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Mmwave DFP Release Notes

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00 Release Notes

1. Introduction
TI mmWave Device Firmware Package (DFP) enables the development of millimeter wave (mmWave)
radar applications using AWR1243 SOC/EVM. It includes necessary components which will facilitate end
users to integrate AWR1243 SOC with their choice of processor. It also includes RF evaluation tool
(RadarStudio) to help user measure RF and key system performance on TI mmWave Radar devices.

In addition, DFP provides mmWaveLink framework and example application which will serve as a guide
for integrating the AWR1243 with external processor.

Note: mmWave Software Development Kit (SDK) enables the development of radar applications
on AWR1443, AWR1642, IWR1443, IWR1642 SOCs/EVMs. The basic components of DFP are
included in mmWave SDK.
Note: This is a pre-production release and has undergone limited validation under nominal
conditions for nominal device process

2. Release Overview

2.1 Platform and Device Support

The device and platforms supported with this release include:

Supported Devices Supported EVMs

AWR1243 ES2.0 AWR1243BOOST : AWR1243 Booster pack +

Note: DFP supports the foundation components for the device mentioned in the table above. At
system level, the mmWave SOC/EVM may interface with other SOCs/EVMs and software for
these other devices will not be a part of the DFP

MMWAVE DFP 00.07.00 Release Notes

Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated


2.2 Release contents and component versions

Component Version Type

RadarSS Firmware Binary
MSS Firmware Binary
(AWR1243 only)
mmWaveLink Source and Library
FTDI Driver 2.10 Binary

RadarStudio Executable

mmWaveLink example Source and Binary
mmwlstudio Library
Docs Release Notes PDF
DFP user guide PDF
RadarStudio user guide PDF
Interface Control Document PDF
mmWaveLink Programmer’s guide Doxygen HTML

2.3 Directory Structure

Directory Name Content

docs AWR1xx_Radar_Interface_Control.pdf
firmware RadarSS and Master SS firmware binary files
ti mmWaveLink framework and example source code
rf_eval RF evaluation firmware
FTDI Driver
RadarStudio GUI
TSW1400 firmware files
RadarStudio User's Guide.pdf

2.4 Component Descriptions

2.4.1 RadarSS Firmware

Refer to Radar SS firmware release notes in firmware\radarss folder

2.4.2 Master SS Firmware

The main software components of the MSS firmware are:
 System services – provides infrastructure services (error handling, mmWaveLink Host
communication protocol manager) used by the functional firmware.
 Functional firmware – Is responsible for the external host API communication, RADAR SS
API handshake, data path control.
MMWAVE DFP 00.07.00 Release Notes

Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated


2.4.3 mmWaveLink framework

Radar SS is a closed subsystem whose internal blocks are configurable using messages coming
over mailbox.
TI mmWaveLink framework acts as driver for Radar SS and exposes services of Radar SS. It
includes APIs to configure HW blocks of Radar SS and provides communication protocol for
message transfer between external processor and AWR1243

 Link between application and Radar SS

 Platform and OS independent which means it can be ported into any processor which
provides communication interface such as SPI and basic OS routines. The mmWaveLink
framework can also run in single threaded environment

2.4.4 Radar Studio

The Radar Studio GUI supports RF/System evaluation of TI mmWave radar devices. Radar
Studio is designed to communicate with TI mmWave Radar devices for characterization and
performance evaluation. The Radar device is configured and controlled from the Radar Studio by
sending commands to mmWave radar device over SPI. ADC data is captured using TSW1400
EVM Board and the post processing is performed through Matlab and the results can be viewed
in the GUI.

RadarStudio GUI utilizes mmWaveLink framework to communicate with the device through FTDI
FT4232H device.

Key features of the Radar Studio Software are

 Board Control (SOP Change, Reset Control)

 RS232 Connection to device
 Firmware Download Capability
 Execute mmWaveLink APIs
 Flash Programming
 Interaction with TSW1400 EVM
 Post-Processing

2.5 Tools and dependencies

mmWave DFP contains the pre-built binaries for all the software components. Below tools are
required to run RadarStudio and to build mmWaveLink example application

Tools Version Download Link

HSDC Pro Software 4.2 or later download link

Matlab Runtime Engine 8.5.1 only download link

MMWAVE DFP 00.07.00 Release Notes

Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated


Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0.30319.1 download link

FTDI Driver 2.10 Included in the package

2.6 Licensing

Please refer to the mmwave_dfp_manifest.html, which outlines the licensing information for
mmWave DFP package.

