Study Guide Ns Suitefoundation Exam
Study Guide Ns Suitefoundation Exam
Study Guide Ns Suitefoundation Exam
General information about SuiteFoundation Exam: ..................................................................................... 4
Description of a Qualified Candidate: ........................................................................................................... 4
Maintaining Your Certification:..................................................................................................................... 4
Recommended Training and Background:.................................................................................................... 4
Subject Areas and Objectives Covered by the Exam: ................................................................................... 5
Study Suggestions ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Setup and Administration (1) ........................................................................................................................ 6
Identify the general functionality that can be controlled under Enable Features. .............................. 6
Identify the constraints and benefits with renaming records/transactions. ........................................ 6
Identification of features requiring NetSuite Support intervention. .................................................... 6
Identify the general functionality of classifications/subsidiaries on both transactions and reporting.7
Define the uses of these SuiteBuilder elements: Custom Forms, Custom Fields, Custom Record
Types (Intro), Subtabs. .......................................................................................................................... 7
Probe high level knowledge of tools and enable features. .................................................................. 7
NetSuite User Interface (2) ........................................................................................................................... 7
Identify the different navigation options within NetSuite.................................................................... 7
Identify options for optimizing browser experience and NetSuite system performance. ................... 7
Identify user-level preferences which modify the UI experience. ........................................................ 8
Identify differences in the Shortcut dashboard portlet over the Shortcut menu icon......................... 8
Identify tools for organizing daily activities, communicating, and sharing documents. ...................... 8
Standard NS process flows (3) ...................................................................................................................... 8
Identify how to set up Sales Force Automation.................................................................................... 8
Identify elements in progressing through the sales cycle. ................................................................... 8
Identify fields and settings which affect quota and forecast reporting................................................ 8
Identify how to set up and use Case Management. ............................................................................. 8
Identify how to set up and use marketing campaigns and SuitePromotions. ...................................... 9
Identify how Sales Order form impacts downstream transactions and future GL impact. .................. 9
Identify impact of controls on steps in order fulfillment. ..................................................................... 9
Identify supported payment methods. ................................................................................................. 9
Identify how Return Authorization form impacts downstream transactions and future GL impact. .. 9
Identify impact of controls on steps in Return Management and issuing refunds. ............................. 9
Identify Item Types and best uses. ....................................................................................................... 9
Identify the impact of inventory transactions on inventory levels. .................................................... 10
Identify the functionality of advanced inventory features and potential impacts of enabling them. 10
Define sales pricing strategy options. ................................................................................................. 10
Identify how billable items, time, and expenses flow to Invoice........................................................ 10
Identify setup of approval and routing options for purchasing. ......................................................... 10
Identify controls and steps in Accounts Payable transactions processes and their GL impacts. ....... 10
SuiteAnalytics (4) ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Identify options for finding records. ................................................................................................... 11
Define elements of building a saved search. ...................................................................................... 11
Understand uses of different types of Portlets. ................................................................................. 11
Define the use of the following data management tools: Inline Editing, Mass Updates, csv imports,
csv export, duplicate detection, Delete All Data. ............................................................................... 11
Maintenance, Resources, and Data Security (5) ........................................................................................ 11
Identify best practices in working with NetSuite Support. ................................................................. 11
Identify the resources to use to locate information on help, functionality, SuiteApp, enhancements,
or "Best Practices", user discussion. ................................................................................................... 12
Identify resources to learn about NetSuite Release Cycles and New Features. ................................. 12
Select options for controlling access to data when creating custom roles. ....................................... 12
Identify strategies in creating custom roles........................................................................................ 12
Define user authentication functionality. ........................................................................................... 12
Identify steps to set up security questions. ........................................................................................ 12
Identify features controlled from Settings Portlet. ............................................................................ 13
Identify ways of tracking changes to records in NetSuite. ................................................................. 13
Passing this exam confirms that you have the foundational knowledge necessary to navigate around the
NetSuite system and understand core NetSuite functionality. The credential awarded for passing this
exam is SuiteFoundation Certified.
The candidate can work with the NetSuite product and has a basic understanding of the following
concepts and features covered in the ERP: Fundamentals and NetSuite: Administrator Fundamentals
For details about retake policy and ongoing requirements to maintain your certification or examination
status, see the NS Certification Policy available on the NS Certification webpage.
Subject Objective
Identify the general functionality that can be controlled under Enable Features.
Identify the constraints and benefits with renaming records/transactions.
Identification of NetSuite features requiring NetSuite Support Intervention.
Setup and
Identify the general functionality of classifications/subsidiaries on both transactions and
Define the uses of these SuiteBuilder elements: Custom Forms, Custom Fields, Custom Record
Types (Intro), Subtabs.
Probe high level knowledge of tools and enable features.
Identify the different navigation options within NetSuite.
Identify options for optimizing browser experience and NetSuite system performance.
NetSuite User
Identify user-level preferences which modify the UI experience.
Interface (2)
Identify differences in the Shortcut dashboard portlet over the Shortcut menu icon.
Identify tools for organizing daily activities, communicating, and sharing documents.
Identify how to set up Sales Force Automation.
Identify elements in progressing through the sales cycle.
Identify fields and settings which affect quota and forecast reporting.
Identify how to set up and use Case Management.
Identify how to set up and use Marketing Campaigns and SuitePromotions.
