December-45-6-36pp-V6 (1) Desember 2022
December-45-6-36pp-V6 (1) Desember 2022
December-45-6-36pp-V6 (1) Desember 2022
Volume 45 Number 6
enhancements to deliver efficient, flexible and accompanied by competitive tendering for program
innovative QUM programs, while VentureWise was delivery and design.6 As funding for NPS MedicineWise
wound up in 2020. will therefore end on 31 December 2022, the board of
The policy change announced in March 2022, to cease directors had little choice but to close the organisation.7
funding for NPS MedicineWise, was met with dismay The legacy of NPS MedicineWise must drive the
and disappointment across the health sector. A future direction of QUM stewardship in Australia.
change of government led to a rapid review to assess NPS MedicineWise had a remarkable record of
the appropriateness of the proposed redesign of the excellence, innovation and engagement, particularly
Quality Use of Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Pathology with primary care and consumers. The imperative
Program.6 This desktop review occurred without much for an independent, evidence-based QUM voice in
stakeholder consultation. When it reported in August Australia remains more important than ever.
2022, the review identified several risks in the proposal.
However, it supported moving QUM stewardship Conflicts of interest: Deborah Rigby was a Director of
functions to a standards-based organisation, NPS MedicineWise from 2008 to 2020.
1. Weekes LM, Mackson JM, Fitzgerald M, Phillips SR. National 6. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. Rapid review of proposed Quality
Prescribing Service: creating an implementation arm for Use of Diagnostic, Therapeutics and Pathology Program
national medicines policy. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2005;59:112-6. budget measure, August 2022. resources/publications/rapid-review-of-proposed-quality-
2. Weekes LM, editor. Improving use of medicines and medical use-of-diagnostic-therapeutics-and-pathology-program-
tests in primary care. Springer Singapore; 2020. budget-measure [cited 2022 Nov 1] 7. NPS MedicineWise to cease operations after 24 years
3. NPS MedicineWise. Prescribing competencies framework: [media release]. 2022 Sept 14. NPS MedicineWise; 2022.
embedding quality use of medicines into practice. 2nd ed.
Sydney: NPS MedicineWise; 2021. cease-operations-after-24-years [cited 2022 Nov 1]
prescribing-competencies-framework [cited 2022 Nov 1]
4. Weekes LM, Blogg S, Jackson S, Hosking K.
NPS MedicineWise: 20 years of change. J Pharm Policy Pract
5. Department of Health and Aged Care. Review of the
Quality Use of Medicines Program’s delivery by the
National Prescribing Service Limited (NPS MedicineWise),
December 2019.
[cited 2022 Nov 1]
Oral liquids often contain sugars to help improve Most tablets are intended to be swallowed whole,
palatability. It is important to consider the effects of but some immediate-release preparations may be
sugar on teeth, particularly with chronic medicines. chewed, crushed, or halved or quartered using a tablet
To minimise dental cavities, consider sugar-free cutter.5 Caution should be taken when manipulating
formulations and encourage children to brush their tablets as this may result in a small portion of the
teeth after taking a dose.7 dose being lost. This is particularly significant when
giving medicines with a narrow therapeutic index.
Solid dosage forms Additionally, most tablets are not formulated to be
If an oral liquid is not available, alternative oral palatable, so crushing or dispersing them may impact
formulations may be suitable. If a solid dosage form a child’s willingness to take the medicine.
requires manipulation (chewing, crushing, dispersing,
halving or breaking) to facilitate administration, Modified-release tablets
particular drug properties should be considered: Modified-release tablets should be swallowed whole,
• palatability as chewing or crushing them may damage the
modified-release formulation, causing toxicity by
• physiochemical (e.g. acid labile or light sensitive)
releasing the total amount of medicine at once.11
• hazardous (e.g. irritant, cytotoxic)
• drug release kinetics (e.g. modified release, Capsules
enteric coating). Some children may find capsules easier to swallow
than tablets. However, capsules cannot be halved,
Tablets which limits their dose flexibility.
Tablets are a suitable alternative to oral liquids, Most capsules are formulated to be swallowed whole.
particularly when medicines are unpalatable.8 Some hard capsules (filled with powder or coated
However, a child’s ability to swallow tablets must granules) may be opened and their contents mixed
be considered. There is no established age at which or sprinkled in food or drinks. Similarly, some soft
children are able to swallow tablets, as it is a skill that capsules (filled with liquids or semisolids) may be
must be learned.9 Several resources are available for chewed (e.g. colecalciferol).5
caregivers to assist with teaching children to swallow
tablets or capsules (see Box). Some children may be Oro-dispersible tablets
able to swallow tablets from a young age, although Oro-dispersible dosage forms, including tablets,
most children are usually at least 8–10 years of age wafers and films, are formulated to disperse rapidly
before they can routinely take tablets.10 If prescribing once placed on the tongue. Alternatively, they can
or dispensing for a child, the child or carer should be dispersed in a small volume of liquid before
always be asked if they would prefer tablets or administration. These preparations may be useful in
oral liquids. children, as they do not need to be swallowed whole
Tablets are more accessible with easier storage and or crushed.5
transport options than those for oral liquids. However, Oro-dispersible medicines are commonly formulated
tablets have limited dose flexibility, decreasing the with additive flavours to help mask the taste. Due
ability to prescribe weight-based doses.5 to their delicate composition, it may be difficult to
half or quarter these dosage forms, limiting their
dose flexibility.
Try drinking a small amount of liquid from Do NOT give large volumes (i.e. aim for
a bottle or using a straw one mouthful)
Try halving or quartering tablets Do NOT break modified-release, cytotoxic There are several techniques and strategies that can
or hazardous medicines
be used to improve the palatability and acceptance
Crush tablets between two spoons and Do NOT crush modified-release, cytotoxic of medicines by children. Often, there is no single
mix with a small amount of soft food or hazardous medicines solution, and instead, there are many strategies that
such as yoghurt, cold custard, fruit puree may be implemented by the parent or caregiver.
or jam
Further guidance may be obtained from the local
Try dispersing the tablet in a small pharmacist or medicines information service.
volume of liquid (water or juice)
Acknowledgements: Sean Turner (Director of
Check with a pharmacist if the tablets
can be crushed or the capsules opened
Pharmacy), David Ellis (Senior specialist pharmacist
(Manufacturing and Psychiatry)) and Lynn Costi
Encourage parents and caregivers to
(Senior pharmacist, Medicines Information Service),
teach children how to swallow tablets.
SA Pharmacy, Women’s and Children’s Hospital Campus,
There are several resources to assist with
teaching children to swallow solid dosage SA Health.
forms (see Box)
Conflicts of interest: none declared
Try cold treats like an ice cream or Try mixing with fatty foods like peanut butter Have the child’s favourite drink
ice blocks to numb the tastebuds or chocolate to coat the tastebuds ready to follow the medicine
Tablets/capsules Liquids
Try cutting the tablet in halves Try using an oral syringe, aiming towards the
before swallowing it* back of the mouth against the inner cheek
Avoid the tongue
Try crushing the tablet or opening the capsule and sprinkling Try mixing the medicine into a small amount
the contents on foods such as yoghurt or custard* of fruit juice before drinking†
Try crushing the tablet or opening the capsule and sprinkling Try pouring the medicine in a small cup
the contents in a small amount of fruit juice* and drinking with a straw
* Not all tablets and capsules can be altered. Confirm with your local pharmacist.
