fig. 1: Search function. ing Command and Air Defence
Command necessitated a further
revision to the number of equip-
Three of the units, along with a Although the desirability of keep- ments ordered, and in June 1952 the
complement of technicians and ing the G.C.A. School in operation total had reached fourteen - a
operators, were sent to London, On- to produce train e d personnel figure that was subsequently raised
tario, to establish a G.C.A. school. against future requirements was to seventeen. After delivery of the
Another party was despatched to generally appreciated, shortages in first ten, a change was made in the
Edmonton to take over control of the Radar Technician and Flying design of the trailers housing the
the R.C.A.F. unit which had been Control trades made this impos- equipment, and the last seven units
operated for some time by U.S.A.F. sible. The school was closed down provided to the R.C.A.F. bore the
personnel. The remaining two in May 1949. The three equipments designation AN/MPNll (B). The
equipments were placed in storage used by the school, along with the difference between the CPN4 and
against future requirements. two held in storage, were installed MPNll (B) equipments is restricted
The G.C.A. School was moved at Summerside, Chatham, Rock- to housing: the CPN4 trailers had
from London to Dorval in 1948, cliffe, Greenwood, and St. Hubert. been designed to facilitate airlift,
where it continued to operate for a The first phase of the R.C.A.F.'s and this requirement was dropped
period of one and a half years. G.C.A. programme had been com- in the MPNll (B). The sets are
During its operation, sufficient pleted. electronically alike.
technicians an d operators were J
By October 1954, the increasing
trained to support the programme Early in 1950, an investigation number of G.C.A. units scheduled
as it then existed. This consisted was launched into the availability to go into service introduced a re-
of the six units purchased and one of new types of G.C.A. equipment quirement for Canadian-trained
borrowed from the U.S.A.F. for use with a view to augmenting the ori- G.C.A. operators. A small school
at Fort Nelson. ginal six sets. Equipments under was therefore established at Ayl-

attests to the outstanding achieve- ment into operation and, passing cerned by being instrumental in
ment in organization and team- information via the control tower, the recovery of several P-61s.
work that was attained. It is signi- enabled all aircraft to land safely. Gradually, as more sets became
ficant to note that, while the devel- The story of this emergency soon available, the number of G.C.A.
opment was proceeding, production became common knowledge among units in use in operational areas in-
engineers from Gilfillan Brothers, Service flying personnel and creased, and by VE-Day a dozen
a Los Angeles radio manufacturing grew in the telling. The important were located in Europe in addition
firm, were working alongside the initial victory had been achieved. to installations in Alaska, the Aleu-
design staff so that, if the equip- j jk
tian Islands, and the South Pacific.
ment proved acceptable, no time Demonstrations before senior of- Indeed, it has been stated that the
would be lost in getting into pro- ficers of many Services followed, dollar value of B-29s saved by
duction. Thus, by 22 December and general acceptance of the G.C.A. at Iwo Jima more than
1942, the G.C.A. Mark I set the G.C.A. principle and equipment equalled the total cost of the G.C.A.
first true G.C.A. equipment was soon be c a m e fact. Gilfillan development programme. By the
positioned at Quonset Point ready Brothers and Bendix were both au- end of 1945 its use was general.
for its first test. thorized to proceed with the pro- From that time to the present, it
On the morning of 22 December, duction of the G.C.A. Mark I under has continued to serve as a safe
Ensign Griffin, U.S.N., taking off the military designation AN/MPNI and effective landing-aid. Im-
from Quonset in a Navy trainer (modified versions of which are provements have been made and
with the wind-screen soaped over still in use at many locations newer versions of the equipment
and a safety pilot aboard, carried throughout the world). While pro- produced. A steady programme of
out the first completely blind land- duction of this equipment was pro- development promises more refine-
ing under G.C.A. The trials con- gressing, the development group ments with increased operational
tinued, and experimental blind continually sought for improve- advantages for the future.
landings became a routine matter ments, which in due course were
until the afternoon of 1 January incorporated in the production G.C.A. IN THE R.C.A.F.
1943, when a snow-storm closed models. Many R.C.A.F. aircrew had been
down the field at Quonset, bringing In July 1943, the Mark I equip- exposed to G.C.A. during the closing
about the first G.C.A. emergency. A ment was set up and operating at months of 1945. Certainly those
flight of Navy PBYs, due to land R.A.F. Station Elsham, in England, who served with the squadrons of
in half an hour, was overheard by and proved by demonstration the No. 120 (Transport) Wing in Europe
the G.C.A. crew reporting the de- ability of G.C.A. to cope with groups during the winter of 1945-46 will re-
teriorating weather conditions to of aircraft returning from the tain fond memories of the sterling
the control tower and asking for great saturation raids on Germany. performance provided by the unit
assistance. The G.C.A. staff, appre- The tests continued through to at Berlin's Gatow airport. It was
ciating the situation, put the equip- September, and a great deal of in- not until 1947, however, that the
formation on the operational capa- R.C.A.F, entered into an active
Quadradar light-weight equipment. bilities of G.C.A. was obtained. G.C.A. programme involving the
Finally the equipment was turned procurement of equipment.
over to the R.A.F. Coastal Com- To inaugurate its entry into the
mand for operational use until it G.C.A. field, the R.C.A.F. purchased
could be replaced by a production six AN/MPN1C) units from the
model AN/MPNl. By this time, the U.S.A.F., which were immediately
various Allied Services had inaugu- turned over to Gilfillan Bros. for
rated training programmes for modification. To provide a trained
G.C.A. technicians and operators in nucleus of personnel, one telecom-
preparation for the delivery of pro- munications officer, three techni-
duction models, which started in cians, and ten flying control trades-
July 1944. men were sent to San Bernardino,
The first unit to go into service California, where they were given a
in an operational theatre was at a two-month training course in the
U.S.A.A.F. Ninth Air Force night- operation and maintenance of the
fighter base at Verdun, France, in equipment. At the conclusion of
December 1944. In· a few weeks, the training period, the personnel
G.C.A. had proven itself to all con- and equipment were dispersed.

development in the United King-
dom and the United states were
15 1S-MILE RANGE, studied, as was the possibility of
Canadian production. After several
months it was decided that the
AN/CPN4 equipment manufactured
090 by Gilfillan Bros. would be pro-
cured. This equipment, which in-
troduced many improvements upon
the older AN/MPNI set, was de-
signed as a unit suitable for airlift
in C-119 type aircraft.
The initial order for four of these
equipments was placed in March
1950. Arrangements were made
with the U.S.A.F. to provide train-
ing for R.C.A.F. technicians and
operators, and training began in
April 1951. To satisfy an increased
requirement for G.C.A. units to
SEARCH ANTENNA serve the growing number of opera-
tional bases in Canada and Europe,
six additional equipments were or-
dered in August 1951. By December
of the same year, delivery of the
first three equipments had started,
the initial installations being com-
pleted at St. Hubert and North Luf-
Increased activity within Train-
Fig. 1: Search function. ing Command and Air Defence
Command necessitated a further
revision to the number of equip-
Three of the units, along with a Although the desirability of keep- ments ordered, and in June 1952 the
complement of technicians and ing the G.C.A. School in operation total had reached fourteen - a
operators, were sent to London, On- to produce train e d personnel figure that was subsequently raised
tario, to establish a G.C.A. school. against future requirements was to seventeen. After delivery of the
Another party was despatched to generally appreciated, shortages in first ten, a change was made in the
Edmonton to take over control of the Radar Technician and Flying design of the trailers housing the
the R.C.A.F. unit which had been Control trades made this impos- equipment, and the last seven units
operated for some time by U.S.A.F. sible. The school was closed down provided to the R.C.A.F. bore the
personnel. The remaining two in May 1949. The three equipments designation AN/MPNll (B). The
equipments were placed in storage used by the school, along with the difference between the CPN4 and
against future requirements. two held in storage, were installed MPNll (B) equipments is restricted
The G.C.A. School was moved at Summerside, Chatham, Rock- to housing: the CPN4 trailers had
from London to Dorval in 1948, cliffe, Greenwood, and St. Hubert. been designed to facilitate airlift,
where it continued to operate for a The first phase of the R.C.A.F.'s and this requirement was dropped
period of one and a half years. G.C.A. programme had been com- in the MPNll (B). The sets are
During its operation, sufficient pleted. electronically alike.
technicians an d operators were J
By October 1954, the increasing
trained to support the programme Early in 1950, an investigation number of G.C.A. units scheduled
as it then existed. This consisted was launched into the availability to go into service introduced a re-
of the six units purchased and one of new types of G.C.A. equipment quirement for Canadian-trained
borrowed from the U.S.A.F. for use with a view to augmenting the ori- G.C.A. operators. A small school
at Fort Nelson. ginal six sets. Equipments under was therefore established at Ayl-

