International Rice Research Notes Vol.31 No.1

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June 2006

International Rice Research Institute IRRI home page: Riceweb: Riceworld: IRRI Library: IRRN:

International Rice Research Notes

Copyright International Rice Research Institute 2005

NOTICE: This journal is copyrighted in the name of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). IRRI has the exclusive right to reproduce or authorize reproduction of the copyrighted work, to prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work, and to distribute copies of the copyrighted work to the public for sale or other transfer of ownership. You may copy, duplicate, or otherwise reproduce any of the articles or portions of the articles in the copyrighted work; but you must acknowledge the journal and its copyright owner as the source of the copyrighted work. You may not modify, translate, or use the data herein contained to prepare a derivative work without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.

5 Bioinformatics and crop information
systems in rice research Richard Bruskiewich, Thomas Metz, and Graham McLaren
About the cover: Researchers gather raw data from the eld that would later be used, using bioinformatics tools, to develop information systems that would help solve current problems in rice research.

Cover photo: Bogsi Panaligan

Genetic resources

13 Dhanrasi, a new lowland rice variety with Oryza

rupogon genes for improving yield potential and resistance to biotic stresses T. Ram, N.D. Majumder, and B. Mishra

18 Rajendra Sweta, a new high-yielding quality rice

variety for Bihars irrigated ecosystem V.N. Sahai and R.C. Chaudhary

15 NDR2026: a new rice variety released for midearly irrigated areas of Uttar Pradesh, India J.L. Dwivedi, R.S. Verma, S.P. Giri, A.K. Tripathi, and R.N. Vishwakarma

19 Karjat 6, a new, superne medium-duration rice

variety in Maharashtra, India B.V. Ingale, B.D. Waghmode, V.V. Dalvi, and A.P. Rewale

16 CSR23: a new salt-tolerant rice variety for India

R.K. Singh, G.B. Gregorio, and B. Mishra

20 Sahyadri 2, an early rice hybrid for Maharashtra

State in India B.V. Ingale, N.D. Jambhale, B.D. Waghmode, and V.V. Dalvi

Pest science & management

22 Analysis of Pyricularia grisea populations from

three different blast epidemics D. Mishra, U.D. Singh, A.B. Dash, J.N. Reddy, R. Sridhar, M.L.C. George, C.M. Vera Cruz, M.A. Bernardo, H. Leung, and R. Sridhar

24 Record of a hyperparasitoid on Pseudogonatopus

nudus Perkins (Dryinidae: Chrysidoidea) parasitizing Nilaparvata lugens (Stl) from Asia S. Manickavasagam, A. Prabhu, and R. Kanagarajan

June 2006

26 Endo- and ectoparasites of the Philippine rice

eld rat, Rattus tanezumi Temminck, on PhilRice farms M.M. Antolin, R.C. Joshi, L.S. Sebastian, L.V. Marquez, U.G. Duque, and C.J. Domingo

Soil, nutrient, & water management

28 Effects of cultivating a rice crop under aerobic

conditions with lm mulching on soil microbial activity Cai Kunzheng, Luo Shiming, and Fang Xiang

29 The nature of humic substances under long-term

manuring and fertilization in a rice-wheat system D.K. Das and Nand Ram


32 Impact analysis of Technology Assessment

and Renement through Institution-Village Linkage Program K.D. Kokate and L.G. Pawar

35 Farmer participatory learning on integrated crop

management of lowland rice in Mali F.E. Nwilene, M.A. Togola, O. Youm, and A. Hamadoun

32 A preliminary forecast of the intensication of

global and regional rice production Wenjun Zhang and Yanhong Qi

37 TAR- IVLP: an effective institutional mechanism

for assessing the appropriateness of rice varieties P. George Joseph, K.P. Santhosh Kumar, M. Anantharaman, and S. Ramanathan


Editorial Board Jagdish K. Ladha, editor-in-chief Yolanda Chen (pest science and management) Zhikang Li (plant breeding; molecular and cell biology, China) John Bennett (plant breeding; molecular and cell biology, Los Baos) Sushil Pandey (socioeconomics; agricultural engineering) Abdelbagi Ismail (crop management and physiology) Stephan Haefele (soil, nutrient, and water management; environment) Edwin Javier (genetic resources)

Production Team Tess Rola, managing editor Editorial Bill Hardy Cover and graphic design Grant Leceta

Editorial assistance Diane Martinez

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Bioinformatics and crop information systems in rice research

Richard Bruskiewich, Thomas Metz, and Graham McLaren

he triple revolution in biotechnology, computing science, and communication technology has stimulated informatics applications in rice research. This review specically covers the impact of biology-focused informatics (bioinformatics) in rice research on the discovery of genotype-phenotype relationships for priority traits, using diverse data sources. Bioinformatics is a scientic discipline lying at the intersection of biology, mathematics, computing science, and information technology. Bioinformatics can be discussed within the following frameworks: Applications: What kind of research questions can be answered using bioinformatics? Databases: What data sources and applicable semantic standards (ontology1) are pertinent to answering these research questions? Protocols, algorithms, and tools: What analysis protocols, computing algorithms, and software tools can be applied to answer these research questions?


Ontology refers to the formal denition of a dictionary of concepts and their interrelationships. There are many international bioinformatics efforts in this area, such as Gene Ontology ( and Plant Ontology (, pertinent to crop research.

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Infrastructure: What hardware, software, and networking systems are required to support the above? This review will focus primarily on germplasmbased crop research, although many of the same tools can be applied to current problems in soil microbiology, entomology, and other areas of crop research. Also, some of the design principles of bioinformatics information systems will be useful for other research elds, such as geographic and agronomic information systems.

sociated with this tapestry of germplasm function are summarized in Figure 1.

Proper management of germplasm information is essential for the elucidation of genotype-expressionphenotype associations. Management goals include systematic tracking of germplasm origin (passport and genealogy information), recording of alternate germplasm names, accurate linkage of experimental results to applicable genotypes, and proper material management of germplasm inventories. An important aspect of any good germplasm information system is the separation of the management of nomenclature from identication. Users must be free to name germplasm as they like, and the system must make sure the names are bonded to the right germplasm. A key to effective management of such variable germplasm information is the assignment of a unique germplasm identier (GID) to each distinct germplasm sampleseed package or clonethat needs to be tracked (bar coded). The acid test is to ask whether or not mixing two germplasm samples together will result in an unacceptable loss of biological or management information. If the answer to this question is yes, then each sample should be assigned a distinct GID. The GID is the essential reference point for managing all meta-data about the germplasm, for accurately attributing all experimental observations made about that sample, and for cross-linking related germplasm samples with one another, for

Bioinformatics applications in crop research

The fundamental scientic question underlying germplasm research is, What is the causal relationship between genotype and phenotype? DNA is transcribed into RNA, which is either bioactive itself (as noncoding RNA gene products) or is translated into peptides that form part of protein gene products. Ultimately, these products act as structural elements, genetic regulatory control factors, or modulators of the biochemical uxes within metabolic and physiological pathways, at the subcellular, tissue, organ, and whole organism level. This sum total of molecular expression integrates to give the overall structural and behavioral features of the plantits phenotype. The unfolding of this story also has an essential environmental context, including biotic (ecosystem) and abiotic (geophysical) factors modulating expression in a variety of ways via diverse sensory and regulatory mechanisms in the plant. Various classes of experimental data as-

Genetic analysis
Inventory Identification (passport) Genealogy Genotype Genetic maps Physical maps DNA sequence Functional annotation Molecular variation (natural or induced) has Germplasm has Phenotype Anatomical Developmental Field performance Stress response

determines Molecular expression


affects Location (GIS) Climate Daylength Ecosystem Agronomy Environment Stress

Transcriptome Proteome Metabolome Physiology

Fig. 1. Biological and information relationships in germplasm research.

June 2006

example, the parents (sources) and progeny of the given sample, including membership of the sample in global management neighborhoods.2 Once assigned, a GID is never destroyed, but rather persists in the crop database long after the associated sample has become unavailable (after being fully consumed, nonviable, or otherwise lost). In this manner, historical information about germplasm may be efciently integrated with information about extant descendants of that germplasm. Although a given GID is generally a database primary key dened locally to a given database, it should be convertible into a globally unique identier within a community of germplasm databases. There are various protocols for achieving this, for example, the life science identier (LSID) protocol.3 This requirement is not unique to GID usage. In fact, most biological data to be shared by a distributed community should be assigned global identication in this manner.

Genotypes can be characterized at various levels of abstraction and resolution. In all instances, what is being measured and tracked across meiotic events, either directly or indirectly, is sequence variation (alleles) in the DNA of organisms. Experimental systems conceived to make those measurements are designated markers. Markers can be any scientic protocol used to observe a biological process causally coupled to the molecular variation of interest. This broad denition includes laboratory measurements of DNA (e.g., polymerase chain reactions or DNA-DNA hybridization events) and simple observations of visible phenotypes (e.g., classical visible genetic markers such as morphological variants). The molecular variation measured by genotyping can be neutral or biologically signicant. Neutral molecular variation generally involves markers that simply exhibit DNA structural polymorphism that is usefully applied to answer the following basic questions: To what extent are germplasm samples similar to or different from one another (i.e., ngerprinting experiments)? What is the chromosome location of a marker (i.e., mapping experiments)?

Answering such questions will often lead to deeper exploration of germplasm, such as evolutionary studies, practical management of plant crosses, and genetic resource management. Molecular variation that is biologically signicant is that postulated to be causally correlated with differences in structure (i.e., genome content or arrangement), biochemical function (resulting from critical functional changes in RNA bases or amino acid residues), or regulation of gene products (by affecting promoter or enhancer sequences). Whatever the nature of genotype measurements, the primary task of bioinformatics is to completely capture and accurately codify the raw and derived genotype data. Bioinformatics also applies statistical algorithms to raw genotype measurements to make useful inferences such as locus assignments on genetic and physical maps, assessments of germplasm relatedness and biodiversity, or assays of the impact of molecular variation on the biological system. Bioinformatics methodology assists in all stages of genotyping experiments and in the interpretation of results: from raw data capture (e.g., gel image processing), documentation, and storage to semiautomated analysis of raw data into inferences (i.e., germplasm ngerprinting and mapping, alignments of DNA variation to RNA and protein structures to elucidate functional variance, etc.) through visualization and publication of the information. A growing foundation for modern genotyping is, of course, the sequence-level structural characterization of plant genomic DNA, an activity within which bioinformatics has played an enormous technical role. The publication of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome in 2000 (AGI 2000) gave plant biologists a major information resource for indexing current and future understanding of plant genotypes. Since that time, a complete survey of the rice genome sequence has also become available (IRGSP 2005). Several other crop genome-sequencing projects are rapidly constructing a rich and diverse repository of public information about plant DNA sequence structure across many species, which will enable signicant and fruitful future studies in comparative genomics.

A management neighborhood of germplasm is dened as the entire population of germplasm that essentially shares and is intended to conserve the distinct genetic composition of a specied founding germplasm sample. This concept nds utility in institutional decisions to conserve, describe, and globally share specied germplasm sets like mapping populations (e.g., Azucena/IR64), genomics stocks (e.g., mutants), parental breeding releases (e.g., cultivar releases like IR64), and accessions held in genetic resource collections. 3 See

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Bioinformatics management of phenotype data primarily focuses on cataloging simple phenotypes. Bioinformatics researchers, such as in the Open Biomedical Ontologies initiative (, are cataloging controlled vocabulary and ontology to formalize phenotype descriptions by cross-linking concepts of observable, attribute, and value. A simple application of this paradigm is the following phenotype specication: leaf (observable) color (attribute) is red (value). Observables for plants can be codied using plant anatomy and developmental process terms being dened by the Plant Ontology Consortium (POC) (; POC 2002). IRRI scientists are collaborating with POC and others to systematically index descriptions for phenotypes of interest relating to agronomic traits such as yield, biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, and improved grain quality.

processes, for example, as contributors to specied agronomic traits of interest. The overall strategy is that of intersecting evidence from positional, functional, expression, selection, and crop modeling information sources (Fig. 2).

Computerized databases are a relatively recent innovation in biology, expanding dramatically in scope, usage, and online accessibility during the 1990s. At the cornerstone of modern biological research are the international public sequence databases, of which there are three major ones: Genbank at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI;, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) sequence database hosted at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI;, and the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ; In fact, basic sequence data submitted to any of these three databases are automatically mirrored to the other two databases on a routine basis, so visiting any one of the databases usually sufces for basic data. Each site, however, has specialized information resources worth exploring independently. Although Web user interfaces for these sequence databases are well developed, deployment of local copies of major public and semipublic databases pertinent to crop research permits higher efciency for repetitive high-throughput searches that result from the processing of large experimental data sets.

Molecular expression
Moving beyond the map characterization of genomic DNA highlighted above, the task of functional genomics (and other -omics elds such as proteomics and metabolomics) is to characterize the dynamic picture of molecular expression within the living organism at the level of RNA, protein, and metabolites. The rice genome contains thousands of predicted genes. The primary motivation of functional genomics research is to narrow down the list of candidate genes implicated in specied biological

Fig. 2. Intersecting evidence for candidate genes.

June 2006

The BioMirror project ( provides valuable database mirroring facilities in this regard. Beyond sequence data, the range of pertinent functional genomics experiments and associated data is too extensive to fully enumerate here, but several public sources of such crop-related bioinformatics data are listed in the table. The reader is also encouraged to consult various books and journal reviews providing surveys of available resources.4 Some excellent online indices of data sources (and related software tools) exist, for example, the Expasy Life Sciences Directory ( html).

The International Crop (Rice) Information System

The International Crop Information System (ICIS; is an open-source and open-licensed generic crop information system5 under development since the early 1990s by the CGIAR, national agricultural research and extension systems, agricultural research institutes, and private-sector partners (McLaren et al 2005, Bruskiewich et al 2003, Fox and Skovmand 1996). Using the GID protocol previously discussed, ICIS is designed to fully document germplasm genealogies6 with associated meta-data such as passport data and to accurately cross-link germplasm entries with associated experimental observations7 from

Table 1. Partial inventory of online public rice/crop/plant bioinformatics databases. Database Rice Genome Project/IRGSP RAP DB TIGR Rice BGI Rice Information System Oryzabase Gramene MOsDB IRIS IRFGC OryzaSNP OMAP MPSS RED Rice Array Db Yale Plant Genomics Rice Proteome Database Tos17 rice mutants T-DNA Rice Insertion lines OryGenesDb KOME database RIKEN Rice Blast Genevestigator MaizeGDB PlexDB GRIN TAIR NASC MATDB PLACE db PlantCare NCBI Plant EXPASY Description/organism International Rice Genome Sequencing Project Rice Annotation Project database TIGR rice genome database (BGI) Indica (93-11) rice genome data NIG Oryza genetics database Comparative grasses, anchored on rice MIPS Oryza sativa database International Rice Information System International Rice Functional Genomics Consortium Web site IRFGC hosted rice single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) survey Comparative genome physical maps of Oryza wild relatives Massive parallel signature sequencing gene expression data (NIAS) rice expression database NSF-funded oligo rice gene expression array Gene expression from tiling path arrays and rice tissues NIAS rice proteome database NIAS rice TOS 17 insertion mutants (Gyn An) Korean T-DNA rice insertion mutants (CIRAD) Reverse genetics for rice Knowledge-Based Oryza Molecular Biological Encyclopedia Arabidopsis and rice functional genomics data Magnaporthe grisea genomics (Gruissem) Gene networks in Arabidopsis and rice Maize Plant expression data Plant genetic resources The Arabidopsis Information Resource Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis thaliana Plant cis-acting regulatory DNA elements database Plant cis-acting regulatory DNA elements database Plant genomes central at NCBI Index to other plant-specic databases URL http://rgp.dna/

Nucleic Acids Research has a database edition at the start of each calendar year with an online index ( See also Plant Physiology, May 2005, Vol. 138, wh ich recently published an extensive set of review papers on available plant databases. 5 Open source refers to the accessibility of the computer source code of the system. Open license essentially means that anyone can freely use and modify the code for their use. Generic means that it is adaptable to any other crop (not just rice). 6 The ICIS Genealogy Management System (GMS) efciently tracks the extended network of GID relationships and the meta-data associated with each GID. 7 The ICIS Data Management System (DMS) documents studies of germplasm using a biometric study model mildly reminiscent of a computer spreadsheet. In fact, some DMS input and display tools are based on Excel.

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evaluations undertaken in the eld, greenhouse, or laboratory. ICIS meets the need for global identication of GID and other data objects (e.g., eld studies) by maintaining globally unique information about the local database installation and user who created the entry, as the authority for the information assigned to a given ICIS object identier. This entry may eventually be published in a central ICIS repository and receive a second new public identier crosslinked to the original identier. Such ICIS object identiers (e.g., GIDs) like LSIDs are not names, and, although they do contain some information on domain and authority, no one will generally use them as names for germplasm. In addition to specifying a common database schema, the ICIS community has collaboratively developed many freely available8 specialized software analysis tools and interfaces for the system for efciently documenting, analyzing, and retrieving information about germplasm samples and studies. These include practical tools (Fig. 3) to manage lists of germplasm for plant crosses, evaluative nurseries, and collections.9 The public rice implementation of ICIS is IRRIs agship germplasm database, the International Rice Information System (IRIS; IRIS currently contains about two million germplasm (GID) entries with millions of associated data points in hundreds of experimental studies, including many phenotypic observations and a growing number of genotypic measurements. IRIS also publishes phenotype information for the Institutes IR64 rice mutant collection (Wu et al 2005). This latter information is searchable using a query interface permitting the specication of mutant phenotypes using the observable, attribute, and value model previously discussed. IRRI scientists have generated a number of high-throughput data sets, including genetic maps; transcript, protein, and metabolomic expression experiments; and genotypic measurements on a growing set of germplasm. Many of these data sets are now published in IRIS or in collaborating databases such as Gramene.