† The entire drink must be consumed to ensure the full dose has been taken.
Adapted from reference 12
Table 2 T
astes and masking flavours
Taste of the medicine Examples* Flavour to mask the taste of the medicine
Sour Multivitamins (e.g. vitamin C) Cherry, lemon, lime, mandarin, orange, strawberry, raspberry, pineapple
Bitter Antibiotics Cherry, chocolate, liquorice, strawberry, peach, coffee, mint, lemon, lime, raspberry,
Paracetamol tutti-frutti, orange, cinnamon
Salty Iron supplements Banana, caramel, cream, chocolate, grape, vanilla, raspberry, orange, cinnamon, nut,
Antihistamines butter, butterscotch, maple
Macrogol laxatives
Oral rehydration solutions
Any Spreadable yeast extract, peanut butter, jam, honey, apple sauce, custard, ice cream
* Common examples are based on patient reports, although any drug may be considered ‘bad’ tasting depending on subjective taste preferences.
1. Schirm E, Tobi H, de Vries TW, Choonara I, 7. Allen LV Jr. Basics: excipients used in nonsterile
De Jong‑van den Berg LT. Lack of appropriate compounding, Part 2. Int J Pharm Compd 2019;23:393-6.
formulations of medicines for children in the community. 8. Baguley D, Lim E, Bevan A, Pallet A, Faust SN. Prescribing
Acta Paediatr 2003;92:1486-9. for children - taste and palatability affect adherence to
j.1651-2227.2003.tb00837.x antibiotics: a review. Arch Dis Child 2012;97:293-7.
2. Nunn T, Williams J. Formulation of medicines for children.
Br J Clin Pharmacol 2005;59:674-6. 9. Tse Y, Vasey N, Dua D, Oliver S, Emmet V, Pickering A, et al.
j.1365-2125.2005.02410.x The KidzMed project: teaching children to swallow tablet
3. Bauters T, Claus B, Willems E, De Porre J, Verlooy J, medication. Arch Dis Child 2020;105:1105-7.
Benoit Y, et al. What’s in a drop? Optimizing strategies 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317512
for administration of drugs in pediatrics. Int J Clin Pharm 10. Nunn T, Williams J. Formulation of medicines for children.
2012;34:679-81. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2005;59:674-76.
4. Yin HS, Dreyer BP, van Schaick L, Foltin GL, Dinglas C, j.1365-2125.2005.02410.x
Mendelsohn AL. Randomized controlled trial of a pictogram- 11. Sansom LN. Oral extended-release products. Aust Prescr
based intervention to reduce liquid medication dosing errors 1999;22:88- 90.
and improve adherence among caregivers of young children. 12. CHEO ED Outreach. Making meds taste better. 2014 [Poster].
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2008;162:814-22.
10.1001/archpedi.162.9.814 better [cited 2022 Nov 1]
5. van Riet-Nales DA, Schobben AF, Vromans H, Egberts TC, 13. Mennella JA, Roberts KM, Mathew PS, Reed DR. Children’s
Rademaker CM. Safe and effective pharmacotherapy in perceptions about medicines: individual differences and
infants and preschool children: importance of formulation taste. BMC Pediatr 2015;15:130.
aspects. Arch Dis Child 2016;101:662-9. s12887-015-0447-z
14. Mennella JA, Beauchamp GK. Optimizing oral medications
6. Chan DS. Stability issues for compounding for children. Clin Ther 2008;30:2120-32.
extemporaneously prepared oral formulations for pediatric 10.1016/j.clinthera.2008.11.018
patients. Int J Pharm Compd 2001;5:9-12.
Health professionals play an important role in improving the heart health of Australian women. Royal Adelaide and The
Routine heart health checks should be offered to all women 45 years of age and older and to all Queen Elizabeth Hospitals,
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women 30 years of age and older. Central Adelaide Local
Health Service, South
Cardiovascular risk assessment in women must include traditional and sex-specific risk factors, Australia
including their pregnancy history and early-onset menopause.
Women with pregnancy-related hypertensive and metabolic disorders have an increased long- Keywords
term cardiovascular risk and require close monitoring. cardiovascular disease,
cardiovascular risk,
Women with acute coronary syndrome may not experience classical chest pain. More often, they menopause, myocardial
experience cardiovascular events in the absence of obstructive coronary disease and have poorer infarction with non-
cardiovascular outcomes. obstructed coronary
The recognition of sex-specific differences and more sex-specific trials are key to improving
clinical outcomes.
Aust Prescr 2022;45:193–9
Introduction is 3.8 times more likely than in other Australian austprescr.2022.065
Cardiovascular disease, which encompasses heart women.5 Positively, the mortality rates of coronary
disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease, artery disease have been declining in Australia in recent
is the leading cause of illness and death in women decades. From 2006 to 2016, the rate fell by 46% for
women (from 78 to 44 per 100,000 population) and by
worldwide. Biological and physical differences, such
40% for men (from 135 to 84 per 100,000 population).5
as a smaller body surface area, smaller coronary vessel
Further, between 2001 and 2016, the prevalence of
size and sex hormone-mediated factors in women, are
acute coronary events (myocardial infarction and
exacerbated by sociocultural factors and contribute
unstable angina) in Australian women fell by 57% (from
to differences in the prevalence, presentation and
465 to 215 events per 100,000).5 However, the rates of
natural history of cardiovascular disease between the
decline are lower in women under the age of 55 years,
sexes. Women with cardiovascular disease experience
with a rise in strokes and myocardial infarcts.1
delays in diagnosis, are less likely to be treated in
line with guidelines and standards, and have higher Cardiovascular risk factors
complication rates and worse outcomes than men.
Various traditional and sex-specific risk factors
Women are significantly under-represented in clinical
increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in women.
trials, and sex-specific diagnostic and management
strategies are not included in current clinical guidelines. Traditional risk factors
Traditional risk factors are more often under-
recognised and undertreated in women than in
Three out of every 10 female deaths in Australia are due
men and affect the risk of cardiovascular disease
to cardiovascular disease, including coronary artery
differently between the sexes (Box 1).4,6-18
disease.1 It is estimated that between the ages of 45
and 64 years, one in nine women will develop some Sex-specific risk factors
form of cardiovascular disease, which increases to one Several female-specific risk factors increase the risk of
in three women after the age of 65 years.2-4 Indigenous cardiovascular disease in women.