enabling a completely automatic completion of a safe landing, it is They are essentially a simplified
approach to be executed. given an automatic go-around, as in version of the larger equipment,
Briefly, the A.G.C.A., which is the case of the overtaking aircraft. capable of providing the same
capable of controlling six aircraft Warnings are provided if the moni- services but at a reduced rate.
on final approach at one time, tor equipment indicates that an air- One of these equipments Gil-
works in the following manner. craft is not responding to A.G.C.A. fillan Quadradar- will shortly be
A.G.C.A. Channel 1 scans back signals or is not equipped with the introduced into service by the
and forth over an area ten miles A.G.C.A. airborne element. In this R.C.A.F. This unit weighs some
long and one mile wide along the case, the aircraft may be guided to 2,500 pounds as opposed to 15 tons
final approach path. When an air- a standard G.C.A. approach by voice for an AN/CPN4. As its name im-
craft appears in this area, Channel instruction from the A.G.C.A. mon- plies, it is capable of providing four
1 "locks on" to it and Channel 2 itor operator. functions. In addition to search
takes over the scanning job. As The monitor operator located at and precision displays somewhat
soon as Channel 1 has locked on the A.G.C.A. unit is provided with similar to those available on the
to its target aircraft, this aircraft a complete display of the situation larger G.C.A. sets, the Quadradar
becomes invisible to all other chan- enabling him to take necessary cor- may also be employed as a height-
nels. As each aircraft appears in rective action should a malfunc- finder and airport taxi-control ra-
the scan area, the six channels take tion of the equipment occur. A dar. The operational usefulness of
over the respective aircraft succes- cross-pointer indicator, similar to this equipment, as compared to that
sively. Once an aircraft has been an I.L.S. indicator, is also provided of the more costly and larger units,
locked on to, automatic control on the pilot's instrument panel to will be watched with interest.
signals are passed to the autopilot. permit monitoring of the automatic
The aircraft automatically con- let-down by the pilot. Reference to CONCLUSION
forms to these signals and confirms Figure 3 will help explain the
receipt of the information back to A.G.C.A. function. While an attempt has been nade
the A.G.C.A. unit. It is a matter of record that ap- to provide a background resume
Behind each aircraft, a protective proaches carried out during I.F.R. with a view to general understand-
tail-gate, two miles long, is pro- conditions under A.G.C.A. control ing of G.C.A., considerable detail
vided. Should number 2 aircraft have be en accomplished more has been omitted. Perhaps, in the
start to overtake number 1 and en- smoothly and accurately than those attempt, its complexities have been
ter the latter's tail zone, a warning effected by manual control. No oversimplified. Lest this impres-
bell and light in the overtaking air- doubt we shall hear a great deal sion has been created, it should be
craft and the A.G.C.A. unit are ac- more about A.G.C.A. in the coming stated that in its standard form,
tivated. If aircraft number 2 slows years. G.C.A. equipment utilizes some 1,200
down, nothing further occurs. If, The second development to stir electronic tubes and is extremely
however, the overtake is continued, considerable interest has been the expensive both in initial outlay and
further warning bells and lights are introduction of a number of light- in the skilled staff required to
engaged, and the overtaking air- weight, low-cost G.C.A. equipments. operate and maintain it. There are,
craft is automatically overshot for These units are intended to pro- unfortunately, no inexpensive solu-
another approach after the last vide G.C.A. facilities for airfields tions to the problem of blind land-
aircraft in the A.G.C.A. circuit. where the traffic density does not ing !
In the event of an aircraft failing warrant the expensive outlay that
to keep within limits that ensure a large-scale equipment requires.

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SUMMER, 1956
Another highly successful summer for the Air Cadet movement was
recorded this year when more than 5,500 cadets were engaged in special
activities and advanced training courses. On these pages will be found
pictures of some of the highlights of the various summer projects.

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Cadets of five different countries are shown in this photograph which was taken
as the visiting overseas party arrived in Vancouver for a two-week tour of British
Columbia. Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Holland, and Denmark are represented.

A highlight of the U.S. Civil Air Patrol visit to Canada was a day in Ottawa where the
Mounties put on their Ja111ed 1nusical ride. '

No less than 323 cadets received pilot training this summer at approved flying
schools and clubs across the country. Two hundred and fifty of the lads trained
under R.C.A.F. scholarships, while the remaining 73 received special League awards.
Successful graduates earned private pilots' licences in addition to the Air Cadet Flying

A highlight of the Drill Instructors' Course for 100 cadets held at Camp Borden
was a series of week-end visits to Niagara Falls, Toronto, and other points of interest
in the area.

Fifty-eight Air Cadets made trips overseas by air this summer as part of the League's
international exchange visits scheme. Two of them are shown here beside the bed in
Blenheim Place, where Sir Winston Churchill was born.

n 11
Close to 5,000 cadets attended the three summer camps at Abbotsford, Clinton,
and Greenwood. At camp, the cadets appreciated the opportunity of getting on friendly
terms with actual Service aircraft - in this case, a "Chipmunk" trainer.

A colourful additio11 to the Drill Instructors' Course held at Camp Borden was the
National Drill Competition between the east and west. Cadet R. W. Slaughter, of Win-
nipeg, captain of the winning western squad, accepts the Larry Marsh Trophy from
Air Vice-Marshal J. G. Bryans, C.BE., A.O.C. Training Command.

These smiling cadets were members of the Canadian International Drill team which
defeated a U.S. Civil Air Patrol team in the presence of more than 30,000 spectators at
the Minnesota State Fair, thus bringing the coveted Beau Trophy to Canada for the
sixth time in nine years.



Head of the Food Services Branch, R.C.A.F.

·Neath the crust of the old apple-pie meals in a pleasant environment.

There's something for you and for I. Acceptability of food is recognized
It may be a pin as the paramount factor in the
That the cook's just dropped in, good nutrition and high morale of
Or it may be a dear little fly; Service personnel. The activities of
It may be an old rusty nail, the Food Services Branch are
Or a piece of a pussy-cat's tail- therefore concentrated both on the
But, whatever it be, it's for you and for me provision of highly acceptable
'Neath the crust of the old apple-pie." meals and on the means by which
they can be provided, not only in
(Until fairly recent years, Service diet has been one of the chief sources the "static" unit, but in every cir-
of inspiration for the cartoonist and the camp bard. We have only the cumstance dictated by the exi-
most fragmentary records of the songs which were sung by Caesar's gencies of the Service.
legions as they swung along the roads of Gaul, but we can be pretty sure No hit-and-miss formulae can be
that the disgruntlement of the singers' bellies was well represented in applied to mass feeding if it is to
them. Today, owing to general recognition of the vital part played by be effective and if the results are
proper feeding in the maintenance of morale and efficiency, the Air Force to be satisfactory. Every aspect of
poet has been forced to delete food from the list of his legitimate themes. the problem must be studied, plan-
For, among good airmen, where there are no grounds for complaint, there ned for, and controlled.
can be no worth-while songs. Three guiding principles govern
the provision of food to Service per-
In the following article, Wing Commander Clark describes for us how sonnel in Canada today:
the R.C.A.F. takes care of its personnel's inner men and women. The
• The food must be compatible with
authoress, who graduated in Home Economics from the University of the Canadian standard of living.
Manitoba, began her career with a period as an intern at the University • The food must provide the nutrient
elements essential to the mainten-
of Minnesota Hospital. Immediately before joining the Women's Divi- ance of top physical health and ef-
sion of the R.C.A.F. in 1942, she was employed as a dietitian in the Mont-
• The entitlement of food must be
real General Hospital. After serving for three years as Command Messing equivalent for the Navy, Army, and
Air Force, In all circumstances where
Officer at No. 4 Training Command, she was appointed as Director of similar food requirements will suf-
Dietetic Services in the Dept. of Veterans Affairs. She rejoined the Air ftce.

Force two years later as Head of the Food Services Branch. She is also The co-ordination of ration re-
a past-president of the Canadian Dietetic Association. Editor.) quirements is an inter-Service ac-
tivity carried out by the Joint Serv-
ices Food and Nutritive Committee,
INTRODUCTION ing an armed service is to guard
a sub-committee of the Principal
against the impairment of either
J rs to be doubted if many of the
health or efficiency that would re-
Supply Officers' Committee. The
men and women in the RC.A.F., Defence Research Board Panel on
sult from an inadequate or im- Nutrition, composed of civilian
eating their meals in Air Force
proper intake of food. What Air medical and scientific advisers,
dining-rooms, ever give a second
thought to the complexity of feed- Force personnel do know, however, meets regularly to advise on specific
ing a military force. Even fewer is that they enjoy good food and nutritional requirements for the
stop to reflect that the aim in feed- that they appreciate eating their Serviceman.

