A2 Great Learners Great Thinkers Videoscript

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Student’s Book: video script A2

Great Learners, Great Thinkers p18 Great Learners, Great Thinkers p30
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Sophie:  Hey, it’s Sophie, and today I want to try Narrator: We all need to choose how and where we
something a little bit different. I’ve never done this live. Different people need different things. Some
before so … I hope you like it! people need less than others.
So, I wrote down three things that I want to get done Hannah: I’m Hannah and I live in my van full-time.
this month. Narrator: Hannah is a student. She didn’t want to pay
Because, at least for me, it’s the beginning of a new expensive rent in the city, so she moved into her van.
academic year which always means that there are She has a simple life, but some things are still very
tonnes of things you have to do … and that you have important to her.
to think about, and I just thought that taking you guys Hannah: We always say that there’s certain things that
along with me would maybe help me to actually get make it really comfortable and really liveable, so being
these things done. able to have heat, water, being able to cook your food.
The first thing that I want to do this month is to study It’s really good. I do really like it.
for the JLPT. The JLPT is the Japanese Language Narrator: Hannah loves yoga, which can be difficult
Proficiency Test, which is just a test that tests your level living in a van.
of Japanese! Hannah: It’s funny. People always ask me, they’re like,
My second goal for this month is to find a place where ‘do you have room to do yoga in here?’, I’m like, ‘yeah
I can go horseback riding. In the two years that I’ve lived I do, actually’. I get a little bit done in here; it’s better
here already, I just never managed to go and search for when it’s warmer and I can get outside.
a place where I could do horseback riding again. Narrator: Hannah’s home is comfortable, but very
And then the last thing that I wrote down on my little small. She tries to save space in any way she can.
list is to start taking driving lessons to get my driver’s Hannah: This plant shelf is probably my favourite
licence. I hope I can find a driving school here that thing in the van. Table, which actually doesn’t get used
offers English driving lessons … and just start to drive. as much as it should do. And then, a little shoe rack
So, these are the three things that I want to get done next to the fire. This shelf, I didn’t think we needed this
this month and, yeah! So we’ll see how much I’ll shelf when we added it, but as you can see, it’s got filled
actually do. up with stuff very quickly.
I actually didn’t study as much Japanese as I wanted to. Narrator: One problem for Hannah is not having a
I just couldn’t find the time and energy every single day. bathroom.
So yeah, the ‘study Japanese’ goal will stay on here for Hannah: In the city there are, really conveniently, loads
November as well. of public toilets on the beach.
So my second goal was … let me check … to find a Narrator: She has to find places to shower, too.
place where I can go horseback riding here in the Hannah: I normally shower in either the gym or the
Netherlands. We had the most beautiful weather here climbing wall, so it makes me go climbing and to the
for the past few weeks, so I went for a walk and I found gym five days a week.
this small stable with just a few horses, and they had a
Narrator: Living in a van isn’t for everyone, but it works
phone number on one of the gates. But I don’t think
with Hannah’s hobbies.
they speak English and I can’t speak any Dutch. And
also my teacher back home in Germany, she’s started Hannah: It’s really nice to get out and go for a run, or
offering lessons on Saturdays now, so I am going to go to the gym, or go climbing, yeah it makes me spend
take lessons on Saturdays when I am in Germany for so much more time outside and more time doing the
the weekend. things I like doing.
My third goal for this month was to finally start my Narrator: But doing lots of exercise is not the only
driving licence and I actually had my first driving lesson thing that Hannah likes about her home.
last Thursday and it was so much fun! I’m doing my Hannah: The best thing about being in the van,
lessons here in German because Dutch people are actually, is if you’re being very lazy you can reach
amazing and they can speak so many languages. everything and make tea from being in bed.
So yeah, I’d say all in all this month went pretty
well – and I hope I’ll see you in the next video!

