IEEE STD 317-1983
IEEE STD 317-1983
IEEE STD 317-1983
Nuclear Power Engineering Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society
Corrected Edition
© Copyright 1983 by
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.
IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards
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have expressed an interest in participating in the development of the standard.
Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other
ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE
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brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every
IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least once every Þve years for revision or reafÞrmation. When a document is
more than Þve years old, and has not been reafÞrmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of
some value, do not wholly reßect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have
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Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership afÞliation
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Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to
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IEEE and the members of its technical committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests
except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration.
(This Foreword is not a part of IEEE Std 317-1983, IEEE Standard for Electric Penetration Assemblies in Containment Structures
for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.)
This standard presents criteria to facilitate the determination of the features of design, construction, test, qualiÞcation
and installation relative to the electric penetration assemblies of primary containments of the nuclear facilities that
comply with the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Code of Federal Regulations (10CFR50).
Adherence to these criteria alone may not sufÞce for ensuring the health and safety of the public because it is the
integrated performance of the structures, the ßuid systems, the instrumentation, and the electric systems of the stations
that establishes the consequences of accidents. Each applicant has the responsibility to assure himseft and others that
this integrated performance is adequate.
The IEEE will maintain this standard current with the state of the technology. Comments on this standard and
suggestions for the additional material that should be included are invited.
This standard was prepared by a Working Group of Subcommittee 1, General Plant Criteria, of the Nuclear Power
Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society. At the time this standard was approved the members
of the working group were as follows:
W. S. Rautio, Chair
R.F. Karlicek, Vice Chair
T. R. Vardaro, Secretary
At the time the IEEE Nuclear Power Engineering Committee approved this standard, it had the following membership:
R. E. Allen, Chair
B. M. Rice, Vice Chair
J. T. Bauer, Vice Chair
C. M. Chiappetta, Secretary
When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on September 23, 1982, it had the following membership:
*Member emeritus
1. Scope ...................................................................................................................................................................1
2. Definitions...........................................................................................................................................................1
3. References ...........................................................................................................................................................2
6. Qualification........................................................................................................................................................9
7. Production Tests................................................................................................................................................16
10. Requirements for Purchaser's Specification.....................................................................................................20
IEEE Standard for Electric Penetration
Assemblies in Containment Structures
for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
1. Scope
This standard prescribes the requirements for the design, construction, qualiÞcation, test, and installation of electric
penetration assemblies in nuclear containment structures for stationary nuclear power generating stations. The
requirements for external circuits which connect to penetration assemblies are beyond the scope of this standard. This
standard does not include requirements for operation, maintenance, or periodic testing after installation.
2. Definitions
analysis: A process of mathematical or other logical reasoning that leads from stated premises to the conclusion
concerning the qualiÞcation of an assembly or components.
design basis events (DBE): Postulated events used in the design to establish the acceptable performance requirements
of the structures, systems, and components.
design service conditions: The service conditions used as the basis for ratings and for the design qualiÞcation of
electric penetration assemblies.
design tests: Tests performed to verify that an electric penetration assembly meets design requirements.
double aperture seal: Two single aperture seals in series.
double electric conductor seal: Two single electric conductor seals in series.
electric penetration assembly: An assembly of insulated electric conductors, conductor seals, module seals (if any),
and aperture seals that provides the passage of the electric conductors through a single aperture in the nuclear
containment structure, while providing a pressure barrier between the inside and the outside of the containment
structure. The electric penetration assembly includes terminal (junction) boxes, terminal blocks, connectors and cable
supports, and splices which are designed and furnished as an integral part of the assembly.
environmental conditions: Physical service conditions external to the electric penetration assembly such as ambient
temperature, pressure, radiation, humidity, vibration, chemical or demineralized water spray and submergence
expected as a result of normal operating requirements, and postulated conditions appropriate for the design basis
events applicable to the electric penetration assembly.
generic design: A family of equipment units having similar materials, manufacturing processes, limiting stresses,
design, and operating principles, that can be represented for qualiÞcation purposes by a representative unit(s).
installed life: The interval of time from installation to permanent removal from service, during which the electric
penetration assembly is expected to perform its required function(s).
NOTE Ñ Components of the assembly may require periodic replacement; thus, the installed life of such components is less than
the installed life of the assembly.
margin: The difference between the most severe design service conditions and the conditions used in the design
qualiÞcation to account for normal variations in commerical production of equipment and reasonable errors in deÞning
satisfactory performance.
qualiÞed life: The period of time, prior to the start of a design basis event, for which the equipment was demonstrated
to meet the design requirements for the speciÞed service conditions.
NOTE Ñ At the end of the qualiÞed life, the equipment shall be capable of performing the safety function(s) required for the
postulated design basis and post design basis events.
qualiÞed life test: Tests performed on preconditioned test specimens to verify that an electric penetration assembly
will meet design requirements at the end of its qualiÞed life.
service conditions: Environmental, power, and signal conditions expected as a result of normal operating
requirements, expected extremes in operating requirements, and postulated conditions appropriate for the design basis
events applicable to the electric penetration assembly.
single aperture seal: A single seal between the containment aperture and the electric penetration assembly.
single electric conductor seal: A mechanical assembly arranged in such a way that there is a single pressure barrier
seal between the inside and the outside of the containment structure along the axis of the electric conductor.
3. References
SpeciÞc sections and requirements of the codes, standards, and guides listed below are referenced in this standard. No
other requirements of the referenced documents are invoked or implied. In case of conßicts between this standard and
the referenced standards and guides, this standard shall take precedence over the referenced documents.
[1] ANSI/IEEE C37.09-1979, American National Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers
Rated on a Symmetrical Basis.1
[3] ANSI N45.2-1977, Requirements for Nuclear Facilities, Quality Assurance Program.
[4] ANSI N45.2.2-1978, Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of Items for Nuclear Power Plants
(during the Construction Phase).
[5] ANSI/ASTM D 568-77, Standard Test Methods for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Flexible
Plastics in a Vertical Position.
[6] ANSI/ASTM D 2863-77, Standard Method for Measuring the Minimum Oxygen Concentration to Support
Candle-Like Combustion of Plastics (Oxygen Index).
[7] ANSI/IEEE C37.20-1969, (Consolidated Edition 1974) (R 1981). IEEE Standard for Switchgear Assemblies
Including Metal-Enclosed Bus.
1ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
[8] ANSI/IEEE Std 336-1980, IEEE Standard Installation, Inspection, and Testing Requirements for Class lE
Instrumentation and Electric Equipment at Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
[9] ANSI/IEEE Std 344-1975 (R 1980), IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic QualiÞcation of Class lE
Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
[10] ANSI/IEEE Std 383-1974 (R 1980), IEEE Standard for Type Test of Class lE Electric Cables, Field Splices, and
Connections for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
[13] ASTM D635-81, Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Self-
Supporting Plastics in a Horizontal Position.4
[15] IEEE Std 98-1983, IEEE Standard for the Preparation of Test Procedures for the Thermal Evaluation of Solid
Electrical Insulating Materials.
[16] IEEE Std 101-1972 (R 1980), IEEE Guide for the Statistical Analysis of Thermal Life Test Data.
[17] IEEE Std 323-1983, IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class lE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
[18] IEEE Std 627-1980, IEEE Standard for Design QualiÞcations of Safety Systems Equipment Used in Nuclear
Power Generating Stations.
[19] NEMA WC 3-1980, Rubber-Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy
(ICEA S-1981 Sixth Edition).6
The conductors of each circuit of an electric penetration assembly shall be assigned one of the following service
classiÞcations based on its use.
2The National Electrical Code is published by the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. Copies are also
available from the Sales Department of American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.
3ASME publications are available from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017.
4ASTM publications are available in the US from American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 10103.
5ICEA publications are avaialable in the US from Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc, PO Box P, South Yarmouth, MA 02664.
6NEMA publications are available from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), 2101 L. Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037.
Conductors of power circuits having rated values above 1000 V shall be classiÞed as medium-voltage power and shall
have the following ratings (see 4.2 and 4.3):
1) Rated voltage
2) Rated continuous current
3) Rated short-time overload current and duration
4) Rated short-circuit current
5) Rated short-circuit thermal capacity
6) Rated capabilities during the most severe DBE environmental conditions
Conductors of power circuits rated 1000 V and below shall be classiÞed as low-voltage power and shall have the
following ratings (see 4.2 and 4.3):
1) Rated voltage
2) Rated continuous current
3) Rated short-time overload current and duration
4) Rated short-circuit current
5) Rated short-circuit thermal capacity
6) Rated capabilities during the most severe DBE environmental conditions.
Conductors of control circuits rated 1000 V and below shall be classiÞed as control and shall have the following
ratings (see 4.2 and 4.3):
1) Rated voltage
2) Rated continuous current
3) Rated short-time overload current and duration
4) Rated short-circuit current
5) Rated short-circuit thermal capacity
6) Rated capabilities during the most severe DBE environmental conditions
4.1.4 Instrumentation
Conductors of instrumentation circuits shall have a voltage rating deÞned by the design service conditions.
NOTE Ñ Instrumentation conductors include, for example, coaxial, triaxial, thermocouple, and twisted pair circuits.
4.2 Ratings
The rated voltage of power and control conductor(s) of a circuit shall be as follows:
The rated continuous current shall be the current in amperes that a conductor can carry continuously without the
stabilized temperatures of the conductor and the penetration nozzle-concrete interface (if applicable) exceeding their
design limits, with all other conductors in the assembly carrying their rated continuous current under the maximum
normal environment temperature of the design service conditions.
The rated short-time overload current and duration shall be the overload current in amperes that each conductor of a
circuit can carry for a speciÞed duration, following continuous operation at rated continuous current, without the
temperature of the conductors exceeding their short-time overload design temperature limit with all other conductors
in the assembly carrying their rated continuous current under the maximum normal environment temperature of the
design service conditions. The rated short-time overload current shall not be less than seven times the rated continuous
current of the conductor, and the duration shall be not less than 10 s.
The rated short-circuit current shall be the current in amperes that each conductor of a circuit can carry while
maintaining electrical integrity (see 5.2.2) and mechanical integrity (see 5.1.6) with all other conductors in the
assembly carrying their rated continuous current under the maximum normal environment temperature of the design
service conditions.
The rated short-circuit current for alternating-current circuits shall be expressed in rms symmetrical amperes and shall
be based on the test procedure in 6.2.8.
The rated short-circuit current for direct-current circuits shall be based on its having a constant dc value unless
otherwise speciÞed.
The rated short-circuit thermal capacity shall be the product of short-circuit current in amperes squared and its
duration in seconds that each conductor of a circuit can carry following continuous operation at rated continuous
current while maintaining electrical integrity (see 5.2.2) and mechanical integrity (see 5.1.6) with all other conductors
in the assembly carrying their rated continuous current under the maximum normal environment temperature of the
design service conditions.
The rated short-circuit thermal capacity shall be expressed in amperes squared-seconds (I2t) subject to the following
1) The short-circuit current shall not exceed the rated short-circuit current and shall be expressed in rms
symmetrical amperes for ac circuits and dc amperes for dc circuits.
2) The duration shall not exceed 2 s.
See Appendix A4 for preferred values of rated short-circuit thermal capacity (I2t).
4.3 Rated Capabilities During the Most Severe DBE Environmental Conditions
4.3.1 Rated Continuous Current During the Most Severe DBE Environmental Conditions
The conductors in the electric penetration assembly shall have a rated continuous current during the most severe DBE
environmental conditions not less than the rated continuous current in 4.2.2 for which the conductors shall maintain
electrical integrity (see 5.2.2) and containment integrity (see 5.1.7).
4.3.2 Rated Short-Time Overload Current and Duration During the Most Severe DBE Environmental
The conductors in the electric penetration assembly shall have a rated short-time overload current and duration during
the most severe DBE environmental conditions not less than the rated short-time overload current and duration in 4.2.3
for which the conductors shall maintain electrical integrity (see 5.2.2) and containment integrity (see 5.1.7), with the
remaining conductors in the assembly carrying rated continuous current. The conductors shall be capable of meeting
the above requirements at the maximum conductor temperature attained during the most severe DBE environmental
4.3.3 Rated Short-Circuit Current During the Most Severe DBE Environmental Conditions
The conductors in the electric penetration assembly shall have a rated short-circuit current during the most severe DBE
environmental conditions not less than the rated short-circuit current in for which the conductors shall maintain
containment integrity (see 5.1.7) with the remaining conductors in the assembly carrying rated continuous current and
without affecting the mechanical and electrical integrity of the remaining conductors. The conductors shall be capable
of meeting the above requirements at the maximum conductor temperature attained during the most severe DBE
service conditions.
