114 006 Section1
114 006 Section1
114 006 Section1
Processed Meat
volume 114
iarc monographs
oN the evaluation
of carcinogenic risks
to humans
Red meat and processed meat
shelf-lives. Warm or cold smoking can be used. value of meat is also significantly affected by
Warm smoking is carried out at temperatures of the livestock production system (Lorenzo et al.,
23–45 °C. Cold smoking is carried out at temper- 2010, 2014).
atures of 12–25 °C and is used in the manufac-
(i) Protein
turing of raw fermented sausages made from
cured meats. Red meat contains 20–25 g of protein
Drying and smoking are used to improve the per 100 g. The proteins are highly digestible
shelf-life and organoleptic properties of meat (94%) and provide all essential amino acids
products. In developing countries such as Africa, (lysine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine,
where extending shelf-life is the priority, drying tryptophan, leucine, isoleucine, and valine)
is the most used process. In parallel with simple (Williams, 2007).
drying, west Africa has refined the hot smoking (ii) Fat
process to further improve shelf-life through the Red meat is also a source of fatty acids. Fat
preservative and antibacterial effects of smoke in red meat is subcutaneous, intramuscular,
substances. To lower the cost of meat products, or intermuscular, and the composition will
African countries have also developed tradi- vary according to the animal’s age, sex, breed,
tional products consisting of mixtures of meat and diet, as well as the cut of meat (Wood &
and vegetables. Central and southern American Enser, 1997). For example, the amount of fat in
countries have adapted European meat raw cattle longissimus muscle can range from
processing techniques for local meat products, 0.59% to 16%, depending on the breed (Barnes
especially for barbecuing (e.g. chorizo criollo or et al., 2012). Fat in meat includes SFAs, mono-
morcilla) (Heinz & Hautzinger, 2007). unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), and PUFAs.
The typical fatty acid composition of fat in beef
1.2 Meat composition is reported to be 46.5, 48.9, and 4.59 g per 100
g of total fatty acids for SFAs, MUFAs, and
1.2.1 Red meat PUFAs, respectively. While these proportions
(a) Main components are similar in all red meats, exact amounts
depend on the type of meat (Givens, 2005). The
The animal carcass consists of muscle, main SFAs present in red meat are palmitic
connective tissue, fat and bone, and about 75% acid and stearic acid, and the main MUFA is
water, depending on the species, breed, size, oleic acid. Red meat also contains n-3 PUFAs,
and age. For a given species, the muscle is rela- such as α‑linolenic acid, and n-6 PUFAs, such
tively constant in composition (Table 1.1). Red as linoleic acid. The animal’s diet strongly
meat contains high biological value proteins influences PUFA levels in meat. For example,
and essential micronutrients, including vita- meat from foals raised by extensive production
mins and minerals (Table 1.2; Williams, 2007). systems on wood pastures has higher levels of
The composition of the meat varies based on the n-3 PUFAs than meat from foals fed concen-
animal species, sex, age, and diet, as well as the trate (Lorenzo et al., 2010, 2014). The last cate-
climate and activity during its growth (Lorenzo gory of fat found in the red meat of ruminants
et al., 2010). Total nitrogen, fat, and iron levels is conjugated linoleic acids, the levels of which
increase as the animal approaches maturity. In also depend on feeding practices (Wood et al.,
addition, the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids 1999; Givens, 2005).
(PUFAs) to saturated fatty acids (SFAs) decreases
with the maturity of the animal. The nutritional
Table 1.1 Chemical composition of typical mammalian muscle (red meat) for consumption
Main component Constituents Wet weight (%)
Water 75.00
Protein 19.00
Myofibrillar: 11.50
Myosin 5.50
Actin 2.50
Connectin 0.90
Nebulin (N2 line protein) 0.30
Tropomyosins 0.60
Troponins, C, I and T 0.60
α,β,γ Actinins 0.50
Myomesin (M-line protein) and C proteins 0.20
Desmin, filamin, F- and I-proteins, etc. 0.40
Sarcoplasmic: 5.50
Glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase 1.20
Aldolase 0.60
Creatine kinase 0.50
Other glycolytic enzymes 2.20
Myoglobin 0.20
Haemoglobin and other unspecified extracellular proteins 0.60
Connective tissue and organelles: 2.00
Collagen 1.00
Elastin 0.05
Mitochondrial etc. (including cytochrome c and insoluble enzymes) 0.95
Lipid 2.50
Neutral lipid; phospholipids; fatty acids; fat-soluble substances 2.50
Carbohydrate 1.20
Lactic acid 0.90
Glucose-6-phosphate 0.15
Glycogen 0.10
Glucose, traces of other glycolytic intermediates 0.05
Miscellaneous, soluble non-protein substances 2.30
Nitrogenous: 1.65
Creatinine 0.55
Inosine monophosphate 0.30
Di- and tri-phosphopyridine nucleotides 0.10
Amino acids 0.35
Carnosine, anserine 0.35
Inorganic: 0.65
Total soluble phosphorus 0.20
Potassium 0.35
Sodium 0.05
Magnesium 0.02
Calcium, zinc, trace metals 0.03
Various fat- and water soluble vitamins Minute
This table was published in Lawrie’s Meat Science 6th edition, Lawrie (1998), Page No. 59, Copyright Elsevier (1998)
Red meat and processed meat
Table 1.2 Average nutrient composition (per 100 g) of the lean component of red meat
Red meat and processed meat
treatment involved, principally cooking time These contaminants, which are mainly
and temperature (Heshmati, 2015). produced by industrial processes, are ubiquitous
Hormones: In several countries, such as in foods of animal origin, and accumulate in the
the USA, the use of hormones, including fatty tissues of animals and humans (Larsen,
testosterone propionate, estradiol, estradiol 2006; IARC, 2012a, 2016). Food, including meat,
benzoate, and progesterone, and compounds remains the primary source of human exposure
that display a high affinity for human hormone to these contaminants in the general population
receptors are approved for food animal (IARC, 2012a, 2016).
production. This raises concerns because (iv) Brominated flame retardants
these hormones, or their biologically active
Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are
metabolites, may accumulate in edible tissues,
widely used in plastic materials, textiles, electric
potentially exposing consumers (Nachman &
and electronic equipment, and of construction
Smith, 2015). Cooking reduces, but does not
materials for livestock buildings. There are five
eliminate, the potential for dietary exposure
classes of BFRs: polybrominated diphenyl ethers
to hormones, such as estradiol, in ground beef
(PBDEs), hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs),
(Braekevelt et al., 2011). Table 1.3 lists the
tetrabromobisphenol A, and other phenols, poly-
amounts of steroid hormones ingested via the
brominated biphenyls (PBBs) (IARC, 2016), and
diet from hormone-treated or non–hormone-
unclassified BFRs (ANSES, 2011, 2012; IARC,
treated animals, and the amounts of these
2016). The persistence of BFRs in the environment
hormones produced daily in the human body.
is a public health concern (AFSSA, 2005; ANSES,
[The Working Group noted that the ingestion
2011; EPA, 2010). The main source of human
of estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone
exposure to BFRs is the consumption of fish and
from meat appears to be minor relative to
meat products (Lyche et al., 2015). Studies have
what is biosynthesized in humans (Table 1.3).]
shown that the cooking process and, to a greater
Environmental and phytosanitary contami- extent, the type of meat item influence levels of
nants can also occur in meat products. PDBEs.
(ii) Pesticide residues (v) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Pesticide residues used for phytosanitary Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can
treatments may be present in meat products. be generated in the environment or during the
Animals consume plants treated with pesti- processing of foods; this is discussed further in
cides or contaminated by persistent pesti- Section 1.2.3(a)(iii). PAHs are closely monitored
cides in the environment. However, vegetable by health agencies in developed countries (IARC
consumption remains by far the main dietary 2010a; Schroeder, 2010). Furthermore, PAH levels
source of human exposure to pesticides can increase depending on cooking conditions.
(Kan & Meijer, 2007). (vi) Heavy metals
(iii) Dioxins and dioxin-like products Contamination by heavy metals such as
Dioxins and dioxin-like products are divided cadmium, lead, arsenic, or mercury largely
into three groups: polychlorinated dibenzodi- occurs from industrial wastes (IARC, 2012b).
oxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans Meat consumption is a significant source
(PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) of human exposure to lead and cadmium
(see Fig. 1.1). (Kan & Meijer, 2007).
Table 1.3 Comparison of the amounts of steroid hormones produced daily in the human body
and ingested via the diet from hormone-treated animals
Hormone Total daily production (µg/day) Residue in muscle (µg/kg) (Paris et al., 2006) Ingested amount via
(JECFA, 2000; EFSA, 2007) intake of muscle from
Non-treated animals Treated animals treated animalsa (µg/day)
Reprinted from Jeong et al. (2010) © 2010 The Korean Society of Toxicology. License: CC BY-NC 3.0
Red meat and processed meat
Cl O Cl
Cl O Cl
Brn Brm
O Cl Cl
Cl Cl
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers Benzo[a]pyrene Lindane
(PBDEs) (BaP) (pesticide)
Adapted from Meat Science, Volume 109, E. Engel, J. Ratel, J. Bouhlel, C. Planche, M. Meurillon, Novel approaches to improving the chemical
safety of the meat chain towards toxicants, Pages No. 75–85, Copyright (2015), with permission from Elsevier (Engel et al., 2015)
2010). Several plant derivatives can also be used flavour; and food colourings. Chemical additives
as fat replacers, antioxidants, or antimicrobials have exclusively functional properties. They are
(Hygreeva et al., 2014). used in small amounts, usually below 1%, with
nitrate as low as 0.05% and with only salt in the
(iii) Chemical substances used as additives
range of 2% (≤ 4% in some fermented dried prod-
There are a limited number of chemical ucts) (Heinz & Hautzinger, 2007).
substances allowed for meat processing, as the
substances need to be safe for consumers and (b) Processing methods
improve the quality of the final product. The most Standard technical processing methods for
commonly used substances are salt (NaCl or NaCl meat products, such as cutting, comminuting,
plus KCl) for taste, impact on meat proteins, and mixing, tumbling, or stuffing, are an important
shelf-life; nitrate and nitrite for curing, colour, part of the manufacturing process (Heinz &
flavour, and shelf-life; ascorbic acid for acceler- Hautzinger, 2007). However, as these processes
ated curing; phosphates for protein structuring do not influence the formation of potentially
and water binding; chemical preservatives for carcinogenic process-induced toxicants, they
shelf-life; antioxidants for flavour and shelf-life; will not be further detailed in this section.
monosodium glutamate for enhancement of
Microbial inactivation can be achieved by to form dehydroascorbate, and thus prevents the
“sous vide”, a method whereby foods are vacu- oxidation of nitrite to nitrate. Ascorbate is also
um-packaged and then slow-cooked (tempera- added to reduce the formation of nitrosamines.
ture, 55–60 °C), as well as by cooking, canning Ascorbate, together with nitrite and salt, has an
(temperature, up to 121 °C), irradiation (chilled effective antimicrobial effect, particularly against
temperature, 0–4 °C), and high-pressure Clostridium botulinum (Honikel, 2010; Sindelar
processing (300–600 MPa). Microbial inactiva- & Milkowski, 2012). Citric acid or sodium citrate
tion can also be achieved by the addition of arti- may replace up to half of either form of the ascor-
ficial preservatives such as nitrate or nitrite, weak bate/erythorbate reductants, but may not be used
organic acids, and/or salt or sugar. Canning is without the reductants (Sindelar et al., 2010).
probably the most efficient meat preservation Nitrite addition is strictly regulated by inter-
method, as it ensures the destruction of path- national standards, and the amount allowed in
ogens and food spoilage microorganisms, and cured meat is decreasing (see Section 1.5).
allows foods to be easily handled and trans- (ii) Smoking
ported (Guerrero Legarreta, 2010).
