Media Culture in Transformation - Fourth Lecture
Media Culture in Transformation - Fourth Lecture
Media Culture in Transformation - Fourth Lecture
Speech – Print
• from acoustic to visual culture
Proximity – Distance
• modern space and time
• sense of linear, synchronous, divisible time
• mastery of the vastness of space
• mastery of infinitely small space
Recap from last week
Recap from last week
Still: Photography
Magic Lantern
Still: Photography
Still: Photography
Still: Photography
These are two famous examples from the genre of war photography, with roughly 70
years between them. What differences do you notice and how might these differences be
related to the technology of photography? Discuss for 2 minutes with your neighbour(s).
Matthew Brady, ca. 1860-1865 Robert Capa,1936
Still: Photography
• photograph as a document
Still: Photography
• photograph as a commodity
Still: Photography
Photography in the management of growing societies
Stilling Movement: Precursors
Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904)
“Like the automobile in our contemporary world, the horse in the
nineteenth century was key to some of the most significant
economic functions of society: transportation, travel, status,
recreation, and war. Curiosity about the animal and its movement
was consequently universal. Everyone shared – to varying degrees
into varying ends – an interest in equine anatomy and locomotion.
but the movements of the horse were too rapid and too complex
ever to be interpreted by the unaided eye; the impossibility of
following four legs at once meant that contradictory theories
abounded as to how the animal actually moved. The exact sequence
of movements of each of the four legs in each gait, the movements
that marked transitions from one gait to another, and the effects of
different kinds of harness on the animal's paces were all open to
Stilling Movement: Precursors
Moving Stills: Precursors
• zoe, gr. = life, tropos, gr. turning
→ ‘Wheel of life’
Moving Stills: Precursors
Zoetrope at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI), Melbourne
Moving Stills: Preconditions
Moving: The Invention of Cinema
Moving: The Invention of Cinema
Thomas Edison
• credited as inventor of the Kinetoscope,
(1891), ‘assisted’ by W.K.L. Dickson 25
Moving: The Invention of Cinema
Lumière Brothers
• inventors of the cinematograph
• functions as a camera, printer, and part of
the projector
• projection at Grand Café in December
• made many scenics and topicals but also
staged films of comedic scenes
Moving: Early Cinema
• scenics
• topicals
• fiction films
• phantom ride
Aesthetic features
• short single shot-films
• musical accompaniment, sometimes
with synchronized noises
• lecturer/exhibitor comments
• animation effects (stop-motion, etc.)
Moving: Early Nonfiction Film
The “view”
Phenakistoscope 31
Moving: Early Nonfiction Film
• John Grierson (1898-1972) defined documentary as
“creative treatment of actuality”
§ “descriptive” early nonfiction
vs. “interpretive” documentary with an argument
Still – Moving: GIFs & Co.
Still – Moving: Frame Rates
Still – Moving: Loss of the Index
• crisis of representation?
Still – Moving: Freeze Frame
Universiteit van Amsterdam November 15, 2019
Response Class
1. Conclusion of Wednesday lecture
2. Experiment: Indexicality in action
3. Development of media (question 2 in Weekly Schedule)
4. Kahoot
5. Your questions
6. Exam preparation (open questions)
Indexicality in action
Make small groups (2-3 people).
Take on sheet of photosensitive paper per group.
Place objects on top of the photo paper.
Now wait…
Explain to each other what exactly happened on your
photopaper. How does this experiment demonstrate that
photographic images are indexes or indices? 44
Steps in the development of media
Furthermore, it is relevant to consider this path as a gradated process, specifically a gradated
process of three moments. These moments we will identify here by three terms from the same
semantic field, but to which we will assign a co-efficient that is specific to each. These terms are
appearance, emergence and constitution.
Thus the history of early cinema leads us, successively, from the appearance of a technological
process – that of the apparatus that records moving images – to the emergence of ‘moving
pictures’, or the establishment of diverse procedures which endow the process with the status of
an apparatus, to the constitution of an established medium that transcends and in some way
sublimates the apparatus.Thus the idea of the cinema’s second birth suggests the following schema:
• the appearance of a technological process;
• the emergence of an apparatus, through the establishment of procedures; and
• the constitution of a media institution.
Gaudreault, André and Philippe Marion. "A Medium is Always Born Twice." Early Popular Visual
Culture 3.1 (2005), p. 5.
You can find all our Kahoot quizzes by logging into
Kahoot and searching for “mcit.” 46
Your questions
I can imagine that you have many different questions. To make this productive, let’s
order our questions a bit.
• Your answers should be max. one handwritten A4 page per open question.
• ca. 10 minutes per open question (but we give you 45 minutes in total)
• Next week we’ll begin with all your questions (ca. 10:00-10:45).
Then, after the break, we’ll do the In-class test (ca. 11:00-11:45).
Exam preparation
Before the exam:
§ Reserve time to study. I would say at least 5 sessions of 3 hours before
the final exam.
§ Make a study group. Quiz each other.
§ Memorize things. Make sure you understand them.
But: Don’t just learn facts. Learn the connections and relations between
facts, concepts, etc.
§ Be aware of the difference between key ideas/concepts and examples.
Exam preparation
During the exam:
§ Read the question properly. Check how many points you can get
for each question.
§ Make a plan for your answers (bullet points or mind map).
Know what you are going to write before you start writing.
§ Don’t repeat the same point over and over in slightly varied ways
to ‘catch’ points.
§ Re-read your answers before you submit them.
Exam preparation
Cinema, as we know it, is the projection of photographic images in rapid,
intermittent succession.
• 5 minutes 51
Exam preparation
• Magic Lantern projects still drawing by means of a light source and lenses.
• Reynaud’s Praxinoscope used rear projection and a system of light and mirrors to
project cartoons.
photographic images
• Niépce made made the first photograph in 1826 by using photosensitive chemicals that
register the trace of light. These are a necessary precursor to the use of photographic images.
• Daguerre developed a photographic technology that allowed for the reduction of exposure
times to a few minutes. Even though that was still not fast enough to make cinema possible, he
participates in the development of shorter exposure times, which is an important prerequisite
for cinema.
Exam preparation
rapid, intermittent succession
• The sewing machine relied on a mechanism that stitches into a fabric that is intermittently
sent/pulled through the machine. A similar mechanism is used in the film camera and projector.
• The Zoetrope is an optical toy which makes you look at a rapidly rotating series of drawing
through small slots. The blocked out space between slots intermittently cuts into perception
and, in this way, creates the illusion of movement.
• Muybridge developed the zoopraxiscope, a setup of cameras placed next to each other
and that were perfectly timed to take images in regular and rapid succession. Even though
Muybridge was more interested in analyzing movement than recreating it, the rapid succession
of photographs in his setup inspired later inventors of cinema.
• Marey developed the photographic gun which contained a magazine of photographic plates
that made it possible to take several (12) pictures per second. Even though Marey was more
interested in analyzing movement than recreating it, the rapid succession of photographs in one
magazine inspired later inventors of cinema.
• Celluloid is a flexible material (as opposed to glass). This flexibility of the celluloid was later
used to make film strips that run through a projector. 53
Exam preparation
When discussing the conceptual pair “still – moving,” we focused on the
photographic index as a key aspect of photography.