See Appendix A3 for preferred values of rated short-circuit current during the most severe DBE environmental
4.3.4 Rated Short-Circuit Thermal Capacity (I2t) During the Most Severe DBE Environmental
The conductors in the electric penetration assembly shall have a rated short-circuit thermal capacity (I2t)during the
most severe DBE environmental conditions not less than the rated short-circuit thermal capacity (I2t) of 4.2.5,
following continuous operation at rated continuous current while maintaining containment integrity of the assembly
(see 5.1.7) and without affecting the electrical integrity (see 5.2.2) and the mechanical integrity (see 5.1.6) of the
conductors not subjected to the short-circuit current. The conductors shall be capable of meeting the above
requirements at the maximum conductor temperature attained during the most severe DBE environmental conditions.
The short-circuit thermal capacity (I2t) shall be expressed in ampere squared-seconds subject to the following limits:
See Appendix A4 for preferred values of rated short-circuit thermal capacity (I2t) during the most severe DBE
environmental conditions.
5. Design Requirements
The mechanical design, materials, fabrication, examinations, and testing of the pressure boundary of the electric
penetration assembly shall be in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
[12],7 Division 1, Section III, Subsection NE for Class MC Components. See Appendix C for ASME pressure
boundary of typical installed electric penetration assemblies.
Stress calculations shall include stresses from all applied loads including electromagnetic forces produced by rated
short-circuit currents.
The design pressure and temperature shall be determined and speciÞed in accordance with the rules of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code [12], Division 1, Section III, Subsection NE for MC containment vessels.
The minimum design temperature of the electric penetration assembly shall be - 28 °C (- 20 °F).
1) The electric penetration assembly, exclusive of the aperture seal(s), shall be designed to have a total gas-leak
rate not greater than 1 á 10-3 std cm3/s of dry nitrogen at 20 °C ± 15 °C (68 °F ± 27 °F) at the design pressure.
2) The aperture seal(s) of the electric penetration assembly shall be designed to have a total gas-leak rate not
greater than 1 á 10-3 std cm3/s of dry nitrogen at 20 °C ± 15 °C (68 °F ± 27 °F) at design pressure.
3) The electric penetration assembly, including the aperture seal(s), shall be designed to have a total gas-leak
rate not greater than 1 á 10-2 std cm3/s of dry nitrogen at the design pressure and temperature.
Electric penetration assemblies having double electric conductor seals or double aperture seals, or both, shall be
designed for and shall include provisions for gas-leak rate testing and monitoring of the double seals after installation.
Valves, Þttings, and pressure piping and gauge(s) provided for this purpose shall have a pressure rating not less than
110% design pressure.
Electric penetration assemblies having double electric conductor seals shall include provisions for gas-leak rate
monitoring during storage.
The mechanical support systems, conductors, terminations and conductor support systems, pressure barrier(s), and
conductor and aperture seals shall be designed to withstand without failure or loss of function the following design
service conditions:
The electric penetration assembly including aperture seal(s) shall be designed to have a total gas-leak rate not greater
than 1 á 10-2 std cm3/s using dry nitrogen at design pressure and ambient temperature after installation and after any
design basis events (excluding direct steam jet impingement).
The electric penetration assembly shall be designed to meet the following requirements:
1) ANSI N45.2.2-1978 [4]. Storage shall be in accordance with level B. Packaging shall be in accordance with
level C or better.
2) Withstand, without damage, exposure during shipping to temperatures not less than the minimum design
temperature of 5.1.3 nor more than 65.5 °C (150 °F).
3) Electric penetration assemblies having double electrical conductor seals or double aperture seals, or both,
which are completely assembled and which require protection from exposure to the atmosphere, shall have
the internal parts of the sealed system maintained at a positive pressure and shall include the monitoring
provisions in 5.1.5.
Where the method of attachment to the containment vessel is by welding, the assembly shall be designed for such
method of attachment and procedures established so that the welding will not damage the assembly.
5.2.1 General
The electric penetration assembly shall be designed to meet the following requirements:
1) Medium-voltage power conductors shall be free of partial discharge (corona) when energized at rated
2) Instrumentation circuits shall be designed to meet the requirements deÞned by the design service conditions.
3) The insulation system of each conductor shall be capable of withstanding the dielectric tests speciÞed in
Section 6.
4) Thermocouple conductors and connections shall be designed within the error limits for thermocouple circuits
in accordance with ANSI MC 96.1-1982 [2].
5) Connections and splices of medium- and low-voltage power and control conductors shall be capable of
carrying rated continuous current prior to and following rated short-circuit current without the temperature of
the connections or splices exceeding the temperature of the conductor, or the connection failing.
6) Electric penetration assemblies having conductors of more than one voltage rating in the assembly shall be
designed with a ground barrier separating the conductors of each voltage rating.
7) The heat generated by hysteresis and eddy current losses shall be included in the design requirements for
power and control conductors.
The conductors, connections, and electrical insulation systems shall be designed to withstand without failure or loss of
function the following design service conditions:
1) Insulated cables and splices shall be qualiÞed in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std 383-1974 (R 1980)
[10], 2.5.
2) All other organic, nonmetallic material, except those materials which by their physical conÞguration will not
contribute to Þre, shall meet at least one of the following requirements as applicable:
a) ClassiÞed as non-burning or self-extinguishing in accordance with ASTM D 635-81 [13], or ANSI/
ASTM D 568-77 [5].
b) ClassiÞed as having an Oxygen Index not less than 26 in accordance with ANSI/ASTM D 2863-77 [6].
The electric penetration assembly shall be designed to have a qualiÞed life not less than the installed life. If the
qualiÞed life of a component(s) is less than the installed life, as determined by the qualiÞcation in Section 6.,
replacement of the component(s) shall be required, prior to the end of its qualiÞed life, or the qualiÞed life extended
in accordance with IEEE 323-1983 [17].
6. Qualification
6.1 General
6.1.1 Tests
QualiÞcation shall be established by tests which demonstrate that the electric penetration assembly will perform its
intended function when subjected to conditions that simulate installed life under the design service conditions.
QualiÞcation shall include design tests which demonstrate the adequacy of the design to meet requirements that are
unrelated to aging and shall include qualiÞed-life tests which address aging and establish the qualiÞed life of the
Design tests may be performed in any sequence on different test specimens. QualiÞed life tests shall be performed on
preconditioned test specimens in the sequence given in 6.3 and may be performed on test specimens that have not been
subjected to design tests.