Protocols and tools

Bioinformatics analysis requires a very broad range of protocols and algorithms. Many freely available

tools can be used to apply such protocols and algorithms to crop research problems. A few representative tools will be mentioned here. The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite (EMBOSS; is an opensource sequence-analysis package that provides more than 200 sequence analysis utilities, including wrappers for most publicly available algorithms such as pairwise and multiple sequence alignments, primer design, and sequence feature recognition algorithms. EMBOSS also reads and writes a wide variety of sequence and annotation formats. The Open-Bio community ( is host to a series of computer language-specic bioinformatics tool kits useful for bioinformatics data transformation scripts and Web site development. The Generic Model Organism Database project (GMOD; is a clearinghouse of many freely available, open-source software tools for managing and manipulating biological information in databases. Another good source of freely available, open-source tools is the TIGR software site (www., which has various software systems useful in particular experimental contexts. For proteomics tools, the Expasy Web site at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics ( is a valuable resource. For metabolomics tools, the Systems Biology Markup Language site (SBML; is a good starting point. A principal limitation of many online databases is their dependence on regular Web server interfaces for data publication, interfaces solely searchable using standard Web browsers. Technologies such as semantic Web languages and Web services protocols are being explored as a means of creating frameworks for computer program-friendly Web surng, such that more powerful client software than Web browsers can be designed, implemented, and deployed on the biologists desktop. One such protocol is BioCASE ( Another notable protocol is the BioMOBY project (www.; Wilkinson et al 2005) that is striving to apply biological semantics in a formal manner to integrate bioinformatics data sources and computational services into complex workows that can be managed and visualized by sophisticated clients, such as the Taverna workow tool (http://taverna.

8 9

Information and links to ICIS tools are available off the ICIS Web site at Including specialized tools for genetic resource collection management.


June 2006

Fig. 3. Sample screen images of some ICIS software tools.

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Future challenges
IRRI nds itself involved in various international research consortia and alliances, in particular, the International Rice Functional Genomics Consortium (IRFGC;, the Generation Challenge Programme (GCP; www.generationcp. org) (Fig. 4), and a formal alliance with CIMMYT.10 Such partnerships require much greater integration across data resources and research outputs, integration that will require the application of novel state-of-the-art bioinformatics methodology and technologies, developed as a team effort across many institutes. The GCP in particular has a formal subprogram for crop information platform and network development that is accelerating the pace of development of bioinformatics standards and tools for crop research. These tools will soon be freely downloadable from a Web site called CropForge (, which also now hosts the latest releases of ICIS software.

Society for Computational Biology (www.iscb. org) serves as a global community of practice in the eld; the Asia Pacic Bioinformatics Network ( is a good regional source of bioinformatics information in Asia.

AGI (The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative). 2000. Analysis of the genome sequence of the owering plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature 408:796-815. Baxevanis AD, Ouellette BFF, editors. 2005. Bioinformatics: a practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteins. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Bruskiewich R, Cosico A, Eusebio W, Portugal A, Ramos LR, Reyes T, Sallan MAB, Ulat VJM, Wang X, McNally KL, Sackville Hamilton R, McLaren CR. 2003. Linking genotype to phenotype: the International Rice Information System (IRIS). Bioinformatics 19 (Suppl.1): i63-i65. Claverie JM, Notredame C. 2003. Bioinformatics for dummies. New York: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Fox PN, Skovmand B. 1996. The International Crop Information System (ICIS)connects genebank to breeder to farmers eld. In: Cooper M, Hammer GL, editors. Plant adaptation and crop improvement. Wallingford (UK): CAB International. p 317-326. Gibas C, Jambeck P. 2001. Developing bioinformatics computer skills. Cambridge, Mass. (USA): OReilly and Associates. IRGSP (International Rice Genome Sequencing Project). 2005. The map-based sequence of the rice genome. Nature 436:793-800. Lacroix Z, Critchlow T, editors. 2003. Bioinformatics: managing scientic data. San Francisco, Calif. (USA): Morgan Kaufman Publishers. Mount DW. 2001. Bioinformatics: sequence and genome analysis. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y. (USA): Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. McLaren CG, Bruskiewich RM, Portugal AM, Cosico AB. 2005. The International Rice Information System (IRIS): a platform for meta-analysis of rice crop data. Plant Physiol. 139:637-642. POC (The Plant Ontology Consortium). 2002. Plant Ontology Consortium and plant ontologies. Comparative Functional Genomics 3(2):137-142. Wilkinson M, Schoof H, Ernst R, Haase D. 2005. BioMOBY successfully integrates distributed heterogenous bioinformatics web services: the PlaNet exemplar case. Plant Physiol. 138:1-13. Wu J, Wu C, Lei C, Baraoidan M, Boredos A, Madamba RS, Ramos-Pamplona M, Mauleon R, Portugal A, Ulat V, Bruskiewich R, Wang GL, Leach JE, Khush G, Leung H. 2005. Chemical- and irradiation-induced mutants of indica rice IR64 for forward and reverse genetics. Plant Mol. Biol. 59:85-97.

Bioinformatics is a rapidly expanding and evolving eld. Like any such eld, keeping up with new resources and methodology is a taxing quest. Many good introductory books are now available to help crop researchers apply bioinformatics to their own research problems (see Mount 2001, Gibas and Jambeck 2001, Lacroix and Critchlow 2003, Claverie and Notredame 2003, Baxevanis and Ouellette 2005). For rice researchers with a deeper interest in bioinformatics, there are a number of professional organizations to contact: globally, the International
Comparative genomics Germplasm
NILs, RILs, mapping population mutants

Genetic resources characterization

Genebank accessories

Gene transfer
Advanced breeding lines as vehicles


Functional annotation forward and reverse genetics, gene arrays

High-throughput germplasm genotyping and phenotyping

Gene (allele) transfer

Product Candidate genes

Beneficial alleles associated with favorable traits

Value-added varieties

Fig. 4. Research agenda of the Generation Challenge Programme.


CIMMYT is the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center located in Mexico. In January 2006, the biometrics, crop information, and bioinformatics teams across both institutes were merged into a single Crop Research Informatics Laboratory (CRIL) spanning crop information management and comparative biology research in rice, maize, and wheat.


June 2006

Genetic resources

Dhanrasi, a new lowland rice variety with Oryza rupogon genes for improving yield potential and resistance to biotic stresses
T. Ram, Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar (DRR), Hyderabad; N.D. Majumder, Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur; and B. Mishra, DRR, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500030, India Email:

Rice production in the rainfed shallow lowlands in the eastern region and the favorable shallow lowlands in the southern region of India has, for a long time, remained stagnant. The potential of high-yielding varieties is not fully realized. Several breeding lines are being evaluated every year in these ecosystems in trials organized under the All India Coordinated Rice Improvement Program (AICRIP). When compared with national checks Salivahana and Pranava, none could qualify for release in favorable shallow lowlands in the southern region. However, in the rainfed shallow lowlands of the eastern region, CR1002 (1992) and Pooja (1999) were released for cultivation. This shows that yield improvement per se of varieties bred for these ecosystems, especially in favorable shallow lowlands, is limited, though improvement was considerable in quality and pest resistance as reected by the release of several varieties at the state level. Dhanrasi (C11-A-41) was released in 2002 for cultivation in the rainfed and favorable shallow lowlands in southern India, for the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Maharashtra. It was developed by introgressing genes for yield components from one of the Oryza rufipogon accessions collected from the submerged areas
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in Moirang (Manipur, India). The O. rupogon accession, which is resistant to blast and tungro and moderately resistant to bacterial blight, was crossed to high-yielding, medium-duration breeding line B32-Sel-4. The F1 was crossed with another high-yielding, lateduration line, B127. In the F 2 population, 50 plants of B32-Sel4/O. rupogon//B127 with better agronomic traits were selected and intermated to develop 25 crosses. The selection against weedy traits was done in the F1 and F2 populations derived from intermating. Similarly, a second cycle of intermating in the resulting F2 population was followed. Single-plant pedigree selection was followed after the second intermating cycle, considering

plant height, number of tillers plant1, panicle length, number of grains panicle1, and grain yield plant1. In the F5 generation, 32 lines with better yield potential were evaluated along with their indica parents B32-Sel-4 and B127. They were screened for yield and for blast and bacterial blight resistance under natural and articial infection. Eight lines were found to outyield both parents, by 10.221.4% in the preliminary yield trial. C11-A-41 yielded the highest (6.48 t ha1) and recorded a yield superiority of 38.2% and 21.4% over B32-Sel-4 and B127, respectively. The main agronomic characteristics of the parents and Dhanrasi are given in Table 1. The four lines with superior yield

Table 1. Important traits introgressed from O. rupogon Griff into Dhanrasi (C11-A-41). Trait B32-Sel-4 Yield trait Plant height (cm) 90100 Days to 50% owering 95 5.2 Panicles plant1 (no.) 1012 Grains panicle1 (no.) 136 12.3 1,000-grain weight (g) 21.6 Grain type Long slender Grain yield (t ha1) 4.7 CD at 5% = 0.23 Reaction to diseases and insect pestsa Articial screening Blast S Bacterial blight S Sheath blight S Rice tungro disease S Natural eld screening Stem borer S

Parents B127 105110 100 4.5 812 145 10.6 23.8 Short bold 5.3 O. rupogon 135145 126 6.5 2027 40 15.2 24.8 Short bold


105110 117 3.9 1214 210 14.8 22.5 Short bold 6.5


Immune MR MR R


R = resistant, MR = moderately resistant, S = susceptible, = not evaluated.


were evaluated under AICRIP auspices in 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999. Yield comparisons were made, involving the newly bred high-yielding cultures, national checks (Salivahana and Pranava), the most popular variety Swarna, and the latest released Pooja, in four states of the southern region and two states in the eastern region. The same trial also screened for reaction to insect pests and diseases. In multilocation testing under AICRIP in irrigated medium land, Dhanrasi (IET15358) yielded 5.28 t ha1 in 1996, 13.3% and 2.5% higher than the yield national checks Pranava and Salivahana, respectively. It was superior to the highest yielding check by 7.8% in Tamil Nadu, 20.1% in Karnataka, and was on a par in Andhra Pradesh (Table 2). Dhanrasi was evaluated at seven locations in 1997, ranking rst in overall yield (4.6 t ha1). This was 26.5% and 14.11% higher than the yield of Salivahana and Swarna, respectively. In Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, the yield superiority of Dhanrasi over Salivahana was 11.7% and 32.9% and 5.4% and 13.5% over Swarna, respectively. In 1998, this variety was evaluated at 10 locations, along with checks and other cultures, and it registered a mean yield of 4.4 t ha1, with 5.4% and 5.3% yield superiority over Salivahana and Pravana, respectively. It recorded the highest yield (7.3 t ha1) at Maruteru. In Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, it showed 18.6% and 16.7% higher yield, respectively, than the best check Salivahana. In 1999, it had 8.7% higher yield than Salivahana, 6.2% higher yield than Swarna in Andhra Pradesh, and 11.7% and 19.7% over Salivahana and Swarna, respectively, in Karnataka (Table 2).

Dhanrasi was also evaluated with several newly bred cultures, national check Swarna, and newly released variety Pooja in the eastern and western regions of the country under rainfed shallow lowland conditions. It showed a yield superiority of 11.0% and 38.2% over Pooja and 4.3% and 8.8% over the highest yielding check in Orissa and Bihar, respectively. In Maharashtra, it outyielded check variety Salivahana and Swarna, by 3.8% and 22.5%, respectively. In overall yield performance, Dhanrasi outyielded Salivahana by 7.4%, Pranava by 9.24%, Swar-

na by 10.36%, and Pooja by 24.6%. Maximum yield was 6.58 t ha1 in 1996, 5.63 t ha1 in 1997, 7.31 t ha1 in 1998, and 6.10 t ha1 in 1999. Besides its high yield potential, Dhanrasi has also introgressed genes from O. rupogon for resistance to blast and moderate resistance to tungro and bacterial blight. Considering its higher yield potential, disease and pest resistance, and very stable yield, Dhanrasi was released for cultivation in Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Maharashtra in 2002-03.

Table 2. Yield performance of Dhanrasi (C11-A-41) in rainfed and favorable shallow lowland ecosystems in different states under multilocation (AICRIP) testing. Grain yield (t ha1) State National check Year of Locations Dhanrasi Swarna testing (no.) (IET15358) Salivahana Pravana Favorable shallow lowland Andhra Pradesh 1996 1997 1998 1999 Mean Tamil Nadu 1996 1997 1998 1999 Mean Karnataka 1996 1998 1999 Mean Rainfed shallow lowland Maharashtra 1998 1999 Mean Orissa 1999 Bihar 1999 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 6.2 4.5 5.8 5.1 5.4 5.5 5.0 4.6 5.1 5.1 4.5 4.3 5.0 4.6 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.9 4.8 6.1 4.0 4.9 4.7 5.0 5.1 3.8 5.7 5.0 4.9 3.8 3.3 4.5 3.9 3.2 3.5 3.3 3.7 4.4 6.2 4.8 5.5 4.1 5.3 4.7 3.5 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.4 4.0 4.2 3.2 3.7 4.3 4.9 4.6 3.6 4.2 3.9 Percent yield increase over Best check Swarna

0.8 11.9 18.6 8.7 7.8 32.9 18.9 1.8 20.1 16.1 11.7

5.4 62.0 13.5 9.3 21.3 19.7

3 3 2

2.9 2.9 3.5 (Pooja) 3.5 (Pooja)

0.3 3.8 4.3 8.8

22.5 11.0 38.2

June 2006

NDR2026: a new rice variety released for mid-early irrigated areas of Uttar Pradesh, India
J.L. Dwivedi, R.S. Verma, S.P. Giri, A.K. Tripathi, and R.N. Vishwakarma, Crop Research Station, Masodha, Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad 224133, Uttar Pradesh, India

In irrigated areas in Uttar Pradesh, the rice-wheat and rice-potato cropping patterns are most common. Early-maturing (110120 d) rice varieties are in great demand and so are those with high yield potential and resistance to prevalent pests and diseases. There are limited releases (Narendra 80 and Saket 4) of this mid-early irrigated group. These varieties are grown to increase the overall productivity of such areas. Released by the State Variety Release Committee of Uttar Pradesh in October 2004, NDR2026 (IET14998) is one of the new additions in the mid-early group. This variety was developed through a three-way crossSIPI 632-63/Chainung Sen yu 47// Taichung Sen 12. The breeding material came from IRRI under an institutional collaborative program. Single-plant selection to identify varieties with the desirable trait of mid-early maturity was made and the pedigree breeding method was applied in developing NDR2026. To as-

sess the yield performance in local/station trials, the culture was nominated in the All-India Coordinated Rice Improvement Programme (AICRIP) during the 1995 wet season (WS). The performance of NDR2026 and other cultures during the 1995-97 WS is presented in Table 1. NDR2026 consistently outyielded check varieties for 3 y. It is 9095 cm tall, produces 914 tillers plant1 with semicompact panicle, is awnless, has 1,000-grain weight of 23 g, and matures in 110115 d. It has

high milling recovery (67%). Its long slender grains (6.71 mm length, 2.05 cm breadth, and L/B of 3.27) make it more attractive. In the state adaptive trials during 1999-2000 WS, NDR2026 consistently outyielded check varieties in different regions (Table 2). The average yield of NDR2026 was 3.9 t ha1, higher than that of the highest yielding check variety, Narendra 80 (3.0 t ha1). The average yield advantage was about 22%. This variety is moderately resistant to brown spot, sheath

Table 1. Yields (t ha1) of NDR2026 and check varieties, advanced variety triala-irrigated mid-early, 1995-97 wet seasons. Year Locations (no.) NDR2026 Ratha (national) 3.6 4.3 4.0 4.0 2.6 3.8 3.8 3.4 +40.26 +15.38 +6.50 +18.34 Checks Vikas (national) 2.7 3.7 3.0 3.2 +30.70 +19.14 +32.38 +26.72 NDR80 (local) 3.2 4.0 3.6 3.6 +12.35 +10.57 +12.07 +11.74

1995 WS 7 1996 WS 10 1997 WS 11 Mean percentage yield 28 advantage over checks 1995 1996 1997 Percentage advantage over 3-y means

Conducted in adaptability zone 2: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Assam.

Table 2. Comparative yield performance (t ha1) of NDR2026 in adaptive trials at the Regional Agriculture Testing and Demonstration Stations (RATDS), 1999-2000 wet seasons.a Central region Hardoi Bundel khand region (northern Uttar Pradesh) Jhansi NDR2026 HUR1006 Narendra 80 (check) Saket 4


Eastern region Varanasi Azamgarh Barabanki

Western region Meerut Bareilly Mathura

Tarai region (southern Uttar Pradesh) Haldwani 3.8 3.2 3.1

State mean

4.3 3.7 3.4

3.5 2.8 2.9

4.9 3.8 4.1

5.4 3.3 3.2 3.5

2.9 3.0 2.5 2.7


1.9 2.3 1.5

3.4 2.6 2.5

3.9 3.1 3.0 2.9

Source: RATDS combined report for 1999-2000 WS.

