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Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Vol.1, No.1, Juni 2023, pp. 1-10; e-ISSN: xxxx-xxx; p-ISSN: 2685-4325

The Correlation of The Hull-Forms Parametric to The Ship’s

Propulsion of Tugboats with Two Propulsion
Algi Tiara Maulida 1), Ali Munazid *,2)
1) PT. Asianfast Marine Industries Shipyard, Batam, Indonesia.
2) Departement of Naval Architecture, Universitas Hang Tuah, Surabaya, Indonesia

Article Information ABSTRACT

Article History: This paper aims to determne the correlation of power propulsion to
Received: March 28, 2023 hull-forms parametric of twin-propulsion Tugboats. By using the
Accepted: May 19, 2023 regression method, an analysis of the technical data of existing tugboat
Published: May 25, 2023 is carried out, where the data is obtained by collecting dta on Tugboats
that are registere and operation as many as 381 tugboat. From the
results of the analysisis carried out, it was found that the relations
Correspondence Author: model power propulsion to hull-forms parametric, than the model was
Ali Munazid validated by testing the existing tugboat to determine how many errors
( the relations model. Based on the results of the analysis carried out,
power propulsion affacts the hull forms parametric, where the increase
DOI: in power propulsion will increase the value of the hull forms
10.30649/baitaengineering.v1i1.7 parametric in this case main dimension of the tugboat (L, B, D and T).
The value of power propulsion to main dimension of tugboat has a
different effect on each type of tugboat.

Keywords: Correlation, Hull-forms parametric, Power Propulsion,


Copyright © 2023 BAITA ENGINEERING Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. This is an open access
article under the CC BY license (

Based on its function, a tugboat is a ship that is used to tow or push a large ship. Determine
the design parameters of the tugboat namely: the technical spesifications of the ship, including
the hullforms parameters, generally based on the ability to tow or push a large ship. Where the
ability to tow or push the tugboat depends on the size of the engine power or thrust of the ship.
Therefore, naval architect often only provide data on the towing ability of the tugboat by the ship
The ship design procedure known as Spiral design was first introduced by J.H. Evans, 1959.
Spiral design is a series of sequential and itterative ship design procedures to determine the main
dimensions of the ship and several other design results (Taggart, 1980)(Apostolos Papanikolaou,
2014). Shi design procedures according to (A. Papanikolaou et al., 2009) that is: Mission, Function,
Form, Performance and Economics. While the stages of ship design according to (Apostolos
Papanikolaou, 2014) that is: Concept design, Preliminary design, Contract design and Detailed
design, whereas for concept design and preliminary design known as basic design and merged
at the stage preliminary design. Preliminary ship design is the initial stage in ship design which
is based on the needs and specifications of the ship owner. Including the main technical and
economis characteristics of the ship.
The initial stage of designing a ship is to determine the main dimensions and hull-forms of
the ship, it requires some information to be asked to the ship’s owner, including: Cargo type/Ship
type, Payload/Deadweight, Ship speed and Shipping route (C.B., 2004)(Apostolos Papanikolaou,

Maulida, A.T and Munazid A BAITA, No.1 Vol.1, June 2023

2014). The parameters that affect the hull-forms of the ship’s hull include: The slenderness of the
ship hull-form (L/V1/3), Main dimensions (Displ. L, B, T, D), Ratios of main dimensions (L/B.
L/D, B/T, B/D) and hull-form coefficient of the ship (Cb, Cp, Cwp, Cm) (Thomas, 2003)(Munazid
et al., 2010)(Permana et al., 2018)(Rohmad & Munazid, 2018)(Permana & Awwalin, 2019).
The design of tugboats is slightly different from the design of other ships for example:
General cargo, Bulk carrier, Ore carrier, Tanker, Container vessel, etc, in the preliminary design
the ship owner usually only provides information the propulsion of the tugboat. Therefore, the
problem that must be solved for the naval architect when designing a tugboat, where in theory
the power of the tugboat propulsion is determined after the hull-form of the tugboat is designed,
for this reason this paper discusses how the relationship between the propulsion of the tugboat
and the hull-forms parameters of the tugboat. To solve these problems, data collection on
technical specifications of tugboats with two propeller that have been registered/built and
operating is carried out, including: Main dimensions, Main Engine, Ship Propulsion,
Deadweight, Ship speed and Shipping route. From this data, statistical methods were carried out
to analyze the relationship between the ship’s propulsion and several hull-form parameter of the
tug boat, with this relationship naval architect will be assisted in determining the hull-forms
parametric of tugboat.