Australian women are particularly at risk, often at
a younger age. In 2016, indigenous women aged 25 Hormonal contraceptives
years and older experienced an acute coronary event Combined hormonal contraceptives are associated
in the form of myocardial infarction or unstable with a 12-fold increase in the risk of acute myocardial
angina at a rate of 617 per 100,000 population. This infarction in women with hypertension19 and should
Cardiovascular risk assessment Box 2 Coronary artery disease in women compared to men
Cardiovascular risk should be assessed differently in
men and women (Box 2). The Framingham Risk Score Presentation
underestimates the risk of cardiovascular disease in Similar to men, where most experience central chest pain, but onset is more often
women.38 The Reynolds Risk Score39 is best suited for at rest
women.40 This 10-year cardiovascular risk prediction Atypical symptoms more frequent, including pain in the upper back, arms and jaw,
algorithm for women older than 45 years of age and diaphoresis, dyspnoea, indigestion, nausea, dizziness, fatigue and palpitations
includes two additional risk variables. These are the Absence of chest pain more often in acute coronary syndrome
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein concentration and a Ischaemia and myocardial infarction more often in the setting of non-obstructive
parental history of premature coronary artery disease coronary artery disease
before 60 years of age (Table). Takotsubo syndrome a common cause of myocardial infarction
As a result, they are at a greater risk of being Parental history of premature coronary artery disease aged Yes No
discharged home with evidence of acute coronary <60 years
syndrome compared to men.43
The Reynolds Risk Score is an online calculator that uses a risk prediction algorithm
Women with coronary artery disease also more to predict the 10-year cardiovascular event risk, for myocardial infarction, ischaemic
frequently develop symptomatic heart failure than stroke, coronary revascularisation and cardiovascular mortality (<5% = low risk, 5–9% =
moderate risk, 10–19% = moderate-to-high risk, ≥20% = high risk).40
men. This may be due to the impact of co-existent
hypertension, an important risk factor for coronary
artery disease, which leads to a greater incidence of
left ventricular hypertrophy that is less responsive condition or coronary stenosis is not diagnosed,
to antihypertensive therapy in women, resulting in many women are mistakenly presumed to not have
diastolic dysfunction and heart failure with preserved heart disease and are not treated, which increases
ejection fraction.44 their risk of adverse cardiac events. A comprehensive
meta-analysis has revealed an overall estimated
Ischaemia with non-obstructive coronary incidence of all-cause mortality or myocardial
artery disease infarction of 0.98 per 100 person-years in patients
Ischaemia with non-obstructive coronary disease is a with non-obstructive coronary disease compared
condition due to coronary microvascular dysfunction with 0.2 per 100 person-years in a similarly matched
or epicardial vascular spasm. It is more common in general population. In addition, 50% of patients with
women, especially at 45–65 years of age.45 If this non-obstructive coronary disease will experience
Cardiovascular disease treatment consider heart disease as the main threat to women’s
The management of cardiovascular disease in women health. Even women themselves often view cancer as
must take into account sex-specific factors including a greater health threat. This may explain why women
the size of coronary vessels, bleeding risk and less often fill scripts for statins after myocardial
hormonal status, as well as potential pharmacokinetic infarction compared to men.72 To date, there is no
evidence to support that statins are safer in men than
and pharmacodynamic differences.
in women. A large meta-analysis suggested that statin
Revascularisation use to prevent major cardiovascular events has similar
Compared to men, women are nearly as likely effectiveness in women and men,73 and thus a poorer
to undergo percutaneous coronary angioplasty outcome in women is likely due to current practice.
but less likely to undergo coronary artery bypass
grafting.70 It is unclear whether this represents bias Conclusion
or appropriate treatment given the higher mortality
in women following coronary artery bypass grafting Current guidelines for the diagnosis, investigation
linked to increased comorbidities including smaller and treatment of cardiovascular disease do not
coronary vessels. discriminate between the sexes and are derived from
male-dominant studies. Women remain more likely to
Cardiovascular pharmacotherapy experience delays in diagnosis and are less likely to
In younger women, dual antiplatelet therapy results receive guideline-directed care.
in an increased risk of heavy menstrual bleeding and
Attention to the differing contributions of traditional
anaemia and needs close monitoring. Discussions
risk factors such as the presence of diabetes,
about contraception use are important, as statins
physicians’ compliance with established guidelines
and ACE inhibitors are contraindicated in pregnancy.
for the management of hyperlipidaemia, and a focus
Prescribing may differ in women based on their
on lifestyle factors are fundamental to reducing the
reproductive age, other hormonal treatments and use
risk of cardiovascular disease in women. In addition,
of contraceptives.
recognising the importance of sex-specific risk
Women with cardiovascular disease are more likely factors, such as hypertensive and metabolic disorders
to receive nitrates, calcium channel blockers and of pregnancy, are vital to improving outcomes.
sedatives and less likely to receive aspirin and statins
While sex-specific cardiovascular research has
than men,71 likely reflecting the higher prevalence of
increased significantly in recent years, this has not
non-atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Statin use
translated into changes in guideline-recommended
after acute myocardial infarction is also significantly
care, nor has it improved clinical outcomes for
lower in women than in men. This is partly physician
women. Fundamentally, cardiovascular disease in
driven and may be appropriate when myocardial
women remains understudied, underdiagnosed
infarction is due to MINOCA, which is more commonly
and undertreated. Until this is addressed, women
encountered in women. However, low statin use in
will continue to experience disproportionally high
women with MI-CAD may be related to a reduced
cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
awareness among physicians of the risks of recurrent
heart disease in women and a reduced likelihood to Conflicts of interest: none declared
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Although furosemide (frusemide) is the only loop prescribing and is generally dispensed from hospitals.
diuretic on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme While it may be dosed daily in the acute setting, in the
(PBS), there are other drugs in the class with differing non-acute environment, doses of metolazone can be
pharmacological properties, including bumetanide. reduced to 2.5–5 mg once weekly.
The oral bioavailability of bumetanide is high
(approximately 80–90%), while that of furosemide
Monitoring and adverse effects
of diuretics
(frusemide) varies. As such, a direct conversion is
not consistently reliable, although in general, oral Given the potential for renal dysfunction and
furosemide (frusemide) 40 mg is considered to be electrolyte imbalance (particularly hypokalaemia and
equivalent to oral bumetanide 0.5–1 mg.2 Some hyponatraemia, the latter especially with thiazide
clinicians favour the use of bumetanide for its higher diuretics), regular monitoring is required. Monitoring
oral bioavailability over furosemide (frusemide) in the of electrolytes (particularly sodium and potassium),
setting of significant peripheral oedema, as bowel wall urea and creatinine should be performed 1–2 weeks
oedema may limit absorption.5 A recent systematic after starting or adjusting diuretic doses, and
review, however, did not show a significant benefit eventually every six months in the long term.1
over furosemide (frusemide).6 Given that furosemide Abnormal potassium concentrations are associated
(frusemide) contains a sulfonamide moiety, it carries with increased mortality in heart failure.1,3 Diuretics, as
a potential risk of cross-reactivity in the setting of well as the other heart failure therapies, can change
sulfonamide allergies.7 Etacrynic acid (which does not potassium concentrations. Dietary measures are
contain the sulfonamide moiety) is an alternative loop helpful in addressing both low and high potassium
diuretic for patients with sulfonamide allergies. concentrations and should be used. Increasing the
dose of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists can
Refractory congestion and sequential also be used to mitigate the hypokalaemia induced
nephron blockade
by diuretics, if not already at the maximum tolerated
If congestion persists despite adequate dosing of dose. Occasionally, potassium supplementation may
loop diuretics, clinicians should consider ‘sequential be required with close monitoring.
