CG Tailoring Exploratory - G8
CG Tailoring Exploratory - G8
CG Tailoring Exploratory - G8
Exploratory Course Description: It is a course
which leads to Tailoring National Certificate Level
II (NC II). It covers five common competencies that
a high school student ought to possess, namely:
1. using tools, equipment and paraphernalia;
2. performing mensuration and calculation;
3. practicing Occupational Health and Safety
(OHS) procedures;
4. maintaining tools, equipment and
paraphernalia and;
5. reading and interpreting drawing designs.
Skills-Level Course Description: This curriculum guide on TAILORING leads to National Certificate Level II (NC II). This
course is design for a high school student to develop knowledge, skills, and attributes to perform the tasks on TAILORING.
Articulation of Expected Learning Outcomes for Tailoring
Semester 3:
Produce upholstery products
Extended (round ottoman, stool, and bench)
Semester 1 Semester 2
Quarter 1:
Apply quality standards and
G9/G10 perform basic maintenance in Quarter 2:
sewing Construct bag (School bag)
Carry out measurements
Quarter 1:
G8 Sew basic in-garment construction
Set up and operate machine to sew pot holder and/or doormat
Scope and Sequence of Outcomes for Tailoring NC II
Grade Standards
Outcomes Topic Learning Task/s
Level Content Performance
Sew basic in- The learners are The learners are 1. Nature and importance Produce
garment able to demonstrate expected to sew of Tailoring handicraft using
construction understanding of basic in-garment 2. Career Opportunities in hand stitches
sewing basic-in construction. Tailoring
garment 3. Occupational health
construction. and safety procedures
inside the shop
4. Classification of sewing
tools and materials
5. Classification of hand
Set-up and The learners are The learners are 1. Types and functions of Operate sewing
operate the able to demonstrate expected to set up sewing machine with machine through
Single Needle understanding of and operate the its needle used constructing pot
Lockstitch setting-up and Single Needle 2. Parts of the single holder and/or
(SNLS) sewing operating the Lockstitch (SNLS) needle lockstitch doormat
machine Single Needle sewing machine. (SNLS) sewing machine
Lockstitch (SNLS) 3. Safety practices in
sewing machine. handling sewing
4. Setting up of sewing
machine correctly
5. Steps in operate Single
Needle Lockstitch
6. Basic sewing machine
7. Re-adjust machine
setting to meet
8. Pot holder and/or
doormat construction
Perform basic The learners are The learners are 1. Care of sewing machine Produce school
maintenance in able to demonstrate expected to apply 2. Kinds of seam and shorts, PE
sewing and understanding of quality standards seam finishes shorts, sando,
apply quality applying quality and perform basic standards sleeping pillows
standards in standards and maintenance in 3. Types of facing and and cases, bed
sewing performing basic sewing. interfacing standards sheets, and/or
maintenance in 4. Garment’s lining, darts blankets
sewing. and shoulder pads
5. Types of collar
6. Types of sleeve
7. Types of pockets
8. Types of hem standards
9. Types of garment
fastener standards
G9 / G10
10. General standard of
finished project
Carry out The learners are The learners are 1. Systems of Take body
measurements able to demonstrate expected to carry measurement measurement
understanding of out measurements. 2. Measuring devices and
carrying out uses
measurements. 3. Body measurements
Construct bag The learners are The learners are 1. Types of Bag design Sew school bag
(School bag) able to demonstrate expected to 2. Materials for making
understanding of cconstruct school bag
constructing school bag. 3. Parts and accessories
bag. of bag
4. Pattern drafting and
cutting of bag materials
5. Assembling and sewing
bag parts
6. Applying finishing
touches on sewn bag
G11/G12 Sew men’s The learners are The learners are 1. Pattern drafting of Sew men’s
casual apparel able to demonstrate expected to sew men’s casual apparel casual apparel
understanding of men’s casual 2. Preparation of cut (Polo and
sewing men’s apparel materials of men’s Trousers)
casual apparel casual apparel
3. Assembling cut parts of
men’s casual apparel