2.1. Tugboat
According (Thomas, 2003) A tugboat is a ship that is used to tow or push ships, in order to
serve ships that are anchored in ports and to serve ships or floating buildings that do not have
their self propulsion, such as barges, offshore platforms, floating cranes, floating docks etc. Besed
on the work area, tugboats are divided into three (3) types of tugboats, namely:
1- Ocean Tugboat, is a tugboat for ocean shipping where the function and task of the
tugboat is to tow or push a ship or floating structure that does not have its self
2- Harbour Tugboat, is a tugboat operating in port waters, where the function and task of
the tugboat is to push or tow larger shipd anchored or vice versa in port waters.
3- Coastel Tugboat, is a tugboat that operates in shallow waters, coastel or rivers, where its
function is to tow or push larger ships in shallow water, coastel and river.

2.2. Procedure Ship Design

Ship design in the past was more of an art than a science, it really depended on the
experience of the ship designer. The solution to the ship design problem is practically developed
using the heuristic method, namely a method that comes from a process of trial and error that is
often done for decades. Gradually, the trial and error method was replaced by
knowledge/science, which eventually formed the semi-empirical method and existing ship
statistical data. A modern data based approach in ship design considers ships as very complex
system and integrates severa; subsystems and components thereof, for example subsystems for
cargo storage and handling, energy/electricity generation and ship propulsion systems,
accommodation for crew/passengers, ship navigation etc.
In general, the ship design stages can be simplified into four main stages, namely: Concept
design, Preliminary design, Contract design, and Detail design. According to (A. Papanikolaou
et al., 2009) As in Figure 1 the sequence of the ship design process, the ship is designed to fulfill
the specific requirements or mission of the ship’s customer (Mission); determine certain functions
of the ship (Function); hull-form, space, weight (Form); ship’s technical performance
(Performance) and ship’s economic characteristics (Economics).

Maulida, A.T and Munazid A BAITA, No.1 Vol.1, June 2023

According to (Apostolos Papanikolaou, 2014) the objectives of preliminary ship design,

include the following: Selection of main ship dimensions; Development of the ship’s hull-form
(watted and above water parts); Specification of main machinery and propulsion system type and
size; Estimation of auxiliary machinery type and powering; Design of General arrangement of
main and auxiliary spaces (cargo spaces, machinery spaces and accommodation); Specification of
cargo-handling equipment; design of main structural elements for longitudinal and transverse
strength; control of floatability, stability, trim and freeboard (stability and load line regulations);
tonnage measurement. It is necessary to understand that the determination of all the above ship
design elements is the subject of design to compiliance with the specification of various national
and international maritime rules and regulations, which enforced by national and international

Figure 1. Procedure Ship Design (A. Papanikolaou et al., 2009)

Figure 2. Spiral Design, J.H. Evans, 1959 (Taggart, 1980)(Apostolos Papanikolaou, 2014)
The ship design procedure is known as the spiral design, originaly introduced by J.H.
Evans, 1959 as in Figure 2 (Taggart, 1980)(Apostolos Papanikolaou, 2014). Spiral design is a
method that describes a series of sequential ship design process through various design steps
with iterative prosedures in determining the main dimensions and other design elements. Some
notes that need to be considered in the spiral design are as follows:
1- Concept Design Feasibility Study: in this design stages, translating the requirements of the
ship owner/customer into the technical characteristics of the ship, for eample the main
dimension of the ship or the hull forms parameter including: Length of ship (L), Breadth of
ship (B), Draft of ship (T), Height of ship (H), Block coefficient (Cb), etc.
2- Preliminary Design: in this stage is a more comprehensive description of the various steps of
the ships design stages carried out in the first stage (concept design feasibility study),