nephron blockade’, the addition of diuretics that
Hyponatraemia is frequent, occurring in up to 20%
exert their effects at successive components of the
of patients hospitalised with heart failure, and is also
nephron. However, it should be noted that sequential
associated with higher mortality in heart failure.1,3
nephron blockade is a potent combination. While
The presence of hyponatraemia should prompt an
the combination can be more effective, it carries an
assessment of fluid status. Hyponatraemia is usually
increased risk of renal dysfunction and electrolyte
dilutional in the setting of hypervolaemia, which may
imbalance and so should be used cautiously,
respond to fluid restriction. Occasionally it is due
particularly in elderly patients. This approach
to diuretics, particularly thiazides and thiazide-like
includes the concurrent use of thiazide diuretics and
diuretics, and if the patient is not hypervolaemic, the
mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. Thiazides
clinician should reconsider the need for diuretics.1
act more distally in the nephron, by blocking
the sodium–chloride co-transporter in the distal Hyperuricaemia is common among patients with
convoluted tubule.2 Thiazide-like diuretics, which heart failure. Prescribers should be aware of the
lack the benzothiadine backbone in their molecular risk of gout exacerbations associated with diuretics,
structure, also act on the same transporter but have a particularly thiazides.1
longer elimination half-life.8 The addition of thiazides Clinicians must also be aware of the rare complication
may help overcome diuretic resistance, which can of ototoxicity with loop diuretics, typically with high-
arise from prolonged use of a loop diuretic and dose intravenous therapy or in the setting of impaired
the resultant nephron remodelling and increased renal function. Concurrent use of other potentially
sodium reabsorption.9 ototoxic drugs, such as aminoglycosides, also
A readily available thiazide is hydrochlorothiazide, increases the risk.10
which can be started at 12.5–25 mg per day, and Prescribers should also be mindful of the potential for
increased up to a total of 50 mg per day. Several interactions with other heart failure therapy. Diuretic
thiazide-like diuretics can also be used, including doses may need to be reduced to mitigate the risk
indapamide, metolazone and chlortalidone, without of adverse effects of hypotension and hypovolaemia
strong evidence for the superiority of one drug.4 when starting beta blockers, renin–angiotensin system
Some clinicians favour the potent diuretic metolazone blockade or SGLT2 inhibitors.11
in the setting of refractory congestion, although Primary care physicians play a key role in titrating
it is a highly specialised drug with restrictions on diuretics, particularly following hospitalisation, when
ARTICLE Diuretics in the management of chronic heart failure: when and how
early outpatient follow-up has been shown to reduce They should be started at low doses (e.g. 12.5 mg
readmissions.12 The doses of diuretics are often daily), particularly in the setting of diabetes or renal
increased during admissions for exacerbations of impairment. International guidelines recommend
heart failure, and patients are instructed to follow up up-titration over 1–2 months to 25–50 mg daily,3
with their GPs in the week following discharge for although the risk of hyperkalaemia is higher when
further titration. On follow-up, assessments of body the dose of spironolactone or eplerenone is 50 mg
weight, fluid status, renal function and electrolytes and above.
should be performed to ensure that a patient is Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists should be
euvolaemic. Once euvolaemia is established, the goal avoided or used cautiously in patients with stage IV–V
is to ensure a patient’s body weight remains stable chronic kidney disease or a potassium concentration
at their dry weight, by ensuring compliance with fluid above 5 mmol/L. With each dose adjustment,
restrictions and gentle adjustments in the dose of electrolytes and renal function should be checked at
diuretics. Should a patient become hypovolaemic, 1–2 weeks and then monthly for three months, before
then clinicians should reduce the dose of diuretics eventually stretching out to every six months. If the
until the body weight returns to baseline. While exact estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) reduces
dose alterations must be individualised, furosemide by more than 30% or potassium concentration rises
(frusemide) doses are often reduced by 40 mg above 5.5 mmol/L, the mineralocorticoid receptor
(although the adjustments are greater in the setting of antagonist should be reduced and may need to be
high-dose diuretics). Follow-up at 1–2 weeks following stopped altogether if the potassium concentration
a dose adjustment is crucial. rises above 6 mmol/L. Spironolactone can also
Clinicians can trial stopping diuretics in patients cause gynaecomastia and, if this occurs, it may be
with heart failure who are stable on optimal therapy, substituted with eplerenone.1 However, eplerenone
have not been recently hospitalised due to heart is only listed on the PBS for HFrEF, specifically after
failure, and are receiving a dose of up to 80 mg acute myocardial infarction.
furosemide (frusemide). The dose can gradually be
reduced, and patients should be closely monitored for Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2
rebound hypervolaemia.13 inhibitors
SGLT2 inhibitors have shown benefits for both
Diuretics in renal dysfunction HFrEF and HFpEF. Dapagliflozin or empagliflozin
Renal impairment often coexists with heart failure are recommended in all patients with HFrEF
and is an independent predictor of mortality.3 already receiving optimal treatment with an ACE
However, acute increases in creatinine during diuretic or angiotensin receptor–neprilysin inhibitor, a beta
treatment are common and do not necessitate a blocker and a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist,
reduction in the dose, particularly if congestion irrespective of the presence of diabetes.3 Dapagliflozin
is present.4 Data suggest that these increases in has recently been included on the PBS for the
creatinine in response to diuresis are usually transient treatment of HFrEF, improving patient access to
and do not worsen outcomes. Moreover, in patients the drug.
with pre-existing renal impairment, a higher dose
Although it is not thought to be the primary
of diuretics is required to exert the same effect.
mechanism responsible for their benefits in terms
Diuretics form part of the treatment of cardiorenal
of cardiovascular death and heart failure-related
syndromes by improving ventricular filling and
hospitalisation, SGLT2 inhibitors have diuretic and
reducing renal venous pressures, thereby enhancing
natriuretic properties, giving them an added benefit
renal perfusion.14
of reducing congestion.3 If a patient is euvolaemic on
Mineralocorticoid receptor starting SGLT2 inhibitors, the prescriber can consider
antagonists reducing the dose of diuretics. A reversible reduction
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists are one of in the eGFR by up to 30% often occurs after starting
the proven pillars of therapy for HFrEF. Despite SGLT2 inhibitors and should not lead to premature
being classed as potassium-sparing diuretics, their discontinuation.3 The evidence in favour of SGLT2
benefit occurs through neurohormonal modulation inhibitors in HFpEF is also evolving, and they are
and effects on ventricular remodelling rather than currently recommended in HFpEF guidelines.16
diuresis itself.15 In the kidneys, aldosterone antagonists Clinicians should be mindful of the adverse effects
modulate the expression and activity of sodium of SGLT2 inhibitors. While there are conflicting data
and potassium channels in the distal nephron.2 about a possible increased urinary tract infection
Spironolactone and eplerenone doses are identical. risk, the risk of fungal genital infection is increased
3–5-fold.17 SGLT2 inhibitors can also result in A self-care written strategy encourages weight
hypovolaemia and euglycaemic ketoacidosis.17 Due to monitoring, adherence to drugs, fluid management
their mild diuretic effect, reducing or stopping loop and physical activity, and alerts patients to the early
or thiazide diuretics should be considered if a patient signs and symptoms of congestion. Rapid weight
is euvolaemic. Patients should also be instructed to gain (e.g. 2 kg over two days) is likely to be related
withhold their SGLT2 inhibitors perioperatively and to hypervolaemia and should prompt patients to
during ‘sick days’.17 consult with their GP or other supervising healthcare
professional. In motivated and competent patients,
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
a flexible diuretic plan can enable patients to safely
There is renewed interest in the use of acetazolamide titrate diuretic doses in response to hypervolaemia.
