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Title of Paper in Title Case Format in Size 18

Othername(s) Surname* [Bold – 11 - Centred]

Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Othername2(s) Surname2 [Bold – 11 – Centred, only if affiliation is different]

Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Abstract. Text in size 10. Indentation 0.5” from both sides. All text must
be in Book Antiqua. Page size A4. Margin: Top/Bottom: 1.2’, Left/Right:
1.4”. Single line spacing everywhere. All other text in size 11 except
abstract, section names, references and title. The words Abstract and
Keywords must be in bold. A full-stop follows the keyword Abstract
while a colon follows the word Keywords. The text for the abstract must
follow on the same line as the Abstract word. Text in size 10.
Indentation 0.5” from both sides. All text must be in Book Antiqua. Page
size A4. Margin: Top/Bottom: 1.2’, Left/Right: 1.4”. Single line spacing
everywhere. All other text in size 11 except abstract, section names,
references and title. The words Abstract and Keywords must be in bold.
A full-stop follows the keyword Abstract while a colon follows the word
Keywords. The text for the abstract must follow on the same line as the
Abstract word. Write the abstract as a single paragraph.

Keywords: keywords must be separated by a; not more than 5

keywords; multi-word keywords accepted; not more than 3 words in
one keyword; no acronyms in keywords

1. Introduction [Titles of main section in 12-bold]

The introduction should cover three topics: 1) the problem being investigated; 2)
the urgency of addressing the problem being investigated; and 3) the manner in
which the author discusses the problem. The author must therefore give close
attention to the following considerations: First, the author defines the core of the
problem to be discussed, the context, and the position of the author's article
among related studies. In this case, the author can describe the relationship
between the article and previously published articles or works, conduct a
concise review of the previously published articles or works, and demonstrate
the uniqueness of the article. Second, the authors describe significant facets of
the issue under investigation. In this case, the author may also mention the
reasons and objectives for discussing the issue in the aforementioned article.
This section is meant to demonstrate the author's scholarly contribution to the
articles he writes by demonstrating that the issues he raises are crucial for

Corresponding author: Othername(s) Surname, name@abc.com

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Please configure your word processor's page settings to A4 with the following
margins: 3 cm at the bottom and top, 3 cm on the left, and 2.5 cm on the right.
Please use book antiqua 11 with single spacing for the paper's body. The article
should be between 1,000 and 2,000 words.

Figure 1: Percentage of students with correct responses

Label of tables and figures are centred, bold and size 10. For tables, the label
must be placed above the table while for figures it must be place below the
figure. The distance between the figure and the label must be 6 pt. Paragraph >
Spacing > Before. All figures must be cited within the text. The word Figure
must be used instead of figure or Fig when referring to the Figure. If figures are
small, they can be arranged differently.

Table 1: Relevance of objectives of teaching subjects at the university

Level of Satisfaction Frequency Percent

Neutral 4 5.9

Valid Satisfied 27 39.7

Very satisfied 37 54.4

Total 68 100.0

The distance between the table and the table label must be 6 pt. Paragraph >
Spacing > After. Authors are allowed to use alternative layouts for tables.
However, these must be used consistently throughout the paper, as far as
appropriate. All tables must be cited within the text. For example, Table 1 should
be referred to as Table 1 and not table 1 or anything else. Font size for text within
tables should normally be at 10 pt. If majority of the tables are small in width,
they can be left-aligned but this must be consistent throughout the paper.

2. Methods
Method consists of a description of the nature of research, data collection, the
source of the data, the data type, and data analysis. The article is written in
paragraph format and is between 200 and 500 words in length.

3. Results and Discussion


Presenting data that has been interpreted, analyzed, and processed according to
a particular technique and theory (also researcher concept). Citations in Text
comply with the APA style seventh edition using Mendeley.

4. Conclusion [12-bold]
Write the research results concisely and clearly, addressing the research
problem, and then describe the logical consequences for the development of the
offered education's knowledge and practice. 500 sentences maximum

5. References [12-bold]
[Actual references must be in size 10 - references must follow APA style, 6 th
edition]. Hanging distance is 0.5 inch. Failure to write references in the proper
format will delay publication of the paper.
References must be sorted in alphabetical order.
If doi is not available, add another url from which the material was taken. The
word doi must start with a lowercase character (i.e., lowercase d).
Everything matters to us (a space, a comma, a full-stop, a bracket, a colon, a
semi-colon, a hyphen, etc, etc).
Note that the journal’s name and volume number must be in italics.
Books titles must also be in italics.
Note that there is comma (,) before the & symbol before the last author’s name.
Note that there is a full stop before the year. And year is in round brackets.
Do not write the year more than once in a reference.
The city and country of publisher must be provided.
As far as possible, provide volume number, issue number, page numbers and
doi. Some journals do not have issue number, then you must provide the article
number if available.
When an author has two initials, they must be separated by a full-stop and a
space (see the first example).


Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020)

Getting Started in APA 7th - APA 7th Referencing - Library Guides at Victoria University

Single Author
Coget, J. F. (2011). Technophobe vs. techno-enthusiast: Does the Internet help or hinder
the balance between work and home life? The Academy of Management
Perspectives, 25(1), 95-96.

In-text: Coget (2011) suggested that ...

In-text, inside brackets: (Coget, 2011)

Two Authors
Charness, N., & Boot, W. R. (2009). Aging and information technology use potential and
barriers. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18(5), 253-258.


In-text: Charness and Boot (2009) suggested that ...

In-text, inside brackets: (Charness & Boot, 2009)

Dorrian, J., & Wache, D. (2009). Introduction of an online approach to flexible learning
for on-campus and distance education students: Lessons learned and ways
forward. Nurse Education Today, 29(2), 157-167.
In-text: Dorrian and Wache (2009) suggested that ...
In-text, inside brackets: (Dorrian & Wache, 2009)

Three Authors or more

Altbach, P. G., Reisberg, L., & Rumbley, L. E. (2010). Trends in global higher education:
Tracking an academic revolution. UNESCO.

In-text: Altbach et al. (2010) proposed that

In-text, inside brackets: (Altbach et al., 2010)

Beckner, C., Blythe, R., Bybee, J., Christiansen, M. H., Croft, W., Ellis, N. C., &
Schoenemann, T. (2009). Language is a complex adaptive system: Position paper.
Language Learning, 59, 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9922.2009.00533.x

In-text: This idea first proposed by Beckner et al. (2009).

In-text, inside brackets: (Beckner et al., 2009)

Citing a Book
Brown, L. S. (2018). Feminist Therapy (2nd ed.). American Psychological Association.

If the book is a first edition, do not write anything.

Other guidelines:
a. When citing multiple works in the same parenthical reference, place the citations in
alphabetical order, separation them with semicolons.

Though procedures … institutional framework (James & Graham, 2010; Lindo et al.,

b. In APA 7th edition, only the name of the publisher must be written. You should not
write the city and country of the publisher (as was done in the 6th edition).

c. For quotes, you must include the page number(s).

(Leskowitz, 2017, p. 324)
(Smith & Bruce, 2018, pp. 25-26)

d. All figures and tables must be referred to in the main body of the text.

Appendix 1 (start on a fresh page)


Please add your survey questions /questionnaire /research instrument here.

It is very important to do so.
Refer to the appendix 1 somewhere in your main text.


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