supplies is thus ensured by the co-
operative effort of these various


Numerically, the heaviest commit-
ment for feeding R.C.A.F. personnel
has been carried out in the static
situation. A great deal of emphasis
has been placed on this type of
feeding, and considerable improve-
ments have been made. New con-
cepts of mobility, as well as the re-
quirements for small isolated de-
tachments, dispersed squadrons, or
A demonstration at the School of Food Services. flight feeding, can change the pic-
ture abruptly. Means of providing
food in modified forms have to be
RATIONS tion scales, all of them for specific developed from time to time to en-
uses. Air Division units draw sure a feasible logistic support.
With the introduction of the re-
U.S.A.F. rations, which, with slight The necessity for a food research
vised ration scales in 1949, a new
principle was established in feeding modifications in items normally is- and development organization to
all members of the Canadian armed sued to U.S. personnel, have proved assist and advise the three Services
forces. No longer were N.P.F. (non- to be very satisfactory. was recognized in 1950, when the
public funds) grants from Army The most flexible and the most D.R.B. Food Research Group was
and Air Force stations necessary to widely used ration is R.S.l (Ration authorized. Now, for the first time
supplement the basic ration: the Scale 1), which provides a cash al- in the history of the Canadian Serv-
obligation for the provision of food lowance for purchase locally of ices, there is an organization, staf-
became, for the first time, entirely commodities which add variety and fed with scientists and technical
a public commitment. This in it- zest to the meals. The most costly specialists, which can carry out
self was a great step forward. rations, and the most non-perish- original research into food prob-
able and compact, are the Cana- lems and "vet" development in the
Ration requirements vary con- dian Five-man Ration Pack and the whole vast area of food science and
stantly, and the changes have to be Arctic One-man Pack. food technology.
planned and provided for. For ex- The actual supply of rations to
ample, there is no need to remind Food is notably subject to rapid
the Air Force is, of course, the deterioration; it is heavy, bulky,
those who have undergone training responsibility of the Royal Cana-
at the Survival School that the and requires a great deal of time
dian Army Service Corps. The food and a great number of people to
minimum planned intake is 600 itself, however, like other materiel
calories per day. The high-carbo- process, prepare, and serve it. On
and supplies, is purchased by the operations, it may be essential to
hydrate confection, c om m only
Department of Defence Production support Air Force personnel, even if
known as the AFFPl, is survival
in accordance with specifications only for short periods, with foods
feeding in the true sense of the
laid down by the user. The Food which are provided in the form of
word small snacks which pro-
Services Branch is represented at ration packs, or with food that is
vide those food elements most like-
meetings of the Canadian Govern- pre-cooked, dehydrated, or pre-pro-
ly to protect the survivor and bring
ment Specification Board, where cessed in any of a number of ways,
him through the period of priva-
tion. food specifications are detailed, in order to cut down the bulk and
and is consulted in the selection weight and also the number of sup-
At the other end of the food-lad- of the grades and types of food to
der is Ration Scale 3, issued to iso- port personnel required for its prep-
be stocked. As the user, the aration. The field of food technol-
lated northern detachments, with RC.A.F. is also responsible for re-
a maximum caloric value of 5,000 ogy is advancing quickly, and it is
porting complaints to the Army for the responsibility of the Food Re-
calories. Between these two ex- investigation, reinspection, an d
tremes there exist several other ra- search Group to keep the Services
correction. Quality control of food
informed of these advances in so
far as they can be applied to Serv- maker it could be. The wooden
ice requirements. Since this area Services when inter-Service scales
construction was a haven for dry- of issue are recommended by the
of activity cannot be segregated rot and cockroaches. The flooring
from the civilian food industries, Joint Services Food and Nutrition
was continually u n d er repair; Committee. As in the case of food,
and since so much can be gained paint jobs were always under way. definite standards are established
from their experience and knowl- Condensation and lack of ventila- to control the purchase of equip-
edge, a Defence Research Advisory tion provided working conditions ment, either by the Directorate of
committee on Food Technology has almost intolerable to the staff. The Inter-Service Development or by
been set up. Its meetings, like bake-ovens, no matter how tenderly the Canadian Government Specifi-
those of the Panel on Nutrition, are cared for, burned food just as read- cation Board in co-operation with
attended by Service representatives, ily as they baked; ovens intended D.I.D. The user is responsible in
who gain a great deal from the ex- for roasting could often barely this instance also for the initial
change of information and ideas, warm a plate. Grates collapsed, selection of the standard and type
and are able to present their prob- and the continual. outpouring of of the equipment, as well as for lay-
lems at first hand. ashes tried the patience of the ing down its functional require-
most saintly. ments. Service kitchens are now
THE SERVICE KITCHEN Today's modern kitchen, on the entitled to a full line of equipment
Any consideration of the provi- other hand, is a pleasure to work such as would be found in any
sion of meals will inevitably lead to in. It has been planned functional- modern civilian installation.
ly around its requirements. It has
the important subject of accom-
all the necessary working areas and MANAGEMENT
modation. Out of the Second World
adequate refrigeration. It is clean- No one who has had any experi-
war kitchen came millions of meals,
able and durable, has good lighting ence in the field of preparing food
and no one will discredit the noble
and ventilation, and its various in large quantities will ever deny
role it played. Nor will anyone con-
working areas have been related the importance of adequate food
cerned with food services or con-
with ease of operation in mind. Pos- supplies and first-rate production
struetion engineering during that
sibly its greatest boon is to be found facilities. However, the best mate-
era ever forget what a trouble- in the modern thermostatically rial resources and rations possible
controlled bake-ovens, roast-ovens, will not, of themselves, ensure good
Lunch in the Airmen's Mess. griddle tops, and ranges. Canopies meals. The "priceless ingredient"
are designed to withdraw heat; no of the good meal is, and probably
longer are they vast areas of over- always will be, the human element
hanging and inadequately ventil- the skill and enthusiasm of the
ated metal sheaths resembling me- cooks and the food services atten-
diaeval torture-chambers, u n d e r dants, the N.C.O. supervisors, and
which personnel worked and swel- the food services specialist officers.
tered. Having known the inade- Badly manned food service in-
quacies of the war-time mess so stallations in Service or civilian life
well, the Food Services Branch was are extravagant, inefficient, and in-
more than enthusiastic when asked variably productive of poor meals.
to co-operate in the preparation of There is just no magic wand which
the plans for the permanent stand- can be applied to food services.
ard accommodation. Every single aspect of the many
In terms of manpower, food-serv- problems must be analyzed, evalu-
ice activities make no small de- ated, scheduled, and controlled; all
mands. In fact, they require a sub- the principles of Service manage-
stantial percentage of the total ment must be put into effect in the
personnel on any unit. Every pos- organization, supervision, and dele-
ible means must therefore be gation of work. Consistently good
s1I,, use meals have never been turned out
found to make the maximum
of mechanical equipment and, by by providing staff under a roster-
employing only high-quality equip- system: hundreds of thousands of
dollars' worth of food can be wasted
t to minimize the maintenance
men, idi :in
required for it. This guiding pr) I- annually if any part of its prepara-
ciple is now accepted by all three tion or service is delegated to the

untrained or the unwilling. Food, a full knowledge of meal costing, the apple pie will be even better.
4 k
if it is badly prepared or shame- budgeting, purchasing, and cost
fully served, has gone through controls. With the rapid developments
every process of production, pro- The local supervisor must set the taking place now in the fields of
cessing, grading, packaging, pur- food standards and ensure that food technology and mass food-
chase, and transportation, only to they are maintained. He must also processing, the large-quantity Serv-
find its way, uneaten, into the gar- know how to deal with daily griev- ice kitchen of the future may have
bage pail- thus failing completely ances of his staff, he must under- many reduced functions. It is quite
in its purpose of nourishing those stand the technicalities of obtain- conceivable that frozen pre-cut or
for whom it was intended. ing rations and supplies, and he freeze-dried meats will be used en-
The RC.A.F., appreciating the must be thoroughly familiar with tirely that prepared mixes will be
foregoing facts, recognized food all aspects of food sanitation. The in common use in the preparation
services as a specialized commit- initial indoctrination of the worker of baked products. It is possible
ment when it established the Food is another of his responsibilities, now that radiation preservation of
Services Officers' List and provided and he must see that the endless foods will reduce substantially the
top grouping for the highly quali- process of on-the-job training is requirements for refrigeration. The
fied N.C.O. Food Services supervisors carried out and that trade advance- day may also come when the ra-
and superintendents. It also opened ment classes are not neglected. tions indent will be used to draw a
career fields for personnel engaged When he knows and does all these 1000 pre-cooked frozen dinners or
fully in the food services trades and things, his efforts are reflected in 1000 pre-processed dehydrated
it established positions for the em- consistently good food, in the high meals ready for flash-rehydration
ployment of full-time civilian work- morale and productivity of his staff, and heating. In 1956, however, we
ers in addition to Service men and in clean kitchens and dining-halls, are still some years from the real-
women. and in well ordered and controlled ization of such concepts.
• • food supplies. Today, the Service kitchen is still
No one will dispute the statement 4 l a large manufacturing and food
that good management is the key- Fortunately, there are many men production centre. An R.C.A.F. unit
note to the success of any opera- and women who have aptitudes and with an average ration strength of
tion. But what does "management" real eagerness for food work. Given 1000 personnel serves more than a
mean as applied to food services? a favourable working environment, million meals a year (from public
It means the never-ending process a clear statement of their duties sources) at a cost of approximately
of planning by the hour, by the day, and responsibilities, and an under- $350,000 for food alone. Add to this
by the week, and by the month, for standing of the aims, such people the food purchased, cooked, and
each of the 365 days of the year. will constantly improve their tech- served for casual meals and social
The menu is the basic planning- niques. Whether they cut meat, functions, and the total raw-food
tool, for, while it ensures the varie- bake, roast, broil, prepare vege- cost is more likely to exceed
ty and adequacy of meals, it also tables or salads, or whether $400,000. When one considers that
dictates the work-load of the kit- they clean, scrub, wash dishes or food costs represent only about one
chen and must take into account serve food, they are doing an half of the total related expendi-
the working capacities of staff and essential and worth-while job. Ca- tures for meal service, it will be
the limitations of equipment. Or- nadians are far behind Europeans appreciated that the operation of
ganization charts, duty analyses, in giving recognition to the ac- the R.C.A.F.'s 126 kitchens is an
work-sheets, shift and leave sched- complishments, skills, and artis- expensive business.
ules all must be prepared. Pro- try of those engaged in the prep-
duction control must be effected by aration and service of food. None TRAINING
the use of standardized recipes and the less, we have numerous trades- In order to man the many food
standard techniques. Supervision men and civilians in the Food Serv- services installations with efficient
must be provided. Time schedules ices Branch who have been with the and well trained tradesmen, No. 1
must govern food production to en- R.C.A.F. for many years. This can School of Food Services was opened
sure the freshness of the food and only mean that somewhere along in 1954. The school is operated as
the retention of its nutrient quali- the line someone has said: "Joe, a simulated R.C.A.F. mess. The
ties. The heavy N.P.F. commitment that was a really good apple pie!" tradesmen actually engaged in the
in the Air Force today, as well as That is the type of comment that preparation and service of food are
the introduction into the ration keeps food services personnel with given instruction in large-quantity
scale of a cash allowance, requires us and ensures that the next time food production, while the senior

ably pleasanter by the provision of
personalized meals of top quality.
u ,
The crews of high-performance air-
craft are now being called on to
select meals from foods which will
best ensure their maximum phys-
ical efficiency on the ground and
in the air. Food services personnel
will have their imagination and re-
sourcefulness taxed in the extreme
to ensure that such food modifica-
tions as may be required for aircrew
are always available at the right
time and place.
We have tried here to show that
food work is not quite the simple
process - dull, monotonous, and
repetitious that some think it to
A modern R.C.A.F. kitchen.
be. Food services personnel know
that it is a hard, demanding oc-
cupation, calling on every bit of pa-
N.C.O. supervisors and superinten- revealed many focal points for at- tience, energy, imagination, and
dents are provided with a refresher tention. One of considerable ur- initiative they can muster. At the
course in the techniques of kitchen gency is a revaluation by units of same time (and most of them will
and dining-room management. The the essential and non-essential admit it) there is still "a joy in
benefit of this type of training is commitments imposed on a staff cooking" and a great personal sa-
becoming more and more evident provided to meet only the public- tisfaction to be found in contri-
throughout the R.C.A.F. today. fund food requirements. Another buting at all levels to such an im-
Although the Air Force enjoys to be emphasized is flight feeding. portant and indispensable support
an almost across-the-board reputa- More guidance is now planned for element of the R.C.A.F. As long as
tion for its food services, this is not the benefit of the hospitalized pa- their enthusiasm is fostered and
a situation which can be accepted tient, as it is well recognized that their activities are fully supported,
as permanent. Effort cannot be re- his return to health can be hastened complacency and indifference are
laxed; for, in a matter of weeks, by ensuring an optimum level of unlikely to set in, and the men and
standards can change with alarm- nutrition or a modified dietary re- women of the Air Force will con-
ing rapidity. The springconference gime. In either case, his stay in tinue to be among the best-fed
of the Command MessingOfficershospital can be rendered consider- men and women in the world.