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blight, and sheath rot under natural eld conditions. It has some degree of tolerance for stem borer, whorl maggot, and leaffolder. To validate its yield performance, NDR2026 was extensively evaluated in farmers elds in different districts of eastern Uttar Pradesh (Faizabad, Sultanpur, Barabanki, Gonda, and Ambedkarnagar) during 2000-01 WS (Table 3). It recorded a signicantly stable yield advantage over check varieties Narendra 80 and Saket 4. The results show that NDR2026 is well suited for ir-

rigated conditions and may be best for use in rice-wheat and ricepotato cropping systems because of its consistent yield superiority, disease and pest resistance, and

excellent grain quality. This variety will be a good replacement for Narendra 80, which was released in the early eighties.

Table 3. Yield performance of NDR2026 in farmers elds in eastern Uttar Pradesh, 2000 and 2001 wet seasons. District Locations (no.) 5 6 3 5 3 22 Yield (t ha1) NDR2026 Narendra 80 5.4 5.4 5.2 4.9 5.1 5.2 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.5 4.8 4.7 Saket 4 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.3 4.5

Ambedkarnagar Faizabad Gonda Sultanpur Barabanki Mean

CSR23: a new salt-tolerant rice variety for India

R.K. Singh and G.B. Gregorio, Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology Division, IRRI, Philippines; and B. Mishra, Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad 500030, India

A vast area of sodic soils in India lies in the provinces of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, whereas coastal saline soils are spread throughout the coastline of India running through Maharasthra, Gujarat, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Pondicherry. Most of these areas lie barren or produce low yields. However, these same areas can be transformed into arable and highly productive land if suitable salttolerant crop varieties are available. The rice crop is the obvious choice in coastal and sodic areas as it can withstand standing water and also sustain salt stress. The major problem in alkaline soils is the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) that raises soil pH from more than 8.5 to more than 10.0. This consequently exerts high sodicity stress throughout the crops growth period and affects nutrient availability. However, in coastal saline areas, stress varies with crop growth as

salinity regime is highly variable. High water depth submerges the crop during its growth and this ranges from a few days to a few weeks. Farmers need a highyielding, salt-tolerant variety with strong culm and intermediate stature, which can enable it to survive water stagnation as well. Unfortunately, most of the varieties in such areas are traditional types with poor grain quality and low yielding ability due to salt sensitivity and susceptibility to lodging. These areas require a rice variety with intermediate stature and medium to ne grain qualities, and that is nonlodging, nonshattering, high-yielding, and fertilizer-responsive, and has high salt tolerance. In this regard, CSR23 is a good candidate. CSR23 (IET13769) is a highyielding, salt-tolerant variety with medium slender grains. It is derived from a three-way cross (IR64//IR4630-22-2-5-13/IR9764-45-2-2) made in the

Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology Division, IRRI, Philippines. The breeding materials in the form of advanced bulk populations (ABPs) were received in 1989 by the Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, from IRRI under the ICARIRRI Collaborative Research Project on Germplasm improvement for saline soils in rice. This included ABP no. 085 (IR52713-2B-8-2B), selection from which consequently resulted in the development of CSR23. All the ABPs were screened under articially created stress environments in concrete microplots and natural hot spots. Variety CSR23 was entered in the All-India Coordinated Rice Improvement Program through a national salinity trial. It was tested under the Saline Alkaline Tolerant Varietal Trial (SATVT) in 1994 as CSR-89IR-5 (IET13769) and evaluation was repeated in 1995, 1996, and 1997. Later, agroJune 2006

nomic comparison with standard checks was done to assess yielding ability under varying nitrogen regimes. Based on its superiority shown over the years, this variety was identied in 2003 and, upon recommendation of the Central Sub-Committee on Crop Standards, Notication, and Release of Varieties, was released in 2004 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, for alkaline soils of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana and the coastal saline soils of Maharasthra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and West Bengal. A sister line (IR52713-2B-8-2B-1-2), derived from the same cross, was also released in the Philippines as PSBRc 88 in 1999. In the coordinated trials over the years, CSR23 has shown a consistent increase over all the checks and qualifying varieties throughout the years of testing for salt tolerance1994 to 1997. It recorded a yield increase over all checks by as much as 125% over Usar 1, 90% over Vyttila 4, 104% over Jaya, 51% over Panvel 1, and 37% over CSR10. It was convincingly superior to all the checks (Fig. 1, see table). CSR23 has intermediate plant stature (115120 cm) with fully exserted panicles, is awnless, has purple stigma, and takes 100105 days to 50% owering. Its grain is the medium slender type with 5.8 mm length and a length-breadth ratio of 2.8. It is best-suited to meet most of the requirements in the problem areas. It can withstand the sodicity stress up to pH2 ~ 10.0 and salinity (ECe) up to 8 dS m1. It has high yield (even on nonstressed or moderately stressed soils) and a high degree of salt tolerance. Field screenings showed its moderate resistance to blast, neck blast, and brown spot. Besides having other desirable agronomic traits, it was found
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Mean yield (t ha1) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 CSR23 CSR10 Jaya Vytilla 4 Varieties Panvel 2 Usar 1

Fig. 1. Summary mean yield performance of CSR23 in comparison with check varieties (1994-97).

Grain yield evaluation of CSR23 under coordinated trials (1994-97). Year Trials (no.) 11 10 6 10 CSR23 CSR10 Mean yield (kg ha1) across locations Yield advantage over checks (%) 1994 1995 1996 1997 Mean 1994 1995 1996 1997 Mean 3761 3027 3342 2973 3297 2,971 2,398 2,428 2,214 2,539 +26.6 +26.2 +37.6 +34.3 +29.9 Salt-tolerant checks Vyttila 4 2,748 1,758 2,714 2,519 +10.1 +90.1 +9.5 +30.9 Panvel 2 2,203 2,203 +51.7 +49.7 Usar 1 1,493 1,493 +124.8 +120.8 High-yielding check Jaya 2,991 3,302 1,638 2,614 2,775 +25.7 8.3 +104.0 +13.8 +18.8

Fig. 2. Salt-tolerant CSR23.


resistant to leaffolder and moderately resistant to gall midge biotype 5. CSR23 has intermediate tissue tolerance, better K+ uptake, and Na+ exclusion ability, desirable attributes of a salt-tolerant variety. There is a great demand for this variety in Uttar Pradesh and other states. The Uttar Pradesh

Land Development Corporation (UPLDC) in Lucknow conducted adaptive on-farm trials in saltaffected elds at 19 locations in Uttar Pradesh and got a 4.5 t ha1 average yield (large-plot basis). The variety has become popular and there was a great demand for its seed from agencies such as UPLDC, which has targeted

the reclamation of more than 140,000 ha of sodic land. The average grain yield of this variety, recorded in station trials in various years, was 6.57.0 t ha1 under normal soil conditions. These results demonstrate the yield stability of the new variety for saline and nonsaline eld conditions.

Rajendra Sweta, a new high-yielding quality rice variety for Bihars irrigated ecosystem
V.N. Sahai, Agricultural Research Institute, Mithapur, Patna 800001, and R.C. Chaudhary, Participatory Rural Development Foundation, Shahbazganj, Jungle Salikram, Gorakhpur 273014, India

After the introduction of highyielding rice varieties in the 1960s, breeding programs were started in India to develop high-yielding semidwarf lines. One decade later, research efforts focused on developing high-yielding quality rice. Both customers and farmers appreciate ne-grained quality rice as it fetches a high market price. Rajendra Sweta (RAU710-9922) was developed from the cross Sita/Pusa Basmati-1//Katarni, varieties with superior grain quality and high yield potential. The State Variety Release Committee of Bihar approved the release of Rajendra Sweta for the irrigated ecosystem in 2004. Rajendra Sweta is a photoperiod-insensitive, medium-maturing, semidwarf variety with good grain quality (Table 1). The variety was tested in breeding trials in Bihar from 2000 to 2003. It gave a higher average yield (3.5 t ha1) than did the checks Pusa Basmati 1 (2.3 t ha1) and Sugandha (2.7 t ha1) (Table 2). In a nutrient-use efciency trial, Rajendra Sweta gave the highest grain yield at 80-40-20 kg NPK ha1 nutrient level (Table 3).

Rajendra Sweta was tested in 55 farmers elds in Bihar from 2001 to 2003. It had an average yield of 4.7 t ha1 and a 10% yield advantage over the local check varieties. In 18 front-line demon-

strations, its average yield was 4.9 t ha1, while that of the check was 3.9 t ha1. Yield consistency and wide adaptability under varying agroclimatic conditions are some of the merits of this new variety.

Table 1. Morphological and grain quality characteristics of Rajendra Sweta and Pusa Basmati 1. Characteristic Plant height (cm) Duration (d) Plant type Tillers hill1 (no.) Panicle type Panicle exsertion Awn Hulling (%) Milling (%) Head rice recovery (%) Kernel length (mm) Kernel breadth (mm) Length-breadth ratio Grain type Grain chalkiness Volume expansion ratio Water uptake (mL) Alkali spreading value Amylose content (mm) Gel consistency Rajendra Sweta 8590 135140 Erect, compact 1015 Compact Compact Awnless 79.2 70.0 66.0 5.03 1.65 3.04 Medium and slender Occasionally present 4.8 250 4.0 23.6 63 Pusa Basmati 1 8590 130135 Erect, compact 810 Compact Compact Awned 80.0 69.6 57.3 7.25 1.8 4.02 Long and slender Occasionally present 5.4 375 7.0 24.8 63

Table 2. Performance of Rajendra Sweta in breeding trials at four sites in Bihar, India, 2000-03. Entry Rajendra Sweta Pusa Basmati 1 (check) Sugandha (check) Patna 4.2 2.4 2.7 Av grain yield (t ha1) Bikramganj Pusa 4.4 3.1 2.8 3.3 2.0 3.2 Sabour 1.9 1.8 2.0 Mean 3.5 2.3 2.7 Increase over check (%) 52.2 29.6

June 2006

Table 3. Performance of Rajendra Sweta in nutrient-use efciency trials in Bihar, India, 2002-03. Entry Av grain yield (t ha1) N1 N2 N3 (40-40-20 kg (80-40-20 kg (120-40-20 kg NPK ha1) NPK ha1) NPK ha1) 3.4 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.8 2.3 Patna 4.5 3.2 Bikramganj 4.6 3.8 Pusa 3.4 2.3 4.2 2.9 4.8 3.9 2.8 2.2 Mean Increase over check (%)

Rajendra Sweta Pusa Basmati 1 (check) Rajendra Sweta Pusa Basmati 1 (check) Rajendra Sweta Pusa Basmati 1 (check)

4.0 2.9 4.0 3.3 3.0 2.3

38.0 21.2 30.4

Karjat 6, a new, superne medium-duration rice variety in Maharashtra, India

B.V. Ingale, B.D. Waghmode, V.V. Dalvi, and A.P. Rewale, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Karjat 410201, District Raigad, Maharashtra, India E-mail:

Rice is grown on 1.5 million ha in Maharashtra State, India. Of the total area under rice, about 56% is planted to ne and superne varieties; the rest is under coarsegrained varieties. Early, mediumlate, and late varieties, respectively, occupy about 40%, 40%, and 20% of the area in the state. Because ne-grained varieties are preferred, the Karjat rice research station developed Karjat 4, an early-maturing variety (115120 d), and Karjat 6, a medium-duration (130135 d) line suitable to the varied agroecological conditions in the state. Karjat 6 (KJT-12-6-25-9-13-5013) was developed through the pedigree method. It involved a cross of Heera and Karjat 4. Recommended for commercial cultivation in Maharashtra in 2005, Karjat 6 is a semidwarf (95100 cm) variety having short, slender grains, 1,000-kernel weight of 13.30 g, and average grain yield of 3.54.0 t ha1. The variety has 68.1% milling and 65% head rice
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recovery. Its other grain characteristics are given in Table 1. Karjat 6 recorded an 8.6% and 5.3% yield advantage over check Mahsuri in initial and advanced station trials conducted in 2000 and 2001 kharif, respectively (Table 2). It has given a 10.3% and 33.3% increase in grain yield over the check in the state coordinated trials in 2002 and 2003 kharif, respectively, at nine locations in the state.

The variety recorded a 5.7% increase in yield over the check in the All India Coordinated trial conducted at 22 locations in the country during 2004 kharif. A yield increase of 23.7% was observed in 19 adaptive trials conducted in farmers elds at the same time (Table 2). Karjat 6 gave a 28.9% increase in grain yield with the application of 100 kg N ha1 over the 50-kg treatment in 2004 kharif. It has recorded

Table 1. Grain characteristics of Karjat 6 compared with Samba Mahsuri. Characteristic Karjat 6 Samba Mahsuri (BPT5204) 70.1 67.5 4.99 1.79 2.78 4.7 170 9.2 1.84 5.0 25.25 43 Medium, slender Absent

Milling (%) 68.1 Head rice recovery (%) 65.0 Kernel length (mm) 5.51 Kernel breadth (mm) 1.80 Length-breadth ratio 3.06 Volume expansion ratio 5.5 Water uptake (mL) 210 Kernel length after cooking (mm) 8.1 Elongation ratio 1.70 Alkali spreading value 4.5 Amylose content (%) 25.43 Gel consistency (mm) 43 Grain type Short, slender Grain chalkiness Absent


a 10.5% increase in grain yield over check Karjat 4 in front-line demonstrations during the 200405 rabi season. Screening trials showed that it is resistant to leaffolder, stem borer, and neck blast. Karjat 6 will become popular in the state in view of its superior grain type, high yield potential, and good quality traits.

Table 2. Yield performance of Karjat 6 in different trials and demonstrations conducted at different locations. Trial Initial variety trial (station), 2000 Advanced variety trial (station), 2001 State-coordinated trial (initial) (9 locations), 2002 State-coordinated trial (advanced) (9 locations), 2003 AICRIP trial-SG (22 locations), 2004 Adaptive trial (19 locations), 2004 Agronomic trial, 2004 Field demonstration, 2004-05 Av Av grain yield (t ha1) Karjat 6 Check 3.8 4.0 3.2 3.6 3.7 4.9 4.0 6.3 4.18 3.5 3.8 2.9 2.7 3.5 3.8 3.2 5.7 3.63 Increase over check (%) 8.6 5.3 10.3 33.3 5.7 23.7 28.9 10.5 15.2

Sahyadri 2, an early rice hybrid for Maharashtra State in India

B.V. Ingale, Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Karjat, District Raigad; N.D. Jambhale, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, District Ratnagiri; B.D. Waghmode and V.V. Dalvi,* RARS, Karjat, District Raigad (*current address: RARS, Karjat 410201, Maharashtra, India) E-mail:

In India, rice is predominantly grown on 1.4 million ha of traditional and 0.9 million ha of nontraditional areas in the state of Maharashtra. Average productivity is 1.7 t ha1. A total of 53 high-yielding rice varieties (HYVs) have been released for commercial cultivation in the state for various agroecological conditions. The productivity of rice nevertheless remained stagnant during the last decade. The adoption of rice hybrids, along with proper crop management practices, is certainly an alternative for increasing productivity in the state. The RARS in Karjat, District Raigad, has identified and released the first rice hybrid, Sahyadri, for commercial cultivation. It has medium-late growth duration and a high yield potential, (6.57.5 t ha1). The area under hybrid rice is increasing gradually in the state, but nearly 60% is planted to early-duration rice varieties. Efforts were therefore made to develop suit20

able early-duration rice hybrids may contribute to higher rice with desirable characteristics to production and productivity (Tables 13). increase rice productivity. Karjat rice hybrid 3 (KJTRH 3) was developed at RARS and was reTable 1. Morphological and grain quality characteristics of Sahyadri 2. leased as Sahyadri 2 for commercial Characteristic cultivation in MaDuration (d) 115120 harashtra in 2004. Plant height (cm) 114119 Yield (t ha1) 6.06.5 (potential, 12.1) Seed production Tillers hill1 (no.) 1520 of Sahyadri 2 was Grains panicle1 (no.) 175200 easier because of Panicle length (cm) 25.5 less staggered ow1,000-grain weight (g) 23.5 Milling (%) 70.2 ering between paHead rice recovery (%) 56.0 rental female and Kernel length (mm) 6.63 male lines of the Kernel breadth (mm) 2.18 Length-breadth ratio 3.04 hybrid. Therefore, Grain type Long and slender ample seed proAlkali value 6.0 duction is possible Amylose content (%) 20.89 Grain chalkiness Occasionally present on a large scale in Reaction to diseases/insect pests suitable areas to False smut Highly resistant meet demand for Bacterial blight Resistant seed. Blast Resistant Sheath rot Moderately resistant The new hybrid Brown spot Moderately resistant meets farmers reRice tungro virus Moderately resistant quirements in both Stem borer Moderately resistant Brown planthopper Moderately resistant state and country and its adoption
June 2006

Table 2. Yield performance of Sahyadri 2 in the All India Coordinated Trials, by region, 2001-02. Season/year RM2 2001 kharif 2002 kharif Av 6.6 6.1 6.3 Av yields (t ha1) in different regionsa RM3 4.3 3.1 4.1 RM4 6.0 6.2 6.1 RM5 6.5 5.1 5.8 Overall mean 5.8 5.0 5.4 % mean yield advantage over different checksb National Regional checkb checkc 21.6 27.2 24.4 22.4 28.8 25.6 Local checkd 8.3 8.9 8.6

a RM2: Delhi, Uttaranchal, Punjab, Haryana, Jammu plains, and Rajasthan; RM3: Orissa, Bihar, Jharkand, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Tripura, Manipur, Meghalaya, and Assam; RM4: Maharashtra and Gujarat; RM5: Andaman, Nicomar, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, and Pondicherry. bAnnada (2001) and Govinda (2002). cTulsi. dKarjat 3.

Table 3. Yield performance of Sahyadri 2 under different trials and demonstrations in Maharashtra State. Type of trial Season and year 5.6 5.6 4.7 5.5 5.8 7.8 8.4 5.3 6.4 6.1 Av yield (t ha1) 4.1 4.1 4.3 4.5 4.3 6.1 6.2 3.8 4.1 4.6 Advantage over Ratna (%) 37.1 35.5 11.9 20.1 36.6 27.1 34.7 36.6 35.2 30.5

Sahyadri 2 Ratna (check) Observational yield trial Kharif, 2001 Station trial Kharif, 2001 State-coordinated trials Kharif, 2001 State-coordinated trials Kharif, 2003 State-coordinated trials Kharif, 2004 Adaptive trials in farmers elds (21 sites) Kharif, 2003-04 Demonstration Kharif, 2003-04 Agronomic trial Kharif, 2004 Adaptive trials in farmers elds (40 sites) Kharif, 2004 Av

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Pest science & management

Analysis of Pyricularia grisea populations from three different blast epidemics

D. Mishra, U.D. Singh, A.B. Dash, J.N. Reddy, and R. Sridhar, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack 753006, India; M.L.C. George, C.M. Vera Cruz, M.A. Bernardo, and H. Leung, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baos, Philippines; and R. Sridhar, International Institute of Biotechnology and Toxicology, Padappai 601301, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu, India

In spite of a great deal of research on the blast pathogen (Pyricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc., an anamorph of Magnaporthe grisea (T.T. Hebert) Yaegashi & Udegawa) of rice and the disease itself, blast remains a serious constraint to rice production in areas with conducive environments and where susceptible cultivars are grown. There has been no effort to analyze the pathogen populations that occurred during the blast epidemics in India. Three of these epidemics occurred in the state of Orissa in the past decade. The rst epidemic was in Banki, Cuttack District, in the 1997 wet season, during which traditional rice cultivars Laghubhutia and Golabondi were heavily infected by neck blast. The second epidemic, in the wet season of 2000 in Dhenkanal, Dhenkanal District, involved traditional cultivar Latamohu and high-yielding semidwarf Dhala Heera. They got severely infected by leaf blast. During the third epidemic (2002 wet season, Ganjam District), high-yielding variety Swarna grown in farmers elds was severely infected by leaf blast. A repetitive element-based polymerase chain reaction (repPCR), with primer sequences from Pot2 (an element found in approximately 100 copies in the P. grisea genome), provides an efcient way to monitor the population dynamics of the blast pathogen. This method is compa22

rable with that determined with MGR586 restriction fragment length polymorphism lineages (George et al 1998). Our analysis clearly brought out the population structure of the pathogen in the three blast epidemics and showed the difference between traditional and modern rice cultivars. Three sets of monoconidial isolates of the pathogen P. grisea were obtained from infected leaf/neck blast samples collected from farmers elds during the epidemics. Totaling 103, these were stored on lter paper bits at 20 C and were used for DNA ngerprinting (Table 1). Genomic DNA was extracted following the procedure of Murray and Thompson (1980) for plant DNA with modications for mini-scale preparation as described by Scott et al (1993). Polymerase chain reaction with primers Pot2-1 (5 CGGAAGCCCTAAAGCTGTTT 3) and Pot2-2 (5 CCCTCATTCGTCACACGTTC 3) and visualization of the DNA fragments were as described previously (George et al 1998). The gel images were photographed using a gel documentation system equipped with Bio-Capt software (Vilber Lourmat, France). The structure of the pathogen population was analyzed using the Bio1D++ software (Vilber Lourmat, France). For each band position between 400 bp and 23 kb, the presence or absence of the band

was indicated by this software in a computer for each isolate. The binary matrix indicating presence or absence of the bands was used to construct a matrix of similarities between all pairs of isolates based on Dices coefcient (F = 2Nxy + Ny), where Nxy is the total number of bands observed for that pair of isolates. Fingerprint patterns of P. grisea subpopulations from Banki (29 isolates), Dhenkanal (31 isolates), and Berhampur (43 isolates) revealed the presence of 23, 24, and 43 haplotypes, respectively. The Banki population was differentiated into three lineages of the pathogen at 60% similarity (Fig. 1a). Two of the lineages detected were obtained from a single cultivar, Golabondi, whereas the third lineage was obtained from the other cultivar, Laghubhutia. However, one of the isolates obtained from the former cultivar belonged to the third lineage. The Dhenkanal population obtained from two rice cultivars (Dhala Heera and Latamohu) was grouped into four lineages of the blast pathogen (Fig. 1b). All the isolates belonging to the rst three lineages were obtained from Dhala Heera, which is a modern semidwarf variety, while the isolates of the fourth lineage were obtained from Latamohu, which is a traditional rice cultivar. The subpopulation of the pathogen isolates obtained from the blast epidemic in Berhampur was difJune 2006

100% IAPG 0108 IAPG 0110 IAPG 0111 IAPG 0109 IAPG 0112 IAPG 0107 IAPG 0113 IAPG 0101 IAPG 0103 IAPG 0102 IAPG 0104 IAPG 0107 IAPG 0114 IAPG 0115 IAPG 0106 IAPG 0125 IAPG 0125 IAPG 0127 IAPG 0119 IAPG 0122 IAPG 0124 IAPG 0129 IAPG 1028 IAPG 0110 IAPG 0120 IAPG 0117 IAPG 0120 IAPG 0121 IAPG 0118 100% IAPG 0153 IAPG 0152 IAPG 0146 IAPG 0157 IAPG 0159 IAPG 0160 IAPG 0158 IAPG 1047 IAPG 0149 IAPG 0150 IAPG 0149 IAPG 0151 IAPG 0154 IAPG 0155 IAPG 0156 IAPG 0130 IAPG 0139 IAPG 0140 IAPG 0143 IAPG 0144 IAPG 0145 IAPG 0138 IAPG 0155 IAPG 0136 IAPG 0131 IAPG 0142 IAPG 0130 IAPG 0131 IAPG 0132 IAPG 0133 IAPG 0134 100% IAPG 0168 IAPG 0169 IAPG 0172 IAPG 0171 IAPG 0183 IAPG 0186 IAPG 0185 IAPG 0187 IAPG 0189 IAPG 0190 IAPG 0176 IAPG 0192 IAPG 0179 IAPG 0197 IAPG 0191 IAPG 0195 IAPG 0199 IAPG 0184 IAPG 0166 IAPG 0177 IAPG 0181 IAPG 0198 IAPG 0196 IAPG 0202 IAPG 0192 IAPG 0195 IAPG 0200 IAPG 0193 IAPG 0203 IAPG 0144 IAPG 0165 IAPG 0201 IAPG 0161 IAPG 0168 IAPG 0163 IAPG 0164 IAPG 0163 IAPG 0166 IAPG 0170 IAPG 0173 IAPG 0173 IAPG 0174 IAPG 0167











ferentiated into 12 lineages (Fig. 1c). Interestingly, all the isolates of the subpopulation of the pathogen were obtained from a single modern rice cultivar, Swarna, which was the predominant variety in farmers elds in this location. In general, traditional rice varieties were infected by a single predominant lineage of the pathogen during epidemics, whereas modern rice cultivars were infected by multiple lineages of the blast pathogen (Fig. 2). References
George MLC, Nelson RJ, Zeigler RS, Leung H. 1998. Rapid population analysis of Magnaporthe grisea with rep-PCR using endogenous repetitive DNA sequences. Phytopathology 88:223-229. Murray MG, Thompson WF. 1980. Rapid isolation of high molecular weight plant DNA. Nucleic Acids Res. 8:4321-4325. Scott RP, Zeigler RS, Nelson RJ. 1993. A procedure for miniscale preparation of Pyricularia grisea DNA. Int. Rice Res. Notes 18(1): 47-48.











This study is part of a collaborative project between IRRI and CRRI (ICAR) and is supported by grants from the Asian Development Bank (RETA 5510 and 5667) for the Asian Rice Biotechnology Network, the Rockefeller Foundation (2000 FS 088), and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.











Fig. 1. Dendrogram constructed with UPGMA on the basis of Pot2 repetitive element-based polymerase chain reaction ngerprint data of Pyricularia grisea for a collection of 29 isolates from two rice cultivars: Golabondi (isolates: IAPG 0101IAPG 0115) and Laghubhutia (isolates: IAPG 0116IAPG 0129) grown in Banki (a); 31 isolates from two rice cultivars: Latamohu (isolates: IAPG 0130IAPG 0145) and Dhala Heera (isolates: IAPG 0146IAPG 0160) grown in Dhenkanal (b); and 43 isolates from a single rice cultivar Swarna (isolates: IAPG 0161IAPG 0203) grown in Berhampur (c). Homology level of 60% is marked with broken lines vertically.

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Proportion of pathogen isolate (%) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Laghubhutia Banki Golabondi Latamohu Dhala Heera Swarna Berhampur Dhenkanal Lineage

Fig. 2. Occurrence of different blast pathogen lineages in three different blast epidemic outbreaks at Banki, Dhenkanal, and Berhampur in the state of Orissa. Isolates of Pyricularia grisea collected from farmers elds in epidemic regions for comparative study. Site District in Orissa Ecosystem Seasona Rice genotypes Leaf Banki Dhenkanal Berhampur Total

No. of isolates Tissue Neck 29 29 Total 29 31 43 103

Cuttack Dhenkanal Ganjam

Rainfed upland Rainfed upland Rainfed upland

1997 WS 2000 WS 2002 WS

Laghubhutia and Golabondi Latamohu and Dhala Heera Swarna

31 43 74

WS = wet season.

Record of a hyperparasitoid on Pseudogonatopus nudus Perkins (Dryinidae: Chrysidoidea) parasitizing Nilaparvata lugens (Stl) from Asia
S. Manickavasagam, A. Prabhu, and R. Kanagarajan, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, 608002 India E-mail:

Plant- and leafhoppers of rice are well-recognized noxious pests and severe populations have often caused serious rice yield losses. Many natural enemies are reported on these hoppers in rice. Among the parasitoids, mymarids and trichogrammatids

are the most common. The rest of the parasitoids, dryinids, pipunculids, strepsipterans, and vellids, are unstable but still contribute to the biological management of hoppers. In a routine attempt to collect dryinids, parasitized brown

planthopper (BPH) and green leafhopper (GLH) nymphs and adults showing the larval sac protrusion symptom were collected during the 2004 Kuruvai crop (July-Sep). They were transferred to potted plants under greenhouse conditions and reared till
June 2006

the matured dryinid larvae came out and pupated on the surface of the culm region. Surprisingly, from a few pupae of dryinids, instead of dryinid adults emerging, other parasitoids came out. Later, these parasitoids were identied as Cheiloneurus exitiosus (Perkins) [Echthrogonatopus nigricornis (Hayat) is a synonym] belonging to the family Encyrtidae. It is a larval-pupal parasitoid. This hyperparasitoid on dryinid (Pseudogonatopus nudus) Perkins, seems to be the rst record from Asia. This encyrtid hyperparasitoid was reared in the laboratory on 50% honey solution and its oviposition behavior and host preference were studied and photographed (Nikon Coolpix 5400 using macro-close-up option) on P. nudus (see gure). The mated female preferred to oviposit in later instars of P. nudus larva through the larval sac. One day after parasitization, the matured dryinid larva came out of the larval sac and pupated. From a single dryinid pupa, four encyrtid parasitoids emerged. The total life cycle took about 14 d, starting from egg laying

through the larval sac until adult emergence. The hyperparasitoid spent nearly 2 d in the larval stage of dryinid and the remaining period in the pupal stage. The adult took totally 1 min and 55 s from insertion of the ovipositor to withdrawal after egg laying. This process was repeated three times by the same adult in the same host but at different locations of the larval sac. The timings in the subsequent ovipositions were 1 min 10 s, 55 s, and 20 s, respectively. However, it is yet to be conrmed whether the encyrtid laid all four eggs during the rst insertion or laid one egg during each insertion at different locations of the larval sac. The male and female adult parasitoids survived for 10 and 14 d, respectively. The sex ratio observed was either 1:3 or 2:2. The type species of Echthrogonatopus, E. exitiosus Perkins, has been recorded from a dryinid (Gonatopus sp.) from Australia (Perkins 1906). In India, E. nigricornis (Hayat) was originally described by Hayat (1980) in the genus Metapterencyrtus, but in the same paper, Hayat (1980 : p.645) transferred this species

and parvus to Echthrogonatopus. However, no host was recorded until 2002. Behera et al (2002) have reported E. nigricornis as a hyperparasitoid of Goniozus sp. (Bethylidae: Hymenoptera) parasitizing rice leaffolder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guene) from India. Guerrieri and Viggiani (2004), in their review of the encyrtid parasitoids of Dryinidae, have reported the genera Cheiloneurus and Helegonatopus and 31 species as hyperparasitoids, and further synonymized Echthrogonatopus with Cheiloneurus, and E. nigricornis with exitiosus. This hyperparasitoid may be responsible for the reduced effectiveness of dryinids, thereby allowing the hopper population to are up and sporadically cause hopperburn. References
Behera KS, Rao VN, Mathur KC. 2002. Aspects of the reproductive biology of Goniozus sp. (Hym: Beth). a larval parasitoid of rice leaf folders. J. Appl. Zool. Res. 13(2/3):190-192. Guerrieri E, Viggiani G. 2004. A review of the encyrtid (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) parasitoids of Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) with description of a new species of Cheiloneurus. Syst. Biodiversity 2:305-317. Hayat M. 1980. On Paraclausenia gen. nov., Metapterencyrtus and Neocharitopus from India (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). J. Nat. Hist. 14:637-645. Perkins RCL. 1906. Leaf hoppers and their natural enemies (VIII). Bull. Hawiian Sugar Planters Assoc. Exp. Stn. (Entomol. Ser.) 1(8):256.

The authors thank Dr. Md. Hayat of Aligarh Muslim University, India, for identifying the hyperparasitoid and also for his critical comments on the manuscript. They are also grateful to Dr. Y. Yamada of Mie University, Japan, who shared technical information on dryinids.

Hyperparasitoid, Echthrogonatopus nigricornis (Hayat) parasitizing through the larval sac of Pseudogonatopus nudus Perkins on Nilaparvata lugens (Stl).

IRRN 31.1


Endo- and ectoparasites of the Philippine rice eld rat, Rattus tanezumi Temminck, on PhilRice farms
M.M. Antolin, R.C. Joshi, L.S. Sebastian, L.V. Marquez, and U.G. Duque, Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice), Maligaya, Science City of Muoz, Nueva Ecija 3119, E-mail:,,; C.J. Domingo, College of Veterinary Science and Medicine, Central Luzon State University (CLSU), Science City of Muoz, Nueva Ecija 3120, Philippines

The Philippine rice eld rat, Rattus tanezumi Temminck, is one of the principal pre- and postharvest pests of rice and other agricultural crops. This species usually thrives in lowland and upland rice elds but can also be found in or near places of human habitation. They damage agricultural crops and also serve as reservoir hosts for diseases of certain human and domestic animals caused by helminths, protozoans, and microbes. Many endoparasites infecting the different viscera of R. tanezumi belong to taxonomic groups Nematoda (roundworms), Cestoda (tapeworms), and Trematoda (ukes). The more important ones are those that are transmissible to humans. In contrast, there have been few reports on the ectoparasites that infest these rats. These are the mites, ticks, and eas, some of which may serve as vectors of microbial infections to humans and domestic animals. Rattus tanezumi is an alternative meat source for the rural folk. Rat meat is a favorite accompaniment to alcoholic beverages during drinking sprees. Unknowingly, some zoonotic infections can be transmitted to humans through improperly cooked rat meat and viscera, accidental wound contamination with rat urine, or rat bites during handling and precooking preparations. When rats frequent human abodes, they can contaminate objects such as clothing and dishes

with their ectoparasites. Though they have low host specificity, these arthropods can infect humans and domestic animals their bites may result in microbial infections or hypersensitive reactions. In this study, we identified, according to viscera, the endoparasites and ectoparasites affecting R. tanezumi and described their mode of transmission to humans. The monthly prevalence of infected R. tanezumi, by sex and endo- and ectoparasite species, was also determined. Rattus tanezumi collected from PhilRice rice elds, irrigation systems, and rat burrows were brought to the laboratory for identification. They were sorted according to sex, weight, and sexual maturity. The weight of male and female rats ranged from 80 to 150 g and from 100 to 150 g, respectively. The ectoparasites were collected immediately after killing the rat. Chloroform was used to kill the ectoparasites on the dead rats. The parasites were combined from the rat into a white, enameled pan. The rats internal organs were removed and dissected for microscopic examination of endoparasites. Parasite specimens were transferred into 1.5-mL microtubes containing 95% ethanol for storage and for permanent mounting after identication. The monthly prevalence of infected R. tanezumi was calculated.