Maulida, A.T and Munazid A BAITA, No.1 Vol.1, June 2023

including: determining ship design element that are more accurate than the previous
3- Contract Design: the pupose ath this stage is to complete calculations and design drawings
and to prepare technical specifications of the ship design, all o which are an inseparable
part of the shipbuilding contract between the ship owner and the shipyard appointed by
the ship owner in the construction of the ship.
4- Detailed Design: at this stage is the final stages of the ship design procedure which is carried
out in detail from all structural elements and all components on the ship.


3.1. Data of Tugboat
Based on the registered and already operating in the form of technical data on tugboats.
Including: Deadweight (DWT), Power of ship propulsion, Main engine, Main dimension,
Number of main engine, Ship speed and Ship’s area of operation. By regression analyzing the
existing tugboat data to relate the tugboat engine power with several of hull forms parameter,
this is very necessary in the preliminary design of tugbots, where with information on the ability
to tow and push the tugboat capabilities, namely the ship’s propulsion engine, naval architect
can determine the main dimension and other hull forms parameters of the ship.

35 L
L.B.D,T [M]

20 H
15 T

Tug Boat [-]


6000 Power [kW]

Power [kW], DWT [Ton]

DWT [Ton]







Tug Boat [-]

Figure 3. Technical data of tugboat, (a) Main dimension, (b) Power and DWT
Technical data of tugboats collected is tugboats operating in oceans, harbours and coastel
which have two propulsion with engine power ranges of 600 to 6000 kW. The data collected were
Maulida, A.T and Munazid A BAITA, No.1 Vol.1, June 2023

381 tugboats which describe the main dimension of the tugboats in Figure 3 (a) while those that
describe engine power and deadweight are in Figure 3 (b).
3.2. Correlation of Volumetric Numeral LBD
3.2.1. To Deadweight (DWT)
With regression analysis of the exsisting tugboat data, from the analysis carried out, it was
found that the relations of volumetric numeral LBD to deadweight. Figure 4 (a) illustrates the
relations of the volumetric numeral LBD to deadweight of each type of tugboats, while Figure 4
(b) illustrates the relations of the volumetric numeral LBD to deadweight of tugboats with
R2=0,6973 as in equation (1), where LBD/100: is a volumetric numeral LBD, DWT: is deadweight
of tugboats.
𝐿𝐵𝐷/100 = 0,1448 𝐷𝑊𝑇 0,7757 (1)

35.0 35.0
y = 0.1448x0.7757
30.0 30.0
R² = 0.6411
25.0 25.0
LBD/100 [M³]

LBD/100 [M³]
20.0 20.0
15.0 15.0
10.0 Coastel 10.0
5.0 Harbour 5.0
Ocean 0.0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Correlation of volumetric numeral LBD to Power propulsion

3.2.2. To Power Propulsion

The analysis that has been carried out on the existing tugboat data shows the relations of
the volumetric numeral LBD to power propulsion of the tugboats as shown in the Figure 5, where
increasing the power propulsion value of tugboats will increase the volumetric numeral LBD
value. Based on the type of tugboat, the type of ocean tugboat has a higher volumetric numeral
value than the other two types and the type of coastel tugboat has a lower value.
40.0 30.0
Coastel Tugboat y = 0.0039x1.0934
Harbour Tugboat
LBD/100 [M³]
LBD/100 [M³]

30.0 R² = 0.7917
Ocean Tugboat 20.0
20.0 15.0
0.0 0.0
0 2000 4000 6000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
(a) (b)
20.0 40.0
y = 0.0059x1.0123
y = 0.0096x0.9218
LBD/100 [M³]

R² = 0.9667
LBD/100 [M³]