for acute decompensated heart failure. Acetazolamide For example, a patient is recommended to take
is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, which inhibits 40 mg furosemide (frusemide) if their body weight
the reabsorption of sodium and bicarbonate in increases by more than 2 kg over two days.
the proximal tubule. The randomised, placebo-
Exercise programs should be considered for patients
controlled Acetazolamide in Acute Decompensated
with heart failure. There is good-quality evidence
Heart Failure with Volume Overload trial included
supporting the role of exercise in improving physical
hospitalised patients with acute decompensated
fitness, quality of life and hospital admissions in the
heart failure who were also receiving intravenous
heart failure population.1 Regular, moderate-intensity
loop diuretics. In this trial, the addition of intravenous
exercise has well-demonstrated safety and efficacy
acetazolamide resulted in a greater incidence of
and is recommended for all patients with heart failure.
successful early decongestion, without increasing
the rate of adverse events.18 This promising finding Nurse-led clinics have been shown to improve
offers another potential drug to assist in the challenge survival, reduce hospitalisations and reduce the time
of achieving decongestion in decompensated heart required to achieve optimal doses of therapy.1 If oral
failure, although it should be noted that the use of diuretics are insufficient, intravenous administration
SGLT2 inhibitors was a contraindication and that the may be suitable and can be provided in the outpatient
drug was administered intravenously in this trial. setting, either by the local heart failure service or the
Further evidence is required to determine whether treating GP (particularly in the rural setting), thereby
there is a role for oral acetazolamide in the primary avoiding hospital admissions.
care setting.
Non-pharmacological fluid
While the aim of heart failure management should
In patients with congestive heart failure, a 1.5 L fluid
be the initiation and up-titration of guideline-
restriction can be considered on the basis of biological
directed medical therapies with a proven mortality
plausibility, although the supporting evidence is
benefit, diuretics still play an important role in the
lacking.1 In patients without clinical congestion, fluid
management of symptomatic congestion in all
restriction is not recommended.
forms of heart failure. When euvolaemia is achieved,
Self-management is a key component of the diuretics may be stopped or flexibly used in
management of heart failure, and heart failure action conjunction with a heart failure action plan in selected
plans should be instituted where possible. Numerous patients, allowing for further up-titration of the proven
practical clinical resources are available for patients, guideline-directed therapies. Furosemide (frusemide)
including the NPS MedicineWise program on heart is typically the first-line diuretic. Combinations of
failure, which was developed in collaboration with the diuretics can result in significant clinical improvement,
Heart Foundation and provides a succinct outline of although prescribers should be cognisant of
the goals in heart failure and how to achieve them. possible additive adverse events such as electrolyte
The program also offers a practical guide to assist abnormalities, renal impairment and hypovolaemia.
GPs in the up-titration of heart failure medicines.
An understanding of dosing, monitoring and adverse
The Heart Foundation’s ‘Heart Failure Resources for
events is critical for GPs managing heart failure.
Patients’ also offers a range of practical resources for
patients to assist with self-management. Conflicts of interest: none declared
ARTICLE Diuretics in the management of chronic heart failure: when and how
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diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure: Bertoldi EG, Simões MV, et al. Short-term diuretic withdrawal
developed by the Task Force for the diagnosis and treatment in stable outpatients with mild heart failure and no fluid
of acute and chronic heart failure of the European Society retention receiving optimal therapy: a double-blind,
of Cardiology (ESC). With the special contribution of the multicentre, randomized trial. Eur Heart J 2019;40:3605-12.
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Hypertension 2015;65:1033-40.
In addition to the method of measurement, factors chest pain, severe headache, confusion, blurred vision,
contributing to the high prevalence of in-hospital nausea and vomiting, severe anxiety, dyspnoea,
blood pressure elevations include uncontrolled pain, seizures and reduced consciousness. Papilloedema is
noise, anxiety and disrupted sleep patterns. There a hallmark of malignant hypertension and can be seen
may also be an interruption to the regular doses taken on examination of the optic fundi.
by patients already on antihypertensive drugs.10
Physicians’ attitudes towards Observational studies published since 2018 have
in-hospital hypertension reported the effect on clinical end points of starting or
A few studies have examined the attitude of doctors increasing antihypertensive treatment in hospital. One
towards treatment. In a survey of 181 US hospital study reported that 14% of older patients admitted
residents, most (79%) regarded controlling blood for non-cardiac reasons were discharged with new
pressure in hospital as important or very important, or intensified antihypertensive treatment. Among
and decisions regarding blood pressure lowering those who started treatment, 29% received renin–
should be based on current national guidelines (66%). angiotensin system inhibitors, 42% beta blockers, 27%
Many residents (44%) considered drugs should be calcium-channel blockers, 11% thiazide diuretics and
started or adjusted if the systolic blood pressure 12% other antihypertensives. More than half (52%)
was mildly high (140–159 mmHg) and that patients of the patients whose treatment was intensified had
with in-hospital blood pressure elevations should well-controlled blood pressure before admission. The
be discharged on the antihypertensive regimen probability of antihypertensive intensification was 25%
prescribed in hospital (91%).11 for patients with moderately elevated blood pressure
and 42% for those with severe elevations.7
In another survey, about a third of hospital doctors
would transfer an asymptomatic patient to an In another study, patients discharged with a new
intensive care unit because of high blood pressure or intensified antihypertensive regimen were more
even in the absence of target organ damage. The likely to be readmitted (hazard ratio (HR) 1.23, 95%
average blood pressure that would prompt the confidence interval (CI) 1.07–1.42, number needed
transfer was 210/117 mmHg for house officers and to harm (NNH) 27, 95% CI 16–76) or experience
193/110 mmHg for other hospital doctors.10 serious adverse events within 30 days (HR 1.41, 95%
CI 1.06–1.88, NNH 63, 95% CI 34–370). In secondary
In Australia, the wide adoption of set criteria for
analyses, new or intensified inpatient treatment was
calling rapid medical emergency teams to respond to
associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular
specific alterations of vital parameters4,5 might lead
events within 30 days of discharge (HR 1.65, 95% CI
hospital doctors to treat acute elevations of blood
pressure even in absence of symptoms or acute end-
organ damage. However, as previously discussed, The association between inpatient treatment initiation
there is no available information regarding the or intensification and specific end points was studied
incidence and the treatment of acute, asymptomatic in 22,834 adults admitted with non-cardiac diagnoses
blood pressure elevations by Australian hospital at 10 hospitals in the USA. At least one hypertensive
medical emergency teams. reading was recorded in 78% of patients. Of these,
33% were treated mainly with oral antihypertensives.