,,,,.., ·' ··O:.~· ' :."'

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,/;:t·> . . ,,
Twin Mach-Busters
%I ,._,,. ,"
. ·'
Identical twins, · Flying Officers
Bernard and Gerald Gower, are
shown holding their "Mach-Bus-
ter's". certificates. Members of the
"Mach-Buster's Club" must have
exceeded the speed of sound. The
twins are both serving with No. 2
(Fighter) Wing, in France.



No. 5 Air Division Headquarters, Vancouver.

(In this, her third article for The Roundel", Flying Officer Soucy A steward responded. "Go top-
finds herself considerably less at home on an ocean liner than in the side till you reach 'B' deck," he said.
cockpit of an aircraft. Her two earlier articles were "Sou and the CF-100° "Then walk for'ard a way, turn
and 'Intercept", the former describing her first trip in a long-range jet starboard, back for'ard, and follow
fighter, and her second an exercise in which she took part while on course the passageway till you reach the
at Tyndall Air Force Base.-Editor.) companionway. Then go below to
'D' deck. When you get ••
One curious fact seemed to emerge
<6KX/s,r you need," my friends as- pointless. He took the ticket, in- from this double- talk:
sured me, "is a rest. And there's cluding the part which said ".. "I go up to get down?"
nothing so restful as an ocean will be retained by passenger.. ", "Aye-aye," he agreed cheerfully.
voyage." and in its place he handed me a I turned in the direction indicated
"I'd get seasick," I protested. long green form. and immediately fell over a foot-
"Nonsense. You'll have a won- "Fill this out and give it to the high doorstep.
derful trip." purser by five this afternoon at the "Someone," I said with great re-
rd rather fly." latest," he ordered, eyeing me with straint, "forgot to level out the
Why, Sou, you're not nervous, suspicion. floor."
are you?" Then he turned me over to a burly "Oh, that's deliberate. You may
"In words of one syllable, yes." warder who herded me into the appreciate it if we hit rough
"Ha, ha, ha! We'll get you a depths of the vessel, thrust me into weather."
schedule of shipping dates ... " a numbered cell, and left me to my I sat looking at the obstruction
I got my ticket. It looked rather own devices. Rushing to the port- and trying to imagine what sort of
like a two-sheet country newspaper hole, I saw that I was still above weather might make me appreciate
and it read like a forecast of disas- the water-line. I looked about in a thing like that. I shuddered.
ter: ®.. said company is not re- the hope of spotting an ejection
"Where," I asked, as casually as
sponsible for missed connections, gear. None was visible, and I possible, "are the lifeboats located?"
loss of baggage, mid-ocean sink- realized that the only way out was
"Topside. We'll have a boat-drill
ings, murder, mayhem, or madness through the bustling labyrinths this afternoon" - and I thought I
of passengers resulting from this outside my door.
heard him mutter under his breath
voyage ..." No wonder they took By the time a few tugs and sev- just in case."
my money before they showed me eral hundred whistles had pulled us
the ticket! We had the boat-drill. Bundled
afloat, the panic on board seemed into a primitive sort of Mae West,
Eventually, I found myself on a to have decreased to about the pro-
Montreal dock beside my flight-bag, portions of a Montreal Christmas- I found my way with great ease to
which lay forlornly grounded in the shopping rush; so I made a recon- the wrong muster-station. Looking
shadow of mountains of sea-bag- naissance sortie. Finding a way to at the number of people lined up
gage. and then at the sample-sized boat
go was easy: halls led in every being lowered creakily outside the
"You boarding this ship?" some- direction. None of them, however,
body official asked me. promenade, I concluded that half
seemed to lead anywhere in par- the other passengers must also have
Since I was holding my ticket in ticular. I returned to base and
my hand, denial would have been called "May Day" on the buzzer. come to the wrong station- I
I thought of the Titanic and be-
gan to ask if we were in iceberg come out to sample the invigorating added to my confusion in getting
sea air. My protest that I had
waters; but just then a loud speak- around. Every hall and corridor
sampled it from the coast was of
er interrupted with a briefing on forward, aft, mid-section, topside,
no avail: I was shepherded out to below, or sideways looked the
emergency ejection procedures. On
watch the shuffleboard. Huddled in same. The only difference between
the second sentence the loud speak-
my jacket, which the invigorating them lay in certain indecipherable
er ceased to function. A junior of- sea air was doing its best to tear
ficer dashed madly up some stairs hieroglyphics on the walls. These,
from me, I watched, in complete someone told me, were supposed to
(I mean, a companionway) and
apathy, heroic souls in shirtsleeves direct passengers to their muster
presently the loud speaker resumed playing games. Fortunately, they
with a concluding sentence. stations if (or, as I felt convinced,
drew everyone else's attention more when) the ship sank. At first I
Meanwhile a sailor came along our than they did mine, so I was able
ranks, telling us how important it tried asking my way of any stray
to sneak back to the lounge. Here I member of the crew whom I hap-
was that we tie our lifebelt cords discovered, by trying to move one of
in a reef-knot. Since he demon- pened to meet; but, since I soon
them into a more convenient posi- came to realize from their expres-
strated by tying my neighbour's tion, that all the chairs were
cord in a granny-knot, I felt that sions that it was customary to keel-
chained to the floor a fact which haul bothersome passengers, I de-
he must have lacked faith in the filled me with further foreboding.
recommended procedure. sisted after the first day or so and
My fears proved needless. Al- simply called upon the gods of
Later, I filled out the long green though the weather roughened, I chance every time I stirred from the
form. It contained an array of had no seasickness to distract me cabin.
personal questions which cast doubt from the dangers and difficulties A minor embarrassment which I
on my antecedents, loyalty, ideo- of the trip. The chief inconve- experienced from the boat's motion
logy, motives for travelling, and my nience that the motion of the vessel was the difficulty of taking a
whole approach to the matter of occasioned me was in the matter of shower. A ship's shower-stalls are,
Customs. If the ship did sink, I my own movements. It is awkward like all other shower-stalls, built on
thought, they wouldn't even bother to move one's foot up and down un- strictly vertical lines. Thus, when
about rescuing such a threat to so- less one knows which way is "up" you suddenly find yourself lying on
ciety as they seemed to consider and which is "down" and that is the wall and watching the water
me. a question not easily decided when fall at an angle which a lifetime's
That evening, since we were still floors are liable to become walls at experience tells you to be quite
afloat, I retired almost with com- any minute, and vice versa. impossible, you are hard put to it
placency. The feeling lasted until There was another factor that to understand what is happening.
morning, when I awoke and gazed
out of the porthole over my bunk.
For a brief moment I glimpsed a
rolling seascape of undoubted im-
pressiveness; the next instant I was
slapped in the face by a ton of
grey water.
In one leap I had crossed the
cabin and was hanging by my fin-
gernails from the opposite wall,
which was now tilted above my
bunk. As it swung back to a loca-
tion partially underfoot, I realized
that the ocean had not got in after
all. I pulled my nails out of the
steel bulkhead and allowed the next
roll to slide me back into bed, where
I firmly proposed to remain buried
for the rest of the voyage.
My cabinmates, however, had
different ideas. Presently they
dragged me up, insisting that I

And when, a moment later, you fall working right now, but we always signal for the couples to lurch to
down through the shower curtain have a man up in the crow's-nest their feet and begin staggering in
you begin to suspect that someone out there"pointing to a tiny shack all directions (at once) across the
has suddenly repealed the law of high on a mast forward of the floor, supporting each other and
gravity. One solution to the problem bridge - "who acts as look-out." dodging their falling neighbours.
is to close the eyes and balance by Forestalling my comment on The dance comes to a temporary
feel instead of sight; but this raises modern methods, he led us up on halt whenever the tilting of the
another problem. Just as you grope to the flying bridge. Here, having deck manages to throw the whole
for the soap, the dish holding it already shown us the main wheel company against one of the walls.
recedes and you are left thrashing in the wheel-house, and the auxil- The survivors then fight clear and
wildly in mid-air. iary wheel on the bridge, he showed look about for more stalwart part-
One of the highlights of the trip us the third one. When asked ners with whom to face the next
was a tour of the bridge. Clutching about its purpose, he admitted melee.
the heaving rail: casually that this one was "in case In such gentle pastimes as these
'Why," I hesitantly asked the both the others are broken." our long voyage was whiled away;
well-scrubbed young officer who But, despite the crew's all-too- and at last we approached land. I
was showing us around, "do they evident doubts, the ship obstinately looked forward eagerly to becoming
call this part a 'bridge' ?" held together, and after a day or so reacquainted with it. Only one final
Why, that's quite reasonable," I had become sufficiently relaxed to hurdle remained to be cleared. Re-
he replied. "It's above the rest of go and see the afternoon movie. membering the green form, and
the ship and extends from side to This was shown in a room on the wondering if the Captain had ra-
side, like a bridge." top deck-which, naturally, swayed dioed ahead that I was coming, I
"But a bridge starts somewhere more than any other part of the finally dis em b ark e d and ap-
and ends somewhere else, connect- ship. The darkness of the room proached-Customs.
ing the roads on each side of some seemed to emphasize the motion, "This yours?" asked a uniformed
obstruction. This doesn't connect and I spent the two hours not so man, separating my little flight-
anything to anything." much in enjoying the show as in bag from a mountain of trunks.
Well, it -er -ah, here we have waiting for the splash as we tip- "Yes," I admitted; and, before I
the wheelhouse! This is the main ped over completely. It was the could even begin to tell him that
compass, and this is the auxiliary. first movie I had watched through my aspirin tablets were not heroin,
This is the second auxiliary ... " a hundred-and-eighty-degree arc. he had scribbled an initial on it
I muttered something about the In addition to movies, we had and waved me on.
apparent dependability of their horse-racing (a game in which the I had survived the voyage. With
compasses, and the young man horses were wooden counters) and lifting heart, I realized that all
hastily directed our attention to the what was known as "dancing". Europe lay open before me. But
cubby-hole containing the ship's This latter sport, on a ship, bears before I plunged headlong into its
radar. a slight resemblance to that of the delights, I must find a booking-
"Now, this is our main anti-col- same name on land: both are ac- agent.
lision device," he lectured, and companied by music. There the I must exchange my return boat-
spoke a few words about the work- similarity ends. On land, a dancing- ticket for a reservation on a 'plane.
ing of radar. As the passengers partner is an adjunct; on a ship,
craned their necks at it, he added he is a necessity. The first notes
off-handedly: "Of course, it's not of a ship's dance-band are the

one should en
s, however, .s it an-
Beggar», ·+th! Verily i
urely do away """,,to them, and
noyeth one to 6',,t to give unto
it annoyeth 011€
11 (Nietzsche.)