15.0 30.0
R² = 0.9489
10.0 20.0

5.0 10.0

0.0 0.0
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 0 2000 4000 6000
(c) (d)
Figure 5. Correlation of volumetric numeral LBD to Power propulsion, (b) ocean tugboats, (c)
harbour tugboat, (d) coastel tugboat.
Maulida, A.T and Munazid A BAITA, No.1 Vol.1, June 2023

𝐿𝐵𝐷/100𝑂𝑇 = 0,0039 𝑃 1,0934 [𝑀3 ] (1)

𝐿𝐵𝐷/100𝐻𝑇 = 0,0059 𝑃 1,0123 [𝑀3 ] (2)

𝐿𝐵𝐷/100𝐶𝑇 = 0,0096 𝑃 0,9218 [𝑀3 ] (3)

Correlation of volumetric numeral LBD to power propulsion can be illustrated in equation

(1) for the ocean tugboat type, equation (2) for the harbour tugboat type and equation (3) for
coastel tugboat type. Where: LBD/100OT: is a volumetric numeral LBD of ocean tugboat type;
LBD/100HT: is a volumetric numeral LBD of harbour tugboat type; LBD/100CT: is a volumetric
numeral LBD of coastel tugboat type; P: is power of main engine [kW].

3.3. Correlation of Dimension to Power Propulsion

3.3.1. Length of Tugboats (L)
Based on the results of the analysis carried out the relations of length of tugboat (L) to power
propulsion as illustrated in Figure 6, where increasing the power propulsion value of tugboats
will increase the length of tugboats (L), for ocean tugboat has a higher length of tugboat value
than harbour and coastel tugboat, while for coastel and harbor tugboat the length value is almost
the same.

50 50
40 40
30 30
L [M]
L [M]

20 20 y = 1.0675x0.4514
Coastel Tugboat
10 R² = 0.7396
10 Harbour Tugboat
0 Ocean Tugboat 0
0 2000 4000 6000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000

(a) (b)

40 50

30 40
L [M]
L [M]

y = 2.624x0.3187 20
R² = 0.7095 y = 2.7202x0.3065
10 10 R² = 0.796
0 0
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 0 2000 4000 6000

(c) (d)
Figure 6. Correlation of length (L) to Power propulsion, (b) ocean tugboats, (c) harbour tugboat,
(d) coastel tugboat.
Correlation of length to power propulsion can be illustrated in equation (4) for the ocean
tugboat type, equation (5) for the harbour tugboat type and equation (6) for coastel tugboat type.
Where: LOT: is length of ocean tugboat; LHT: is length of harbour tugboat; LCT: is length of coastel
tugboat and P: is power of main engine [kW].

𝐿𝑂𝑇 = 1,0675 𝑃 0,4514 [𝑀] (4)

𝐿𝐻𝑇 = 2,624 𝑃 0,3187 [𝑀] (5)

𝐿𝐶𝑇 = 2,7202 𝑃 0,3065 [𝑀] (6)

Maulida, A.T and Munazid A BAITA, No.1 Vol.1, June 2023

3.3.2. Breadth of Tugboats (B)

Based on the results of the analysis carried out the ralations of breadth of tugboat (B) to
power propulsion as illustrated in Figure 7, where increasing the power propulsion value of
tugboats will increase the breadth of tugboats.


10 10

B [M]
B [M]

Coastel Tugboat 5
5 y = 0.6248x0.3694
Harbour Tugboat
R² = 0.7175
Ocean Tugboat 0
0 2000 4000 6000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
(a) (b)
15 15

10 10
B [M]

B [M]
5 y = 1.0749x0.2849
5 y = 1.0095x0.2898
R² = 0.8672
R² = 0.9104
0 0
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 0 2000 4000 6000
(c) (d)
Figure 7. Correlation of breadth (B) to Power propulsion, (b) ocean tugboats, (c) harbour
tugboat, (d) coastel tugboat.