The most common approaches to retard lipid Smoking refers to the exposure of meat
oxidation, a major limiting factor in the shelf- to the smoke of burning wood (Sikorski &
life of dehydrated muscle tissue, is the addition Kalakowski, 2010). Many cured products are
of antioxidants and the use of appropriate pack- also smoked, or contain soluble components of
aging techniques (Rahman, 2007). wood smoke, mainly to add flavour and increase
Chemical processing methods essentially shelf-life. Smoking gives meat a brown colour.
include curing, smoking, and fermentation. It changes its flavour and improves its pres-
ervation, as smoke contains a wide variety of
(i) Curing polyphenolic compounds as well as aldehydes
Meat curing, in the narrow sense, is the and carboxylic acids, which have antimicrobial
addition of salt (NaCl or NaCl plus KCl), with properties. Smoking can be done at different
or without nitrate or nitrite, during the manu- temperatures, depending on the end product
facturing of meat products. Nitrate and nitrite (Sikorski & Kalakowski, 2010). However, wood
are not used as sole curing agents. Each is always pyrolysis may be hazardous, as the process is
applied with salt. In meat products, the concentra- difficult to control and can lead to the gener-
tions of nitrate and nitrite are usually in the range ation of PAHs. Modifications to traditional
of 100–200 mg/kg, while salt is 2000 mg/kg or wood pyrolysis processes are being studied to
more. Salt lowers the water activity and enhances reduce the production and deposition of PAHs
food safety. Salt also changes the protein struc- in processed meat (Roseiro et al., 2011; Ledesma
tures in meat. Nitrate and nitrite support the et al., 2014). An alternative is to use liquid smoke
safety action of salt, and improve the appearance flavouring solutions produced from different
and flavour. Nitrate must undergo reduction to wood products, under specific pyrolysis condi-
nitrite to be effective. During the curing process, tions and as per extraction protocols aimed at
myoglobin is converted to nitrosomyoglobin, strongly reducing the concentration of PAHs
resulting in the characteristic cured meat colour (Sikorski & Kalakowski, 2010).
(EFSA, 2003; Honikel, 2008, 2010). Over the past
few decades, ascorbic acid or its salt, ascorbate
(e.g. isoascorbate or erythorbate), has been used in
cured meat batters. Ascorbate reacts with oxygen
Red meat and processed meat
elevated temperatures (Murkovic, 2004). The meats are given in Table 1.6. The concentrations
main source of human exposure to HAAs is via of HAAs are highly variable. For a comprehen-
cooked proteinaceous foods; however, the levels sive review, see Alaejos & Afonso (2011). A series
of HAAs are highly dependent on the type of of linear tricyclic ring HAAs containing the
meat, cooking time, and cooking temperature, 2-amino-1-methylimidazo[4,5-g]quinoxaline
and generally increase with the level of “done- (IgQx) skeleton are formed in cooked meats at
ness” (Skog et al., 2000). concentrations that are relatively high compared
The cooking method also influences HAA with the concentrations of their angular tricyclic
formation; it has been shown that high-temper- ring isomers or related HAAs (Ni et al., 2008),
ature methods (pan-frying, grilling, and barbe- such as 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]
cuing) cause the highest HAA concentrations, quinoxaline (MeIQx) and PhIP, which are known
especially for 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimida- experimental animal carcinogens and potential
zo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) (Alaejos & Afonso, 2011). human carcinogens (IARC, 1993). The toxicolog-
The concentrations of HAAs in different cooked ical properties of these recently discovered IgQx
Red meat and processed meat
Fig. 1.2 Structures of heterocyclic aromatic amines found in cooked red and/or processed meats
Principal aminoimidazoazaarenes found in red and processed meats
NH 2 NH 2
CH 3
N R3 N N CH 3
CH 3 N
NH 2
N R R2 N R1 N N
NH 2 NH 2
CH 3 N N CH 3 N
NH 2 CH 3
N N N NH 2
The full chemical names of these compounds are given in Table 1.5
HAA, heterocyclic aromatic amines
Reprinted from Cancer Science, Volume 95, Takashi Sugimura, Keiji Wakabayashi, Hitoshi Nakagama, Minako Nagao, Heterocyclic amines:
Mutagens/carcinogens produced during cooking of meat and fish, Pages No. 290–299, Copyright (2004), with permission from John Wiley & Sons
(Sugimura et al., 2004)
derivatives warrant further investigation and moiety in the limitation of HAA formation – via
assessment. their scavenging capacity for reactive radicals
Some methods to decrease the levels of involved in the HAA mechanism of formation
HAAs in cooked meats have been described. For (Balogh et al., 2000; Vitaglione & Fogliano, 2004;
example, microwave pretreatment followed by Gibis & Weiss, 2010, 2012). Other compounds,
disposal of the resulting liquid before frying of such as organosulfur compounds, contained
hamburger patties reduces the formation of some in garlic or onion, have also been shown to
aminoimidazoazaarenes (Felton et al., 1992). have an inhibitory effect on HAA formation
Various studies have also emphasized the role of (Shin et al., 2002).
added antioxidants with phenolic or polyphenolic
Table 1.5 Chemical names of heterocyclic aromatic amines potentially found in cooked red and
processed meats
(iii) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons produced. This may be related to the pyrolysis
The main source of non-occupational human of fat, which drips onto the heat source (Mottier
exposure, for non-smoking individuals, is food et al., 2000).
consumption (Kazerouni et al., 2001). PAHs Heat treatment of red and processed meat can
can be formed by pyrolysis of organic materials, also produce other toxicants, such as acrylamide
direct contact of fat with a flame, or incomplete (Tareke et al., 2002) and N-methylacrylamide
combustion of charcoal, so they are present in (Yaylayan et al., 2004).
grilled meats (Chen & Lin, 1997; Alomirah (iv) Iron
et al., 2011). More than 30 PAHs have been iden- Iron is a trace element essential for human
tified; among them is benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), health that can be found in foods of animal and
which is classified as a Group 1 human carcin- plant origin. In food, iron can be found in two
ogen (IARC, 2012a). The main PAHs found in forms: haem iron and non-haem iron. Haem iron,
processed meats are presented in Fig. 1.3 and which is more bioavailable than non-haem iron,
Table 1.7. Representative concentrations of PAHs is only found in animal products (Schonfeldt &
in different processed meat samples are given in Hall, 2011). Haem iron is contained in myoglobin
Table 1.8. and haemoglobin, whereas non-haem iron is
By avoiding the direct contact of meat with associated with small molecules such as phos-
a flame, PAH levels can be lowered. The amount phate, ascorbate, or free amino acids to form
of fat can also influence PAH levels. The more salts. The amount of iron in meat, and the ratio
fat that is contained in meat, the more PAHs are between haem and non-haem iron, depends on
Table 1.6 Concentrations of heterocyclic aromatic amines in different cooked meats
Fig. 1.3 Structures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in red and/or processed meats
the species and the type of muscle (Lombardi- protein and lipid content show the highest
Boccia et al., 2002; Table 1.9). Red meat contains AGEP levels, probably due to the large quan-
more total iron and haem iron than white meat. tity of free radicals released via the various
Beef, lamb, and horse meat are richer in haem lipid peroxidation reactions that catalyse the
iron and total iron than pork meat. The age of the formation of AGEPs during the cooking of
animal is also important in iron intake, as older meat products. AGEP formation depends on
animals contain more iron. During cooking, temperature, method, and duration of heating.
part of haem iron is converted to non-haem The higher the cooking temperature, the more
iron, depending on the cooking parameters, AGEPs are formed in red and processed meat.
such as time and temperature (Lombardi- Different studies have shown that oven-frying
Boccia et al., 2002; Purchas & Busboom, 2005; produces more AGEPs than deep-frying, and
Purchas et al., 2006). broiling produces more AGEPs than roasting.
(v) Advanced glycation end products Boiling produces less AGEPs (Goldberg et al.,
2004; Chen & Smith, 2015). Cooking duration
Advanced glycation end products (AGEPs) are seems to be less important than the temperature
heat-induced food toxicants, which are protein- and method, as shown in Table 1.10.
bound Maillard reaction products. AGEPs consti-
tute a group of heterogeneous moieties produced (vi) N-Glycolylneuraminic acid
endogenously from the non-enzymatic glycation Sialic acids are a family of sugars with a
of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids (Krause et al., nine-carbon sugar acid. N-Glycolylneuraminic
2003; Goldberg et al., 2004). They are present in acid (Neu5Gc) (Fig. 1.4) is one of the most
several heated foods, such as canned foods and common sialic acids and is found in almost all
meat products (Goldberg et al., 2004; Uribarri mammals. Humans are genetically deficient in
et al., 2010). The formation of AGEPs is part of Neu5Gc production and instead metabolically
the normal metabolism, but if their levels are very accumulate it from dietary sources, particu-
high in tissues and in the circulation, they can larly red meat and milk products. However,
become pathogenic. Carboxymethyllysine is one metabolically accumulated dietary Neu5Gc
of the best-characterized AGEP compounds, and results in the production of circulating anti-
is frequently used as a marker of AGEP forma- Neu5Gc antibodies, leading to chronic local
tion in food. In meat products, carboxymethyl- inflammation (Hedlund et al., 2008). It has been
lysine ranges from 0.01 to 6.87 mg per 100 g of shown that the amount of Neu5Gc is high in red
food (mean, 0.86), and in meat dishes, it ranges meats compared with other dietary sources, with
from 0.10 to 42.39 mg per 100 g of food (mean, beef being the most Neu5Gc-enriched compared
2.42) (Hull et al., 2012). AGEP levels depend on with other red meats (Tangvoranuntakul et al.,
red meat composition (Goldberg et al., 2004; 2003; Samraj et al., 2015; Table 1.11).
Chen & Smith, 2015). Indeed, foods high in
Red meat and processed meat
CH 3 H3C O
The full chemical names of these compounds are given in Table 1.12
1.3 Exposure via food intake (a) Per capita consumption from economic
1.3.1 Data description
The per capita consumption is calculated
Consumption for a given food depends on as follows: national production figures plus
two parameters: size of the portion and frequency imports, minus exports, divided by the total
of eating. In addition, the overall dietary pattern number of individuals in the population. The
is based on types of foods consumed, which average values are collected by the Food and
depends on socioeconomic factors (e.g. age, Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
ethnicity, geographical origin, religion, level Statistical Databases (FAOSTAT) (FAO, 2015)
of education, and income). As a result of these on a yearly basis, and may provide a superior
difficulties, food consumption can be estimated estimate of long-term consumption. However,
using two different techniques: per capita studies the per capita data underestimate the true
and individual surveys, which can, respectively, consumption of food items, as less than 100%
underestimate or overestimate long-term dietary of the population are consumers, and the whole
exposures. population is used to calculate the data. On the
Food consumption results can also be gener- contrary, for food items consumed by 100% of
ated using household budget surveys, which the population, the data correctly account for
correspond to per capita estimates at the house- both the amount consumed and the frequency
hold level. However, as the data for household of consumption. Based on the FAO per capita
budget surveys are weak, they will not be further data, the World Health Organization (WHO)
considered in this Monograph. generated the Global Environment Monitoring
In epidemiological studies, food frequency System (GEMS) cluster diets (WHO, 2015a)
questionnaires (FFQs) are typically used for using a mathematical technique to group coun-
ranking subjects according to food or nutrient tries with similar dietary patterns (Sy et al.,
intake, rather than for estimating absolute levels 2013). Consumption values were calculated for
of intake (Beaton, 1994; Kushi, 1994; Sempos each cluster as the average consumption of the
et al., 1999). These questionnaires are further food commodity in each country of the cluster.
discussed in Section 1.4.1. The range of values was therefore narrower than
those for FAO national per capita consumption.