Six species of endoparasites and three species of ectoparasites infected R. tanezumi on PhilRice farms (Table 1). (Voucher specimens, accession numbers 2006-30 to 37, are deposited in the Parasite Collection, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of the Philippines Los Baos, Philippines.) The endoparasites were found in the liver, lungs, pulmonary arteries, duodenum, and small intestines. The ectoparasites, on the other hand, were detected in the skin and, in a few cases, in the small intestines because of accidental ingestion. A majority of the parasites identied were zoonotic to humans. The mode of transmission varied between parasites. Nematode infections between rat sexes were similar, except for Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Table 2). In August, A. cantonensis emerged. The incidence of Nippostrongylus muris was observed to be higher throughout the study period. Rodentolepis spp. (=Hymenolepis spp.), Raillietina garrisoni, and Taenia taeniaeformis (=Strobilocercus fasciolaris) infections were much lower than other endoparasitic infections. Euparyphium spp. infections were higher than those of cestodes. The kind of food sources consumed at a particular time is probably related to infections of endoparasites. All R. tanezumi samples were infected with Liponyssus bacoti (=Ornithonyssus bacoti), but few animals had the
June 2006

two species of rat louse (Polyplax spp. and Hoplopleura spp.). A majority of the parasites observed in this study are zoonotic to human beings and infect do-

mestic animals. The best protection is to maintain environmental sanitation and to discriminate in the cooking and consumption of rat meat. Hand washing, good hy-

giene with food preparation, and insect management are equally important in preventing parasite transmission cycles.

Table 1. Endo- and ectoparasite(s) observed in the organs of R. tanezumi and their mode of transmission to humans, PhilRice, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, June-December 2005. Parasite identied Taenia taeniaeformis (=Strobilocercus fasciolaris) Rodentolepsis (=Hymenolepis spp.) (=Vampirolepis spp.) Raillietina garrisoni Angiostrongylus cantonensis Nippostrongylus muris Euparyphium spp. Liponyssus bacoti (=Ornithonyssus bacoti) Polyplax spp. Hoplopleura spp. Common name Tapeworm Tapeworm Organ of origin Liver Duodenum Zoonotic to humans ? Yes Mode of transmission to humans Ingestion of raw liver containing viable larvae Accidental ingestion of intermediate host beetles infected with parasite eggs (H. diminuta) or direct ingestion of parasite eggs from infected humans (H. nana) Accidental ingestion of intermediate hostbeetles infected with parasite eggs Ingestion of improperly cooked land snail/ golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) carrying the larvae of the parasite Ingestion of infected land snails containing cercariae Ingestion can transmit Pasteurella tularensis

Tapeworm Rat lungworm (nematode) Roundworm Fluke Tropical mite Rat louse Rat louse

Small intestines Lungs, pulmonary arteries Small intestines Small intestines Skin Skin Skin

Yes Yes

No Yes Yes No No

Table 2. Monthly prevalence (%) of infected R. tanezumi, by endo- and ectoparasitic preference, PhilRice, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, JuneDecember 2005. Endoparasitesa Sex Month A Male June (24) July (45) August (7) September (7) October (6) November (11)[3]d December (8)[4] June (23) July (43) August (9) September (11) October (14) November (9)[3] December (8)[4] November [6] December [5]
c b

Ectoparasites Trematoda E 8.3 2.2 14.3 28.6 0 0 0 26.1 7.0 11.1 45.5 21.4 0 0 F 29.2 68.9 57.1 71.4 33.3 54.6 87.5 60.9 67.4 44.4 81.8 71.4 88.9 100 Tropical mite 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Rat louse 0 25.0 33.3 0 83.3 40.0

Nematoda B 91.7 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 97.7 100 90.9 92.9 100 100 C 8.3 8.9 28.6 28.6 0 9.1 0 4.3 16.3 11.1 18.2 14.3 0 0

Cestoda D 4.2 0 14.3 14.3 0 0 0 0 2.3 0 9.1 14.3 0 0

0 0 14.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 22.2 27.3 7.1 22.2 0


Juvenile with hair

a A = Angiostrongylus cantonensis, B = Nippostrongylus muris, C = Hymenolepis spp., D = Raillietina garrisoni, E = Taenia taeniaeformis, F = Euparyphium spp. bThe sex bias of infection of A. cantonensis was for female rats. cTotal number of rats examined. dTotal number of rats examined for two species of ectoparasitic rat louse.

IRRN 31.1


Soil, nutrient, & water management

Effects of cultivating a rice crop under aerobic conditions with lm mulching on soil microbial activity
Cai Kunzheng and Luo Shiming, College of Agriculture, and Fang Xiang, College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, Peoples Republic of China

Cultivated rice is a heavy consumer of fresh water. Approximately 50% of the fresh water used in Asian agriculture goes to rice production. Traditional lowland rice with continuous ooding has relatively high water inputs and its sustainability is now being threatened with increasing water shortage. Water savings and producing more rice with less water are crucial to food security in China. Plastic lm mulching cultivation of dryland rice has been reported to use only 40% of the amount of water usually needed to grow rice in submerged conditions. Grain yields remained at 90% of those of high-yielding submerged systems (Peng et al 1999). A recent study of lm mulching on upland cultivated rice focused on the changes in plant morphology and yield, cultivation techniques, water-saving effects, and nutrient use (Liang et al 1999, Cheng et al 2003). The aim of this study was to examine the effects of lm mulching on soil microbial amount and enzyme activities. Rice cultivar Yue-Xiang-Zhan was used in the experiment conducted in the early and late season of 2002. It was laid out using a random complete block design with three replications in Guangzhou. Three treatments were used: T1 = rice cultivated under aerobic conditions; T2 = rice cultivated under aerobic conditions, covered by plastic lm; and T3 (check) = traditional rice

production. All 32-m2 plots were enclosed by dams 50 cm wide and 15 cm high to ensure independent hydrological conditions. Except for traditional rice production, for the T2 and T3 treatments, the eld was not irrigated only at transplanting time (1 wk after transplanting); the remaining growth stages completely depended on rainfall. For all treatments, N fertilizer (180 kg N ha1 as urea) was split into three doses: 40% as basal fertilizer, 30% topdressed at the beginning of tillering, and 30% at booting. P and K were given at 75 kg P ha1 and 150 kg K ha1 at the start of the experiment. Thirty-day-old seedlings were transplanted at 20 33.3-cm spacing at two seedlings hill1. Soil samples were collected at different times to measure soil microbial amount and activity. The amount of soil bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes and the activity of soil enzymes such as catalase, sucrase, and urease were determined using standard protocols (Xu and Zhang 1986). Compared with T3, film mulching (T2) and no mulching (T1) under aerobic conditions increased the amount of soil bacteria by 71.48% and 98.47% at tillering (Table 1). It was two or three times more at ripening stage, but the effect was adverse during heading. Soil fungi at tillering and ripening stages and soil actinomycetes at heading and ripening showed trends

similar to that of bacteria. The effects of lm mulching on soil sucrase, urease, and catalase activity are shown in Table 1. Film mulching (T2) increased soil catalase activity by 33.8% over that of the check at ripening stage. There was no signicant difference at tillering and heading stages. Sucrase activity reects carbon transformation and soil respiration. Compared with the control, lm mulching increased soil sucrase activity by 42.82%, 28.8%, and 69.9% at tillering, heading, and ripening stages, respectively. There was no difference in soil urease activity among the different treatments at tillering. But, at heading, T2 and T3 had increased soil urease activity by 57.58% and 63.64% over that of T1. Compared with the control, no mulching (T1) and lm mulching (T2) under aerobic conditions also increased soil urease activity by 16.16% and 6.06%, respectively, at the ripening stage. In conclusion, lm mulching under aerobic conditions could increase the amount of soil bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes and the activity of soil enzymes catalase, sucrase, and urease, especially at the ripening stage. This would enhance nutrient uptake of the root system. But, a reduction in soil nutrient content at the late growth stage, the result of an increase in nutrient uptake, is a problem to be considered (Liu et al 2003, Cheng et al 2003, Ai et al 2004).
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Effects of lm mulching on the amount of soil microorganisms and soil enzyme activity.a Treatmenta Tillering T1 T2 T3 Heading T1 T2 T3 Ripening T1 T2 T3 Bacteria (no. x 106) 5.221.09 a 4.511.10 a 2.630.29 b 2.780.65 c 4.910.47 b 6.850.26 a 11.81.67 a 12.51.98 a 4.50.95 b Fungi (no. x 104) 2.550.07 a 1.250.07 b 1.230.51 b 2.370.45 b 2.300.61 b 3.100.26 a 6.810.54 a 5.181.21 a 1.270.35 b Actinomycetes (no. x 104) 1.500.27 b 2.000.20 a 1.970.57 a 3.270.40 a 3.781.72 a 1.700.28 b 4.440.47 a 4.700.82 a 1.630.57 b Catalase (x 102 mL g1) 5.350.45 a 4.500.28 b 4.700.30 b 4.170.75 a 3.950.85 a 2.300.87 a 5.480.84 ab 6.250.48 a 4.670.21 b Sucrase (mg g1) 7.551.57 a 5.971.74 ab 4.180.21 b 7.991.32 a 6.530.44 ab 5.070.90 b 6.850.14 a 6.900.41 a 4.210.32 b Urease (mg g1) 1.030.07 a 0.950.15 a 1.090.18 a 0.660.11 b 1.040.17 a 1.080.11 a 1.150.11 a 1.050.27 a 0.990.22 b

a In a column, means followed by the same letter are not signicantly different at the 5% level by DMRT. bT1 = rice cultivated under aerobic conditions. T2 = rice cultivated under aerobic conditions, covered by plastic lm. T3 = traditional paddy production (check).

Ai YW, Liu XJ, Zhang FS. 2004. Utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer of rice (Oryza sativa L.) as inuenced by mulch and dryland farming. Acta Pedol. Sin. 41(1):152155. Cheng WD, Zhang GP, Yao HG. 2003. Nutrient accumulation and utilization in rice under lmmulched and ooded cultivation. J. Plant Nutr. 26(12):2489-2501. Liang YC, Hu F, Yang MC. 1999. Mechanisms of high yield and

irrigation water use efciency of rice in plastic lm mulched dryland. Sci. Agric. Sin. 32(1): 26-32. Liu XJ, Wang JC, Lu SH. 2003. Effects of non-ooding mulching cultivation on crop yield, nutrient uptake and nutrient balance in rice-wheat cropping systems. Field Crops Res. 83:297-311. Peng, S, Shen K, Wang X. 1999. A new rice cultivation technology: plastic lm mulching. Int. Rice Res. Notes 24(1):9-10.

Xu GH, Zheng HY, editors.1986. Manual of soil microorganism analysis methods. Beijing: Agricultural Press.

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (30100107), the Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (20000636), and the Education Ministry Doctoral Fund of China (2000065402).

The nature of humic substances under long-term manuring and fertilization in a rice-wheat system
D.K. Das and Nand Ram, Department of Soil Science, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar 263145, India E-mail:,

Humic substances (HS) are the most abundant organic constituents present in soil and aquatic environments. These substances result from a humication process that involves microbial and chemical transformation of organic debris. On the basis of varying solubility in acid and alkali media, the HS are divided into three fractions: (i) humic acid (HA)alkali soluble but acid insoluble, (ii) fulvic acid (FA)soluble in both alkali and acid, and (iii) humin
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insoluble in both alkali and acid. Information on the nature of HS synthesized in a xed cropping sequence is lacking. This study was conducted during the 28th year of a long-term fertilizer experiment established in 1971 with a rice-wheat-cowpea sequence on virgin land classied as Mollisol at Pantnagar (29 N, 79 3 E) in northern India. The initial soil characteristics were pH 7.3, EC of 0.35 dS m1, and 1.48% organic C (Nand Ram 1995).

The details of the selected long-term nutrient input treatments quadruplicated in a randomized block design in the permanent eld experiment are shown in Table 1. These nutrient inputs were regularly applied only to rice and wheat, while cowpea has been grown as a fodder crop without any nutrient input. In rice-wheat, annual rates of optimal N, P, and K addition were 240, 52, and 70 kg ha1, respectively. In NPK + FYM, farmyard

Table 1. Quantity of organic carbon, total N, and humic substances in soil under different long-term treatments. Treatment Details of treatment Soil pH Organic C (%) 1.36 0.47 0.81 1.54 0.008 Soil N (%) 0.126 0.107 0.145 0.157 0.010 Humic substances (g kg1 soil) HA Fallow Control NPK NPK+FYM CD (5%)

Table 2. Elemental ratios and E4/E6 of HA and FA under different long-term treatments. Treatment Elemental ratio C/H Fallow Control NPK NPK+FYM CD (5%) Fallow Control NPK NPK+FYM CD (5%) C/N O/H 7.78 10.37 8.36 6.35 0.697 11.31 14.32 10.71 9.26 0.286 8.34 7.74 8.20 8.55 0.148 10.57 9.51 10.21 10.90 0.283 Humic acid 10.42 13.02 12.75 14.57 11.41 11.93 10.29 11.82 0.744 2.203 Fulvic acid 9.20 12.92 10.26 13.92 9.64 11.12 8.88 10.32 0.940 1.414 E4/E6

FA 11.8 3.7

No crop, no use of fertilizers or manure Cropping without fertilizers or manure Cropping with optimal NPK fertilizers Cropping with optimal NPK and FYM NSa

7.6 7.7 7.7 7.6 0.04

3.4 1.8

2.5 7.7 3.5 17.6 0.057

NS = nonsignicant.

manure (FYM) was incorporated at 15 t ha1 y1 before wheat sowing, along with optimal NPK. Composite surface soil samples were collected at 015-cm depth to diagnose the nature of HA and FA synthesized under the different long-term treatments. Humic substances were extracted after initial decalcication of soil samples by repeated treatment with 0.1 N NaOH. These were then fractionated into HA and FA by acidifying the alkaline extract. HA was puried by redissoving in 0.1 N NaOH, followed by centrifuging, treatment with HF + HCl, dialyzing against distilled water, and nally drying. FA was puried by adsorbing on activated charcoal, washing with 1 N H2SO4 until free of Fe2+, eluting with 1 N NH4OH, and nally drying (Nand Ram and Raman 1984). The nature of HA and FA synthesized under different longterm treatments was evaluated in terms of elemental ratios and E4E6 ratio. In both HA and FA, the percentage of C, H, and N was determined using a CHN analyzer and O was computed by difference. E 4 /E 6 was estimated by dissolving 2.5 mg HA or 5 mg FA in 10 mL 0.5 N NaOH and measuring the absorbance of HS at 465 (E 4 ) and 665 nm wavelengths (E6) (Schnitzer and

Vendette 1975). The quantity of HA and FA isolated from the different treatments ranged from 1.8 to 3.5 and 3.7 to 17.6 g kg 1 soil, respectively (Table 1). In general, the FA fraction dominated about 25 times over HA, possibly due to biochemical transformations of open-chain compounds of plant residues into soil humus. Compared with fallow, the amounts of HA and FA in the control were reduced to about half and one-third, respectively, owing to the decay of organic matter by intensive cultivation (Skjemstad et al 1986). Even the use of optimal NPK fertilizers could not prevent the decline in HS. However, integrated nutrient management (NPK+FYM) not only restored the status of HA but also enhanced that of FA considerably (Sen et al 1994). The elemental ratios of C/H, C/N, and O/H (Table 2) ranged from 10.29 to 12.75, 11.82 to 14.57, and 6.35 to 10.37 in HA; and from 8.88 to 10.26, 10.32 to 13.92, and 9.26 to 14.32 in FA, respectively. The HA showed comparatively wider C/H and C/N but narrower O/H than FA isolated from the same treatment. This may be attributed to the stronger aromatization of HA in comparison with FA (Rautela and Nand Ram 2000).

As compared with fallow, the elemental ratios of the HS were larger in the control but smaller under the NPK+FYM treatment. The HS synthesized under the control appears to be highly mature due to the dominance of hydrophobic properties with low mobility. With continuous manuring and fertilizers in rice and wheat, the HS seemed to be younger and more labile, having hydrophilic properties under NPK+FYM (Olk et al 2000). Absorbance of HS measured at 465 (E4) and 665 nm (E6) varied from 0.719 to 0.968 and 0.084 to 0.125 for HA; and from 0.109 to 0.352 and 0.010 to 0.037 for FA, respectively, revealing that HA absorbed more light than FA owing to the large proportion of C in the nuclear matrix of the former. The higher absorbance at shorter wavelength is attributed to accelerated mobility of electrons over unsaturated structures conjugated with HS nuclei. The E 4 /E 6 is independent of the concentration of HS but varies with source of origin. It ranged from 7.74 to 8.85 and 9.51 to 10.90 for HA and FA, respectively (Table 2), indicating a more humied HA. As compared with fallow, the lower magnitude of E4/E6 in the control indicated
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more maturity of HS. Long-term manuring and fertilizer use in rice and wheat resulted in higher E4/E6 under NPK+FYM, inferring the presence of large proportions of aliphatic structures during the synthesis of HS. Consequently, HA and FA were least humied (Chen et al 1977). These results showed great resemblance with C/H and C/N, whose lower magnitude reected weak aromatization of HS. Continuous cropping of ricewheat without any nutrient input (control) results in decreased synthesis of HS, which could not be restored even by long-term use of optimal NPK fertilizers. The joint use of optimal NPK fertilizers and FYM not only maintained

the level of HA but also enhanced that of FA, being less humied and having poorer aromatization than those under fallow. References
Chen Y, Senesi N, Schnitzer M. 1977. Information provided on humic substances by E4/E6 ratios. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 41:352. Nand Ram. 1995. Long-term effects of fertilizers on crop production and soil properties in a Mollisol. Technical Research Bulletin 124. Directorate of Experiment Station, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India. Nand Ram, Raman KV. 1984. Stability constants of complexes of metals with humic and fulvic acids under non-acid conditions. Z. Panzenern. Bodenk. 147:171-176. Olk DC, Brunetti G, Senesi N. 2000. Decrease in humication of

organic matter with intensied lowland rice cropping. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:1337-1347. Rautela LMS, Nand Ram. 2000. Characterization of humic and fulvic acids isolated from organic farm wastes. Acta Agron. Ovar. 42:95-100. Schnitzer M, Vendette E. 1975. Chemistry of humic substances extracted from an Arctic soil. Can. J. Soil Sci. 55:93-104. Sen D, Chen EF, Xu XC, Zhang JH, Li HZ. 1994. Effect of organic manure application on physical properties and humus characteristics of paddy soil. Pedosphere 4(2):127135. Skjemstad JO, Dalal RC, Barron PF. 1986. Spectroscopic investigations of cultivation effects on organic matter of Vertisols. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50:354-359.