𝐵𝑂𝑇 = 0,6248 𝑃 0,3694 [𝑀] (7)

𝐵𝐻𝑇 = 1,0749 𝑃 0,2849 [𝑀] (8)

𝐵𝐶𝑇 = 1,0095 𝑃 0,2898 [𝑀] (9)

Other than that the correlation of breadth (B) to power propulsion can be illustrated in
equation (7) for the ocean tugboat type, equation (8) for the harbor tugboat type, and equation (9)
for coastel tugboat type. Where: BOT: is breadth of ocean tugboat; BHT: is breadth of harbour
tugboat; BCT: is breadth of coastel tugboat and P: is power of main engine [kW].

3.3.3. Height of Tugboats (D)

Correlation of height to power propulsion can be illustrated in equation (10) for the ocean
tugboat type, equation (11) for the harbour tugboat type and equation (12) for coastel tugboat
type. Where: DOT: is height of ocean tugboat; DHT: is height of harbour tugboat; HCT: is height of
coastel tugboat and P: is power of main engine [kW].

𝐷𝑂𝑇 = 0,488 𝑃 0,2975 [𝑀] (10)

𝐷𝐻𝑇 = 0,2098 𝑃 0,4087 [𝑀] (11)

𝐷𝐶𝑇 = 0,3483 𝑃 0,3256 [𝑀] (12)

Other than that the correlation of height to power propulsion can be illustrated in Figure
8, where increasing the power propulsion value of tugboats will increase the height of tugboats.

Maulida, A.T and Munazid A BAITA, No.1 Vol.1, June 2023

8 6

D [M]
D [M]

4 3
Coastel Tugboat
Harbour Tugboat 2 y = 0.488x0.2975
2 R² = 0.6791
Ocean Tugboat 1
0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
(a) (b)
6 8

D [M]
D [M]

2 2 y = 0.3483x0.3256
y = 0.2098x0.4087
R² = 0.872 R² = 0.8849
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
(c) (d)
Figure 8. Correlation of height (D) to Power propulsion, (b) ocean tugboats, (c) harbour tugboat,
(d) coastel tugboat.

3.3.4. Summer Draught (T)

Based on the results of the analysis carried out the correlation of summer draught of tugboat
(T) to power propulsion as illustrated in Figure 9, where increasing the power propulsion value
of tugboats will increase the summer draught of tugboats (T). Other than that the correlation of
summer draught (T) to power propulsion can be illustrated in equation (13) for the ocean tugboat
type, equation (14) for the harbor tugboat type, and equation (15) for coastel tugboat type. Where:
TOT: is breadth of ocean tugboat; THT: is breadth of harbour tugboat; TCT: is breadth of coastel
tugboat and P: is power of main engine [kW].

6.000 5.000
T [M]

T [M]

Coastel Tugboat 2.000
2.000 y = 0.2076x0.3886
Harbour Tugboat 1.000 R² = 0.6746
Ocean Tugboat 0.000
0 2000 4000 6000 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000

(a) (b)
5.000 6.000
4.000 5.000
3.000 4.000
T [M]

T [M]

2.000 y = 0.1692x0.41 2.000 y = 0.2707x0.334
1.000 R² = 0.7461 R² = 0.8333
0.000 0.000
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 0 2000 4000 6000
(c) (d)
Figure 9. Correlation of height (D) to Power propulsion, (b) ocean tugboats, (c) harbour tugboat,
(d) coastel tugboat.
Maulida, A.T and Munazid A BAITA, No.1 Vol.1, June 2023

𝑇𝑂𝑇 = 0,2076 𝑃 0,3886 [𝑀] (13)

𝑇𝐻𝑇 = 0,1692 𝑃 0,41 [𝑀] (14)

𝑇𝐶𝑇 = 0,2707 𝑃 0,334 [𝑀] (15)