Management After controlling for patient and blood pressure
Studies of in-hospital blood pressure elevations have characteristics, treatment was associated with an
primarily reported the acute effects of treatment on increased risk of in-hospital acute kidney injury (odds
the blood pressure rather than clinical outcomes. ratio (OR) 1.36, 95% CI 1.21–1.52) and myocardial injury
For example, in a study of medical inpatients with (OR 2.23, 95% CI 1.56–3.20). By contrast, there were no
asymptomatic hypertension, hydralazine or labetalol significant differences in the risk of in-hospital stroke,
given orally or intravenously acutely reduced blood length of stay, myocardial infarction within 30 days and
pressure in 85% of patients. In 22% the systolic blood pressure control one year after discharge.16
blood pressure was reduced by at least 25% within A cohort study matched 4219 patients admitted
six hours.12 Such an acute and excessive reduction without a primary cardiovascular diagnosis who
in blood pressure could decrease cerebral and received antihypertensive drugs on an as-needed
myocardial perfusion. This approach should be basis, in addition to scheduled antihypertensives,
avoided except in particular circumstances such as with 4219 patients who only received scheduled
hypertensive emergencies with end-organ damage antihypertensives. The former group had an increased
(e.g. aortic dissection or acute renal failure).13,14 Clinical risk of an abrupt lowering of systolic blood pressure
features of hypertensive emergencies may include by more than 25% within one hour of administration
(OR 2.05, 95% CI 1.56–2.71), acute kidney injury in asymptomatic patients admitted for non-cardiac
(OR 1.24, 95% CI 1.09–1.42), ischaemic stroke (OR 8.5, reasons provides no clinical benefit. It is, however,
95% CI 1.96–36.79), death (OR 2.36, CI 1.26–4.41), and associated with an increased risk of in-hospital and
prolonged hospitalisation (4.7 vs 2.9 days). Ischaemic post-discharge complications.
events were more frequent with abrupt blood A significant problem in investigating in-hospital
pressure reductions and more doses of as-needed blood pressure elevations and their management
drugs. Notably, 93% of the as-needed drugs were is the lack of robust protocols for inpatient blood
given intravenously, with hydralazine (53%) and pressure measurement. A more robust assessment
labetalol (43%) being the most common drugs.17 would facilitate diagnosis and risk stratification, as well
The results of these observational studies, primarily as the planning of appropriately designed intervention
conducted in the USA, suggest that proactively studies assessing the efficacy and safety of specific
managing asymptomatic in-hospital blood pressure drugs and post-discharge follow-up strategies. Only
elevations does not confer clear benefits. Treatment then can the clinical significance of asymptomatic
may be associated with significant adverse outcomes, in-hospital blood pressure elevations be appropriately
at least in the short term. determined in Australia and worldwide.
At present, it appears that acute blood pressure
Conclusion elevations in asymptomatic hospitalised patients do
not routinely require drug treatment. The criteria used
There is overwhelming evidence of the benefit by hospital medical emergency teams require review
of identifying and treating hypertension in the and revision, in relation to blood pressure elevations
community. However, little is known about the without alterations in other vital parameters, to
clinical significance of common, asymptomatic and prevent unnecessary and potentially dangerous
short-term blood pressure elevations in hospitalised antihypertensive treatment.
patients. This is compounded by the variability of Blood pressure elevations in hospital should prompt
how blood pressure is measured in hospital, the lack consideration of post-discharge assessments to
of consideration for an individual patient’s overall check the blood pressure and the need for starting
cardiovascular risk and the absence of evidence about long-term treatment. In this context, a clear
drug treatment and follow-up strategies. communication with GPs is essential to appropriately
Recent studies, albeit with the limitations of plan investigations and management.
observational data, suggest that the as-needed use,
Conflicts of interest: none declared
initiation, or intensification of antihypertensive drugs
1. Gabb GM, Mangoni AA, Anderson CS, Cowley D, Dowden JS, Golledge J, et al. 10. Weder AB. Treating acute hypertension in the hospital: a lacuna in
Guideline for the diagnosis and management of hypertension in adults - 2016. the guidelines. Hypertension 2011;57:18-20.
Med J Aust 2016;205:85-89. HYPERTENSIONAHA.110.164194
2. Unger T, Borghi C, Charchar F, Khan NA, Poulter NR, Dorairaj P, et al. 11. Neal Axon R, Garrell R, Pfahl K, Fisher JE, Zhao Y, Egan B, et al. Attitudes
2020 International Society of Hypertension global hypertension practice and practices of resident physicians regarding hypertension in the inpatient
guidelines. Hypertension 2020;75:1334-57. setting. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich) 2010;12:698-705.
HYPERTENSIONAHA.120.15026 j.1751-7176.2010.00309.x
3. Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, Agabiti Rosei E, Azizi M, Burnier M, et al. 12. Gaynor MF, Wright GC, Vondracek S. Retrospective review of the use of
2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. as-needed hydralazine and labetalol for the treatment of acute hypertension
Eur Heart J 2018;39:3021-104. in hospitalized medicine patients. Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis 2018;12:7-15.
4. Concord Medical Emergency Team (MET) 2 Study Investigators. Outcomes
following changing from a two-tiered to a three-tiered hospital rapid response 13. van den Born BH, Lip GYH, Brguljan-Hitij J, Cremer A, Segura J, Morales E,
system. Aust Health Rev 2019;43:178-187. et al. ESC Council on hypertension position document on the management of
5. Bergmeir C, Bilgrami I, Bain C, Webb GI, Orosz J, Pilcher D. Designing a more hypertensive emergencies. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Pharmacother 2019;5:37-46.
efficient, effective and safe Medical Emergency Team (MET) service using
data analysis. PLoS One 2017;12:e0188688. 14. Burton TJ, Wilkinson IB. The dangers of immediate-release nifedipine in the
journal.pone.0188688 emergency treatment of hypertension. J Hum Hypertens 2008;22:301-2.
6. Axon RN, Cousineau L, Egan BM. Prevalence and management of
hypertension in the inpatient setting: a systematic review. J Hosp Med 15. Anderson TS, Jing B, Auerbach A, Wray CM, Lee S, Boscardin WJ, et al.