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Impact analysis of Technology Assessment and Renement through Institution-Village Linkage Program
K.D. Kokate and L.G. Pawar, AICRP on Weed Control, B.S. Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli 415712, Ratnagiri District, Maharashtra, India

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has developed a new approach, the Technology Assessment and Renement through Institution-Village Linkage Program (TAR-IVLP), that emphasizes the participatory approach in technology selection, testing, evaluation, renement, and adoption. The TAR-IVLP has been implemented in the village Hodawade of Vengurle tahsil in Sindhudurga District, Maharashtra, India, since 1996, providing an ideal platform through which appropriate technology is disseminated to stakeholders. Agricultural data (e.g., area under different crops) before the project (1995-96, period I) and after the 5-y implementation (200001, period II) were collected using participatory rural appraisal (PRA) and consultations with the land revenue ofce in the village (Table 1). During period I, the total area planted to different crops was 352.68 ha. Of this, 25.32% was occupied by local kharif-season rice varieties, followed by mango (21.60%), kharif high-yielding varieties (HYVs) (16.88%), coconut (10.25%), cashew nut (9.82%), rabi hot-weather rice (7.91%), rabi hotweather groundnut (5.53%), rabi ngermillet (1.16%), vegetables (0.86%), and kharif groundnut (0.67%). During period II, the area under cultivation increased by 103.14 ha because the area under each crop expanded, except for

rabi rice, which totally disappeared, and local rice varieties (kharif), under which 60.72% of the area was reduced with the simultaneous increase in area (201.24%) under HYVs in the same season. The area devoted to rabi rice was used to grow other seasonal, more remunerative crops with less water requirementse.g., rabi groundnut, vegetables, and ngermillet. Moreover, the available water was diverted to maintain the newly planted cashew nut, coconut, and mango orchards, which exhibited area expansion of 39.67%, 28.63%, and 28.08%, respectively.

Rice and fingermillet have traditionally been the favorite food crops among the local people. More of the newly introduced HYVs (R-24, Palghar 1, Sahyadri, R-3) were grown because of their higher productivity in response to balanced fertilizer use, suitability in different topographical situations, and grain type and taste that local consumers preferred. Similarly, fingermillet variety HR 374 and rabi groundnut became more popular because of their high productivity and the introduction of HYVs Konkan Gaurav and TG 26. The kharif groundnut varieties introduced

Table 1. Impact of IVLP on area under different crops and income of farm families.a Farmers growing this crop (no.) Crop grown Kharif rice Local varieties HYVs Rabi rice Ragi (nger millet) Kharif groundnut Rabi groundnut Mango Cashew nut Coconut Vegetables Total Period I 372 (74.85) 123 (24.75) 153 (30.78) 31 (6.24) 16 (3.22) 185 (37.22) 305 (61.37) 245 (49.30) 99 (19.92) 50 (10.06) 497 (100.00) Period II 156 (24.68) 473 (74.85) 56 (8.86) 68 (10.76) 45 (7.12) 428 (67.72) 379 (59.97) 142 (22.47) 128 (20.25) 632 (100.00) Difference (no.) -216 +350 +25 +52 140 +123 +134 +43 +78 135 Period I 89.29 (25.32) 59.52 (16.88) 27.90 (7.91) 4.10 (1.16) 2.35 (0.67) 19.51 (5.53) 76.20 (21.60) 34.62 (9.82) 36.15 (10.25) 3.04 (0.86) 352.68 (100.00) Area (ha) Period II 35.52 (7.79) 170.30 (39.34) b 8.60 (1.89) 5.45 (1.20) 27.25 (5.98) 97.60 (21.41) 48.25 (10.59) 46.50 (10.20) 7.35 (1.61) 455.82 (100.00) Difference (%) 60.22 201.24 +109.76 +131.91 +39.67 +28.08 +39.37 +28.63 +141.78 +29.24

a Numbers in parentheses are percentages of total. bProduction of rabi hot-weather groundnut and vegetables decreased in 1999-2000 (period II) as farmers failed to construct a temporary dam.

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were Konkan Guarav and Phule Pragati. The package of balanced fertilizer use, timely weed control, and intercropping motivated farmers to expand the area under groundnut. Mango (variety Alphonso) and coconut (variety West Coast tall) have traditionally been grown. Verication trials and onfarm trials on the use of growth inducers and insecticides encouraged farmers to cultivate mango. The use of manure and balanced fertilization for both mango and coconut increased yield and enabled many farmers to grow these in additional areas. The area under cashew nut increased because of the introduction of varieties such as Vengurle 4 and Vengurle 7, which have bold nut size. The high yield potential of these varieties was observed in the large-scale coppice grafting program established for local cashew trees. As in IVLP activities, the increase in area under horticultural crops was brought about by giving farmers access to facilities under an employment guarantee scheme. Noteworthy is the number of farmers taking agriculture as a professionit increased from 497 to 632. Many of them showed interest in cultivating HYVs of rice, mango, cashew nut, and veg-

58, and 45, respectively. The corresponding increase in income was Rs 25,000, Rs 25,000, and Rs 8,000 from period I to period II (Table 3). Thus, because of the IVLP activities in Hodawade, there was a signicant increase in the area under difTable 2. Increase in productivity of different crops ve years after ferent crops, inception of IVLP implementation. indicating an Crop Period I Period II Districta average increased level Rice (t ha1) 2.30 4.52 1.91 of adoption. Mango (t ha1) 1.59 4.05 2.00 Similarly, crop Cashew (t ha1) 0.82 0.99 0.91 1 productivCoconut (nuts palm ) 45,600 96,280 47,000 1 Vegetablelady nger (t ha ) 6.00 7.30 ity improved, leading to faNon-IVLP area. vorable changcrops such as mango, cashew nut, es in the socioeconomic status of coconut, and ladys nger was the villagers. This is gleaned from 155%, 20.5%, 11%, and 21.67%, the change in asset position of the respectively. Compared with farmers and the increase in their the whole Sindhudurga District, annual income. which is a non-IVLP area, the increase in productivity of rice, in number mango, cashew nut, and coco- Table 3. Change income. of farm families and their annual nut in Hodawade was 136.6%, Period I Period II Difference 102.5%, 8.8%, and 104.85%, re(no.) spectively, signifying the impact Group Number of farm families of TAR-IVLP. Also, between the Annual income (Rs) two periods, the number of pump Higher income 12 44 +32 sets in the village increased by 125,000 150,000 +25,000 20.83%, drinking water wells by Medium income 180 238 +58 30,000 55,000 +25,000 54%, cows by 417%, buffaloes Lower income 305 350 +45 by 816%, and poultry by 141%. 10,000 18,000 +8,000 The increase in number of farm Landless 34 34 0 6,000 9,000 +3,000 families in the higher, medium, and lower income group was 32, etables such as chili, particularly the local variety that gets a price premium for its color and taste. Rice productivity increased from 2.30 t ha1 (period I) to 4.52 t ha1 (period II), an increase of 96.5% (Table 2). This increase with respect to the important

A preliminary forecast of the intensication of global and regional rice production

Wenjun Zhang and Yanhong Qi, Research Institute of Entomology, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275, Peoples Republic of China E-mail:

Rice is the staple food that feeds nearly half of the world population (Way and Heong 1994). In the past 3 decades, the steadily increasing rice production has
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reduced the food shortage in Asia and the world (IRRI 2003). However, the increased use of land and pesticides aggravates the deterioration of environmental quality

and human health (Altieri 1994, Heong and Escalada 1998, Tilman et al 2001). A perspective on future rice production is essential for estimating the biological and

environmental impacts caused by intensive rice production and for taking appropriate measures to avoid these side effects without threatening overall food security. In this paper, seven variables related to intensive rice production were tted with data in the past 3 decades and a forecast for the years 2005-25 was made. The historical data for this forecasting exercise were downloaded from World rice statistics ( Seven variables representing rice production, and biological and environmental impactse.g., rough rice area (1961-2002), rough rice production (1961-2002), rough rice yield (1961-2002), rice insecticide sales

(1980-96), rice fungicide sales (1980-96), rice herbicide sales (1980-96), and rice pesticide sales (1980-96)were included for the world, Asia, South America, North and Central America, Africa, Europe, and Oceania (IRRI 2003). Missing data were reasonably interpolated or extrapolated by linear interpolation and linear trend at point (SPSS for Windows 11.0.0, 2001). The temporal trend of each variable was a linear function of time. We thus use univariate linear regression (SPSS for Windows 11.0.0, 2001) to t and forecast global and regional trends for each of the variables (see table). The adjusted R2 of the regression was tested with levels of signicance P. The forecast-

ing involved estimates of rice production trajectories of the past 3 decades. These trajectories included impacts of past technological developments, changes in consumer choices, and policy factors. Like other agricultural forecasts, ours assume similar technological, environmental, and behavioral changes in the future (Tilman et al 2001). Each variable, except for rough rice area of South America, was a linear and strong function of time (see table). With an estimated growth rate of 748,240 ha y1, the global rough rice area would have an increase of 17.47% by 2025 compared with 2002. Asia ranks rst in the growth rate of land use (589,630 ha y1) and to-

Univariate linear regressions and forecasts for years 2005 and 2025, based on trends observed in the past 3 decades and their time dependence. World Annual growth rate Adjusted R2 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Annual growth rate Adjusted R2 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Annual growth rate Adjusted R2 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 748.24 0.853** 157,883 161,624 165,366 169,107 172,848 9790.95 0.989** 649,279 698,234 747,189 796,144 845,099 0.055 0.984** 4.22 4.49 4.77 5.04 5.32 Insecticide 47.29 0.801** 1,818 2,054 2,291 2,527 2,764 Asia 589.63 0.857** 140,312 143,260 146,208 149,157 152,105 8926.58 0.987** 593,278 637,911 682,544 727,177 771,809 0.057 0.983** 4.26 4.55 4.83 5.12 5.41 Fungicide 41.43 0.944** 1,346 1,553 1,761 1,968 2,175 South America 17.71 0.020 6,417 6,505 6,594 6,682 6,771 314.59 0.910** 21,001 22,574 24,147 25,719 27,293 0.051 0.805** 3.58 3.84 4.09 4.35 4.59 Herbicide 59.57 0.949** 1,895 2,193 2,491 2,789 3,086 North & Central America 15.68 0.527** 2,081 2,159 2,237 2,316 2,394 188.24 0.902** 12,332 13,273 14,214 15,155 16,097 0.072 0.964** 6.21 6.57 6.93 7.28 7.64 Pesticide 163.52 0.949** 5,306 6,124 6,942 7,759 8,577 Africa 119.8 0.964** 8,064 8,663 9,262 9,861 10,459 307.31 0.915** 17,419 18,956 20,492 22,029 23,566 0.014 0.662** 2.26 2.33 2.4 2.47 2.54 Europe 7.22 0.685** 606 642 678 714 750 44.96 0.824** 3,215 3,440 3,664 3,889 4,115 0.022 0.310** 5.49 5.59 5.7 5.81 5.92 Oceania 3.36 0.853** 178 195 211 228 245 31.07 0.908** 1,401 1,557 1,712 1,868 2,023 0.091 0.690** 8.52 8.97 9.43 9.88 10.34

Forecasts of rough rice area (000 ha)

Forecasts of rough rice production (000 t)

Forecasts of rough rice yield (t ha1)

Forecasts of rough rice pesticide sales ($ million)


Annual growth rate Adjusted R2 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

Levels of signicance: ** = P < 0.0001; * = P < 0.01.


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tal area, whereas South America and Africa rank second and third, respectively (see table). Of the six regions, Oceania has the smallest growth rate of land use and total area. If past patterns continue, global rough rice production would increase with an annual rate of 9,790,950 t, largely driven by Asias growth rate (8,926,580 t y1) and prevailing production. South America and Africa would share similar annual growth rates and production expectations in rough rice production (see table), while Oceania would hold the least annual growth rate and proportion of rough rice production. With values of 9.88 t ha1 and 0.091 t ha1 y1, Oceania has the largest yield expectation and annual growth rate in the six regions, followed by North and Central America. With its predominant proportion in rice production, Asia would yield a similar production forecast in 2025 (5.41 t ha1) and annual growth rate (0.057 t ha1 y1) with the world (5.32 t ha1 and 0.055 t ha1 y1, respectively). Global annual pesticide sales would continually increase at the annual growth rate of $163.52 million (see table). The global increase in annual herbicide sales ($59.57

million y1) is the fastest compared with sales of insecticide ($47.29 million y1) and fungicide ($41.43 million). By 2025, global rice pesticide sales would reach $8,577 million. If past patterns continue, area, production, yield, and pesticides of rough rice for the world, Asia, America, Europe, Africa, and Oceania would increase at constant annual growth rates. Asia is the rice production center in the world and this continent would determine the future trend of global rice production. South America and Africa would remain second and third in production, yield, and annual growth rate of rough rice. Oceania would continue to hold the highest yield in the next 20 years. The global need for rice herbicide was larger than that for insecticide and fungicide and this trend would remain in the future. Habitat destruction and pesticide use in rice production cause environmental degradation or affect human health (Altieri 1994, Heong and Escalada 1998, Tilman et al 2001). Advances in rice science and technology and sound policy decisions are needed to avoid these outcomes. With advances in technology and in societies, however, these

patterns could change and future intensication of rice production could deviate from what is predicted. Further forecasts may be conducted with more dependent and independent variables taken into consideration. Acknowledgment
This research was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, through Grant No. 30170184, and the Foundation of Scientic Research for Personnel from Abroad through the Ministry of Education of China 2000.

Altieri MA. 1994. Biodiversity and pest management in agroecosystems. New York: Haworth Press. 185 p. Heong KL, Escalada M. 1998. Pest management of rice farmers in Asia. Manila (Philippines): International Rice Research Institute. 245 p. IRRI (International Rice Research Institute). 2003. World rice statistics. Manila (Philippines): IRRI. Tilman D, Fargione J, Wolff B. 2001. Forecasting agriculturally driven global environmental change. Science: 292:281-284. Way MJ, Heong KL. 1994. The role of biodiversity in the dynamics and management of insect pests of tropical irrigated ricea review. Bull. Entomol. Res. 84:567-587.

Farmer participatory learning on integrated crop management of lowland rice in Mali

F.E. Nwilene, Africa Rice Center (WARDA), PMB 5320, Ibadan, Nigeria; M.A. Togola and O. Youm, Africa Rice Center (WARDA), 01 BP 2031, Cotonou, Benin Republic; A. Hamadoun, Institute of Rural Economy/Centre Regional de Recherche Agronomique, Sikasso, Mali E-mail:

The African rice gall midge (AfRGM) Orseolia oryzivora Harris and Gagn and rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) are principal biotic constraints to the sustainable intensication of rainfed
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and irrigated lowland rice, posing the most serious challenge to human endeavors in West Africa (Nwilene et al 2002). Considerable progress has been made to control both stresses through

integrated pest management (IPM) components. But, there has been no focus on farmers needs, knowledge, and capacity for learning ways of managing pest and disease problems under

locally observed conditions (Defoer et al 2004). Often, farmers are handicapped because they lack a basic understanding of pest and disease symptoms, ecology, natural enemies, development patterns of crops and pests, appropriate control measures, soil condition and its effect on the crop, and the effect of weather conditions on pest populations and disease incidence. They do not understand pest resurgence and the reasons for not using insecticides indiscriminately. There is a growing realization that future agricultural growth hinges on smallholder farmers, who must be knowledgeable and exposed to a learning process that involves continuous observation and feedback from the local environment and that enhances decision-making capacity. This paper reports efforts made to train lowland rice farmers on crop management practices and IPM options to enable them to carry out their own experiments on their own farms. Studies were carried out in two rice-cropping systems of Malithe rainfed lowland rice system in Sikasso and the irrigated rice system in Niono. Fifty farmers (31 men and 19 women) participated in the learning and training activities (30 farmers from three villages in Sikasso and 20 farmers from two villages in Niono). A number of criteria were used to select the farmer participants: residence in one of the selected villages, experience in rice cultivation, gender (number of active males and females), availability to participate in training sessions, and possession of an easily accessible eld. A training manual, prepared in the local language (Bambara), was given to participating farmers. A questionnaire was developed to elicit

information on production constraints and farmers perceptions, local knowledge, and practices. Before the training exercise, all constraints listed by the farmers were summarized and elucidated on, giving technical explanations and practical advice for a better understanding of each problem. Some key indicators to assess farmers performance were used before and after the training as well as to compare trained (participating) with untrained (nonparticipating) farmers. The following constraints were identied in Sikasso: low soil fertility, high price of mineral fertilizers, iron toxicity, late weeding, low rice yields, noncompliance with cultural calendar, pest problems (stem borers, AfRGM, termites), disease problems (RYMV, neck blast), unavailability of good seed, lack of seed conservation methods, and lack of local names for improved varieties, leading to confusion in their use and dissemination. In Niono, the constraints identied were low soil fertility, high price of mineral fertilizers, users inadequate knowledge of chemical pesticide effects, no proper seed conservation method, problems on water management, lack of agricultural equipment, not following the cultural calendar, iron toxicity, and problems of pests (caseworms, AfRGM, stem borers) and diseases (RYMV). Before the training, a majority of the farmers in Sikasso did not follow the cultural calendar (synchronous planting, crop rotation) and did not know any improved rice varieties and techniques (plowing, seedbed preparation, planting). After the training, a great number of farmers began using improved varieties, plantbased pesticides, mineral fertilizers, and improved techniques.