Documented analyses, with justiÞcation of methods, theories, and assumptions or additional testing of components or
assemblies, or both, may be used with existing qualiÞcation tests to qualify the design to service conditions which
differ from the design service conditions under which qualiÞcation was demonstrated.
Each conductor size, rating, and conÞguration need not be subjected to qualiÞcation tests; instead, representative test
specimens may be used provided they meet the requirements in 6.1.3.
6.1.2 Margin
The following minimum margins shall be applied only to the service conditions listed below and only where
speciÞcally required in the following sections pertaining to qualiÞcation:
Test specimens used in qualiÞcation tests shall meet the following requirements:
Tests on components or partially assembled electric penetration assemblies are acceptable where the stresses and
functional requirements are equivalent to those in the fully-assembled state.
Tests on conductors shall include terminations when they are an integral part of the electric penetration assembly.
The following design tests shall be performed for each generic design. The tests may be performed in any sequence on
different test specimens.
1) The gas-leak rate of the test specimen, exclusive of aperture seals, shall not exceed a total leak-rate equivalent
to 1 á 10-3 std cm3/s of city nitrogen when tested at not less than design pressure and at a temperature of
20 °C ± 15 °C (68 °F ± 27 °F).
2) The gas-leak rate of the test specimen, including nonwelded aperture seals, shall not exceed a total leak-rate
equivalent to 1 á 10-2 std cm3/s of dry nitrogen when tested at design pressure and temperature.
NOTE Ñ An acceptable means of conducting this test is to adjust the pressure upward to compensate for the difference between
the room ambient temperature and the design temperature by use of the pure gas laws.
Where the electric penetration assembly is designed as a pressure vessel in accordance with the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code [12], it shall be pneumatically pressure tested in accordance with Division 1, Section III,
Subsection NE, Article NE-6000 of the code.
The following dielectric strength tests shall be conducted at test facility room ambient conditions of temperature,
pressure, and relative humidity:
1) Power Frequency Voltage Test. Each medium-voltage power, low-voltage power, and control conductor shall
be given a 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage test for not less than I min applied between each conductor and ground
and between each conductor and adjacent conductors not separated by a ground barrier. The test voltage shall
be based on the voltage rating of the conductor in accordance with the following table:
Conductor rms
Rated Voltage Test Voltage
(V) (V)
300 1600
600 2200
1000 3000
5000 19 000
8000 36 000
15 000 36 000
2) Impulse Voltage Tests. Each medium voltage power conductor shall be given a full-wave 1.2 X 50 ms impulse
voltage test series, with a crest voltage not less than the following:
Conductor Impulse
Rated Voltage Crest Voltage
(V) (kV)
5000 60
8000 95
15 000 95
The impulse tests and acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with ANSI/C37.20-1969 (R 1981) [7],
3) Instrumentation conductors shall be tested to demonstrate that they meet the requirements of the design
service conditions.
An insulation resistance test shall be performed at test facility room ambient conditions of temperature, pressure, and
relative humidity in accordance with the following:
1) Medium-voltage power conductors shall be tested at 500 V dc (minimum) and shall have a minimum
resistance of 1000 MW between the conductor and ground and between the conductor and adjacent
conductors not separated by a ground barrier.
2) Low-voltage power and control conductors shall be tested in accordance with 6.2.4(1) of this standard and
shall have a minimum resistance of 100 MW.
3) Instrumentation conductors shall be tested to demonstrate that they meet the requirements of the design
service conditions.
Medium-voltage power conductors shall be tested for partial discharge (corona) between phase conductors and shall
have a partial-discharge extinction voltage not less than rated voltage. The test apparatus, calibration, and test
procedure shall be in accordance with NEMA WC3-1980 [19], Part 6. The test shall be performed at room ambient
conditions of pressure, temperature, and humidity.
A test shall be performed with each conductor and its termination of the test specimen carrying its rated continuous
current under the maximum normal environment temperature of the design service conditions.
The maximum stabilized temperatures shall be recorded and shall not exceed the design limits.
The short-time overload current rating of each size conductor of the test specimen shall be veriÞed by testing under the
maximum normal environment temperature of the design service conditions. The test currents and duration shall be in
accordance with 4.2.3. The maximum temperatures of the overloaded conductors attained during the test shall be
recorded and shall not exceed the design limits.
The short-circuit current rating of each size conductor of the test specimen shall be veriÞed by testing in accordance
with the following procedures:
1) The test specimen shall simulate the electric penetration assembly installed condition and include all
components which are stressed during short-circuit conditions.
2) The test may be conducted at test facility room ambient temperatures; however, the conductor temperatures
at the start of the test shall not be less than the maximum stabilized temperature attained during the rated
continuous current test in 6.2.6.
a) Set up the test circuit with a bolted fault connection in place of the penetration. The test circuit
parameters should be set up for an X/R ratio of 8 or more for low-voltage power and control service and
an X/R ratio of 16 or more for medium-voltage service. ANSI C37.09-1979 [1] may be used for
interpretation of the test data.
b) The test circuit shall produce a short-circuit current not less than rated short-circuit current plus 5%
margin. Where the short-circuit current for ac circuits does not have a constant symmetrical value, the
rms value of the symmetrical current at the end of the test period shall not be less than the rated short-
circuit current plus 5% margin.
4) Remove the bolted fault and insert the penetration into the test circuit. Apply the short-circuit current. The
length of the penetration, including pigtails for accomplishing the fault and the connection to the test circuit
should not exceed 20 ft. The short-circuit current with the electric penetration assembly in the test circuit
shall not be less than the rated short-circuit current.
5) The duration of short-circuit current ßow in the test specimen shall not be less than 0.033 s.
6) After the short-circuit test, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test in 7.1 and the electrical tests in 7.5
(continuity veriÞcation only) and 7.3.
The short-circuit thermal capacity (I2t) of each size conductor of the test specimen shall be veriÞed by testing in
accordance with the following procedure:
1) The test specimen shall simulate the electric penetration assembly installed condition and include all
components which are stressed during short-circuit conditions.
2) The test may be conducted at test facility room ambient temperatures; however, the conductor temperatures
at the start of the test shall not be less than the maximum stabilized temperature attained during the rated
continuous current test in 6.2.6.
3) The current in the conductor and its duration shall produce an integrated current squared-seconds not less
than the rated short-circuit thermal capacity.
4) The maximum temperature attained during the test shall be recorded and not exceed the short-circuit design
limits and shall be based on all heat produced by the short-circuit current being stored in the conductors.
