Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright ,( 1985 Pergamon Press Ltd
Abstract--1. Seven desert iguanas ran on a motorized treadmill for 20-min periods. Before, during and
after exercise, the iguanas were in a thermal gradient which allowed them to thermoregnlate behaviourally.
2. For several hours following exercise, the iguanas selected warmer ambient temperatures, resulting
in small, but statistically significant, increases in body temperature.
3. The increases in temperature were proportional to the exercise intensity.
4. These changes were not observed if exercise was preceded by administration of the antipyretic drug,
sodium salicylate.
5. These data support the hypothesis that exercise causes a change in central thermoregnlatory control
which may be similar to fever caused by infection.
Key Word Index--Thermoregulation; desert iguanas; Dipsosaurus dorsalis; exercise; fever; hyperthermia.
during infection, the antipyretic drug sodium salicy- prodded form time to time to simulate the exercise
late was administered before exercise in an attempt to protocols as much as possible. At the end of this
block the rise in body temperature. period, the lizards were returned to the thermal
gradient and left undisturbed.
Experiment 3. Effect o/'
sodium salicylate on body
Seven desert iguanas, mean body wt 70 + 5 g temperature of rested and exercised lizards
(SEM), were maintained in individual 0 . 2 m At 9:30 a.m., groups of lizards (less than 4 on any
high x 0.2 m wide x 1.2 m long enclosures with sand- given day) were given an i.p. injection of 7.5 mg
covered floors. The enclosures were illuminated sodium salicylate in sodium chloride solution (saline).
between 6a.m. and 6p.m. with fluorescent lights. This dose of sodium salicylate has been shown to
Between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., 250 W heat lamps block fever in infected lizards (Bernheim and Kluger,
at one end of each enclosure created a thermal 1976). The animals were then either exercised at
gradient ranging from 55~C under the lamps to 25~C 0.54km h ~ for 2 0 m i n and then returned to their
at the other end. When all lamps were off, ambient thermal gradient, or not exercised (controls) and
temperature was a uniform 22 + 2~C. The animals returned to their thermal-gradients. For the next
were fed canned dog food, romaine lettuce, dandelion several hours, body temperature was monitored in
flowers and bananas. these groups of undisturbed lizards.
A custom-built treadmill provided a 0.2 × 0.6 m Statistical comparisons were made by analysis of
running surface and continuously variable speed con- variance. Significant differences between any two
trol up to 2.5 km h ~. The running surface was groups were then determined by Tukey's method for
surrounded with 0.2 m high cardboard walls and one equal sample sizes.
corner was irradiated with a 250 W heat lamp. The
animals were kept moving by lightly stroking their RESULTS
tails against the grain of the skin or gently tapping the
upper posterior hindlimb area. Preliminary experi- Experiment 1. Responses 0t lizards to low- and high-
ments indicated that the lizards could maintain a pace speed exercise
of 0.65 km h -~ for 2 0 m i n which is similar to the Figure 1 illustrates the temperature variations of
exercise performance of D. dorsalis reported by two animals exercised for 2 0 m i n at 0.54km h -I
others (John-Alder and Bennett, 1981). At higher compared to the same animals when they were un-
speeds, respiratory movements became exaggerated. disturbed. The cloaca[ temperature of the lizards
The animals would soon lock their legs, expand their oscillated over a range of several degrees as the
thorax and abdomen and close their eyelids. Once animals shuttled between warmer and cooler parts of
adopting this defensive posture, the animals could the thermal gradient. When hourly averages were
not be coaxed into further movement. computed, however, these rapid temperature
A c o p p e r - c o n s t a n t a n thermocouple sheathed in fluctuations were damped out, illustrating a tightly
PE-160 polyethylene tubing was inserted ca. 5 c m regulated circadian pattern which peaked at
into the cloaca and taped to the tail of each lizard at 10-11 a.m. and slowly declined over the next several
8 a.m. Temperature was recorded at 30-s intervals on hours (Fig. 2, Q).
a Honeywell Electronik 112 multipoint recorder.