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Narrator: This is day two – it’s getting pretty cold, it has

UNIT 3 to be said.
Great Learners, Great Thinkers p44 Even on sunny days the temperature can be -40
2 and 3  video degrees, but they must keep the animals moving.
The animals are very important to the Kazakhs. They
Narrator: Is sport just for fun, or can it be a job, too?
look after goats, cows, horses and camels, and use
For this young man from Senegal, in Africa, it’s both.
eagles to catch their food.
And it makes him very happy.
They make this long journey so the animals have grass
Khalil: My name is Khalil Ndiaye. I’m 16 and I started
to eat.
doing inline skating when I was two.
Finally, they arrive at their summer home.
Narrator: As a boy, Khalil always loved skating. It all
started when his father gave him a pair of inline skates. Woman: Ahh, it’s beautiful!
And today, Khalil and his father still practise together. Tim: Hello!
Khalil always listens to his father and learns from him. Narrator: For Tim, this difficult and amazing journey
Khalil trains in the Senegalese capital, Dakar. He has a lot of was a trip to remember. Would you like to go on a
competitions there. Khalil has got a lot of awards from his holiday like this?
inline skating competitions. As the number one Senegalese
champion, a lot of countries now invite him to take part in
their competitions.
At first, he was the only African in the skating competitions.
And he travelled alone. But after some time, he met more Great Learners, Great Thinkers p70
people and things got better. Last year, he went to an 2 and 3  video
important competition in Paris with some of the world’s best
skaters and he really improved. Narrator: The world of robots. This robot was part of
Khalil works very hard to be the best skater he can be. He a technology fair in Paris recently. Here, people are
finished seventh in the Junior Category in Paris … and he was admiring some of its amazing abilities. But can robots
very happy about that. really do everything humans can do?
Khalil is planning to compete in the World Championships This one’s trying! But one of the robots at the show was
in the future. He’s happy to be a skater. He likes how he feels particularly special. It was called UBO. UBO is the nurse
when he skates and it keeps him fit and active. Inline skating of the future. It has three main functions. It can monitor
is not just a job for Khalil, it’s his passion! people’s health, it can look after the elderly and it can
warn family members if there is a problem.
Presenter: It will survey the mood of the person. It will
UNIT 4 survey the activity. If the elderly comes with no activity,
Great Learners, Great Thinkers p56 it will alert you. So it’s really like a nurse at home, you
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Narrator: More and more robots are working in
Narrator: Timothy Allen is a photographer who enjoys customer service jobs. And they are quickly replacing
travelling, but not like most people. people. Like this one, for example. Can you guess what
He wants to do more than just see other cultures; he wants to it is? It’s a cinema ticket machine! You can buy cinema
live like them to really understand them. tickets from it. It can interact with you like a real person.
This spring, Tim and a team of photographers are in
Presenter: They claim that it’s 30 times more
Mongolia. They are joining a Kazakh family on their long
interactive than a standard ordinary ticket machine. Do
journey from their winter home to their summer home.
we really want to interact with a robot when we go to
The Kazakhs make this journey every year. The travellers and
the Kazakhs will travel for five days with 1,000 animals. the cinema? I’m not so sure.
Tim: So, it’s the first morning and today we are all Narrator: And here’s another customer services robot.
heading off. I’m really excited and I can’t wait to get on This one is from China. It helps you in the supermarket.
the road now. It’s a shop assistant. The robot’s designer is explaining
why it’s so small – so people aren’t afraid of it!
Narrator: For the five nights of the journey, the
travellers sleep in Kazakh tents, called gers. They’re not This tractor robot is less interactive. But it can help on
exactly hotels, but the gers stop the wind and snow. farms, as a farm worker.
Some of the travellers go first to make the gers while Tim’s And this robot does the job of a delivery driver. Are
group travel more slowly with the animals. robots the new workers of the future?
Tim: Quite incredible really, they’re gonna be moving Perhaps for some jobs, but not all. These robot fish
four gers 30 km ahead of our next camp each day. One were at the show, too. There aren’t any human jobs they
of the gers is down and just a few things left. The other can do. They’re just fun to watch!
one’s nearly down. There’s two more to go after that.

