MGT600 Unit 2 Discussion Board Ps

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MGT600 Unit 2 Discussion Board

1. 1.    As a leader, it is important to not only understand what common biases are,
but to also have the self-awareness to understand those that they possess.    Only
through this self-awareness can a leader minimize errors in the decision-making
process.    What could be the result if self-awareness is not attained?

Self-awareness is knowing and understanding oneself – the strengths and the weaknesses. If
one acknowledges their strengths and weaknesses, especially as a leader, there is knowledge
on where to improve and seek feedback. Not only would that lead to better decision making
but it will earn them respect as an effective leader which will greatly benefit the company or
organization. Self-awareness gives a leader the ability to motivate, adapt, communicate, and
connect to build a good team, as well as enhance skill development when identifying gaps in
management skills. This, in turn, will aid in proper decision making and increased credibility of
those decisions (Daft, 2010a).

The lack of self-awareness can sorely hurt a team and lead to poor decision making. An
individual who is not self-aware can see themselves as a good leader while others do not. Ego
often comes into play in those with poor self-awareness – those of low ability may perceive
themselves as being superior to others – which can cause tension and conflict within the
organization (Adonis, 2018).

2. 2.    Decision making must be balanced, taking into consideration both short-term

and long-term business outcomes.    Explain how common biases, bounded
awareness, emotions and motivation affect the decision-making process.

Biases, bounded awareness, emotions, and motivation cloud judgement and cause managers
to make poor decisions. Errors in judgment often originate from natural biases – initial
impressions, justification of past flawed decisions, seeing what you want to see, perpetuating
the status quo, influence of problem framing, overconfidence – which are displayed in the
decision making (Daft, 2010b). 

Those with bounded awareness focus on easily available information while failing to see
important, relevant information during the decision-making process. This can result in
decisions being made based on limited on-hand analysis rather than seeking out the most
relevant information to help make the best decisions (Chugh & Bazerman, 2007).

While emotions and motivation can be used internally for inspiring employees or team
members, 'kneejerk' decisions based on emotions alone often have unsuccessful
results.“kneejerk” decisions based on emotions alone often have unsuccessful results.
Motivation affects productivity. Emotions, especially negative ones, can get in the way of
making reasonable and rational decision. Emotions are inevitable but should be scrutinized
when making intuitive decisions (Zeelenberg et al., 2008).

Adonis, J. (2018, December 21). How low self-awareness destroys teams [Editorial].  Sydney
Morning Herald. Retrieved from

Chugh, D., & Bazerman, M. (2007). Bounded awareness: What you fail to see can hurt you. 
Mind & Society, 6(1), 1-18. doi:

Daft, R. L. (2010a). Dynamics of Behavior in Organizations. In In Management  (9th ed., p. 388).
Cengage Learning.

Daft, R. L. (2010b). Managerial Decision Making. In In Management (9th ed., (9th ed., pp. 227-
231). Cengage Learning.

Zeelenberg, M., Nelissen, R. M., Breugelmans, S. M., & Pieters, R. (2008). On emotion
specificity in decision making: Why feeling is for doing.  Judgment and Decision Making,
3(1), 18-27.

3. What ethical factors should be taken into consideration when making a decision?

Religious, socioeconomic background, ethnic background, and the environment in which the
company operates should be taken into consideration when making a decision. Every decision
should support the company’s mission statement and its values. At the least, leaders lead by

4. Ethics can be considered as doing the right thing.  How do you believe ethical standards
in multi-national corporations should be adjusted for the diverse cultures the
organization works within?

Ethics is about doing the right thing whether or not the law protects it. For multinational
corporations, the affected parties need to be considered – employees’ religious denominations,
cultural differences, connections to the environment – in order to adjust the corporation’s
ethical standards. Another part of upholding ethics is to also speak up when something is not
right. Starbucks’ Standard of Business Conduct applies to employees, partners, board of
directors, and independent contractors in order to maintain high standards of ethical conduct
as a global company (Starbucks, n.d.).

Starbucks. (n.d.). Living Our Values. Starbucks Coffee Company.

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