9o.m lOom 11 a m noon
Experiment 1. Responses q/" lizards to low- and high- 41
speed exercise
Each animal exercised on the treadmill for 20 min 39,~i i /\ ,,,,"~ /" 14 It I I
II Ip<ool
i .0.5 - ." •. ,
I-. 0.0
~ -0.5
Fig. 2. The change in lizard cloaeal temperature from 9 a.m. baseline (hourly means _+SEM, n = 7). The
following interventions were performed at approx. 10a.m.: (i) O, undisturbed in thermal gradient
enclosures, body temperature (Tb) at 9 a.m. = 37.8 + 0.2°C; (ii) &, exercise at 0.54 km h -t for 20 min, Tb
at 9 a.m. = 37.6 + 0.3°C; (iii) II, exercise at 0.65 km h-J for 20 min, Tb at 9 a.m. = 37.3 + 0.3°C.
The cloacal temperature of the lizards dropped 3 h period in which post-exercise responses were
progressively during the 20 min exercise period even recorded (Fig. 3).
though a heat source was available to them (Fig. 1,
10 a.m.). Apparently, keeping pace with the treadmill Experiment 3. Effect of sodium salicylate on body
and avoiding the prodding finger of the experimenter temperature selection of rested and exercised lizards
took precedence over short-term thermoregulation. Administration of sodium salicylate did not
The precipitous fall in temperature appeared to be an significantly alter the thermoregulatory patterns of
artefact of the protocol, therefore, the temperature non-exercised (rested) lizards. The 3 h average tem-
data collected during the 20 min on the treadmill was perature after injection of sodium salicylate was
not included in the time-averaged data which follows. slightly, but not statistically significantly, higher than
After exercise, the lizards behaviourally regulated during the same period without injection of sodium
at higher temperatures. Figure 1 presents examples of salicylate (see left-hand side of Fig. 4). Sodium
the two strategies employed by the lizards to elevate salicylate administered immediately before exercise
their temperature. Lizard A spent brief periods in the completely abolished the post-exercise rise in body
warm end of the gradient, but returned there often, temperature, and actually caused a suppression of
resulting in more rapid oscillations of body tem- body temperature for at least 3 h following exercise
perature. In this case maximum temperatures did not (right-hand side of Fig. 4).
exceed those observed during control periods, how-
ever minimum temperatures did not fall as low as 0.4
during control periods, resulting in a higher average P<O.05 ~
body temperature. Lizard B, on the other hand,
moved to the warmer end of the gradient and
remained there, resulting in a dramatically higher
maximum temperature over control measurements. 0.2
The temperature elevation after exercise is more
readily discernable when the data are plotted as
time-averaged changes from baselines as in Fig. 2.
Following low intensity exercise, the cloacal tem-
peratures of the lizards as a group was significantly
elevated over control (P < 0.05) approx. 90 min after
ll~ 0.0
(C) (O)
exercise. The elevation in cioacal temperature after 0.54 km h-1 0.65kin h "1
higher intensity exercise was of greater magnitude -O .1 EXERCISE EXERCISE
(0.9°C, P < 0 . 0 1 ) and duration. The correlation
between running speed (either 0, 0.55 and -O.2
0 . 6 5 k m h -u) and mean 3 h change in temperature
was 0.55 (P = 0.01).
-0.3 (A) (B)
Experiment 2. Time controls UNDISTURBED STRESSED
Cloacal temperature fell progressively while the CONTROL CONTROL
lizards were on the motionless treadmill without
access to the heat lamp. This procedure led to erratic Fig. 3. Average change in cloaca] temperature for 3 h
thermoregulatory behaviour when the animals were following: (A) lizards left undisturbed in the thermal gra-
dient chamber; (B) lizards placed on the treadmill, but not
returned to their thermal gradients. However, this exercised; ((2) lizards exercised for 20 min at 0.54 km h-':
handling, introduction to a novel environment, and and (D) lizards exercised for 20 min at 0.65 k h- L Data are
cold stress did not cause the lizards to increase their normalized to 9 a.m. baseline temperatures. *Significant
temperature over undisturbed control values for the different from (A) and (B).
44 J . G . CANNONand M. J. KLUGER
While these behavioural and pharmacological
results must be viewed with some caution, they do
support the "elevated set-point hypothesis" suggested
for mammals. The fact that a post-exercise "hyper-
dration and hyperhydmtion with water and saline. Int. J. Tukey J. W. (1949) Comparing individual means in the
Biomet. 15, 195-200. analysis of variance. Biometrics 5, 99-114.
Nielsen M. (1938) Die regulation der korpertemperatur bei Wyndham C. H. (1973) The physiology of exercise under
muskelarbeit. Skand. Arch. Physiol. 79, 193-230. heat stress. A. Ret'. Physiol. 35, 193-220.