NATIONAL EXECUTIVE Stewart, well-known Hollywood
COUNCIL MEETING actor. The problems encountered
The annual meeting of the Na- in this field were ably discussed by
tional Executive Council of the leaders in the fields of science, in-
dustry, technology, and labour.
Royal Canadian Air Force Associa-
tion will be held in Ottawa on Manpower presents a great prob-
Thursday and Friday, November
em to the United States Air Force
today. The great need is for highly
22nd and 23rd.
trained technical personnel. The
short term of service applicable to
U.5.A.F.A.'S U.S. Servicemen is a continuing
10TH ANNUAL CONVENTION problem: no sooner is a man
Air Vice-Marshal F. G. Wait, trained than his term of service ex-
C.B.E., National President of the Mr. Gill Robb Wilson (left), president of
R.C.A.F. Association, accompanied Guided Missile Conference
the US.A.F.A, and Air Vice-Marshal F. G.
Wait at the Convention,
by Mr. J. C. Gray, National Secre-
tary, attended the Tenth Annual Speakers at this Conference in-
Convention of the United States Air cluded the Honourable James H.
Force Association at New Orleans Douglas, Under-Secretary of the
have to offer. The display was
on August 1st to 5th. Regular Air Air Force, supported by generals of open to the public, and drew capa-
Force Officers attending the Con- the Air Force's guided missiles pro- city crowds. This part of the pro-
vention included Group Capt. R. W. gramme. An Air Force spokesman gramme was engineered by the "In-
McNair, D.S.O., D.F.C., Group Capt. said that "guided missiles, in the dustrial Associates" of the Associa-
G. H. Newsome, A.F.C., Wing Cdr. not-too-distant future, will replace tion.
J. R. D. Braham, D.S.O., D.F.C., piloted aircraft on about half the
A.F.C., Wing Cdr. A. G. Lawrence, missions of Strategic Air Command
and a third of those of Tactical Air Air Power Luncheon
D.F.C., A.F.C., and Wing Cdr. C. L.
Gervais. Command." The guest speaker was General
Nathan F. Twining, Chief of Staff.
A total of 2,400 registered dele- Air Power Panorama In his address, General Twining
gates and 1600 guests were pres- The Municipal Auditorium at New said: "Our airplanes and equipment
ent; and Mr. John Henebry, of Orleans provided a display of the are the world's best. I was certain
Chicago, was elected president for best aviation developments that of this before my visit behind the
the coming year. science, industry, and the Air Force Iron Curtain, and I saw nothing in
The A.F.A. business sessions were
conducted in a manner very similar
to our own Convention routine, and
the problems discussed were much
the same as ours. The membership AIR MARSHAL W. A. BISHOP
strength of the American Air Force As we write these lines, the death of Air Marshal W. A. Bishop
Association, which of course in- has just been announced. The R.C.A.F. Association has sent a
cludes associate members, is 42,000. tribute of flowers, accompanied by a message expressing all its
The 'membership in the A.F.A. was
increased last year by 11,000 as a members' deep regret at the passing of one of the greatest fighting
result of an all-out drive. The pilots of the First World War. To quote from an editorial in
membership renewal rate continues The Ottawa Journal, in his slipstream was the inspiration of a
to be 80%. multitude of those who came after him in the clear trails of the
The specific theme of this year's · an ·mnspnu,.
air, iration we remember today as we
+ mourn the death
Convention was "Manpower in the of this brave Canadian.
Jet Age". The moderator for the
Air Power Symposium was James

Moscow to make me change my August issue of "The Roundel", the
mind." He also rem arked that "Rus- name was omitted of Air Vice-Mar-
sia has provided many incentives shal K. M. Guthrie, C.B., C.B.E, im-
to its tactical and scientific men mediate past-president.
and for this reason we in the West
are challenged now as we have LIFE MEMBERSHIP
never been in the past." In accordance with a change in
j j i our by-laws, which has been ap-
Since his return from New Or- proved by the Secretary of State,
leans, Air Vice-Marshal Wait has any person eligible for regular
expressed his opinion that our own membership or serving membership
Association has some way to go be- in the Association may become a
fore we should undertake any of regular life-member or serving life-
the bigger projects tackled by the member of the Association upon
American Association. Perhaps we payment of the life-membership
have no desire to go quite as far fee of $50.00, providing that such Flt. Lt. M. E. Ferguson.
as they do, but there are many good person shall have had continuous ance were the Lieutenant-Govern-
projects sponsored by them that we service in the Association for a or and Mrs. Louis Breithaupt, Pre-
should eventually consider. period of five years.
mier and Mrs. Leslie Frost, Mayor
As a first step, he feels, we should and Mrs. N. Phillips, and Air Mar-
continue unceasingly to increase
The North American premiere of shal C. R. Siemon, Chief of the Air
our membership; secondly, we must
"Reach for the Sky" was held in Staff.
pursue our efforts to obtain the full
support of Industry, both by means Toronto on September 20th. The
film is the story of Group Captain NEW E.A. TO
of Industrial Memberships and in NATIONAL PRESIDENT
Douglas Bader's life.
other ways. A strong Association,
working hand in hand with indus- The premiere was sponsored by Flt. Lt. M. E. Ferguson has been
try, could become, in Canada, as the three Toronto Wings of the As- recently appointed as Executive As-
influential a body as the American sociation- Nos. 437 (York) Wing, sistant to the National President.
Association is in the United States. 408 (Toronto) Wing, and 430 (War- He succeeds Flt. Lt. R. J. Palmer.
saw) Wing under the chairman- Flt. Lt. Ferguson was Command
CORRECTION ship of Mr. George Penfold. The Air Cadet Liaison Officer for 8
It is regretted that in listing the proceeds will be used for Air Cadet years. His knowledge of Air Cadet
members of the National Executive flying scholarships. work will prove very valuable in as-
Council for 1956-57 in the July- Air Vice-Marshal F. G. Wait was sisting Wings which now sponsor
Mr. G. A. Ault, Q.C. and former R.C.A.F.
host for the occasion, and he was Air Cadet Squadrons, as well as in
wing commander, who has recently been accompanied by Mrs. Wait. Among advising those Wings which are
appointed as the Association's legal adviser.
the distinguished guests in attend- desirous of engaging in this work.


(The scientist's) religious feeling flection. This feeling is the guiding

takes the form of a rapturous principle of his life and work, in so
amazement at the harmony of na- far as he succeeds in keeping him-
tural law, which reveals an intelli- self from the shackles of selfish
gence of such superiority that, desire. It is beyond question close-
compared with it, all the systematic ly akin to that which has possessed
thinking and acting of human the religious geniuses of all ages.
beings is an utterly insignificant re- (Einstein.)


only oasis in the area is the local

bar. There are, however, compensa-
tions. Beautiful Moroccan leather-
goods, colourful tapestries, and rugs
of Persian design can be obtained
from the natives at reasonable
rates. For the gourmet there is
kush-kush, fried squid, and other
[ r Black Forest of Germany and exotic Arab food to be obtained in
period of time, the field at Rabat the various restaurants. The air-
the lush vineyards of France may is a scene of constant activity. For
be a continent away from the blis- field and surrounding area, lying
the squadrons it offers a chance to between the Atlas mountains and
tering plains of French Morocco, act on their own, independently of the sea, face the Atlantic ocean,
but to the men of the R.C.A.F. Air their wing. Both the pilots and the and a beach only three miles from
Division, the trip is all part of their armourers enjoy actually using the airport makes it possible to
regular routine. their guns instead of merely going take frequent off-duty dips.
In February 1954, when No. 1 Air through the motions.
Division of the R.C.A.F. was seeking Recreational activities have not Postscript
a gunnery range to keep its fighter been neglected for personnel serv- When No. 444 Squadron returned
pilots in practice, the French Air ing at Rabat. The R.C.A.F. has a from its latest tour at Rabat, it left
Force offered the use of its base bus which takes officers and air- behind it, in a tiny grave, the
and range at Rabat, in N. Africa. men on sightseeing trips to Rabat, squadron mascot. The friendly little
Each of the 12 fighter squadrons Fez, and Casablanca. Romantic mongrel pup had been adopted
based in Europe are sent there, one souls who expect to be reminded of shortly after the squadron's arrival,
at a time, for a three-week period the Arabian Nights are invariably and it had been christened "Elmo
of gunnery training. As soon as one disappointed. No camels undulate Gravi" a nectar quite popular
squadron completes its tour, it re- across the burning sands, and the in Morocco.
turns to its base in France or Ger-
many and is replaced by another. Left to right: Flying Officers F. G. Hannah, W. V. Closs, and D. A. Vann, leaving the
When moving-day arrives, the walled cty of Rabat.
squadron pilots leave their base
and, four flying-hours later, rejoin
their groundcrew who have been
airlifted to Rabat by North Star.
The French Air Force base is well
suited to the job on hand. The
range is located just a few minutes'
flying-time from the aerodrome,
thus eliminating the need for drop-
tanks, and the Moroccan weather
is ideal.
To add a little zest to the air-to-
air firing, each pilot participates in
the shoot for the Chadburn Trophy.
This trophy, named after a famous
Canadian fighter pilot of the Sec-
ond World War, is awarded to the
wing which obtains the highest
annual average in gunnery. The
average is obtained by assigning to
each pilot one exercise on which he
is given marks that go to make up
his wing's total score.
With a full schedule of work to be
carried out in a comparatively brief
ps, »

. ,. ~

Elmo, an orphan found wander-

A. ···~·
·> ·w,
ing around the airfield, soon won'
the hearts of everybody. He would
romp about on the flight line, and
he was treated as a full-fledged
member of the squadron.