4. Applying finishing
touches on men’s
casual apparel
Produce bazaar The learners are The learners are 1. Quilting Produce bolster
items such as able to demonstrate expected to 2. Bolster pillow pillows, throw
bolster pillows, understanding of produce bazaar construction pillows, pillow
throw pillows, producing bazaar items such as 3. Throw pillow cases, mini bags,
pillow cases, items such as bolster pillows, construction sling bags,
mini bags, bolster pillows, throw pillows, 4. Pillow case wallets, and/or
sling bags, throw pillows, pillow cases, mini construction coin purse
wallets, and/or pillow cases, mini bags, sling bags, 5. Mini bag construction
coin purse bags, sling bags, wallets, and/or 6. Sling bag construction
wallets, and/or coin purse 7. Wallet construction
coin purse 8. Coin purse
Produce The learners are The learners are 1. Plan upholstery design Produce round
upholstery able to demonstrate expected to 2. Upholstery tools and ottoman, stool,
products understanding of produce upholstery materials and bench
pproducing products 3. Cutting of upholstery
upholstery materials
products 4. Assembling of the cut
5. Process of dress the
1. Applying finishing
Tailoring (Exploratory) (Grade 8)
Writers: Leonila L. Ompod and Roselyn N. Ydquila
Quarter 1
Content Standards: The learners are able to demonstrate understanding of sewing basic in-garment
Performance Standards: The learners are expected to sew basic in-garment construction.
Expected Learning Outcome: Sew basic in-garment construction.
2. Parts of the single needle lockstitch Identify the parts of Single Needle
Know-What - AK
sewing machine (SNLS) Lockstitch machine.
2.1 Major parts of Single Needle
Lockstitch Machine (SNLS)
2.2 Minor parts of Single Needle
Lockstitch Machine SNLS Explain the function of parts of Single
Know-Why - AK
2.3 Parts of Single Needle Lockstitch Needle Lockstitch machine.
Machine SNLS under the bed
2.4 Other parts of Single Needle
Lockstitch Machine SNLS
3. Safety practices in handling sewing Observe general safety precaution before
Know-How - MM
machine handling the sewing machine.
3.1 General safety precaution before Observe the things to remember when
handling the sewing machine Know-How - MM
working the sewing machine.
Observe the hints for perfect machine
Know-How - MM
3.2 Things to remember when working operation.
the sewing machine
6. Setting and operating of Single Needle Enumerate the steps in setting up and
Know-What - AK
Lockstitch sewing machine correctly operating the sewing machine.
6.1 Setting and changing the needle Demonstrate proper setting and changing of
Know-When - TL
6.2 Upper threading the machine needle.
6.3 Lower threading Demonstrate proper upper threading of the
6.4 Winding the bobbin with thread Know-When - TL
sewing machine.
Demonstrate proper winding of the bobbin
Know-When - TL
with thread.
Demonstrate proper lower threading of the
Know-When - TL
sewing machine.
Demonstrate proper operating and
producing sample stitches of the sewing Know-When - TL
7. Basic sewing machine exercises
Identify the basic sewing machine exercises. Know-What - AK
7.1 Treadle control
7.2 Positional control Demonstrate the treadle control exercises. Know-When - TL
Demonstrate the positional control
Know-When - TL
8. Re-adjusting machine setting to meet Identify the re-adjusting machine setting to
requirements through simple round rag meet requirements through simple round Know-What - AK
making rag making
8.1 Adjusting upper tension Demonstrate proper adjusting of the upper
8.2 Adjusting lower tension tension, proper adjusting of the lower
8.3 Regulating length of stitches tension, proper regulating the length of Know-When - TL
8.4 Regulating the pressure on the stitches, and proper regulating of the
material pressure on the material
Demonstrate round rag making Know-When - TL
9. Sewing pot-holder and/or door mat Identify the kinds of pot-holder and/or door
9.1 Kinds of pot-holder and/or door Know-What - AK
mat Enumerate the steps in Circular and
9.2 Assembling and sewing the pot- Know-What - AK
rectangular pot-holders and/or door mat
holder and/or door mat
Demonstrate in assembling and sewing
Know-What - TL
kitchen pot-holder and/or door mat