Ivan Pavlov
Ivan Pavlov
Ivan Pavlov
Clive R. Hollin
First published 2021
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© 2021 Clive R. Hollin
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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Hollin, Clive R., author.
Title: An introduction to human-animal relationships : a psychological perspective /
Clive R. Hollin.
Description: New York : Routledge, 2021. |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020049706 (print) |
LCCN 2020049707 (ebook) |
ISBN 9780367277598 (paperback) |
ISBN 9780367277574 (hardback) |
ISBN 9780429297731 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Human-animal relationships. | Human-animal
relationships--Psychological aspects.
Classification: LCC QL85 .H654 2021 (print) | LCC QL85 (ebook) |
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Acknowledgements viii
Preface ix
Introduction 1
Animals and psychology 3
Mainly of cats and dogs 23
2 Animals as companions 25
3 Pet problems: Aggression 51
4 Pet problems: Anxiety 73
5 Solving pet problems 81
Humans and animals: Friend or foe? 113
Epilogue 191
Index 193
I would like to thank Flick for her forbearing every time I said “Do you know what I’ve
read today?” as I prepared to deliver another animal-related snippet. Of which there
were many. Thanks to Eva for the heads up on various topics, including the
Anthropocene, and to Gregory for several helpful tips. Thanks also to Leo for
granting writing-free Tuesday and to TG (see Epilogue) just for being around. I’d
like to thank the good folk at Taylor and Francis for taking a punt on this book which is
a change from my traditional fare. In particular, the editorial team of Lucy McClune and
Akshita Pattiyani gave help and encouragement and for that I’m grateful.
Clive Hollin,
At first glance, this book may appear to be a radical departure from my usual topic of
psychology and crime. However, there is rather more of an overlap than might first meet
the eye. I became interested in the interplay between psychology and animals when
writing about interpersonal violence. Violence is a relatively stable behaviour over time
and is directed towards a range of victims. It is therefore not a coincidence that people
who act violently towards people are also likely to mistreat animals. I wondered if there
anything remarkable about victimisation of animals or whether they are just another
casualty of the ubiquitous belligerence characteristic of our species? From here, I started
thinking about the wider role that animals have played in psychology and, indeed, in our
everyday lives. The list of potential topics in my notes collected under the broad rubric
“psychology and animals” grew longer and longer until a template for this book was
formed. There’s little doubt that I’ll have forgotten something along the way, but I hope
the contents are at least informative.
A second strand feeding into writing this book came from taking over the teaching of
a first-year undergraduate course called Approaches to Psychology. In 1972, when I was a
first-year undergraduate, this course would have been called History and Theory. When
preparing my course, I was reminded that animals of various kinds played a pivotal role
in the work of several of the great figures in the history of psychology. In contemporary
psychology, the use of animals in mainstream psychology has rather gone out of fashion
although, of course, the more biologically inclined psychologists conduct some of their
work on rodents and other animals.
Finally, a third strand is a highly personal one: as a child I was brought up in a family
that did not embrace the idea of keeping pets. (I had an otherwise wonderful
childhood, as you ask.) However, my partner’s family had dogs (and ponies) and so
she has a view of animals as an integral part of everyday life. As soon as it was
practically feasible, we had our first dog, Ebony, and we have never been without one
since. As parents, we had a highly permissive policy on pets so that both our children
were allowed as many pets as they could take responsibility for: over time, their
inventory expanded to include stick insects, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, tropical fish,
lizards, a gecko (called Monty who my son acquired when he was about 10 years old
and who passed away with much sadness when I was writing this book), and,
inevitably, dogs, ponies, and horses. (A line would have been drawn at birds in cages
x Preface
but the need for that discussion never arose.) As adults, they both have pets so
childhood experience must count for something!
In terms of nomenclature, throughout the text I use the term “human” to distinguish
Homo sapiens from other types of animals. This is simply a convenience for ease of
reading and should not be taken to imply anthropocentric leanings or some esoteric
distinction, such as the presence of a soul, between human and non-human animals on
my behalf.