One sunny morning, however,

shortly before the squadron return-
ed to Germany, Elmo Gravi came
to an unhappy end. While perform-
ing his daily antics for the crews,
Elmo suddenly fell on his side,
writhed in pain, and passed away
after a few short moments of suf-
fering. Examinations revealed that
the little fellow had been bitten by
a scorpion.
At a funeral held on the airfield,
full military honors were paid to
him. His small grave is marked by Cpl. N. J. Greentree enjoys a familiarization trip on a ship of_ the desert outside the
city of Fez. The type on which he will later be checked out will be fitted with opera-
a ring of empty cannon-shells, with tional controls just forward of the hump.
a wooden plaque at the head. The
plaque is suitably inscribed with
Sqn. Ldr. E. Herbertson holds the Lloyd Chadburn Trophy, which depicts two eagles in
Elmo Gravi's name and a brief de- combat over the globe of the earth.
scription of his service with No. 444.
The last line reads:
"Dog Gone"

Cpl. V. O. Campbell visits the Roman ruins

at Chellah, near Rabat.


('Do not imagine", writes Sgt. Shatterproof, "that I send you the en- (c) The pen Is mightier than the
closed in protest against the administrative training given to our per- sword. (Bulwer Lytton, in 'Riche-
sonnel. My questionnaire is intended merely to supplement the regular (d) Friendship Is constant. . . save In
Service courses, and is designed to lend a little additional sparkle to the the office and affairs of love.
(Dale Carnegie, In "How to Win
conversation of such graduates as may, at some time in their careers Friends and Influence People".)
find themselves in the salons of the cognoscenti" We have checked the 5. On those very rare occasions·
more technical questions with Mr. John Macoun, Assistant Chief of the when the airwoman typist
customs and Excise Laboratory, who has helped us on several similar makes an error, she usually
occasions in the past. As it turned out, it was fortunate that we did. The uses a pencil-type eraser made
old wardog's general knowledge of metallurgy seems to have suffered of:
from his long preoccupation with Brass, and his original answer to ques-
(a) Rubber, carborundun, and bleach.
tion 9 might well have led to some unpleasantness with the manufac- (b) Polyethylene and sand.
turers of a much-advertised toothpaste. The correct answers appear on (c) Vulcanized vegetable oils.
page 32.Editor.) (d) Rubber, chalk, and clay.

6. Prominent among the men who

1. "Red tape" is a phrase applied typists. The world's record for developed shorthand in England
by the intelligent to needlessly typing is: was the poet:
complex bureaucratic proce- (a) 159 words per minute, maintained (a) Alexander Pope.
dures, and by the unintelligent for 1 hour without error (in 1918). ( b) Percy Bysshe Shelley.
( b) 280 words per minute for two min- (c) John Keats.
to any form of systematic pro- utes (1955). (d) John Byron.
cedure whatsoever. It had its (c) 95 words per minute for 30 min-
utes, without error (1939). 7. A Chicago screw is:
origin in the red tape which (d) 63 words per minute, without er-
was formerly in general use for ror, for 23 hours 46 minutes (1942). (a) A guard In the Illinois State Pent-
tying up official documents. 4. Followed in parentheses by the (b) A type of screw used in the
The word "bureaucratic" is de- name of its author is the quota- R.C.A.F. with loose-leaf binders.
rived from the Greek "kratos", (c) A burglar-proof fastening used on
tion- filing-cabinets.
meaning rule", and: (d) The local term for a stockyard ex-
(a) Skewered through and through ecutive whose mind has become·
(a) The Old Latin "burrus", "red". with office-pens, and bound hand unhinged by the smell of blood.
and foot with red tape. (Karl
(b) The Spanish "burro", "ass". Marx, in "Das Kapital".)
(c) The Old French "burel", "coarse 8. A highly toxic form of alcohol
(b) A cold world, Curtis, In every of-
cloth". fice but thine. (The Hon. Brooke is contained in the:
(d) The English "bur", In Its sense of Claxton. former Minister of Na-
"something hard to shake off". tional Defence, to the then C.A.S.) (a) Thermometers used in R.C.A.F. of-
2. About eighteen months ago the (b) Liquid Ink-eraser found on many
Supply Branch, in defiance of (c) Fluid with which the typist cleans
all the finer traditions of calli- her type.
(d) Oil with which she oils her ma-
graphy, began to issue ball- chine.
point pens throughout the Serv-
9. The gold nib of the fountain-
ice. The fluid contained in pen used by the adjutant who
these pens is made of: stands firm against the ball-
(a) A coal-tar dye in an organic sol- point is tipped with:
(b) A mixture of oak-galls and mark- (a) Irlum.
ing-ink. (b) Iridium.
(c) Glycerine and methylene blue. (c) Vanadium.
(d) A vegetable dye and deodorized (d) Vitriol.
10. sawdust makes its contribution
3. Typewriters were first developed to the efficient administration
in 1870. A minimum of 35 of the R.C.A.F. by serving as:
words per minute is required of
(a) Stuffing for the chairs Issued to
those dedicated women who as- officers of air rank.
pire to serve their Queen as
(b) A floor-covering In the C.O.'s of- glued flap of the small brown
flce at very isolated detachments. 14. Not a trade-name is:
(c) The Insulating-material used in (a) Dictaphone. envelopes (G.76) provided by
walls. the Supply Branch, he is taking
(b) Linguaphone.
(d) The polishing agent for the pins
supplied to the Government. (c) Audiphone. into his august system a cer-
(d) Teletype. tain amount of:
11. Sympathetic ink:
15. In no country can the word (a) Dextrin, a derivative of starch.
(a) Is an ink made from the calcined "clerk" be correctly applied to (b) Horse-hide.
bark or the weeping-willow.
(b) Changes its colour with the tem- a: ( C) Fish-heads.
perature. (d) Ricin, an albumen of the castor
(c) Is the correct name for "invisible" (a) Shop assistant. seed.
ink. the marks of which become (b) Doctor.
visible after treatment with chem- (c) Member of the armed services. 19. The busy typist who is over-
icals. (d) Master mariner.
(d) Does not expand under reduced heard muttering something
atmospheric pressure. and is there- 16. General Wolfe blotted his signa- about a "tree", is most likely:
fore carried on the R.C.A.F.'s C-5
for the use of V.I.P. passengers. ture with sand. The RC.A.F. (a) Referring to some regrettable Im-
12. The adjutant in Caesar's day, if uses: passe reached by the adjutant.
(b) Reminding herself that she must
he wrote any DR.Os at all, (a) Cotton rags. type her letter In triplicate.
wrote them: (b) Pure cellulose. (c) Typing a memorandum to all
(c) Ground wood-pulp. Branches.
(a) With a stylus on waxed tablets. (d) A mixture of rags and wood-pulp. (d) Annoyed by the crinkling of the
(b) With a quill pen on parchment. paper in her machine.
(c) With a brush on papyrus. 17. Should the polished adjutant
(d) With a piece of lead on a clay find himself at a loss for an an- 20. In many well-run offices, nitro-
tablet. glycerine is frequently used:
tonym, his best course would be
13. The sealing-wax which helps to look for one in: (a) For blowing up safes.
to protect the R.C.A.F.'s secrets (a) The Station Hospital. (b) By sufferers from cardiac trouble.
from the ubiquitous eyes of sub- (b) Roget's Thesaurus'. (c) In the liquid of the thermostat's
version, contains: (c) The Station Fire-hall.
(d) By diabetic members of the staff,
(d) C.A.P. 460, '"Manual of Service instead of sugar.
(a) 10; beeswax. Writing".
(b) 39% paraffin wax.
(c) .14% spermaceti (whale wax). °18. If the Air Commodore applies
(d) No wax at all. 'an impetuous tongue to the



The volunteer trumpet band of
No. 6 Repair Depot, Trenton, won
the two firstprizes at the Waterloo
Musical Festival during the past
summer. It was awarded. first
place in the Senior Novice Class
and Jed all the Senior bands in the
evening street-parade competitions.
It also obtained the second highest
aggregate score of the fifty bands
competing in all classes. Our pho-
tograph shows the two trophies
being examined by Group Capt. T.
A. Spruston, M.B.E., C.O. of No. 6
R.D, and Sgt. H. G Kelly, the Band-



Air Historical Branch.