5) After the short-circuit thermal capacity (I2t) test, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test as speciÞed in
7.1 and the electrical tests in 7.5 (continuity veriÞcation only) and 7.3.
Where the test specimen includes the aperture seal, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test as speciÞed
in 8.3.
NOTE Ñ This test may be combined with the rated short-circuit current test as speciÞed in 6.2.8. The tests of 6.2.8 and
6.2.9 may be omitted as design tests if performed as part of the qualiÞed-life tests.
The test specimen shall be seismically qualiÞed in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std 344-1975 (R 1980) [9] for the
input motion spectra in the design service conditions plus margin. Testing shall be performed under conditions which
simulate the installed assembly including consideration of terminal boxes, external cables, and raceways. During the
test, all conductors in the test specimen shall maintain uninterrupted continuity and shall withstand rated voltage plus
After the test, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test as speciÞed in 7.1 and the dielectric test as speciÞed in 7.3.
Where the test specimen includes the aperture seal, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test as speciÞed in 8.3.
NOTE Ñ The seismic test may be omitted as a design test if performed as part of the qualiÞed-life tests.
Where the method of penetration attachment is by welding, a test shall be conducted to demonstrate that a
representative electric penetration assembly can be welded into the containment vessel without damage by following
the manufacturer's recommended procedures.
QualiÞed-life tests shall be performed for each generic design in accordance with the following tests:
Prior to preconditioning, each test specimen shall pass the production tests of Section 7.
6.3.2 Preconditioning
Each test specimen shall be subjected to preconditioning prior to performing the tests in 6.3.3. The preconditioning
shall be performed in accordance with the following paragraphs in the order listed:
1) Shipping and Storage Simulation. The test specimen shall be exposed to not less than 5 cycles of ambient
temperature changes where each cycle varies from -28 °C (-20 °F) to 65.5 °C (150 °F) and the duration of
each temperature extreme is not less than 2 h.
2) Thermal Operating Cycle Simulation. The test specimen shall be subjected to not less than 120 cycles of
temperature changes in the specimen of not less than 55 °C (100 °F) for each cycle. One cycle equates to a
temperature change of 100 °, that is, a temperature increase of 100 °F and a decrease of 100 °F.
3) Thermal Age Conditioning. The test specimen shall be thermally age conditioned to simulate operation at
design normal service temperature for the installed life. Accelerated thermal aging time and temperature
derived from Arrhenius data (using procedures in accordance with IEEE Std 98-1983 [15] and IEEE Std 101-
1972 (R 1980) [16]) or other methods that can be justiÞed may be employed. See Appendix D.
Thermal aging is not required if it can be demonstrated that the materials in the test specimen are not subject
to signiÞcant aging mechanisms as deÞned in IEEE Std 627-1980 [18], 4.4.1.
4) Radiation Exposure Simulation. The test specimen shall be exposed to radiation simulating the design normal
service environment radiation for the installed life unless it can be demonstrated that radiation does not
degrade the test specimen. See IEEE Std 323-1983 [17], 6.3.4.
NOTE Ñ The maximum integrated radiation dose plus margin due to design basis events may be included at this time instead of
later as described in 6.3.3(3).
After preconditioning, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test as speciÞed in 8.3 and the electrical tests as
speciÞed in 8.4.
Where the test specimen does not include the aperture seal, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test as speciÞed
in 8.3 except that the leak-rate shall not exceed 10-3 std cm3/s.
After preconditioning the following tests shall be performed in the sequence given with the test set-up simulating the
actual installed condition.
1) Short-Circuit Current and Short-Circuit Thermal Capacity Tests. The short-circuit current and the short-
circuit thermal capacity of each size conductor shall be veriÞed by testing in accordance with the procedures
in 6.2.8 and 6.2.9 except the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test in 8.3 and the electrical tests in 8.4(1)
and (3).
2) Seismic Test. The test specimen shall be seismically qualiÞed in accordance with 6.2.10 except the test
specimen shall pass the leak-rate test in 8.3 and the dielectric test in 8.4(3).
3) Simulation Tests of the Most Severe DBE Environmental Conditions. One test specimen (or specimens if more
than one is required to represent a generic design) shall be exposed to design loss-of-coolant-accident design
service conditions, and another test specimen (or specimens if more than one is required to represent a
generic design) shall be exposed to design high-energy-line-break design service conditions, excluding the
direct impingement of steam jets on the test specimen. Additional test specimens shall be exposed to the
service conditions of other DBEs if they produce more severe environmental service conditions than loss-of-
coolant accident and high-energy line break. The loss-of-coolant accident and high-energy line break tests
which simulate individual DBEs may be combined into one test provided the most severe design service
conditions, including pressures, temperatures, humidity, radiation (if not included in the preconditioning),
and chemical or demineralized water sprays, and submergence (if required), are used in the combined test.
Each test shall meet the following requirements:
a) Margin, as speciÞed in 6.12, shall be applied to the following test parameters: peak pressure, peak
temperature, and radiation.
b) Accelerated thermal testing may be used to simulate the temperature-time proÞle following the major
temperature transient(s) of the most severe DBE environmental conditions.8 Accelerated thermal
testing, if used, shall be based on the same methods used for normal service thermal aging as speciÞed
in 6.3.2(3).
c) The test shall be conducted with a sufÞcient number of conductors carrying continuous test current to
produce the same total conductor I 2R heating effects as is produced by rated continuous current in all the
conductors in the assembly. Not less than 20% of the conductors shall be continuously energized at rated
voltage during the test, except for interruptions such as may result from switching or calibration for data
acquisition. The conductors to be energized shall be selected to produce the greatest voltage stress
between conductors and from conductor to ground.
NOTE Ñ In the current state-of-the-art, devices which interface penetration conductors with Þeld cables may have
a lower operating voltage or may have to be derated to a lower operating voltage than the penetration
conductor rated voltage due to environmental effects. In this case it may be necessary to energize the test
conductors including the interfaces at the lower operating voltage plus margin of 10%. Under these con
ditions, the rated voltage of the assembly shall not exceed the operating voltage (without margin) as used
in the qualiÞcation test.
d) At least one of each type of instrumentation circuit shall have the insulation resistance or leakage current
recorded continuously during the test, except for interruptions as may result from switching or
calibration for data acquisition. The remainder of the instrumentation circuits shall be energized at rated
voltage and their insulation resistance or leakage current measured periodically. The insulation
resistance or leakage current shall be within design service condition limits.
e) After the test, the test specimen shall be given the leak-rate test as speciÞed in 8.3.
