Apuntes Trabajo
Apuntes Trabajo
Apuntes Trabajo
Teaching principles in Berlitz
Goal oriented: Goal oriented instruction based on the students’
needs and interests. Each lesson will help the student function in
real life situations that he or she experiences.
Speaking and listening: Learning through speaking and listening
supported by Reading and writing. Every lesson focuses on helping
students communicate confidently and correctly.
Student participation: We try to ensure that the clients will be
speaking as much as possible during the lessons – with a
minimum of 50% of the lesson time and aiming for 90% during
certain phases of the lesson.
Target language: Customers are to be immersed in the language
they are learning during their lessons. This matches the situations
they experience when they need to communicate in English.
Grammar: We see grammar as a means of communication – not
spending precious class time explaining theory and rules but
helping the students to actively use and understand grammar
while they communicate.
Motivation is one of the most powerful influences of whether the student
is successful at learning the target language.
Some of the factors that may influence student’s learning while in the
program are:
Instrumental motivation: When people learn language as a means
to an end. It’s the most common type of motivation. For example,
if a meeting ends up being embarrassing because of your lack of
domination of the target language and you feel you need to
improve your skills in it. It has the most effect at the start and
when someone is signing up on a course. When classes start, the
successes and environment the students experience in them will
be very important when keeping their motivation up.
Adults dislike make mistakes, but mistakes are an important part
of the process. That’s why it’s important to create a good,
supportive environment for them. Instrumental motivation does
not just mean learning to get a promotion or a job, it can also has
personal causes, like helping the kids with their homework.
Adults always want to know why they are learning something, why
the activity is relevant to them.
Intrinsic motivation: It’s basically the enjoyment of learning for its
own sake; like when an interesting or fun activity makes the
student actively want to participate in it. It is the better kind of
motivation. A sense of success is one of the greatest motivators,
so it’s important to create that in every lesson.
External factors will influence how the students feel about the
lessons. We cannot change these factors, but we can take into
account that they exist.
In group lessons, we aim to create a supportive, kind, fun
environment instead of a competitive one; only when the dynamic
is right, we encourage competition, since it can also be motivating
and enjoyable. Motivation will fluctuate during a long course, so
it’s important to provide milestones.
Learning strengths
Multiple intelligences:
This is a concept that’s very important in Berlitz’ approach on the
classes. The multiple type of intelligences that exist are: