Bhatia Battery Manual
Bhatia Battery Manual
Bhatia Battery Manual
l& 2)
• 1•
(6) When the subject fails in a particular design within the
time limit, demonstrate the design after he has failed. Do
not discuss. Do not let him again try this design. Pass on to ·
the next which, of course, he must again try independently.
(7) When the subject comes to Design No. 6, give him five
more blocks marking the total nine; when he comes to de-
sign No. 8, give him the rem~ining seven, making the total
(8) Stop the test when failure has been recorded twice in suc-
(9) The time limit for Designs Nos. 1-5 is 2 minutes each and
for Designs Nos. 6-10 is 3 minutes each
(10) In the Remarks column you may note anything particular
or peculiar you find about the subject in making the de-
5. In giving the Passalong Test:
(1) Take the first and the smallest box, and the card No. 1.
Point out to the subject that the red block has been placed
near the blue end and the blue blocks near the red end.
Expiain that the red block must come to the red side and
the blue blocks to the blue side as in the card. Emphasize
that blocks have not to be lifted, but may only be moved.
Demonstrate the solution of the first box to every subject.
(2) Again place the card No. 1 and the box and ask the subject
to do as you have already just demonstrated. Record suc-
cess or failure within the time limit.
(3) Proceed to Designs Nos. 2, 3 etc. with the appropriate
boxes, and after having placed the blocks properly in the
initial position as required in the test. The initial position
is obtained by simply reversing the coloured ends of the
box. The coloured ends of the box must however be fi-
• 2.
nally placed before the subject as in tile O cs1gn
. Ca d h" · I1
must be presented to the subject with tile number r ' of
w the
card up.
. . the subject fails in a. particufardesig n wit· h"in the time
. after he has fail e d • o o not dis-
hm1t, demonstrate .the design .
cuss. Do not let him agam try this design . Pass on to the
next which, of course, he must again try independent I .
Stop the test when failure has been recorded twice i/suc-
The time limit for Designs I to 4 is · 2 minutes each and
for Designs 5 to 8 is 3 minutes each.
In the remarks column you may note anything particular or
peculiar you find about the subject in solving the designs.
• 3.
to 8. The subject may make as many attempts on the paper
as he likes within the time limit.
6. Demonstrate the first pattern, if necessary. If is only meant
to give the subject confidence and facility in drawing.
7. When a failure occurs in one of the patterns, demonstrate
this, but do not let the subject try this pattern again. Pass on
the next. Stop when failure is recorded in two successive
8. Watch the subject whele he is drawing. If he repeats a line
or lifts his pencil, remind him of the conditions. Ask him to
·· commence after proper thought. If he makes a drawing
wrong, cross it out and ask him to start afresh. Encourage
him to try as many times as he likes within the time limit
before you record a failure in a particular pattern.
k 9. The solutions are given at the back of the car~s. Try out the
patterns yourself first. You will be able to see the device.
Solutions other than those given are also possible and should-
be familiar to you.
We st~rt with two letters (or sounds) Th' . I .
· - · Is 1s mere y to give
~ract1ce to the subject. Read out distinctly and 'th
mtonation Pr d .h WI even
. ocee wit more letters till failure is recorded .
• 4.
vnder each . head. we have d given
. three ahem a 1ve
sets of
, . , • e second
etters, If failure IS recor ed m the first set try th 11
l th< th!fd a1ternauve
. l f ·1If failure
fi sets. . is recorded •ma tht:,
we stop.
ree alternauves, a ma ai ure ,s recorded and
th do not proceed up the series any more.
Jr,llllfDJ,\TE )\1E1'1oRY foR SolJNDS (b) REVERSED ( Test No, 4)
Slart with the 1st sub-test. Most of the children will he able
5. t: ves wit out your aid. In any case dcmon-
to do this thems •I ·h •
Slrat_e ' explain cleaily what is to be done. This first Suh·
clearl _g ve pracuce and to let the subject understand
test is only to i .
y what is wanted of him.
- (picture ~1v1dcd inlO four parts). 3rd
6. Pass on then to the "nd . . . .
• 5.
(picture divided into six parts), 4th (picture divided into eight
, ;5 parts), and 5th, the last ( picture divided into twelve parts.)
7. Follow the usual procedure, i.e.,
(a) If failure occurs in a sub-test, demonstrate and
then pass on to the next.
(b) Stop with two successive failures .
1 2
I 3
Solution : sub-test 3
l 1 3
5 2
6 I
Solution : Sub-test 4
- -- - __.1..--- -- ---- - --- ------
Solution : Sub-test 5
2 5 I 3
I - - t - - - - 1- -- I s----
_ _ _ _ ___:__ _ _~1______ ______
4 I Il
____ ____
10 __i-------
• 7.
The scoring standards for the various tests are as und~r :
Both time and success are to be taken into account. The scormg
standards have been kept as uniform and simple as pos~ible.
Kotts' : For the first five designs, and for each design.
2 marks for success within a minl;lte.
1 markf or suc'cess between 1 minute.-
And 2 minutes.
O mark for a failure, or success after the time limit.
·For designs Nos. 6 to_10, and for each design.
3 marks for success within a minute.
\ 2 marks for success between I minute and 2 minutes
(but excluding 2 minutes).
1 mark for success between 2 and 3 minutes.
O mark for a.failure, or success after the time limit.
• 8.
rnaximum correct rev~rsed reproduction.
Maximum possible score provided for : 6
picruRES: Pictures 1 to 3, and for each ?f them.
2 marks for success within a minute.
1 Mark for success between 1 minute and 2 minutes.
Omark for a failure, or success after the time limit.
Pictures 4 and 5, and for each of them.
3 marks for success within a minute.
2 Marks for success between 1 minute and 2 minutes
(but excluding 2 minutes).
1 mark for success between 2 and 3 minutes.
Omark for a failure, or success after the time limit.
For pictures 4 and 5, however, credit in addition to that earned
according to the above schedu~e; is to be given as under:
For picture 4 : 1 mark, provided that at least 6 of the 8 parts
have been correctly put within the time limit.
For picture 5 : 2 marks provided that at least 9 .?f_th~ 12
parts have been corredly put together, and l_~aitprovi_d~d
that at least 6 of the -12 parts have been correctly put to-
, - -
gether, both within the time limit.
Maximum possible score: 15
Maximum possible score for the whole battery : 95
• 9.