3.4. Aplication and Validation

To validate the correlation model of the hull forms parametric to the power propulsion that
can be used in the tugboat design on preliminary design stage, it is necessary to apply the eisting
reactions model in the design of the tugboat and validate the results of the model. For this reason,
it is necessary to determine the main dimension of tugboat and compare it with comparison
tugboat and empirical. The comparison tugboat is a tugboat that is registered and operates in the
ocean, harbor and coastel wihic has two power propulsion. The comparison tugboat data as
shown in Table 1.
Tabel 1. The Comparison Tugboat
Tugboat Type L [M] B [M] D [M] T [M) Speed [Kn] DWT [Tons] P [kW]
TB-01 Ocean Tug 47,00 10,00 5,00 4,00 10,0 484 2386,25
TB-02 Ocean Tug 31,00 99,00 4,00 3,20 -- -- 1790,00
TB-03 Harbour Tug 29,00 12,00 5,10 3,60 12,0 -- 2796,37
TB-04 Harbour Tug 32,14 13,29 5,50 3,60 14,0 -- 4041,27
TB-05 Coastal Tug 21,00 7,00 3,30 2,60 8,4 -- 808,00
TB-06 Coastal Tug 29,50 9,00 4,25 3,25 12,5 -- 1640,00

Based on the comparison tugboat data, using the correlation of hull form parametric to poer
propulsion model as in equation (4) to (15), the results of the determination using the model and
validation model as shown in Table 2.
Tabel 2. Validation Model
(𝑫 − 𝑴)
Main Dimension Type Data [M] Model [M] Difference [M} 𝑬% =
Length (L) Ocean Tug 47,00 45,72 1,28 2,40
Ocean Tug 31,00 31,38 -0,38 -1,23
Harbour Tug 29,00 32,38 -3,38 -11,66
Harbour Tug 32,14 37,01 -4,87 -15,15
Coastal Tug 21,00 21,17 -0,17 -0,81
Coastal Tug 29,50 26,29 3,21 10,88
Breadth (B) Ocean Tug 10,00 11,05 -1,05 -10,50
Ocean Tug 9,00 9,93 -0,93 -10,33
Harbour Tug 12,00 10,31 1,69 14,08
Harbour Tug 13,29 11,45 1,84 13,84
Coastal Tug 7,00 7,02 -0,02 -0,29
Coastal Tug 9,00 8,62 0,38 4,22
Height (D) Ocean Tug 5,00 4,53 0,47 9,40
Ocean Tug 4,00 4,16 -0,16 -4,00
Harbour Tug 5,10 5,37 -0,27 -5,29
Harbour Tug 5,50 6,24 -0,74 -13,45
Coastal Tug 3,30 3,08 0,22 6,67
Coastal Tug 4,25 3,87 0,38 8,94
Draught (T) Ocean Tug 4,00 4,26 -0,26 -6,60

Maulida, A.T and Munazid A BAITA, No.1 Vol.1, June 2023

Ocean Tug 3,20 3,81 -0,61 -19,06

Harbour Tug 3,60 4,38 -0,78 -21,67
Harbour Tug 3,60 4,09 -0,49 -13,61
Coastal Tug 2,60 2,53 0,07 2,69
Coastal Tug 3,25 3,21 0,04 1,23

Based on the validation reluts from the model with existing comparison tugboat data as
shown in Table 2, the correlation model obtained is that there are several models that have a
slightly larger error percentage, especially the correlation model used to determine off the
draught of tugboat on the ocean tugboat and harbor tugboat types. This error range is still
acceptable as described by (Bekhit & Lungu, 2019). The Naval Architect will consider a value that
fully covers the difference between the numerical and experiment estimate known as a sea margin
of 15%. Overall the correlation model is applied to the tugboat design at the preliminary design

Based on the results of the analysis carried out, power propulsion affacts the hull forms
parametric, where the increase in power propulsion will increase the value of the hull forms
parametric in this case main dimension of the tugboat (L, B, D and T). The value of power
propulsion to main dimension of tugboat has a different effect on each type of tugboat. The
classification of the type off tugboat is based on the ship’s operating area where each operating
area has different characteristics that affect the caracteristics of tugboat

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