Part L2 Feb07

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Maintenance Organisation LINE



ISSUE No. 1 REV. 0

DATE March 2007. PAGE L2-1
Maintenance Organisation LINE

L2.1. Line maintenance control of aircraft components, tools, equipment etc.

Reference PART 145.A.70 (a) 12, 15, PART 145.A.75 (b), (c), (d).
The ORENAIR maintenance organisation policy is to use serviceable aircraft components, tools,
equipment, etc. The Logistics engineer is responsible for inspection of the delivered
components and materials from the store.
The PD manager is responsible for inspection of the used materials, components, tools,
equipment, facility etc.
In case of occasional line maintenance at the station differed from Orenburg the EASA approval
is necessary.
Inspection, registration, release of aircraft to aircraft maintenance of the
materials/component/ingredient is made in according with section 2.2-2.3 of MOE.
Inspection, registration, distribution, use and return of tooling/instrument by the staff destined for
line maintenance is made as per sections 2.4-2.6 of MOE.
All items, which have been used during this maintenance performance, are verified before
returning to the standard utilization. The verification is done taking into account possible impact
of the non-routine conditions. The goal of the verification is to check whether the items
parameters/status are still within approved standards.
In case of occasional line maintenance at the station differed from Orenburg , PD manager must
prepare the Occasional Line Maintenance Acceptance Report Form ОА028-02 before
performing of works. PD manager sends this report to QM for check.
QM is responsible to receive the EASA approval.

ISSUE No. 1 REV. 0

DATE March ,2007. PAGE L2- 2
Maintenance Organisation LINE

L2.2. Line maintenance procedures related to servicing/fuelling/de-icing etc.

Reference PART 145.A.70 (a) 12, 15, PART 145.A.75 (b), (c), (d).
The ORENAIR maintenance organisation policy is to perform the line maintenance procedures
according to requirements of the aircraft AMM and approved maintenance instructions.
The PD manager is responsible for line maintenance procedures related to servicing/fuelling/de-
icing etc.
The line maintenance procedures related to servicing/fuelling/de-icing are to bring closer to the
sections 2.8 - 2.12, 2.14, 2.15, 2.17, 2.18, 2.22 and 2.24 of MOE,Company Procedures:
CP010-OA-04, CP013-OA-04.
Open-air maintenance is performed with season maintenance limitations.

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DATE March ,2007. PAGE L2- 3
Maintenance Organisation LINE

L2.3. Line maintenance control of defects and repetitive defects.

Reference PART 145.A.70 (a) 12, 15, PART 145.A.75 (b), (c), (d).
The ORENAIR maintenance organisation policy is to perform defect rectification and control of
repetitive in accordance to requirements of the aircraft manufacturer, approved maintenance
instructions and PART-145 scope of work.
The defect rectification and repetitive defects control during line maintenance is detailed in
The PD manager is responsible for application and follow-up of this procedure.
All information regarding defects found by crew or maintenance certifying staff must be entered
in Technical & Flight Log . Before the next flight certifying staff not less than Category B must
rectify this defect or defer it.
If the rectification of the defect is described in Аircraft maintenance manual, corrective actions
are entered in NRC and the aircraft is released to service as it is described in section 2.16 of
MOE. The NRC is part of WP and is delivered to the PPCG after accomplishment of work.
If the defect rectification isn’t described in the repair manual and/or in other documentation of
the Manufacturer, the method of the repair is either is requested from the Manufacturer or is
proposed to the Manufacturer by ED. After receiving from the Manufacturer approved data, or
no technical objections (NTO) for the proposed method, ED check the scope of Part-145
authorization, and if within the scope, the fills up NRC.
After defect rectification is planned, certifying staff start the troubleshooting and
rectification.The “Maintenance Support System”(MSS) ORENAIR maintenance organisation
will be used for defect registration . After maintenance completed certifying staff must enter all
information in “Maintenance Support System”(MSS) and confirm it by the signature on
Technical & Flight Log copy.
If defect cannot be rectified, such defect can be deferred in accordance to MEL .
If the defect can’t be rectified, the procedure to defer the defect is used. In this case the following
should be satisfied:
- minimum equipment list (MEL) requirements;
- the limits of the Manufacturer;

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DATE March ,2007. PAGE L2- 4
Maintenance Organisation LINE

All records from NRC about deferred parts should be transferred to the Acceptable Deferred
Defects OA024-04 verified and signed/stamped by the technician. All forms of ADD are sent to
the PPCG for including into WP.
Quality assurance engineer responsibility to monitor the repetitive defects and submit the
information to Quality Manager for further actions.

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DATE March ,2007. PAGE L2- 5
Maintenance Organisation LINE

L2.4. Line maintenance procedure for completion of the technical log.