Red meat and processed meat
(b) Individual food consumption data of meat (i.e. Asia, 86 g/day; Africa, 51 g/day)
Individual food consumption data are gener- (FAO, 2015).
ated from surveys based on recall or recording of In the European Prospective Investigation
daily consumption over 1–7 days. This method into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study,
allows the distribution of consumption across surveys not representative of the national popu-
a population and the consumption of high lation were conducted in 10 European coun-
consumers to be estimated. The method over- tries. Food consumption was estimated based
estimates long-term consumption by extrapo- on one 24-hour dietary recall (Linseisen et al.,
lating data collected over a short period of time 2002). This study concluded that for total meat,
(Tran et al., 2004; IPCS, 2009). the lowest mean consumption in Europe was
observed in Greece (47 g/day for women and 79
g/day for men), and the highest mean consump-
1.3.2 Results tion was observed in Spain (124 g/day for women
(a) Total meat consumption and 234 g/day for men) (Linseisen et al., 2002).
According to FAOSTAT, from 2003 to 2011,
For total per capita meat consumption meat consumption increased in all regions,
worldwide in 2011, important differences were but most significantly in Asia (16%) and in
observed between regions consuming high Africa (20%). These figures were for both red
quantities of meat (i.e. Oceania, 318 g/day; and poultry meats, and for both processed and
north America, 315 g/day; south America, 215 unprocessed meats (FAO, 2015).
g/day; Europe, 208 g/day; central America, 148
g/day) and regions consuming low quantities
Table 1.8 Concentration levels (μg/kg) of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in samples of
white, red, and processed meat
(b) Association between consumption of red principal component analysis for food clustering
meat and consumption of other foods (Zetlaoui et al., 2011). Based on this approach,
Food categories are not independent in regard and its application in the FAO per capita data
to consumption. In the field of nutrition, nutrient set (i.e. 415 food products in 179 countries), 30
intake is estimated by combining consump- consumption systems leading to 17 cluster diets
tion data with food nutrient composition data- have been described (Sy et al., 2013). According
bases. Thereafter, homogeneous subgroups of to this publication, the consumption of pork
consumers with comparable nutrient intakes meat seemed to be associated with the consump-
(dietary patterns) are identified by using clas- tion of barley beer, poultry meat, wheat flour, and
sical statistical clustering techniques (Pryer et al., refined sugar. The consumption of cattle meat
2001; Hu, 2002). The association between food seemed to be associated with cow milk and wheat
categories can also be observed by using prin- flour (Sy et al., 2013).
cipal component analysis. For example, intake (c) Red meat consumption
of processed meat was associated with intake
of French fries, sweets, cakes, desserts, snacks, According to FAOSTAT in 2011, the cumu-
and alcoholic beverages (Fung et al., 2003; Dixon lated mean per capita consumption of beef,
et al., 2004; Kesse et al., 2006). mutton, goat, and pig meat was 30, 60, 130, 140,
Whereas clustering is based on nutrient and 200 g/day, respectively, for Africa, Asia,
intake, it is very difficult to a posteriori identify America, Europe, and Oceania (FAO, 2015).
foods that contribute by a majority to a given From the WHO/GEMS clusters, the average
dietary pattern. Zetlaoui et al. proposed the use of
Red meat and processed meat
Table 1.9 Total iron and percentage of haem iron in raw and cooked meat
total red meat consumption ranged from 15 to of red meat worldwide ranged from 23 g/day
147 g/day (WHO, 2013). (2.6–28 g/day) for the first quintile to 84 g/day
In a systematic assessment, the Global Burden (71–138 g/day) for the fifth quintile (Imamura
of Diseases Nutrition and Chronic Diseases et al., 2015).
Expert Group (NutriCoDE) evaluated the global Individual food consumption surveys provide
consumption of key dietary items (foods and the distribution of consumption for consumers
nutrients) by region, nation, age, and sex in 1990 only (i.e. high percentiles of consumption as well
and 2010 (Imamura et al., 2015). Consumption as percentages of consumers by country) (FAO/
data were evaluated from 325 surveys (71.7% WHO, 2015; FCID, 2015). Worldwide detailed data
nationally representative) covering 88.7% of on red meat consumption (g/kg bw per day) are
the global adult population. According to the presented in Table 1.14 and Table 1.15 for adults
analysis, the median of mean consumption and children, respectively.
Table 1.10 Advanced glycation end product content in red meat, processed meat, and chickena
Adapted from Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Volume 110, issue 6, Jaime Uribarri, Sandra Woodruff, Susan Goodman, Weijing
Cai, Xue Chen, Renata Pyzik, Angie Yong, Gary E. Striker, Helen Vlassara, Advanced Glycation End Products in Foods and a Practical Guide to
Their Reduction in the Diet, Pages No. 911-916.e12, Copyright (2010), with permission from Elsevier (Uribarri et al., 2010)
Red meat and processed meat
at the 95th percentile of between 22 and (Zhai et al., 2009). For Chinese children, the
69 g/day. It is therefore likely that the difference mean consumption of pork was 51 g/day, and
in the per capita consumption (four to five times consumption of pork at the 95th percentile was
lower in Africa than in Europe) was mainly due to 142 g/day. Beef was consumed by less than 10% of
a lower number of consumers rather than to large the Chinese population, with a mean consump-
differences in the dietary patterns of consumers tion of 46 g/day and consumption at the 95th
(FAO/WHO, 2015; Table 1.14 and Table 1.15). percentile for consumers of 130 g/day. For
children, the mean consumption of beef was
(iv) Middle East and north Africa
32 g/day, and consumption of beef at the
Intake of red meat in countries of the Middle 95th percentile was 85 g/day. These figures were
East and north Africa was estimated in 2010 close to those reported in the Americas and
to range from 200 g/week (Afghanistan) to Europe (FAO/WHO, 2015; Table 1.15).
700 g/week (Algeria and United Arab Emirates) Similarly, in the Republic of Korea, the
(Afshin et al., 2015). consumption of pork for adults was 76 g/day,
(v) Asia and consumption of pork at the 95th percentile
Food consumption surveys were available was 253 g/day (44% of consumers). For children,
from Bangladesh, China, Japan, the Philippines, the mean consumption of pork was 30 g/day,
the Republic of Korea, and Thailand. In Asia, and consumption of pork at the 95th percentile
the main types of red meat consumed were was 95 g/day. Finally, in the Philippines, for one
pork and beef (FAO/WHO, 2015). In China, third of the population, the mean consumption
the predominant red meat consumed was pork, of pork for children was 75 g/day, and consump-
with 63% of consumers, a mean consumption of tion of pork at the 95th percentile was 208 g/day
84 g/day, and consumption at the 95th percentile (33% of consumers). On the contrary, in Japan,
of 224 g/day for adult consumers only (Table 1.14). beef and pork were consumed by a wide range
Based on three consecutive 24-hour recalls, of consumers (i.e. 89% and 99% of the popu-
a prospective study of 5000 adults from 4280 lation, respectively). The mean consumption
households in nine provinces showed an increase and consumption at the 97.5th percentile for
in average consumption of pork of 20% (52 vs consumers only were 53 and 83 g/day, respec-
62 g/day per person) from 1989 to 2004 tively, i.e. about half of the consumption in north
Red meat and processed meat
America or in China. In Thailand, the percentage a mean consumption that for consumers only
of pork meat consumers was 89%, with a mean ranged from 13 to 70 g/day, and a consumption
consumption of 23 g/day. In Bangladesh, the at the 97.5th percentile that ranged from 83 to
percentage of red meat consumers was less than 257 g/day (FAO/WHO, 2015; Table 1.15).
10%. The mean consumption for consumers was In summary, for most countries (e.g.
between 10 and 23 g/day, and the consump- Australia, central and southern Europe, China,
tion at the 95th percentile was between 25 and the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, and the
77 g/day (FAO/WHO, 2015; Table 1.14 and USA), the mean consumption of red meat for
Table 1.15). consumers only was around 50–100 g/day, and
high consumption was around 200–300 g/day.
(iv) Oceania
The percentage of meat consumers seemed to
The 2008/09 New Zealand Adult Nutrition be proportional to the income or the level of
Survey (University of Otago and Ministry of development. In other words, the distribution
Health, 2011) estimated the mean consumption of meat consumption was fairly similar among
of beef and veal to be 180 g/day, and consump- consumers in these countries. Therefore, anal-
tion of beef and veal at the 90th percentile to be ysis of per capita data only may give the wrong
397 g/day for consumers only. The same survey perception of the levels of consumption. In some
estimated the mean consumption of lamb and countries (e.g. Japan, northern Europe, and
mutton to be 137 g/day, and consumption of lamb Thailand), the consumption of red meat was low,
and mutton at the 90th percentile to be 275 g/day. despite a percentage of consumers of about 90%,
For these two food categories, the percentage of probably due to substitution with fish and other
consumers was 24% for beef and veal meat, and seafoods. Finally, in less-industrialized countries
7% for lamb and goat meat (Parnell et al., 2012). for which data were available (e.g. Bangladesh,
Data on the consumption of pork, as well as the Burkina Faso, and Uganda), the percentage of
total red meat consumption, were not available consumers was below 10%, probably due to
for adults. For Australia, data on consumption the high price of red meat. It should be noted
were only available for children. They showed that, in these countries, the mean and high
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of Mean STD P975
consumers (g/bw per (g/bw per (g/bw per
day) day) day)
Adult Bangladesh Harvest_2007/8 Beef and other bovines 474 39 8.23% 0.4 0.3 0.9
women meat
Adult Bangladesh Harvest_2007/8 Goat and other caprines 474 9 1.90% 0.5 0.7 2.0
Adults Belgium Diet_National_2004 Beef and other bovines 1304 449 34.43% 0.9 0.7 2.5