2011;6:417-22. Clinical outcomes after intensifying antihypertensive medication regimens
7. Anderson TS, Wray CM, Jing B, Fung K, Ngo S, Xu E, et al. Intensification among older adults at hospital discharge. JAMA Intern Med 2019;179:1528-36.
of older adults’ outpatient blood pressure treatment at hospital discharge:
national retrospective cohort study. BMJ 2018;362:k3503. 16. Rastogi R, Sheehan MM, Hu B, Shaker V, Kojima L, Rothberg MB. Treatment
10.1136/bmj.k3503 and outcomes of inpatient hypertension among adults with noncardiac
8. Head GA, McGrath BP, Mihailidou AS, Nelson MR, Schlaich MP, Stowasser M, admissions. JAMA Intern Med 2021;181:345-52.
et al. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in Australia: 2011 consensus jamainternmed.2020.7501
position statement. J Hypertens 2012;30:253-66. 17. Mohandas R, Chamarthi G, Bozorgmehri S, Carlson J, Ozrazgat-Baslanti T,
HJH.0b013e32834de621 Ruchi R, et al. Pro re nata antihypertensive medications and adverse outcomes
9. Holland M, Lewis PS. An audit and suggested guidelines for in-patient blood in hospitalized patients: a propensity-matched cohort study. Hypertension
pressure measurement. J Hypertens 2014;32:2166-70; discussion 2170. 2021;78:516-24.
Despite having no clear guidelines to favour
denosumab, it has substantially replaced the oral
bisphosphonates as the first-line treatment for
osteoporosis in Australia.1 Denosumab is effective
when given as a six-monthly 60 mg subcutaneous
injection and has few adverse reactions. The
main concern medically is that, if denosumab is
discontinued or the injection is substantially delayed,
there is a risk of vertebral fracture. This means
effectively that, once started, the patient must remain
on denosumab or another antiresorptive drug for the Note sequestrum
rest of their life.
Conclusion and recommendations Box Recommendations for dental care in patients treated
with denosumab4,5
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw can
occur following oral surgery if denosumab is Risk factors
recommenced before bony healing of the socket. If Factors include being female, aged over 70 years, having comorbidities, and taking
antiresorptive drugs for over four years.
there is uncertainty about bone turnover, it should be
measured at the time of the extraction.3 Communication
The Box shows evidence-based recommendations Prescribers, dentists and patients should communicate with each other.
drawn from a prospective trial of 546 patients Determination
taking denosumab for osteoporosis, who had 1082 Determine dental health, the need for extractions, and presence of implants. Dentist to
dental extractions, and another study of 13 patients consider alternative treatment.
who developed osteonecrosis.4,5 Besides dental
extractions, another risk group is patients with dental
Wait until six months after last injection for extractions.
implants that sometimes lose integration during
Measure fasted C-terminal telopeptide if not sure of bone turnover.
antiresorptive treatment.
Delay next dose of denosumab for one month after extraction until bone healing
Conflicts of interest: none declared has occurred.
Avoid excessive delay or discontinuation of denosumab.
1. Drug Utilisation Sub-Committee. Denosumab for 4. Smith S, Finn B, Goss AN. Medication-related osteonecrosis
osteoporosis. October 2020. Updated 2021 Mar 16. of the jaws: a single centre, Far North Queensland case series. Aust Dent J 2022;67:168-71.
public-release-docs/2020-10/denosumab-for-osteoporosis- adj.12905.
october-2020 [cited 2022 Nov 1] 5. Goss A. Evidence based guidelines for patients on
2. Ebeling PR, Seeman E, Centre J, Chen W, Chiang C, antiresorptive medication for osteoporosis requiring dental
Diamond T, et al. Position statement on the management extractions. Aust Dent Assoc News Bulletin 2021;515:22-4.
of osteoporosis, February 2021. Sydney: Healthy Bones
Australia; 2021.
Osteoporosis-25-02-21.pdf [cited 2022 Nov 1]
3. Ruggiero SL, Dodson TB, Aghaloo T, Carlson ER,
Ward BB, Kademani D. American Association of Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgeon’s position paper on medication-related
osteonecrosis of the jaw. 2022 Update. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
1. Executive Editorial Board. Towards better prescribing. 5. Department of Health. Review of the Quality Use of
Aust Prescr 1975;1:3. Medicines Program’s delivery by the National Prescribing
2. Phillips S. The National Prescribing Service and Australian Service Limited (NPS MedicineWise), December
Prescriber. Aust Prescr 2002;25:26-7. 2019.
10.18773/austprescr.2002.027 documents/2022/04/review-of-the-quality-use-of-
3. Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing and medicines-program-s-delivery-by-nps-medicinewise.pdf
Community Services. A policy on the quality use of [cited 2022 Nov 1]
medicines. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing 6. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. Rapid review of proposed Quality
Service; 1992. Use of Diagnostic, Therapeutics and Pathology Program
4. Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. budget measure, August 2022.
National Medicines Policy 2000. Canberra: Commonwealth resources/publications/rapid-review-of-proposed-quality-
of Australia; 1999. use-of-diagnostic-therapeutics-and-pathology-program-
publications/national-medicines-policy [cited 2022 Nov 1] budget-measure [cited 2022 Nov 1]
New drugs
while 76 took bosutinib, another tyrosine kinase
Asciminib inhibitor, 500 mg once daily. The median follow-up
was 14.9 months with the molecular response being
Approved indication: chronic myeloid leukaemia assessed at 24 weeks. There was a major molecular Aust Prescr 2022;45:211–2
Scemblix (Novartis) response in 25% of the patients taking asciminib and
20 mg and 40 mg film-coated tablets 13.2% of the bosutinib group.3 This advantage for austprescr.2022.070
asciminib was still present when the patients were First published
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are the mainstay of 12 October 2022
reviewed at 96 weeks.
treatment for chronic myeloid leukaemia.1 However,
patients may develop resistance to treatment and A higher dose of asciminib has been tried in patients
some patients do not respond to tyrosine kinase with the T315I mutation. In this open-label trial, 52
inhibitors because they have a genetic mutation previously treated patients with chronic myeloid
(T315I). As resistance may be related to the binding leukaemia were given asciminib 200 mg twice daily.
site on the tyrosine kinase molecule, there has been a Among the evaluable patients, 40.8% (20/49) had a
search for drugs that use an alternative binding site. major molecular response by 24 weeks. At 96 weeks
there was a response in 46.9% (23/49).4
Asciminib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor with a different
binding site. It has also been called a STAMP inhibitor In the phase III trial, 5.8% of the patients stopped
(as it specifically targets the ABL myristoyl pocket). asciminib because of adverse effects compared
with 21.1% of the bosutinib group.3 A common
Depending on the dose, asciminib tablets are taken
adverse effect is myelosuppression, particularly
once or twice daily without food, as food reduces
thrombocytopenia, and this may require treatment
absorption. While most of the dose will be excreted
to be withheld or stopped. Full blood counts are
unchanged in the faeces, asciminib is also metabolised
required every two weeks for the first three months of
by cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4. Its concentrations
treatment. Serum lipase and amylase should also be
will therefore be increased by inhibitors of CYP3A4,
monitored as some patients will develop pancreatitis. The new drug
such as clarithromycin and azole antifungal drugs, commentaries in
Blood pressure should be checked as hypertension
and decreased by inducers, such as rifampicin. Australian Prescriber are
is a common adverse effect. As a few patients will
Asciminib itself is an enzyme inhibitor, so it will raise prepared by the Editorial
develop prolongation of the QT interval, the ECG Executive Committee.