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UNIT 6 And this one’s ready to go! Now we can watch her race
through her day.
Great Learners, Great Thinkers p82 The scientists can see what she’s doing and where she’s
2 and 3  video going on their laptops. They’ve got a perfect view of her
meerkat world. She’s looking for food – she’s got a grub.
Narrator: Who are these women? And what have they
She’s taking the insects to her babies. Next, a quick play
got in common? They’re all using an app that helps
fight with a friend … and now she’s looking for food again.
people in their neighbourhood. It’s called OLIO and it’s
Finally, she’s back with the whole family.
an app that fights food waste.
Tomorrow, the scientists are going to try and see the
At the end of every day, restaurants and cafés throw
meerkats in their homes underground with special
away huge amounts of perfectly good food. But this
night cameras. But for now, it’s the end of another busy
woman goes to local businesses to collect this extra
day for the family of meerkats in the Kalahari Desert.
food so it doesn’t go into the rubbish bin.
Café worker: Three large loaves, a seeded bread and a
focaccia is in there as well.
Poppy: Brilliant!
Narrator: And her work is making a difference. The idea is Great Learners, Great Thinkers p108
to collect the food and then give it back to the community. 2 and 3  video
And this means no food waste. In the UK, seven million Heidi: The first thing that they want you to do is look at:
tonnes of food and drink go into the bin each year. ‘what is a problem in our community, related to the climate?’
There’s now somewhere for this extra food to go and feed the
Andrew: This summer has been so terrible with the
people who need it. It starts with taking a photo of the food.
fires, that I think we should look at fires.
And then people in the area can request the food item … for
free! If people like the food they see, they send a message Heidi: Then you have to find a global connection,
and come to collect it at the house. which is someplace else in the world that has a similar
People are also sharing their own food. If they don’t need it, climate to us or a similar problem.
they put it on the app. Andrew: Our global connection is Spain because they
This student is saving money on ice cream. She’s a big have the same climate. They don’t receive a whole ton
fan of the app. of rainfall and they have a huge problem with wildfires
Student: So I’m a student, so this way I get the free over there.
food so I can spend five pounds a week for my groceries. Heidi: After you’ve done that they want you to think
Narrator: A small team in London runs the OLIO app about a solution.
from their home. People in 32 countries use the app Narrator: Their project, called ‘Forest Guard’, is a
now. They have shared about half a million food items. system to detect fires as early as possible. The idea is
The app is helping students, families and the elderly. to install cameras in the forest that use solar energy.
The app works so well because it gives people a choice. They’re connected to the Internet so anyone can see
And it helps to build relationships in the community. when there is a fire and call the fire brigade.
Faith: This enables the public to be the forest guards,
to keep our forests safe.
UNIT 7 Narrator: They won first place in the regional and state
climate competitions and were selected to go to the
Great Learners, Great Thinkers p96 international competition in Copenhagen.
2a, 2b and 3  video Drew: One of the teams is from Australia, one is from
Narrator: Deep in the Kalahari Desert in Africa lives a Germany, one is from Mexico City and one is from Idaho.
curious animal … the meerkat! Narrator: Every group had an idea to fix a real problem
Scientists from the UK want to find out more about using technology.
meerkats. They want to answer questions like: How do Alejandro: Anyone can be a Forest Guard by installing
they communicate? Where do they sleep? What do this free screensaver on their computer. It randomly gets
their homes under the ground look like? the live images from the cameras in the forest and displays
But how are they going to find these things out? Not them on your screen. Thousands of people all over …
with a camera this big! Faith: Excuse me! I hate to interrupt your speech, but
This camera is the right size. I think there’s a fire in this picture!
They’re looking for a meerkat to put the camera on. Narrator: But only one group can win first prize, and
How about this one? She seems friendly. see their project built in real life.
Now the difficult part. How is this scientist going to be They did it! Now they have the chance to work on their
able to put the camera on her? This meerkat is too fast! idea with real engineers. These impressive young
These animals are difficult to control! It’s going to take people have shown they are ready to build a better
some time and a lot of patience, but then … success! future for themselves.