Adults Belgium Diet_National_2004 Horse and other equines 1304 16 1.23% 1.1 0.7 2.6
Adults Belgium Diet_National_2004 Meat from mammals 1304 9 0.69% 0.7 0.3 1.1
other than marine
mammals, NES
Adults Belgium Diet_National_2004 Pork and other porcines 1304 273 20.94% 0.9 0.5 2.3
Adults Belgium Diet_National_2004 Sheep and other ovines 1304 84 6.44% 0.9 0.5 2.1
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Beef and other bovines 34 003 23 320 68.58% 1.4 1.2 4.4
population of Geography and meat
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Goat and other caprines 34 003 194 0.57% 1.8 1.2 4.8
population of Geography and
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Meat from mammals 34 003 2071 6.09% 1.0 0.9 3.5
population of Geography and other than marine
Statistics mammals, NES
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Pork and other porcines 34 003 2577 7.58% 1.8 1.7 6.3
population of Geography and
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Sheep and other ovines 34 003 136 0.40% 1.5 1.1 4.8
population of Geography and
Adult Burkina Harvest_2010 Beef and other bovines 287 7 2.44% 0.4 0.1 0.5
women Faso meat
Adult Burkina Harvest_2010 Goat and other caprines 287 7 2.44% 0.7 0.5 1.5
women Faso
Adult Burkina Harvest_2010 Meat from mammals 287 3 1.05% 1.7 0.5 2.2
women Faso other than marine
mammals, NES
Table 1.14 (continued)
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of Mean STD P975
consumers (g/bw per (g/bw per (g/bw per
day) day) day)
Adult Burkina Harvest_2010 Pork and other porcines 287 11 3.83% 0.8 0.5 1.8
women Faso
Adult Burkina Harvest_2010 Sheep and other ovines 287 4 1.39% 0.9 0.3 1.2
women Faso
General China 2002 China Nutrition Beef and other bovines 65 359 5278 8.08% 0.9 0.9 3.2
population and Health Survey meat
General China 2002 China Nutrition Horse and other equines 65 359 66 0.10% 2.1 4.0 10.4
population and Health Survey
General China 2002 China Nutrition Meat from mammals 65 359 635 0.97% 1.2 1.2 4.6
population and Health Survey other than marine
mammals, NES
General China 2002 China Nutrition Pork and other porcines 65 359 41 283 63.16% 1.6 1.4 5.3
population and Health Survey
General China 2002 China Nutrition Sheep and other ovines 65 359 3690 5.65% 1.2 1.2 4.3
population and Health Survey
Adults Czech SISP04 Beef and other bovines 1666 514 30.85% 0.8 0.6 2.2
Republic meat
Adults Czech SISP04 Pork and other porcines 1666 694 41.66% 1.1 0.7 2.9
Adults Denmark Danish_Dietary_ Beef and other bovines 2822 2780 98.51% 0.5 0.4 1.4
Survey meat
Adults Denmark Danish_Dietary_ Pork and other porcines 2822 2750 97.45% 0.6 0.5 1.8
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of Mean STD P975
consumers (g/bw per (g/bw per (g/bw per
day) day) day)
Adults France INCA2 Pork and other porcines 2276 1154 50.70% 0.3 0.3 1.1
Adults France INCA2 Sheep and other ovines 2276 627 27.55% 0.2 0.2 0.7
Adults Hungary National_Repr_Surv Beef and other bovines 1074 382 35.57% 0.3 0.3 1.1
Adults Hungary National_Repr_Surv Pork and other porcines 1074 860 80.07% 0.9 0.6 2.6
Adults Hungary National_Repr_Surv Sheep and other ovines 1074 8 0.74% 0.5 0.2 0.8
Adults Ireland NSIFCS Beef and other bovines 958 761 79.44% 0.7 0.6 2.0
Adults Ireland NSIFCS Pork and other porcines 958 427 44.57% 0.5 0.4 1.5
Adults Ireland NSIFCS Sheep and other ovines 958 361 37.68% 0.4 0.3 1.4
Adults Italy INRAN_ Beef and other bovines 2313 1698 73.41% 0.8 0.6 2.3
SCAI_2005_06 meat
Adults Italy INRAN_ Goat and other caprines 2313 3 0.13% 0.6 0.2 0.8
Adults Italy INRAN_ Horse and other equines 2313 57 2.46% 0.7 0.4 1.5
Adults Italy INRAN_ Pork and other porcines 2313 735 31.78% 0.6 0.5 1.8
Adults Italy INRAN_ Sheep and other ovines 2313 71 3.07% 0.6 0.8 1.4
General Japan DSFFQ _FI Beef and other bovines 2711 2406 88.75% 0.3 0.3 1.0
population meat
General Japan DSFFQ _FI Meat from mammals 2711 112 4.13% 0.2 0.1 0.7
population other than marine
mammals, NES
General Japan DSFFQ _FI Pork and other porcines 2711 2691 99.26% 0.6 0.4 1.5
Adults Latvia EFSA_TEST Beef and other bovines 1306 66 5.05% 0.8 0.6 2.7
Adults Latvia EFSA_TEST Goat and other caprines 1306 1 0.08% 0.7 0.7
Adults Latvia EFSA_TEST Meat from mammals 1306 20 1.53% 0.7 0.4 1.7
other than marine
mammals, NES
Adults Latvia EFSA_TEST Pork and other porcines 1306 796 60.95% 1.2 0.9 3.5
Table 1.14 (continued)
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of Mean STD P975
consumers (g/bw per (g/bw per (g/bw per
day) day) day)
Adults Latvia EFSA_TEST Sheep and other ovines 1306 5 0.38% 0.8 0.3 1.3
Adults Netherlands DNFCS_2003 Beef and other bovines 750 180 24.00% 1.0 0.6 2.5
Adults Netherlands DNFCS_2003 Horse and other equines 750 2 0.27% 0.2 0.1 0.3
Adults Netherlands DNFCS_2003 Pork and other porcines 750 309 41.20% 1.2 0.9 3.8
Adults Netherlands DNFCS_2003 Sheep and other ovines 750 30 4.00% 1.2 0.9 4.1
General Republic of KNHNES Beef and other bovines 9391 3141 33.45% 0.9 1.2 4.1
population Korea meat
General Republic of KNHNES Pork and other porcines 9391 4124 43.91% 1.4 1.8 6.3
population Korea
Adults Spain AESAN_FIAB Beef and other bovines 981 680 69.32% 1.1 0.7 2.8
Adults Spain AESAN Beef and other bovines 410 176 42.93% 1.2 0.8 3.2
Adults Spain AESAN_FIAB Goat and other caprines 981 3 0.31% 1.1 0.2 1.3
Adults Spain AESAN_FIAB Pork and other porcines 981 366 37.31% 1.0 0.7 3.0
Adults Spain AESAN Pork and other porcines 410 129 31.46% 1.0 0.6 2.4
Adults Spain AESAN_FIAB Sheep and other ovines 981 102 10.40% 1.0 0.5 2.3
Adults Spain AESAN Sheep and other ovines 410 18 4.39% 1.1 0.9 3.8
Adults Sweden Riksmaten_1997_98 Beef and other bovines 1210 590 48.76% 0.3 0.2 0.9
Adults Sweden Riksmaten_1997_98 Horse and other equines 1210 8 0.66% 0.1 0.1 0.5
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of Mean STD P975
consumers (g/bw per (g/bw per (g/bw per
day) day) day)
Adults United NDNS Pork and other porcines 1724 535 31.03% 0.3 0.2 0.9
Adults United NDNS Sheep and other ovines 1724 434 25.17% 0.3 0.2 0.8
Adults USA FCID-WWEIA data Total red meat 31 484 23 825 75.67% 1.1 3.06*
over 16 for years 2005–2010
General USA FCID-WWEIA data Total red meat 49 343 35 752 72.46% 1.2 3.59*
population for years 2005–2010
General USA FCID-WWEIA data Sheep meat 49 343 2518 5.10% 0.1 0.56*
population for years 2005–2010
General USA FCID-WWEIA data Goat meat 49 343 35 0.07% 1.9 5.8*
population for years 2005–2010
General USA FCID-WWEIA data Pork meat 49 343 26 256 53.21% 0.55 2.04*
population for years 2005–2010
General USA FCID-WWEIA data Beef meat 49 343 29 788 60.37% 0.96 3.08*
population for years 2005–2010
* 95th percentile
NES, not elsewhere specified
Data on USA from FCID (2015): What We Eat In America – Food Commodity Intake Database 2005–10, United States Environmental Protection Agency – Office of Pesticide Programs
© University of Maryland 2012 – 2016. Available from: http://fcid.foodrisk.org/percentiles.php
Data for other countries from FAO/WHO (2015): the FAO/WHO Chronic individual food consumption database – Summary statistics (CIFOCOss), © Copyright World Health
Organization (WHO), 2016. All Rights Reserved. Available from: http://www.who.int/foodsafety/databases/en/
Table 1.15 Worldwide consumption of red meat in children
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumers consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Adolescents Belgium Diet_National_2004 Beef and other bovines 584 175 29.97% 1.0 0.7 2.5
Adolescents Belgium Diet_National_2004 Horse and other equines 584 6 1.03% 1.3 0.4 1.9
Adolescents Belgium Diet_National_2004 Meat from mammals 584 11 1.88% 0.7 0.4 1.7
other than marine
mammals, NES
Adolescents Belgium Diet_National_2004 Pork and other porcines 584 121 20.72% 1.1 0.7 3.1
Adolescents Belgium Diet_National_2004 Sheep and other ovines 584 43 7.36% 1.0 0.7 2.8
Adolescents Cyprus Childhealth Beef and other bovines 303 18 5.94% 0.6 0.2 0.9
Adolescents Cyprus Childhealth Pork and other porcines 303 154 50.83% 1.1 0.6 2.8
Adolescents Cyprus Childhealth Sheep and other ovines 303 12 3.96% 0.8 0.4 1.8
Adolescents Czech SISP04 Beef and other bovines 298 97 32.55% 1.2 0.8 3.1
Republic meat
Adolescents Czech SISP04 Pork and other porcines 298 125 41.95% 1.4 0.8 3.2
Adolescents Denmark Danish Dietary Beef and other bovines 479 478 99.79% 0.7 0.5 2.0
Survey meat
Adolescents Denmark Danish_Dietary_ Pork and other porcines 479 472 98.54% 0.7 0.5 2.0
Adolescents Denmark Danish_Dietary_ Sheep and other ovines 479 21 4.38% 0.5 0.3 1.3
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumers consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Adolescents Italy INRAN_ Horse and other equines 247 8 3.24% 0.8 0.3 1.4
Adolescents Italy INRAN_ Pork and other porcines 247 81 32.79% 0.8 0.7 2.5
Adolescents Italy INRAN_ Sheep and other ovines 247 2 0.81% 0.7 0.2 0.9
Adolescents Latvia EFSA_TEST Beef and other bovines 470 16 3.40% 0.9 0.6 2.3
Adolescents Latvia EFSA_TEST Meat from mammals 470 4 0.85% 0.5 0.1 0.5
other than marine
mammals, NES
Adolescents Latvia EFSA_TEST Pork and other porcines 470 263 55.96% 1.4 1.1 4.1
Adolescents Spain AESAN_FIAB Beef and other bovines 86 62 72.09% 1.4 1.0 4.5
Adolescents Spain NUT_INK05 Beef and other bovines 651 294 45.16% 1.7 1.1 4.8
Adolescents Spain NUT_INK05 Goat and other caprines 651 2 0.31% 1.3 0.5 1.6
Adolescents Spain enKid Horse and other equines 209 2 0.96% 1.0 0.2 1.2
Adolescents Spain NUT_INK05 Horse and other equines 651 1 0.15% 1.3 1.3
Adolescents Spain enKid Meat from mammals 209 69 33.01% 1.5 0.9 3.9
other than marine
mammals, NES
Adolescents Spain AESAN_FIAB Pork and other porcines 86 42 48.84% 1.0 0.6 2.0
Adolescents Spain enKid Pork and other porcines 209 60 28.71% 1.2 0.8 3.3
Adolescents Spain NUT_INK05 Pork and other porcines 651 212 32.57% 1.1 0.7 3.3
Adolescents Spain AESAN_FIAB Sheep and other ovines 86 4 4.65% 1.3 0.6 2.0
Adolescents Spain enKid Sheep and other ovines 209 11 5.26% 1.9 2.3 8.5
Adolescents Spain NUT_INK05 Sheep and other ovines 651 29 4.45% 1.3 0.7 3.8
Adolescents Sweden NFA Beef and other bovines 1018 542 53.24% 0.5 0.4 1.7
Adolescents Sweden NFA Horse and other equines 1018 9 0.88% 0.3 0.3 0.9
Adolescents Sweden NFA Pork and other porcines 1018 286 28.09% 0.8 0.5 2.0
Adolescents Sweden NFA Sheep and other ovines 1018 6 0.59% 0.8 0.8 2.4
Table 1.15 (continued)
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumers consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Children Bangladesh Harvest_2007/8 Beef and other bovines 555 41 7.39% 1.0 0.8 3.0