Reference PART 145.A.70 (a) 12, PART 145.A.75 (b), (c), (d)
Completion of ORENAIR Technical & Flight Log (TFL) is carried out in accordance with fill
out instruction presented below:
Pos Reference (TFL box) Description Remark
1 A/C REG Registration number of aircraft.
2 UTC Dep. Date Departure date (UTC)
3 Flt No Flight number
4 From Departure airport three letter code
5 To Destination airport three letter code
6 Preflight check donen Captain name and signature
RECORDS type,mixture,time of de-icing
8 Last release Last release data
9 Block TIME (UTC) Block off time , Block on time (UTC)
10 Load(pax\kg) Quantity of pax\cargo
11 LDG CAT Landing category
12 Defects Defects description
13 Actions Taken Job performed to rectify defect
recorded in " Defects " field and its
final result.
14 MEL deferred DEFECT. YES- if defect was deferred.
NO- if defect rectification was
15 Agreement number Agreement number of EASA
approved maintenance organisation
16 Date Name ,Stamp No, Name, signature and personal
Sign number or stamp of mechanic
certifying aircraft release to
17 Place Place of maintenance
18 Daily Check/ Maintenance MJSS #,A/C #, Maintenance type-
done: has been performed. CRS in
accordance with part 145 approved
19 Engine Cruise Report N1%, N2%, EGT, Fuel Flow
Kg/H, OIL Pressure,
OIL Temp, Vibration

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DATE March ,2007. PAGE L2- 6
Maintenance Organisation LINE

All defects occurred during flight or found during maintenance must be entered into
Technical & Flight Log "Defects" block. Defects found during maintenance in base airport shall be
written in NRC.
First page of Technical & Flight Log page block is transferred to PPCG or ORENAIR
representative in airport of departure after signing by Captain.
PPCG engineer is responsible for Technical & Flight Log replacement.
Technical & Flight Log keeping and recording is checked by QD personnel during aircraft audits.
ORENAIR maintenance organisation may carry out the tasks as per PART-145.A.75 (c) and
maintain any aircraft for which it is approved at any location subject to the need for such
maintenance arising either from the unserviceability of the aircraft or from the necessity of
supporting occasional line maintenance subject.
The PD manager is responsible for performance of aircraft maintenance out of the maintenance
The PPCG lead engineer and the ED managers are responsible for analysis and coordination the
line maintenance request.
The PD manager is responsible for performance of the maintenance tasks and fulfillment of the
line maintenance documentation.
Analyze of information, confirmation of the line maintenance Program and WO procedure are
established in section 2.10 of this MOE. WP for each aircraft is completed as per section 2.13 of
this MOE and CP007-OA-03.
If the defect rectification isn’t described in the repair manual and/or in other documentation of
the Manufacturer, the defect rectification is made in accordance with section 2.15 of this MOE.
If aircraft maintenance program/planned tasks cannot be complied with, a concession process has
to be initiated as described in section 3.9 of this MOE.
Line maintenance Release to service procedure is performed in accordance with section 2.16. of
this MOE.

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DATE March ,2007. PAGE L2- 7
Maintenance Organisation LINE

L2.5. Line procedure for pooled parts and loaned parts.

Reference PART 145.A.70 (a) 12, (b). PART 145.A.75 (a), (b), (c), (d).
All pooled and loan parts fitted to Orenair aircraft are monitored by Storekeeper of Logistic
After reception of serviceable part the unserviceable part removed from aircraft must be sent for
repair as described in Section 2.20 of this MOE. After repair the serviceable part must be returned to
The acceptance of pooled/loaned parts is the same as described in Part 2.20 of presented MOE
After reception of serviceable parts, loan parts must be removed from aircraft according to PPCG
task in the Maintenance Job Order.
Loan part may be returned back to the lender in serviceable or unserviceable condition according to
contract. For removed serviceable loan part EASA Form 1 may be issued as described in Section
2.16 of this MOE. The EASA Form 1 must be signed by certifying staff.
ORENAIR maintenance organisation may issue EASA Form 1 for removed serviceable loan part
from EASA operator aircraft unless satisfied that all reasonable measures have been taken to ensure
only genuine approved and serviceable aircraft components are accepted as described in section
2.16 of this MOE.

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DATE March ,2007. PAGE L2- 8
Maintenance Organisation LINE

L2.6. Line procedure for return of defective parts removed from the aircraft.
Reference PART 145.A.70 (a) 12, 15, PART 145.A.75 (b), (c), (d)
Defective components removed from the aircraft are tagged by the Certified Staff and returned
to ORENAIR maintenance organisation store.
Also this procedure is the same as described in sections 2.19. and 2.20.
To avoid aircraft AOG on intermediate airport ORENAIR can loan the spares at the intermediate
airport or sent serviceable component for defect rectification to this location.
The Line Maintenance leader, PD and Logistics engineer are responsible for fulfillment of that
Return of defective parts removed from the aircraft and sending it to outside contractors is
performed as explained as per sections 2.19, 2.20 of this MOE.

ISSUE No. 1 REV. 0

DATE March ,2007. PAGE L2- 9
Maintenance Organisation LINE

L2.7. Line procedure control of critical tasks.

Reference PART 145.A.65 (b) 3, PART 145.A.70 (a) 12, 15.
In case of line maintenance at the station differed from ORENBURG maintenance organization
the procedure of control of critical tasks are performed as per chapter 2.23 of this MOE.

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DATE March ,2007. PAGE L2- 10

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