Position Topic A
Position Topic A
Position Topic A
ascended to 24,0%.
The residential area is a key factor to determine the level of well-being in families
with children. About 60% of households with children are in rural areas; they are at a
higher risk of impoverishment than the ones in urban areas. 11,3% of children suffer
extreme poverty, in comparison with 10,7% of the total population. That said the extreme
poverty rate of children in rural areas in 2019, constituted 17,6% in comparison with 2,5%
of children in urban areas. The rural population is mainly engaged in the agricultural sector,
which does not usually generate a decent income. Therefore, monthly income in rural
households with children is 32,8% lower than urban ones, where 65,6% of the income
come from salary and around 8,0-5 from non-agricultural individual activities.
“Children not only have a higher probability of living in extreme poverty, but they
are also the most altered by their effects. They are the worst standing of the worst standing;
and the situation of the smallest ones is even worse, because the deprivations that they are
victims of affect the development of their bodies and minds”, explains Anthony Lake,
executive director of UNICEF. “It’s shocking that half of all children from Sub-Saharan
Africa and one in five children in developing countries are growing in an extreme poverty
situation. This not only limits their future but also drags the societies they belong to”.
“The great number of children in an extreme poverty situation highlights the real
necessity to invest specifically on the first years: in services like prenatal attention for
pregnant mothers, programs for development in early childhood, quality schooling, clean
water, adequate sanitation and universal medical attention”, held Ana Revenga, superior
director of the Practice Department.
Education empowers and frees people. Identification, comprehension, interpretation,
creation, and communication is the exact and general definition of what it means to be a
person that has kept a constant education. Educational abilities by themselves expand in a
continuous manner, therefore, it is essential to keep good quality education. In addition,
with a good education level, the possibilities of owning a good economy and job ascends.
In the republic of Moldova, 99,6% of the population of ages 15 and above can read
and write, according to 2015 statistics. Nonetheless, due to low fertility and emigration, the
school-age population in the country has declined, with a 43% drop in the general age
group in education during 2000-2016. This is most likely driven by a search of better
opportunities in better educated and developed countries. But thanks to efforts to expand
early childhood education, enrollment rates in this area have increased.
Government funds in Moldova come mainly from state and local budgets and
additional sources of funding, but it accounts a small portion of the budget used for
education. Between 2000 and 2010, public education spending in Moldova increased by
3%, growing from a 6% to a 9%, but it has declined over the years; according to 2020
statistics, the GDP used in this area has now a value of 6,9%. Although the spending in
education is sufficient, there’s more interest in improving the efficiency of the use of the
funds available to provide a higher quality education with less.