3. Release Contents
3.1 New Features
 Support for Autonomous run time calibrations which are scheduled on a user defined
 mmWaveLink example application

3.2 Feature List by Components

3.2.1 Radar SS firmware

Refer to Radar SS firmware release notes in firmware\radarss folder

3.2.2 Master SS firmware (Compared to

Type Key Description
Bug AUTORADAR-908 Defer the RADAR SS MB ACK to a point that the
packet is processed or sent over SPI
Avoid update to DFTREG2 in PBIST setup
Feature AUTORADAR-907 Upgrading the compiler to 16.9.1 compiler, adding the
build option to allow for SPI operation even if Flash is
connected for the RF evaluation of 14xx.
Feature AUTORADAR-881 Added error code response according to ICD
Add support to get config using

3.2.3 mmWaveLink framework

Type Key Description
Feature AUTORADAR-803 Implement mmWaveLink example application

Feature MMWSDK-450 Add Calibration Configuration and Report APIs and

asynchronous events
Feature MMWSDK-322 Add Phase Shift (PS), Power Amplifier (PA),
Intermediate frequency(IF) loopback APIs

MMWAVE DFP 00.07.00 Release Notes

Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated


Feature MMWSDK-457 Remove/deprecate APIs

(rlSetCalibFuncDisableConfig, rlGetChannelConfig,
rlGetAdcOutConfig and rlGetLowPowerModeConfig)

3.2.4 Radar Studio

 Allows control of calibrations and viewing of the status reports
 Allows setting of frequency limits over which the device operates

3.3 Known Issues

 Calibration report should have minimum periodicity of 100 msec.

 On AWR1243 and XWR1443 devices, the NError is signaled due to an ESM group2 error
(from VIM) being reported in the startup sequence. This will be resolved in the production
version of the device.
 rlGetAdvFrameConfig API only returns frame sequence configuration and doesn’t return data
path configuration.
 rlRfGetTemperatureReport API doesn’t return error in xWR14xx and xWR16xx
 Only 1 profile can be configured using profile configuration API. ‘cnt’ should be 1 in
rlSetProfileConfig API.

4. Notes
Serial Data FLASH Supported:

The AWR1243/xWR1443 ES1.0 and ES2.0 devices work only with Spansion and Macronix
devices. In particular, the Flash variants that have been tested to work with the ROM bootloader

Spansion S25FL256S
Spansion S25FL132K0XNFB010
Macronix MX25L3233F
Macronix MX25R1635FZNIH0 (Wide voltage part variant)

xWR1642 ES1.0 devices:

There are the following factors that will determine if the XWR16xx ROM bootloader will be able to
interface and work with the SFLASH on XWR16xx devices:


SFLASH supports the SFDP command and responds with JEDEC compliant information
regarding the capabilities and command set of the flash.

ROM assisted download to the FLASH (Device Management mode - SOP5):

MMWAVE DFP 00.07.00 Release Notes

Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated


 The ROM assisted download should work with all flash variants that allow for “Memory
mapped mode” and “Page program command (0x2)” with 1 dummy byte and 24bit

 In addition to writing to the Flash, the ROM bootloader also support setting the “Quad
Enable” bit for Spansion and Macronix variants (certain specific part variants only).

In case any of the above steps fail, the device supports “Boot mode – UART” which can be used
to download an application onto the MSS RAM and execute, which can be used to program the

ROM based load from FLASH (Functional mode – SOP4):

The ROM bootloader performs the read from the FLASH based on the highest capability mode
(Quad/Dual/Single) as published by the SFLASH in response to the SFDP command. The
commands used also are as published by the SFDP response. So if the Quad read is supported,
the expectation is that the Quad Enable (QE) bit is already set in the FLASH. The ROM
bootloader would use the Quad mode to perform the read.


The flash vendors have an orderable part variant with the Quad Enable (QE) bit set. It is
recommended to use these variants to work with TI mmWave SOCs.

MMWAVE DFP 00.07.00 Release Notes

Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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