Where the test specimen does not include the aperture seal, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test
as speciÞed in 8.3 except that the leak-rate shall not exceed 1 á 10-3 std cm3/s.
NOTE Ñ Because of the difÞculties of accurately measuring gas-leak rates during the most severe DBE
environmental conditions tests, compliance with the above gas-leak rate requirements at design pressure
at the end of the test is considered to be adequate veriÞcation that containment integrity is maintained
during the test.
4) Rated Short-Time Overload Current and Duration During the Most Severe DBE Environmental Conditions.
Each test specimen shall be dtested as follows:
a) One circuit of each conductor size in the test specimen shall be subjected to an overload current not less
than the rated short-time overload current and duration during the most severe DBE environmental
conditions as deÞned in 4.3.2.
The conductor temperature at the start of the test shall not be less than the maximum temperature
attained during the test speciÞed in 6.3.3(3) and the pressure shall not be less than design pressure plus
margin. Where double conductor seals exist, design pressure may be achieved by pressurizing the
internal volume of the electric penetration assembly. The test specimen, during this test, need not be
subjected -to other environmental conditions such as chemical or demineralized water spray and steam.
b) After the test, the conductors shall be capable of withstanding rated voltage after the application of the
overload current.
c) After the test, the test specimen shall be given the leak-rate test speciÞed in 8.3.
Where the test specimen does not include the aperture seal, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test
speciÞed in 8.3 except that the leak rate shall not exceed 1 á 10-3std cm3/s.
5) Rated Short-Circuit Current During the Most Severe DBE Environmental Conditions9. Each test specimen
shall be tested as follows:
a) One circuit of each conductor size in the test specimen shall be subjected to a short-circuit current not
less than the rated short-circuit current during the most severe DBE environmental conditions as deÞned
in 4.3.3. The test procedures shall be in accordance with the procedures speciÞed in 6.2.8, paragraphs (1)
through (5), except that the conductor temperatures at the start of the test shall not be less than the
maximum temperatures attained during the test of 6.3.3(3) and the pressure shall not be leas than design
pressure plus margin.
b) After the test, the conductors not subjected to the short-circuit current shall be capable of withstanding
rated voltage.
c) After the test, the test specimen shall be given the leak-rate test speciÞed in 8.3.
Where the test specimen does not include the aperture seal, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test
in 8.3 except that the leak-rate shall not exceed 1 á 10-3 std cm3/s.
6) Rated Short-Circuit Thermal Capacity (I2t) During the Most Severe DBE Environmental Conditions5. Each
test specimen shall be tested as follows:
a) One circuit of each conductor size in the test specimen shall be subjected to a short-circuit current
producing an integrated current ampere squared-seconds not less than the rated short-circuit thermal
(I2t) capacity during the most severe DBE environmental conditions as deÞned in 4.3.4. The test shall be
in accordance with the procedures in 6.2.9 (1) through (5), except that the conductor temperatures at the
start of the test shall not be less than the maximum temperatures attained during the test of 6.3.3(3) and
the pressure shall not be less than design pressure plus margin.
b) After the test, the conductors not subjected to the short-circuit current shall be capable of withstanding
rated voltage after application of the short-circuit current.
c) After the test, the test specimen shall be given the leak-rate test as speciÞed m 8.3.
Where the test specimen does not include the aperture seal, the test specimen shall pass the leak-rate test
as speciÞed in 8.3 except that the leak-rate shall not exceed 1 á 10-3 std cm3/s.
The qualiÞed life of the design shall be that period of time represented by the preconditioning of 6.3.2 for which the
requirements of 6.3.1 and 6.3.3 have been met. When individual components of a design have a qualiÞed life less than
the required installed life of the design, periodic replacement of these components at intervals less than or equal to
their qualiÞed life may be used to extend the qualiÞed life of the design to the required installed life.
7. Production Tests
The following production tests shall be performed on each penetration assembly prior to shipment.
The gas-leak rate of each electric penetration assembly, exclusive of the aperture seals, shall be determined by testing
at design pressure and at 20 °C ± 15 °C (68 °F ± 27 °F) and shall not exceed a rate equivalent to 1 á 10-3 std cm3/s of
dry nitrogen.
Each penetration assembly shall be pneumatically pressure tested in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code [12], Division 1, Section HI, Subsection NE, Article NE-6000. This test may be combined with the leak-
rate test of 7.1.
Each penetration assembly conductor shall receive a dielectric-strength test at test facility room ambient conditions of
temperature, pressure, and relative humidity.
Low-voltage power and control conductors shall be tested in accordance with 6.2.3(1).
NOTE Ñ As an alternate, the test time may be reduced to 1 s minimum at a test voltage 120% of that deÞned above.
Each electric penetration assembly conductor and termination (when furnished as an integral part of the assembly)
shall receive an insulation-resistance test in accordance with 6.2.4.
Electrical continuity and the identiÞcation of each penetration assembly conductor shall be veriÞed. The permanent
identiÞcation of each conductor at both ends of the assembly shall be veriÞed during the continuity test.
Medium-voltage power conductors shall be tested, including cables and splices which are an integral part of the
electric penetration assembly, in accordance with 6.2.5.
Where external power cables are part of the completed assembly, the minimum extinction voltage shall be determined
by testing the completed assembly including the cables and connectors.
The penetration assembly shall be installed, inspected, and tested in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code [12], Division 1, Section III, Subsection NE for Class MC Components, and in accordance with
applicable parts of ANSI/IEEE Std 336-1980 [8].
The installation procedures shall include adequate measures to prevent damage to the electric penetration assembly.
A gas-leak rate test shall be performed on each electric penetration assembly, including the aperture seal(s), when the
installation has been completed. The test shall be performed with the equivalent leak-rate of dry nitrogen at design
pressure and at ambient temperature. The total leak.rate shall not exceed a value equivalent to 1 á 10-2 std cm3/s of dry
NOTE Ñ When the method of penetration attachment is by welding, the aperture seals (the weldments) should be tested as part of
the containment integrated leak-rate test.
After the penetration assembly is installed, each conductor may be given the following tests:
1) Continuity.
2) InsulationÑResistance. If insulation-resistance tests are performed, they shall comply with 6.2.4, except that
the insulation resistance shall not be less than 1/10 the values speciÞed therein.
