EMEA Whitepaper Webcast
EMEA Whitepaper Webcast
EMEA Whitepaper Webcast
February 2023
PwC 4
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
Deploys targeted ESG quick wins which align Integrates ESG opportunities which align with
with overall strategy its corporate strategy
(35%) (50%)
Commitment 1 Regulation
to ESG Low High
Sceptic Zealot
Rejects ESG as a strategic priority, Views ESG as the main driver of the
integrating minimum regulatory standards company’s purpose and focuses on business
which aligns to this (even if it is at odds with 2 Customers and Employees
the corporate strategy)
(8%) (2%)
5% of respondents answered this question with “Prefer not to say”
Coherence with strategy
3 Shareholders/ Investors
February 2023
PwC 5
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
1 2 3
Align your ambitions with Define your own ESG
Identify how climate
the regulatory initiatives, develop a
change/ ESG factors affect
requirements and your baseline, set KPIs and
your risk profile!
business model! monitor progress!
4 5 6
Review and improve your Identify ESG transition
Use the opportunities of
governance, policies & needs of your clients and
the ESG transition for your
guidelines and external design products and
innovation and growth!
communication/ Ratings! services accordingly!
February 2023
PwC 6
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
February 2023
PwC 8
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
Make it credible
Be aware of how your own
Take a strategic lense operations and those of your
suppliers and partners impact on
Assess what’s coming through a social and environmental priorities
strategic rather than just compliance and drive positive change.
February 2023
PwC 9
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
1 2 3
Prepare your ESG strategy Adapt your ESG Make sure, that your
and performance to stand governance and due metrics and targets are
up to stakeholder scrutiny diligence processes so that credible!
and regulatory and tax you can identify emerging
compliance! gaps!
4 5 6
Plan to deal with Turn regulatory shake-up Analyze what impact the
uncertainties and into an opportunity! double materiality principle
conflicts in ESG reporting has on the assessment and
at a global level! management of your
February 2023
PwC 10
3 Products, Assets, Own
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
February 2023
PwC 12
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
Practical steps needed to bring your product offering and asset strategy
into line with your overall ESG ambitions
Climate Strategy
February 2023
PwC 13
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
1 2 3 4
Create opportunities to drive Be sensitive about the Bring sustainability to the Put ESG at the centre of
innovation and develop new change in your clients’ centre of your product your investment strategy!
business models! demands and seize design process!
5 6 7 8
Identify how climate Bridge your knowledge and Choose your rating agency
Reconsider and improve
change/ ESG factors alter capability gaps to manage and adapt your strategy
your ESG governance- and
your risk profile! the impact on your decisions in order to
accountability frameworks!
company! achieve the best possible
February 2023
PwC 14
4 Reporting, Risk & Tax
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
Key actions on turning reporting, risk and tax management into engines
of ESG
February 2023
PwC 16
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
Implementation Stakeholder
timelines expectations
Financial reporting Sustainability reporting
February 2023
PwC 17
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
1 2 3
Prepare your data, skill sets Have tactical measures Be aware of emerging ESG
and tech understanding that ready for meeting the initial risks and what role your
you are able to ensure reporting deadlines to put CRO plays managing them!
credible reporting for your reporting on a durable
stakeholders and boards! footing for the future!
4 5 6
Deliver on your promises
regarding your reporting, Go beyond the tick-the-box Involve your tax team in
risk and tax teams by compliance by building a setting the ESG strategy
aligning them to the front comprehensive company and vice versa!
office! risk framework!
February 2023
PwC 18
5 Data
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
The ‘M.O.A.S.’
Mother of all
February 2023
PwC 20
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
what you
control and
● Pursue the same rigour as used in financial reporting
● Expand with a clear data trial
● Apply the data in decision making processes
February 2023
PwC 21
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
What kind of ESG data is needed to act and how does an effective data
strategy look like for your business to deliver
AI, deep
Aiming higher, let your strategy rule your data needs learning
01 02 03 04
Being ready for the new realities requires credible data ANALYTICS
simple models
Find data
Judging data demands
EXPLORE/TRANSFORM Cleaning, anomaly
Get the data
Create data
Move from commitment to accountability Reliable data flow, infrastructure,
ETL, structured & unstructured Increase maturity and reliability
Be pragmatic data storage
of data
Strengthen quality control and assurance Public data sources, internal data How to use the data
COLLECT sources, sector outreach, customer
outreach, external vendors
February 2023
PwC 22
Strategy & Governance Regulation Products, Assets & Own Operations Reporting, Risk & Tax Data
1 2 3
Be clear about the specific Find out how and where this Iron out inconsistencies and
data you need to deliver for data can be gathered, create a single version of
your ESG ambition & enriched and validated. the truth.
4 5
Assign the roles, for who is
Integrate data into your in charge of data and
companies’ architecture and analysis and determine how
decision making. the data should be
February 2023
PwC 23
6 Closing Remarks
Our Authors
Strategy & Overall Climate
Christoph Schellhas Lex Huis in het Veld Nicole Röttmer
Partner, PwC Germany, Director, PwC Netherlands, Partner, PwC Germany, Sustainability
EMEA Insurance ESG Leader EMEA Insurance ESG Team Services
Phone: +49 69 95856489 Phone: +31 6 57710175 Phone:+49 40 63781191
Email: christoph.schellhas@pwc.com E-Mail: lex.huis.in.het.veld@pwc.com E-Mail: nicole.roettmer@pwc.com
Trisha Gibbons Janka Stöwahse Charalambos Antoniou
Director, PwC Ireland, EMEA Insurance Director, PwC Germany, EMEA Insurance Partner, PwC Switzerland, Global Insurance
ESG Risk ESG Risk ESG Tax Leader
Phone:+353 87 689 9978 Phone: +49 89 57906631 Phone: +41 78 781 7883
E-Mail: trisha.gibbons@pwc.com E-Mail: janka.stoewahse@pwc.com E-Mail:charalambos.antoniou@pwc.ch
February 2023
PwC 25