Weekly Prototype Plan - Q1-W2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas

Weekly Prototype Plan for Grade 12 - 2D Animation

Quarter 1, Week 2, August 29-September 2, 2022

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Competency: Environment and Market-TLE_EM9-12-Ia-1 / TLE_EM9-12-Ia-2
I. Objectives
A.     Knowledge Identify the players/ Identify the different Identify the profile of potential Identify the customer’s needs identify the customer’s needs
competitors within the town products/services available in customers. and wants through consumer and wants
the market. analysis. through consumer analysis

B.     Skills Explain the relevance of Explain the relevance of MARKET Conduct consumer/market Conduct consumer/market Create a business vicinity
MARKET and ENVIRONMENT and ENVIRONMENT analysis. analysis. map reflective of the
potential animation market
within the

C.      Attitude/Values Integrates a value-oriented Integrates a value-oriented Integrates a value-oriented Integrates a value-oriented Integrates a value-oriented
perspective in understanding perspective in understanding perspective in understanding perspective in understanding perspective in understanding
potential market in potential market in potential market in potential market in potential market in
animation animation animation animation animation

II. Subject Matter

Environment and Market

III. References Technical-Vocational Livelihood Information and Communications Technology - Animation NC II Quarter 1 – Module 2
Environment and Market

IV. Procedure
A.   Preparation Give the students some list of Brief review of the previous Brief review of the previous Brief review of the previous Brief review of the previous
(Introductory Activity, Drill, popular persons in the society. lesson. lesson. lesson. lesson.
Review of Past Lesson, Let them identify who among
Motivation) the list are successful

B.     Presentation (Activity, Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity:

Analysis) Relate those successful Ask them the question of how Ask them the question on how to Ask them the question on how to Show them pictures on the
entrepreneurs to the previous Market and Environment relate identify a potential costumer in know the needs and wants of the different location big business
lesson about PECS. to each other as an aspiring your chosen business. people near the site of your establishment are located. Ask
entrepreneur. business. reactions on the pictures.

C. Abstraction Discuss the topics with them Discuss together with the Discuss together with the Discuss together the students on Discuss together the students
(Discussion) about WHAT IS A MARKET, sudents about UNDERSTANDING sudents about CONSUMER how to conduct survey and onbusiness location and
UNDERSTANDING MARKETS, CUSTOMERS , FOUR TYPES OF ANALYSIS . interviews related to the services or products to be
TYPES OF MARKETS, How CUSTOMERS. business venture. offered.
Markets Work, PLAYERS IN THE

D. Practice Let them do " WHAT’S MORE" Group them into 5 Groups: Group them into 5 Groups: Group them into 5 Groups: Let them answer these
(Application) on page 11 of the Module Give them a Scenario on Give them a Scenario on Give them a Scenario on questions:
Market. Let them analyze and Consumer Analysis. Let them conducting surveys and a.Where is
ask them to give feedbacks and analyze and ask them to give interviews. Let them analyze and the best location for your
reaction on a given Scenario. feedbacks and reaction on a ask them to give feedbacks and business?
given Scenario. reaction on a given Scenario. b. Which products/services
would more appealing to your
c. Can you say that you have
choose the most feasible
V. Evaluation (Assessment) Give them an Online Test about Give them an Online Test about Give them an Online Test about Let them conduct Let them create a business
the different terms discussed. the different terms discussed. the different terms discussed. consumer/market analysis vicinity map reflective of the
The test will be taken at The test will be taken at The test will be taken at withinthe class through potential animation market
Schoology.com. Schoology.com. Schoology.com. and combine the responses of within the
their classmates, Let them think locality/town.
of a product and services that
you can offer to them even
amidst pandemic.

VI. Assignment/Enrichment

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