A striking observation at Sikasso was the greater participation of national agricultural research and extension systems and extension agents; they were seen interacting more frequently with farmers. In Niono, the scenario was different. Many farmers already had regular contact with extension agents before and after the training. They knew improved rice varieties and had applied improved techniques and mineral fertilizers even before the training. The training only added to what they knew. However, the training afforded them the opportunity to appreciate the value of following a cultural calendar, using chemical pesticides judiciously, rotating nursery places, using organic fertilizers in addition to mineral ones, and using plant-based pesticides. For the rst time in both locations, farmers started putting down observations in their own eld books (Fig. 1). The crop yields of the trained farmers were higher than those of the untrained ones (Fig. 2). Rice yield increased by 2.0 t ha1 (36% increase) in the irrigated system and by 1.3 t ha1 in the rainfed lowland (93% increase). In the latter system, pest and disease problems decreased from 80% and 75%, respectively, before the training, to 16.6% and 36.6% after the training. In the irrigated system, these problems decreased from 60% and 80% before the training to 10% and 20% after. In conclusion, these studies showed that farmers pest management practices in Sikasso and Niono had undergone signicant changes. Farmers have become so knowledgeable that they can now challenge agrochemical salesmen to prove the harmlessness of their products to target and nontarget organisms. It was suggested that
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Sikasso NARES collaboration Having a field note book Having serious disease problems Having serious pest problems Following the cultural calendar Using improved varieties Applying improved techniques Knowing improved techniques Using natural pesticide Using chemical pesticide Rotating nursery place Using organic fertilizer Using mineral fertilizer 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40


After training Before training





Participating farmers (%) Fig. 1. Indicators to assess farmers knowledge before and after training, Sikasso and Niono, Mali, 2004 wet season.

Main yield (t ha1) 8 Participating farmers 7 Nonparticipating farmers 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


this training has the potential to complement the extension delivery systems in Mali and therefore should be scaled up to cover larger groups of farmers. References


Fig. 2. Mean yields of participating and nonparticipating farmers, Sikasso and Niono, Mali, 2004 wet season.

Nwilene FE, Williams CT, Ukwungwu MN, Dakouo D, Nacro S, Hamadoun A, Kamara SI, Okhidievbie O, Abamu FJ, Adam A. 2002. Reactions of differential rice genotypes to African rice gall

midge in West Africa. Int. J. Pest Manage. 48(3):195-201. Defoer T, Wopereis MCS, Idinoba P, Kadisha TKL, Diack S, Gaye M. 2004. Curriculum for participatory learning and action research (PLAR) for integrated rice management in inland valleys of Sub-Saharan Africa: facilitators manual. ADRAO, Bouak, Cte dIvoire and IFDC, Muscle Shoals, USA.

TAR-IVLP: an effective institutional mechanism for assessing the appropriateness of rice varieties
P. George Joseph, K.P. Santhosh Kumar, M. Anantharaman, and S. Ramanathan, Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Rice is cultivated under different types of production systems by farmers living in varied socioeconomic and agroecological
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conditions. Farmers participation in technology assessment is essential in generating technologies suitable to their needs. The Tech-

nology Assessment and Renement through Institution-Village Linkage Program (TAR-IVLP), promoted by the Indian Council

of Agricultural Research (ICAR), adopts a holistic approach with the village as an operational unit. The use of farmers participatory research was the main component in the technology assessment. The CTCRI under ICAR implemented the TAR-IVLP in Chenkal village in Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala State, southern India. Here, rice is cultivated as a transplanted crop under canal-irrigated conditions. Average productivity in this lowland production system is 1.9 t ha1; the district average is 2.2 t ha1. Conway et al (1987) revealed that not using highyielding varieties suited to local farming conditions contributed to the low productivity of this ricebased production system. Initially, farmers cultivated local varieties such as Thulunadan, Kochuvithu, and Thavalakkannan in addition to improved variety H4 (Anantharaman et al 2001). These varieties were preferred because of their high straw yield and good cooking quality. To identify suitable high-yielding rice varieties, farmer participatory on-farm trials were conducted during kharif (Jun-Sep) and rabi (Oct-Jan) seasons. Invited to participate were 200 farmers from the village. The IVLP aimed to compare the performance of more than 20 high-yielding rice varietiesKanchana, Matta Triveni, Bhagya, Gowri and Harsha (short duration), Sabari, Kanakom, ASD16, IR64, Athira, Aiswarya, Uma, Remya, Karishma and Bhadra (medium duration), Ponmani, Dhanya, Karuna, Sagara, Makaram and Kumbham (long duration)with those of local varieties. All agronomic practices were followed under farmers management.

The farmers rejected the short- and long-duration varieties, owing to the low straw yield of the former and the susceptibility to lodging and late maturity of the latter. The farmers preferred the medium-duration varieties because of their high grain yield (>4 t ha1) and high straw yield (>5 t ha1). Of the 20 odd varieties tested, farmers preferred Uma, Athira, Aiswarya, and Remya. The matrix ranking conducted with 50 farmers showed Uma and Athira to be the most preferred because they had high grain yield (5 t ha1), high straw yield (up to 6 t ha1), tolerance for pests and diseases, good cooking quality, high volume of cooked rice, threshability, good grain and straw quality, and high marketability. There was an increase in net returns of 2530% (see table). The performance evaluation of these high-yielding varieties revealed their suitability for cultivation in both seasons and qualities comparable with those of local types. Currently, these high-yielding varieties occupy a considerable area in the village 52% under Uma, 25% under Athira, 4% each under Aiswarya and Remya, and the rest (15%) under local varieties (see gure). Through a farmer-to-farmer seed-exchange program, these

Local (15%) Aiswarya (4%) Remya (4%)

Uma (52%)

Athira (25%)

Varietal coverage of rice under IVLP.

varieties have saturated the entire rice-growing area in the village in both seasons, gradually replacing the traditional varieties in the neighboring villages. In helping identify appropriate rice varieties in the adopted village, the TAR-IVLP has established itself as a model technology evaluation mechanism. References
Anantharaman M, Ramanathan S, Potty VP, Sheela MN, Suja G. 2001. Institution Village Linkage Programmeagroecosystem analysis. Thiruvananthapuram: Central Tuber Crops Research Institute. Conway G, McCracken R, Jennifer A, Pretty JN. 1987. Training notes for agroecosystem analysis and rapid rural appraisal. International Institute for Environment and Development.

Matrix rankinga of rice varieties based on preferred characters. Character Grain yield (>4 t ha ) Straw yield (>5 t ha1) Pest and disease tolerance Good cooking quality Threshability Quality of grain Quality of straw Marketability Net returns


Thulunadan 2 3 1 3 2 4 4 4 3

Uma 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5

Athira 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 4

Aiswarya 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5

Remya 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4

1 2 1 3 2 2 3 3 1

1 = least/minimum, 5 = maximum/highest/most/best.


June 2006


Rice yellow mottle virus disease, a new disease of rice in Zamfara, Nigeria
M.D. Alegbejo, B.A. Raji, I.U. Abubakar, and O.O. Banwo, Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR), Ahmadu Bello University, PMB 1044, Zaria, Nigeria

Following a report to IAR of a disease outbreak in Zamfara, an important rice-growing state in northwestern Nigeria, an extensive survey was carried out to assess the situation. The disease symptoms observed were stunting, reduced tillering, mottling, yellowing, empty seeds, poor panicle development, distorted spikelets, and sterility. On the basis of these observations, it appeared that the plants were infected with rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV). Samples were collected and analyzed by ELISA with the antibody for the virus. The absorbance values for virus-free samples were, in most cases, similar to those of the extraction buffer control, indicating a clear background. The average ELISA readings (absorbance value) from the diseased samples were within the 1.891.95 range, while those of

the healthy and infected controls were 0.24 and 1.96, respectively. The pathogen was therefore identied as RYMV. The total area surveyed was about 80 ha. The varieties planted, under lowland conditions, were ex-China and ITA150. The elds were badly affected, showing a scale of damage not previously seen in Nigeria. Farmers could not harvest any rice; others had to abandon their elds. The same incidents were reported in some wards in Tanzania (Luzi-Kihupi et al 2000), a country where isolates are highly diverse (Banwo et al 2004). Visual observations indicated the presence of Trichispa sericea and Conocephalus longipennis, which are known vectors of RYMV. Recent surveys showed that the disease has spread to other states such as Kaduna, Katsina, and Sokoto (all in northwestern Nigeria). Even within these states, the disease has become increasingly important. Rice yellow mottle disease was not known to occur in this part of the country. Insect pests and iron toxicity are the major biophysical constraints observed in other parts of the country. RYMV disease was rst no-

ticed in 1966 in Kenya. It is now known to occur in most countries of eastern, western, southern, and Central Africa where rice is grown. Very recently, the first report of its occurrence in Europe was made (Kkl and Yilmaz 2004). Early infection of susceptible varieties can cause death of plants and yield loss estimates can range from 20% to 100% in several countries. In view of the increasing incidence and importance of RYMV in African rice production, additional work is needed in Nigeria, which is one of the main rice producers in Africa. References
Banwo OO, Winter S, Koerbler M, Abdallah RS, Makundi RH. 2004. Molecular variability and distribution of rice yellow mottle virus isolates in Tanzania. Acta Virol. J. 48:69-71. Kkl G, Yilmaz O. 2004. Research on rice ragged stunt and rice yellow mottle viruses on rice grown in Edirne, Turkey. Cereal Res. Commun. 32(3):387-395. Luzi-Kihupi A, Mlozi MRS, Mabagala RB, Mushobozy DMK, MsollaNchimbi S. 2000. Occurrence of rice yellow mottle virus in Tanzania. Tanzania J. Agric. 3(2):87-96.

International Rice Research Notes

IRRN 31.1

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R.S. Zeigler D.J. Mackill G.L.S. Capilit

Designation of IRRI breeding lines

IRRI has decided to change the system for designation of its elite lines and xed breeding lines. The new policies were outlined in a DG memo on 26 January 2006. The following are new policies regarding the designation of IRRI germplasm. Designation of IRRI crosses
1. All IRRI-developed breeding materials should have an IR designation used as an ofcial name. This applies to improved breeding lines, genetic stocks, mapping populations, and transgenic materials. All these materials should be entered into the IRIS database and have a GID number assigned. 2. All crosses made at IRRI should have an IR cross number designation assigned by the database administrator of PBGB. The hybridization unit of PBGB can assist any researcher with making crosses and numbering them. 3. Segregating generations resulting from IRRI crosses should be numbered by generation using the SetGen module of IRIS. Plant numbers are followed by a dash with the rst number being the F2 plant (F3 row) (e.g., IR88888-21-2-2-2 is an F6 line harvested from an F5 plant). If a segregating line is planted in a place other than IRRI (e.g. Shuttle Breeding Program, nurseries in other sites), the resulting derivative should have a 3-letter code for the site and a space before the plant number (e.g IR88888-21-2-UBN 2-2) to indicate that the F5 generation was grown in Ubon, Thailand. Also, to avoid duplication, this letter will differentiate segregating generations planted in different locations (for example, IRRI farm and Ajuy, Iloilo). Generations after the location code are selected from that location unless another code is encountered. Letter codes that designate breeding methods other than plant selection are as follows: -B for bulk, -R for rapid generation advance or single seed descent, and -AC for anther culture. 4. Mapping populations will receive an IR cross designation from the database administrator of PBGB. Fixed lines from a mapping population can be assigned a shorter designation using the IR cross number followed by the plant number and MP (e.g. IR72746-1 MP, -2 MP, etc.)

Designation of IRRI xed lines

1. Fixed lines are those that have reached uniformity and are harvested in bulk from an advanced generation row (or are the F1 cross of two xed lines, in the case of hybrid rice). These lines are usually entered into observational or yield trials. Fixed lines receive a shortened IR designation with the following format: IRYYX### where YY is the year the line was bulk-harvested for advanced evaluation X is a letter designation representing the source breeding program (see Table 1) ### is a serial number assigned by the developer, usually beginning with 101 Example: IR05U121 is an upland line (no. 121) bulk-harvested in 2005
June 2006

Table 1. Letters assigned to each breeding program/ecosystem. Letter N, A, M Ecosystem Irrigated rice N= NPT A= Indica favorable lowland M= Micronutrients Rainfed lowland and aerobic rice Salinity Upland KSMP and GUVA Wide hybridization Hybrid Anaerobic/submergence JIRCAS-IRRI collaboration GML Africa


2. For hybrid rice, the letter codes will continue to be placed after the line designation: H for the hybrid, R for the restorer lines, A for the CMS line, B for the maintainer line, and S for a TGMS or PGMS parent. Examples: IR06H101 is a xed breeding line developed in the hybrid breeding program. IR06H105H is an F1 hybrid. IR06N232A is an A line derived from the irrigated breeding program (N). The corresponding B line would be IR06N232B. IR06H203S is a TGMS line. 3. The database administrator of PBGB will coordinate the designation of xed lines to avoid any duplication.

Designation of IRRI elite lines

1. IRRI elite lines are those that combine multiple superior characteristics such as high yield, good eating quality, and resistance to insects, diseases, or abiotic stresses. IRRI-developed germplasm released as cultivars by national programs or germplasm that performed well in at least 2 years of multilocation yield trials can be designated as IRRI elite lines. The initial set of elite lines includes the varieties released in national programs. The IRRI elite lines will be given a three-digit number that follows the name IRRI, beginning with IRRI 101 (see Table 2). 2. Future decisions on naming IRRI elite lines will be made by the Standing Committee on Naming Elite Germplasm. The committee will follow a twotrack system for naming elite lines. Those lines released as cultivars in the Philippines or another country will be named upon submission of a summary of the performance in the national testing program. Those not released by a national program will be considered on an annual basis upon submission of appropriate data (at least 2 years of multilocation trials and supporting screening data). 3. IRRI scientists using xed or elite lines from the IRRI breeding program should use the new names as the primary designation for these lines and can use other popular names as an additional descriptor when needed. For example: IRRI 105 (PSBRc 18); IRRI 132 (Apo), etc. 4. For distribution of seed from IRRI, scientists should use the IRRI name in preference to any local names. However, national programs are allowed and encouraged to rename IRRI lines in a manner compatible with their own naming system, as long as the source of the material is acknowledged. 5. For IRRI scientists conducting eld experiments using a variety released in that country, the country name can be used as the rst designation, with the IRRI name following in parentheses, for eld signs or reports.