Identify how Sales Order form impacts downstream transactions and future GL impact.
Identify impact of controls on steps in order fulfillment.
Identify supported payment methods.
Standard NS Identify how Return Authorization form impacts downstream transactions and future GL
process flows impact.
(3) Identify impact of controls on steps in Return Management and issuing refunds.
Identify Item Types and best uses.
Identify the impact of inventory transactions on inventory levels.
Identify the functionality of advanced inventory features and potential impacts of enabling
Define sales pricing strategy options.
Identify how billable items, time, and expenses flow to Invoice.
Identify setup of approval and routing options for purchasing.
Identify controls and steps in Accounts Payable transactions processes and their GL impacts.
Study Suggestions
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam
Courses addressing this topic: ERP Fundamentals: Module: Overview of Account Configuration and
Processes, SuiteFoundation Exam Preparation
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam
Define the uses of these SuiteBuilder elements: Custom Forms, Custom Fields, Custom Record
Types (Intro), Subtabs.
How to Study: Review steps to create Custom Forms, Custom Fields, Custom Record Types (Intro),
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite: Administrator Fundamentals, NetSuite
Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam Preparation
Courses addressing this topic: ERP Fundamentals, Administrator Fundamentals, SuiteFoundation Exam
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite: Administrator Fundamentals, NetSuite
Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam Preparation
Identify options for optimizing browser experience and NetSuite system performance.
How to Study: SuiteAnswers Topics: Identifying Performance Issues; Improving Server Performance;
Improving Client Performance; Using a Trace Route to Troubleshoot Performance Issues; Adjusting
Browser Settings
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite: Administrator Fundamentals, NetSuite
Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam Preparation
Identify differences in the Shortcut dashboard portlet over the Shortcut menu icon.
How to study: Search SuiteAnswers Keyword: Shortcuts Portlet, Portlet Types Table. Review differences
between Shortcuts menu icon and Shortcuts dashboard portlet. Review Shortcuts dashboard portlet.
Review different types of portlets and their possibilities.
Courses addressing this topic: SuiteAnswers: Portlet Types Table; Shortcuts Portlet
Identify tools for organizing daily activities, communicating, and sharing documents.
How to Study: Know these features: Events, Tasks, Email, File Cabinet. Review options under Home > Set
Preferences > Activities. SuiteAnswers Topics: Sending Email from NetSuite (and linked topics); Sending
Email from Records
Identify fields and settings which affect quota and forecast reporting.
How to Study: Recognize fields on the Quote/Estimate record. Know what settings under Sales
Preferences affect Forecasts. Understand how Quotas are set and assigned, and how Forecasts can be
edited or overwritten.
LCS Pass Course addressing this topic: Call to Resolution (Case Management)
Courses addressing this topic: Marketing Automation Workshop, NetSuite Certification: SuiteFoundation
Exam Preparation
Identify how Sales Order form impacts downstream transactions and future GL impact.
How to Study: SuiteAnswers Topics: Entering a Sales Order; Creating Invoices or Cash Sales from Sales
Orders; The Standard Sales Order Form; Understanding Sales Transaction G/L Impact
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam
Identify how Return Authorization form impacts downstream transactions and future GL
How to study: Search SuiteAnswers keywords: Return Authorization (RMA) Forms
Group, Kit/Package, Assembly, Matrix Item, Serialized, Lot-Numbered NOT ON EXAM: Lot numbered;
Units of Measure; Manufacturing
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam
Identify the functionality of advanced inventory features and potential impacts of enabling
How to Study: This only goes as far as Units of Measure, Multi-Location Inventory, Bins, Assemblies, Kits,
Packages. NOT ON EXAM: Demand Planning or Manufacturing.
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam
Identify controls and steps in Accounts Payable transactions processes and their GL impacts.
How to Study: Understand how "Advanced Receiving" feature changes the Accounts Payable workflow.
Understand which transactions impact accounting. Identify impact of changing price on Vendor Bill, after
Items have been received. NOT ON EXAM: Blanket PO, 3-way match feature
Courses addressing this topic ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam
SuiteAnalytics (4)
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, SuiteAnalytics: Financial Reports & Searches
Courses addressing this topic: SuiteAnalytics: Reports & Searches, SuiteAnalytics: Financial Reports &
Courses addressing this topic: ERP Fundamentals, SuiteAnalytics Series - Essential KPIs and Dashboard
Metrics (All Releases)
Define the use of the following data management tools: Inline Editing, Mass Updates, csv
imports, csv export, duplicate detection, Delete All Data.
How to Study: Research each of these keywords in SuiteAnswers
Identify resources to learn about NetSuite Release Cycles and New Features.
How to Study: SuiteAnswers Topics: Release Preview Notifications; More New Release Resources;
Preparing for Testing
Courses addressing this topic: ERP: Fundamentals, NetSuite: Administrator Fundamentals, NetSuite
Certification: SuiteFoundation Exam Preparation
Select options for controlling access to data when creating custom roles.
How to Study: SuiteAnswers keywords: data access by role, Restrict CSV import and export permissions,
and Delete All Data. SuiteAnswers topic: Best Practices for NetSuite Administrators (Intermediate) -
SuiteWorld 2012
Courses addressing this topic: ERP Fundamentals, Administrator Fundamentals, SuiteFoundation Exam