concentrations of substrates of CYP3A4, such as
should be monitored. In the trial using asciminib Some of the views
midazolam and fentanyl, and substrates of CYP2C9,
200 mg twice daily there were hypersensitivity expressed on newly
such as warfarin. Although concentrations of approved products
reactions in 26.9% of the patients.4 As asciminib is
asciminib will be increased, no dose adjustments are should be regarded as
likely to be harmful to the fetus, it should not be used
recommended for patients with liver or kidney disease. preliminary, as there
in pregnancy. may be limited published
An early indication of the efficacy of asciminib came
The evidence for the safety and efficacy of asciminib data at the time of
from a dose-escalation study. This involved 150 publication, and little
patients who had been unable to tolerate tyrosine is currently limited. For example, the Australian
experience in Australia of
kinase inhibitors or who had been previously treated product information states that the safety profile
their safety or efficacy.
with at least two different tyrosine kinase inhibitors. is based on a total of 356 patients. As a molecular However, the Editorial
All the patients had the Philadelphia chromosome response is a surrogate outcome, it is too early to Executive Committee
know if asciminib improves survival. It would also be believes that comments
and 22% had the T315I mutation. Molecular responses
useful to know how asciminib compares to ponatinib made in good faith at
were used to assess efficacy. In the patients without an early stage may still
the T315I mutation who could be evaluated, 37% which is also approved for previously treated patients
be of value. Before new
(37/99) had a major molecular response within and those with the T315I mutation. drugs are prescribed,
six months. A major molecular response was achieved the Committee believes
T manufacturer provided the product information
it is important that more
by 24% (4/17) of the patients with the mutation by
detailed information
12 months.2 REFERENCES
is obtained from the
An open-label phase III trial studied previously treated 1. Li EW, Yeung D, Fuller S. Chronic leukaemias in the manufacturer’s approved
community. Aust Prescr 2020;43:126-30. product information,
patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia who were 10.18773/austprescr.2020.034
a drug information
Philadelphia chromosome positive, but did not have 2. Hughes TP, Mauro MJ, Cortes JE, Minami H, Rea D,
DeAngelo DJ. Asciminib in chronic myeloid leukemia after centre or some other
a T315I mutation. One group of 157 patients was ABL kinase inhibitor failure. N Engl J Med 2019;381:2315-26. appropriate source.
randomised to receive asciminib 40 mg twice daily
Some children fail to grow as expected because of Headache is a common adverse effect, but can be a
an insensitivity to growth hormone. One cause is a symptom of intracranial hypertension. Fundoscopy
deficiency of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), as is recommended particularly if there are other
in Laron syndrome. In affected children, there is an symptoms such as vomiting or altered vision.
abnormality in the growth hormone receptor. As a An echocardiogram is recommended before
result, growth hormone fails to stimulate the synthesis treatment. Valve incompetence and cardiomegaly are
of IGF-1 in the liver. This leads to slow growth and very uncommon adverse effects.
short stature. In untreated patients the final height A European database of children being treated with
can be 4–10 standard deviations below the mean. IGF-1 therapy contained a safety population of 188
Genetic engineering has enabled the production patients. The most frequent serious adverse events
of mecasermin, a recombinant human IGF-1. It has recorded in the database were hypoglycaemia, adeno-
been available overseas for more than 10 years. tonsillar hypertrophy and injection-site reactions.3
Mecasermin is given twice daily by subcutaneous The approval of mecasermin in Australia is restricted
injection. It should be given shortly before or after a to children who have the most severe manifestations
meal to reduce the risk of hypoglycaemia. The half-life of primary IGF-1 deficiency. Other causes of the
of mecasermin is about six hours. It is metabolised deficiency must be excluded before beginning
in the liver and kidneys, but there is no information treatment. Mecasermin is not intended for secondary
about how impairment of these organs might affect forms of IGF-1 deficiency such as hypopituitarism,
the drug’s pharmacokinetics. Doses are based on malnutrition or chronic steroid therapy.
body weight and adjusted according to adverse
reactions and growth. Treatment continues until
epiphyseal fusion. 1. Chernausek SD, Backeljauw PF, Frane J, Kuntze J,
Underwood LE. Long-term treatment with recombinant
Primary IGF-1 deficiency is a very rare condition. insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I in children with severe
IGF-I deficiency due to growth hormone insensitivity.
Clinical trials have therefore been small and mostly
J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:902-10. https://doi.
open label. org/10.1210/jc.2006-1610
2. Backeljauw PF, Kuntze J, Frane J, Calikoglu AS,
One open-label trial of mecasermin has followed Chernausek SD. Adult and near-adult height in patients with
76 children with severe IGF-1 deficiency for up severe insulin-like growth factor-I deficiency after long-term
therapy with recombinant human insulin-like growth factor-I.
to 12 years. In the first year of treatment, growth Horm Res Paediatr 2013;80:47-56.
increased from a baseline of 2.8 cm/year to 000351958
3. Bang P, Polak M, Woelfle J, Houchard A, on behalf of the
8 cm/year. The higher the dose, the faster the EU IGFD Registry Study Group. Effectiveness and safety of
growth. Growth velocities remained above baseline rhIGF-1 therapy in children: the European Increlex® growth
forum database experience. Horm Res Paediatr 2015;83:345-57.
for up to eight years of follow-up.1 There were 21
children, treated for an average of 10 years, who
reached an adult or new-adult height. They were an
average of 13.4 cm taller than they would have been
without treatment.2
Some of the adverse effects of an insulin-like growth
factor are related to its mechanism of action. For At the time the comment was prepared, information
example, some children will have seizures related about this drug was available on the websites of
to hypoglycaemia.1 Blood glucose monitoring is the Food and Drug Administration in the USA, the
recommended when the dose is changed and when a European Medicines Agency and the Therapeutic
child is unwell or has reduced oral intake. Goods Administration.
1. Chari A, Vogl DT, Gavriatopoulou M, Nooka AK, Yee AJ,
Huff CA, et al. Oral selinexor–dexamethasone for triple-class
refractory multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 2019;381:727-38.
2. Grosicki S, Simonova M, Spicka I, Pour L, Kriachok I,
Gavriatopoulou M, et al. Once-per-week selinexor,
bortezomib, and dexamethasone versus twice-per-week
bortezomib and dexamethasone in patients with multiple
myeloma (BOSTON): a randomised, open-label, phase 3
trial. Lancet 2020;396:1563-73.
The article on bariatric surgery and medicines (Aust Prescr 2022;45:162-6) has been corrected.
View corrected article.
In the Figure showing four common procedures in bariatric surgery, the third image from the left
depicting one anastomosis gastric bypass was incorrect. The Figure has now been replaced using the
correct image for this procedure.
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