IRRN 31.1


Table 2. IRRI elite lines. Elite name IR5 IR8 IR20 IR22 IR24 IR26 IR28 IR29 IR30 IR32 IR34 IR36 IR38 IR40 IR42 IR43 IR44 IR45 IR46 IR48 IR50 IR52 IR54 IR56 IR58 IR60 IR62 IR64 IR65 IR66 IR68 IR70 IR72 IR74 IRRI 101 IRRI 102 IRRI 103 IRRI 104 IRRI 105 IRRI 106 IRRI 107 IRRI 108 IRRI 109 IRRI 110 IRRI 111 IRRI 112 IRRI 113 IRRI 114 IRRI 115 IRRI 116 IRRI 117 IRRI 118 IRRI 119 IRRI 120 IRRI 121 IRRI 122 IRRI 123 IRRI 124 IRRI 125 IRRI 126 IRRI 127 IRRI 128 IRRI 129 IRRI 130 IRRI 131 IRRI 132 IRRI 133 IRRI 134 IRRI 135 IRRI 136 IRRI 137 IRRI 138 IRRI 139 IRRI 140 IRRI 141 IRRI 142 Designation IR5-47 IR8-288 IR532-E576 IR579-160-2 IR661-1-140 IR1541-102 IR2061-214-3-8 IR2061-464-4-14 IR2153-159-1 IR2070-747-6-3 IR2061-213-2 IR2071-625-1 IR2070-423-2-5 IR2070-414-3 IR2071-586-5-6 IR1529-430-3 IR2863-38-1 IR2035-242 IR2058-78-1-3 IR4570-83-3-3 IR9224-117-2-3-3 IR5853-118 IR5853-162-1-2 IR13429-109-2-2 IR9752-71-3 IR13429-299-2-1 IR13525-43-2-3-1-3 IR18348-36-3 IR21015-196-3-1 IR32307-107-3-2 IR28224-3-2-3 IR28228-12-3-1-1 IR35366-90-3-2-1 IR32453-20-3-2 IR10147-113-5-1-1-5 IR32809-26-3-3 IR41985-111-3-2-2 IR50404-57-2-2-3 IR51672-62-2-1-1-2-3 IR57301-195-3-3 IR64616 H IR56381-139-2-2 IR58099-41-2-3 IR59469-B-B-3-2 IR25976-12-2-2-2-1-1 IR9884-54-3-1 IR51500-AC 11-1 IR47686-30-3-2 IR59682-132-1-1-2 IR60819-34-2-1 IR41431-68-1-2-3 IR59552-21-3-2-2 IR57515-PMI 8-1-1-SRN 1-1 IR60267-11-2-2-1 IR68284 H IR62141-114-3-2-2-2 IR64683-87-2-2-3-3 IR65185-3B-8-3-2 IR65195-3B-13-2-3 IR52713-2B-8-2B-1-2 IR69726-29-1-2-2-2 IR61920-3B-22-2-1 IR9202-25-1-3 IR61336-4B-14-3-2 IR61608-3B-20-2-2-1-1 IR55423-1 IR54068-B-60-1-3-3 IR73885-1-4-3-2-1-6 IR71606-1-1-4-2-3-1-2 IR72102-4-159-1-3-3-3 IR75207 H IR75217 H IR68144-2B-2-2-3 IR68305-18-1-1 IR61979-138-1-3-2-3 IR68333-R-R-B-22 Cross PETA/TANGKAI ROTAN PETA/DEE GEO WOO GEN IR262-24-3/TKM 6 IR8/TADUKAN IR8/IR 127-2-2 IR24/TKM 6 IR833-6-2-1-1//IR 1561-149-1/IR 1737 IR833-6-2-1-1//IR 1561-149-1/IR 1737 IR24/TKM 6//IR 20*4/O NIVARA IR20*2/O NIVARA//CR 94-13 IR833-6-2-1-1//IR 1561-149-1/IR 1737 IR1561-228-1-2/IR 1737//CR 94-13 IR20*2/O NIVARA//CR 94-13 IR20*2/O NIVARA//CR 94-13 IR1561-228-1-2/IR 1737//CR 94-13 IR305-3-17-1-3/IR 24 IR1529-680-3/CR 94-13//IR 480-5-9-3 IR1416-128-5/IR 1364-37-3-1//IR 1824-1 IR1416-131-5/IR 1364-37-3-1//IR 1366-120-3-1/IR 1539-111 IR1702-74-3-2/IR 1721-11-6-8-3-2//IR 2055-481-2 IR2153-14-1-6-2/IR 28//IR 36 NAM SA GUI 19/IR 2071-88//IR 2061-214-3-6-20 NAM SA GUI 19/IR 2071-88//IR 2061-214-3-6-20 IR4432-53-33/PTB 33//IR 36 IR28/KWANG CHANG AI//IR 36 IR4432-53-33/PTB 33//IR 36 ARIKARAI///IR 24/TKM 6//IR 20*4/O NIVARA/4/IR 1561-228-1-2/IR 1737//CR 94-13 IR5657-33-2-1/IR 2061-465-1-5-5 BATATAIS/IR 36//IR 52 IR13240-108-2-2-3/IR 9129-209-2-2-2-1 IR19660-73-4/IR 2415-90-4-3-2//IR 54 IR19660-73-4/IR 54//IR 9828-36-3 IR19661-9-2-3-3/IR 15795-199-3-3//IR 9129-209-2-2-2-1 IR19661-131-1-2/IR 15795-199-3-3 KN-1B-361-1-8-6/IR 1750-F5 B-3//BPI 76*9/DAWN IR4215-301-2-2-6/BG 90-2//IR 19661-131-1-2 IR4547-4-1-2/IR 1905-81-3-1//IR 25621-94-3-2 IR33021-39-2-2/IR 32429-47-3-2-2 IR24594-204-1-3-2-6-2/IR 28222-9-2-2-2-2 IR35293-125-3-2-3/IR 32429-47-3-2-2//IR 41985-111-3-2-2 IR62829 A/IR 29723-143-3-2-1R IR28239-94-2-3-6-2/IR 64 IR72/IR 24632-34-2 IR9202-5-2-2-2//KN-1B-361-1-8-6/IR 15889-32-1 JUMALI/IR 9129-159-3//KN-1B-361-1-8-6-9 NONA BOKRA/IR 2070-414-3-9-6//IR 34 IR5657-33-2/IR 4630-22-2-5-1-3 IRAT 104/PALAWAN IR48613-54-3-3-1/IR 28239-94-2-3-6-2 IR72/IR 48525-100-1-2 IR8234-OT-9-2/IR 19661-131-1-2 PSBRC 2/IR 39292-142-3-2-3 IR43581-57-3-3-6/IR 26940-20-3-3-3-1//KHAO DAWK MALI 105 RD 15/IR 43485-22-2-2-2//IR 68 IR58025 A/IR 34686-179-1-2-1 R IR50401-77-2-1-3/IR 42068-22-3-3-1-3 IR47761-27-1-3-6/PSB RC 28 CSR 10/TCCP 266-B-B-B-10-3-1 IR10198-66-2/TCCP 266-B-B-B-10-3-1 IR64//IR 4630-22-2-5-1-3/IR 9764-45-2-2 IR52256-84-2-3/IR 72//IR 1561-228-3*2/UTRI MERAH IR32429-47-3-2/WAGWAG IR2053-521-1-1-1/K 116//KN-1B-361-1-8-6-9-1 IR44535-22-3-3-3/IR 8866-30-3-1-4-2 IR32429-47-3-2-2//DOBONGBYEO/MOROBEREKAN UPL RI 5/IR 12979-24-1 (BROWN) DHULA/IR 28878-R-R-27-3-1//IR 31802-48-2-2-2 IR64*2/O RUFIPOGON (IRGC 105908) IR1561*3/HABIGANJ DW 8//5*IR 64 IR1561*2/O BARTHII//4*IR 64 IR68888 A/IR 62161-184-3-1-3-2 R IR68897 A/IR 60819-34-2 R IR72/ZAWA BONDAY BALIMAU PUTIH/4*IR 64 IR44625-139-2-2-3/IR 32822-94-3-3-2-2 JINMIBYEO/CHEOLWEON 46 Released name (Philippines)

PSBRc 1 PSBRc 2 PSBRc 4 PSBRc 10 PSBRc 18 PSBRc 20 PSBRc 26 H PSBRc 28 PSBRc 30 PSBRc 44 PSBRc 46 PSBRc 48 PSBRc 50 PSBRc 5 PSBRc 52 PSBRc 54 PSBRc 60 PSBRc 64 PSBRc 68 PSBRc 70 PSBRc 72 H PSBRc 80 PSBRc 82 PSBRc 84 PSBRc 86 PSBRc 88 MATATAG 2 NSIC Rc 106 PSBRc 92 PSBRc 94 PSBRc 96 NSIC Rc 9 PSBRc 102 MATATAG 9 NSIC Rc 110 NSIC Rc 112 NSIC Rc 114 H NSIC Rc 116 H MS 13 NSIC Rc 118 NSIC Rc 122 MS 11


June 2006

Published quarterly, Outlook on Agriculture addresses an international and interdisciplinary readership. Each issue includes refereed papers, opinion pieces and commentary on recent scientific, political and economic developments. Special attention is paid to: food policy and strategic developments in food production; the role of agriculture in social and economic development; agriculture and human health; and environmental impacts and strategies.

Subscribing institutions include universities, government departments, international organizations, consultancies, and scientific and technical departments in major industrial companies. Submissions: The editor welcomes submissions to Outlook on Agriculture. Notes for authors are available on the IP Website ( Articles should be double-spaced, printed on one side of the paper and sent in triplicate, with a disk specifying the software used. Papers are refereed before publication. Please send submissions to: Dr David Lister, c/o IP Publishing Ltd, Coleridge House, 45 Coleridge Gardens, London NW6 3QH, UK. Dr Lister may also be contacted directly at or on tel/fax +44 193 484 4163. To subscribe or to request a free sample copy, contact: IP Publishing Ltd, Turpin Distribution Ltd, Stratton Business Park, Pegasus Drive, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire SG18 8TQ, UK. Tel: +44 1767 604957. Fax: +44 1767 601640. E-mail: Subscription prices for the 2006 volume (four issues): USA $367.00; Euro Zone !360.00; Rest of World 238.00.

INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRIBUTORS IRRN welcomes three types of submitted manuscripts: research notes, mini reviews, and notes from the eld. All manuscripts must have international or pan-national relevance to rice science or production, be written in English, and be an original work of the author(s), and must not have been previously published elsewhere. By submitting the manuscript, the author automatically assigns the copyright of the article to IRRI. Research notes Research notes submitted to IR R N should report on work conducted during the immediate past 3 yr or work in progress advance rice knowledge use appropriate research design and data collection methodology report pertinent, adequate data apply appropriate statistical analysis, and reach supportable conclusions. Routine research. Reports of screening trials of varieties, fertilizer, cropping methods, and other routine observations using standard methodologies to establish local recommendations are not ordinarily accepted. Preliminary research ndings. To reach well-supported conclusions, eld trials should be repeated across more than one season, in multiple seasons, or in more than one location as appropriate. Preliminary research ndings from a single season or location may be accepted for publication in IRRN if the ndings are of exceptional interest. Preliminary data published in IRRN may later be published as part of a more extensive study in another peer-reviewed publication, if the original IRRN article is cited. However, a note submitted to IRRN should not consist solely of data that have been extracted from a larger publication that has already been or will soon be published elsewhere. Multiple submissions. Normally, only one report for a single experiment will be accepted. Two or more items about the same work submitted at the same time will be returned for merging. Submitting at different times multiple notes from the same experiment is highly inappropriate. Detection will result in the rejection of all submissions on that research. Manuscript preparation. Arrange the note as a brief statement of research objectives, a short description of project design, and a succinct discussion of results. Relate results to the objectives. Do not include abstracts. Up to ve references may be cited. A list of 3-5 key words should 44 be supplied. Restrain acknowledgments. Limit each note to no more than two pages of double-spaced type-written text (approximately 500 words). Each note may include up to two tables and/or gures (graphs, illustrations, or photos). Refer to all tables and gures in the text. Group tables and gures at the end of the note, each on a separate page. Tables and gures must have clear titles that adequately explain contents. Apply these rules, as appropriate, to all research notes: mention, followed by the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. Use the abbreviation thereafter. Dene any nonstandard abbreviation or symbol used in tables or gures in a footnote, caption, or legend. Mini reviews Mini reviews should address topics of current interest to a broad selection of rice researchers, and highlight new developments that are shaping current work in the eld. Authors should contact the appropriate editorial board member before submitting a mini review to verify that the subject is appropriate and that no similar reviews are already in preparation. (A list of the editors and their areas of responsibility appears on the inside front cover of each IRRN issue.) Because only 1-2 mini reviews can be published per issue, IRRN will require high quality standards for manuscripts accepted for publication. The reviews should be 2000-3000 words long, including references. Refer to the guidelines for research notes for other aspects of writing and content. Notes from the eld Notes from the eld should address important new observations or trends in ricegrowing areas, such as pest outbreaks or new pest introductions, or the adoption or spread of new crop management practices. These observations, while not the result of experiments, must be carefully described and documented. Notes should be approximately 250 words in length. Refer to the guidelines for research notes for other aspects of writing and content. Review of manuscripts The IRRN managing editor will send an acknowledgment card or an email message when a note is received. An IRRI scientist, selected by the editorial board, reviews each note. Depending on the reviewers report, a note will be accepted for publication, rejected, or returned to the author(s) for revision. Submission of manuscripts Submit the original manuscript and a duplicate, each with a clear copy of all tables and gures, to IRRN. Retain a copy of the note and of all tables and gures. Send manuscripts, correspondence, and comments or suggestions about IRRN by mail or email to
The IRRN Managing Editor IRRI, DAPO Box 7777 Metro Manila, Philippines Fax: +63 (2) 580-5699; 891-1174 E-mail:

Methodology Include an internationally known check or control treatment in all experiments. Report grain yield at 14% moisture content. Quantify survey data, such as in fection percentage, degree of severity, and sampling base. When evaluating susceptibility, resistance, and tolerance, report the actual quantication of damage due to stress, which was used to assess level or incidence. Specify the measurements used. Provide the genetic background for new varieties or breeding lines. Specify the rice production sys tems as irrigated, rainfed lowland, upland, and ood-prone (deepwater and tidal wetlands). Indicate the type of rice culture (transplanted, wet seeded, dryseeded). Terminology If local terms for seasons are used, dene them by characteristic weather (dry season, wet season, monsoon) and by months. Use standard, internationally recognized terms to describe rice plant parts, growth stages, and management practices. Do not use local names. Provide scientic names for diseases, insects, weeds, and crop plants. Do not use local names alone. Do not use local monetary units. Express all economic data in terms of the US$, and include the exchange rate used. Use generic names, not trade names, for all chemicals. Use the International System of Units for all measurements. For example, express yield data in metric tons per hectare (t ha-1) for eld studies. Do not use local units of measure. When using acronyms or abbreviations, write the name in full on rst

June 2006

IRRN 31.1



June 2006

Join the harvest

Call for entries IRRN Best Article Awards
o celebrate its 30th year, the International Rice Research Notes (IRRN) is now accepting entries for the 2006 IRRN Best Article Award. The Best Article Award reaps the contributions of rice researchers from national agricultural research and extension systems (NARES) in developing countries toward the advancement and exchange of rice-related knowledge and technology. There will be six winning papers from the six sections of IRRN: plant breeding (includes papers on molecular biology and biotechnology); genetic resources; pest science and management; soil, nutrient, and water management/environment; crop management and physiology; and socioeconomics/agricultural engineering.

Mechanics of the Best Article Award:

Competition is open to all NARES rice researchers. Research must have been conducted in a developing country. Manuscripts that have been accepted from 1 August 2005 to 30 June 2006 will be evaluated for the award. Authors who are requested to revise their manuscripts must send the nal version within three weeks after the receipt of the reviewers comments. The deadline for submission of articles is on 30 June 2006. Winners will be chosen by the IRRN Editorial Board and invited reviewers. The winning entries will be selected on the basis of scientic content, originality, relevance, and organization. The Award will be given to the rst author of each paper. Additional authors may come from any organization. Each winner will receive a plaque and a US$500 cash prize. The awarding ceremony will be held during the International Rice Research Conference in India in October 2006. The winning entries will be announced in the October 2006 of Rice Today and the winning articles will be published in the December 2006 issue of IRRN.

For details, contact the IRRN Managing Editor, IRRI, DAPO Box 7777 Metro Manila, Philippines Fax: +63 (2) 580-5699; 891-1174 E-mail:

he International Rice Research Notes (IRRN) is published by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to help scientists keep one another informed of current rice research ndings. The concise scientic notes are meant to encourage rice scientists to communicate with one another to obtain details on the research reported. Hundreds of research notes, reviews and notes from the eld related to rice science and production have appeared in IRRN. Published twice each year, it serves as the medium of communication exchange among scientists and keeps them abreast with developments in rice technology and rice-based cropping systems.

To learn more about IRRI, visit our Web site (www. IRRN is also available online (www.irri. org/irrn). How to contribute a manuscript. IRRN welcomes three types of submitted manuscripts: research notes, mini reviews, and notes from the eld. All manuscripts must have international or pan-national relevance to rice science or production, be written in English, and be an original work of the author(s), and must not have been previously published elsewhere. Send manuscripts, correspondence, and comments or suggestions about IRRN by mail or email to

How to subscribe to IRRN. Individuals who work in the eld of rice research are qualied to receive FREE subscriptions. To subscribe and receive Vol. 31.1/2006 by August 2006, please ll in the enclosed order form and send to us by e-mail (irripub@cgiar. org), fax (+632-5805699, +632-8911292) or post (DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines)] by May 31. Invite a colleague to the IRRN Community. Would a fellow researcher or scientist be interested in contributing or subscribing to IRRN? Please send us his or her contact information by May 31, 2006, and we will be happy to send your referral a complimentary copy.

IRRN 30.1


Science, technology, and trade for peace and prosperity

International Rice Congress 2006

Bringing together the international rice community to address emerging issues for the worlds most important crop
9-13 October 26th International Rice Research Conference Innovations for efciency enhancement 10-11 October 2nd International Rice Commerce Conference Product diversication, value addition, and business promotion 10-13 October 2nd International Rice Technology and Cultural Exhibition Rice culture in agriculture 9-10 October 2nd International Ministerial Round Table Meeting Fostering partnerships in rice research, development, and trade
International Rice Congress 2006 is jointly organized by the Government of India (Ministry of Agriculture, Food Technology, and Cooperation through the Department of Agricultural Research and Education and Indian Council of Agricultural Research [ICAR]) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI).

For more information: E-mail: Pramod K. Aggarwal Organizing Secretary of the IRC 2006 Fax: 91-11-2584-1866 Jagdish K. Ladha IRRI-India ofce Fax: 91-11-2584-1801 Duncan Macintosh International Rice Research Institute Fax: 63-2-845-0606 E-mail:

The premier international event for the food that feeds almost half the planet

DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines

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