3) Dielectric Strength. If dielectric-strength tests are performed, they shall comply with 6.2.3(1) and (3), except
that the test voltages used for the power frequency voltage tests in 6.2.3(1) shall not exceed 75% of the values
speciÞed therein. Impulse testing in the Þeld is neither required nor recommended.
The preceding electrical tests may be performed before or after external (Þeld) cables are connected to the penetration
assembly; however, when performing dielectric tests after the connection of external cables or equipment, the
manufacturer's maximum test voltage for the connected cables or equipment should be considered in the determination
of test voltages.
The quality control and the quality assurance requirements for all materials, processes, and personnel as required by
5.1.1 shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code [12],
Division 1, Section III, Subsection NCA, Article NCA-4000.
For items not covered by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code [12] the quality assurance requirements for the
design, construction, installation, and testing of electric penetration assemblies shall be in accordance with the
requirements set forth in ANSI N45.2-1977 [3] and ANSI/IEEE Std 336-1980 [8].
9.2 Records
All certiÞcation and test records shall be in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code [12],
Division 1, Section III, Subsection NCA, and with ANSI N45.2-1977 [3], as applicable.
Documentation of design qualiÞcation shall be in accordance with IEEE Std 323-1983 [17], Section 8.
Each electric penetration assembly shall, as a minimum, be permanently identiÞed as required by the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code [12], Division 1, Section III, Subsection NCA, Article NCA-8000.
Data and ratings for each electric penetration assembly shall be recorded and maintained as part of the permanent
records. ModiÞcations or revisions shall be recorded by the owner or his agent. The data and ratings of each electric
penetration assembly shall be in accordance with this standard and shall include the following information where
10.1 General
The minimum requirements of an owner's design speciÞcation for electric penetration assemblies are outlined in 10.2.
Attention is directed to possible abnormal or special requirements, not addressed in the design, ratings, or test
requirements sections of this standard, which may be unique, by virtue of application or design, to the electric
penetration assemblies required for the owner's nuclear power generating station.
1) Scope of requirements
2) Work not included
3) Codes, standards, and guides (both industry and purchaser unique)
4) Service conditions and environmental conditions
5) Installed life
6) General description of containment structure
7) Service classiÞcation, ratings, and related capabilities
8) Physical details of nozzles, mountings, and supports
9) Design qualiÞcation requirements
10) Nonstandard production tests
11) Drawings, documentation, data, and information required from the seller
12) Inspecting, quality assurance/quality control requirements
13) Packaging, shipping, handling, and storage requirements
14) List of electric penetration assemblies by service classiÞcation and rating
15) Electric penetration assembly seismic requirements.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code [12] requirements for the Design SpeciÞcations:
1) Refer to Division 1, Section III, Subsection NCA, Article NCA-3250 and Appendix B for Code requirements
for the Design SpeciÞcation, which includes:
a) Functions
b) Design requirements
c) Code classiÞcation
d) DeÞnition of pressure boundary
e) Material requirements including impact tests when applicable.
2) Refer to Division 1, Section III, Subsection NCA, Article NCA-3260 requirements for:
a) Owner review of design reports
b) Owner requirements for certiÞcation of review of design reports.
For power and control assemblies, specify under service classiÞcation and rating
NOTE Ñ Except for 10.3.3 (1), (2), and (3), each of the above ratings is based on one circuit involvement while remaining circuits
carry rated continuous current as applicable for the penetration service condition. System design should dictate the
validity of the ratings as established by this standard. Should it be possible for an electric penetration assembly to see a
multiplicity of the events (for example, short-circuit currents in more than one circuit) or any of the events in
combination at any one time, the owner's design speciÞcation shall specify such special requirements which are not
included in the ratings described by this standard.
For instrumentation electric penetration assemblies, specify under service classiÞcation ratings, under design
qualiÞcation and production tests, and under installation and Þeld test, as appropriate:
Specify the required number of conductors for each assembly. Indicate penetration conductor interface with Þeld
conductors; for example, terminal blocks, in-line splices, plugs and receptacles, etc. Indicate requirements for terminal
boxes and their classiÞcation, provisions for entrance of Þeld cables and their support.
Clearly indicate speciÞed values in the owner's design speciÞcation that do not include margin requirements for design
Specify single or double seal concept and required provisions for periodic leak rate monitoring.
Provide drawings indicating nozzle inside diameter (ID), outside diameter (OD), length, material, dimensions in
relation to liner or containment wall, electric penetration mounting interface, and location (that is, elevation, etc).
The recommended maximum number of conductors which can be accommodated in a standard electric penetration
assembly for a 12 in Schedule 80 nozzle.
Number of
Conductor Size Conductors
AWG No 16 504
AWG No 14 483
AWG No 12 441
AWG No 10 210
AWG No 8 150
AWG No 6 150
AWG No 4 126
AWG No 2 72
AWG No 1/0 42
AWG No 2/0 21
AWG No 3/0 21
AWG No 4/0 21
MCM No 250 15
MCM No 350 15
MCM No 500 12
MCM No 750 3
MCM No 1000 3
Twinax 16
Triax 16
Coax 24
Number of
Conductor Size Conductors
MCM No 250 3
MCM No 350 3
MCM No 500 3
MCM No 750 3
MCM No 1000 3
The rated continuous current for power and control electric penetrations installed in a 12 in nozzle under normal
service conditions (containment ambient temperature of 50 °C) is deÞned in Table A-1.
Table A-1
(C) (D)
(A) (B) Maximum Amperes/
Conductor Quantity of Amperes Conductor
Size Conductors Conductors (NOTE 3)
1 Ñ Calculated using NFPA-70-1981, [11], Table 310-17 for 90 °C rated insulated conductor
corrected for operation in the nozzle ambient of 71 °C to 80 °C (derate factor 0.41). This is
the maximum continuous current per conductor.
2 Ñ Derate factor of 0.58 was used for operation in a nozzle ambient of 61 °C to 70 °C.
3 Ñ Calculated on the basis of dissipating 30 W/ft of nozzle length so as to limit the nozzle-
concrete interface temperature to 150 °F with each conductor carrying the current shown in
Column D.
I2 á R á N = 30
I= rated continuous current
N= the number of conductors
R= (values for R are given in Table A-2)
For free-standing steel containments or concrete containments with interface temperature
limits other than 150 °F, the manufacturer should be consulted for continuous current
Values are resistance per foot of conductor at 90 °C.