Children Bangladesh Harvest_2007/8 Goat and other caprines 555 12 2.16% 0.9 0.7 2.1
Children Burkina Harvest_2010 Beef and other bovines 288 7 2.43% 0.9 0.6 1.5
Faso meat
Children Burkina Harvest_2010 Goat and other caprines 288 6 2.08% 1.8 1.0 3.3
Children Burkina Harvest_2010 Meat from mammals 288 3 1.04% 4.8 3.6 8.0
Faso other than marine
mammals, NES
Children Burkina Harvest_2010 Pork and other porcines 288 10 3.47% 2.2 1.6 5.7
Children Burkina Harvest_2010 Sheep and other ovines 288 3 1.04% 1.9 0.9 2.8
Children China 2002 China Nutrition Beef and other bovines 2784 171 6.14% 2.0 1.7 6.7
and Health Survey meat
Children China 2002 China Nutrition Horse and other equines 2784 7 0.25% 7.6 10.4 30.9
and Health Survey
Children China 2002 China Nutrition Meat from mammals 2784 27 0.97% 2.6 2.6 10.6
and Health Survey other than marine
mammals, NES
Children China 2002 China Nutrition Pork and other porcines 2784 1703 61.17% 3.3 2.7 10.5
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumers consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Children Philippines Harvest_2003 Meat from mammals 1205 22 1.83% 1.4 0.9 3.1
other than marine
mammals, NES
Children Philippines Harvest_2003 Pork and other porcines 1205 395 32.78% 1.4 1.5 5.2
Children Republic of KNHNES Beef and other bovines 654 255 38.99% 1.1 1.3 4.9
Korea meat
Children Republic of KNHNES Pork and other porcines 654 329 50.31% 1.9 2.0 6.5
Children Australia 2007 ANCNPAS Beef and other bovines 4487 3898 86.87% 1.8 1.9 6.8
(2-16 yrs) meat
Children Australia 2007 ANCNPAS Pork and other porcines 4487 3594 80.10% 0.9 1.2 4.1
(2-16 yrs)
Children Australia 2007 ANCNPAS Sheep and other ovines 4487 2479 55.25% 0.6 1.1 4.0
(2-16 yrs)
Children Australia 2007 ANCNPAS Beef and other bovines 1463 1226 83.80% 2.3 2.1 8.4
(2-6 yrs) meat
Children Australia 2007 ANCNPAS Pork and other porcines 1463 1114 76.14% 1.3 1.4 5.1
(2-6 yrs)
Children Australia 2007 ANCNPAS Sheep and other ovines 1463 741 50.65% 0.7 1.2 4.4
(2-6 yrs)
Infants Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Beef and other bovines 860 89 10.35% 2.7 1.6 7.8
Infants Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Pork and other porcines 860 9 1.05% 2.3 2.2 7.3
Infants Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Sheep and other ovines 860 2 0.23% 2.4 1.0 3.1
Infants Italy INRAN_ Beef and other bovines 16 1 6.25% 3.8 3.8
SCAI_2005_06 meat
Infants Italy INRAN_ Pork and other porcines 16 1 6.25% 1.0 1.0
Infants Italy INRAN_ Sheep and other ovines 16 1 6.25% 1.3 1.3
Other Belgium Regional_Flanders Meat from mammals 625 16 2.56% 1.2 0.8 3.3
children other than marine
mammals, nes
Table 1.15 (continued)
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumers consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Other Belgium Regional_Flanders Sheep and other ovines 625 10 1.60% 1.4 0.6 2.3
Other Belgium Regional_Flanders Beef and other bovines 625 185 29.60% 1.4 0.8 3.1
children meat
Other Belgium Regional_Flanders Horse and other equines 625 8 1.28% 1.3 0.6 2.2
Other Belgium Regional_Flanders Pork and other porcines 625 121 19.36% 1.2 0.7 3.1
Other Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Beef and other bovines 433 276 63.74% 2.6 1.8 7.2
children meat
Other Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Pork and other porcines 433 37 8.55% 1.9 1.2 6.2
Other Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Sheep and other ovines 433 8 1.85% 1.8 1.2 3.2
Other Czech SISP04 Beef and other bovines 389 125 32.13% 1.7 1.2 4.5
children Republic meat
Other Czech SISP04 Pork and other porcines 389 121 31.11% 2.0 1.3 5.8
children Republic
Other Denmark Danish_Dietary_ Beef and other bovines 490 482 98.37% 0.9 0.6 2.3
children Survey meat
Other Denmark Danish_Dietary_ Pork and other porcines 490 480 97.96% 1.1 0.8 3.0
children Survey
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumers consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Other Finland STRIP Sheep and other ovines 250 4 1.60% 1.0 1.1 2.6
Other France INCA2 Beef and other bovines 482 440 91.29% 1.5 1.0 3.9
children meat
Other France INCA2 Horse and other equines 482 9 1.87% 0.7 0.2 1.1
Other France INCA2 Meat from mammals 482 175 36.31% 0.2 0.4 1.7
children other than marine
mammals, NES
Other France INCA2 Pork and other porcines 482 227 47.10% 0.7 0.5 1.8
Other France INCA2 Sheep and other ovines 482 130 26.97% 0.4 0.3 1.4
Other Greece Regional_Crete Beef and other bovines 839 24 2.86% 1.3 0.8 3.1
children meat
Other Greece Regional_Crete Goat and other caprines 839 23 2.74% 1.5 0.8 3.5
Other Greece Regional_Crete Meat from mammals 839 54 6.44% 1.5 0.9 3.8
children other than marine
mammals, NES
Other Greece Regional_Crete Pork and other porcines 839 288 34.33% 1.7 0.9 3.9
Other Greece Regional_Crete Sheep and other ovines 839 149 17.76% 1.3 0.7 3.7
Other Italy INRAN_ Beef and other bovines 193 151 78.24% 2.0 1.4 6.0
children SCAI_2005_06 meat
Other Italy INRAN_ Horse and other equines 193 1 0.52% 1.7 1.7
children SCAI_2005_06
Other Italy INRAN_ Pork and other porcines 193 71 36.79% 1.2 0.9 3.2
children SCAI_2005_06
Other Italy INRAN_ Sheep and other ovines 193 4 2.07% 1.0 0.7 1.9
children SCAI_2005_06
Other Latvia EFSA_TEST Beef and other bovines 189 6 3.17% 1.2 0.3 1.8
children meat
Table 1.15 (continued)
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumers consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Other Latvia EFSA_TEST Meat from mammals 189 2 1.06% 1.4 0.7 1.9
children other than marine
mammals, NES
Other Latvia EFSA_TEST Pork and other porcines 189 105 55.56% 1.6 1.1 4.5
Other Netherlands VCP_kids Beef and other bovines 957 255 26.65% 1.2 1.0 3.4
children meat
Other Netherlands VCP_kids Horse and other equines 957 2 0.21% 0.3 0.1 0.4
Other Netherlands VCP_kids Pork and other porcines 957 167 17.45% 1.1 0.8 3.0
Other Netherlands VCP_kids Sheep and other ovines 957 10 1.04% 0.6 0.3 1.3
Other Spain NUT_INK05 Beef and other bovines 399 155 38.85% 2.3 1.4 6.1
children meat
Other Spain enKid Horse and other equines 156 1 0.64% 3.9 3.9
Other Spain NUT_INK05 Horse and other equines 399 2 0.50% 3.1 1.3 4.1
Other Spain enKid Meat from mammals 156 44 28.21% 2.4 1.4 6.4
children other than marine
mammals, NES
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumers consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Other Sweden NFA Pork and other porcines 1473 536 36.39% 0.9 0.7 2.7
Other Sweden NFA Sheep and other ovines 1473 15 1.02% 0.6 0.4 1.7
Toddlers Belgium Regional_Flanders Beef and other bovines 36 12 33.33% 1.4 0.8 3.0
Toddlers Belgium Regional_Flanders Meat from mammals 36 2 5.56% 1.8 0.7 2.3
other than marine
mammals, NES
Toddlers Belgium Regional_Flanders Horse and other equines 36 1 2.78% 5.0 5.0
Toddlers Belgium Regional_Flanders Pork and other porcines 36 11 30.56% 2.1 2.0 7.3
Toddlers Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Beef and other bovines 428 229 53.50% 2.8 2.0 7.5
Toddlers Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Pork and other porcines 428 26 6.07% 1.6 1.2 5.5
Toddlers Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Sheep and other ovines 428 11 2.57% 1.6 1.0 4.0
Toddlers Finland DIPP Beef and other bovines 497 406 81.69% 2.0 1.6 6.4
Toddlers Finland DIPP Pork and other porcines 497 326 65.59% 1.4 1.4 4.8
Toddlers Finland DIPP Sheep and other ovines 497 26 5.23% 1.0 0.8 4.5
Toddlers Italy INRAN_ Beef and other bovines 36 20 55.56% 2.4 1.6 6.3
SCAI_2005_06 meat
Toddlers Italy INRAN_ Pork and other porcines 36 7 19.44% 0.6 0.2 1.1
Toddlers Italy INRAN_ Sheep and other ovines 36 2 5.56% 1.6 0.7 2.1
Toddlers Netherlands VCP_kids Beef and other bovines 322 84 26.09% 1.4 1.2 4.8
Toddlers Netherlands VCP_kids Pork and other porcines 322 47 14.60% 1.2 1.1 4.0
Toddlers Netherlands VCP_kids Sheep and other ovines 322 1 0.31% 1.0 1.0
Toddlers Spain enKid Meat from mammals 17 3 17.65% 3.6 0.5 4.1
other than marine
mammals, NES
Toddlers Spain enKid Sheep and other ovines 17 2 11.76% 1.1 0.5 1.4
Table 1.15 (continued)
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers of mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumers consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Children USA FCID-WWEIA data Total red meat 5338 2451 45.92% 2.4 7.04
(1–3 yrs) for years 2005–2010
Children USA FCID-WWEIA data Total red meat 12 521 9605 76.71% 1.7 4.98
(3–16 yrs) for years 2005–2010
NES, not elsewhere specified
Data on USA from FCID (2015): What We Eat In America - Food Commodity Intake Database 2005-10, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Pesticide Programs ©
University of Maryland 2012 – 2016. Available from: http://fcid.foodrisk.org/percentiles.php
Data for other countries from FAO/WHO (2015): the FAO/WHO Chronic individual food consumption database – Summary statistics (CIFOCOss), © Copyright World Health
Organization (WHO), 2016. All Rights Reserved. Available from: http://www.who.int/foodsafety/databases/en/
consumption for consumers were up to 90 and to 34 g/day (26–76 g/day) for the fifth quintile
150 g/day, respectively (FAO/WHO, 2015; (Imamura et al., 2015).
Table 1.14, Table 1.15). These levels of consumption of processed
meat were consistent with those in Japan, where
(d) Offal consumption the percentage of consumers was about 97%,
The per capita consumption of mammalian the mean consumption was 14 g/day, and the
offal worldwide was generally lower than 10 g/day consumption at the 95th percentile was 34 g/day
per person, except for Australia and European (FAO/WHO, 2015; Table 1.16). On the contrary, in
countries, where the highest levels (15 g/day per China, the percentage of consumers of processed
person) were reported by GEMS clusters diets meat was about 2–3.8% of the total population;
(WHO, 2013). From National food consumption however, for this group, the mean consumption
surveys, high mean consumption for consumers and the consumption at the 95th percentile were
only was reported for a limited proportion of the 66 and 182 g/day, respectively (FAO/WHO, 2015;
population. For example, in Brazil, the average Table 1.16). Based on three consecutive 24-hour
consumption of mammalian offal in the general recalls, a prospective study of 5000 adults from
population was 84 g/day per person for 3.5% of 4280 households in nine provinces showed
consumers (FAO/WHO, 2015). In Germany, the that the average processed meat consumption
mean consumption of cattle offal for adults was increased by three-fold (5 vs 15 g/day per person)
53 g/day per person for 0.3% of consumers. In from 1989 to 2004 (Zhai et al., 2009).