The study of animal behaviour, ethology, has a long history and some ethological studies
have become extremely well known. The Dutch biologist Nikolaas Tinbergen
(1907–1988) was concerned with the instinctual way that animals organise their beha-
vioural patterns. In his studies with sticklebacks, he explored the propensity of the male
three-spined stickleback (a small, highly territorial, freshwater fish) to attack and defend
its territory at the sight of another male. In an elegant series of experiments, Tinbergen
demonstrated that the colour red was the instinctual trigger or stimulus for attack: if the
underside of a wooden model of a stickleback was redder than that of the real fish, the
model would be attacked with greater aggression than a real male (Tinbergen, 1952).
The Austrian ethologist Konrad Zacharias Lorenz (1903–1989) investigated the nat-
ural phenomenon of imprinting. He showed how, in a critical 13- to 16-hour period after
hatching, goslings would imprint on the first moving stimulus they saw. In the natural
course of events, this would be the mother duck but Lorenz contrived that he would be
the first moving object seen by a clutch of goslings. There are photographs of him being
faithfully followed by a gaggle of geese who have imprinted on him. Lorenz shared the
1973 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Nikolaas Tinbergen and Karl von
Frisch. (Karl von Frisch (1886–1982) was an Austrian ethologist who studied bees and his
major work was the translation of the honeybee’s waggle dance, which bees use to
transmit information to other bees about distant sources of food.)
The writer Paul Theroux (2019) describes the emotional rollercoaster of his re-
lationship with a Muscovy duck, which he called Willy. Theroux states that he was the
first moving creature Willy saw and from then on their fate was entwined. Imprinting is
indeed a powerful element of nature.
The findings of the early ethologists were seen at the time as potentially being important
for understanding human parental behaviour and child development (Vicedo, 2009;
Zetterström, 2007). The merging of biology and ethnology with psychology was evident
by the 1960s, as illustrated by the work of Wladyslaw Sluckin (1919–1985) on imprinting
(Sluckin, 1964), informing an ethologically informed analysis of mother-infant bonding
(Herbert, Sluckin, & Sluckin, 1982). This style of translational research, extrapolating from
animals to humans, has now faded from fashion. The students who arrive each year at
university fresh to the study of psychology will now read a contemporary literature, both
theoretical and empirical, which is mainly concerned with people. These new students will
focus on people: how we develop from infancy to adulthood, how we interact socially, the
intricacies of our personalities, the relationship between brain and behaviour, the mysteries
of cognition, and the application of psychology to areas as diverse as anti-social behaviour,
the world of work, and mental and physical health.
2 Introduction
Nonetheless, at the beginning of psychology as an academic discipline a great deal of
pioneering research was conducted with non-human animals. The first section of this
book picks out a small number of these classic experimental studies and considers their
contribution to psychology.
The second section considers the diversity of relationships we humans have with our
fellow creatures. These relationships are not best studied within the narrow confines of
the psychological laboratory, rather they are best considered in their natural
environment. There are many sides to these relationships. There are settings in which
animals are our friends (and we theirs): we live with animals as household pets; we enjoy
observing animals in their natural habitat as with, say, bird- or whale-watching; and we
train animals to save lives, to assist the physically impaired, and to keep us safe in
dangerous environments. Set against these partnerships, we take advantage of animals
which are not to their well-being (nor arguably to our dignity as a species). The use of
animals as a source of entertainment comes in several forms: there are zoos where animals
are caged for our fleeting wonder; circuses where animals perform incongruous tricks
to amaze us; television advertising where cute animals entice us to part with our cash;
and there are sports, such as horse and greyhound racing, where animals are trained to
compete for our excitement and for those who wish to gamble.
If some of the entertainment we derive from animals is relatively benign, then there is
much that is not. Our species has little hesitation in the cruel exploitation of
animals. The third section raises questions about our choices in which animals we elect
to eat and, indeed, whether we wish to eat animals. Human cruelty to animals is evident
in the maltreatment of household pets, and the killing of animals in recreational
hunting. Animals are also put to use in the laboratory, raising a host of issues surrounding
vivisection. The closing pages speculate on what the future may hold and how we
humans could try to hold back the impending planetary crisis.
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