Aer 1944, and showers of high He approached the first civilian he Officer D. A. McCoy, mid-upper
explosives came the way of more saw, an elderly lady, and explained gunner of one crew, stayed briefly
rail centres in France and Belgium. who he was. She directed him out with a family in Comblain Fairon,
Marshalling-yards at Villeneuve- of the area. Presently he fell in then, becoming restless, went to
St. Georges and Noisy-le-Sec, in the with a party of fire-fighters, who Liege, contacted the White Army,
Paris area, and also Ghent and gave him food, dressed his cuts and and inquired about his chances of
Lens, were targets for the Leasides. bruises, and hid him in their truck. escaping to Switzerland. Informed
Over Noisy-le-Sec, on the 18th, the Some time later he was taken to a that the escape line thereto was
bomber concentration was uncom- house, where he was sheltered for broken, he abandoned the idea and
fortably tight. A collision occurred several weeks. The Organization returned to Comblain Fairon. Real-
above the target area, and No. 432 then took over and arranged for izing that he was going to stick
Squadron's "E"-Easy fell in a spin his escape to Gibraltar, whence he around awhile, he set out to learn
on to the marshalling-yard it had was flown to England in July. He French, and by mid-June "was
come to bomb. Only one member was 432's first evader. speaking well enough to get by".
of the crew managed to bail out. After toting mixed loads of high Meanwhile, as escape routes seemed
A second, Sgt. G. J. Shaughnessy explosives an d incendiaries to blocked at the time, he had ac-
(mid-under gunner), became over- Dusseldorf, Karlsruhe, and Essen, cepted an invitation by the White
excited and pulled his 'chute ring in four days, the Leasides began a Army to become one of them. (Ac-
inside the aircraft. As the only long string of 38 missions on ob- tually he had no choice in the mat-
spare 'chute had become hopelessly jectives in France and Belgium, ter, for the Underground, which
jammed in its rack during the col- broken only by two attacks on the Wing Cdr. J. K. F. Macdonald, D.F.C.
lision, he could now do nothing but Ruhr. Fourteen targets were rail-
crouch near the door and brace way centres, twelve were "military
himself for the crash. He next re- installations", and one was bombed
membered being dragged along the (twice) in direct support of the
tracks by two German soldiers, who British Second Army. About the
quickly dropped him and ran when other ten, more later.
a stick of bombs fell nearby. The first raid of this series, on
Shaughnessy ran in the opposite Montzen, was, for this squadron,
direction to a more peaceful corner particularly ill-fated, in that it
of the yard, where he stumbled on produced the unit's first triple-Joss.
to a workers' shed. There he don- Fortunately, thirteen of the twen-
ned a pair of overalls. In an ad- ty-two missing aircrew became
jacent underground shelter he either evaders or prisoners-of-war.
found first-aid equipment, with A commendably high proportion of
which he patched himself up. After two of these crews effected evasion;
removing his rank and trade in- in one case, four out of five survi-
signia, he went outside, scaled a vors evaded, in the other, five out
wall, and dropped upon a sidewalk. of six. While records indicate that
the evasions of seven of the above
were fairly routine, the same can-
Some Halifax III's were fitted with mid-
under turrets in lieu of HzS radar equip- not be said of the other two. Pilot
had accused him of being a spy, ly he drifted to a town heavily gar- passing by our tail. A little farther
insisted on keeping him in custody risoned by Germans. Of necessity on, another fighter took a pass at
at least until satisfied that he was he posed as an apprentice photog- us, but there were no shots fired
a bona fide evader.) So began a rapher, having to exercise his lin- and we were able to shake it off.
three-month career as an official of guistic ability considerably in order "Twenty-three minutes after the
the Resistance movement. Having to pull off the piece of deception. first attack, we encountered still
served his apprenticeship as a con- (He could speak French, German, another fighter. This attack came
tact man" (and in the interim Spanish, and Portuguese.) Few from the starboard bow, and its
having proven his identity), Mc- evasions were as bold and unortho- first indication was a cannon-shell
Coy advanced to the position of sec- dox as Holmes'. His chosen place hitting our starboard outer engine,
tion adjutant, and began to busy of work was situated next door to knocking off the oil-filter. The en-
himself with organizational and nothing less than a Gestapo head- gine was feathered and we con-
administrative work which con- quarters! His female superior, who tinued home on the remaining
sisted mainly of securing recruits, was proprietress of the photo- three.
arms, and motorized equipment. He graphic studio, was regarded by the We got a W/T fix at the enemy
engaged actively in typical resist- Germans as a "collaboratrice", and coast and set course for Wood-
ance activities, creating havoc was therefore given more than the bridge. On the way we were trailed
among the Germans by means of usual latitude. She frequently en- by another fighter who left us only
ambushes, road-blocks, other "slow- tertained German officers at par- when we went into cloud cover at
downs", and miscellaneous hellery ties, which her young assistant in- 6000 feet. Using the Woodbridge
contrived to harass the enemy in variably attended. "The night be- beam, we broke cloud over the
his withdrawal. One expedition in fore Paris fell we had a party that lighthouse and signalled that we
which he took part resulted in the lasted until four or five o'clock in were coming in. Fifty feet off the
elimination of some twenty Ger- the morning", chuckled Holmes at deck and well down the runway,
mans and the overnight hold-up of interrogation. "Every now and our starboard inner engine quit,
an entire panzer unit. He was even, then a member of the Gestapo causing our starboard wing to drop,
for a short time, chief of his sec- would open a window, pop his head and putting us into a violent turn
tion while it awaited a replacement out, and curse the noise." to starboard. The only alternative
for its old commander, then in the j
* was an overshoot. We experienced
hands of the Gestapo. Besides leading up to the excel- quite a bit of difficulty in regain-
Learning of the approach of Al- lent evasion efforts just mentioned, ing sufficient height, but at 600 feet
lied troops, he contacted an Amer- the Montzen operation was the we finally got our starboard wing
ican recce unit and gave them use- background for an exemplary per- up and made another approach.
ful information on enemy disposi- formance by Leaside skipper Pilot This time everything went well and
tions in the line of their advance. Officer J. L. Webb, flying on his
His last bit of action as a Resist- first mission as captain. He de- Sgt. W. J. Ziomko, DF.M. (left), and Sgt.
D. H. Wright, D.FM., being interrogated
ance member entailed the encircle- scribed the eventful part of the trip after a raid on Bourg Leopold.
ment and capture of a number of thus:
the Wehrmacht who were trapped "On our bombing run we picked
in a wood. On 15 September he up an Me. 110 which came out of
was back in England. France rec- the smoke and haze. Our guns and
ognized the value of his services his fired. Simultaneously the bomb-
and eventually awarded him the aimer said 'Bombs gone' and we
Croix de Guerre with Silver Star. went into our evasive action. The
Appearing in an overseas Service fighter closed to about 100 yards,
publication in November 1944, was then his fire ceased. He stayed
the evasion story of Flying Officer dead astern for a couple of sec-
Peter Holmes, navigator of the onds, then fell away to port, our
other crew referred to above. He gunners still firing and causing
parachuted into enemy territory damage to his starboard engine.
with 48 shrapnel wounds in his "As we were leaving the target
legs. Contacting the Underground we were intercepted again. This
almost immediately, he was treated time we saw the enemy first and
by a doctor who removed all but were able to corkscrew. While our
three of the fragments. Eventual- gunners scored hits, his shots were

we landed safe and sound. We
were all glad to be back."
For a display of skill and devo-
tion to duty of the highest order,
Leroy Webb received the first award
of the Distinguished Service Order
made to a member of this squadron.
His rear and mid-upper gunner,
Sgts. D. H. Wright and W. J. Ziom-
ko, were awarded D.F.M.'s for their
part in the show.
Even though the next month-
and-a-half saw only one penetra-
tion of Germany by No. 432, its
losses were rather heavy nine
crews. Providentially, thirty-one
members of those crews survived, Pilot Officer J. L. Webb receiving the D.S.O. from His Majesty King George VI.
and, of that number, thirteen were
evaders and two were escapers.
Among the more eventful evasions country (Holland), f u 11 y aware The latter took them to Neuville,
was that of Flying Officer J. Gouin- that the Germans (perhaps the then Argenteuil, where they picked
lock, a navigator whose aircraft Gestapo) would be hot on his trail. up their next travelling-companion,
went down over Bourg Leopold on It was when he approached what who proved to be a Belgian woman.
28 May. Landing near Rudel, in he thought was a house to ask for The three travelled by train to
Holland, Gouinlock was helped by a drink and a helping hand that Paris, stayed there overnight, then
several Dutch civilians, one of the ludicrous and ironical - ele- left on a south-bound train, accom-
whom gave him a bicycle. He cycled ment appeared. The "house" proved panied by another (female) guide
to Bourg Leopold, remained there to be a branch of the Immigration who had bought their tickets and
for three days, and then went by and Customs Department. Now at put them aboard a special coach.
train to Liege. One of his compa- least no one could accuse him of Everything was incredibly well ar-
nions in the house where he stayed illegal entry. As it turned out, how- ranged. Disembarking at Etampes,
here was another evader, a Sgt. J. ever, the customs officials were they walked to Augerville, there to
Cook, flight engineer of a Flying more human than usual. They be handed over to two Frenchmen.
Fortress which had recently been sheltered him until late in July, They were then guided by stages to
shot down. (They helped to keep then, one dark night, spirited him Voyes, Chateaudun, and finally to
up each other's spirits by arguing into Belgium. With the aid of a a Maquis camp in the Forest of
about the respective merits of the Belgian woman he soon reached Freteval.
Liege, where he remained until Occasionally something we n t
Fort and the Hallybag.) Early in
liberated. awry somewhere along the evasion
September a German search party line, and would-be evaders fell vic-
entered the house looking for a ter- Another instance of Leaside eva-
sion illustrates the smooth-working tim to deception. Assisted by the
rorist". Gouinlock was taken as a Underground, Flying Officer C. R.
hostage, but minutes later was per- system employed by that escape-
evasion body known as "the Or- Hoffman, of Vickerman's crew,
mitted to go free. The rest of that managed to avoid capture for al-
day he was put to work digging ganization". Shot down near Seri-
fontaine while on a mission to most two months. Then, while he
fox-holes for the Germans. Less was in hiding with a group of R.A.F.
than twenty-four hours later he Acheres, Flying Officer W. K. Vic-
kerman (captain) joined forces evaders in a Paris apartment.
was liberated by the British Sec- treachery took a hand. Believing
ond Army. with his mid-upper gunner, Sgt.
N. E. J. Beauchesne, to form one themselves in friendly hands. all
Even a serious situation some- were taken one morning to a farm
times has its lighter side, and it did of two evasion teams from the same
just outside the city. There they
in the case of Flying Officer D. E.
crew. They made first contact with
were packed into a truck and
a farmer, who took them in, fed
Rutherford, bomb-aimer in the driven straight to Gestapo head-
them, and then transferred them
same crew as Gouinlock. Here quarters. Then came a 12-day in-
to the care of a nearby townsman.
he was, down in enemy-occupied
terrogation at Fresnes Prison. The
next phase in the tale of Hoffman
was Buchenwald, then Stalag Luft
Later in June another Leaside
pilot-gunner combination earned
recognition by virtue of excellent
airmanship and deportment while
on operations. When, just after
bombing a marshalling-yard at
Cambrai, his aircraft, "R"-Roger,
was badly crippled by flak, Pilot Of-
ficer L. R. Lauzon ordered a bail-
out. Thinking all the crew had left,
he was himself about to go when
Sgt. C. Christoff (mid-upper gun- Halifaz Q-Queen settles down at East Moor.
ner J came forward out of the blaz-
ing fuselage, carrying a 'chute that on to terra firma almost by instru- before they were apprehended. On
was obviously riddled beyond the ments alone. The still-blazing Hally 18 November, while attempting to
point of safe use. Lauzon gave the remained on an even keel and the cross the river Rhine, they were
gunner his own chest pack and told pair walked, or rather ran, away taken by a Wehrmacht unit. For
him to bail out, indicating that he from it, unharmed except for slight three days they were imprisoned in
himself would try to crash-land. burns. Seconds later, what re- a p.o.w. camp at Amersfoort. On the
Christoff refused, preferring to ride mained of the kite was blown to fourth day they were, with 38 other
down with his skipper. Meanwhile smithereens. Captured in August, prisoners, crammed into a box-car
there was a fire to be fought. Lauzon eventually received the on a freight-train bound for Nu-
Christoff picked his way through D.F.C. Christoff, who managed to remberg. At midnight the train
the flames to the rear of the fuse- evade, won a Mention-in-Des- began to move out of the yard; at
lage. By his plucky efforts he kept patches. 0200 hours five prisoners began to
the fire sufficiently in check to al- move out of the box car. Using an
low his captain to remain at the It was after being shot down escape file, they had severed the
controls and effect a crash-landing. during a mid-June assault on Ster- wire on the car's only window.
Lauzon was faced with a very sticky krade-Holten that a pair of Lea- Crew-mates McElroy and Gelfand
problem. It was pitch dark, and he sides qualified for membership in stuck together, hiding in a cave for
had to make an emergency touch- the R.A.F. Escaping Society. War- five weeks and in a village church
down without landing lights or rant Officer L. K. McElroy and Sgt. for another six. Then followed a
other aids. Barely able to make R. Gelfand evaded in several Dutch month at Essen (Holland), near
out ground detail, he flew "Roger" towns for more than five months Arnhem, after which they returned
Flying O/jicer Peter Holmes recounts his
to Amerongen. There they re-
experiences to his father, Flt. Lt. A, C. mained until VE-Day.
»j j