China, the consumption of mammalian offal by Intake of processed meat in countries of the
the general population was 44 g/day per person Middle East and north Africa was estimated
for 3.5% of consumers. It should be noted that in 2010 to range from 2.5 g/day (Palestine) to
high consumers can eat up to about 260 g/day per 6.7 g/day (United Arab Emirates) (Afshin et al.,
person of mammalian offal (Brazil), and in such 2015).
situations, offal was a likely substitute for other In New Zealand, the mean consumption
meat products (FAO/WHO, 2015). of sausages and processed meat was 110 g/day
for women and 142 g/day for men. At the 90th
(e) Processed meat consumption percentile, the consumption reached 212 g/day for
The consumption of processed meat is more women and 300 g/day for men. In addition, the
difficult to estimate than that of red meat, as it is percentage of consumers older than 15 years was
a heterogeneous food group with different defini- about 16% of the population (Parnell et al., 2012).
tions across countries. Detailed worldwide data In Brazil, the percentage of consumers of
on processed meat consumption (g/kg bw per processed meat was about 27% of the total popula-
day) are presented in Table 1.16 and Table 1.17 for tion; however, for this group, the mean consump-
adults and children, respectively. tion and the consumption at the 95th percentile
According to the per capita data collected by were 33 and 94 g/day, respectively (FAO/WHO,
FAOSTAT, the total processed meat consump- 2015; Table 1.16).
tion was between 0 and 33 g/day (FAO/WHO, In the USA, detailed results were available
2015). Based on the GEMS cluster diets, the total for processed meat from game, beef, goat, and
processed meat consumption ranged from less pork. Interestingly, the percentage of consumers
than 1 to 18 g/day (WHO, 2013). ranged from 0.07% (processed goat meat) to 65%
In the NutriCoDE study, the median of mean (processed beef meat), but the mean consumption
consumption of processed meat ranged from ranged from 42 to 99 g/day, and the consumption
3.9 g/day (1.8–5.1 g/day) for the first quintile
Table 1.16 Worldwide consumption of processed meat in adults
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage of Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers consumers mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per day)
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Processed meat and 34 003 334 0.98% 0.6 0.6 2.1
population of Geography and meat products, NES
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Processed meat and 34 003 9047 26.61% 0.5 0.5 1.8
population of Geography and meat products, NES
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Processed meat and 34 003 54 0.16% 1.2 0.8 2.6
population of Geography and meat products, NES
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Processed meat and 34 003 14 0.04% 1.4 0.8 3.6
population of Geography and meat products, NES
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Processed meat and 34 003 8 0.02% 0.5 0.2 0.8
population of Geography and meat products, NES
General Brazil Brazilian Institute Processed meat and 34 003 24 0.07% 0.9 0.7 2.1
population of Geography and meat products, NES
General China 2002 China Nutrition Processed meat and 65 359 1430 2.19% 1.2 1.1 4.2
population and Health Survey meat products, NES
General China 2002 China Nutrition Processed meat and 65 359 2483 3.80% 0.9 1.3 2.7
population and Health Survey meat products, NES
General Japan DSFFQ _FI Processed meat and 2711 2642 97.45% 0.3 0.2 0.8
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage of Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers consumers mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per day)
Adults France INCA2 Processed meat and 2276 2167 95.21% 0.6 0.4 1.6
meat products, NES
Adults Hungary National_Repr_Surv Processed meat and 1074 1003 93.39% 1.1 0.8 3.0
meat products, NES
Adults Ireland NSIFCS Processed meat and 958 906 94.57% 0.8 0.6 2.1
meat products, NES
Adults Italy INRAN_ Processed meat and 2313 1921 83.05% 0.5 0.4 1.6
SCAI_2005_06 meat products, NES
Adults Latvia EFSA_TEST Processed meat and 1306 868 66.46% 0.9 0.7 2.8
meat products, NES
Adults Netherlands DNFCS_2003 Processed meat and 750 618 82.40% 0.7 0.6 2.4
meat products, NES
Adults Spain AESAN Processed meat and 410 334 81.46% 0.9 0.7 2.5
meat products, NES
Adults Spain AESAN_FIAB Processed meat and 981 908 92.56% 0.8 0.6 2.5
meat products, NES
Adults Sweden Riksmaten_1997_98 Processed meat and 1210 1147 94.79% 0.7 0.4 1.6
meat products, NES
Adults United NDNS Processed meat and 1724 1492 86.54% 0.5 0.4 1.4
Kingdom meat products, NES
NES, not elsewhere specified
Data on USA from FCID (2015): What We Eat In America – Food Commodity Intake Database 2005–10, US. Environmental Protection Agency – Office of Pesticide Programs ©
University of Maryland 2012 – 2016. Available from: http://fcid.foodrisk.org/percentiles.php
Data for other countries from FAO/WHO (2015): the FAO/WHO Chronic individual food consumption database – Summary statistics (CIFOCOss), © Copyright World Health
Organization (WHO), 2016. All Rights Reserved. Available from: http://www.who.int/foodsafety/databases/en/
Table 1.17 Worldwide consumption of processed meat in children
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage of Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers consumers Mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Adolescents Belgium Diet_National_2004 Processed meat and 584 413 70.72% 0.8 0.7 2.7
meat products, NES
Adolescents Cyprus Child health Processed meat and 303 183 60.40% 0.4 0.3 1.1
meat products, NES
Adolescents Czech SISP04 Processed meat and 298 274 91.95% 1.4 1.2 4.6
Republic meat products, NES
Adolescents Denmark Danish Dietary Processed meat and 479 477 99.58% 0.6 0.5 2.0
Survey meat products, NES
Adolescents France INCA2 Processed meat and 973 950 97.64% 0.7 0.5 2.2
meat products, NES
Adolescents Italy INRAN_ Processed meat and 247 216 87.45% 0.8 0.6 2.2
SCAI_2005_06 meat products, NES
Adolescents Latvia EFSA_TEST Processed meat and 470 333 70.85% 1.2 1.0 3.7
meat products, NES
Adolescents Spain enKid Processed meat and 209 190 90.91% 1.6 1.3 5.3
meat products, NES
Adolescents Spain AESAN_FIAB Processed meat and 86 81 94.19% 1.0 0.7 2.7
meat products, NES
Adolescents Spain NUT_INK05 Processed meat and 651 574 88.17% 1.1 0.9 3.4
meat products, NES
Adolescents Sweden NFA Processed meat and 1018 918 90.18% 1.0 0.8 2.5
meat products, NES
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage of Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers consumers Mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Other Belgium Regional Flanders Processed meat and 625 468 74.88% 1.5 1.3 4.7
children meat products, NES
Other Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Processed meat and 433 261 60.28% 1.9 1.6 5.7
children meat products, NES
Other Czech SISP04 Processed meat and 389 314 80.72% 1.6 1.4 5.5
children Republic meat products, NES
Other Denmark Danish Dietary Processed meat and 490 488 99.59% 1.3 0.9 4.0
children Survey meat products, NES
Other Finland STRIP Processed meat and 250 218 87.20% 1.3 1.0 3.9
children meat products, NES
Other Finland DIPP Processed meat and 933 825 88.42% 1.8 1.6 6.1
children meat products, NES
Other France INCA2 Processed meat and 482 465 96.47% 1.3 0.9 3.5
children meat products, NES
Other Greece Regional Crete Processed meat and 839 327 38.97% 0.5 0.5 1.8
children meat products, NES
Other Italy INRAN_ Processed meat and 193 157 81.35% 1.2 1.0 4.0
children SCAI_2005_06 meat products, NES
Other Latvia EFSA_TEST Processed meat and 189 113 59.79% 1.8 1.6 6.4
children meat products, NES
Other Netherlands VCP kids Processed meat and 957 748 78.16% 1.6 1.2 4.5
children meat products, NES
Other Spain enKid Processed meat and 156 138 88.46% 2.2 1.5 6.5
children meat products, NES
Other Spain NUT_INK05 Processed meat and 399 357 89.47% 1.7 1.2 4.5
children meat products, NES
Other Sweden NFA Processed meat and 1473 1379 93.62% 1.5 1.1 4.3
children meat products, NES
Toddlers Belgium Regional Flanders Processed meat and 36 24 66.67% 1.9 1.2 5.7
meat products, NES
Toddlers Bulgaria NUTRICHILD Processed meat and 428 164 38.32% 2.0 1.5 5.2
meat products, NES
Table 1.17 (continued)
Age class Country Survey Meat type No. of No. of Percentage of Consumers, Consumers, Consumers,
subjects consumers consumers Mean STD (g/bw P975 (g/bw
consumption per day) per day)
(g/bw per
Toddlers Finland DIPP Processed meat and 497 142 28.57% 1.5 1.6 5.5
meat products, NES
Toddlers Italy INRAN_ Processed meat and 36 22 61.11% 1.6 1.2 5.6
SCAI_2005_06 meat products, NES
Toddlers Netherlands VCP kids Processed meat and 322 254 78.88% 1.8 1.6 6.5
meat products, NES
Toddlers Spain enKid Processed meat and 17 13 76.47% 2.7 1.8 6.9
meat products, NES
NES, not elsewhere specified
Data on USA from FCID (2015): What We Eat In America – Food Commodity Intake Database 2005–10, United States Environmental Protection Agency – Office of Pesticide Programs
© University of Maryland 2012 – 2016. Available from: http://fcid.foodrisk.org/percentiles.php
Data for other countries from FAO/WHO (2015): the FAO/WHO Chronic individual food consumption database – Summary statistics (CIFOCOss), © Copyright World Health
Organization (WHO), 2016. All Rights Reserved. Available from: http://www.who.int/foodsafety/databases/en/
at the 95th percentile ranged from 152 to 130 pg/kg bw per month at the 50th and 90th
309 g/day (FCID, 2015). percentiles, respectively. The contribution
In Europe, the mean consumption of from meat was estimated to range from 6% in
processed meat for adults was between about Asia to 23% in north America for PCDDs and
10 and 80 g/day. The consumption at the 95th PCDFs, and from 4% in Asia to 55% in north
percentile was up to 200 g/day (EFSA, 2011). America for dioxin-like PCBs (JECFA, 2002).
In the EPIC cohort, the lowest consumption Brominated flame retardants (BFRs): Food
of processed meat was found in Greece, with consumption, especially fish and meat
11 g/day for women and 19 g/day for men. The product consumption, is a major route of
highest consumption of processed meat was human contamination (Lyche et al., 2015).
found in Norway for women (48 g/day) and in For example, higher levels of PBDEs in
Germany for men (89 g/day) (Linseisen et al., humans were found in studies in the USA
2006). where fish were most highly contaminated
[The Working Group noted that despite the (median, 616 pg/g), followed by meat (median,
weaknesses of the data set, it seemed that in 190 pg/g). However, unlike many European
certain countries the consumption of processed countries where fish consumption predom-
meat is similar to the consumption of red meat inates, dietary intake of PBDEs in the USA
for consumers only. However, the percentage of is mostly from meat consumption (Schecter
consumers of processed meat seemed to be much et al., 2008).
smaller, leading to a per capita consumption four Heavy metals: The heavy metals cadmium,
to five times lower than that of red meat.] arsenic, and lead have been classified
(f) Dietary exposure to chemicals in meat as carcinogens by IARC (IARC, 2012a).
