The Facts About Edible Animal Fats
The Facts About Edible Animal Fats
The Facts About Edible Animal Fats
Below you will find EFPRA's Facts
About Edible Animal Fats brochure.
Edible animal fats include lard from pigs, beef dripping, goose and
chicken fat. All are from animals bred, reared and slaughtered for use
in the food chain. Like meat, the production and processing of animal
fat is subject to strict European Food Hygiene Regulations and is fully
traceable from farm to fork.
Edible animal fats in a healthy diet
Humans have eaten animal fats for millennia, satisfying the body’s
demand for essential nutrients. They are a natural and beneficial part
of a balanced diet, supplying energy, vitamins and fatty acids.
Edible animal fats also move and enable the use of important nutrients
within the body. For example, vitamins A, D, E and K are not only
found in edible animal fats but need fat to be transported and used by
the human body.
Edible animal fats contain none of the unnatural trans fatty acids and
“fast” carbohydrates linked to coronary heart disease and strokes.
While edible animal fats do contain comparatively high levels of
saturated fats, recent scientific research has disproven its link with
these chronic diseases.
In addition all animal fats contain significant levels of oleic acid. This is
the major fatty acid found in olive oil and is thought to be responsible
for the health benefits associated with its consumption. Poultry fat and
lard in particular contain high levels of oleic acid.
Edible animal fats in food production
Animal fats are appreciated for their Lard’s soft consistency and crystalline
delicious taste and excellent baking structure lends itself to baking; it is the
and cooking properties. most suitable fat for shortening pastry.
EFPRA has a single primary objective to continually improve the safety, security and
sustainability of European food production by efficiently processing animal fats and
animal by-products.
For more information about processed animal protein, animal fats and the European
by-product processing industry visit or call +32 (0) 2 203 51 41.