On 30 May, Wing Cdr. Bill Mc-

Kay, D.F.C., Leaside guiding hand
for ten months, was posted from
the unit for repatriation. The two-
tour veteran was succeeded by Wing
Cdr. J. K. F. MacDonald.
No. 432 Squadron contributed to
the success of D-Day by joining at-
tacks on a radio station at Mont
Couple and on gun positions at
Neufchatel and Houlgate. The
R.D.F. station was made completely
unserviceable, and the battery at

Houlgate, attacked less than four eight-man crew bailed out, how-
hours before the first waves of Ca- On the night of 28/29 July came
ever, one managing to evade com- a raid on Hamburg which, for No. 6
nadian infantry were hitting the pletely and another to escape after
Normandy beaches, was practically Group, was the costliest of all.
being captured. Twenty-three of Command's bomb-
demolished. After D-Day the unit After Caen there was Wesseling, ers were lost, all but one of those
hammered at seven successive tac- then two French targets, then being from R.C.A.F. bases. One be-
tical objectives in indirect support Stuttgart. The latter mission, to longed to East Moor and the Lea-
of ground troops. The most spec- the Leasides' first major German side Squadron. Atoning somewhat
tacular of these attacks was a low- target in three months, cost them for 6 Group's heavy losses were
level (1,500 feet) smash in moon- two crews, one led by their Com- Command's claims of 27 fighters
light at a railway bridge near manding Officer. The case of Wing destroyed and 6 probably destroyed,
Coutances. Cdr. MacDonald's crew was unusual a new high for one night. No. 432
on the night of 12/13 June, the in that all six surviving crew mem- claimed a Ju.88 destroyed, the
first flying bombs were launched bers avoided capture. The Wing marksmen being Pilot Officer R. G.
against England. For some 2\% Commander strained his back upon Bullivant and Flt. Sgt. D. B. Penny,
months thereafter, the bombing of landing, and for three hours was both of whom were to be gonged in
V-1 supply and launching sites in unable to move. He finally man- September. Less than two months
the Pas de Calais area ("Operation aged to crawl to a cornfield, where later, their skipper, Sqn. Ldr. M. W.
Crossbow") was a high-priority he lay until midday. Able then to Pettit, D.F.C., put up the only Bar-
(though not a top-priority) com- regain his feet, he approached a to-the-D.F.C. awarded to the Lea-
mitment for Bomber Command. farmer and disclosed his identity. sides. With subsequent awards to
From a standpoint of bombing ac- The latter gave him food and drink, three more crew members, the
curacy required, never had a great- then turned him over to another number of decorated individuals in
er challenge been thrown at the farmer who took him by buggy first Maurice Pettit's team reached six.
heavies than by the tiny, well-con- to his farm and thence to Villam- In August, besides attacking more
cealed launching ramps. Between blain. There he met his mid-upper buzz-bomb sites than they cared to
17 June and 29 August the Leasides gunner, Flt. Sgt. B. R. Justason, in remember, Leaside crews twice lent
operated against forty-one targets, whose immediate past history there the Army a hand in the Falaise
twenty-three of which were "Cross- were, likewise, two friendly farmers area, waxed strategical again on
bow" objectives. The entire cam- and a horse-and-buggy. Now wear- Brunswick, Kiel, and, Bremen,
paign of doodlebug extermination ing civilian clothes, the two evaders seared three oil dumps and three
cost them not a single life or mis- were taken to Orgeres, there to find harbours in France, maltreated an
sing crew. another crew member, Flying Of- airfield in Belgium, and roughed
Direct support of the Army in the ficer W. Calderwood, R.A.F., the up a German garrison on a hold-
field was undertaken by the unit wireless operator. The trio stayed out island. It was a record month
for the first time on 7 July. The there with a family for several for the unit in three departments-
Allies' time-table was being thrown days. Then, on to Chartres, and number of targets visited (21», sor-
out of kilter by a stubborn enemy finally Villebon, where they re- ties despatched (268+, and bomb
force at Caen, an unexpectedly mained until American troops took tonnage dropped 935). Standing
rusty hinge on which was to swing over on 14 August. The other crew out above all these statistics. how-
the door of the Allied advance. At members reached Engiand safely ever, was the statement that read
in mid-August. Wing Cdr. MacDo- Operational casualties nil". An-
the request of the Second Army,
nald was one of comparatively few other highly pleasing aspect of
Bomber Command sent a strong
bomber squadron commanders who August was the reappearance of
force to oil the hinge. There fol-
"went for a Burton" and came back several "missing" personnel, some
lowed 45 minutes of the most high- of whom visited East Moor to haunt
ly concentrated bombing ever car- home within a month. (Three and a
half weeks after being listed as mis- their old mates. Chief among these
ried out. The Second Army was so was Wing Cdr. MacDonald, who,
impressed that it issued Command sing, Mac had returned to Eng-
land.) Meanwhile, elevated from like the others, was enjoying "eva-
an invitation to assist at a similar sion leave" before returning to
function on the 18th. Command Flight to Squadron Commander was
Wing Cdr. A. D. R. Lowe. duty.
accepted, and nearly 1000 heavies
again dropped calling-cards at var-
ious points in the town area. This (Go be continued)
time one of 432's sixteen attacking
aircraft fell to flak. Seven of the

Our photographs this month both
go back to the days of the Cana-
dian Air Force in 1923, nearly a
year before the official birthday of
the R.C.A.F. on 1 April 1924.
In October of that year a build-
ing on Maryland St., Winnipeg, was
rented for use as a Repair Depot
for the overhaul of aircraft and
equipment during the winter
months. The only air stations then
in operation were Dartmouth, Camp
Borden, High River (Alta.), Ottawa
(Rockcliffe and Victoria Island),
Winnipeg, and Vancouver. The Re-
pair Depot shown in our photo-
graph serviced Winnipeg's three-
sub-bases at Victoria Beach, Nor-
way House, and The Pas.
Our other photograph was taken
at Victoria Beach, in June 1923,
after a cyclone which destroyed
one of the sub-base's aircraft, an


BOMBER COMMAND MEMORIAL BOOKS No man can draw out of things,

The Memorial books to the fallen of Nos. 2, 3, 8, and 100 Groups of R.A.F. Bomber books included, more than he al-
Command in the Second World War, which were laid In Ely Cathedral on 6 November ready knows. A man has no ears
1955, have been reproduced In booklet form giving details of the service In the Cathedral
and Rolls of Honour of the Groups. for that to which experience has
There Is a booklet for each Group, and copies may be obtained from the Bomber
Command Memorial Committee, Headquarters, Bomber Command, R.A.F. High Wycombe, given him no access. (Nietzsche.)
Bucks., England. Applicants should state the full name, rank, and number of the rela-
tive or friend commemorated and the Group in which he served. Price: 3 shillings per
In a foreword to the four Memorial Books, Air Marshal Sir George H. M111s, the Air
Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Bomber Command, at the time of the service, states that
these forms of memorial were thought the most fitting "as they so closely link the
memory of those gallant and devoted men with the countryside which saw the birth Answers lo "What's the Score >"
of so many of the Ideals for which they died and their growth Into great forces acting
throughout the world for the good of mankind." 4: (c)
I: (c) 2: (a) 3: (a)
The books in Ely Cathedral contain the names of 19,000 aircrew lost on operational
missions. The Memorial Window, unveiled on 6 November by Air Vice-Marshal A. McKee, 5: (a) 6: (d) 7: (b) 8: (c)
comprises four panels. The left-hand light shows an airman In flying clothing over the
Badge of No. 2 Group. The left-centre light shows the Archangel Michael above the Badge 9: (b) 10: (d) 11: (c) 12: (a)
of No. 3 Group, and the right-centre portrays St. George and the Dragon above the
Badge of No. 8 Group, with the Lion of St. Mark and the Patron Saint of the Royal New 13: (d) 14: (c) 15: (d) 16: (b)
Zealand Air Force In the design. The right-hand light shows an airman above the
Badge of No. 100 Group. At the bottom of each light are scenes depicting Wellington 17. (b) 18: (a) 19: (d) 20: (b)
bombers on operations, and in ·the tracery at the top of the window are the badges of
the R.A.F., Royal New Zealand Air Force, and Bomber Command, as well as emblems
of the Allied forces who fought with Bomber Command.







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