For the EU, the European Food Safety
(i) Chemicals in the environment Authority (EFSA) has estimated that average
Several chemicals classified as carcinogens by weekly dietary exposure to cadmium was
the International Agency for Research on Cancer 2.04 µg/kg bw, and at the 95th percentile,
(IARC) are present in the environment and can weekly dietary exposure to cadmium was
contaminate meat through air, water, or animal 3.66 µg/kg bw. Food consumed in larger quan-
feed. They can be generated either from indus- tities had the greatest impact on dietary expo-
trial activities or from microorganisms (IARC, sure to cadmium. This was true for the broad
2010a, b, 2012a, b, 2016). food categories of grains and grain products
Dioxin and dioxin-like compounds: The Joint (26.9%). Meat and edible offal were estimated
FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food to contribute 7.7% of the total dietary expo-
Additives (JECFA) assessed dioxins and sure (EFSA, 2012). In 2010, JECFA estimated
related compounds in 2002. The dietary that for adults, the mean dietary expo-
exposure estimate, expressed as toxic equiva- sure to cadmium was 2.2–12 μg/kg bw per
lency factors for PCDDs and PCDFs based on month, and high-level dietary exposure to
national data, ranged from 33 to 42 pg/kg bw cadmium was 6.9–12.1 μg/kg bw per month.
per month and from 81 to 100 pg/kg bw For children aged 6 months to 12 years, the
per month at the 50th and 90th percen- mean dietary exposure to cadmium was
tiles, respectively. For coplanar PCBs, the 3.9–20.6 μg/kg bw per month. Meat was
dietary exposure estimate ranged from 9 to not part of the food groups that contributed
47 pg/kg bw per month and from 25 to significantly (40–85%) to the total dietary
Red meat and processed meat
exposure to cadmium (i.e. rice, wheat, vege- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): In
tables, and molluscs) (JECFA, 2013). 2006, JECFA estimated the dietary exposure
Dietary exposure to inorganic arsenic was to PAHs in 18 countries, including Australia,
last evaluated by JECFA in 2011. The occur- Brazil, New Zealand, and the United
rence of total arsenic in meat ranged from Kingdom. Estimated intake of BaP ranged
0.004 to 0.78 mg/kg, and meat was not a major from < 1 to 2.0 µg/day and from 0.0001 to
contributor to dietary exposure to inorganic 0.005 µg/kg bw per day. For the other nine
arsenic (JECFA, 2011). PAHs, intake ranged from less than 1 to
Lead was last evaluated by JECFA in 2011. ~12 µg/day and from 0.0001 to 0.015 µg/kg bw
Mean dietary exposure to lead ranged from per day (WHO, 2006). Generally, despite high
0.02 to 3 μg/kg bw per day for adults, and concentrations of PAHs, meat and barbecued
from 0.03 to 9 μg/kg bw per day for children. foods were not major contributors to PAH
The contribution of meat and meat products, exposure; however, in the USA, grilled and
including offal, was estimated to be 9% of the barbecued meat was estimated to contribute
total dietary exposure to lead (JECFA, 2013). to 21% of the intake of BaP (WHO, 2006).
Cereals, vegetal oil, animal fat, and vegetal
Mycotoxins: EFSA concluded that carry-over fat contributed up to 60% to the whole food
of aflatoxin, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, intake of PAHs, as they are major contribu-
and fumonisin to products of animal origin tors by weight to the total diet (Dennis et al.,
was very low (EFSA, 2004a, b, c, 2005c; Kan 1983).
& Meijer, 2007). Accumulation of ochratoxin
A occurred predominantly in the blood, Nitrosamines: The main sources of NOCs in
liver, and kidney. Muscle, milk, and eggs the diet are nitrite-preserved meat products
contained much lower levels of this mycotoxin (Tricker, 1997; Haorah et al., 2001). Haorah
(EFSA, 2004d). et al. (2001) reported a mean concentration
of 5.5 µmol/kg of NOCs in frankfurters, but
(ii) Chemicals from cooking practices only 0.5 µmol/kg of NOCs in fresh meat.
Acrylamide: Acrylamide may occur in
Heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs): No meat during cooking (Tareke et al., 2002).
international dietary exposure assessment However, meat has been estimated to be a
was available for HAAs; however, in the EPIC minor contributor, between 0.2% and 2% of
study, dietary exposure to HAAs was esti- total dietary intake (WHO, 2006).
mated in the Heidelberg cohort (Germany)
using a detailed dietary questionnaire
that assessed meat consumption, cooking 1.4 Exposure assessment and
methods, and degree of browning of the
biological markers
respective food items. Results based on total
meat consumption (including poultry meat) 1.4.1 Questionnaires
showed a total median exposure to HAAs
of 30.6 ng/day (13–71.3 ng/day) (Rohrmann A description of the epidemiological studies
et al., 2007). Other studies’ results showed a included in this Monograph, in terms of their
significantly lower dietary exposure to HAAs study design, is provided in Section 2. A review
for Europe (6.1 ng/kg bw per day) (Zimmerli of dietary assessment methodologies used in the
et al., 2001) and the USA (11.0–19.9 ng/kg bw epidemiological studies is beyond the scope of
per day) (Keating & Bogen, 2004). this Monograph (e.g. Thompson & Subar, 2013).
The majority of the studies used food frequency a food list for their FFQ using 3-day measured
questionnaires (FFQs) to assess individual food records that could capture 85% or more of
meat intake (including red meat and processed the intake of key nutrients and also food items
meat). FFQs are typically used in epidemio- traditionally consumed by the populations repre-
logical studies to measure usual dietary intake sented in the Multiethnic Cohort Study.
in individuals for several reasons. First, FFQs Many FFQs have been developed and adapted
are a feasible approach in case–control studies, to suit different research questions and popula-
where usual diet must be ascertained retrospec- tions. In the USA, for example, several question-
tively (often from the distant past). Second, in naires are commonly used (and are cited in this
large prospective cohort studies, FFQs can be Monograph), including:
distributed by mail or online to a large number Health Habits and History Questionnaire
of participants; are self-administered (typically); (HHHQ) or Block questionnaire (Block
may be optically scanned, computer-assisted, et al., 1986, 1990; Sobell et al., 1989): This is
or web-based; and are analysed using precoded a semiquantitative food frequency question-
foods/food groups and portion sizes. naire (SQFFQ) originally developed by the
The FFQ approach asks respondents to report National Cancer Institute (NCI). The SQFFQ
their usual frequency of consumption for each collects portion size information; however,
food from a list of foods during a specific period portion sizes are specified as standardized
of time (several months or a year). FFQs are portions or by choosing from a range of
generally used for ranking subjects according portions sizes (e.g. small, medium, or large).
to food or nutrient intake, rather than for esti- The original Block FFQ has been modified,
mating absolute levels of intake. In addition, and is continually updated by researchers to
they are widely used in case–control and cohort suit their research questions and populations.
studies to assess an association between dietary
intake and disease risk (Kushi, 1994; Beaton, Harvard FFQ or Willett questionnaire (Caan
1994; Sempos et al., 1999). et al., 1998; McCann et al., 1999): This
The ability to quantify total dietary intake FFQ was developed at Harvard University.
depends on the number of food items listed in Standard portion size defaults are included
the FFQ, on the level of detail collected within as part of the food items listed, rather than as
the questionnaire, on whether portion sizes for a separate listing.
the foods/food groups are included, and on the NCI Diet History Questionnaire (DHQ): The
timeframe of intake or reference period used. DHQ was designed with an emphasis on
For red meat and processed meat specifically, cognitive ease of use for respondents (Subar
the classifications used to define red meat and et al., 1995, 2001). It is an SQFFQ, which uses
processed meat as a food category also influence an embedded question approach, that was
the calculation of total dietary intake (Block et al. developed by NCI.
1986; Rimm et al., 1992). Definitions of red meat and processed meat as
Although food lists included in FFQs vary a food category varied across the studies included
based on the purpose of the study and the study in this Monograph. Red meat was commonly
population, the appropriateness of the food lists defined as beef, pork, lamb, or a combination
is crucial. The full variability of an individual’s thereof, and processed meat was generally
diet, which includes many foods and mixed defined as meat made largely from pork, beef, or
dishes, cannot be captured by a finite food list. poultry that undergoes methods of preservation,
Ollberding et al. (2012), for example, identified
Red meat and processed meat
Red meat and processed meat
from fresh meats, eggs, yogurt, cheese, and other (d) Cohort studies
dairy products). A major strength of cohort studies in nutri-
The nitrate and nitrite content of over 3000 tional epidemiology is their ability to demon-
foods was determined by conducting a review strate a temporal relationship between dietary
of the literature, focusing on Canadian and exposure and cancer risk, as all dietary assess-
USA foods, and by calculating the means of the ments are completed before diagnoses. This limits
published values weighted by the number of difficulties with recall bias and reverse causation.
samples analysed (Ward et al., 2003, 2006; Kilfoy Wei et al. (2004) used a validated, self-ad-
et al., 2011). The nitrate and nitrite values for foods ministered, 61-item SQFFQ at baseline in 87 733
constituting an FFQ line item were combined by women from the NHS and a validated, self-ad-
weighting the food-specific values by sex-specific ministered, 131-item SQFFQ in 46 632 men from
intake amounts from the 1994–1996 Continuing the HPFS. The study had several strengths. For
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) example, the FFQs used were extensively vali-
(Subar et al., 2000). For example, the nitrate dated and tested for reproducibility using data
content of a line item was calculated using the collected from a subgroup of participants who
weighted average of the nitrate content of the completed two FFQs (1 year apart) and two
included foods, where the weights were deter- 1-week diet records (6 months apart during the
mined by intake amounts from the CSFII, based intervening year). The association between base-
on age group and sex. Daily intake of nitrate line meat intake and cancer risk was assessed in
and nitrite was calculated by multiplying the this study, and red meat intake was clearly defined
frequency of consumption of each line item by as the consumption of beef, pork, or lamb as a
its nitrate or nitrite content and summing over main dish. In addition, in this combined cohort
line items. In addition to calculating nitrate and of women and men, risk estimates were adjusted
nitrite intake from all foods, nitrite intake from using a multivariate model that included impor-
plant, animal, and processed meat sources was tant confounders (age; family history; body mass
calculated separately. index, BMI; physical activity; beef, pork, or lamb
(c) Heterogeneity across studies as a main dish; processed meat; alcohol; calcium;
folate; height; smoking pack-years before aged
There was substantial heterogeneity across 30 years; history of endoscopy; and sex). A limi-
the studies included in this Monograph due to tation of this study was the quantification of red
a variety of factors, such as different methods of meat in servings per day only (i.e. not in g/day).
dietary assessment and/or measurement, defini- In the Physicians’ Health Study (PHS), Chen
tions (e.g. food groups and serving sizes), analyt- et al. (1998) used a nested case–control design to
ical categorizations (e.g. servings/week and assess the relationship between red meat intake
g/day), exposure contrasts (e.g. analytical and colorectal cancer by N-acetyltransferase
cut-points and intake level comparisons), and (NAT) genotype. The study included 212 men
degrees of adjustment for potential confounding who were recruited as part of the Physicians’
factors. Each cohort study included in this Health Study and were subsequently diagnosed
Monograph is described in Section 2. The with colorectal cancer or rectal cancer during
strengths and limitations of the questionnaires 13 years of follow-up and were genotyped via
used in studies included in this Monograph are baseline blood sample, along with 221 controls.
outlined below. At baseline, participants completed an abbre-
viated, self-administered FFQ, which inquired
about usual consumption of red meat (beef, of meat, but also was calibrated within this study
pork, or lamb as a main dish, as a mixed dish population using two non-consecutive 24-hour
or sandwich, and as hot dogs), chicken, and fish. dietary recalls. However, there was overlap in the
The abbreviated FFQ used in this study was not definitions of red meat and processed meat, as
validated, but an expanded form of this FFQ was some processed meat items were classified as red
validated among other male health professionals. meat.