4 Ñ For a mixture of conductor sizes within a single penetration or for unequal loading of
conductors of the same size within a penetration, the rated continuous currents may be
determined from:
SI2 á R á N = 30
Table A-2
Conductor R (á 10-3) Conductor R (á 10-3)
Size (ohms) Size (ohms)
AWG No 6 0.5338
AWG No 4 0.3360
AWG No 2 0.2113
Table A-3Ñ
Symmetrical Current I (rms Value of
Conductor Size AC Component) (Amperes)
AWG No 14 1400
AWG No 12 2300
AWG No 10 3600
AWG No 8 6000
AWG No 6 8800
AWG No 4 12500
AWG No 2 16500
AWG No 1/0 20000
AWG No 2/0 22000
AWG No 3/0 23500
AWG No 4/0 26000
MCM No 250 28000
MCM No 350 30000
MCM No 500 33000
MCM No 750 36000
MCM No 1000 40000
Table A-3 applies for all environmental conditions.
Table A-4
Current I
(rms Value of
Conductor AC Component)
Size (Amperes)
Table A-5
Conductor I2t (Ampere
Size Squared-Seconds)
AWG No 14 8.74E4
AWG No 12 2.21E5
AWG No 10 5.58E5
AWG No 8 1.41E6
AWG No 6 3.56E6
AWG No 4 9.01E6
AWG No 2 2.28E7
AWG No 1/0 5.77E7
AWG No 2/0 9.17E7
AWG No 3/0 1.46E8
AWG No 4/0 2.32E8
MCM No 250 3.24E8
MCM No 350 6.34E8
MCM No 500 1.29E9
MCM No 750 2.91E9
MCM No 1000 5.18E9
Table A-5 applies for all environmental conditions.
Figures B-1 and B-2 show suggested electric penetration assembly interface with the containment aperture.
Figure C-1 identiÞes various components that constitute a typical electric penetration assembly.
Figures C-1 and C-2 deÞne the ASME pressure boundary for a typical outboard installed penetration assembly and a
typical inboard installed penetration assembly, respectively.
Figure C-1ÑTypical Outboard Installed Penetration Assembly Including ASME Pressure Boundary
Figure C-2ÑTypical Inboard Installed Penetration Assembly Including ASME Pressure Boundary
(Cable Trays, Junction Boxes and Other Optional Attachments not Shown)
D.1.1 Objectives
Recommended procedures for thermal-life testing to establish (1) the thermal-life of electric penetration assemblies,
and (2) thermal-life data to provide the basis for accelerated aging in type testing are as follows:
Electric penetration assemblies generally consist of insulated conductors, seals for components, cable supports, and
conductor seal and insulation systems fabricated into modules, all of which may have unique thermal-life
characteristics. It is, therefore, necessary to perform thermal-life tests on each of the above components to establish the
objectives in D.1.1 for the entire assembly.
The procedures for thermal-life tests should follow IEEE Std 98-1983 [15] and the analysis of test data should follow
IEEE Std 101-1972 (R 1980) [16].
Components having established standards which include thermal-life tests may be tested in accordance with their
respective standard; for example, insulated cables should be tested in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std 383-1974
(R 1980) [10].
Components made of materials which have been proven, by test or operating experience (where records are available)
in accordance with IEEE Std 323-1983 [17], Section 8. and long-term use, not to be degraded by thermal aging need
not be included as long as auditable data is provided to owner.
Thermal-life tests of conductor modules and seals shall be in accordance with the following general procedures:
NOTE Ñ Some assembled components which include materials (such as elastomers) that exhibit deformation during accelerated
aging at elevated temperatures are not representative of what occurs due to normal aging. In these cases component
accelerated aging should be used rather than accelerated aging of the complete assembly.
Test specimens shall be fabricated using manufacturing facilities and processes which are representative of those used
for the production units.
Not less than three specimens of each voltage rating shall be tested at each temperature. Each specimen shall include
both large and small size conductors, representative of the range of conductor sizes to be qualiÞed; however, where this
is not practical, additional specimens may be used, provided at least three specimens of each conductor arrangement
are tested at each temperature.
The temperature exposures should be selected in accordance with IEEE Std 98-1983 [15], with the following
1) Not less than four temperatures, which differ by at least 25 °C, shall be selected for the thermal-life tests.
2) The lowest temperature shall result in an average thermal-life of at least 5000 h.
3) The highest temperature shall not result in failures in less than 100 h of exposure.
Each test specimen shall be tested for failure at the end of each temperature exposure cycle in accordance with the
1) Conductor Modules
a) Leak-Rate Test. The module is considered to have failed when the gas-leak rate exceeds 1 á 10-3 std
cm3/s of dry nitrogen divided by the maximum number of modules in an electric penetration assembly
at the design pressure and ambient temperature.
b) Dielectric Test. The module is considered to have failed if it does not withstand the dielectric test in 8.4.
2) Seals
a) Same as D.1.2.6(1)(a).
The following thermal-life lines shall be determined from the failure data using the procedures in IEEE Std 101-1972
(R 1980) [16]:
The thermal-life line (Fig D-1, Line [2] ) may be extended by linear extrapolation to the required installed life to
demonstrate that the projected thermal-life of the component being tested at its normal maximum operating
temperature exceeds the required installed life. This evaluation shall be made for each component in the electric
penetration assembly.
1) Plot the thermal-aging line for the component from a point at the installed life and design normal maximum
operating temperature and parallel to the average thermal-life Line (2). See dotted thermal-aging line in
Fig D-1.
2) The thermal-aging test should be conducted for a duration of not less than 100 h at the temperature on the
thermal-aging line corresponding to the test duration.
D.2.0 Objectives
The following paragraphs give recommended procedures for the simulation of DBE conditions after the peak transient
conditions (that is, after time tn of IEEE Std 323-1983 [17], Fig 1, Section 7.) to permit reducing the test duration by
accelerated thermal-life testing.
The duration and temperature used for the accelerated thermal-life testing in Appendix D2 shall be based on the
following relation:
ÐB ¤ T ÐB ¤ T i
tE = å tE
where t, t and T, T are thermal-lifes and Temperatures, respectively from 2 points on the thermal-aging line.
t and T = duration (hours) and Temperature (° K) respectively for each interval (i) in the speciÞed DBE conditions
from the last peak Transient tn, of IEEE Std 323-1983 [17], Fig 1, Section 7. to the end of the event.
n = number of intervals.