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1. What is suggestopedia?
Suggestopedia is an unconventional teaching method developed in the 1970s by
Bulgarian teacher and psychiatrist, Dr. Georgi Lozanov.
As the name implies, Suggestopedia relies on the power of suggestion for acquiring
language knowledge. According to the theory, if students feel relaxed and comfortable,
they’ll be more receptive to learning new information. This helps make language
acquisition easier and more effective.
2. Perspectives on learning language
In the late 70s, a Bulgarian psychologist by the name of Georgi Lozanov proposed
an argument that students naturally face psychological barriers to learning. The
psychological barriers here refer to a variety of internal distractions (worry, fatigue,
boredom, fear, etc.). There are “negative belief systems”, such as a conviction that
learning is hard or that school is a bore, etc. These barriers will make them unable to
perform their best and will reduce their ability to learn. These systems must be changed
into “positive belief systems.
Lozanov believes that learners may have been using only 5 to 10 percent of their
mental capacity, and that the brain could process and retain much more material if given
optimal conditions for learning. Based on psychological research, Lozanov began to
develop a language learning method focusing on "desuggestion" of the limitations
learners think they have, and providing the sort of relaxed state of mind that would
facilitate the retention of material to its maximum potential.
3. Typical features of suggestopedia
 The use of soft classical music during the learning process.
 The use of soft comfortable chairs and dim lighting in the classroom.
 Students’ imagination is used. They can assume new names, and new identities of
words and respond to the teacher accordingly using the target language.
 Present and explain grammar and vocabulary words, but not discuss at length or

 Native language translation is used to get the precise meanings of words in the
target language.
 Communication takes place in the conscious and subconscious of the learners.
 No formal tests are given, but the evaluation is done during the typical in-class
 Students’ errors are tolerated at the beginning of the lesson, but the teachers use
the correct forms later.

4. The priciples of suggestopedia

4.1 The goal
The goal is to accelerate the process of language learning. In order to achieve this
goal, the students’ psychological barriers must be minimized and the students’ mental
power must be maximized.
4.2 The role of the teacher and the students
The relationship between the teacher and the students is like “parents and
children”. The teacher is the authority in the classroom. The students will retain
information better from someone in whom they have confidence. Once, the students trust
the teacher, they can feel more secure, they can be more spontaneous and less inhibited.
4.3 Teaching materials
 The pictures used to decorated class should be colorful and lively
 The type of music played during studying time should be sorf, smooth and
without lyrics
 Teaching aids are visual enough for students to imagine, gess, and understand the
meaning of the vocabualary
4.4 Correction
Errors are corrected gently, with the teacher using a soft voice.
5. The proceture of suggestopedic instruction
1. Classroom set – up
The classroom is arranged to create a comfortable and relaxed environment such
as soft lightning, comfortable furniture, decorations on the walls or soothing music.
Which promotes relaxation and reduces stress.
2. Establishing a positive mental state

The teacher helps students achieve a state of relaxation and receptivity through
relaxationn exercises, breathing techniques, and positive visualization. This helps to
reduce anxiety and create a positive mindset for learning.
3. First Concert - "Active Concert"
The teacher introduces the new dialogue for the week, reads the material aloud in
a dramatic manner, pauses to translate new vocabulary as necessary. The teacher reads
the text at a normal speed, sometimes intone some words, and the students follow. Then,
it is followed by various kinds of activities: group or choral reading of the parts of the
script, role play, singing , playing games and the soft music is played at the same time.
4. Second Concert - "Passive Concert"
In this step, a state of relax is created. The students put down the script, close their
eyes. The students are now invited to relax and listen to music, with the text being read
by the teacher very quietly in the background. The music is specially selected to bring the
students into the optimum mental state for the effortless acquisition of the material.
5. Practice
In this stage, the students finish off what they have learned with dramas, songs,
games, puzzles, etc. to review and consolidate the learning. The students sing classical
songs and play games, etc. while “the teacher acts more like a consultant.” The students
spontaneously speak and interact in the target language without interruption or correction.


1. The advantages of suggestopedia method.
 Students’mental reserves are stimulated through the integration of fine arts music,
drama, or paintings.
 Arouse students’ interests in learning and memorizing abilities.
 Interaction among students is emphasized
 English skills such as speaking, listening, and reading are also improved
2. The disadvantages of suggestopedia method.

 It depends greatly on the students’ personalities that’s why some students may take
interest and some may not take interest.
 Teachers have to work extremely hard

 In medium size class or lower, this technique becomes useful, however, in a large
class, it becomes much more difficult for teachers to control.
 There will be financial and environmental limitations.
 Only a certain number of teachers is reliable and professional enough to use
suggestopedia method


According to the advantages and disadvantages dicussed above, we believe
that suggestopedia is good. In one hand, suggestopedia meets the social
requirements. For examples, students can practice and improve English skills such
as listening, speaking, and reading rather than doing very lots of homework,
learning boring lessons in other method. In the other hand, suggestopedia is also
an effective way to arouse the students’ interests in learning foreign language, as a
reresult, ...................students’independent learning more.
However, desptite having many advantages, suggestopedia still has
disadvantages. Firstly, it may be not practical to apply in real situation. This is
because suggestopedia is much more sutable for beginners and less acadamic
syllibus than higher levels

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