There were some limitations to this study, as the In the EPIC study (Norat et al., 2005), dietary
use of an abbreviated FFQ (with fewer food items intake over the 12 months before enrolment was
listed) prevented the adjustment of risk estimates measured by country-specific, validated dietary
for total energy intake. In addition, dietary intake questionnaires (88–266 food items, depending
of processed meat was included with red meat on the country), which were self-administered in
intake, and meat intake was assessed as servings most countries; in Malmö, Sweden, a question-
per day only (i.e. not in g/day). naire combined with a food record was used. A
Dietary assessment in the NIH-AARP Diet second dietary measurement was taken from an
and Health Study was described in detail by 8% random sample of the cohort (36 994 partic-
Cross et al. (2010). The study included approx- ipants) using a computerized 24-hour dietary
imately half a million women and men, each recall method to calibrate dietary measurements
of whom completed a validated, self-adminis- across countries and to correct for systematic
tered, 124-item FFQ at baseline. Approximately over- or underestimation of dietary intake. The
6 months later, cancer-free participants were major strengths of this study were the large vari-
mailed a risk factor questionnaire, which detailed ability in dietary intake across the population
information on meat intake and cooking pref- and the use of a computerized 24-hour dietary
erences. Meat cooking method (grilled/barbe- recall method to calibrate dietary measurements
cued, pan-fried, microwaved, and broiled) and across countries.
doneness level (well done/very well done and In the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene
medium/rare) were used in conjunction with Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study, researchers
the CHARRED database to estimate the intake used a self-administered, modified dietary
of several HAAs. The FFQ assessed the usual history method to capture usual dietary intake
frequency of consumption and portion size 12 months before recruitment. The dietary
information of foods and drinks over the past history method included 276 food items and a
12 months. All types of beef, pork, and lamb portion size booklet of 122 photographs of foods,
were considered red meat, including bacon, beef, each with 3–5 different portion sizes. Red meat
cold cuts, ham, hamburger, hot dogs, liver, pork, intake was defined as intake of beef, pork, or
sausage, and steak. Processed meat included lamb (Pietinen et al., 1999). A major strength of
bacon, cold cuts (red and white meat), ham, this study was the use of a detailed questionnaire.
luncheon meats (red and white meat), poultry In the Multiethnic Cohort Study, Ollberding
sausage, red meat sausage, and standard hot et al. (2012) assessed diet using a validated
dogs and low-fat hot dogs made from poultry. quantitative FFQ, which included a list of foods
Meats added to complex food mixtures, such as identified from 3-day measured food records, to
pizza, chilli, lasagne, and stew, contributed to capture 85% or more of the intake of key nutri-
the relevant meat type. There were many notable ents and food items traditionally consumed by
strengths to this study. Several of these strengths the populations represented in the cohort. The
were related to the FFQ, which not only contained definition of meat intake was clearly defined as
detailed questions pertaining to the components total meat, red meat, and processed meat. Risk
Red meat and processed meat
estimates were adjusted for important potential FFQ was not very extensive, and there were no
confounders, including energy intake. This study quantitative data on red meat intake provided.
had many strengths, including a large variability It is also unclear whether intake of red meat
in diet due to the inclusion of multiple ethnicities included processed meat.
and the use of an extensive dietary questionnaire. A study by Tiemersma et al. (2002) in the
The PLCO Cancer Screening Trial (Ferrucci Netherlands examined the association between
et al., 2009) used an NCI DHQ to assess usual meat intake and cancer risk using a nested case–
intake (both frequency and portion size) of 124 control design. A strength of this study was
food items over the past year. The definition of the use of an SQFFQ, which was validated for
red meat (g/day) included bacon, beef, cheese- use through comparison with a dietary history
burger, cold cuts, ham, hamburger, hot dogs, liver, method. A limitation of this study, however, was
pork, sausage, veal, venison, and red meat from that a major source of meat in the population (i.e.
mixed dishes. Processed meat included bacon, a mixture of pork and beef) was not captured by
cold cuts, ham, hot dogs, and sausage. However, the FFQ.
a limitation of this study was the clear overlap in In the Shanghai Women’s Health Study, Lee
the definitions of red meat and processed meat, et al. (2009) assessed dietary intake at base-
as some processed meat items were classified as line using a validated quantitative FFQ, which
red meat. included 19 food items/groups of animal origin.
Flood et al. (2003) used a 62-item NCI A major strength of this study was that the FFQ
Block FFQ in the Breast Cancer Detection was administered by interview.
Demonstration Project (BCDDP) to assess red In the prospective cohort study of 37 112
meat intake in the previous year. A limitation of residents of Melbourne, Australia, English et al.
this study was the combined estimate of exposure (2004) assessed dietary intake using a 124-item
to meat, which included pork, beef, hamburger, FFQ. They also provided a clear definition of
processed meat, and liver, so risk estimates for what they included in terms of fresh red meat
red meat alone or processed meat alone were not (veal, beef, lamb, pork, rabbit, or other game). A
possible. As the cohort was generated based on limitation of this study, however, was that portion
a screening programme, participants may have size was not measured.
changed their dietary habits before baseline, and In the Iowa Women’s Health Study, (Lee et al.,
recorded intake may therefore not have accu- 2005) assessed usual dietary intake over the past
rately reflected long-term intake. year using a validated, 127-item, self-adminis-
Singh & Fraser (1998) assessed dietary intake tered SQFFQ virtually identical to the question-
in the Adventists Health Study cohort using a naire used in the 1984 survey of the NHS (Bostick
self-administered, mailed, 55-item SQFFQ. The et al., 1994). Red meat was defined as beef, pork,
SQFQQ included just six questions regarding red or lamb as a main dish. This study had several
meat intake, defined as current intake of beef or strengths, including assessment of reliability and
pork. A limitation of this study was the relatively accuracy of the FFQ used, which was comparable
short dietary questionnaire in a low-risk popula- to what was observed in the NHS. The exten-
tion, with low red meat consumption. sive FFQ allowed for multivariable adjustment,
In the New York University Women’s Health including age, total energy intake, height, parity,
Study, Kato et al. (1997) assessed red meat intake total vitamin E intake, interaction term vitamin
using a 70-item FFQ, which was slightly modi- E *age, and vitamin A supplement use.
fied from the questionnaire designed by Block
and coworkers (Block et al., 1986). However, the
Red meat and processed meat
protein sources between the diets (Andersen formed during muscle catabolism, thus lack
et al., 2014). Indole propionate was also identified specificity for meat intake. 1-Methylhistidine has
as a potential biomarker of red meat in plasma also been found in the urine of subjects on a fish
(Guertin et al., 2014). Indoles are metabolites diet (Lloyd et al., 2011). Another study reported
of tryptophan that are largely produced by the that the mean urinary levels of 1-methylhisti-
bacterial flora; however, they are not specific to dine and 3-methylhistidine did not differ among
meat, as they are also found in high amounts in 131 colorectal adenoma and control subjects
soya and eggs (Guertin et al., 2014). (P = 0.72) (Cross et al., 2014). Thus, methyl-
histidine may not be a good indicator of meat
(ii) Urinary 1-methylhistidine,
processing conditions, and the levels of methyl-
3-methylhistidine, creatinine, and taurine
histidine present in meat may not correlate to
There were marked differences between the the levels of procarcinogens formed in cooked or
proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of processed meat.
high–red meat, low–red meat, and vegetarian To date, there are no chemical markers or
diets, which included elevated urinary levels metabolites of meat constituents that can provide
of creatinine, taurine, carnitine, trimethyl- information on the methods of meat processing
amine-N-oxide, and methylhistidine in the high– and cooking that produce carcinogens.
red meat group. However, the spectral changes
differentiating the low–red meat and vegetarian
groups were subtle. The urinary metabolite 1.5 Regulations and guidelines
trimethylamine-N-oxide, a product formed from
In many countries, the production of red
carnitine by the bacterial microbiota, was associ-
meat and processed meat is subject to stringent
ated with meat intake, but it is also a biomarker
regulations. These regulations are primarily
of fish intake, and may confound the interpreta-
intended to prevent infectious diseases and
tion of meat consumption patterns (Stella et al.,
minimize contamination of the meat prod-
ucts. Under the auspices of WHO and FAO, the
In another controlled meat-feeding study,
Codex Alimentarius was established to provide
the urinary excretion of creatinine, taurine,
international food standards, guidelines, and
1‑methylhistidine, and 3-methylhistidine was
codes of practice to protect and promote safety,
investigated in individuals who consumed
quality, and fairness in the international food
various amounts of red meat: vegetarian (0 g/
trade (Codex Alimentarius, 2015). The scope of
day), low red meat (60 g/day), medium red meat
standards issued by the Codex Alimentarius is
(120 g/day), and high red meat (420 g/day)
illustrative of standards and regulatory meas-
(Cross et al., 2011). All components demon-
ures typically issued on a national basis for the
strated a significant dose–response relationship,
maintenance of food safety in relation to meat
increasing as red meat intake increased (Ptrend
products (Table 1.18).
< 0.0001). There were significant differences in the
An exhaustive list of all regional and national
mean levels of 1-methylhistidine and 3-methyl-
food authorities is not provided here, but a
histidine across the four dietary intake groups
summary of those operating in Europe and the
(P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively). However,
USA is provided.
taurine and creatinine levels in the vegetarian
EFSA (EFSA, 2015) is the EU risk assessment
and low–red meat intake groups could not be
authority for food and feed safety. For red meat
distinguished (P = 0.95 and P = 0.88, respec-
and processed meat, relevant EFSA panels or units
tively). 3-Methylhistidine and creatinine are
include animal health and welfare, biological
Red meat and processed meat
Table 1.18 Examples of meat-related food safety standards issued by Codex Alimentarius
monitoring, contaminants, and assessment and of other foods and water with enteric pathogens
methodological support. of animal origin (Sofos, 2008).
In the USA, the relevant statutory authority Many countries approach food safety, specif-
for safety in relation to meat products is the United ically in relation to meat production, through
States Department of Agriculture (Department compliance with hazard analysis and critical
of Agriculture, 2015). The United States Food control point (HACCP)-based regulations;
and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible HACCP is a safety and quality management tool
for regulating chemicals authorized in meat. A (Hudson et al., 1996).
range of guidance documents and regulations
are issued by this administration (FDA, 2015). 1.5.2 Prevention of contamination
(a) Red meat
1.5.1 Prevention of infectious disease
Red meat may contain residues from veter-
The broad issues addressed by food safety inary drugs. These compounds are generally
regulations have been summarized by Henson & regulated at the national level, but 67 of them
Caswell (1999), and include new potential food- are regulated by international standards (i.e.
borne risks, such as bovine spongiform enceph- maximum residue limits, MRLs) established by
alopathy and genetically modified organisms, the Codex Alimentarius (2015). There is currently
as well as recognized risks posed by well-char- no international monitoring of the frequency of
acterized bacteria. The scientific rationale for use of these chemicals.
food safety regulations involves risk assessment, Red meat is usually free of additives.
management, and communication. However, in certain circumstances, colours are
For meat products, the regulations aim to used for certification stamps on the surfaces
decrease contamination by microbial pathogens of fresh cuts of meat, and are indicated in
(e.g. Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, and the food category system with a notation for
Salmonella) by minimizing cross-contamination “stamping, marking or branding the product”
(Codex Alimentarius, 2016a).
Red meat may also contain chemicals present resulting from the processing of meat or from the
in the environment or used in the production further processing of such processed products,
of feed-like pesticide residues. When there so that the cut surface shows that the product
is sufficient scientific information available no longer has the characteristics of fresh meat”
about a chemical, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert (European Commission, 2004).
Committee defines its acceptable daily intake At the international level, there is currently
(ADI), which is the amount of chemical, expressed no active committee of the Codex Alimentarius
based on body weight, that can be ingested over to deal with meat (abolished in 1971) or processed
a lifetime without appreciable health risks. From meat (abolished in 1990), and the international
the ADI, the Codex Alimentarius Commission standards for meat products are established by
establishes an MRL per kilogram of food that is horizontal committees (e.g. committees for food
recommended as being legally acceptable. The additives, contaminants, or pesticide residues).
Codex Alimentarius Commission does not estab- In addition to the chemicals possibly present in
lish an MRL for a chemical if dietary exposure is meat in general, processed meat may contain food
above the ADI. Furthermore, no MRL is estab- additives. However, many of these food additives,
lished if a chemical is assessed to be a genotoxic such as nitrites (80 mg/kg), colouring agents
carcinogen in humans (Codex Alimentarius, such as erythrosine (30 mg/kg), and antioxidants
2015). MRLs have been established by the Codex including butylated hydroxytoluene (100 mg/kg)
Alimentarius for several pesticide residues are regulated by international standards estab-
possibly occurring in meat (Codex Alimentarius, lished by the Codex Alimentarius (2016a).
2016b). Most of these limits were established at
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