Environment and Market 2D Animation Senior High
Environment and Market 2D Animation Senior High
Environment and Market 2D Animation Senior High
1. Discuss the business 1. Identify the different 1. Analyse the profile and
environment and market of players/competitors and the needs/wants of the potential
animation. products/services available in customers.
C. Learning Competencies / 2. Understands the business the market. 2. Show the profile and
Objectives environment and market of 2. Tells the different needs/wants of the potential
Write the LC for each animation. players/competitors and the customers.
3. Adapts to the business products/services available in 3. Appreciate the profile and
environment and market of the market. needs/wants of the potential
animation. 3. Differentiate the different customers.
players/competitors and the
products/services available in
the market.
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled
in a week or two.
Business Environment and The Players/Competitors and Profile of Potential Customers
Market The Products/Services
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and learning. Ensure that
there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-in learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) ww.slideshare.com ww.slideshare.com ww.slideshare.com
B. Other Learning Resources
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guides by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by
providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning, question their learning processes,
and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for
each step.
Teacher reviews about personal What are the things to consider Who are the competitors in
A. Reviewing previous
entrepreneurial competencies. in business environment and animation?
lesson or presenting the
market? What are the products and
new lesson
services in animation?
B. Establishing a purpose for The teacher displays a picture The teacher displays a picture The teacher plays a video about
the lesson and asks the learners to and asks the learners to profile of potential customer and
identify/explain it and justify their identify/explain it and justify their their needs and wants.
answer. answer.
1. Learners are asked to think of 1. Collaborative, the teacher will
The teacher writes the word the different businesses and the have a video presentation about
“MARKETING” in the blackboard products or services they offer in the different platforms that can
and the learners gives their ideas their community in relation to be used in Animation.
about it and write them in the animation. 2. Group identifies the important
C. Presenting blackboard.
examples/instances of 2. After they have written their potential customer and products
the new lesson responses, the teacher asks them need in the market about video
to group themselves into three. presentation.
Assign a leader and documenter. 3. Group shares their responses
3. Group members share their to the class.
4. Groups then share their
responses to the class.
D. Discussing new concepts Ask: Ask: Ask:
and practicing new skills a. How did find the activity? a. How did find the activity? a. How did find the activity?
b. What did you consider in doing b. What did you consider in doing b. What did you consider in doing
the activity? the activity? the activity?
#1 c. What is the activity all about? c. Which business offers the best c. What is the activity all about?
quality of products and services?
How did you say so?
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
The teacher discusses the The teacher discusses the The teacher discusses the profile
business environment and different players/competitors and and needs/wants of the potential
F. Developing mastery market of animation. product/services in the market. customers.
(Leads to formative The teacher explains what is the
Assessment 3) impact of the business
environment and market of the
1. Learners are asked to think of 1. Learners are asked to think of a Each group conducts a survey
the possible situations/ problems business (the business name) and inside the school to identify the
that a business may encounter the products and services they different potential customers and
and the solutions in solving those want to offer. ask their needs and wants
problems. 2. After they have written their according to the age brackets.
G. Finding practical 2. After they have written their responses, the teacher asks them
applications of concepts responses, the teacher will ask to group themselves into three.
and skills in daily living them to group themselves into 3. Group members share their
three. Groups assign a leader and responses.
documenter. 4. Groups then share their
3. Group members share their responses to the class.
4. Groups then share their
responses to the class.
Ask: Why is it essential to Ask: Why is it important to Ask: Why is it important to
understand the environment and identify the business determine the potential
H. Making generalizations
market of animation industry? competitors? customers?
and abstractions about
Ask: Why is it important to Ask: Why is it important to
the lesson
identify the products and services determine the needs and wants
available in the market? of the customers?
I. Evaluating learning
Written Test Written Test Written Test
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