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Office worker: To impress, definitely. A couple of years

UNIT 9 back it was cool to be only European. Now, it’s cooler to
Great Learners, Great Thinkers p122 be African.
2 and 3  video Narrator: Ade discovers that even if second-hand
European clothes are popular, it’s much cooler to
Narrator: Ade Adepitan is on an adventure. He’s
be African.
travelling to Ghana to find out what happens to all the
second-hand clothes people from Europe don’t want.
Ade Adepitan: Oh my word. That shirt that you gave
away last week, or those trousers or those unwanted
shoes have ended up here. Great Learners, Great Thinkers p134
Ade Adepitan: Is it good stuff? 2 and 3  video
Salesperson: This is the best quality. Narrator: Traffic is a problem in most countries, but
Ade Adepitan: Ralph Lauren, wow! here in India, it’s a big problem. So what are people
Ade Adepitan: Even though we give away our doing about it?
second-hand clothes for free, some of the world’s New inventors are thinking of ways to solve the
poorest people pay good money for them. problem, and they’re building their own cars to do it.
Ade Adepitan: Why don’t you buy Ghanaian clothes? This car was made by one of these new inventors and
Why are you only buying second-hand European it doesn’t have a driver! It’s not an easy journey, but
clothes? it works!
Customer: I don’t have money. Money is small. The inventor of this driverless car is Sanjeev Sharma
Customer: In Twi: I personally like second-hand and the car is designed especially for India’s roads.
clothes because they are ready to wear. You just iron The roads can be difficult to drive on, but his invention
them and wear them. should help. His car can navigate the roads and the
Narrator: Ade meets some locals who spend their time traffic. This is not easy because in India you never know
making changes to the second-hand clothes. what the traffic will be like from day to day. Sanjeev
Ade Adepitan: So what’s going on here? Excuse me, is driving the car because there is a problem with his
sir. Could you tell me what you’re doing, please? invention today. This sometimes happens, especially
Factory worker: I’m ironing. because this inventor has made this car himself.
Normally, these cars are built by big companies. His
Ade Adepitan: Ironing?
invention is special because the car can navigate
Ade Adepitan: You’ve gotta love this place. There’s a the roads without maps. It also uses a mathematical
guy just over there who’s turning trousers into skirts. formula to avoid traffic. This is important in India
You’ve got this guy here, who’s adding dye to jeans, because traffic is different every hour of every day.
making old second-hand jeans look brand new.
Another invention which is now popular in India is
You’ve got this guy who’s ironing. You’ve got a whole
Driveri. It’s designed specifically for lorries. Driveri is a
mini-factory all based around second-hand clothing.
clever ‘back-seat’ driver. It measures orientation and
Narrator: Ade travels to the countryside where he acceleration. And it has 4G and artificial intelligence.
speaks to an historian about the cultural importance of It learns what’s safe and what’s dangerous on the
traditional clothing in Ghana. road around the driver. It’s helping Indian lorry drivers
Osei Bonsu: There were times that we could not read drive better. It works like a video game so it’s easy to
and write and so we were keeping our history in the use. The invention monitors what the driver’s doing
clothes that we wear. and compares it to what the other objects on the road
Ade Adepita: So, are traditional prints still as popular, are doing. This makes the drivers safer on the road,
not just Kente, but the traditional clothing? especially at night.
Osei Bonsu: Second-hand clothing brought in from Both the driverless car and inventions like Driveri are
Europe and America, it’s cheaper, far cheaper. If we are helping India’s roads become less dangerous and
not very careful, some time, somewhere, some day we easier to drive on. With more and more cars on the
will have to … we will not see some of our own things road, inventions like these are going to be important for
any more. drivers in the future.
Narrator: Ade travels to the city to find out what people
there think about traditional clothing.
Ade Adepitan: Can we have a show of hands, right, if
you were going out on a Saturday night … how many
of you here would wear traditional clothing? On a
Saturday night?

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